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eats Diminuton- Wikipedia, the roe encyconoda Diminution From Wikipedia, he free eneyclopedia In Westem music and music theory, diminution (fiom Medieval Latin diminutio, aeration of Latin deminutio, decrease) bas four distinct meanings. Dinizution may be a form of cembelishment in which a ong note i divided into a series of shorter, usualy melodic, vales (ao called "colration’), Diminusion may also be the compositional device where a melody, theme or motifs presented in shorter note-values than were previously used. Dimipution also the term for the proportional shortening of the value of individual note-shapes in mensural notation, ether by ‘coloration or by a sign of proportion. A minor or perfect interval that & narrowed by a chromatic somitone is a diminished interval, andthe process may be referred to a diminution (this, 00, was sometimes referred to as "coloration. ‘Contents xaact fom Diego Onis Tratado de Glasas depleting rythm and gene ferva. Observe the © 1 Diminon as enbelishnent iminuton (ce. division) process suggested hy the 2 Diminuton in composition ‘composer, in eference to the shythmi figures in 13 Diminuson of note values ‘the upper and lower musial parts * 4 Diminuton ofinervals = 4.1 Diminished chords 4.2 Diminished scaks = 5 Seeako = 6 Sources Diminution as embellishment ‘A realization ofthe top tne ofthe above extract in modern notation, Diminution i « form of embelishment or melodi: variation in which a long note or competed with elf and time signature. Play a series of long notes is divided ino shorter, usually melodic, valves, as in the simdar practices of breaking or division in England, passaggio in Kaly, double in France and glosas or diferencias in Spain"! Thoroughly documented in oo ‘written sources of the 16th, 17th and early 18th centuries, with a remarkable fovwernginVerice fom about 1380-1620 drain san teal aspect of SSS Sa ‘modem performance practice, Donington describes the consequences of failing to add “necessary figuration’ as "sastrous’ 2] + > Rasa “he sb an rata ofthe 16h and carly 1% cera bes wih he Fontegar of Sivesto Casi (1535) and les te welses an ‘Areal of he bt ae ofthe above ext inden onposton ofigp Orr Tratado de Glosar 533), Gavi Ma, ton comps wih cf on tn tre Py Girolamo Dalla Casa, Giovanni Bassano, Riscardo Rogniono, Giovanni Battista Boviceli, Aureio Virgiiano and Francesco Rognoni Tacggio.[*] Notable English works inchde The Division-Violist of Christopher Simpson (1659), ‘The Division-Violn Playford, 1684) and The Division Flute (Walsh, ¢.1706), Der Fluyten Lust-hof of Jacob van Eyck (Amsterdam, 1646) isa huge collection of dimitutons. In Schenkerian analysis a diminution is a division, rather than a diinshing is a prolongation or expansion, "Ihe process by which an terval formed by notes of longer vale is expressed in notes of smiler val,” see nonchord tone, Diminution in composition A melody or series ofnoes i diminished ithe lrghs ofthe notes are shortened dimiucion s thus the opposte of augmentation, where the notes are lengthened. ‘Arnelody orgaly consisting of four crotcets(quarer-ntes) for example, dined iit nter appears wih our quavers (eh-otes) instead. This technique offen wed in contrapuntal asi, asthe "eaton by diminution” (per diminutionem’), a which he notes inthe folowing voice oF voices are 6 shorter than those inthe leading voce, usualy bal the eng! Contrapuntus VII from Bach's Art of Fugue. Observe the lower voice of the canon in had (ie, dminthe) note vahies. 4) Pay Diminution of note values enwhipeda orgwik/Diminion 8 eats Diminuton- Wikipedia, the roe encyconoda Inmmensural notation, diminution ofthe duration of note shapes isthe most common fiction of coloration, Dmston is most offen by one-third ofthe note-value, so that thee colored notes ft io the time of two uncolored notes ofthe same shape: its ths often found in notation of tiple or hemioks figures 5181 Dictonmny to bestned by «sgofroyeon Ta sinachaeihpiporinal tons nt mde tine sme it opr deer coevtnw ie pion cls poly nts ane eke remem cnr ee Diminution of intervals ‘An intervals diminished ifa minor or peréct interval is narrowed by a chromic semitone; the process may occasionally be referred to as dimintion. A ddmninshed fith interval is @ chromate semitone narrower than the perfec ih, and a diminished severdh interval sa chromatic semitone narrower than the minor seventh. Diminished intervals are ofen used in jaz, art and Heavy Metal music, but not as offen in pop masic.“aton need Diminished intervals on C sreasiom —Pimiibed Degrted acteve g Zz g a & = — x ss © tee © PS oS oe SS Se Ss © Phy Phy Play Phy Play © Phy Phy «diminished unison is wthikable, and the diminished 2 [sic] and Sth are of po practical use. —Footel” Inthe theory of armony itis known that a diminished interval needs to be resolved inwards, and an augmented isterval outwards, Maria Renold (2004), p.15.!8 Augmented intervals havea rather over-tense quality, while dininished intervals are experienced as rather ramped, Therefore, one may call the former lure in tendency and the ter abrimanic —Renold (2004), p.16 [fa perfeet or major intervals made one-halfstep larger (without changing is interval amber) it becomes augmented. Ifa perfect or minor interval is made one-half step smuller (without changing ts terval munber) it becomes diminished. —Benward & Saker (2003), p 54.) Most nonharmonic tones are dissonant and create intervals of a second, fourth, or seventh. Diminished or augmented intervals are ako considered dissonant —Benward & Saker (2003), p.92.9) The standard abbreviations for diminished intervals are AX, such that a diminished thd = 3.) Diminished chords A diminished triad consists of two superposed minor thirds, and thus contains a diminished fifth, In classical repertoire the usa symbols the degree, °, asin vi. In lead sheets and popular music books itis usually writen Cdim or C° diminished seventh chord consists of tire superposed minor thirds ad ths has all successive PE notes minor hd apart conan two diminhed iths. njez theory, a dime seventh chord Dime rad on », has four avaiable tensions, each a major ninth above the chord tones, and thus forming a diminished Ci ply seveith cord a whol tone (or mejor) above the root chord. Because any chord tone ofthe

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