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Student Teacher _________________________ Date __________
Topic __________________________________
Direction: Please check the appropriate box using the scale below:

5 Excellent
4 Very Good
3 Good
2 Fair
1 Needs Improvement

1 2 3 4 5
1. Is pleasing in general appearance
2. Has good posture
3. Has clear, pleasant and inspiring voice
4. Articulates clearly and naturally
5. Has adequate vocabulary and good taste in words
6. Is energetic, cheerful and enthusiastic
7. Is mentally alert and active
8. Exercise punctually in meeting responsibilities
9. Shows openness to comments and suggestions
10. Exhibits broad interest in teaching
11. Is cooperative, helpful and loyal
12. Is free from undesirable mannerism
13. Displays command of standard grammar
14. Is confident and relaxed when teaching
15. Has keen sense of humor
16. Creates positive and friendly climate
17. Writes clearly and legibly on the board, and
lesson plans
18. Prepares well-organized and updated lesson
19. Formulates instructional objectives that are
specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and
time-bound (SMART)
20. Shows imagination, originality and
resourcefulness in planning and carrying out
instructional activities
21. Pays attention to classroom routines
22. Keeps room clean and orderly
23. Recalls previous lesson and effectively
relates it to the new lesson

1 2 3 4 5
24. Introduces the lessons effectively
25. Uses interesting and relevant motivation
26. Chooses appropriate method of teaching
27. Monitors and handles students behavior
28. Uses variety of instructional materials to
facilitate teaching and learning
29. Gives clear directions to classroom activities
30. Provides logical and sufficient explanation
of the lesson
31. Asks appropriate questions that foster
Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)
32. Provides activities that cater individual
differences, multiple intelligence and learning
33. Distributes questions to most of the
34. Provides appropriate reinforcement
35. Handles students responses and questions
36. Focuses and emphasizes salient points of
the lesson
37. Sustains students interest all throughout
the lesson
38. Engages and encourages the students to
participate in classroom activities
39. Presents and removes instructional
materials timely and appropriately
40. Supervises and checks students works
41. Allows students to explain their work
whenever possible
42. Guides students in summarizing the main
ideas learned
43. Provides meaningful and interesting
activities for application
44. Constructs appropriate tools in evaluating
45. Presents the lesson and executes the
activities as planned
46. Gives interesting and workable assignments
47. Allots reasonable time for each part of the
48. Integrates the lesson with other branches of
49. Secures values integration to the lesson
50. Shows mastery of the discipline

a. Personal Qualities

b. Lesson Planning

c. Classroom Management and Disciple

d. Teaching Strategies

e. Evaluating Learning Outcomes

Overall Rating: _______

Rated by:


Cooperating Teacher

Approved by:


School Principal

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