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Re: GS Senator [Impeachment]

I recognize that my actions initiated much confusion among the GS Student Body. This was not
my intent, and I am truly sorry for my part in the confusion and unrest among my fellow
students. I want to make clear that in retrospect I recognize that I could have handled this in a
more diplomatic way. My intent was to inform the GS Student Body of actions I thought were
important for them to understand when voting, and I will continue to reflect and seek council
from GS administration and mentors on ways in which I can improve my communication as GS
Senator. I look forward to working closely with GSSC to improve relations between GSSC and
the University Senate.

In regards to impeachment of the GS Senator from GSSC: The nature of this impeachment has
the potential to negatively affect our capability, as GS student leaders, to advocate for our
students to the best of our ability. As per Article VI Section 6 Subsection c of the GSSC bylaws,
if impeached, the University Senator will remain on the University Senate, while continuing to
advocate for the needs of GS students. Yet, for the GS University Senator to most effectively
advocate for GS students and fulfill his/her/their duties outlined in Article V Section 1
Subsection f, the University Senator must sit on GSSC. By not sitting on the GSSC, both the
GSSC and the University Senator will have difficulty communicating and coordinating about GS
and university wide policy initiatives. We have seen the power of coordination between the
GSSC and the GS University Senator. This year alone, by communicating with one another, the
we were was able to advocate at the request of GSSC, on behalf of GS students, for support in
the creation of the CU Food Bank and in pushing for LGBTQ student space in Lerner. GS also
has a large demographic of students living with disabilities. Through coordinating with the
Student Affairs Committee, the Subcommittee for Students with Disabilities (SSD), which is
currently chaired by the GS Senator, has helped improve the academic environment for students
across the university living with disabilities. One of the most impactful accomplishments has
been the enactment of a bi-annual disabilities awareness event, which could not have been
possible without the duel efforts of GSSC and the GS Senator. Ultimately, it is in the best interest
of GSSC and our students for the University Senator to sit on GSSC, giving our students more of
a voice in affecting positive change.


Ramond Curtis
University Senator, School of General Studies

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