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(A Govt of Maharashtra Undertaking)

Udyog Sarathi, Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri (East) Mumbai-93.

CIRCULAR No .CE (HQ)/ 34 /of 2016

Dated: 14/12/2016

Sub: Permission to use crushed sand for various MIDC works.

MIDC DSR is published vide Circular No21 dated 24-07-2013 (DSR 2013-
2014) in which there are various items for concreting works. Under these items for plain
concreting work, under item No.GEN/C-1, an option is made available for using maximum
50% crushed sand. Similarly, in RCC works under item No.GEN/C-3 (a), maximum 50%
crushed sand and for design mix concrete and 100% crushed sand for Ready Mix concrete
items is allowed with the permission of respective CEs. For remaining concreting works,
crushed sand was not allowed.
Due to directives of Hon Court, in some of Districts of the State, extraction
of natural sand is not allowed; as such the natural sand is not easily available for
construction purpose.
The use of crushed sand provisions in BIS are as under,
i) The code of practice of plain and reinforced concrete, IS 456/2000, under
clause 5.30, allows use of crushed sand for the concreting works.
ii) IS 383 of 2016 is for specification for coarse and fine aggregates for
concreting work which also permits use of crushed sand in concreting work and also
specifies its physical and chemical characteristics.
It is expected that; henceforth the availability of natural sand may be
meager and hence use of crushed sand will be inevitable. Under the circumstances,
permission to use 100% crushed sand for concrete works for ongoing and new works shall
be allowed by Chief Engineers only after ascertaining following:
(a) That there is ban on the extraction of natural sand within the District & or in
nearby Districts. Record to that effect shall be maintained.
(b) There is no availability of natural sand at all.
While using 100% crushed sand following guidelines to ensure the quality of
concrete in all cases shall be observed.

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1) Provision of IS 383, for crushed stone sands shall be strictly followed.
2) If the fine content (particles less than 150 micron) is high, the quantity of
the fine aggregate shall be reduced appropriately in the total aggregate content.
3) Water correction (depends on the water absorption and moisture content of
the crushed sand) needs to be incorporated in the total water content.
4) Early curing of concrete is preferable.
5) All the tests specified in IS 2386 needs to be performed. Whenever the
source changes, these tests needs to be done again.
6) All the RMC manufacturers who are using crushed sand, the RMC plant
owners have to obtain accreditation from QCI i.e. Quality Control Institute for maintaining
the quality of machinery and concrete.
7) Following care also needs to be taken while permitting use of crushed sand
(i) Use of crushed stone sand from Vertical Shaft Impact (VSI) crushers shall
only be allowed which shall meet the requirement of IS 383-2016 for all
concreting works which shall include chemical test as per IS 14959 Part 2
and other tests as per IS 2386 Part 1 to 8.
(ii) The crushed sand has gap gradation, the, sieve analysis and the mix
design for the same shall be got approved prior to execution of work as per
provision in relevant IS.
(iii) Mix design shall also be done when source of aggregate and crushed sand
is changed.
(iv) The quality of concrete shall meet all the tests mentioned in IS 456 of 2000.
(v) The crushed sand has more surface area and hence the requirement of
water for concrete will be more and hence quantity of cement content will
be more to maintain the required water ratio.
(vi) As the crushed sand has more fines which require more quantity of water,
naturally cement content requirement will also be more. To improve the
workability of concrete use of admixture such as plasticizer, super-
plasticizer etc is necessary.
(vii) While concreting, due to needle vibrator, cement slurry will be observed on
surface of concrete. Possibility of honey combing in concrete cannot be
avoided. Hence use of needle vibrator shall be minimum to the possible
extent, and other compaction methods shall be adopted so as to achieve
dense concrete.
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(viii) In case of total replacement of crushed sand for natural sand i.e. 100%,
wash out test shall invariably be carried out compulsory daily.
(ix) In case of thin members for water retaining structures, it will be appropriate
to carry out mix design along with permeability test before use of concrete.
As the use of 100% crushed sand is now to be allowed, the rates for the
same are not available in the DSR, the revised rates of DSR items of concrete work with
use of 100% crushed sand are prepared and enclosed is as per Annexure A. These rates
shall be applicable for new works.
As regards the permission to use crushed sand for ongoing works, the
above conditions and guidelines shall be applicable except the rates. For ongoing works
the rate of concrete using crushed sand shall be reduced by 7.08% of the tendered rate.
The revised rates of concrete are being incorporated in WMS for
preparation of estimates.
This circular is issued with the approval of CEO.

Digitally signed by Rajendra V Sonje
DA: Annexure 'A' DN: c=IN, o=Government Of Maharashtra,
ou=Maharashtra Industrial Development
Corporation, postalCode=400093,

V Sonje
cn=Rajendra V Sonje
Date: 2016.12.14 17:37:27 +05'30'

Chief Engineer (HQ)

MIDC Mumbai 93.
No.CE (HQ)/ E14179 /of 2016
Date: 14/12/2016

Copy submitted to Chief Executive Officer, MIDC Mumbai-93.

Copy for information fwcs to - All HODs in HQ./ Chief Engineer, Pune / Aurangabad /
Copy to All Superintending Engineers, MIDC / All Executive Engineers, MIDC / All
Deputy Engineers / Assistant Engineers in HQ office / Circular file / Guard file.

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Item No. Item Unit Mumbai Pune Nagpur Nanded

Gen/C/1 Providing and laying in position plain

cement concrete using granite or black
trap graded metal including mixing in a
mechanically operated mixer, dewatering,
compacting, curing as required complete
for all lifts up to a + 5 m. above or below
the ground level where concrete is
proposed, including centering/shuttering
using ordinary Portland cement.
A) With Natural Sand
a) In 1:4:8 proportion. Cu M deleted deleted deleted deleted

b) In 1:3:6 proportion. Cu M 5167.00 5109.00 4381.00 4339.00

c) In 1:2:4 proportion. Cu M 5776.00 5649.00 4940.00 4907.00

Gen/C/1B Add for centering component for loft type Cu.M. Deleted Deleted Deleted Deleted
retaining wall, gravity wall or work
involving major shuttering in the item

B) With maximum 100% crushed Sand (This

item shall be operated with the permission
of CE / ACE)
b) In 1:3:6 proportion. Cu M 4608.00 4494.00 4283.00 4283.00

c) In 1:2:4 proportion. Cu M 5217.00 5028.00 4851.00 4841.00

Gen/C/3 Providing and laying in position Cement

(A) Concrete for RCC work using granite /
black trap metal including mixing in
mechanically operated mixers,
compacting by mechanical or manual
means as may be required and directed
by Engineer-In-Charge, including steel or
plywood shuttering, centring, formwork
dewatering, for all elements in
foundation, plinths, of building works,
where reinforced cement concrete is
proposed to be used upto +/-5 m from the
average ground level including all labour
and material complete, finishing the
surface with 1:3 cement mortar. etc

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Item No. Item Unit Mumbai Pune Nagpur Nanded
Using Natural Sand
a) In 1:2:4 proportion by volume Cu M deleted deleted deleted deleted

b) In design mix concrete grade M-15 Cu M deleted deleted deleted deleted

c) In 1:1.5:3 proportion by volume. Cu M 7307.00 6964.00 6123.00 6155.00

d) In design mix concrete grade M-20 Cu M 7469.00 7126.00 6285.00 6317.00

e) 1:1:2 proportion by volume. Cu M 7480.00 7137.00 6295.00 6328.00

f) In design mix concrete grade M-25 Cu M 7538.00 7195.00 6354.00 6386.00

g) In design mix concrete grade M-30 Cu M 7728.00 7385.00 6543.00 6576.00

h) In design mix concrete grade M-35 Cu M 7901.00 7558.00 6716.00 6749.00

I) In design mix concrete grade M-40 Cu M 8073.00 7730.00 6889.00 6921.00

Using Crushed Sand

a) In 1:2:4 proportion by volume Cu M deleted deleted deleted deleted

b) In design mix concrete grade M-15 Cu M deleted deleted deleted deleted

c) In 1:1.5:3 proportion by volume. Cu M 6748.00 6349.00 6067.00 6058.00

d) In design mix concrete grade M-20 Cu M 6910.00 6511.00 6229.00 6219.00

e) 1:1:2 proportion by volume. Cu M 6921.00 6522.00 6239.00 6230.00

f) In design mix concrete grade M-25 Cu M 6979.00 6580.00 6298.00 6288.00

g) In design mix concrete grade M-30 Cu M 7169.00 6770.00 6487.00 6478.00

h) In design mix concrete grade M-35 Cu M 7341.00 6942.00 6660.00 6651.00

I) In design mix concrete grade M-40 Cu M 7514.00 7115.00 6833.00 6823.00

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Item No. Item Unit Mumbai Pune Nagpur Nanded
Gen/C/4 Providing & laying in position Ready Mix
(A) Cement Concrete for RCC work for beam
column, slabs, pardis, road pavement, etc.
using granite / black trap graded metal
including mixing in plant, transporting in
transit mixer, placing and compacting by
mechanical means including steel or ply
wood centering, form work for all
elements, including all lifts & stationery
pump for lifting concrete, all leads of
concrete from RMC plant to site of work
etc complete.

a) M - 10 Grade Cu M deleted deleted deleted deleted

b) M - 15 Grade Cu M 6676.00 5926.00 5766.00 5766.00

c) M - 20 Grade Cu M 6890.00 6462.00 6248.00 6248.00

d) M - 25 Grade Cu M 7080.00 6674.00 6439.00 6439.00

e) M - 30 Grade Cu M 7329.00 6853.00 6483.00 6483.00

f) M - 35 Grade Cu M 7693.00 7158.00 6783.00 6783.00

g) M - 40 Grade Cu M 7805.00 7329.00 7118.00 7118.00

h) Add for additional centering involved for Cu M 850.00 800.00 800.00 800.00
water retaining structures

Gen/C/4 Providing & laying in position Ready mix

(B) cement concrete for C.C. work for Roads
using granite or black trap graded metal
including mixing in plant transporting in
transit mixer, placing & compacting by
mechanical means including required
steel or plywood centering, form work for
all elements, including all lifts &
stationery pump for lifting concrete, all
leads of concrete from RMC plant to site
of work etc complete.

a) M - 10 Grade Cu M Deleted Deleted Deleted Deleted

b) M - 15 Grade Cu M 5694.00 5105.00 5052.00 5052.00

c) M - 20 Grade Cu M 5908.00 5641.00 5534.00 5534.00

d) M - 25 Grade Cu M 6100.00 5855.00 5727.00 5727.00

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Item No. Item Unit Mumbai Pune Nagpur Nanded

e) M - 30 Grade Cu M 6360.00 6043.00 5779.00 5779.00

f) M - 35 Grade Cu M 6712.00 6337.00 6069.00 6069.00

g) M - 40 Grade Cu M 6836.00 6519.00 6413.00 6413.00

Notes :

1. The above prices shall include the

activities of:

a. Study / recommendation of the

concrete mix design.

b. Preparation and testing of the concrete

as per the approved design mix.

c. Transportation of the concrete upto site.

d. Placement of concrete in the formwork.

e. Compaction, texturing and curing of



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