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DATA 15.02.2000
D 302 S.F. D 302

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Descriere Diluantul D302 este un amestec de solventi organici cu compozitie bine echilibrata.
D 330 thinner is a mixture of organic solvents with a well -balanced composition.

Utilizare Utilizat pentru aducerea la vascozitatea necesara specifica metodei de aplicare a

Recommended use produselor seria epoxidice (ex.: seria EPOMID, EPOTAR, ZINCAMID, GSP3200).
It is used for epoxy products (EPOMID, EPOTAR, ZINCAMID, GSP 3200 series).

Aspect Lichid omogen, transparent, fara impuritati mecanice vizual
Appearance homogenous liquid , transparent, mechanical impurities free visual
Densitate 0,90 0,2 kg/l approx. SR ISO 2811: 1995
Specific gravity (at 20 C)
Distilare interval de distilare, C 110-140 STAS 36 - 67
Distilation distillation interval
distila in interval, % vol. min. 98
distille on interval
Indice de refractie 1,474 - 1,477 conf. aparat refractometru
Refractive power RA -51OM

Indice de aciditate max. 1,0 STAS 5106 : 1973

Acid value (cm sol. 0.1 N KOH/ 100ml.)

Miscibilitatea cu Amestecul trebuie sa fie omogen, uniform, fara tendinte STAS 3122 - 85
produsul caruia ii este de separare,coagulare sau precipitare.
destinat, raport 1 : 1
Miscibility with indicated The mixture should be homogenously without separation,
product, ratio:1:1 precipitation and coagulation tendencies
Valabilitate in ambalaj 12 luni de la data fabricatiei, in conditiile respectarii prevederilor de ambalare si depozitare.
Shelf life
12 months from the production date, with the observance of the storage and packing provisions

Observatie Diluantul D 302 este compatibil numai cu produsele epoxidice.

D 302 thinner is compatible with epoxy products.

INSTRUCTIUNI DE Diluantul se adauga in momentul folosirii produsului ce necesita diluarea, in proportia

UTILIZARE indicata de fisa tehnica a produsului. Dupa adaugare se recomanda agitarea energica a
Utilisation instructions produsului in ambalajul de livrare pana la omogenizarea amestecului.
The thinner is mixed in ratio with basic product in accordance with Technical Data Sheet of epoxy

AMBALARE Recipienti metalici de 6,5 lt (4 kg), 22 lt (15 kg), 50 lt (40 kg), 100 lt (80 kg), 220 lt (170 kg).
Metallic recipients of 6,5 lt (4 kg), 22 lt (15 kg), 50 lt (40 kg), 100 lt (80 kg), 220 lt (170 kg).

KBER Ltd. Turturesti-Girov, NEAMT District, ROMANIA, Phone +40-(02)33-291800, Fax +40-(02)33-234450, E-mail vim@kober.ro, Internet http://www.kober.ro
DATA 15.02.2000
D 302 S.F. D 302

pag. 2/2

SECURITATEA MUNCII Toate operatiile de manipulare, transport, depozitare, utilizare se vor realiza respectand cu
Work safety strictete normele de prevenire a incendiilor, normele de protectia muncii si igiena sanitara.
Se interzice: prezenta oricaror surse de foc, vopsirea in spatii fara o ventilatie
corespunzatoare, contactul direct al pielii cu produsul respectiv, inhalarea prelungita a
vaporilor, ingerarea produsului.
All the operations of handling, transport, storage and use should be accomplished in strict
compliance with the fire prevention, safety and health norms. The presence of any fire source,
painting in areas without adequate ventilation, direct contact of skin with the respective product,
prolonged inhalation of vapours and ingestion of the product should be forbidden.

NOTA Toate aceste date au caracter general privind performantele si utilizarea produsului, de
Note aceea recomandam testarea produsului in conditiile propriei tehnologii de aplicare a
beneficiarului. Rugam consultati producatorul pentru lamuriri suplimentare.
Datele despre produs sunt modificate o data pe an, incepand cu data prezentei emiteri.
All these data have a general character regarding the performance and use of the product,
therefore we recommend the testing of the product under conditions specific to the application
technology of the beneficiary. Please contact the producer for further information.
Product data are subject to change without notice yearly from the date of this issue.

KBER Ltd. Turturesti-Girov, NEAMT District, ROMANIA, Phone +40-(02)33-291800, Fax +40-(02)33-234450, E-mail vim@kober.ro, Internet http://www.kober.ro

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