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DATA 15.07.2002

EPOTAR V 3203-2 S.F. V 3203-2

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Descriere Produsul EPOTAR V 3203-2 este o vopsea bicomponenta pe baza de rasini epoxidice,
Description gudron, cu intarire amidica. Rezistenta buna la medii alcaline si acide, buna rezistenta la
produse petroliere (uleiuri minerale, benzina, hidrocarburi alifatice, s.a.), buna rezistenta la
apa de mare, titei, pacura, rezistenta buna la umiditate, rezistenta buna la intemperii,
aderenta buna, caracteristici mecanice bune, putere de acoperire buna.
EPOTAR V 3203-2 product is two-component paint based on epoxy resins, coal tar, with amide
curing. Good resistance to alkaline and acid mediums, good resistance to petroleum products
(mineral oil, petrol, aliphatic hydrocarbons, etc.), good resistance to sea water, crude oil, fuel oil,
good resistance to humidity, good weather resistance, good adherence to substrate, good
mechanical characteristics, good hiding power.

Utilizare Este utilizat pentru:

Recommended use -protectia anticoroziva a suprafetelor metalice expuse in diverse medii agresive, imersate
in: apa dulce, apa de mare, ape reziduale, ape menajere, uleiuri minerale, solventi alifatici,
titei, pacura;
-protectia subansamblelor subterane;
-in domeniul naval pentru protectia tancurilor de balast, a tancurilor de combustibil, a
tancurilor de grane;
-pentru protectia structurilor metalice imersate.
Produsul poate fi aplicat pe suprafete din beton.
It is used for:
-anticorrosive protection of metallic surfaces exposed to different aggressive environments,
immersed in: water, sea water, waste water, domestic waste water, mineral oils, aliphatic solvents,
crude oil, fuel oil;
-protection of underground subsystems;
-within the field of ships for protection of ballast tanks, fuel tanks, grain tanks;
-protection of submerged metallic structures.
The product can be applied on concrete surfaces.

Sortimente V 3203-2 negru

Assortments black

Aspect Semilucios SR ISO 2813+C1:1997
Finish Semiglossy
Volum de solide 53% approx. -
Volume solids
Densitate 1.16 kg/l approx. SR ISO 2811: 1995
Specific gravity (at 20 C)
Timp de scurgere 70 - 100s STAS 2096 - 68
Flow time (at 20 C, STAS cup, 4mm.)
Duritate Persoz, min. 100 s SR ISO 1522 : 1995
Persoz hardness, minimum
Aderenta, grila de 1 mm 1 SR ISO 2409 : 1994
Adherence to substrate, 1 mm grid
Uscare, approx. (at 20 C, 655% rel. hum.)
Dry- to- touch (Tip B) 5 hours ASTMD 1640 -95 (STAS 2875- 75)
Dry -to- handle (Tip D) 24 hours
Fully cured 7days

KBER Ltd. Turturesti-Girov, NEAMT District, ROMANIA, Phone +40-(02)33-291800, Fax +40-(02)33-234450, E-mail vim@kober.ro, Internet http://www.kober.ro
DATA 15.07.2002

EPOTAR V 3203-2 S.F. V 3203-2

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Valabilitate in ambalaj 3 luni de la data fabricatiei, in conditiile respectarii prevederilor de ambalare si

Shelf life depozitare. In functie de conditiile de depozitare, inaintea utilizarii se recomanda
amestecarea produsului.
3 months form the production date, with the observance of the storage and packing
Depending on the storage conditions, it is recommended to stir the product before use.

Raport de amestecare Vopsea V 3203-2 : Intaritor I 327 240p : 100p masic (195p : 100p volumic)
Mixing ratio Base V 3203-2 : Curing agent I 327 240p : 100p by weight (195p : 100p by volume)
Timp de prereactie 30 min. -
Pre- reaction time (at 20 C)
Interval maxim de utilizare 24 hours SR EN ISO 9514 : 1997
Pot life (at 20 C)

Metoda de aplicare pensulare pulverizare aer pulverizare air-less

Application method brush (touch up) air spray air less spray
Diluant utilizat / Dilutie D 302 (max. 5%) D 302 (max. 5%) D 302 (do not dilute)
Thinner / Thinning
Presiune - 2.5 - 3 atm 200 atm
Diametru duza - min. 2.2 mm 0.021 - 0.023
Nozzle orifice

Curatare instrumente KBER CLEANER DKC 003-02S

Cleaning of tools
Grosime strat umed 226 m approx. SR ISO 2808: 1993
Typical film thickness, wet
Grosime strat uscat 120 m approx. SR ISO 2808: 1993
Typical film thickness, dry
Interval de reacoperire Vezi mai jos REACOPERIRE
Re-coat interval See RE-COATING below
Consum teoretic 265 g/m2 approx. - 120 m
Theoretical spreading rate 4.4 m2/l approx. -120 m
Consum practic Consumul practic este functie de conditiile de aplicare (geometria suprafetei,
Practical spreading rate metoda de aplicare, conditiile de mediu) si poate fi 1.2 - 1.5 x consumul teoretic
Practical spreading rate depends on the application conditions (surface geometry, application
method, environmental conditions) and can be 1.2 - 1.5 x theoretical spreading rate.
Observatie Nu se recomanda amestecarea produsului V 3203-2 cu alte produse.
Remark (alte produse = intaritori, diluanti, cleaner - altele decat cele recomandate de
Mixing V 3203-2 product with other products is not recommended.
(other products = curing agents, thinners, cleaner - others than those recommended by

KBER Ltd. Turturesti-Girov, NEAMT District, ROMANIA, Phone +40-(02)33-291800, Fax +40-(02)33-234450, E-mail vim@kober.ro, Internet http://www.kober.ro
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EPOTAR V 3203-2 S.F. V 3203-2

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PREGATIREA Gradul de pregatire a suportului este determinant in obtinerea performantelor sistemului

SUPRAFETEI de protectie. Suportul nu trebuie sa aiba defecte de suprafata (suprapuneri de material,
SURFACE fisuri, stropi de sudura, etc.).
PREPARATION Suprafete metalice noi: sablare la gradul Sa 2 in conformitate cu ISO 8501-1:1988 sau 2
conform STAS 10166 / 1- 77, pregatirea suprafetei realizandu-se in conformitate cu
SR ISO 8504-1:1994, SR ISO 8504-2:1995, SR ISO 8504-3:1996. Se desprafuieste apoi
suprafata cu aer comprimat. Pentru protectii temporare se va utiliza shopprimer (ex.:
G 3202-1 sau GSP 3273). Defectele de la protectia cu shopprimer sau diferitele
contaminari ivite in intervalul de timp dintre depozitare si fabricatie vor fi remediate
inaintea aplicarii sistemului final de protectie. Pentru reparatii si finisari utilizati grunduri
seria G 3200S, G 3202-1.
Suprafete metalice vechi: indepartare vopsea veche, degresare cu detergent,
indepartarea sarii sau a altor contaminanti prin curatare cu apa la presiune ridicata,
sablare la minim Sa 2 sau curatare mecanica la gradul St 3 (periere energica in directii
perpendiculare), desprafuire.
The degree of substrate preparation is decisive for the protective system performance. The
substrate should not present surface defects (material overlapping, cracks, welding drops, etc.).
New metallic surfaces: abrasive blasting at Sa 2 in accordance with ISO 8501-1:1988 or 2 in
accordance with STAS 10166 / 1 -77, surface preparation is achieved in accordance with SR ISO
8504-1:1994, SR ISO 8504-2:1995, SR ISO 8504-3:1996. Then the surface is dedusted with
compressed air. For temporary protection, if required, use shopprimer (e.g.: G 3202-1 or GSP 3273).
All damages of shopprimer and contamination from storage and fabrication should be cleaned prior
to the final painting. For repair and touch-up use the primers G 3200S series, G 3202-1.
Old metallic surfaces: removal of the existing paint, degreasing with detergent, removal of salt or
other contaminants by high pressure fresh water cleaning, abrasive blasting minimum Sa 2 or
mechanical cleaning at St3 (strong brushing in perpendicular directions), dedusting.

Pregatirea suprafetelor din beton

Pregatirea suprafetelor interioare si exterioare noi
Se lasa sa se usuce perfect suprafata. Timpul minim de intarire al betonului la 20C si
50 % umiditate relativa este de 28 zile.
Se indeparteaza eventuala eflorescenta cu o tesatura grosiera sau prin periere la intervale
de maxim 15 zile.
Vopsirea va incepe numai dupa stoparea eflorescentei.
Se curata suprafata de murdarie, stropi de tencuiala, praf.
Pentru exploatari severe suprafata din beton trebuie sa fie sablata sau decapata acid
-se umecteaza suprafata cu solutie de acid clorhidric 10%;
-se lasa solutia in contact cu betonul timp de 5-10 minute sau pana inceteaza
barbotarea de gaze;
-se spala cu apa curata si se freaca suprafata cu o perie rigida.
Se clateste cu apa curata pana la pH = 6 7.
Se usuca bine suprafata si se aplica apoi amorsa epoxidica (G 3201, G 3200S, L 3200).
Dupa 24 ore se aplica stratul de EPOTAR V 3203-2.

Pregatirea suprafetelor vopsite in prealabil, contaminat

Se efectueaza curatarea grosiera prin periere, raschetare, s.a.
Se spala suprafata cu apa si detergent, urmata de clatire pentru indepartarea urmelor de
grasimi si a altor contaminanti.
Dupa uscare, se efectueaza sablare usoara (ex.: cu nisip) sau asperizare cu perii metalice
sau/si panza abraziva, pentru activarea suprafetei. Desprafuirea suprafetei trebuie sa fie
avansata - urmele de praf inrautatesc aderenta. Imediat se aplica stratul de vopsea
V 3203-2. Pentru reparatii locale (zone descoperite pana la substrat) utilizati amorsa
epoxidica (G 3201, G 3200S, L 3200).

KBER Ltd. Turturesti-Girov, NEAMT District, ROMANIA, Phone +40-(02)33-291800, Fax +40-(02)33-234450, E-mail vim@kober.ro, Internet http://www.kober.ro
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EPOTAR V 3203-2 S.F. V 3203-2

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Preparation of the concrete surfaces

Preparation of the new indoor and outdoor surfaces
Let the surface dry completely. The minimum curing time of the concrete at 20C and 50% relative
humidity is of 28 days.
Remove the possible efflorescence with a coarse cloth or by brushing at intervals of maximum
15 days.
Start painting only after stopping the efflorescence.
Remove the dirt, plaster drops, dust.
In case of exploiting under severe conditions the concrete surface should be blasted or prepared by
acid pickling as follows:
-wet the surface with 10% solution of hydrochloric acid;
-let the solution in contact with the concrete for 5-10 minutes or till gas bubbling stops;
-wash with clean water and rub the surface with a stiff brush.
Rinse with clean water up to a pH value equal to 6 - 7.
Dry the surface well and then apply the epoxy primer (G 3201, G 3200S, L 3200).
After 24 hours apply the coat of EPOTAR V 3203-2.

Preparation of the previously painted, contaminated surface

The rough cleaning should be done by brushing, scraping, etc.
Surface cleaning should be done with water and detergent, followed by rinsing for removing the
traces of greases and other contaminants.
After drying, soft blasting (e.g.: with sandblasting) or roughing with metallic brushes and/or abrasive
paper should be effectuated in order to activate the surface.
Surface dedusting should be advanced - dust traces worsen the adherence.
The coat of paint V 3203-2 should be applied immediately. For local repair (areas uncovered up to
the substrate) use the epoxy primer (G 3201, G 3200S, L 3200).

CONDITII DE Vopseaua V 3203-2 se va aplica pe suprafete curate si uscate, ce vor avea temperaturi
APLICARE peste temperatura punctului de roua, pentru evitarea condensarii umiditatii pe suport.
APPLICATION Umiditatea relativa va fi de max. 70%. Aplicarea decurge in conditii optime daca se
CONDITIONS asigura o temperatura a mediului ambiant si a amestecului de 10 - 30C.
V 3203-2 paint should be applied only on dry and clean surfaces with temperatures above the dew
point temperature in order to avoid condensation. The relative humidity should be of max. 70%.
Application is made under optimal conditions if is ensured a temperature of the ambient environment
and mixture of 10 - 30C.

Observatie Vopseaua V 3203-2 este destinata acoperirilor profesionale.

V 3203-2 paint is destined to professional uses.

INSTRUCTIUNI DE Se conditioneaza componentii la temperatura de 10 - 30C, se omogenizeaza bine si

APLICARE apoi se prepara amestecul: 240 parti (masic) vopsea + 100 parti (masic) intaritor. Pe
APPLICATION durata timpului de prereactie (30 minute) se continua amestecarea prin agitare. Dupa
INSTRUCTIONS prereactie si inainte de aplicare se dilueaza amestecul in proportiile recomandate sau in
proportiile necesare pentru a obtine grosimile de pelicula cerute.
Astfel pregatita, vopseaua V 3203-2 se poate aplica:
-pe suprafete metalice noi, sablate la minim Sa 2 sau peste grundurile epoxidice (de
ex.: G 3202-1, seria G 3201, seria G 3200S), grunduri cu etilsilicat (de ex.: G 4101);
-pe suprafete metalice care au mai fost acoperite, pregatite prin curatare mecanica la
gradul St3;
-pe suprafete metalice neferoase (zinc, aluminiu, s.a.), pregatite mecanic corespunzator
(sablare, periere, slefuire, s.a.) si tratate cu grunduri reactive (de ex.: seria G 4100P);
-pe suprafete din beton.
Straturile succesive de vopsea V 3203-2 se pot aplica dupa uscarea completa la aer
(24 ore la 20C) a stratului anterior.

KBER Ltd. Turturesti-Girov, NEAMT District, ROMANIA, Phone +40-(02)33-291800, Fax +40-(02)33-234450, E-mail vim@kober.ro, Internet http://www.kober.ro
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INSTRUCTIUNI DE The components should be conditioned at 10 - 30C, thoroughly homogenized and then the mixture
APLICARE should be prepared as follows: 240 parts (by weight) enamel + 100 parts (by weight) curing agent.
APPLICATION During the pre-reaction time (30 minutes) keep on mixing by stirring. After pre-reaction time and
INSTRUCTIONS before application the mixture should be thinned in recommended proportions or in necessary
proportions for obtaining the required thickness of the film.
Thus prepared the V 3203-2 paint can be applied:
-over new metallic surfaces blasted at minimum Sa 2 or over epoxy primers (e.g.: G 3202-1,
G 3201series, G 3200S series), ethylsilicate primers (e.g.: G 4101;
-over metallic surfaces coated before, prepared by mechanically cleaning at St3
-over non-ferrous metallic surfaces (zinc, aluminum, etc.) properly prepared mechanically by
(blasting, brushing, polishing, etc.) and treated with reactive primers (e.g.: G 410OP);
-over concrete surfaces.
Successive coats of V 3203-2 paint can be applied as follows after complete air drying (24 hours at
20C) of the previous coat.

REACOPERIRE In conditiile unei ventilatii suficiente, intervalele optime de reacoperire, pentru vopseaua
RE-COATING EPOTAR V 3203-2, la temperatura de 20C, sunt urmatoarele (pentru o grosime de strat
uscat de 120 m):
Under conditions of sufficient ventilation, the optimum re-coating intervals, for EPOTAR V 3203-2
paint (120 m dry film thickness ), at 20C temperature, are as follows:

V 3203-2 L 3200

Min. Max. Min. Max.

24h 48 h 24h 48 h

Observatii Intervalul maxim de reacoperire dintre straturile de vopsea V 3203-2 poate fi dublat, in
Remarks conditiile in care acoperirea nu a fost expusa la radiatii solare, apa sau/si contaminare
inainte de reacoperire. Pe deasupra, suprafata primului strat de vosea V 3203-2 trebuie sa
fie libera de orice exudat. Acest lucru este asigurat prin respectarea conditiilor de aplicare,
uscare, intarire, ventilare, temperatura, grosimea filmului, etc. Temperatura excesiva
trebuie evitata. Daca intervalul maxim de reacoperire este depasit, este necesara
asperizarea suprafetei pentru a asigura adeziunea intre straturi.
The maximum re-coating interval between coats of V 3203-2 paint can be doubled under conditions
that the coating has not been exposed to sunlight, water or/and contamination before
re-coating. Furthermore the surface of the first coat of V 3203-2 paint must be free of any exudation.
This is secured by keeping the conditions of application, drying, curing, ventilation, temperature, film
thickness, etc. The excessive temperature also must be avoided. If the maximum re-coating interval
is exceeded, roughening of the surface is necessary to ensure intercoat adhesion.

AMBALARE Vopsea V 3203-2: bidoane metalice de 22l.

PACKING Intaritor I 327: cutii de 6.5 l.
V 3203-2 paint: metallic buckets of 22l.
Curing agent I 327: metallic cans of 6.5l.

KBER Ltd. Turturesti-Girov, NEAMT District, ROMANIA, Phone +40-(02)33-291800, Fax +40-(02)33-234450, E-mail vim@kober.ro, Internet http://www.kober.ro
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SECURITATEA MUNCII Toate operatiile de manipulare, transport, depozitare, utilizare se vor realiza respectand cu
WORK SAFETY strictete normele de prevenire a incendiilor, normele de protectia muncii si igiena sanitara.
Se interzice: prezenta oricaror surse de foc, vopsirea in spatii fara o ventilatie
corespunzatoare, contactul direct al pielii cu produsul respectiv, inhalarea prelungita a
vaporilor, ingerarea produsului.
All the operations of handling, transport, storage and use should be accomplished in strict
compliance with the fire prevention, safety and health norms. The presence of any fire source,
painting in areas without adequate ventilation, direct contact of skin with the respective product,
prolonged inhalation of vapors and ingestion of the product should be forbidden.

NOTA Toate aceste date au caracter general privind performantele si utilizarea produsului, de
NOTE aceea recomandam testarea produsului in conditiile propriei tehnologii de aplicare a
Rugam consultati producatorul pentru lamuriri suplimentare.
Datele despre produs sunt modificate o data pe an, incepand cu data prezentei emiteri.
All these data have a general character regarding the performance and use of the product; therefore
we recommend the testing of the product under conditions specific to the application technology of
the beneficiary. Please contact the producer for further information.
Product data are subject to change without notice yearly from the date of this issue.

KBER Ltd. Turturesti-Girov, NEAMT District, ROMANIA, Phone +40-(02)33-291800, Fax +40-(02)33-234450, E-mail vim@kober.ro, Internet http://www.kober.ro

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