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Red light relief: New hope for neuropathy sufferers

BY CAROLYN MOLYNEAUX A numbness and/or tin- 10 years of research on light to stimulate tis-
Special Sections gling begins gradually, this class of conditions, sue repair has recently
There are more than starting with the longest collectively known as become a recommended
20 million Americans nerves, which are those ‘peripheral neuropa- therapy by the Ameri-
suffering from some reaching to the feet, and thies,’” Maz said. “In can Diabetes Associa-
form of peripheral then spreading up to the fact, helping people with tion. It is painless and
neuropathy. legs and arms. these problems has be- non-invasive. Neuropa-
The condition is Other symptoms come our primary focus.” thy Treatment Centers
caused by nerve damage are burning sensa- Studies over the of America reports a 92
resulting from a trau- tion; sharp, jabbing or last few years have percent success rate for
matic injury, infection, electric pain; extreme supported the thesis helping patients with
metabolic problem or sensitivity to touch; lack that pulsed infrared pain associated with
exposure to toxins, of coordination; muscle light and laser therapy peripheral neuropathy.
according to a report weakness and bowel offers new hope to When patients
prepared by the Mayo or bladder problems if neuropathy sufferers visit the center, they are
Clinic Staff. One of the autoimmune nerves are and those looking for a given an exam to de-
most common underly- affected (Mayo clinic drug-free way of treating termine the function of
ing causes of peripheral Staff report). their pain, cramps, their nerves in the legs,
neuropathy is diabetes. Treatment for the tingling, numbness feet, toes and hands.
Symptoms can begin condition has largely and/or interruption in If the exam reveals
almost without notice. centered on drug sleep. The technology neuropathy, a care plan
therapy. But Ali Ma- converts light energy is devised to rehabilitate
zandarani or Dr. Maz, to chemical energy, the nerves and reduce
a chiropractor at the stimulating the nerve discomfort.
Neuropathy Center of cells to regenerate. “We have seen this
NJ, says that “the major- Maz has teamed up treatment changing PHOTOS COURTESY OF DR. ALI MAZANDARANI
ity of people either do with physicians and people’s lives,” he said.
not respond well to the physical therapists “People suffering from
The new pulsed infrared light therapy not only brings relief
to those suffering from neuropathy but does so without the
therapy or develop ad- to provide the pulsed peripheral neuropathy use of drugs.
ditional symptoms from infrared light therapy, pain can have a low
the common side effects what he calls a break- quality of life as the pain Inquiries should be directed to 201-848-8000. The
of the drugs.” “We have through treatment touches every aspect of Center is certified by the Neuropathy Treatment
DR. ALI MAZANDARANI the results of more than protocol. The use of their existence.” Centers of America.
Reprinted with permission © 2010 Town Journal /

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