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Organizational Culture Inventory

Detailed Report

ABC Company

August 2008 Phone: +82-(02)-3141-7546

OCI Detailed Report (130+ pages)

Compared to the OCI Report the OCI Detailed Report provides a deeper insight
in the organizational culture on an overall, team, department or management
level as the OCI Detailed Report provides additionally:

1. Breakout reports per business unit, department, function, team and/or

management level with the same detailed information per breakout on
organizational culture and outcomes

2. Comparative profiles which provide additional insight in how outcomes relate

to organizational culture and vice versa.

3. Benchmarking of organizational level outcomes with Historical Average (i.e.

1000 organizational units). The resulting gap barchart provides guidance in
the selection of areas where change is most required in order to generate the
highest payoffs for the organization.

Detailed descriptions, interpretations and gap analyses provide a road map for cultural change and provide
detailed guidance to enhance organizational outcomes to create a more effective and constructive
organizational culture. Tel: (02)-3141-7546 Fax: (02)-3141-7548

Copyright 2007 by Heartware Korea. The products, models and reports described
herein are copyrighted 1987-2007 by Human Synergistics International and used by permission. All rights reserved.
Life Styles Inventory , Organizational Culture Inventory , Organizational Effectiveness Inventory and Human Synergistics
are trademarks of Human Synergistics International, Plymouth, MI USA. Page 20
1. Breakouts per business unit, department, function, team and/or management level provide great insights
in how departments differ from each other as it relates to culture. These breakouts provide great
advantages as:

It shows which departments or groups have more constructive cultures than others and create better
outcomes. The organization can use such groups as internal benchmarks for others groups or
They hand the ownership of the organizational culture and related change leadership responsibility back
to each department head.
Departments might make different change action plans based on their breakout reports yet the
management of the organization can see how despite the differences in execution everyone is working
towards the same unified goals.

There is no limit to the number of breakouts. Minimum number for valid responses should be 5 in order to
safeguard respondents confidentiality. Tel: (02)-3141-7546 Fax: (02)-3141-7548

Copyright 2007 by Heartware Korea. The products, models and reports described
herein are copyrighted 1987-2007 by Human Synergistics International and used by permission. All rights reserved.
Life Styles Inventory , Organizational Culture Inventory , Organizational Effectiveness Inventory and Human Synergistics
are trademarks of Human Synergistics International, Plymouth, MI USA. Page 21
2. Comparative profiles provide excellent insight into how e.g. employees with high satisfaction (or high role
clarity) experience the organizational culture versus employees which assess the same outcomes as low. Tel: (02)-3141-7546 Fax: (02)-3141-7548

Copyright 2007 by Heartware Korea. The products, models and reports described
herein are copyrighted 1987-2007 by Human Synergistics International and used by permission. All rights reserved.
Life Styles Inventory , Organizational Culture Inventory , Organizational Effectiveness Inventory and Human Synergistics
are trademarks of Human Synergistics International, Plymouth, MI USA. Page 22
3. Benchmarking of organizational level outcomes with Historical Average (i.e. 1000 organizational units).

The resulting gap barchart provides guidance in the selection of areas where change is most required in
order to generate the highest payoffs for the organization. Tel: (02)-3141-7546 Fax: (02)-3141-7548

Copyright 2007 by Heartware Korea. The products, models and reports described
herein are copyrighted 1987-2007 by Human Synergistics International and used by permission. All rights reserved.
Life Styles Inventory , Organizational Culture Inventory , Organizational Effectiveness Inventory and Human Synergistics
are trademarks of Human Synergistics International, Plymouth, MI USA. Page 23

Organizational Culture Inventory

Detailed Report

ABC Company

August 2008 Phone: +82-(02)-3141-7546

INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................... SECTION 1
INTRODUCTION TO THE OCI FEEDBACK REPORT ....................................................................................... 1-1
THE ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE INVENTORY ............................................................................................. 1-2
THE THEORETICAL MODEL ....................................................................................................................... 1-3
ABOUT THIS REPORT ................................................................................................................................ 1-5
FUTURE STEPS ........................................................................................................................................ 1-6
ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE (ALL RESPONDENTS)............................................................ SECTION 2
INTRODUCTION TO THE OCI ...................................................................................................................... 2-1
THE CULTURAL NORMS MEASURED BY THE OCI ....................................................................................... 2-2
INTERPRETING YOUR ORGANIZATIONS OCI RESULTS ............................................................................... 2-4
OCI CURRENT PROFILE ........................................................................................................................... 2-7
OCI IDEAL PROFILE .................................................................................................................................. 2-9
OCI ITEM AND GAP ANALYSES ............................................................................................................... 2-11
ORGANIZATIONAL READINESS FOR CHANGE BARCHARTS AND TABLES ..................................................... 2-25
COMPLEMENTARY OUTCOME ITEMS (ALL RESPONDENTS) ............................................. SECTION 3
COMPLEMENTARY OUTCOMES ASSESSED BY THE OCI .............................................................................. 3-1
GAP BARCHART ....................................................................................................................................... 3-4
ITEM BARCHARTS AND TABLES ................................................................................................................. 3-7
CORRELATIONS BETWEEN YOUR ORGANIZATION'S CULTURE AND OUTCOMES ........................................... 3-10
COMPARATIVE PROFILES ........................................................................................................................ 3-13
CULTURE (SUBGROUPS).......................................................................................................... SECTION 4
INTERPRETING YOUR SUBGROUPS OCI RESULTS ..................................................................................... 4-1
OCI SUBGROUP PROFILES ....................................................................................................................... 4-3
COMPLEMENTARY OUTCOME ITEMS (SUBGROUPS).......................................................... SECTION 5
ITEM BARCHARTS AND TABLES ................................................................................................................. 5-2
APPENDICES .............................................................................................................................. SECTION 6
DEMOGRAPHIC FREQUENCIES .....................................................................................................................A

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1998. All Rights Reserved. January 2002
Executive Summary
The Organizational Culture Inventory (OCI) was administered to 735 members of Sample, Inc. in
order to assess its culture. The OCI measures what is expected of members or, more
technically, the behavioral norms and expectations associated with the more abstract aspects of
culture such as shared values and beliefs. Responses to the complementary outcome items
included at the end of the OCI provide insight regarding the impact of Sample, Inc.s culture on
outcomes such as members role clarity, role conflict, and satisfaction. The OCI was also used to
measure the ideal culture in terms of the behaviors that should be expected of members in order to
maximize Sample, Inc.s long-term effectiveness and success. In turn, the impact of Sample,
Inc.s current culture on outcomes and the gaps between its current and ideal culture profiles
provide the basis for developing plans for strengthening Sample, Inc.s long-term effectiveness.

Current Culture
Generally speaking, the current culture of Sample, Inc. is characterized as:

Aggressive/Defensive, in which members are expected to approach tasks in forceful

ways to protect their status and security (includes Oppositional, Power, Competitive, and
Perfectionistic cultures).

Moderate to Weak in terms of the amount of agreement among members regarding the
behaviors that are or are not expected.

Greater detail regarding the behavioral norms and expectations currently communicated and
reinforced within Sample, Inc. may be found in the Culture section of the Feedback Report.

Ideal Culture
In contrast to the current culture, the ideal culture for Sample, Inc. is described by members as:

Constructive, in which members are encouraged to interact with others and approach
tasks in ways that will help them to meet their higher-order satisfaction needs (includes
Achievement, Self-Actualizing, Humanistic-Encouraging, and Self-Actualizing cultures).

Strong to Very Strong in terms of the amount of agreement among members

regarding the behaviors that are or are not expected.

The behaviors that should be expected of members in order for Sample, Inc. to be successful are
described in greater detail in the Culture section of the Feedback Report.

Impact of Culture on Outcomes

The impact of Sample, Inc.s culture on particular outcomes was also measured via the OCI.
Correlational analyses suggest that of the complementary outcome items included in the OCI,
Sample, Inc.s current culture has the greatest impact on members:

Role Conflict and


Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1998. All Rights Reserved. January 2002
Comparative profiles that illustrate the impact of Sample, Inc.s culture on these outcomes are
included in the Complementary Outcomes section of the Feedback Report. The Outcomes
section also includes Sample, Inc.s results along all of the complementary outcome items included
in the OCI.

Implications for Culture Change

If Sample, Inc. seeks to change its current culture to be more consistent with its ideal, the internal
systems, processes, practices, and structures at the member/job, manager/unit, and organizational
levels all need to be consistent in reinforcing expectations for more Constructive behaviors. For
example, at the member/job level, Constructive norms may be promoted through levers such as:

jointly setting clear, specific, and challenging (but realistic) goals;

designing jobs to maximize responsibility, autonomy, and knowledge of results;
establishing motivational reward systems.

Examples of manager/unit level levers for promoting Constructive norms include:

reliance on personal bases of power over organizational power sources;

fair and objective performance appraisals, and
constructive reactions to good as well as poor employee performance.

Examples of organizational level levers for promoting Constructive cultures include:

demonstrating respect for all members;

communicating and reinforcing the organizations mission and values; and
involving employees in plans to improve the organization.

Aggressive/Defensive cultural norms have been found in organizations where members are
expected to accomplish the impossible yet are provided little support (resources, necessary
training) and where punishment (such as use of criticism and threats of job security) is readily used
by supervisors/managers as a way to influence employees. Aggressive/Defensive cultural norms
have also been found in organizations where members are treated unfairly and without respect and
in organizations where winning and maintaining the image of perfection are valued over members
job involvement and satisfaction. Subsequently, if Sample, Inc. seeks to reduce expectations for
Aggressive/Defensive behaviors, possible levers for change may be found in:

employee goal setting,

the distribution of resources,
opportunities for training, and
reward and punishment systems and practices.

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1998. All Rights Reserved. January 2002

Introduction to the OCI Feedback Report

With ever-growing competition and shorter product and service life cycles, most organizations have
found that standardized methods and strict controls are no longer a viable way to run a business.
Now, more than ever, organizational success is dependent upon managements ability to empower
members to think and behave like owners. That is why, in addition to monitoring traditional
financial and production performance indicators, many organizations are directing greater attention
to the internal factors and conditions that have an impact on their performance.

The Organizational Culture Inventory (OCI) was developed in response to the demand for a
reliable and valid measure of organizational culture that distinguishes effective organizations from
those that are less effective. In turn, the OCI Feedback Report is designed to help change agents,
managers, and members understand and utilize the information obtained from an OCI
administration within their organization.

This Feedback Report summarizes the information provided by members within your organization
who completed the OCI. This information is organized in the way in which most action plans for
improving organizational performance are developed by first focusing on the organization as a
whole and then narrowing the focus to the key components or subgroups. By the time you have
finished this report, you will be able to:

describe your organizations culture in terms of the behaviors that are currently expected of

define the behaviors that ideally should be expected for your organizational to be

discern the impact of your organizations culture on members;

determine whether subcultures exist within your organization; and

establish a direction for your organizations cultural change efforts.

The information included in this report should be instrumental to your organizations development
efforts. Specifically, this report will enable you to make informed decisions regarding whether and
in what way your organizations culture can be improved.

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1998. All Rights Reserved. January 2002

The Organizational Culture Inventory

The Organizational Culture Inventory (OCI) is an integral component of Human Synergistics multi-
level diagnostic system for individual and organizational development. The OCI measures what is
expected of members of an organization or, more technically, the behavioral norms and
expectations associated with the more abstract aspects of culture such as shared values and

The inventory presents a list of statements which describe some of the behaviors and personal
styles that might be expected or implicitly required of organizational members. Some of the
cultural norms measured by the OCI are positive and supportive of constructive interpersonal
relationships, effective problem solving, and personal growth; others are dysfunctional and can
lead to unnecessary conflict, dissatisfaction, and symptoms of strain on the part of organizational
members. More specifically, the OCI measures 12 different cultural norms that are organized into
3 general types of cultures:

Constructive cultures, in which members are encouraged to interact with others and
approach tasks in ways that will help them to meet their higher-order satisfaction needs
(includes Achievement, Self-Actualizing, Humanistic-Encouraging, and Affiliative cultures).

Passive/Defensive cultures, in which members believe they must interact with people in
defensive ways that will not threaten their own security (includes Approval, Conventional,
Dependent, and Avoidance cultures).

Aggressive/Defensive cultures, in which members are expected to approach tasks in

forceful ways to protect their status and security (includes Oppositional, Power,
Competitive, and Perfectionistic cultures).

The types of culture measured by the OCI have been shown to have a direct bearing on the
activities of members and the functioning of the organization and have been shown to be related
to important outcomes such as member satisfaction, motivation, teamwork, the quality of
products/services, and other criteria of organizational effectiveness (e.g., sales performance).
These expectations or cultural norms result from, and are reinforced by, managerial philosophies
and styles, organizational structural variables, reward systems, and other factors that can be
changed at least to some extent by those in leadership positions. Thus, the Inventory is
appropriate for use in cultural change programs.

The OCI has been adopted by numerous organizations and completed by more than 750,000
individuals. Organizations have used the Inventory to diagnose their cultures and plan change
programs, to identify the ideal culture for maximizing their effectiveness, and/or to monitor the
impact of organizational development efforts. More specialized applications have included
programs on cultural (ethnic) diversity within organizations, individual career counseling, and union-
management relations.

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1998. All Rights Reserved. January 2002

The Theoretical Model

The diagram presented on the next page describes some of the internal systems, processes,
practices, and structures (i.e., levers for change) that can have an impact on behavioral norms and
expectations measured by the OCI. In turn, the model also illustrates some of the outcomes that
result from an organizations culture.

Keep in mind that there are many factors that potentially lead to and result from cultural norms.
Some of those factors are included in the model; others have yet to be studied. Research
conducted over the past decade using the OCI and the Organizational Effectiveness Inventory
(OEI) provide support for the relationships described by the Theoretical Model.

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1998. All Rights Reserved. January 2002

Theoretical Model

Actual vs. Ideal Behaviors and

Levers for Change
Culture Outcomes

Organizational Culture and Mission

(Mission/philosophy, employee involvement,
service orientation) Teamwork and Coordination
(Intra-unit cooperation, inter-unit
Quality of Communication coordination)
(Upward, downward, communication for
learning) Quality of Service
(Organizational level quality,
Human Resource Management departmental quality)
(Selection/placement, training and development,
respect for members, empowerment) Employee Outcomes (Negative)
(Role conflict, job insecurity, stress)
Appraisal and Reinforcement
(Performance appraisal, use of rewards and Employee Outcomes (Positive)
punishment) (Role clarity, motivation, satisfaction,
intention to stay)
Distribution of Influence

Supervisory/Managerial Leadership
(Interaction facilitation, task facilitation, goal
emphasis, consideration)

Supervisory/Managerial Sources of Power

(Personal bases of power, organizational bases
of power)

Job Design
(Autonomy, variety, feedback, identity,
significance, interdependence)

(Clarity, challenge, participation, acceptance)

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1998. All Rights Reserved. January 2002

Using the OCI Results to Improve Your Organizations

Included in the front pocket of this report is an exercise entitled Planning for Cultural Change.
This exercise provides you with a structured approach for using the OCI results to develop an
action plan for change that is based on the Theoretical Model presented on the previous page.
Planning for Cultural Change begins by taking you through an analysis of your organizations
results along the complementary outcome items; then walks you through an analysis of your
organizations culture and identification of critical gaps; and ends by guiding you in identifying the
actions that can be undertaken to close gaps and improve along outcomes.

Once you have completed this process, you will have outlined a plan that includes the key actions
to be undertaken to facilitate positive change (i.e., levers for change) as well as the factors to be
monitored to gauge the success of your organizations change efforts (i.e., targeted cultural gaps
and outcomes). This same approach can then be applied when developing improvement plans at
the subgroup level based on the OCI subgroup results.

About this Report

In addition to Planning for Cultural Change, the front pocket of this report includes an Executive
Summary of the results. The Executive Summary provides a general overview of your organiza-
tions OCI results and outlines the implications for your organizations development efforts.

The Feedback Report itself includes:

The current culture of your organization compared to the ideal culture as measured by the
OCI (including gap analyses at the scale and item levels).

Your organizations readiness for change as measured by the ideal OCI.

Your organizations results on the complementary OCI outcome items as compared to our
Historical Average (based on over 700 organizational units) and Constructive Benchmark
(based on 119 units with predominately Constructive cultures).

OCI comparative profiles that illustrate the impact of your organizations culture on particular

OCI results regarding culture and outcomes broken down by subgroups.

Project administration and demographic information, and data from the supplementary

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1998. All Rights Reserved. January 2002

Future Steps
Collecting data on your organizations current and ideal culture and outlining action plans for
improvement based on that data are the first steps toward increasing your organizations
effectiveness. After you have completed reviewing the OCI Feedback Report and have outlined
action plans for improvement at the organization and subgroup levels, it is recommended that you
proceed by:

Refining organizational and subgroup action plans. In refining your organization and
subgroup action plans, you may consider a more precise assessment of the levers for change
in your organization. The Organizational Effectiveness Inventory (OEI) is an assessment tool
that allows an organization to measure the impact of its culture (on members, groups/teams,
and the organization) as well as the factors and conditions that likely drive or shape that culture.
The OEI assesses levers for change at the member/job, manager/unit, and organizational
levels. In turn, OEI results will enable you to identify those levers that are likely to be most
critical to successful cultural change within your organization.

Getting members involved in the process. As you get more specific regarding the changes
that need to be made within your organization and subunits, you will probably want to get the
input of those who are likely to be affected by changes. Getting people involved in the cultural
change process during the planning stages will enable you to identify unanticipated obstacles,
provide you with more ideas, and raise the level of commitment to the change process.

Implementing organizational and subgroup action plans. This is where you put your plans
into action. Continue to get people within your organization involved, delegate, and seek out
volunteers. Dont be discouraged if the process starts out slow or if things are not working out
exactly as planned. Rather, stay focused on your goals and be prepared to modify the original
plans as warranted.

Monitoring your organizations progress. Keeping track of how well you are doing relative
to your goals is critical -- it enables you to determine whether your plans were on track or need
to be modified; it guides you in directing peoples efforts; and it can be an excellent boost to
motivation. Youll want to reassess the culture in approximately 1 to 2 years from the date in
which you originally administered the OCI.

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1998. All Rights Reserved. January 2002
(All Respondents)

Organizational Culture (All Respondents)

The Organizational Culture Inventory (OCI) assesses the culture of your organization at the level of
behavioral norms and expectations. Members of your organization responded to the OCI either in
terms of the extent to which certain behaviors and personal styles are expected (i.e., the current
culture) or in terms of the extent to which certain behaviors and personal styles should be expected
(i.e., the ideal culture).

The OCI measures 12 different cultural norms. Individual scores for these cultural norms are
aggregated to the organizational level and are plotted on to a circular diagram known as a
circumplex (shown below). Cultural norms that are located next to one another on the OCI
circumplex (e.g., Achievement and Self-Actualizing) are more closely related than cultural norms
that are located further apart (e.g., Achievement and Conventional).

The OCI circumplex allows you to compare your organizations scores along the 12 cultural norms
to the scores given by 3,939 other individuals who described the culture of their organizations.
When you record your unadjusted (or raw) score for each cultural norm on the circumplex, you
convert the results for your organization or subunit to percentile scores that provide a more realistic
picture of the culture (similar to when you take a test and you evaluate your performance, in part,
by comparing how you ranked relative to everyone else who took the test). The bold center ring
represents the 50th percentile. Scores falling below the 50th percentile are low relative to other
organizations. Scores that fall above the 50th percentile are high relative to other organizations.

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1998. All Rights Reserved. January 2002
(All Respondents)

The Cultural Norms Measured by the OCI

The cultural norms are organized on the OCI circumplex such that those toward the top reflect
expectations for behaviors that are directed toward higher-order needs for growth and
satisfaction, while those located toward the bottom reflect expectations for behaviors that
focus on meeting lower-order needs for security. Cultural norms located on the right side of
the circumplex reflect expectations regarding interactions with people, while cultural norms
located on the left side of the circumplex reflect expectations regarding task-related behavior.
The distinctions between satisfaction and security and between people and task define the
three clusters of cultural norms measured by the OCI Constructive, Passive/Defensive, and


(Promote Satisfaction Behaviors)

(11:00) An Achievement culture characterizes organizations that do things well and value
members who set and accomplish their own goals. Members of these organizations set
challenging but realistic goals, establish plans to reach these goals, and pursue them with
enthusiasm. Achievement organizations are effective; problems are solved appropriately,
clients and customers are served well, and the orientation of members (as well as the
organization itself) is healthy.

(12:00) A Self-Actualizing culture characterizes organizations that value creativity, quality

over quantity, and both task accomplishment and individual growth. Members of these
organizations are encouraged to gain enjoyment from their work, develop themselves, and take
on new and interesting activities. While self-actualizing organizations can be somewhat difficult
to understand and control, they tend to be innovative, offer high-quality products and/or
services, and attract and develop outstanding employees.

(1:00) A Humanistic-Encouraging culture characterizes organizations that are managed in a

participative and person-centered way. Members are expected to be supportive, constructive
and open to influence in their dealings with one another. A humanistic culture leads to effective
organizational performance by providing for the growth and active involvement of members
who, in turn, report high satisfaction with and commitment to the organization.

(2:00) An Affiliative culture characterizes organizations that place a high priority on

constructive interpersonal relationships. Members are expected to be friendly, open, and
sensitive to the satisfaction of their work group. An affiliative culture can enhance
organizational performance by promoting open communication, good cooperation, and the
effective coordination of activities. Members are loyal to their work groups and feel they fit in

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1998. All Rights Reserved. January 2002
(All Respondents)


(Promote People/Security Behaviors)

(3:00) An Approval culture describes organizations in which conflicts are avoided and
interpersonal relationships are pleasant at least superficially. Members feel that they must
agree with, gain the approval of, and be liked by others. Though possibly benign, this type of
work environment can limit organizational effectiveness by minimizing constructive differing
and the expression of ideas and opinions.

(4:00) A Conventional culture is descriptive of organizations that are conservative, traditional,

and bureaucratically controlled. Members are expected to conform, follow the rules, and make
a good impression. Too conventional a culture can interfere with effectiveness by suppressing
innovation and preventing the organization from adapting to changes in its environment.

(5:00) A Dependent culture is descriptive of organizations that are hierarchically controlled

and non-participative. Centralized decision making in such organizations leads members to do
only what theyre told and to clear all decisions with superiors. Poor performance results from
the lack of individual initiative, spontaneity, flexibility, and timely decision making.

(6:00) An Avoidance culture characterizes organizations that fail to reward success but
nevertheless punish mistakes. This negative reward system leads members to shift
responsibilities to others and to avoid any possibility of being blamed for a mistake. The
survival of this type of organization is in question since members are unwilling to make
decisions, take action, or accept risks.


(Promote Task/Security Behaviors)

(7:00) An Oppositional culture describes organizations in which confrontation prevails

and negativism is rewarded. Members gain status and influence by being critical and thus
are reinforced to oppose the ideas of others and to make safe (but ineffectual) decisions.
While some questioning is functional, a highly oppositional culture can lead to unnecessary
conflict, poor group problem solving, and watered-down solutions to problems.

(8:00) A Power culture is descriptive of non-participative organizations structured on the

basis of the authority inherent in members position. Members believe they will be rewarded
for taking charge and controlling subordinates (and being responsive to the demands of
superiors). Power-oriented organizations are less effective than their members might think;
subordinates resist this type of control, hold back information, and reduce their contributions
to the minimal acceptable level.

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1998. All Rights Reserved. January 2002
(All Respondents)

(9:00) A Competitive culture is one in which winning is valued and members are rewarded
for out-performing one another. People in such organizations operate in a win-lose
framework and believe they must work against (rather than with) their peers to be noticed.
An overly competitive culture can inhibit effectiveness by reducing cooperation and
promoting unrealistic standards of performance (either too high or too low).

(10:00) A Perfectionistic culture characterizes organizations in which perfectionism,

persistence, and hard work are valued. Members feel they must avoid all mistakes, keep
track of everything, and work long hours to attain narrowly-defined objectives. While some
amount of this orientation might be useful, too much emphasis on perfectionism can lead
members to lose sight of the goal, get lost in details, and develop symptoms of strain.

Interpreting Your Organizations OCI Results

Your organizations OCI results are organized into 4 subsections:

OCI Current Profile: This subsection provides you with a picture of your organizations
current culture based on the responses of all members within your organization who completed
the OCI. The results are presented on the OCI circumplex as well as in tabular form.

The OCI circumplex allows you to compare your organizations percentile scores along each of
the 12 cultural norms. When reading the OCI profile, you want to look for the spikes, or those
cultural norms that are most extended from the center of the circumplex these are the cultural
norms that describe how members within your organization are currently expected and
encouraged to think and behave (i.e., the direction of the culture).

The most extended cultural norm in your organizations profile is called the primary style. This
describes the way in which members are predominantly encouraged to think and behave. The
second most extended cultural norm is called the secondary style. This cultural norm typically
works with the primary style or is expected when the behaviors included under the primary style
cannot be enacted. Sometimes primary and secondary styles are included in the same cluster
(Constructive, Passive/Defensive, or Aggressive/Defensive); other times they are contained
within different clusters. The cluster that best describes your organizations culture is the one
that has the highest percentile score when the percentile scores of the four cultural norms
included in the cluster are averaged together.

The corresponding table includes your organizations percentile scores as well as your
organizations unadjusted (or raw) scores for each of the 12 cultural norms measured by the
OCI. In addition, the table presents the standard deviations of the responses around the raw
scores. The standard deviations are important because they provide you with an indication of
the intensity or the amount of agreement among respondents regarding the extent to which
particular cultural norms are predominant within your organization. If you add the standard
deviation for a particular cultural norm to its raw score and subtract the standard deviation from
its raw score, you will have the range in which approximately 67% of members scored along a
particular cultural norm. For example, if the raw score on Humanistic is 37.00 and the standard
deviation is 5.20, approximately 67% of the respondents had raw scores between 31.80 and
42.20 along the Humanistic cultural norm. Converting these results to percentile scores, the

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1998. All Rights Reserved. January 2002
(All Respondents)

range falls below the 50th percentile to above the 75th percentile and thats only accounting for
67% of the respondents!

The smaller the standard deviation, the greater the intensity of the culture and agreement
among organizational members regarding a particular cultural norm. Conversely, the larger the
standard deviation, the lower the intensity and agreement among organizational members. The
interpretive comments regarding your organizations intensity (e.g., strong, average, weak) are
based on comparisons to the distribution of standard deviations reported by over 700 other
organizational units in which the OCI was administered.

In interpreting the current culture of your organization, you want to consider both direction and
intensity. Direction tells you what is (and is not) expected; intensity tells you how widely shared
these expectations are. Cultures with clear direction and high intensity are usually the result of
a high degree of consistency between the organizations mission, structure, human resource
practices, managerial behaviors and styles, goal setting, job design, and other systems,
practices, and processes. Cultures that lack a clear direction or have low intensity are typically
the result of inconsistency between the organizations mission, structure, human resource
practices, managerial behaviors and styles, goal setting, job design, and/or other systems,
practices, and processes.

Having a culture with clear direction and high intensity is not necessarily a good or bad thing.
For example, a culture with weak direction and/or weak intensity is easier to change than one
with strong direction and strong intensity. Thus, whether having a culture with clear direction
and high intensity is a good thing really depends on whether the right behaviors are currently
expected and encouraged. The ideal profile defines for you what the right behaviors are for
your organization.

OCI Ideal Profile: The OCI ideal profile is your organizations cultural benchmark. This
profile provides you with a picture of where people within your organization believe the culture
needs to be in order for your organization to be successful.

The OCI ideal culture results are based on the average responses of all members within your
organization who completed the OCI in terms of what should be expected for your organization
to be successful. As with your organizations current culture results, you should identify the
direction and intensity of the ideal culture.

OCI Item and Gap Analysis: These analyses provide you with the information you
need to identify discrepancies between the current and ideal culture and to more specifically
define the behavioral norms that need to be increased or decreased within your organization.

In reviewing these results, you will want to first identify those cultural norms along which there
are the greatest gaps between current and ideal. Then, you will want to turn to the pages that
include the item-level results for those cultural norms and note the specific items (behaviors)
along which there are the greatest gaps between current and ideal.

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1998. All Rights Reserved. January 2002
(All Respondents)

Organizational Readiness for Change: In any type of change effort, it is important to

anticipate the sources of resistance to and support for change initiatives. The Ideal OCI tapped
members perceptions regarding the organizations readiness for changing the culture to be
more consistent with ideal. This subsection summarizes those results in terms of the:

perceived support for change by members at different levels of the organization;

anticipated effects of change on individual members; and
anticipated effects of change on the organization.

In reviewing these results you will want to make a list of where resistance to cultural change is
most likely to occur within your organization and what are the fears most likely to be associated
with that resistance. You will then need to develop a plan for overcoming the resistance to
cultural change, in part, by directly addressing the fears upon which such resistance is based.

Additionally, you should develop a list of where support for culture change is most likely to be
found in your organization. Identify ways in which these sources can be used to facilitate the
change effort.

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1998. All Rights Reserved. January 2002
(All Respondents)

Current Culture
All Respondents

Overall, the strongest extensions are in the Aggressive/Defensive cluster.

With respect to the specific cultural norms, your

Primary Style is Competitive Secondary Style is Power

People are expected to: People are expected to:

Be a Winner Use the Authority of Their Position
Out-Perform Their Peers Play Politics to Gain Influence
Be Seen and Noticed Build up Their Power Base

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
(All Respondents)

Current Culture
All Respondents

Constructive Styles Percentile Raw Std. Intensity

Score Score Deviation (Based on SD)
Humanistic 37.00% 26.13 5.89 Average
Affiliative 13.00% 26.22 6.23 Weak
Achievement 46.00% 27.62 5.39 Average
Self-Actualizing 28.00% 23.84 4.60 Average

Passive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD)
Approval 71.00% 23.40 4.69 Strong
Conventional 72.00% 25.68 5.47 Average
Dependent 56.00% 25.64 5.42 Average
Avoidance 88.00% 20.65 6.83 Weak

Aggressive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD)
Oppositional 89.00% 20.77 4.70 Average
Power 90.00% 24.15 6.33 Weak
Competitive 92.00% 24.82 6.48 Weak
Perfectionistic 77.00% 25.75 5.56 Weak

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
(All Respondents)

Ideal Culture
All Respondents

Overall, the strongest extensions are in the Constructive cluster.

With respect to the specific cultural norms, your

Primary Style is Humanistic Secondary Style is Self-Actualizing

Ideally, people should be expected to: Ideally, people should be expected to:
Encourage Others Maintain Their Personal Integrity
Resolve Conflicts Constructively Enjoy Their Work
Help Others to Grow and Develop Think in Unique and Independent

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
(All Respondents)

Ideal Culture
All Respondents

Constructive Styles Percentile Raw Std. Intensity

Score Score Deviation (Based on SD)
Humanistic 98.00% 36.79 2.80 Very Strong
Affiliative 87.00% 34.84 2.78 Very Strong
Achievement 96.00% 34.30 2.98 Very Strong
Self-Actualizing 96.00% 31.29 2.84 Very Strong

Passive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD)
Approval 24.00% 18.76 3.95 Strong
Conventional 15.00% 19.68 4.10 Strong
Dependent 6.00% 19.31 3.40 Very Strong
Avoidance 11.00% 12.61 2.60 Very Strong

Aggressive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD)
Oppositional 52.00% 17.11 2.79 Very Strong
Power 35.00% 17.89 4.06 Strong
Competitive 41.00% 17.03 4.70 Strong
Perfectionistic 22.00% 20.92 3.99 Strong

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
(All Respondents)

Current vs. Ideal Culture

All Respondents

Current Culture Ideal Culture

Overall, the largest gaps between the Current and Ideal are in the
Constructive cluster.

Primary gap is Avoidance Secondary gap is Affiliative

Specifically, the items that have the Specifically, the items that have the
largest gaps are: largest gaps are:
Never be the one Blamed for Treat People as More Important
Problems Than Things
Lay Low When Things Get Tough Be Open, Warm
Make Popular Rather than Use Good Human Relations Skills
Necessary Decisions

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
(All Respondents)

Current vs. Ideal Culture

All Respondents

Constructive Styles Current Ideal Percentage

Percentile Percentile Gap
Humanistic 37.00% 98.00% -61.00%
Affiliative 13.00% 87.00% -74.00%
Achievement 46.00% 96.00% -50.00%
Self-Actualizing 28.00% 96.00% -68.00%

Passive/Defensive Current Ideal Percentage

Styles Percentile Percentile Gap
Approval 71.00% 24.00% 47.00%
Conventional 72.00% 15.00% 57.00%
Dependent 56.00% 6.00% 50.00%
Avoidance 88.00% 11.00% 77.00%

Aggressive/Defensive Current Ideal Percentage

Styles Percentile Percentile Gap
Oppositional 89.00% 52.00% 37.00%
Power 90.00% 35.00% 55.00%
Competitive 92.00% 41.00% 51.00%
Perfectionistic 77.00% 22.00% 55.00%

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
(All Respondents)

Constructive Culture
Style 1: Humanistic/Encouraging

All Respondents Answering in Terms of:

Current Ideal Gap
Mean Mean Mean
Show Concern for the Needs of Others 3.22 4.39 -1.17
Involve Others in Decisions Affecting Them 3.26 4.45 -1.19
Encourage Others 3.50 4.76 -1.26
Help Others to Grow and Develop 3.43 4.71 -1.28
Be Supportive of Others 3.23 4.55 -1.32
Resolve Conflicts Constructively 3.41 4.74 -1.33
Help Others Think for Themselves 3.13 4.55 -1.43
Give Positive Rewards to Others 3.19 4.63 -1.44

1 = Not at all; 5 = To a very great extent

Gap = (Current - Ideal)

- Gap indicates that the Current mean for a particular item needs to be increased.
+ Gap indicates that the Current mean for a particular item needs to be decreased.

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
(All Respondents)

Constructive Culture
Style 2: Affiliative

All Respondents Answering in Terms of:

Current Ideal Gap
Mean Mean Mean
Cooperate With Others 3.67 4.47 -0.81
Be Tactful 3.29 4.18 -0.90
Think in Terms of the Group's Satisfaction 3.30 4.24 -0.93
Deal With Others in a Friendly, Pleasant Way 3.53 4.50 -0.97
Motivate Others With Friendliness 2.78 3.87 -1.09
Use Good Human Relations Skills 3.49 4.61 -1.12
Be Open, Warm 2.86 4.29 -1.43
Treat People as More Important than Things 3.25 4.73 -1.48

1 = Not at all; 5 = To a very great extent

Gap = (Current - Ideal)

- Gap indicates that the Current mean for a particular item needs to be increased.
+ Gap indicates that the Current mean for a particular item needs to be decreased.

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
(All Respondents)

Passive/Defensive Culture
Style 3: Approval

All Respondents Answering in Terms of:

Current Ideal Gap
Mean Mean Mean
Stay Conscious of Fashion 2.30 2.37 -0.07
Make Sure They are Accepted by Others 2.93 2.79 0.14
Be Liked by Everyone 2.81 2.50 0.31
Agree With Everyone 2.25 1.82 0.43
Go Along With Others 3.00 2.39 0.61
Back Up Those With the Most Authority 3.42 2.58 0.84
Do Things for the Approval of Others 3.38 2.50 0.88
Switch Priorities to Please Others 3.25 1.82 1.43

1 = Not at all; 5 = To a very great extent

Gap = (Current - Ideal)

- Gap indicates that the Current mean for a particular item needs to be increased.
+ Gap indicates that the Current mean for a particular item needs to be decreased.

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
(All Respondents)

Passive/Defensive Culture
Style 4: Conventional

All Respondents Answering in Terms of:

Current Ideal Gap
Mean Mean Mean
Always Follow Policies and Practices 3.82 3.42 0.40
Make a "Good Impression" 3.77 3.32 0.45
Avoid Confrontations 2.93 2.29 0.64
Cast Aside Solutions That Seem Different or Risky 2.83 2.11 0.72
Fit Into the "Mold" 3.14 2.32 0.83
Conform 3.33 2.46 0.87
Treat Rules as More Important Than Ideas 2.85 1.74 1.11
Not "Rock the Boat" 3.14 2.00 1.14

1 = Not at all; 5 = To a very great extent

Gap = (Current - Ideal)

- Gap indicates that the Current mean for a particular item needs to be increased.
+ Gap indicates that the Current mean for a particular item needs to be decreased.

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
(All Respondents)

Passive/Defensive Culture
Style 5: Dependent

All Respondents Answering in Terms of:

Current Ideal Gap
Mean Mean Mean
Willingly Obey Orders 3.22 2.89 0.33
Be a Good Follower 3.15 2.74 0.42
Check Decisions With Superiors 3.57 3.03 0.54
Do What Is Expected 4.00 3.18 0.82
Follow Orders... Even When Theyre Wrong 2.42 1.39 1.03
Never Challenge Superiors 2.68 1.63 1.04
Please Those in Positions of Authority 3.86 2.79 1.07
Accept Goals Without Questioning Them 2.78 1.63 1.15

1 = Not at all; 5 = To a very great extent

Gap = (Current - Ideal)

- Gap indicates that the Current mean for a particular item needs to be increased.
+ Gap indicates that the Current mean for a particular item needs to be decreased.

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
(All Respondents)

Passive/Defensive Culture
Style 6: Avoidance

All Respondents Answering in Terms of:

Current Ideal Gap
Mean Mean Mean
Push Decisions Upward 3.24 2.58 0.66
Not Get Involved 2.05 1.26 0.78
Take Few Chances 2.81 1.95 0.86
Be Non-Committal 2.30 1.34 0.95
Wait for Others to Act First 2.42 1.34 1.08
Make "Popular" Rather than Necessary Decisions 2.51 1.42 1.09
Lay Low When Things Get Tough 2.40 1.29 1.11
Never be the one Blamed for Problems 2.88 1.42 1.45

1 = Not at all; 5 = To a very great extent

Gap = (Current - Ideal)

- Gap indicates that the Current mean for a particular item needs to be increased.
+ Gap indicates that the Current mean for a particular item needs to be decreased.

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
(All Respondents)

Aggressive/Defensive Culture
Style 7: Oppositional

All Respondents Answering in Terms of:

Current Ideal Gap
Mean Mean Mean
Point Out Flaws 3.28 3.24 0.03
Question Decisions Made by Others 2.91 2.71 0.20
Be Hard to Impress 2.48 2.26 0.21
Oppose New Ideas 2.10 1.71 0.38
Look for Mistakes 3.41 2.84 0.58
Refuse to Accept Criticism 1.89 1.32 0.58
Remain Aloof From the Situation 2.17 1.42 0.74
Oppose Things Indirectly 2.53 1.61 0.92

1 = Not at all; 5 = To a very great extent

Gap = (Current - Ideal)

- Gap indicates that the Current mean for a particular item needs to be increased.
+ Gap indicates that the Current mean for a particular item needs to be decreased.

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
(All Respondents)

Aggressive/Defensive Culture
Style 8: Power

All Respondents Answering in Terms of:

Current Ideal Gap
Mean Mean Mean
Act Forceful 3.04 2.92 0.12
Stay on the Offensive 2.92 2.63 0.29
Use the Authority of Their Position 3.31 2.66 0.66
Maintain Unquestioned Authority 2.66 1.97 0.68
Be Hard, Tough 2.93 2.21 0.72
Build up Their Power Base 3.08 2.16 0.92
Personally Run Everything 2.86 1.55 1.30
Play "Politics" to Gain Influence 3.29 1.79 1.50

1 = Not at all; 5 = To a very great extent

Gap = (Current - Ideal)

- Gap indicates that the Current mean for a particular item needs to be increased.
+ Gap indicates that the Current mean for a particular item needs to be decreased.

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
(All Respondents)

Aggressive/Defensive Culture
Style 9: Competitive

All Respondents Answering in Terms of:

Current Ideal Gap
Mean Mean Mean
Be a "Winner" 3.75 3.14 0.61
Out-Perform Their Peers 3.57 2.86 0.70
Be Seen and Noticed 3.44 2.68 0.75
Turn the Job Into a Contest 2.52 1.57 0.95
Compete Rather Than Cooperate 2.67 1.58 1.09
Win Against Others 2.90 1.74 1.16
Never Appear to Lose 2.88 1.68 1.19
Maintain an Image of Superiority 3.10 1.76 1.34

1 = Not at all; 5 = To a very great extent

Gap = (Current - Ideal)

- Gap indicates that the Current mean for a particular item needs to be increased.
+ Gap indicates that the Current mean for a particular item needs to be decreased.

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
(All Respondents)

Aggressive/Defensive Culture
Style 10: Perfectionistic

All Respondents Answering in Terms of:

Current Ideal Gap
Mean Mean Mean
Persist, Endure 3.66 4.03 -0.37
Appear Competent and Independent 3.74 3.74 0.01
Keep on Top of Everything 3.80 3.16 0.64
Be Precise...Even When It's Unnecessary 2.91 2.18 0.73
Do Things Perfectly 3.09 2.32 0.77
Personally Take Care of Every Detail 3.04 2.18 0.85
Set Unrealistically High Goals 2.58 1.50 1.08
Never Make a Mistake 2.93 1.82 1.12

1 = Not at all; 5 = To a very great extent

Gap = (Current - Ideal)

- Gap indicates that the Current mean for a particular item needs to be increased.
+ Gap indicates that the Current mean for a particular item needs to be decreased.

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
(All Respondents)

Constructive Culture
Style 11: Achievement

All Respondents Answering in Terms of:

Current Ideal Gap
Mean Mean Mean
Set Moderately Difficult Goals 3.24 3.50 -0.26
Work to Achieve Self-Set Goals 3.43 3.97 -0.55
Take on Challenging Tasks 3.73 4.37 -0.64
Pursue a Standard of Excellence 3.85 4.76 -0.92
Take Moderate Risks 3.05 4.00 -0.95
Explore Alternatives Before Acting 3.41 4.47 -1.06
Think Ahead and Plan 3.58 4.73 -1.15
Work for the Sense of Accomplishment 3.34 4.50 -1.16

1 = Not at all; 5 = To a very great extent

Gap = (Current - Ideal)

- Gap indicates that the Current mean for a particular item needs to be increased.
+ Gap indicates that the Current mean for a particular item needs to be decreased.

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
(All Respondents)

Constructive Culture
Style 12: Self-Actualizing

All Respondents Answering in Terms of:

Current Ideal Gap
Mean Mean Mean
Resist Conformity 2.24 2.63 -0.39
Be Concerned About Their Own Growth 3.66 4.05 -0.40
Be Spontaneous 2.58 3.32 -0.73
Emphasize Quality Over Quantity 3.14 4.03 -0.88
Be Open About Self 2.63 3.63 -1.01
Think in Unique and Independent Ways 3.02 4.29 -1.27
Maintain Their Personal Integrity 3.48 4.87 -1.39
Enjoy Their Work 3.04 4.47 -1.43

1 = Not at all; 5 = To a very great extent

Gap = (Current - Ideal)

- Gap indicates that the Current mean for a particular item needs to be increased.
+ Gap indicates that the Current mean for a particular item needs to be decreased.

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
(All Respondents)
Ideal Culture
Organizational Readiness for Change

To What Extent Items

All Respondents

to a very 5.00
great extent








not at all 1.00

Maximize your Enhance the Work More Require Consistent with Practical and
Contributions Quality of Efficiently Teamwork Mission Realistic

All Respondents

To what extent would this type of culture Mean Std.

enable you to develop your capabilities and maximize your contributions 4.61 0.55
enhance the quality of products/services offered by your organization 4.63 0.59
require people like yourself to work more efficiently and effectively 4.68 0.47
require members to develop better teamwork, communication, and interpersonal skills 4.71 0.46
be consistent with the mission, philosophy, and/or "values" of the organization 4.49 0.69
be practical and realistic for an organization in the same industry 4.13 0.93

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
(All Respondents)
Ideal Culture
Organizational Readiness for Change

To What Extent Items

(Movement towards an Ideal Culture)

All Respondents

to a very 5.00
great extent







not at all 1.00

Feasible and Supported by Supported by Supported by Create Increase your
Attainable Top Middle Non Uncertainty and Commitment
Management Management Management Tension

All Respondents

To what extent would movement towards this type of culture Mean Std.
be feasible and attainable in your organization 3.16 1.05
be supported by top-level management 3.29 1.18
be supported by middle management 3.58 0.95
be supported by non-managerial personnel 3.92 0.91
create uncertainty and tension for members 2.82 1.20
increase your commitment to the organization 4.47 0.65

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
(All Respondents)

Complementary Outcomes
(All Respondents)

The Organizational Culture Inventory (OCI) includes complementary items that assess some of the
outcomes of an organizations culture. Data generated by these items provide initial insight as to
whether culture change should be considered and in what direction such change should take place.

Complementary Outcomes Assessed by the OCI

The complementary items assess 4 outcome areas:

Role Clarity: The extent to which people receive clear messages regarding what is expected of

Role Conflict: The extent to which members receive inconsistent expectations from the
organization and are expected to do things that conflict with their own preferences.

Employee Satisfaction: The extent to which members report positive appraisals of their work

Quality of Service: The extent to which the organization has achieved service excellence with
respect to both internal and external clients/customers.

Interpreting Your Organizations OCI Results for the

Complementary Outcomes
Your organizations results along the complementary outcome items are organized into 5

Gap Barchart of the Complementary Outcomes: This subsection allows you to see, at
a glance, how well your organization scored along each of the complementary outcome items as
compared to our Historical Averages for these measures.

Specifically, we compared your organizations score along each of the complementary outcome
items (as derived by averaging the responses of all members within your organization) to our
Historical Averages. The Historical Averages represent the mean item-level scores of members
of over 700 organizational units. We calculated the numerical difference between your
organizations outcome item scores and our Historical Averages. The Gap Barchart presents
these differences ranked from most positive (i.e., areas in which your organization is doing better
than the average organization) to most negative (i.e., areas in which your organization is not doing
as well as the average organization).

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1998. All Rights Reserved. January 2002
(All Respondents)

When reviewing this section, you will want to consider, overall, do your organizations results tend
to be above average, below average, at average, or fairly evenly split relative to the Historical
Averages? Make a list of those results that are of concern to you. Then refer to the next
subsection for an interpretation of these results.

If your organization does not fall below average along any of the outcomes measured by the OCI,
you should look ahead to the Complementary Outcome Barcharts and Tables. Specifically,
examine these charts and tables in terms of whether your organization is scoring lower than it
should along any of the items. Then refer to the Implications of High and Low Scores on the
Complementary Outcomes for some initial ideas for facilitating positive change.

Implications of High and Low Scores on the Complementary Outcomes: This subsection
provides concise interpretations of high (above average) and low (below average) scores within
each of the outcome areas measured by the OCI. High scores are discussed in terms of their
implications for other outcomes. Low scores are discussed in terms of their implications for
changes in culture, structures, systems, processes, or practices.

In reviewing this subsection, you will want to begin developing a list of actions that can be
undertaken by your organization to improve its effectiveness.

Complementary Outcome Barcharts and Tables: This subsection allows you to take a more
detailed look at your organizations complementary outcome results as compared to our Historical
Averages and Constructive Benchmarks. Barchart comparisons between your organization, the
Historical Averages, and the Constructive Benchmarks are presented for each of the
complementary outcome items. The item-level results for your organization, the Historical
Averages, and the Constructive Benchmarks are also provided in tabular form.

Your organizations results are based on the average responses of all members who completed the
OCI within your organization. The Historical Averages are based on the average responses of
members from over 700 different organizational units. From this sample of over 700,
approximately 120 organizational units were identified as having predominantly Constructive
cultures based on their OCI results. Specifically, the cultures of these 120 units were all relatively
strong in terms of Constructive cultural norms (above the 60th percentile) and were all relatively
weak in terms of Passive/Defensive and Aggressive/Defensive cultural norms (below the 50th
percentile). The average responses to the OCI complementary outcome items by members of
these units were then computed to establish our Constructive Benchmarks for these items.

Reviewing this subsection will provide you with a deeper understanding of your
organizations results along the outcome items. Based on the item results, you will be able to
pinpoint where your organization is falling short (or, conversely, doing quite well) as compared to
other organizations.

Correlations Between Your Organizations Culture and the Complementary Outcomes:

In this subsection the relationship between the complementary outcome items and the 12 cultural
norms are summarized for your organization, allowing you to identify those cultural norms that are
working for or against the outcomes that you are most concerned with.

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1998. All Rights Reserved. January 2002
(All Respondents)

The correlation results are summarized in tabular form. A plus sign (+) indicates a significant (at
p<.05) positive correlation between the outcome and the cultural norm. For example, positive
relationships between Humanistic (a cultural norm measured by the OCI) and member
satisfaction (a complementary outcome item included in the OCI) indicate that the more that
people within your organization believe they are expected to be Humanistic, the more satisfied they
are. Conversely, the less that people within your organization believe they are expected to be
Humanistic, the less satisfied they are. A double plus (++) indicates a highly significant relationship
(at p<.01).

A negative sign (-) indicates a significant (at p<.05) negative correlation between the outcome and
the cultural norm. Thus, negative correlations between Humanistic and inconsistent expectations
(a complementary outcome item included in the OCI) indicate that the more Humanistic people
within your organization believe they are supposed to think and behave, the less frequently they
receive inconsistent messages regarding what is expected. Conversely, the less Humanistic
people within your organization believe they are expected to think and behave, the more frequently
they receive inconsistent messages regarding what is expected. A double minus
(--) indicates a highly significant relationship (at p<.01).

A zero (0) indicates that there is no significant relationship between the outcome and the cultural
norm within your organization. For example, zero correlations between Humanistic and intention
to stay can imply that the level of Humanistic behavior expected within your organization does not
have implications for members intentions to stay. However, zero (or non-significant) correlations
can also be the result of a lack of variance in responses by members within your organization on
either the cultural norm or the outcome (that is, if members had very similar scores on either the
cultural norm or the outcome measures, then it is unlikely that a correlation would come out as
significant). Non-significant correlations can also be due to small sample sizes. Subsequently,
non-significant or 0 correlations should be interpreted with care.

When reviewing the correlation table, you will want to identify which cultural norms are most
strongly related to the outcomes in need of improvement. Then, refer back to your organizations
cultural gaps and, based on the correlation results, pinpoint which of these gaps are your most
critical targets for change.

Comparative Profiles: This subsection provides a visual illustration of the impact of your
organizations culture on the 3 main outcome areas assessed by the complementary items.

Specifically, OCI profiles were constructed that compare the culture described by the people who
scored in the top 15 percent in a particular outcome area (High) to the culture described by the
people who scored in the bottom 15 percent in that same outcome area (Low).

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1998. All Rights Reserved. January 2002
(All Respondents)

Gap Barchart of the Complementary Outcome Items

Gap 0.60






Negative -0.60
Customers Feel Good

Intention to Stay

Changing needs of

Clear Roles

Repeat Business

Recommend Organization

(Inconsistent Roles)

Recommend Organization

(Think Differently)

Superior Customer Service


'Fit In'
about Service

to Customers

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1996 All Rights Reserved January 2002
(All Respondents)

Implications of High and Low Scores on the Complementary

Role Clarity
High scores along these measures are positive and are associated with:
significant effort by members to attain personal and organizational goals;
effective teamwork and coordination; and
relatively low levels of stress reported by members.

Low scores along these measures are negative and can indicate the need for:
more explicit job descriptions;
establishing goals with greater specificity and clarity; and
better recognition for goal attainment.

Role Conflict
High scores along these measures are negative and are associated with inefficient personal
efforts, mistakes, and psychological symptoms of strain. Potential remedies include:
cultural change programs,
conflict resolution interventions, and
individual stress management programs.

Low scores along these measures are positive and are associated with:
achievement-oriented (rather than avoidance-oriented) behaviors,
individual health and well-being, and
lower rates of accidents and mistakes.

Quality of Service
High scores along these service quality measures have been shown, in various studies, to be
associated with other measures of organizational performance including:
sales growth,
sales per square foot of selling space, and
external evaluations of service quality.

Low scores along these measures indicate the need for:

the establishment of service-oriented procedures and norms;
evaluation and possible re-engineering of core processes;
customer-service training for employees and managers; and
the revision of reward systems (to reinforce goal attainment rather than passivity).

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1998. All Rights Reserved. January 2002
(All Respondents)

High scores along these measures are positive and are associated with:
commitment and loyalty to the organization;
a propensity to do what is needed and correct problems facing the organization;
effective teamwork and coordination; and
relatively low levels of employee tardiness and turnover.

Low scores along these measures are negative and can indicate the need for:
changes to create a more constructive and people-oriented culture;
programs to promote more effective interpersonal relations;
selection procedures that more effectively take into account the fit between the applicant
and the job as well as the fit between the applicant and the organization; and
task and job analyses to identify required competencies and resources; and/or
job redesign interventions.

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1998. All Rights Reserved. January 2002
(All Respondents)
To What Extent Items
(Role Clarity and Role Conflict)

All Respondents

to a very 5.00
great extent








not at all Clear Roles 'Fit In' (Inconsistent Roles) (Think Differently)

To what extent All Respondents Historical Average Constructive Benchmark

To what extent... Mean Std.

Deviation you clearly know what is expected of you as a member of this organization 3.71 0.85
do you feel you comfortably "fit in" as a member of this organization 3.31 1.06
(do you receive inconsistent messages regarding what is expected) 2.60 1.13
(does your job require you to think differently than would otherwise be the case) 2.67 1.11

(Items in parentheses) are reversed worded

i.e., higher scores are more negative

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
(All Respondents)
To What Extent Items
(Quality of Service)

All Respondents

to a very
great extent








not at all Customers Feel Changing needs of Repeat Business Superior Customer Recommend
Good about Service Customers Service Organization to

All Respondents Historical Average Constructive Benchmark

To what extent Mean Std.

would you personally go out of your way to make sure that a customer/client 4.51 0.77
feels good about the service you've provided
does the organization respond effectively to the changing needs of its customers 3.36 0.91
do you believe the organization will get repeat business from its present customers 3.82 0.76
does your organization have a reputation for superior customer service 3.23 0.97
would you recommend this organization to potential customers/clients seeking 3.70 0.88
the products or services it offers

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
(All Respondents)
To What Extent Items
(Employee Satisfaction)

All Respondents

to a very
great extent








not at all
Satisfied Intention to Stay Recommend Organization

All Respondents Historical Average Constructive Benchmark

To what extent Mean Std.

are you satisfied being a member of this organization 3.46 0.92
do you expect to be with this organization two years from now 3.45 1.06
would you recommend this organization as a good place to work 3.30 1.07

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
(All Respondents)

Correlations beween your Organization's Culture and Outcomes

Complementary Outcomes Humanistic Affiliative Achievement Self-Actualizing

Role Clarity and Role Conflict

Clear Roles ++ ++ ++ ++
'Fit In' ++ ++ ++ ++
(Inconsistent Roles) -- -- -- --
(Think Differently) -- -- -- --

Quality of Service
Customers Feel Good about Service ++ ++ ++ ++
Changing needs of Customers ++ ++ ++ ++
Repeat Business ++ ++ ++ ++
Superior Customer Service ++ ++ ++ ++
Recommend Organization to Customers ++ ++ ++ ++

Employee Satisfaction
Satisfied ++ ++ ++ ++
Intention to Stay ++ ++ ++ ++
Recommend Organization as a Good Place to Work ++ ++ ++ ++

+ Significant Positive Correlation (at the .05 level)

++ Significant Positive Correlation (at the .01 level)

- Significant Negative Correlation (at the .05 level)

-- Significant Negative Correlation (at the .01 level)

0 No Significant Correlation

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1996 All Rights Reserved January 2002
(All Respondents)

Correlations beween your Organization's Culture and Outcomes

Complementary Outcomes Approval Conventional Dependent Avoidance

Role Clarity and Role Conflict

Clear Roles -- -- -- --
'Fit In' -- -- -- --
(Inconsistent Roles) ++ ++ ++ ++
(Think Differently) ++ ++ ++ ++

Quality of Service
Customers Feel Good about Service 0 -- -- --
Changing needs of Customers 0 - -- --
Repeat Business -- 0 -- --
Superior Customer Service -- ++ -- --
Recommend Organization to Customers -- 0 -- --

Employee Satisfaction
Satisfied -- -- -- --
Intention to Stay -- -- -- --
Recommend Organization as a Good Place to Work -- -- -- --

+ Significant Positive Correlation (at the .05 level)

++ Significant Positive Correlation (at the .01 level)

- Significant Negative Correlation (at the .05 level)

-- Significant Negative Correlation (at the .01 level)

0 No Significant Correlation

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1996 All Rights Reserved January 2002
(All Respondents)

Correlations beween your Organization's Culture and Outcomes

Complementary Outcomes Oppositional Power Competitive Perfectionistic

Role Clarity and Role Conflict

Clear Roles - - -- --
'Fit In' -- -- -- --
(Inconsistent Roles) ++ ++ ++ ++
(Think Differently) ++ ++ ++ ++

Quality of Service
Customers Feel Good about Service - -- -- --
Changing needs of Customers 0 -- 0 0
Repeat Business -- -- -- --
Superior Customer Service -- -- 0 0
Recommend Organization to Customers 0 -- -- 0

Employee Satisfaction
Satisfied -- -- -- --
Intention to Stay -- -- -- --
Recommend Organization as a Good Place to Work -- -- -- --

+ Significant Positive Correlation (at the .05 level)

++ Significant Positive Correlation (at the .01 level)

- Significant Negative Correlation (at the .05 level)

-- Significant Negative Correlation (at the .01 level)

0 No Significant Correlation

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1996 All Rights Reserved January 2002
(All Respondents)
Comparative Profiles
Role Conflict -- Low
(Bottom 15%)

Role Conflict -- High

(Top 15%)

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
(All Respondents)
Comparative Profiles
Quality of Service -- High
(Top 15%)

Quality of Service Low

(Bottom 15%)

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
(All Respondents)
Comparative Profiles
Employee Satisfaction -- High
(Top 15%)

Employee Satisfaction -- Low

(Bottom 15%)

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002

Culture (Subgroups)

This section of the report includes the results for the cultural norms measured by the OCI broken
down by the key subgroups identified by your organization. Combined with the information
provided in the other sections of this report, these results will enable you to determine whether:

subcultures exist within your organization; and

additional cultural change efforts (beyond those outlined for the organization as a whole)
need to be undertaken at the subgroup level.

Detailed descriptions of the cultural norms measured by the OCI, guidelines in reading and
interpreting OCI profiles, and your organizations current and ideal culture profiles are included in
the Culture (All Respondents) section of this report.

Interpreting Your Subgroups OCI Results

The OCI results reported in this section describe cultural norms of particular subgroups in terms of
the extent to which certain behaviors and personal styles are expected (i.e., the current culture).
These results are reported on the OCI circumplex as well as in tabular form.

The OCI circumplex converts your subgroups unadjusted (or raw) scores along the 12 cultural
norms to percentile scores that provide a more realistic picture of the culture. In interpreting your
subgroups current culture profile, you will want to identify the direction of the culture (i.e., the
cultural norms that describe the way in which subgroup members are encouraged to think and
behave). The direction of your subgroups culture may be discerned by identification of the primary
and secondary styles. The primary style is the most extended cultural norm in your profile and
describes the way in which members of your subgroup are predominantly encouraged to think and
behave. The secondary style is the second most extended cultural norm in your profile and
typically works with the primary style or is expected when the behaviors included in the primary
style cannot be enacted.

The table corresponding to your subgroups OCI results includes your subgroups percentile scores
as well as the raw scores for each of the 12 cultural norms. Differences between the scores of
your subgroup along the 12 cultural norms measured by the OCI and those of the other subgroups
provide an indication of whether or not your subgroup has its own subculture. Subcultures are
reflected in OCI results that are significantly different from those of the rest of the organization. A
subculture can be characterized by norms that are in opposition to those of the rest of the
organization (counter-culture) or it can be characterized by complementary or extreme levels of
particular norms and expectations.

When the entire population (or a very large percentage) of an organization has been surveyed
regarding the culture, any differences between a subgroups raw scores and those of the other
subgroups are significant and indicate the existence of subcultures. However, when only a sample
of members are surveyed regarding the culture, a statistical test may be used to estimate the
likelihood that any differences that are observed are significant (rather than due to chance or
sampling error). The significance of the difference between your subgroups raw scores for each of

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1998. All Rights Reserved. January 2002

the 12 cultural norms and those of the rest of the subgroups were tested using a Student t-test.
Raw scores that are statistically significantly different from those of the other subgroups are
indicated by asterisks (*). The more asterisks next to the raw score, the higher the level of
statistical significance.

In addition to the raw scores and percentile scores, the tables included in this section report the
standard deviations of the responses around the raw scores. The standard deviations provide you
with an indication of the intensity or amount of agreement among respondents regarding the extent
to which particular norms are predominant within your subgroup. The interpretive comments
regarding the intensity of your subgroups culture (e.g., strong, moderate, weak) are based on
comparisons to the distribution of standard deviations reported by over 700 other organizational
units in which the OCI was administered.

In interpreting the current culture of your subgroup, consider both direction and intensity. Direction
tells you what is (and is not) expected; intensity tells you how widely shared these expectations are
within your subgroup. Determine whether your subgroups culture is a subculture or a reflection of
the larger organizational culture. Compare your subgroups culture profile to the ideal culture
profile for your organization (included in the Culture (All Respondents) section of this report) and,
if the data were collected, to the ideal culture profile for your subgroup (which would be included in
this section). List any gaps between your subgroups current culture and the ideal culture. Then,
turn to the correlation results summarizing the relationship between the 12 cultural norms and the
complementary outcome items included in OCI (included in the Complementary Outcome Items
(Subgroups) section) to determine which cultural gaps are most critical in terms of improving along
the outcomes targeted by your organization.

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1998. All Rights Reserved. January 2002

Current Culture
Accounting & Finance

Overall, the strongest extensions are in the Aggressive/Defensive cluster.

With respect to the specific cultural norms, your

Primary Style is Perfectionistic Secondary Style is Competitive

People are expected to: People are expected to:

Persist, Endure Be a "Winner"
Keep on Top of Everything Be Seen and Noticed
Appear Competent and Independent Out-Perform Their Peers

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002

Current Culture
Accounting & Finance

Constructive Styles Percentile Raw Std. Intensity Significant

Score Score Deviation (Based on SD) Differences
Humanistic 64.00% 29.00 5.33 Average **
Affiliative 12.00% 26.17 4.31 Strong
Achievement 75.00% 30.17 4.45 Strong **
Self-Actualizing 56.00% 26.00 2.45 Very Strong ***

Passive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity Significant

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD) Differences
Approval 47.00% 21.17 2.64 Very Strong ***
Conventional 52.00% 23.83 7.14 Weak *
Dependent 34.00% 23.67 7.26 Very Weak
Avoidance 80.00% 19.33 5.92 Weak

Aggressive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity Significant

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD) Differences
Oppositional 78.00% 19.33 3.93 Average *
Power 93.00% 25.33 6.71 Weak
Competitive 94.00% 25.67 6.50 Weak
Perfectionistic 96.00% 29.67 6.89 Weak ***

Raw scores that are statistically different from the raw scores for the rest of the organization
are indicated by asterisks (*p<.05; **p<.01; ***p<.001).

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002

Ideal Culture
Accounting & Finance

Overall, the strongest extensions are in the Constructive cluster.

With respect to the specific cultural norms, your

Primary Style is Humanistic Secondary Style is Self-Actualizing

Ideally, people should be expected to: Ideally, people should be expected to:
Give Positive Rewards to Others Maintain Their Personal Integrity
Encourage Others Emphasize Quality Over Quantity
Help Others to Grow and Develop Enjoy Their Work

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002

Ideal Culture
Accounting & Finance

Constructive Styles Percentile Raw Std. Intensity

Score Score Deviation (Based on SD)
Humanistic 97.00% 36.17 3.19 Very Strong
Affiliative 81.00% 34.00 2.37 Very Strong
Achievement 93.00% 32.67 1.97 Very Strong
Self-Actualizing 96.00% 31.67 1.37 Very Strong

Passive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD)
Approval 19.00% 18.17 2.99 Very Strong
Conventional 24.00% 20.83 3.54 Very Strong
Dependent 5.00% 17.80 1.64 Very Strong
Avoidance 22.00% 14.00 2.61 Very Strong

Aggressive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD)
Oppositional 66.00% 18.00 3.79 Strong
Power 52.00% 19.50 2.43 Very Strong
Competitive 67.00% 19.83 5.56 Average
Perfectionistic 31.00% 21.67 3.98 Strong

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
Ideal Culture
Organizational Readiness for Change

To What Extent Items

Accounting & Finance

to a very 5.00
great extent








not at all 1.00

Maximize your Enhance the Work More Require Consistent with Practical and
Contributions Quality of Efficiently Teamwork Mission Realistic

Accounting & Finance

To what extent would this type of culture Mean Std.

enable you to develop your capabilities and maximize your contributions 4.33 0.82
enhance the quality of products/services offered by your organization 4.17 0.98
require people like yourself to work more efficiently and effectively 4.67 0.52
require members to develop better teamwork, communication, and interpersonal skills 4.67 0.52
be consistent with the mission, philosophy, and/or "values" of the organization 4.33 0.82
be practical and realistic for an organization in the same industry 3.83 1.17

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
Ideal Culture
Organizational Readiness for Change

To What Extent Items

(Movement towards an Ideal Culture)

Accounting & Finance

to a very 5.00
great extent







not at all 1.00

Feasible and Supported by Top Supported by Supported by Create Increase your
Attainable Management Middle Non Management Uncertainty and Commitment
Management Tension

Accounting & Finance

To what extent would movement towards this type of culture Mean Std.
be feasible and attainable in your organization 3.67 0.82
be supported by top-level management 3.50 1.05
be supported by middle management 3.67 0.52
be supported by non-managerial personnel 3.83 0.75
create uncertainty and tension for members 2.17 0.98
increase your commitment to the organization 4.50 0.55

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002

Current Culture
Engineering & Design

Overall, the strongest extensions are in the Aggressive/Defensive cluster.

With respect to the specific cultural norms, your

Primary Style is Oppositional Secondary Style is Avoidance

People are expected to: People are expected to:

Look for Mistakes Push Decisions Upward
Point Out Flaws Take Few Chances
Question Decisions Made by Others Never be the one Blamed for

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002

Current Culture
Engineering & Design

Constructive Styles Percentile Raw Std. Intensity Significant

Score Score Deviation (Based on SD) Differences
Humanistic 23.00% 24.40 5.50 Average
Affiliative 13.00% 26.40 5.77 Average
Achievement 33.00% 26.00 6.44 Weak
Self-Actualizing 37.00% 24.75 4.86 Average

Passive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity Significant

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD) Differences
Approval 78.00% 24.00 5.00 Average
Conventional 76.00% 26.00 2.55 Very Strong
Dependent 51.00% 25.20 6.26 Weak
Avoidance 96.00% 23.40 6.69 Weak *

Aggressive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity Significant

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD) Differences
Oppositional 96.00% 22.80 5.93 Weak **
Power 94.00% 25.80 6.46 Weak
Competitive 94.00% 25.60 6.19 Average
Perfectionistic 84.00% 26.60 5.03 Average

Raw scores that are statistically different from the raw scores for the rest of the organization
are indicated by asterisks (*p<.05; **p<.01; ***p<.001).

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002

Ideal Culture
Engineering & Design

Overall, the strongest extensions are in the Constructive cluster.

With respect to the specific cultural norms, your

Primary Style is Humanistic Secondary Style is Achievement

Ideally, people should be expected to: Ideally, people should be expected to:
Resolve Conflicts Constructively Think Ahead and Plan
Encourage Others Pursue a Standard of Excellence
Be Supportive of Others Explore Alternatives Before Acting

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002

Ideal Culture
Engineering & Design

Constructive Styles Percentile Raw Std. Intensity

Score Score Deviation (Based on SD)
Humanistic 97.00% 35.60 2.97 Very Strong
Affiliative 86.00% 34.60 3.44 Very Strong
Achievement 96.00% 34.00 3.37 Very Strong
Self-Actualizing 89.00% 29.40 2.07 Very Strong

Passive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD)
Approval 48.00% 21.20 2.77 Very Strong
Conventional 31.00% 21.75 2.36 Very Strong
Dependent 19.00% 22.25 3.30 Very Strong
Avoidance 24.00% 14.20 2.17 Very Strong

Aggressive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD)
Oppositional 86.00% 20.00 2.45 Very Strong
Power 64.00% 20.40 5.32 Average
Competitive 81.00% 21.75 6.18 Average
Perfectionistic 46.00% 23.00 5.34 Average

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
Ideal Culture
Organizational Readiness for Change

To What Extent Items

Engineering & Design

to a very 5.00
great extent








not at all 1.00

Maximize your Enhance the Work More Require Consistent with Practical and
Contributions Quality of Efficiently Teamwork Mission Realistic

Engineering & Design

To what extent would this type of culture Mean Std.

enable you to develop your capabilities and maximize your contributions 4.40 0.55
enhance the quality of products/services offered by your organization 4.60 0.55
require people like yourself to work more efficiently and effectively 4.40 0.55
require members to develop better teamwork, communication, and interpersonal skills 4.40 0.55
be consistent with the mission, philosophy, and/or "values" of the organization 4.40 0.55
be practical and realistic for an organization in the same industry 4.40 0.55

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
Ideal Culture
Organizational Readiness for Change

To What Extent Items

(Movement towards an Ideal Culture)

Engineering & Design

to a very 5.00
great extent







not at all 1.00

Feasible and Supported by Supported by Supported by Create Increase your
Attainable Top Middle Non Uncertainty and Commitment
Management Management Management Tension

Engineering & Design

To what extent would movement towards this type of culture Mean Std.
be feasible and attainable in your organization 3.60 0.55
be supported by top-level management 3.60 1.14
be supported by middle management 3.60 0.55
be supported by non-managerial personnel 4.00 0.00
create uncertainty and tension for members 2.80 0.84
increase your commitment to the organization 4.60 0.55

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002

Current Culture
Production & Planning

Overall, the strongest extensions are in the Aggressive/Defensive cluster.

With respect to the specific cultural norms, your

Primary Style is Competitive Secondary Style is Oppositional

People are expected to: People are expected to:

Be a "Winner" Look for Mistakes
Out-Perform Their Peers Point Out Flaws
Maintain an Image of Superiority Question Decisions Made by Others

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002

Current Culture
Production & Planning

Constructive Styles Percentile Raw Std. Intensity Significant

Score Score Deviation (Based on SD) Differences
Humanistic 42.00% 26.62 6.15 Average
Affiliative 17.00% 27.27 6.14 Weak *
Achievement 45.00% 27.57 5.16 Average
Self-Actualizing 32.00% 24.24 4.89 Average

Passive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity Significant

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD) Differences
Approval 78.00% 23.95 5.75 Average
Conventional 75.00% 25.90 5.19 Average
Dependent 57.00% 25.71 5.51 Average
Avoidance 85.00% 20.14 7.81 Very Weak

Aggressive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity Significant

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD) Differences
Oppositional 93.00% 21.55 4.36 Average *
Power 90.00% 24.14 5.78 Average
Competitive 95.00% 25.90 6.33 Weak *
Perfectionistic 77.00% 25.73 5.75 Weak

Raw scores that are statistically different from the raw scores for the rest of the organization
are indicated by asterisks (*p<.05; **p<.01; ***p<.001).

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002

Current Culture
Information Systems

Overall, the strongest extensions are in the Aggressive/Defensive cluster.

With respect to the specific cultural norms, your

Primary Style is Avoidance Secondary Style is Competitive

People are expected to: People are expected to:

Make "Popular" Rather than Be Seen and Noticed
Necessary Decisions Out-Perform Their Peers
Push Decisions Upward Be a "Winner"
Never be the one Blamed for

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002

Current Culture
Information Systems

Constructive Styles Percentile Raw Std. Intensity Significant

Score Score Deviation (Based on SD) Differences
Humanistic 31.00% 25.29 5.28 Average
Affiliative 5.00% 24.14 4.78 Strong *
Achievement 19.00% 24.71 3.64 Strong ***
Self-Actualizing 15.00% 22.00 3.27 Very Strong ***

Passive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity Significant

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD) Differences
Approval 81.00% 24.29 4.31 Strong
Conventional 79.00% 26.43 4.35 Strong
Dependent 55.00% 25.57 3.74 Strong
Avoidance 91.00% 21.14 4.34 Strong

Aggressive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity Significant

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD) Differences
Oppositional 87.00% 20.29 2.75 Very Strong
Power 81.00% 22.57 6.55 Weak
Competitive 91.00% 24.14 5.64 Average
Perfectionistic 78.00% 25.86 7.36 Very Weak

Raw scores that are statistically different from the raw scores for the rest of the organization
are indicated by asterisks (*p<.05; **p<.01; ***p<.001).

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002

Ideal Culture
Information Systems

Overall, the strongest extensions are in the Constructive cluster.

With respect to the specific cultural norms, your

Primary Style is Humanistic Secondary Style is Self-Actualizing

Ideally, people should be expected to: Ideally, people should be expected to:
Encourage Others Maintain Their Personal Integrity
Resolve Conflicts Constructively Enjoy Their Work
Be Supportive of Others Emphasize Quality Over Quantity

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002

Ideal Culture
Information Systems

Constructive Styles Percentile Raw Std. Intensity

Score Score Deviation (Based on SD)
Humanistic 98.00% 37.00 3.34 Very Strong
Affiliative 82.00% 34.14 2.48 Very Strong
Achievement 94.00% 33.00 2.83 Very Strong
Self-Actualizing 94.00% 30.25 2.71 Very Strong

Passive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD)
Approval 8.00% 16.50 2.83 Very Strong
Conventional 14.00% 19.50 3.25 Very Strong
Dependent 5.00% 19.00 3.21 Very Strong
Avoidance 8.00% 12.13 2.17 Very Strong

Aggressive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD)
Oppositional 29.00% 15.50 1.85 Very Strong
Power 11.00% 14.50 4.00 Very Strong
Competitive 21.00% 14.63 3.16 Very Strong
Perfectionistic 15.00% 20.00 2.27 Very Strong

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
Ideal Culture
Organizational Readiness for Change

To What Extent Items

Information Systems

to a very 5.00
great extent








not at all 1.00

Maximize your Enhance the Work More Require Consistent with Practical and
Contributions Quality of Efficiently Teamwork Mission Realistic

Information Systems

To what extent would this type of culture Mean Std.

enable you to develop your capabilities and maximize your contributions 4.63 0.52
enhance the quality of products/services offered by your organization 4.63 0.52
require people like yourself to work more efficiently and effectively 4.63 0.52
require members to develop better teamwork, communication, and interpersonal skills 4.63 0.52
be consistent with the mission, philosophy, and/or "values" of the organization 4.50 0.76
be practical and realistic for an organization in the same industry 4.13 0.99

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
Ideal Culture
Organizational Readiness for Change

To What Extent Items

(Movement towards an Ideal Culture)

Information Systems

to a very 5.00
great extent







not at all 1.00

Feasible and Supported by Supported by Supported by Create Increase your
Attainable Top Middle Non Uncertainty and Commitment
Management Management Management Tension

Information Systems

To what extent would movement towards this type of culture Mean Std.
be feasible and attainable in your organization 2.75 1.04
be supported by top-level management 3.13 1.36
be supported by middle management 4.00 0.76
be supported by non-managerial personnel 4.50 0.76
create uncertainty and tension for members 2.25 0.89
increase your commitment to the organization 4.25 0.46

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002

Current Culture

Overall, the strongest extensions are in the Aggressive/Defensive cluster.

With respect to the specific cultural norms, your

Primary Style is Power Secondary Style is Competitive

People are expected to: People are expected to:

Act Forceful Be a "Winner"
Use the Authority of Their Position Be Seen and Noticed
Personally Run Everything Maintain an Image of Superiority

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002

Current Culture

Constructive Styles Percentile Raw Std. Intensity Significant

Score Score Deviation (Based on SD) Differences
Humanistic 61.00% 28.75 7.32 Weak *
Affiliative 14.00% 26.50 3.42 Very Strong
Achievement 63.00% 29.25 4.72 Average
Self-Actualizing 52.00% 25.75 3.10 Very Strong *

Passive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity Significant

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD) Differences
Approval 59.00% 22.25 4.35 Strong
Conventional 29.00% 21.50 9.11 Very Weak **
Dependent 44.00% 24.67 11.37 Very Weak
Avoidance 84.00% 20.00 10.30 Very Weak

Aggressive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity Significant

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD) Differences
Oppositional 86.00% 20.00 4.24 Average
Power 89.00% 24.00 7.53 Weak
Competitive 88.00% 23.25 8.77 Very Weak
Perfectionistic 61.00% 24.25 5.74 Weak

Raw scores that are statistically different from the raw scores for the rest of the organization
are indicated by asterisks (*p<.05; **p<.01; ***p<.001).

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002

Ideal Culture

Overall, the strongest extensions are in the Constructive cluster.

With respect to the specific cultural norms, your

Primary Style is Humanistic Secondary Style is Self-Actualizing

Ideally, people should be expected to: Ideally, people should be expected to:
Help Others Think for Themselves Maintain Their Personal Integrity
Encourage Others Enjoy Their Work
Help Others to Grow and Develop Think in Unique and Independent

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002

Ideal Culture

Constructive Styles Percentile Raw Std. Intensity

Score Score Deviation (Based on SD)
Humanistic 96.00% 35.00 3.74 Very Strong
Affiliative 67.00% 32.50 2.52 Very Strong
Achievement 92.00% 32.50 3.51 Very Strong
Self-Actualizing 93.00% 30.00 3.16 Very Strong

Passive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD)
Approval 13.00% 17.50 6.35 Weak
Conventional 4.00% 15.25 6.40 Weak
Dependent 6.00% 19.25 4.35 Strong
Avoidance 5.00% 11.50 4.36 Average

Aggressive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD)
Oppositional 61.00% 17.75 2.50 Very Strong
Power 31.00% 17.50 5.92 Average
Competitive 31.00% 16.00 6.73 Weak
Perfectionistic 9.00% 18.75 5.56 Weak

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
Ideal Culture
Organizational Readiness for Change

To What Extent Items


to a very 5.00
great extent








not at all 1.00

Maximize your Enhance the Work More Require Consistent with Practical and
Contributions Quality of Efficiently Teamwork Mission Realistic


To what extent would this type of culture Mean Std.

enable you to develop your capabilities and maximize your contributions 4.50 0.58
enhance the quality of products/services offered by your organization 4.50 0.58
require people like yourself to work more efficiently and effectively 4.50 0.58
require members to develop better teamwork, communication, and interpersonal skills 4.50 0.58
be consistent with the mission, philosophy, and/or "values" of the organization 4.00 1.00
be practical and realistic for an organization in the same industry 4.25 0.96

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
Ideal Culture
Organizational Readiness for Change

To What Extent Items

(Movement towards an Ideal Culture)


to a very 5.00
great extent







not at all 1.00

Feasible and Supported by Supported by Supported by Create Increase your
Attainable Top Middle Non Uncertainty and Commitment
Management Management Management Tension


To what extent would movement towards this type of culture Mean Std.
be feasible and attainable in your organization 2.25 1.26
be supported by top-level management 2.50 1.00
be supported by middle management 3.00 1.15
be supported by non-managerial personnel 2.75 0.96
create uncertainty and tension for members 3.25 0.96
increase your commitment to the organization 4.00 1.41

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002

Current Culture
Product Sales

Overall, the strongest extensions are in the Aggressive/Defensive cluster.

With respect to the specific cultural norms, your

Primary Style is Oppositional Secondary Style is Competitive

People are expected to: People are expected to:

Look for Mistakes Out-Perform Their Peers
Point Out Flaws Be a "Winner"
Question Decisions Made by Others Be Seen and Noticed

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002

Current Culture
Product Sales

Constructive Styles Percentile Raw Std. Intensity Significant

Score Score Deviation (Based on SD) Differences
Humanistic 43.00% 26.78 6.20 Average
Affiliative 16.00% 27.04 6.26 Weak
Achievement 58.00% 28.70 5.50 Average **
Self-Actualizing 29.00% 23.96 4.48 Strong

Passive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity Significant

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD) Differences
Approval 52.00% 21.65 4.77 Strong ***
Conventional 70.00% 25.43 6.46 Weak
Dependent 51.00% 25.26 4.51 Average
Avoidance 81.00% 19.52 6.85 Weak *

Aggressive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity Significant

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD) Differences
Oppositional 90.00% 20.83 5.57 Weak
Power 84.00% 23.10 5.76 Average *
Competitive 90.00% 23.70 6.96 Weak *
Perfectionistic 65.00% 24.57 4.70 Average **

Raw scores that are statistically different from the raw scores for the rest of the organization
are indicated by asterisks (*p<.05; **p<.01; ***p<.001).

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002

Current Culture
Order Processing

Overall, the strongest extensions are in the Aggressive/Defensive cluster.

With respect to the specific cultural norms, your

Primary Style is Competitive Secondary Style is Power

People are expected to: People are expected to:

Be a "Winner" Play "Politics" to Gain Influence
Be Seen and Noticed Act Forceful
Out-Perform Their Peers Be Hard, Tough

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002

Current Culture
Order Processing

Constructive Styles Percentile Raw Std. Intensity Significant

Score Score Deviation (Based on SD) Differences
Humanistic 30.00% 25.18 5.06 Average
Affiliative 21.00% 27.80 6.66 Weak *
Achievement 46.00% 27.64 6.38 Weak
Self-Actualizing 36.00% 24.67 4.24 Strong

Passive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity Significant

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD) Differences
Approval 90.00% 25.73 3.41 Very Strong ***
Conventional 78.00% 26.36 3.38 Very Strong
Dependent 72.00% 27.18 2.99 Very Strong ***
Avoidance 93.00% 22.09 6.70 Weak *

Aggressive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity Significant

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD) Differences
Oppositional 87.00% 20.27 4.45 Average
Power 94.00% 25.82 5.55 Average **
Competitive 96.00% 27.18 2.14 Very Strong ***
Perfectionistic 86.00% 26.91 4.48 Strong *

Raw scores that are statistically different from the raw scores for the rest of the organization
are indicated by asterisks (*p<.05; **p<.01; ***p<.001).

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002

Ideal Culture
Order Processing

Overall, the strongest extensions are in the Constructive cluster.

With respect to the specific cultural norms, your

Primary Style is Humanistic Secondary Style is Achievement

Ideally, people should be expected to: Ideally, people should be expected to:
Help Others to Grow and Develop Pursue a Standard of Excellence
Encourage Others Think Ahead and Plan
Resolve Conflicts Constructively Work for the Sense of

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002

Ideal Culture
Order Processing

Constructive Styles Percentile Raw Std. Intensity

Score Score Deviation (Based on SD)
Humanistic 98.00% 37.91 1.92 Very Strong
Affiliative 96.00% 36.91 2.59 Very Strong
Achievement 98.00% 36.27 2.37 Very Strong
Self-Actualizing 97.00% 33.09 3.02 Very Strong

Passive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD)
Approval 40.00% 20.36 4.27 Strong
Conventional 19.00% 20.27 4.38 Strong
Dependent 7.00% 19.64 4.15 Strong
Avoidance 8.00% 12.09 2.43 Very Strong

Aggressive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD)
Oppositional 40.00% 16.20 2.70 Very Strong
Power 40.00% 18.45 3.05 Very Strong
Competitive 31.00% 16.09 3.24 Very Strong
Perfectionistic 32.00% 21.73 3.85 Strong

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
Ideal Culture
Organizational Readiness for Change

To What Extent Items

Order Processing

to a very 5.00
great extent








not at all 1.00

Maximize your Enhance the Work More Require Consistent with Practical and
Contributions Quality of Efficiently Teamwork Mission Realistic

Order Processing

To what extent would this type of culture Mean Std.

enable you to develop your capabilities and maximize your contributions 4.91 0.30
enhance the quality of products/services offered by your organization 4.91 0.30
require people like yourself to work more efficiently and effectively 4.91 0.30
require members to develop better teamwork, communication, and interpersonal skills 4.91 0.30
be consistent with the mission, philosophy, and/or "values" of the organization 4.55 0.69
be practical and realistic for an organization in the same industry 4.09 1.04

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
Ideal Culture
Organizational Readiness for Change

To What Extent Items

(Movement towards an Ideal Culture)

Order Processing

to a very 5.00
great extent







not at all 1.00

Feasible and Supported by Supported by Supported by Create Increase your
Attainable Top Middle Non Uncertainty and Commitment
Management Management Management Tension

Order Processing

To what extent would movement towards this type of culture Mean Std.
be feasible and attainable in your organization 3.27 1.19
be supported by top-level management 3.55 1.21
be supported by middle management 3.64 1.29
be supported by non-managerial personnel 4.00 1.10
create uncertainty and tension for members 3.55 1.44
increase your commitment to the organization 4.82 0.40

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002

Current Culture
Customer Support

Overall, the strongest extensions are in the Aggressive/Defensive cluster.

With respect to the specific cultural norms, your

Primary Style is Competitive Secondary Style is Power

People are expected to: People are expected to:

Be Seen and Noticed Use the Authority of Their Position
Out-Perform Their Peers Stay on the Offensive
Be a "Winner" Play "Politics" to Gain Influence

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002

Current Culture
Customer Support

Constructive Styles Percentile Raw Std. Intensity Significant

Score Score Deviation (Based on SD) Differences
Humanistic 66.00% 29.25 6.40 Weak **
Affiliative 34.00% 29.25 3.40 Very Strong ***
Achievement 58.00% 28.75 6.95 Weak
Self-Actualizing 23.00% 23.25 6.60 Weak

Passive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity Significant

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD) Differences
Approval 86.00% 25.00 5.83 Weak
Conventional 77.00% 26.25 4.79 Strong
Dependent 61.00% 26.00 7.07 Very Weak
Avoidance 81.00% 19.50 4.73 Average

Aggressive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity Significant

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD) Differences
Oppositional 54.00% 17.25 2.22 Very Strong ***
Power 90.00% 24.25 8.06 Weak
Competitive 91.00% 24.00 8.04 Weak
Perfectionistic 87.00% 27.00 7.75 Very Weak

Raw scores that are statistically different from the raw scores for the rest of the organization
are indicated by asterisks (*p<.05; **p<.01; ***p<.001).

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002

Ideal Culture
Customer Support

Overall, the strongest extensions are in the Constructive cluster.

With respect to the specific cultural norms, your

Primary Style is Humanistic Secondary Style is Achievement

Ideally, people should be expected to: Ideally, people should be expected to:
Encourage Others Pursue a Standard of Excellence
Involve Others in Decisions Affecting Work for the Sense of
Them Accomplishment
Resolve Conflicts Constructively Explore Alternatives Before Acting

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002

Ideal Culture
Customer Support

Constructive Styles Percentile Raw Std. Intensity

Score Score Deviation (Based on SD)
Humanistic 98.00% 37.50 1.73 Very Strong
Affiliative 83.00% 34.25 0.96 Very Strong
Achievement 97.00% 36.00 2.58 Very Strong
Self-Actualizing 96.00% 31.50 3.11 Very Strong

Passive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD)
Approval 17.00% 18.00 3.27 Very Strong
Conventional 11.00% 19.00 2.94 Very Strong
Dependent 5.00% 18.00 1.41 Very Strong
Avoidance 8.00% 12.00 2.16 Very Strong

Aggressive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD)
Oppositional 61.00% 17.75 0.96 Very Strong
Power 36.00% 18.00 2.16 Very Strong
Competitive 35.00% 16.50 2.38 Very Strong
Perfectionistic 10.00% 19.00 3.92 Strong

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
Ideal Culture
Organizational Readiness for Change

To What Extent Items

Customer Support

to a very 5.00
great extent








not at all 1.00

Maximize your Enhance the Work More Require Consistent with Practical and
Contributions Quality of Efficiently Teamwork Mission Realistic

Customer Support

To what extent would this type of culture Mean Std.

enable you to develop your capabilities and maximize your contributions 4.50 0.58
enhance the quality of products/services offered by your organization 4.75 0.50
require people like yourself to work more efficiently and effectively 4.75 0.50
require members to develop better teamwork, communication, and interpersonal skills 5.00 0.00
be consistent with the mission, philosophy, and/or "values" of the organization 5.00 0.00
be practical and realistic for an organization in the same industry 4.25 0.96

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
Ideal Culture
Organizational Readiness for Change

To What Extent Items

(Movement towards an Ideal Culture)

Customer Support

to a very 5.00
great extent







not at all 1.00

Feasible and Supported by Supported by Supported by Create Increase your
Attainable Top Middle Non Uncertainty and Commitment
Management Management Management Tension

Customer Support

To what extent would movement towards this type of culture Mean Std.
be feasible and attainable in your organization 3.25 0.96
be supported by top-level management 3.00 1.41
be supported by middle management 3.00 0.82
be supported by non-managerial personnel 3.75 0.50
create uncertainty and tension for members 2.50 1.29
increase your commitment to the organization 4.25 0.50

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002

Current Culture
Packaging & Shipping

Overall, the strongest extensions are in the Aggressive/Defensive cluster.

With respect to the specific cultural norms, your

Primary Style is Avoidance Secondary Style is Oppositional

People are expected to: People are expected to:

Push Decisions Upward Look for Mistakes
Never be the one Blamed for Question Decisions Made by Others
Problems Point Out Flaws
Make "Popular" Rather than
Necessary Decisions

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002

Current Culture
Packaging & Shipping

Constructive Styles Percentile Raw Std. Intensity Significant

Score Score Deviation (Based on SD) Differences
Humanistic 22.00% 24.19 5.86 Average ***
Affiliative 5.00% 23.74 7.49 Weak ***
Achievement 36.00% 26.65 5.48 Average *
Self-Actualizing 19.00% 22.65 5.30 Average **

Passive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity Significant

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD) Differences
Approval 75.00% 23.67 4.18 Strong
Conventional 77.00% 26.22 5.60 Average
Dependent 59.00% 25.91 6.36 Weak
Avoidance 92.00% 21.50 7.18 Weak

Aggressive/Defensive Percentile Raw Std. Intensity Significant

Styles Score Score Deviation (Based on SD) Differences
Oppositional 91.00% 21.09 5.12 Weak
Power 89.00% 24.13 7.71 Weak
Competitive 91.00% 24.04 7.62 Weak
Perfectionistic 72.00% 25.22 5.74 Weak

Raw scores that are statistically different from the raw scores for the rest of the organization
are indicated by asterisks (*p<.05; **p<.01; ***p<.001).

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002

Complementary Outcomes

This section includes the results for the complementary outcome items included in the OCI broken
down by the key subgroups identified by your organization. In conjunction with the comparison
between your subgroups current culture profile and the organizations ideal culture profile, the
information provided in this section will enable you to determine whether changes are warranted for
your subgroup and the direction in which such changes should take place.

Interpreting Your Subgroups OCI Results for the Complementary

The Complementary Outcomes (All Respondents) section of this report includes detailed
descriptions of the outcomes measured by the OCI as well as the implications of high and low
scores. You may want to refer back to these descriptions as you review the subgroup results.

Included in this section are barcharts and tables that allow you to compare your subgroups results
along the outcome items to the results of other subgroups, the results of your organization, our
Historical Averages, and our Constructive Benchmarks. The Historical Averages are based on the
average scores of over 700 organizational units along the OCI complementary outcomes. The
Constructive Benchmarks are based on the average scores of approximately 120 organizational
units with relatively strong Constructive (above the 60th percentile) and relatively weak
Passive/Defensive and Aggressive/Defensive (below the 50th percentile) cultural norms.

The barcharts provide a visual comparison of the average (mean) outcome scores for the different
subgroups, your organization, the Historical Average sample, and the Constructive Benchmark
sample at the scale level. The tables also summarize the results for the outcome items.

As you review the outcome results for your subgroup, list out any outcomes along which your
subgroup needs to make improvements. The item-level results included in the tables will provide
you with a more detailed understanding of the direction(s) along which your subgroup could

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1998. All Rights Reserved. January 2002
To What Extent Items
(Role Clarity and Role Conflict)

Accounting & Finance

to a very 5.00
great extent








not at all Clear Roles 'Fit In' (Inconsistent Roles) (Think Differently)

To what extent Accounting & Finance All Respondents Historical Average Constructive Benchmark

To what extent... Mean Std.

Deviation you clearly know what is expected of you as a member of this organization 4.00 0.63
do you feel you comfortably "fit in" as a member of this organization 3.17 0.75
(do you receive inconsistent messages regarding what is expected) 2.67 0.52
(does your job require you to think differently than would otherwise be the case) 2.83 1.17

(Items in parentheses) are reversed worded

i.e., higher scores are more negative

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
To What Extent Items
(Quality of Service)

Accounting & Finance

to a very
great extent








not at all Customers Feel Changing needs of Repeat Business Superior Customer Recommend
Good about Service Customers Service Organization to

Accounting & Finance All Respondents Historical Average Constructive Benchmark

To what extent Mean Std.

would you personally go out of your way to make sure that a customer/client 4.67 0.82
feels good about the service you've provided
does the organization respond effectively to the changing needs of its customers 3.67 0.82
do you believe the organization will get repeat business from its present customers 3.83 0.41
does your organization have a reputation for superior customer service 3.00 0.89
would you recommend this organization to potential customers/clients seeking 3.67 0.82
the products or services it offers

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
To What Extent Items
(Employee Satisfaction)

Accounting & Finance

to a very
great extent








not at all
Satisfied Intention to Stay Recommend Organization

Accounting & Finance All Respondents Historical Average Constructive Benchmark

To what extent Mean Std.

are you satisfied being a member of this organization 3.67 0.52
do you expect to be with this organization two years from now 3.67 1.03
would you recommend this organization as a good place to work 3.67 0.82

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
To What Extent Items
(Role Clarity and Role Conflict)

Engineering & Design

to a very 5.00
great extent








not at all Clear Roles 'Fit In' (Inconsistent Roles) (Think Differently)

To what extent Engineering & Design All Respondents Historical Average Constructive Benchmark

To what extent... Mean Std.

Deviation you clearly know what is expected of you as a member of this organization 3.80 0.45
do you feel you comfortably "fit in" as a member of this organization 3.20 0.45
(do you receive inconsistent messages regarding what is expected) 3.20 0.84
(does your job require you to think differently than would otherwise be the case) 3.80 0.84

(Items in parentheses) are reversed worded

i.e., higher scores are more negative

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
To What Extent Items
(Quality of Service)

Engineering & Design

to a very
great extent








not at all Customers Feel Changing needs of Repeat Business Superior Customer Recommend
Good about Service Customers Service Organization to

Engineering & Design All Respondents Historical Average Constructive Benchmark

To what extent Mean Std.

would you personally go out of your way to make sure that a customer/client 4.60 0.55
feels good about the service you've provided
does the organization respond effectively to the changing needs of its customers 3.40 0.55
do you believe the organization will get repeat business from its present customers 4.20 0.45
does your organization have a reputation for superior customer service 3.40 0.55
would you recommend this organization to potential customers/clients seeking 4.20 0.45
the products or services it offers

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
To What Extent Items
(Employee Satisfaction)

Engineering & Design

to a very
great extent








not at all
Satisfied Intention to Stay Recommend Organization

Engineering & Design All Respondents Historical Average Constructive Benchmark

To what extent Mean Std.

are you satisfied being a member of this organization 3.40 0.55
do you expect to be with this organization two years from now 3.60 1.14
would you recommend this organization as a good place to work 3.40 0.89

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
To What Extent Items
(Role Clarity and Role Conflict)

Production & Planning

to a very 5.00
great extent








not at all Clear Roles 'Fit In' (Inconsistent Roles) (Think Differently)

To what extent Production & Planning All Respondents Historical Average Constructive Benchmark

To what extent... Mean Std.

Deviation you clearly know what is expected of you as a member of this organization 3.86 0.77
do you feel you comfortably "fit in" as a member of this organization 3.32 1.13
(do you receive inconsistent messages regarding what is expected) 2.45 1.06
(does your job require you to think differently than would otherwise be the case) 2.55 1.10

(Items in parentheses) are reversed worded

i.e., higher scores are more negative

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
To What Extent Items
(Quality of Service)

Production & Planning

to a very
great extent








not at all Customers Feel Changing needs of Repeat Business Superior Customer Recommend
Good about Service Customers Service Organization to

Production & Planning All Respondents Historical Average Constructive Benchmark

To what extent Mean Std.

would you personally go out of your way to make sure that a customer/client 4.36 0.85
feels good about the service you've provided
does the organization respond effectively to the changing needs of its customers 3.59 0.80
do you believe the organization will get repeat business from its present customers 3.73 0.77
does your organization have a reputation for superior customer service 3.23 0.92
would you recommend this organization to potential customers/clients seeking 3.73 0.77
the products or services it offers

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
To What Extent Items
(Employee Satisfaction)

Production & Planning

to a very
great extent








not at all
Satisfied Intention to Stay Recommend Organization

Production & Planning All Respondents Historical Average Constructive Benchmark

To what extent Mean Std.

are you satisfied being a member of this organization 3.45 0.91
do you expect to be with this organization two years from now 3.45 1.01
would you recommend this organization as a good place to work 3.27 1.03

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
To What Extent Items
(Role Clarity and Role Conflict)

Information Systems

to a very 5.00
great extent








not at all Clear Roles 'Fit In' (Inconsistent Roles) (Think Differently)

To what extent Information Systems All Respondents Historical Average Constructive Benchmark

To what extent... Mean Std.

Deviation you clearly know what is expected of you as a member of this organization 3.43 0.79
do you feel you comfortably "fit in" as a member of this organization 3.14 0.69
(do you receive inconsistent messages regarding what is expected) 3.43 1.13
(does your job require you to think differently than would otherwise be the case) 2.86 0.38

(Items in parentheses) are reversed worded

i.e., higher scores are more negative

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
To What Extent Items
(Quality of Service)

Information Systems

to a very
great extent








not at all Customers Feel Changing needs of Repeat Business Superior Customer Recommend
Good about Service Customers Service Organization to

Information Systems All Respondents Historical Average Constructive Benchmark

To what extent Mean Std.

would you personally go out of your way to make sure that a customer/client 4.71 0.49
feels good about the service you've provided
does the organization respond effectively to the changing needs of its customers 3.29 0.49
do you believe the organization will get repeat business from its present customers 3.71 0.49
does your organization have a reputation for superior customer service 2.86 0.69
would you recommend this organization to potential customers/clients seeking 3.29 0.49
the products or services it offers

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
To What Extent Items
(Employee Satisfaction)

Information Systems

to a very
great extent








not at all
Satisfied Intention to Stay Recommend Organization

Information Systems All Respondents Historical Average Constructive Benchmark

To what extent Mean Std.

are you satisfied being a member of this organization 3.43 0.98
do you expect to be with this organization two years from now 3.43 0.98
would you recommend this organization as a good place to work 3.00 1.15

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
To What Extent Items
(Role Clarity and Role Conflict)


to a very 5.00
great extent








not at all Clear Roles 'Fit In' (Inconsistent Roles) (Think Differently)

To what extent Marketing All Respondents Historical Average Constructive Benchmark

To what extent... Mean Std.

Deviation you clearly know what is expected of you as a member of this organization 3.00 0.82
do you feel you comfortably "fit in" as a member of this organization 2.75 1.50
(do you receive inconsistent messages regarding what is expected) 2.75 1.26
(does your job require you to think differently than would otherwise be the case) 2.25 1.26

(Items in parentheses) are reversed worded

i.e., higher scores are more negative

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
To What Extent Items
(Quality of Service)


to a very
great extent








not at all Customers Feel Changing needs of Repeat Business Superior Customer Recommend
Good about Service Customers Service Organization to

Marketing All Respondents Historical Average Constructive Benchmark

To what extent Mean Std.

would you personally go out of your way to make sure that a customer/client 4.25 0.96
feels good about the service you've provided
does the organization respond effectively to the changing needs of its customers 3.25 0.50
do you believe the organization will get repeat business from its present customers 3.75 0.96
does your organization have a reputation for superior customer service 2.25 0.50
would you recommend this organization to potential customers/clients seeking 3.75 1.26
the products or services it offers

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
To What Extent Items
(Employee Satisfaction)


to a very
great extent








not at all
Satisfied Intention to Stay Recommend Organization

Marketing All Respondents Historical Average Constructive Benchmark

To what extent Mean Std.

are you satisfied being a member of this organization 2.75 0.96
do you expect to be with this organization two years from now 3.33 1.15
would you recommend this organization as a good place to work 3.00 0.82

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
To What Extent Items
(Role Clarity and Role Conflict)

Product Sales

to a very 5.00
great extent








not at all Clear Roles 'Fit In' (Inconsistent Roles) (Think Differently)

To what extent Product Sales All Respondents Historical Average Constructive Benchmark

To what extent... Mean Std.

Deviation you clearly know what is expected of you as a member of this organization 3.78 0.90
do you feel you comfortably "fit in" as a member of this organization 3.35 0.98
(do you receive inconsistent messages regarding what is expected) 2.13 1.18
(does your job require you to think differently than would otherwise be the case) 2.52 1.27

(Items in parentheses) are reversed worded

i.e., higher scores are more negative

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
To What Extent Items
(Quality of Service)

Product Sales

to a very
great extent








not at all Customers Feel Changing needs of Repeat Business Superior Customer Recommend
Good about Service Customers Service Organization to

Product Sales All Respondents Historical Average Constructive Benchmark

To what extent Mean Std.

would you personally go out of your way to make sure that a customer/client 4.43 1.08
feels good about the service you've provided
does the organization respond effectively to the changing needs of its customers 3.43 0.84
do you believe the organization will get repeat business from its present customers 4.09 0.79
does your organization have a reputation for superior customer service 3.61 0.89
would you recommend this organization to potential customers/clients seeking 3.77 1.02
the products or services it offers

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
To What Extent Items
(Employee Satisfaction)

Product Sales

to a very
great extent








not at all
Satisfied Intention to Stay Recommend Organization

Product Sales All Respondents Historical Average Constructive Benchmark

To what extent Mean Std.

are you satisfied being a member of this organization 3.70 0.93
do you expect to be with this organization two years from now 3.70 0.93
would you recommend this organization as a good place to work 3.52 1.04

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
To What Extent Items
(Role Clarity and Role Conflict)

Order Processing

to a very 5.00
great extent








not at all Clear Roles 'Fit In' (Inconsistent Roles) (Think Differently)

To what extent Order Processing All Respondents Historical Average Constructive Benchmark

To what extent... Mean Std.

Deviation you clearly know what is expected of you as a member of this organization 4.00 0.89
do you feel you comfortably "fit in" as a member of this organization 4.00 1.00
(do you receive inconsistent messages regarding what is expected) 3.00 1.18
(does your job require you to think differently than would otherwise be the case) 3.00 1.34

(Items in parentheses) are reversed worded

i.e., higher scores are more negative

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
To What Extent Items
(Quality of Service)

Order Processing

to a very
great extent








not at all Customers Feel Changing needs of Repeat Business Superior Customer Recommend
Good about Service Customers Service Organization to

Order Processing All Respondents Historical Average Constructive Benchmark

To what extent Mean Std.

would you personally go out of your way to make sure that a customer/client 4.64 0.50
feels good about the service you've provided
does the organization respond effectively to the changing needs of its customers 3.45 1.37
do you believe the organization will get repeat business from its present customers 3.55 1.04
does your organization have a reputation for superior customer service 3.09 1.45
would you recommend this organization to potential customers/clients seeking 3.82 1.17
the products or services it offers

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
To What Extent Items
(Employee Satisfaction)

Order Processing

to a very
great extent








not at all
Satisfied Intention to Stay Recommend Organization

Order Processing All Respondents Historical Average Constructive Benchmark

To what extent Mean Std.

are you satisfied being a member of this organization 3.64 0.92
do you expect to be with this organization two years from now 3.36 0.92
would you recommend this organization as a good place to work 3.55 1.13

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
To What Extent Items
(Role Clarity and Role Conflict)

Customer Support

to a very 5.00
great extent








not at all Clear Roles 'Fit In' (Inconsistent Roles) (Think Differently)

To what extent Customer Support All Respondents Historical Average Constructive Benchmark

To what extent... Mean Std.

Deviation you clearly know what is expected of you as a member of this organization 4.25 0.50
do you feel you comfortably "fit in" as a member of this organization 3.25 0.96
(do you receive inconsistent messages regarding what is expected) 2.00 0.82
(does your job require you to think differently than would otherwise be the case) 2.75 1.26

(Items in parentheses) are reversed worded

i.e., higher scores are more negative

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
To What Extent Items
(Quality of Service)

Customer Support

to a very
great extent








not at all Customers Feel Changing needs of Repeat Business Superior Customer Recommend
Good about Service Customers Service Organization to

Customer Support All Respondents Historical Average Constructive Benchmark

To what extent Mean Std.

would you personally go out of your way to make sure that a customer/client 4.75 0.50
feels good about the service you've provided
does the organization respond effectively to the changing needs of its customers 3.00 1.41
do you believe the organization will get repeat business from its present customers 3.50 1.00
does your organization have a reputation for superior customer service 3.00 1.15
would you recommend this organization to potential customers/clients seeking 4.00 0.00
the products or services it offers

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
To What Extent Items
(Employee Satisfaction)

Customer Support

to a very
great extent








not at all
Satisfied Intention to Stay Recommend Organization

Customer Support All Respondents Historical Average Constructive Benchmark

To what extent Mean Std.

are you satisfied being a member of this organization 3.00 0.82
do you expect to be with this organization two years from now 2.50 1.29
would you recommend this organization as a good place to work 3.25 0.96

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
To What Extent Items
(Role Clarity and Role Conflict)

Packaging & Shipping

to a very 5.00
great extent








not at all Clear Roles 'Fit In' (Inconsistent Roles) (Think Differently)

To what extent Packaging & Shipping All Respondents Historical Average Constructive Benchmark

To what extent... Mean Std.

Deviation you clearly know what is expected of you as a member of this organization 3.39 0.94
do you feel you comfortably "fit in" as a member of this organization 3.17 1.27
(do you receive inconsistent messages regarding what is expected) 2.70 1.18
(does your job require you to think differently than would otherwise be the case) 2.48 0.90

(Items in parentheses) are reversed worded

i.e., higher scores are more negative

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
To What Extent Items
(Quality of Service)

Packaging & Shipping

to a very
great extent








not at all Customers Feel Changing needs of Repeat Business Superior Customer Recommend
Good about Service Customers Service Organization to

Packaging & Shipping All Respondents Historical Average Constructive Benchmark

To what extent Mean Std.

would you personally go out of your way to make sure that a customer/client 4.57 0.59
feels good about the service you've provided
does the organization respond effectively to the changing needs of its customers 3.04 0.98
do you believe the organization will get repeat business from its present customers 3.78 0.67
does your organization have a reputation for superior customer service 3.26 0.96
would you recommend this organization to potential customers/clients seeking 3.52 0.90
the products or services it offers

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002
To What Extent Items
(Employee Satisfaction)

Packaging & Shipping

to a very
great extent








not at all
Satisfied Intention to Stay Recommend Organization

Packaging & Shipping All Respondents Historical Average Constructive Benchmark

To what extent Mean Std.

are you satisfied being a member of this organization 3.30 1.06
do you expect to be with this organization two years from now 3.35 1.30
would you recommend this organization as a good place to work 3.04 1.26

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997 All Rights Reserved January 2002

Subgroup Name Frequency Percentage

Accounting & Finance 42 5.71%
Engineering & Design 35 4.76%
Production & Planning 154 20.95%
Information Systems 49 6.67%
Marketing 28 3.81%
Product Sales 161 21.90%
Order Processing 77 10.48%
Customer Support 28 3.81%
Packaging & Shipping 161 21.90%
prefer not to respond/missing 0 0.00%
Organizational Level Frequency Percentage
Non-Management 98 13.33%
Line Management 224 30.48%
Middle Management 175 23.81%
Senior Management 49 6.67%
Executive/Senior Vice President 14 1.90%
CEO/President 0 0.00%
Owner 0 0.00%
prefer not to respond/missing 175 23.81%
Years with Organization Frequency Percentage
Less than 6 months 7 0.95%
6 months to 1 year 42 5.71%
1 to 2 years 49 6.67%
2 to 4 years 119 16.19%
4 to 6 years 35 4.76%
6 to 10 years 133 18.10%
10 to 15 years 91 12.38%
More than 15 years 105 14.29%
prefer not to respond/missing 154 20.95%
Gender Frequency Percentage
Female 133 18.10%
Male 441 60.00%
prefer not to respond/missing 161 21.90%
Ethnic Frequency Percentage
Asian 21 2.86%
Black or African American 35 4.76%
Hispanic 14 1.90%
White/Caucasian 434 59.05%
Other 0 0.00%
prefer not to respond/missing 231 31.43%
Education Frequency Percentage
High School 14 1.90%
Some College 154 20.95%
Associate's/Technical Degree 49 6.67%
Bachelor's Degree 210 28.57%
Some Graduate Work 63 8.57%
Master's Degree 105 14.29%
Doctoral Degree 0 0.00%
Other 0 0.00%
prefer not to respond/missing 140 19.05%

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. Sample, Inc.

Copyright 1997. All Rights Reserved. January 2002
This report was prepared exclusively for the use of
Sample, Inc.
All material contained herein are Copyright 1998 by
Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc.
216 Campus Drive, Arlington Heights IL 60004
phone: (847) 590-0995 fax: (847) 590-0997
All Rights Reserved

Human Synergistics, Inc. is committed to designing, developing, and producing

quality human- and organizational-development materials, programs, and
processes that focus on achieving the highest level of client satisfaction,
producing measurable results, and encouraging autonomy in their application by
client organizations.

Human Synergistics has offices in Michigan, Illinois, Canada, Australia,

Finland, New Zealand, England and Ireland.

human synergistics/
center for applied research, inc.
Planning for Cultural Change
Results Listed below are the complementary outcome measures included
in the OCI. Descriptions of these measures and your
to organizations results are provided in the Complementary
Outcomes (All Respondents) section of the OCI Feedback Report.
be Using the information contained in the Outcomes section as well
Attained as your own observations, work through the following steps to
determine the results to be attained from cultural change efforts
initiated within your organization.

Step 1: Review the Gap Barchart for the Complementary Out-

comes. Using the list below, check off those items along which
your organization fell below benchmark levels (that is, check off
those outcomes that have a negative gap).

Role Conflict Role Clarity

___Comfortably fit in ___Clearly know what is
___(Receive inconsistent expected
messages regarding
expectations) Quality of Service
___(Required to think ___Customers feel good about
differently) service
___Responsive to changing
Employee Satisfaction needs of customers
___Satisfied being a member ___Get repeat business
___Expect to be with organi- ___Reputation for superior
zation 2 years from now customer service
___Recommend organization ___Recommend organization to
as good place to work potential customers/clients

Step 2: Review the Implications of High and Low Scores for

those outcomes along which your organization scored below
benchmark levels. Based on what you have read, identify 3 out-
comes that are most in need of improvement within your organiza-
tion. These will be your targeted outcomes for improvement.

Targeted Outcome 1:_____________________________

Targeted Outcome 2:_____________________________

Targeted Outcome 3:_____________________________

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. 1

Copyright 1997. All Rights Reserved.
Step 3: Review the Complementary Outcome Barcharts and
Tables. Based on the item-level results (provided in the tables),
describe your organizations goals for improvement for each of your
targeted outcomes. (For example, if members clearly know what
is expected is an outcome targeted for improvement, specify the
behaviors and results that would indicate improved role clarity.)

Goals for Targeted Outcome 1:__________________________


Goals for Targeted Outcome 2:__________________________


Goals for Targeted Outcome 3:__________________________


Step 4: List any outcomes not measured by the OCI that your
organization also needs to target for change and improvement.
Define the goals for improvement for each of these outcomes.

Additional Targeted Outcome:___________________________

Goals for Improvement:_________________________________


Additional Targeted Outcome:___________________________

Goals for Improvement:_________________________________


Additional Targeted Outcome:___________________________

Goals for Improvement:_________________________________


Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. 2

Copyright 1997. All Rights Reserved.
Cultural Descriptions of the cultural norms measured by the OCI and your
organizations OCI results are provided in the Culture (All
Targets Respondents) section of the OCI Feedback Report. Using the
information provided in the Culture section, identify which aspects
of your organizations culture need to be changed in order for your
organization to attain desired results along outcomes.

Step 1: Review your organizations current and ideal OCI profiles.

Which 2 cultural norms have the greatest direction (i.e., are most
extended from the center of the circumplex) in the current and ideal
profiles? Which 2 cultural norms have the least direction (i.e., are
least extended from the center of the circumplex) in the current and
ideal profiles? Referring to the statistical tables that correspond to
the culture profiles, what are the intensities (or amount of
agreement among respondents) of the norms that you identified?

Most Extended Cultural Norms:

Current Profile Ideal Profile

Norm:_______________ Norm:_______________
Intensity:_____________ Intensity:_____________

Norm:_______________ Norm:_______________
Intensity:_____________ Intensity:_____________

Least Extended Cultural Norms:

Current Profile Ideal Profile

Norm:_______________ Norm:_______________
Intensity:_____________ Intensity:_____________

Norm:_______________ Norm:_______________
Intensity:_____________ Intensity:_____________

Step 2: Along which 2 cultural norms do you see the greatest gaps
between current and ideal?

Culture Gaps:

____________________ ____________________

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. 3

Copyright 1997. All Rights Reserved.
Step 3: Review the Correlations between Your Organizations
Culture and the Complementary Outcomes, included in the
Complementary Outcomes section of the report. Which 2 cultural
norms are most strongly related to the outcomes targeted for
improvement the strongest norms in the Ideal profile, the
weakest norms in the Current profile, or the norms with the greatest
gaps between Current and Ideal? These will be your cultural
targets for change.

Then, referring to the OCI Item and Gap Analyses, define your
cultural change goals for each of your cultural targets in terms of
the specific expectations for behavior that need to be increased or
decreased within your organization.

Cultural Target 1:______________________________________

Goals for Cultural Change:______________________________


Cultural Target 2:______________________________________

Goals for Cultural Change:______________________________


Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. 4

Copyright 1997. All Rights Reserved.
Readiness Your organizations results with respect to its readiness for
change are presented in the Culture (All Respondents) section
for of the OCI Feedback Report. Use the readiness for change
information to anticipate sources of resistance to and support for
Change cultural change efforts.

Step 1: Based on your organizations readiness for change

results, where within your organization do you anticipate the
greatest sources of resistance to cultural change? Where do
you anticipate the greatest sources of support?

Sources of resistance to Sources of support for

change likely include change likely include

Step 2: Based on the results regarding anticipated effects of

cultural change as well as your own observations, what are the
fears or concerns behind the sources of resistance?

The fears or concerns that will need to be addressed in

order to facilitate successful cultural change include

Step 3: How can your organization overcome these sources of

resistance to cultural change?

We can overcome these sources of resistance by

Step 4: How can the likely sources of support for cultural

change be used to facilitate the change effort?

Sources of support can facilitate the change effort by

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. 5

Copyright 1997. All Rights Reserved.
Levers At this point, you will want to identify the internal systems,
processes, practices, and structures that need to be modified or
for reengineered to help you meet your cultural targets. Ideas
regarding the possible levers that you can use to change your
Cultural organizations culture may be found in the Executive Summary
Change (Implications for Culture Change), in the Introduction section of
the report (see the Theoretical Model), and in the
Complementary Outcomes section of the report (Implications of
High and Low Scores on the Complementary Outcomes).

Think about the various factors at the member/job, manager/unit,

and organizational levels that have an impact on or influence
employees behavior within your organization. What could be done
differently at each level in order to better reinforce the behaviors
that are consistent with your cultural targets?

Step 1: Starting with the organizational level, what could be done

differently to better reinforce or encourage the behaviors that are
consistent with your cultural targets?

Organizational Level Lever 1:____________________

Changes to be made:___________________________

Organizational Level Lever 2:____________________

Changes to be made:___________________________

Organizational Level Lever 3:____________________

Changes to be made:___________________________

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. 6

Copyright 1997. All Rights Reserved.
Step 2: At the manager or unit level, what could be done
differently to better reinforce or encourage the behaviors that are
consistent with your cultural targets?

Manager/Unit Level Lever 1:_____________________

Changes to be made:___________________________

Manager/Unit Level Lever 2:_____________________

Changes to be made:___________________________

Manager/Unit Level Lever 3:_____________________

Changes to be made:___________________________

Step 3: Finally, what could be done differently at the member/job

level to better reinforce or encourage the behaviors that are
consistent with your cultural targets?

Member/Job Level Lever 1:______________________

Changes to be made:___________________________

Member/Job Level Lever 2:______________________

Changes to be made:___________________________

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. 7

Copyright 1997. All Rights Reserved.
Member/Job Level Lever 3:______________________

Changes to be made:___________________________

Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research, Inc. 8

Copyright 1997. All Rights Reserved.

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