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Mark* Control System

Energy Technical Training

*Trademark of the General Electric Company.


Learn to trace signals in ToolboxST* using the

Finder tool and Where Used Tab

Chapter 8 Finder

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The Finder tool allows us to trace signals and

see where they are used in the application
Finder also has a search and replace feature

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Launching Finder

To open finder you must be in the component editor,

Library container editor or WorkstationST component
Or Click on the binoculars icon on the toolbar

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Using Finder Method Anywhere

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Using Finder Method Begins With

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Using Finder Method Ends With

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Using Finder Match Exactly

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Using Finder Method Match Whole

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Using Finder Method Wildcards

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Search Scope

Capable of searching the entire system or a

much more limited scope such as open
components or a device
Keep scope as limited as possible save time
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Find Results Tab

Results in specific order

Pin Definition
Where used in Software
Where used in Hardware
Double click on line in results tab will automatically take the user to the
highlighted location in the editor
Limitation no visual flag where variable is written

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Where Used Tab

Used to locate signals the same as finder except

Faster to use
Used when we are tracing a signal already
visible in the component or library container
To use highlight the variable you want to find
using the mouse
Results are updated in the Where Used tab
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Where Used Tab -2

Pin Definition is the first result returned

Blue Pen on Yellow Notepad where signal is written
Double-clicking on line in Where Used tab will
automatically take the user to the highlighted location in
the editor

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Search for LIGHT1 using Finder and trace
backwards in the software to see what controls
LIGHT1 using the Where Used tab.

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Example 2

Double-click on the PinVariable line

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Example 3

Select the Where Used tab

Double-click on the line where the signal is

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Example 4

The Signal Name is highlighted in Blue

Select the SWITCH1 signal
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Example 5

SWITCH1 is a hardware point coming from PDIA-21 IOPack

TBCI terminal board Contact01
So LIGHT1 is controlled by SWITCH1 going true for 3
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