Syria Poll - Am

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Americans Back Airstrikes, but Leery of Deeper Involvement in Syria

April 7-9, 2017

Q1. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump is handling his job as president?

Total Rep Dem Ind
% % % %
Approve 43 83 11 42
Disapprove 49 12 83 47
Don't know/No answer 8 5 6 11

Q2. In response to the Syrian governments use of chemical weapons, do you approve or disapprove of the U.S.
launching airstrikes against Syrian military targets?

Approve 57 84 40 52
Disapprove 36 11 53 38
Don't know/No answer 8 5 7 10

Q3. In general, do you have confidence in Donald Trump's ability to handle the situation in Syria, or are you uneasy
about his approach?

Confident 41 79 11 39
Uneasy 54 19 84 53
Don't know/No answer 6 2 5 8

Q4. How far are you willing to have the U.S. go in its involvement with Syria?

Full US military involvement

including US ground troops in Syria 18 34 11 14
Only US airstrikes, but no US
ground troops 30 37 25 30
Only US diplomatic talks, but no
further US military action 26 12 40 26
No US involvement at all 15 8 18 17
Don't know/No answer 10 9 6 12

Q5. Do you think it is necessary for Congress to approve any further U.S. military action in Syria, or do you think Donald
Trump has the authority to take further military action in Syria without getting approval of Congress?

Necessary for Congress to approve 69 53 84 69

Has the authority to act without
getting approval 25 39 12 25
Don't know/No answer 6 8 4 6
Q6. Is the Syrian governments use of chemical weapons:

Total Rep Dem Ind
% % % %
Immoral and a direct threat to U.S. 45 61 39 41
Immoral but not a direct threat
to U.S. 42 31 47 45
Not a concern either way 7 5 9 7
Don't know/No answer 5 3 5 6

Q7. In general, do you have confidence in Donald Trump's ability to handle the situation with North Koreas nuclear
program, or are you uneasy about his approach?

Confident 39 78 12 34
Uneasy 56 20 85 57
Don't know/No answer 6 2 3 9

Q8. As president, do you think Donald Trump is too friendly toward Russia, too hostile toward Russia, or is his approach
about right?

Too friendly 35 10 62 30
Too hostile 8 3 10 10
About right 48 83 18 47
Don't know/No answer 10 4 9 13

Unweighted Weighted
Total Respondents 1006

Total Republicans 286 256

Total Democrats 297 305
Total Independents 423 445

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