99 Qualities

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From The Sufi Book of Life: 99 Pathways of the Heart for the Modern Dervish

Penguin Putnam March 2005 Copyright Neil Douglas-Klotz 2004


Setting Out on the Journey

When you are guided to this pathway of the Heart, take a moment to breathe, and begin what you are about to do whole-

0. The Yes and No of Existence
When you are guided to this pathway of the Heart, take a moment to reflect on the quality in you that unites all qualities,
that joins the "yes" and "no" of your being.
1. The Sun of Love
The All Mercitfull
from The Sufi Book of Life: 99 Pathways of the Heart for the Modern Dervish (Penguin Putnam)
2. The Moon of Love
The All Beneficient
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to consider your capacity to receive deep love and compassion
on all levels of your being. fe: 99 Pathways of the Heart for the Modern Dervish (Penguin Putnam)
3. The I Can Power of the Cosmos
The Absolute Ruler
When you are guided to this pathway of the heart, take the opportunity to focus on the "I Can!"the vision-powerof the
cosmos coming through you.
4. Sacred Space
The Pure One
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to clear a sacred space inside to remember what's really
important in life.
5. Peace at the Beginning
The Source of Peace
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to meditate on the beginnings of the universe and the potential
present before creation, and to remember the source of the deepest peace.
6. Support
The Inspirer of Faith
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to feel the support of the universe just as surely as you feel the
earth under your feet.

7. Protection
The Guardian
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to contact your highest guidance and your connection with your
teachers. Feel divine support combining with life energy to create a blanket of protection surrounding you.
8. The Strength of Form
The Victorious
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to feel the embodied strength of the One moving through you,
at the same time that it also moves through everything that has material form.
9. Repair and Restoration
The Compeller
When you are guided to this pathway, it is an opportunity to feel the restorative power of the One and to take action to
heal what has been broken.

10. Concentration
The Greatest
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to find the divine focus in your own ability to concentrate.
11. Carving and Forming
The Creator
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to feel the hands of the Holy One as your hands, carving out a
new life and shaping it creatively.

12. Radiating Creativity
The Maker of Order
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to feel the potential to create something completely new and
different, something from what seems like nothing.

13. Designing and Training
The Shaper or Beauty
When you are guided to this pathway, it is an opportunity to feel the One's power to design a new existence for you, and
to gradually guide and train you to experience it in the most loving, blessed way possible.

14. Burning Away Tension and Hurt
The Forgiving
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to release any restriction or constriction you feel, with regard
to your self or another, into the heat and fire of Unity.
15. Natural Power
The Subduer
When you are drawn towards this pathway, take the opportunity to feel the overwhelming, primordial power of nature as
part of your own being, spreading through your life.
16. Flowing Blessings
The Giver of All
When you are guided to this pathway, you have the opportunity to enter the flow of Allah's love-filled grace.
17. Sustenance
The Sustainer
When you are guided towards this pathway, take the opportunity to receive the nourishing sustenance of the One Being,
and to explore your relationship to feeding and being fed.

18. Opening to Unitys Breath
The Opener
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to experience the Sacred Unity opening you to your destiny.
19. Understanding Names and Forms
The Knower of All
When you are guided to this pathway, you have the opportunity to allow the depth of Unity to penetrate your learning and
20. Contracting Boundaries
The Constrictur
When you are guided to this pathway, you have the opportunity to realize your self more fully by closing boundaries of
your being that may have opened too far.
21. Expanding Boundaries
The Reliever
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to allow Allah to gradually expand your boundariesphysical,
mental, emotional and psychic.

22. Diminshment
The Abaser
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to honor the part of your being that may feel small, immature,
depressed or diminished.

23. Exaltation
The Exalter
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to contact the part of your being that feels like jumping for joy,
honored and exalted.

24. High Self Esteem
The Bestower of Honors
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to contact the place in your soul where you find stability and
feel evidence of the One's beauty, grace and richness in your soul, the place of sacred high self-esteem.
25. Low Self Esteem
The Humiliator
When you are guided towards this pathway, take the opportunity to acknowledge and include in your heart the place in you
that feels weak, exhausted, divided and over-extended, low in self-esteem because you feel that "you" have to do it all.
26. Awakened Hearing
The Hearer of All
When you are guided to this name, take the opportunity to stop and listen to the sounds of Sacred Unity all around you. In
each, there is a drop of the One, and in that drop is the ocean of all divine qualities.

27. Awakened Sight
The Seer of All
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to open your sense of sight to the light of Unity everywhere.

28. The Sacred Sixth Sense
The Judge
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to contact the place in you from which sensing arisesthe
Sacred Sense behind the outer senses of seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, tasting. Remain in the middle of the swirl of
impressions surrounding you as a witness.
29. Putting Things in Order
The Just
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to contact the place in your being that can put things in order
in your life. This is the face of the One Being in us that establishes material, mental and emotional justice.

30. Subtle Mystery
The Subtle One
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to contact the part of your being that reflects, and can reflect
upon, mystery and subtlety.
31. The Seed of Potential
The All Aware
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity rest in the place in your inner being that is germinating like a

32. Dissolving Chains
The Forebearing
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to feel the ropes entangling you stretching until they dissolve
and fall away.
33. Flexible Strength
The Magnificent
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to feel a flexible strength that can adapt to any situation and
yet remain rooted in, and moving toward, the purpose of your life.
34. The Forgiveness of Light
The Forgiver and Hider of Faults
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to touch the place in you that can deeply understand a
situation and so release an impression you are holding or heal a wound you are nursing.
35. Gratitude, Giving Back
The Rewarder of Thankfulness
When you are drawn to this pathway, take the opportunity to feel simple gratitude and follow all the divine light you have
received back to its source.
36. Experiencing Life at its Peak
The Highest
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to feel yourself at the peak of everything, including letting any
thought of your self disappear.

37. Outward Creative Power
The Greatest
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to reflect on the power that carved creation out of chaos and
that sustains creativity throughout the universe.
38. Remembrance and Preservation
The Preserver
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to sense the part of you that can quietly and confidently
protect the remembrance of Sacred Unity in your inner being.
39. Embodying a Steady State
The Nourisher
from The Sufi Book of Life: 99 Pathways of the Heart for the Modern Dervish (Penguin Putnam)
40. Feeling Divinity in the Details
The Accounter
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to find "Allah in the details" of the living process of your life.
41. Pooling Strength
The Mighty
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to affirm the deep ocean of resources in you that builds up
power internally.

42. Abundant Expression
The Generous
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to feel yourself part of Allah's continual, creative expression,
which carves out new realities each instant through an abundance of forms.

43. Watching with Presence
The Watchful One
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to view some person or relationship in your life with the clear,
compassionate gaze of Unity.
44. Reflective Listening
The Responder to Prayer
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to practice listening with presence. Feel as though you are a
full moon reflecting the light of the sun.

45. The Heart Has No Limits
The All Comprehending
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to touch the part of your deepest being that has limitless
capacity to hold and embrace whatever comes into its orbit.
46. Discriminating Wisdom
The Perfectly Wise
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to connect with the part of your being that expresses the One's
discriminating wisdom.
47. Love is a Give and Take
The Loving One
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to call to the part of yourself that reflects the constant
exchange between lover and beloved in every particle of the universe.
48. Dazzling Energy
The Majestic One
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to celebrate the life energy that acts visibly, in a memorable
and stunning way, through you and all beings.

49. The Return of What Passes Away
The Resurrector
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to celebrate the divine quality that recycles everything that,
within and around you, fades away and has only limited lifespan.
50. Experiencing a Universe of Unity
The Witness
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to speak and act from your experience of the Reality shared by
all beings.

51. The Truth in Each Moment
The Truth
When you are drawn to this pathway, take the opportunity to make space for the amount of divine life energy that you are
able to embody at this moment and experience this as your 'truth' in this moment.

52. Meeting Challenges
The Trustee
When you are drawn to his pathway, take the opportunity to affirm the sacred power within you to meet challenges and
obstacles, and to bring all circles full.

53. Winds of Change
The Possessor of All Strength
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to feel the winds of change blowing the superficiality of your
life away.
54. Step-by-step Persistence
The Forceful One
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to connect with the sacred quality of practicality and
deliberation, of small steps taken over a long period of time.
55. Friendship
The Governor
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to reflect on friendship in your life, or to befriend a voice of
your self's inner community.

56. The Gift of Purpose
The Praised One
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to affirm the place in your being that expresses your unique
purpose in life, that quality or gift that you only you can offer.
57. Assessing What Is
The Appraiser
When you are drawn to this pathway, take the opportunity to stop and look through the eyes of divine clarity at your life as
it is right now.
58. Individuated Creation
The Originator
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to find the place in you that is helping you grow more and
more into yourself, a unique, fully human, being.
59. Reviving What is Worn Down
The Restorer
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to breathe new energy into something in your life that seems
tired or worn down.
60. Personal Life Energy
The Giver of Life
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to focus on the ways in which life energy already embodies
itself in your life.
61. Transition
The Taker of Life
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to remember that all formed, embodied existencethoughts,
feelings, identities, and bodiescomes to an end, and opens a door to another world.

62. Universal Life Energy
The Ever Living ONe
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to drink in the universal life energy of the One wherever you
find it around you.
63 Rebounding
The Self Existing One
When you are guided to this pathway, feel the "rebound" of Reality that allows you to pick yourself up and come to
standing again.
64. Extraordinary Sensing
The Finder
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to contact the place in you where the One Being opens your
inner senses to the subtle activities of the divine life around you.
65. Channeling Extraordinary Power
The Glorious
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to affirm the magic of life. Remember that anything you do
displays the power and life energy of the One.
66. Counting to One
The Only One
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to breathe and "count to one" with each breath. In whatever
situation you are facing, no matter how it appears, feel the divine heart within your own heart.
67. Uniquely One
The One
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to touch the place in your heart that feels uniquely you. Then
feel your own heart as part of the heart of Sacred Unity.
68. Refuge for Every Need
The Satisfier of All Needs
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to remember that the One Being is a refuge for all
circumstances in life. It has no boundary that limits the sphere of life into which it can bring comfort.
69. Holding the Center
The All Powerful
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to contact the part of you that can hold the center point while
everything else swirls around you.
70. Embodying Power in Action
The Creator of All Power
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to feel the actual process of expressing divine power while you
are acting and to see everything around you expressing this same power to do and arrange things.

71. Preparing the Way
The Expeditor
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to acknowledge the part of your being that feels "oldest" and
prepare the way for power to flow through your life.
72. Doubling Back on the Path
The Delayer
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to see the divine in situations where you have to repeat
yourself or double back on your path.
73. Sacred Surprise
The First
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to open yourself to the unexpected, the face of Allah as Sacred
74. Completion
The Last
from The Sufi Book of Life: 99 Pathways of the Heart for the Modern Dervish (Penguin Putnam)
75. The Star
The Manifest One
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to focus on the face of the One Being in you that is
conspicuous, clear and radiating.

76. The Hidden Traveler
The Hidden One
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to focus on the face of the sacred in you that is hidden from
others, the One who "travels without feet."
77. Mastering Life
The Protecting Friend
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to feel the part of you that can bring harmony and a sense of
accomplishment to your life through loving self-discipline and a sense of inner mastery.
78. Inhabiting an Expanded Consciousness
The Supreme One
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to embody an expanded state of consciousness in order to
serve others. This part of your being is learning by the grace of the One how to, in a small way, bring heaven to earth.
79. Burnishing
The Doer of Good
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to feel the blessing of the One that burnishes and purifies your
heart, which allows you to sort the real from the unreal.
80. Returning to Rhythm
The Guide to Repentance
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to stop what you are doing, soften within and allow your heart
to return to the right rhythm in time with the heart of the Beloved.

81. Sweeping Out
The Avenger
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to consciously sweep from your heart anything that feels
superficial or affected, anything that you have taken on in order to please others.
82. Blowing Away the Ashes
The Giver
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to blow away anything you don't need that is sitting on the
surface of your heart, like blowing away the ashes left after a fire.
83. Healing Wings
The Clement
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to experience and express the compassionate, regenerative
power of the One reconnecting your heart to Unity.

84. Passionate Vision
The Owner of All
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to open your heart to a passionate vision that would compel
you to live your life in service to Unity

85. Overwhelming Power and Beauty
The Lord of Majesty and Bounty
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to feel humbled by a wave of divine power and abundance
flowing over and through you.
86. New Roots, New Foundation
The Equitable One
When you are guided to this name, take the opportunity to feel your feet, find your roots and establish a foundation that
cannot be shaken.
87. Gathering Gems
The Gatherer
from The Sufi Book of Life: 99 Pathways of the Heart for the Modern Dervish (Penguin Putnam)
88. Tending Your Garden
The Rich One
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to feel your heart as a garden in which everything you need is
growing. See yourself living in this garden.
89. Lifes Larger Garden
The Enricher
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to see all of life as the embodiment of one garden with One
Gardener tending it.

90. The Gift of Resistance
The Preventer of Harm
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to contact the part of your being that acts to slow things down,
to take away in order to give, to weaken in order to strengthen.
91. Pain and Loss
The Creator of the Harmful
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to reflect upon the bigger picture of any pain, loss and need
you feel at the moment.

92. Immediately Useful Blessing
The Creator of Good
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to receive from within you whatever gift or quality would help
you right now . This is the "wild card" blessing: it can be whatever you need to help your expand your heart and life.
93. The Light of Intelligence
The Light
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to reflect on the divine intelligence that has illuminated and is
illuminating your life.
94. Most Direct Guidance
The Guide
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to check in with your highest guidance. Open yourself to hear
its clear, direct voice.

95. Unexpected Wonder
The Ori
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to open yourself to the joy and wonder you experienced as a
child, when you looked into the night sky. The Beloved could be sending you a message right now that will illuminate your
whole life in a flash.
96. The Real that Remains
The Everlasting One
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to identify with what remains in you after all superficial
appearances and masks have dissolved, when you have released your attachment to everything you do and accomplish.
97. Reclaiming a Forgotten Inheritance
The Inheritor of All
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to remember your divine inheritance of natural strength and
98. Illuminating the Path of Growth
The Righteous Teacher
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to feel the divine light shining straight in front of you, revealing
the path of growth for you at this moment.
99. Perseverance
The Patient One
When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to persevere on your path, containing the light and intelligence
within you until the right time to reveal them.


(These termsgoodness, beauty, and so onare often capitalized by those

who write about Plato, in order to call attention to their exalted status; similarly
for Forms and Ideas.) The most fundamental distinction in Plato's philosophy
is between the many observable objects that appear beautiful (good, just, unified,
equal, big) and the one object that is what beauty (goodness, justice, unity)
really is, from which those many beautiful (good, just, unified, equal, big) things
receive their names and their corresponding characteristics.

1) Mental
2) Cause/Effect
3) Rhythm
4) Gender
5) Vibration
6) Correspondence
7) Polarity
The Jungian Archetypes

The Shadow
The Anima/Animus
The Self
Family archetypes
The father: Stern, powerful, controlling
The mother: Feeding, nurturing, soothing
The child: Birth, beginnings, salvation
Story archetypes
The hero: Rescuer, champion
The maiden: Purity, desire
The wise old man: Knowledge, guidance
The magician: Mysterious, powerful
The earth mother: Nature
The witch or sorceress: Dangerous
The trickster: Deceiving, hidden
Animal archetypes
The faithful dog: Unquestioning loyalty
The enduring horse: Never giving up
The devious cat: Self-serving

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