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Nursing Administration

1 Critically evaluate the patient care assignment used in the ward/hospital?

2 Describe the principle of nursing administration?
3 Describe the various methods of assignments of patient care?
4 Discuss how as a nurse manager you will perform each task?
5 Discuss principle to followed for effective performance be appraisal?
6 Discuss the main functions of PR department? What are the factors affecting PR?
7 Discuss the pattern of patient care assignment
8 Discuss the planning process? How is it helpful in nursing profession?
9 Discuss the standards of nursing care and nursing audit for maintaining quality of
nursing care.
10 Enumerate the broad area of nursing services in Hospitals?
11 Enumerate the principle of nursing administration?
12 Explain the characteristics of different approaches of administration and its rationality in
decision making?
13 Explain the element of administration and their significance in management of nursing
service department?
14 Explain the health system of India at national state and district level?
15 State the purposes of nursing service administration
16 What are the needs of performance appraisal? Is it helpful in retention of nursing staff?
17 What is the need of the communication with the patient?

3. Describe the various methods of assignments of patient care?

Several methods of assignment are used to plan for patient care in a hospital.

These methods are the traditional methods and the in advanced methods.

I- The traditional methods

1. Case method.

2. Functional method.

3. Team method.

4. Modular nursing.

5. Primary nursing method.

II- The advanced method

Case management

I- The traditional methods:


It is the oldest patient care delivery method. In this method one professional

nurse assumes total responsibility of providing complete care for one or more

patients (1-6) while she is on duty. This method is used frequently in intensive

care units and in teaching nursing students.


Emerged during 1950s, due to shortage of nurses. This method focuses on

getting the greatest amount of tasks in the least time. In this method, the

nursing care is divided into tasks and each staff member is assigning to

perform one or two tasks for all patients in the unit according to the level of

skill required for performance as follows:

Registered professional nurses:Responsible for administering medication to all unit patients,

another for changing dressings and administering ordered treatments (such as postural drainage
or warm compresses) for all patients.

Technical nurses:Responsible for taking vital signs and recording intake and output for all
patients in the unit, while another might be giving baths to all bedridden patients.

Nurse aides:Responsible for making beds for all ambulatory patients and assisting mobility-
impaired patients to move in bed or walk in the hall.

Unit clerk:Responsible for answering telephone, delivering messages, recording admissions

and discharges, etc


The concept of team nursing was introduced in the early 1950s. It is a method of nursing
assignment that binds professional, technical and nurse aides into small teams. This method
allows for efficient utilization of technical and/or nurses aide through the direct supervision,
guidance, and teaching of professional nurses.
Process of implementing the team method:

One registered nurse in the team is appointed by the head nurse to serve as a team leader. The
team members commonly consist of at least one professional nurse, one technical nurse, nursing
students and nursing aides. All team members may receive reports about their patients care
needs from the team leader or team member on previous shift.

The team leader usually assigns:

professional nurse to care for the most seriously ill patients, to ensure informed observation
and skilled interventions.

Often, the team leader assigns the technical nurse to bath, feed, and move and change
dressings for patients.

Aides are assigned to make beds, assist ambulatory patients with bathing and grooming,
testing urine and performing simple nursing care procedures.

Team leader usually administers medications and monitors parenteral fluid therapy for all
patients assigned to the team. Without team planning and communication through the team
conferences, team nursing may become in reality just a variation of the functional method

4. MODULAR NURSING:Modular nursing assignment is used when the nursing staff includes
technical and nurse aides, as well as professional nurses. Although two or three persons are
assigned to each module, the greatest responsibility for the care of assigned patients falls on the
professional nurse. The professional nurse is also responsible for guiding and teaching non-
professional nurse


This method is the best in an agency with an all-professional nurse staff. It is: A comprehensive,
continuous and coordinated nursing process for meeting the total needs of each patient. Basic
concepts in primary nursing:

Patient assessment by a primary nurse, who plans the care to be given by secondary or
associate nurse when the primary nurse is off duty. The 24 hours responsibility for care is put
into practice through the primary nurses written directive on a preplanned communication

Complete communication of care given in the nursing staff daily reporting method.

Discharge planning including teaching, family involvement and appropriate references.

II- The alternative method:


Case management is a process of monitoring an individual patients health care by the case
manger, for the purpose of maximizing positive outcomes and containing costs. The case manger
has graduate-level preparation or is at an advanced level of nursing practice. The case manager
role requires not only advanced nursing skills but also advanced managerial and communication

1. Critically evaluate the patient care assignment used in

the ward/hospital?

Definition of Assignment: Assignment refers to a written delegation

of duties to care for a group of patients by trained personnel assigned to the
Purposes of assignment:
1- To delegate the work to be done to the nursing personnel.
2- To gain the cooperation of the nursing personnel by knowing and accepting the
acceptance of the work to be done.

Principles of personnel assignment:

1. Made by the head nurse or nurse in charge for each individual nurse.

2. Based on :
a- Nursing needs of each patient and approximate time required to care for him.
b- The capabilities, skill level, previous experience and the interest of the staff
c- Job description.
3. Planned weekly, and revised daily if necessary to assure continuity of care.
4. Take into account all the direct , indirect and unit activities
5. Consider the geographical location of the unit and the assigned duties to save nurses
time and effort.
6. Must be balanced among nursing staff.
7. Never to assign the same task to more than one nurse.
Characteristics of effective assignment:
It should be
1. Definite and easily understood. 2. Simple. 3. Clear. 4. Signed.
5. Written. 6. Posted in advance

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