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Photo by Jena Arnott on a Fountainview Academy Senior Class Trip to Zimbabwe VOLUME 193
Each month well feature a reader-submitted photo or painting.
Submission guidelines and info can be found at
04/16 NUMBER 04

Often we can recognize Gods perfect plan
only when we look back.

How to go from one to the other
What explains the recent closing of several
Adventist schools? And how can we change things?


In a matter of seconds my tears of sorrow turned
to tears of joy. Something came over me, as if
God simply said OK and that was it. I felt His
peace, and for the first time, I experienced faith.

24 CHINESE BUDDHIST What if we could ask Ellen CECILIA LUCK
DAUGHTER White how she experienced Sometimes we suffer in silence.
LAEL CAESAR Gods invitation to be a Sometimes were able to name
disciple? our afiction.
28 GOD SENT ME TO GUAM JAMES HAGELE When God is willing,
LEO POIRIER We all grow. But some of us but we arent
30 COMMUNIST PARTY SON are more intentional about it
CRIS REYES than others.
THE ENVIRONMENT Christians caring for Christians:
Why hasnt anyone thought of
It surrounds us, but that before?
its up to us to care for it.

100,000 Baptisms THE SHADOW CHURCH

Expected in Rwanda D E PA R TM E N T S
I Had to Flee a Muslim Country 53 HOUSE CALL
Ted N. C. Wilson Prays at 62 CLOSER LOOK
New Church in Iraq COLUMNS


President Steps Aside
Teaching Muslims the JILL MORIKONE

Power of Jesus Name 56 THE LIFE OF FAITH



PUBLISHING BOARD Unprecedented 100,000 Baptisms
Ted N. C. Wilson, chair
Guillermo Biaggi, vice chair
Bill Knott, secretary
1 Expected in Rwanda in May

Lisa Beardsley-Hardy, Williams Costa, Daniel R. International Womens Day

Jackson, Peter Landless, Robert Lemon, Geoffrey
Mbwana, G. T. Ng, Daisy Orion, Juan Prestol-Puesn,
Ella Simmons, Artur Stele, Ray Wahlen
2 Video - South American Division

Karnik Doukmetzian, legal advisor

Baptism Marks 150 Years Since
EDITOR Bill Knott
3 the First Baptism in Switzerland
Lael Caesar, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Adventist School Baptizes 97
NEWS EDITOR Andrew McChesney
ASSISTANT EDITORS Sandra Blackmer, Stephen
Chavez, Wilona Karimabadi
4 Students in Papua New Guinea

DIGITAL EDITOR Kristina Penny To Serve the Sheikh or

5 Observe the Sabbath


Marvene Thorpe-Baptiste
EDITORS-AT-LARGE Mark A. Finley, John M. Fowler
AD SALES Glen Gohlke The following graph illustrates the
CIRCULATION Rebecca Hilde age demographic reected by the members
TO WRITERS: Writers guidelines are available at the of the North American Division.
Adventist Review Web site: (Source: North American Division Secretariat)
and click About the Review. For a printed copy,
send a self-addressed envelope to: Writers
Guidelines, Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia
Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904.
Web site:
Unless otherwise noted, Bible texts in this issue
are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.
Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. + 10
Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Unless otherwise noted, all prominent photos are 75-84
Thinkstock 2015.
The Adventist Review (ISSN 0161-1119) is the general 10-19
paper of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It is
published monthly by the General Conference of
Seventh-day Adventists, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, OUR
Silver Spring, MD 20904. Periodicals postage paid
at Silver Spring, MD, and additional mailing ofces.
Postmaster: Send address changes to Adventist
Review, P.O. Box 5353, Nampa, ID 83653-5353.
AGING 20-34
Copyright 2016, General Conference of Seventh-
day Adventists. PRINTED IN THE U.S.A.
SUBSCRIPTIONS: Twelve issues of the monthly
Adventist Review, US$26.95 plus additional postage 35-44
outside North America. Single copy US$5.00. 55-64
To order, visit
or send your name, address, and payment to:
Adventist Review subscription desk, P.O. Box 5353,
Nampa, ID 83653-5353
OR call 1-800-447-7377 or 208-465-2548.



Of all the hours I spent as pastor
there, that one haunts me most.

The Shadow Church

t rst glance it looked like a expectancy; job moves because growth as He did of loss and de-

A Victorian sewing cabineta

polished oak front with min-
iature drawers just the right size
of Rust Belt economicsI could
quickly estimate a living popula-
tion in our city of former or miss-
cit: why should our self-under-
standing as His disciples
embrace only the latter? The
to hold collections of buttons, ing Seventh-day Adventists three shepherd wasnt satised with
patterns, and spools of thread. times our current membership. 99 still in the fold, nor the
Among the unused furniture in For every member I knew and woman who could safely touch
the churchs back closet, it visited, there were three others 90 percent of her wealth. The
seemed a handsome, well-turned still living who had once been fathers love went seeking both
piece. part of our churchnot even the prodigal among the pigs and
But the threads the cabinet counting those still on the the elder brother still at home.
held were living, and the pat- books who never found their Its in Gods nature never to settle
terns they revealed were omi- way to worship or to fellowship. in the face of loss, or be satised
nous. Drawer after drawer held Of all the hours I spent as pas- when some modest and righ-
neatly typed and alphabetized tor there, that one haunts me teous remnant chooses heaven.
cards for each person who had most. In what other arena of our As with the Lord, so with His
ever been a member of that con- livesbusiness, medicine, edu- church. Its time for Adventists
gregation, then more than 100 cation, or even (dare we say it?) in every congregation to begin a
years old. Generations of church friendshipwould we tolerate strong and systematic seeking of
families yielded to my scan: such losses? Where else would those no longer with us. The
birthdates, baptisms, marriages, we accept the disappearance of work begun in dusty closets and
and deathsall carefully colleagues, companions, and old records is fully as important
recorded with a church clerks even family members with the as the time and treasure we com-
yen for vital data. stolid equanimity that accompa- mit to winning new disciples.
I smiled to see the names and nies the disappearance of fellow Apologies in hand, kind hearts
birthdates of my senior mem- believers? and listening ears wide open, we
bers: how had they aged so grace- Some of our coolness in the join with Jesus in His never-end-
fully? But I also winced at the face of loss may itself be owing ing work of reclamation. The
nal entries made on dozens to the stories we tell each other. names still buried in old clerks
hundredsof small cards: Didnt Jesus Himself say, Narrow reports, like dry bones in Eze-
MISSING; DROPPED FOR NON- is the gate and difficult is the way kiels vision, may yet live again.
ATTENDANCE; APOSTATIZED; which leads to life, and there are The hope they nd, the heaven
DROPPED BY REQUEST. few who nd it (Matt. 7:14)?* For they gain, are real enough, and
An hour in the dim light of the too many who understand them- worthy of our nest effort.
storage closet made the sobering selves as part of Gods end-time The Great Reclaimer said it
reality clear. Beyond the roster of remnant, the expectation that best: There will be more joy in
the current church, whose names they will be part of a dwindling heaven over one sinner who
by then I knew by heart, lay a number of the faithful makes repents than over ninety-nine just
shadow church of former mem- tolerable what should normally persons who need no repentance
bers ve times its size, though cause tears, inspire compassion, (Luke 15:7).
never gathered in one spot. and incite activity. * Bible texts are from the New King James
Version. Copyright 1979, 1980, 1982 by
Accounting for the usual demo- But Jesus told as many narra- Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All
graphic data of my regionlife tives of multiplication and rights reserved.


INBOX I am encouraged to read a Bible-
based treatment about the
immigrant/migrant situation facing
so many countries of the world.

nish our sanctuary, and

SURVING AND THRIVING performed the marriage of my
brother in May 1961 in the newly
Greetings to my precious Review people! When the change from a
nished sanctuary. Torossian
weekly magazine to a monthly one was announced, I was distraught.
looks so much like his grandfa-
Now, some months late, I want you to know, Ive survived. Ive
ther Daniel. In 1964, the last time
adjusted my reading rhythm, and the blessings continue to ow.
I saw his grandmother, Gladys,
Thank you! I value the variety, the depth, the insights, the attempts
she looked exactly like Mrs.
to make the gospel relevant, real,and relational. The rest is up to us
and where we place our priorities. Thank you for accepting my (and
June Kaiser
others) pleas not to change, but forging ahead anyway, because you
Elizabethville, Pennsylvania
had a prayerful vision. I continue to love the Adventist Review (and
KidsView), and praise God for the blessings I receive!
Linda Steinke
Anthony Kents From Fear to
Via e-mail
Ecstasy (December 2015) was a
much-needed study. What a
TIMELY REMINDER sermon! This will help some of us
Thank you for Gerald A. Kling- who are trying to understand,
beils article The Gift of the Sometimes God needs us to get
Stranger (December 2015). I am out of His way so that He can do
encouraged to read a Bible-based what He has to do. It did for me.
treatment about the immigrant/ His power is overwhelming for us
migrant situation facing so many nite beings. I can understand
countries of the world. MRS. WHITES why fear might be experienced.
I applaud those governments GREAT-GREAT-GREAT-GRANDSON Robert Rouillard
that are trying to respond in a Thank you for sharing the story Lakewood, Washington
humanitarian way. But the about Justin Torossian, the great-
backlash from individuals both great-great-grandson of Ellen JESUS OUTSIDE SCRIPTURE
public and private I nd White ( I Andy Nashs article Jesus
frightening. May God give us have known the Kubrock family Outside Scripture (September
graceas individuals and as [Torossians grandparents] since 2015) reminded me of my own
Christiansto do the right thing. 1958, when they came to discovery while studying for my
Andrew Erickson Pennsylvania and his grandfather degree from the University of
San Francisco, California Daniel became my local pastor. London, which required a
I have been trying to nd out knowledge of history from
whatever happened to that lovely
family. Pastor Kubrock helped to


Satan knows he has but a
short time and is determined
to hurt the heart of God.

ancient to modern times. Secular
literature contained references
to Jesus of Nazareth by the Though I have subscribed to the Adventist Review since 1950, I
Jewish historian Josephus, and dont recall ever receiving an issues that is as relevant to the
others. We can rest assured that times as the March issue is. It teaches present truth as far as I
the Jesus of the Bible was a real, am concerned. Keep up the good work.
Marwusa, via-email
historic human being.
Linbrook Barker GOOD NEWS TO SHARE!
Riverside, California
I like the new Adventist Review size and look. I appreciate you
HOPE GROUNDED IN THE LORD putting it in plastic. It used to get torn in the mail. Thanks for
The November and December good articles. My focus needs to be on Jesus Christ and His
righteousness to save me. Thats good news to share!
2015 issues of Adventist Review
Pamela Cross via e-mail
carried news briefs regarding
tragic deaths of several church A THOUGHTFUL CRITIQUE
members via plane, automobile,
and militant gunre. We pray the I am a longtime subscriber of the Review. I have received a few
families have their hope grounded copies, and Im writing to give you my impression of the present
in the Lords return as they have format.
to experience the loss of their I have good eyesight, and read several magazines. The size [of
the magazine] is OK. The print size is OK, but it would be better if it
loved ones.
were just a little larger. Two-column articles and one-column
Satan knows he has but a
articles are OK. But three columns are uncomfortable, especially if
short time and is determined to
the adjoining page is busy. So I often dont read them. Some
hurt the heart of God. Thank you pages are a bit chopped up, but that tends to be the style in
also for the story of Albin Conrad magazines these days. I guess I prefer plainer pages overall.
(November 2015), which told of I enjoy most of the articles, especially Andy Nash and others.
his loyalty and courage to stand Eleanor Morrison
true despite the cruel treatment Citrus Heights, California
by the military when he refused
to work on the Sabbath.
Natalie Dodd
Centerville, Ohio
We welcome your letters, noting, as always, that inclusion of a letter in this
section does not imply that the ideas expressed are endorsed by either the
editors of the Adventist Review or the General Conference. Short, specic,
timely letters have the best chance at being published (please include your
complete address and phone numbereven with e-mail messages). Letters
will be edited for space and clarity only. Send correspondence to Letters
to the Editor, Adventist Review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD
20904-6600; Internet:



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Jerry and Janet Page, from the

General Conference Ministerial
Association, used this table as
their pulpit to speak to those
assembled in Kibuye, Rwanda,
in February. PHOTO: JERRY PAGE

100,000 BAPTISMS milestone for the church. Ive never

seen 100,000 baptisms before, he
PLANNED FOR RWANDA said in an interview. It would be
MASS BAPTISM WOULD BE LARGEST thrilling to see that many.
IN CHURCHS 153-YEAR HISTORY. Rwanda is the latest country
where the General Conference has
placed a renewed emphasis on

A series of evangelistic initia-

tives organized by the Sev-
enth-day Adventist Church in recent
meetings at 2,200 sites across
Rwanda. The meetings will culmi-
nate on Sabbath, May 28, with the
large-scale evangelism. In May 2014
more than 10,000 people were
baptized in the Philippine capital,
years is expected to reach new anticipated 100,000 baptisms, church Manila, and other places following
heights in Rwanda in May with the leaders said. months of Bible studies and com-
largest mass baptism in the churchs Duane McKey, a coordinator of munity programs and two final
153-year history. the Rwanda event and director of weeks of evangelistic meetings. A
Thousands of local pastors and the Adventist Churchs Personal similar effort unfolded in Zimba-
church members are giving Bible Ministries Department, said even bwe in May 2015, resulting in 30,000
studies, sharing health tips, and en- 100,000 baptisms, which church baptisms, and the U.S. city of San
gaging in community service in the leaders had initially projected Antonio last summer, resulting in
run-up to two weeks of evangelistic for Rwanda, would represent a several hundred baptisms.



Theres nothing like preaching

the message and inviting people
to accept the message because our
own hearts are touched in doing so.
The Zimbabwe baptisms repre- ferences Ministerial Association, many people in the methods of evan-
sent the largest group baptism in and his wife, Janet Page, associate gelism that work here, Jerry Page
the churchs history. The Adventist secretary, at each of Rwandas seven said. However the real greatest need
Church, founded with just 3,500 conferences, missions, and elds still is a revival of true godliness
members in 1863, has nearly 19 mil- during a 15-day visit in February. among Gods remnant people that
lion members worldwide. We have been saying that in will lead to results far beyond what
While most of the Rwanda Rwanda there is a receptivity to hard anyone humanly can envision.
meetings will be led by local mem- work, Bible studies, and involving The Adventist Church has about
bers, employees of the Silver
Spring, Maryland-based General
Conference are especially encour-
aged to participate this year,
McKey said. Its an opportunity WILSON PRAYS AT
for people at the General Confer-
ence to model what we hope will
happen around the world with ERBIL CONGREGATION TO REMAIN FAITHFUL.
the world church, he said.
Theres nothing like preaching BY ANDREW MCCHESNEY
the message and inviting people
to accept the message because
our own hearts are touched in
T ed N. C. Wilson, president of the Seventh-day Adventist
Church, prayed at the construction site of a new church
in Iraq as he made a weekend visit aimed at encouraging Ad-
doing so. ventist believers living 20 miles (30 kilometers) from Islamic
ASI, a supporting ministry of the State-occupied territory.
Adventist Church, is supplying 2,500 Wilson, accompanied by his wife, Nancy, and a small group
sermon presentations on DVD and of church leaders, visited the city of Erbil, the bustling capital
in printed form. The General Con- of Iraqs autonomous region of Kurdistan. Kurdish armed forces
ferences Total Member Involve- vigilantly guard the regions borders, rebufng militant ad-
ment Department, which is over- vances and creating a refuge for hundreds of thousands of
seen by McKey, is providing 1,000 people displaced by violence elsewhere in Iraq and in Syria.
DVD players. Not all 2,200 sites have Wilson praised Kurdish authorities for preserving religious
electricity and are able to use DVD freedom and urged the Erbil Adventist Churchs small but
players. growing congregation to remain faithful. God is calling us to
Meanwhile, 40,000 Voice of come into his church, His ark of safety, Wilson said after not-
Prophecy Bible study lessons are ing that Noahs ark probably came to rest on mountains north
being distributed in the run-up to of Erbil.
the May meetings. Many lessons No matter what happens this coming week, never give up
are going to small group leaders your faith, he said in a Sabbath sermon.
only, allowing each lesson to go In the afternoon Wilson visited the gray concrete shell of
further, McKey said. the new Adventist church, a three-level, 4,305-square-foot
Thousands of Rwandan church (400-square-meter) building that will also house a pastors
members ocked to prayer and family and a small school. He paused to pray in the main sanc-
revival meetings led by Jerry tuary, which will have seating for about 100 people.
Page, secretary of the General Con- The Adventist Church, established in Iraq in 1924, formed


Southern Adventist University president of Union College for 13
has chosen David C. Smith to years. He returned in 2011 as
succeed Gordon Bietz as senior pastor for Southerns
president. Smith worked as campus church. Before becom-
professor and chair at South- ing president, Bietz also served
erns English Department for 17 as pastor of the Collegedale
years, leaving in 1998 to serve as church.

645,000 church members in Rwanda, difcult to match either gure at new members on the increasingly
which has a population of 12 the General Conferences next major secularized continent.
million. evangelistic event, scheduled for After Romania, the General Con-
The projected baptisms in Romania in 2017. Although Romania ference will hold similar evange-
Rwanda would be triple the num- has one of the largest Adventist listic initiatives in Japan in 2018,
ber witnessed in Zimbabwe. It isnt populations in Europe, with 66,500 India in 2019, and Papua New Guinea
a matter of competition, as McKey members, the Adventist Church and the U.S. city of Indianapolis in
said, noting that it would be pretty has found it a challenge to baptize 2020.

Wilson before the sermon. We are

glad that Elder Wilson came.
The Adventist Church, which has
about 100 members in Iraq, has strug-
gled in recent years in the country
of 30 million people. Suicide bomb-
ers have twice targeted the Adven-
tist church in Iraqs capital, Baghdad,
but no one was injured, and prop-
erty damage was minimal.
In Mosul, located a short dis-
tance from Erbil, the Adventist
Church has two church buildings,
but doesnt know their status since
the Islamic State seized the city
Ted Wilson (center), visits the new Adventist church in Erbil, Iraq, and turned it into its capital in Iraq.
currently under construction. He is accompanied by his wife, Yousif said the church hoped to
Nancy; George Yousif (left), and Tibor Szilvasi (right). MENA reclaim the buildings one day.
Wilson was the rst Adventist
Church president to visit Iraq since
in Erbil in 2012 when two families in Iraqs banking system have in- 1990, when Robert Folkenberg at-
decided to worship together, said denitely delayed the churchs tended a special session of Chris-
George Yousif, leader of the Ad- scheduled opening, but Wilson, tian churches in Baghdad.
ventist Church in Iraq. The church who was on a week-long tour of Wilson also visited two camps
has since grown to 25 members, a the Middle East, arrived at the in- for internally displaced Christians
mix of Iraqis and expatriates and vitation of local Adventist leaders on the outskirts of Erbil. One camp
many guests. anyway. has restrooms built by the Adven-
The church currently meets in People are more important than tist Church in Iraq with the help of
a rented building, but its growth buildings, Tibor Szilvasi, execu- a donation from Adventist Frontier
prompted church leaders to begin tive secretary of the Adventist Missions, while the other has a chil-
construction of the new building Churchs Middle East and North drens center that ADRA began to
in October 2014. Liquidity problems Africa Union, said in introducing operate in January.


Brad and Kandus Thorp report
from the General Conference
Session in San Antonio, Texas,
in July 2015. HOPE CHANNEL

sanctuaries across the United States

HOPE CHANNELS and elsewhere in 1995.

PRESIDENT STEPS ASIDE The next year Finley led NET 96

from Forest Lake Academy near
Orlando, Florida. More than 1,500
churches participated in North
America, and an additional 2,000

B rad Thorp, who has steered

the Seventh-day Adventist
Churchs Hope Channel from its
His wife, Kandus, Hope Chan-
nels vice president for interna-
tional development, added: Hope
churches were involved in other
parts of the world.
The next major seriesNET 98,
origins as a NET satellite uplink in Channel has never been ours, but which featured Andrews University
the 1990s to becoming a global we have had the sacred privilege pastor Dwight Nelson speaking from
television network, is stepping aside of nurturing and developing it, and Berrien Springs, Michiganleft an
as president. God has abundantly blessed. We enormous impression on Thorp.
Hope Channels board of direc- have witnessed so many incredi- This is the closest to the day of
tors set up a search committee with ble miracles and answers to prayer. Pentecost that I have ever seen,
the goal of recommending a suc- It is a humble privilege to be a part he said, referring to the outpour-
cessor on April 11, 2016, church lead- in this ministry. ing of the Holy Spirit depicted in
ers said. That date falls during the Ted N. C. Wilson, president of Acts 2:1-13. Amazing! In NET 98 we
Spring Meeting, an annual, week- the Adventist Church, said Brad had 40 translators simultaneously
long business meeting of the Ad- and Kandus Thorps commitment translating Dwight Nelson in our
ventist world church at its head- to take a small initial idea of part- global broadcast. The Holy Spirits
quarters in Silver Spring, Maryland. time satellite broadcast and turn presence in those rooms was
Hope Channels main ofces occupy it into an extensive 24/7 interna- incredible.
a south wing of the headquarters. tional television network is a tes- By 2010 the NET events had con-
Thorp told a meeting of Ad- timony of hard work, determina- tributed to more than 2 million
ventist world church leaders in late tion, creativity, and complete trust baptisms around the world, Thorp
February that he had led Hope in Gods power to miraculously open said. The Adventist Church has
Channel to the best of his ability doors for the proclamation of the nearly 19 million members.
over the past 22 years and wanted three angels messages around the After a number of successful NET
his successor to take it to the next world. events, thousands of churches
level, according to those present. Thorp, a native of the Canadian found themselves equipped with
He also likened Hope Channel province of British Columbia, rst often-idle satellite equipment and
to being a fourth child in his fam- got involved in religious television began calling for full-time broad-
ily, saying he had raised the chan- programming in 1993 when the world casts, Thorp said.
nel and, like with his own three church leaders asked him to coor- The Adventist Church selected
adult sons, was ready to let it go. dinate NET 95, a satellite uplink the name Hope Channel in 2002,
Having been with Hope Channel that ended up ushering the churchs and the rst full-time channels
from the beginning and sharing in public evangelism meetings into began to broadcast in 2003. To-
all the stages of growth, we feel the digital era. The hugely popular day Hope Channels 43 full-time
like Hope Channel is one of our NET 95 beamed presentations by channels broadcast in 41 lan-
children, Thorp told the Adventist evangelist Mark Finley from Chat- guages. Six more channels are in
Review. tanooga, Tennessee, into church development.


The Charles Elliott leaders with its 2016
Weniger Society award for their
recognized former contributions to the
General Conference Seventh-day Adventist
treasurer Robert E. Church.
Lemon and two other

IN A FIRST, doctors at Loma Linda University Childrens Hospital successfully
1 reimplanted a portion of a 2-year-old girls face after she was attacked by a
dog. The procedure, which took ve hours of intensive work under a surgical
microscope, is unprecedented for a patient so young.

NINETY-SEVEN STUDENTS have been baptized in Papua New Guinea after

2 their Seventh-day Adventist school decided to offer a year of Bible studies.
The students from the Kama Adventist Primary School are 12 to 16 years old.

KENYAS PRESIDENT, Uhuru Kenyatta, commended the Adventist Church

3 for helping transform the African country during a speech at the inauguration
of the West Kenya Union Conference headquarters. You have uplifted
communities, empowered our citizens, and built our nation, he said at a
ceremony attended by 3,000 people.

THE FIRST ADVENTIST SCHOOL in East Timor is seeking student mission-

4 ary teachers after an unexpected surge in enrollment. The Timor-Leste
Adventist International School had planned to enroll about a dozen children
when it opened last September, but now has 35 students. For more information,

ADRA PROVIDED $8 MILLION in food supplies to more than 100,000

5 people displaced by violence in eastern Ukraine last year and is continuing its
relief efforts as an uneasy calm settles over the region. The Ukrainian branch
of ADRA, working in partnership with the United Nations World Food Pro-
gramme, distributed the food to internally displaced people from Ukraines
Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

THE VOICE OF PROPHECY is repositioning itself to promote local

6 congregations as a point of contact for listeners, beginning with a four-day
streaming evangelistic series. The media ministry will host Shadow Empire,
designed for viewing in local Adventist churches, beginning April 28.

A NEW CAF OPENED by Adventist believers on the U.S. Virgin Island of St.

7 Thomas is becoming a hot spot at a popular strip mall. The only item on the
menu: prayer. People can sign in, have someone pray for them, and write prayer
requests to be placed in a prayer box at the prayer caf, located on the third
oor of Fosters Plaza.





Abdullah shares his

testimony with the
Adventist Review.

A friend surprised me three years

ago by disclosing something
I never expected to hear. When we
men kissed one another at the
door. The worshippers walked back-
ward into the rented hall, which
met one day, he exclaimed, I have was lled with icons and idols. It
a very good feeling! was all new to us.
Why? I asked. But my newly baptized friend said
I feel like a newborn, innocent his church was nothing like any
baby, he said. church I had ever seen. He said his
Why do you have such a feel- church followed the Bible, and its
ing? I said. beliefs and doctrine were different
Because two days ago I was from other denominations.
baptized. I wanted to learn more. I felt I
Oh, I said. I have been to such needed something, and hoped that
a church. God would lead me in the right way.
Several years earlier a group of My friend gave me contact infor-
my countrymen had met my wife mation for a Seventh-day Adventist
and me on the street while we were pastor.
on vacation abroad. They gave us I immediately called the pastor
a Bible and invited us to visit their and asked if my wife and I could
church. study the Bible with him.
We didnt believe in God, but Yes, of course, he said.
we werent atheists. My wife and
I were curious to know about Jesus SHARING MY HOPE
Christ, so we went to the church. My wife and I studied with the
But we were not impressed. The pastor for nearly a month. I was


MISSION ADJUSTMENT to eliminate jobs and end eld
Christian Record Services is operations and print production,
implementing a restructuring with the exception of material
plan intended to help it published in braille, was painful
overcome heavy nancial losses but necessary, said Daniel R.
and maintain its ability to fulll Jackson, board chair and North
its mission. The boards decision American Division president.

attracted to the Adventist lifestyle parents were Jews. I dont know Whats the problem if people
of a healthy diet and no smoking how, but they knew I kept the become Christians? I asked.
or drinking. Sabbath. The man spoke at length about
The pastor asked if we were One day they told me: You know house churches, where many Chris-
ready for baptism. We said yes English well. You can help us. We tians worship in my country. He
and were baptized in secret a short want you to work for us. They seemed to know everything about
time later. People who are bap- asked me to keep an eye on my them.
tized are often arrested by the work colleagues.
authorities. At rst I thought they were look- WHY I FLED
Just a few months after being ing for a spy, because they asked An Adventist friend heard about
baptized, I began taking biblical if any had any shown an interest the authorities sharp increase in
materials and Ellen White books in nuclear technology. I said, No. interest in my activities and ad-
to various cities. I also gave Bible Things got worse. They ap- vised me to leave the country as
studies and led lifestyle semi- proached me on the street one soon as possible. He had been ar-
nars, while holding on to my job evening instead of calling me to rested and tortured for several
in the private sector. Because of go to their ofces. They asked a weeks.
the need for secrecy, it is often
hard to know who is a believer

and who isnt.
Once I was eating at a caf and
overheard the waiter, a relative
of mine, ask a group of foreign PEOPLE WHO ARE DISCOVERED TO
tourists if they could tell him any- HAVE BEEN BAPTIZED ARE OFTEN
thing about Jesus. I pulled my rel- ARRESTED BY THE AUTHORITIES.
ative aside and whispered: I can

do better than that. Would you
like a Bible?
He was surprised and asked if
I was a Christian.
I gave him a Bible, and he read lot of questions. I didnt want to So I left my homeland. I dont
it with great interest. Today he is lie, so I answered their questions know whats going to happen next.
a member of the Adventist Church. with questions. When one of them Id like to further my education while
asked whether I had been bap- I continue to pray for the people
SOMETHING GOES WRONG tized, I said, What does it mean of my country. Please pray for us,
Im not sure what went wrong, to be baptized? The man ex- and for the many people in my coun-
but I know Satan is on the attack plained everything that could be try who hunger and thirst to know
in every possible way. said about baptism, facts I knew more about Jesus.
For some reason, the authori- very well. He obviously knew a lot
ties started calling me about six about what was going on. Abdullah, a Seventh-day Adventist,
months after I was baptized. They Many people are interested in was forced to ee his homeland in the
asked my wife and me to come to Christianity and Jesus Christ. We Middle East. To protect his safety, we
their ofces. They asked me to dont want this to continue, he have changed his name and we are
come by myself. They asked if my told me. not identifying his country. Editors



Anna read to the ill Syrian

refugee, In the name of
Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
rise up and walk!

TEACHING T he refugee approached Anna

with worried wrinkles etched
to pray about something very spe-
cic, Anna said in an interview at
MUSLIMS across her face. her center of inuence. Maybe I

Zada conded that she was suf- should use this opportunity to have
fering signicant health problems a little Bible study about praying
OF JESUS that caused hard lumps to form
just under her skin. The lumps
in Jesus name.
A center of inuence is a place
NAME came and went, and the doctor used by the Adventist Church to
ADVENTISTS SPEAK said they werent an issue. But a connect with a local community.
ABOUT OVERCOMING large, painful lump had recently Centers can feature a variety of
THEIR FEARS OF formed near her heart, and she activities, including lifestyle edu-
SHARING JESUS. was afraid it could prove deadly. cation, bookstores, reading rooms,
I havent told my kids about the and restaurants, depending on a
lumps, Zada said. Can we pray local communitys needs. Because
about it? of the delicate nature of her work,
Anna, who directs a Seventh-day the Adventist Review is not iden-
Adventist center of inuence in tifying Annas center of inuence
the Middle East, began to pray si- or the country in which it is located.
lently. She had long guarded her Names also have been changed in
speech with Muslim refugees, but this report.
now she saw an opportunity to
speak about the power of Jesus PRAYING IN JESUS NAME
name. Zada and her three daughters
Should she take it? welcomed Anna when she arrived.
Anna and Zada agreed to meet Anna cautiously asked whether
that evening at Zadas home. As they could have a Bible study
I was going through the day, I together.
thought this was a really great op- Yes, sure, Zada said, as Anna
portunity, because we were going recalled.


Anna opened her Bible to the PRAY FOR PERFECT TIMING freeze, Linda said. But its all in
Acts 3 story of the apostle Peter Annas realization about being our heads, perhaps because of the
passing by the lame man at the more open about her faith was media.
Temple gate. When asked for money, echoed by other Adventist believ- She said she has come to un-
Peter replied, I have no silver and ers interviewed by the Adventist derstand that Muslims are ordi-
gold, but what I do have I give to Review during an extended visit to nary people like us.
you. In the name of Jesus Christ of the Middle East in February. I was an atheist, so I can see
Nazareth, rise up and walk (Acts Adventists do need to be sen- now that they have the same long-
3:6, ESV).* The man got up and en- sitive and prayerful as they develop ings I had, she said. We all want
tered the Temple with Peter, walk- friendships, but they shouldnt something better.
ing and leaping and praising God live in fear, said Homer Trecartin, One person who wanted some-
(verse 8, ESV). president of the Adventist Churchs thing better was Abbas, a Syrian
Anna then asked Zada: What Middle East and North Africa refugee who expressed deep sad-
do you think about that? Can we Union. ness about his life. His wife had
pray in Jesus name? Would that Each person we encounter is a tried to commit suicide twice, and
be a problem? unique situation, Trecartin said. his eldest son had joined a street
Sure, but why would you think Some just want to argue, and that gang.
that thats a problem? Zada said. rarely accomplishes anything. Some While visiting his home, Linda
We pray in Muhammads name. have a heart hungering for some- told Abbas that it wasnt only what
Anna was speechless. She re- thing, but dont know what. We need he ate but also what he thought
membered her fears. Yet she also to pray for the Holy Spirit to guide about that affected his health. She
saw a new opportunity. us in just what to say and when so read aloud Pauls words in Philip-
So you have been praying in that their hearts will be touched pians 4:8: Finally, brothers, what-
Muhammads name for many years and not turned away. ever is true, whatever is honor-
and you still have this problem? He underscored the importance able, whatever is just, whatever
she said. of building relationships, especially is pure, whatever is lovely, what-
Yes, yes, Zada said. in the Arab world. ever is commendable, if there is
So why dont we try something When people know that we love any excellence, if there is anything
different and pray in Jesus name? them and are becoming a trusted worthy of praise, think about these
Zada agreed. friend, they are open to hear about things (ESV).
All five people in the room who we love and what inuences As Linda prepared to go, Abbas
prayed: Anna, Zada, and her three our lives, he said. There is power repeated the Bible verse to her.
daughters. in the Word of God. As they hear This is so plain, he said. Now
The next morning Anna asked it from the lips of one they have I am going to think about these
Zada how she felt. grown to love and trust, their hearts things.
Zana exclaimed: This was the are opened to the message. May Linda said Abbas sadness has
rst time in a week that I slept the God give us the opportunity to be- lifted, and his familys home life
whole night without any pain; and come a trusted friend and then the has signicantly improved in re-
I could breathe! perfect timing to share what and cent months. She said she was glad
A few days later Anna again asked who is so special to us. that she had taken the risk of read-
Zada about the lumps. ing from the Bible. As a church we
Every night I have been praying POWER IN THE WORD are generally very careful when it
in Jesus name as I run my hands Linda, a former atheist from a comes to Islam, she said. But I
up and down my body from top to European country, shared a story have found that Gods Word has
bottom, and Ive had no problems, similar to Annas. She lived for a power. People hear a power that
she said. year in the Middle East without they cannot deny when you share
Anna was thrilled. In the inter- mentioning Jesus name to any a verse or a story. People accept
view she stated that her fears Muslims. She was also reluctant it because it touches their hearts
about mentioning Jesus proved to cite Jesus Word, the Bible. While and lives.
unfounded. Muslims revere the Quran, many
* Scripture quotations marked ESV are from
Many times the barriers we view the Bible as an error-lled
The Holy Bible, English Standard Version,
have are barriers we create, not text. copyright 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a divi-
barriers that are actually there, We were really too scared. When sion of Good News Publishers. Used by per-
she said. we hear the word Muslim, we mission. All rights reserved.


Teenie Finley, 71, ran Church, a $4.5 million
her second marathon in church and evangelism
as many years to raise center that she and her
the last $75,000 needed husband, evangelist
to construct the Living Mark Finley, are
Hope Seventh-day constructing in
Adventist Community Haymarket, Virginia.



A Seventh-day Adventist is on
the international team that
made worldwide headlines by an-
the rst notewell, chirp, actually
but we know there is more that we
will hear as we learn to tune our
collaboration have been working
toward this moment for a long time,
some for decades more than I have.
nouncing the rst detection of grav- radios better. It took a long time to make the de-
itational waves, a discovery that Summerscales, a 1999 graduate tectors sensitive enough to mea-
promises to open a new era in of Andrews University, started work- sure these faint ripples from space.
astronomy. ing with the LIGO Collaborations Now that we have measured them,
team of physicists while studying we can become the gravitational
for her doctorate at Penn State Uni- wave astronomers that we have
versity in Pennsylvania. She spoke always wanted to be. Using gravi-
about the signicance of the dis- tational waves to investigate the
covery with Adventist Review. universes mysteries is going to be
great. I am hoping there will be
What exactly was your contribution surprises.
to this project?
I have been a member of the LIGO What does this discovery mean for
Collaboration for the past 15 years Adventists?
Tiffany Summerscales or so. This is the group of people Since Adventists are human, it
who help with the design and im- means we have a new kind of as-
Tiffany Summerscales, an asso- provements of the detectors, ana- tronomy to learn more about the
ciate physics professor at Andrews lyze the data they produce, and do universe. I nd learning more about
University, assisted in the research science with that data. the universe to be very inspiring
by the LIGO Collaboration that de- Specically, I have worked on two since it contains echoes of Gods
tected gravitational waves caused kinds of projects. My students and greatness.
by the collision of two black holes I are a part of a team that works on
a billion light-years from Earth. The the development and testing of one Expanding on that thought, how do
discovery, published in the journal of the computer algorithms that you see Gods hand in your work?
Physical Review Letters in February, analyzes the data and tries to char- Space is vast, awesome, and
gives scientists a new tool to ex- acterize the gravitational wave sig- jaw-droppingly beautiful. (Just think
plore the universe, Summerscales nals that are found. We also par- of your favorite Hubble photos.) Of
said in an interview. ticipate in education and public course, on a daily basis I spend even
I like to think of gravitational outreach activities. more time working with students.
waves as being the true music of There is a lot of opportunity there
the spheres, she said. The LIGO What does the discovery of the to see God working in their lives
detectors are the radios that we gravitational waves mean to you and growing them into young adults
have built so that we can hear that personally? with great potential to impact the
music. So far we have gotten just It is very exciting. All of us in the world positively.




I wondered if God even existed.

And if He did, what kind of God
would give people cancer? I had
many more questions about other
topics, such as heaven and the
meaning of life in general.

was living a very average, normal American life.

How Christ came into my life and never left.
I grew up in the central part of lower Michigan;
my family were Christmas/Easter Christians.
My mother was raised Catholic and my dad was
Lutheran, though we were never consistent
churchgoers of either faith. There were rare
appearances at Vacation Bible School during the
BY GLEN GOHLKE summer, a visit to a friends or relatives church,
or a funeral, but we had very little knowledge of
the Bible or God.


Sports occupied my developing years. I played
organized sports most summers through grade
school and all year long during junior high and
high school. In fact, I was a pretty good football
player and really excelled in baseball. Accomplish-
ing goals through teamwork may be one of the
most rewarding life skills I ever acquired.

The author and his wife, Karen, visit with friends in Estes Park, Colorado in 1985,
two years after Glen's brother, Bobby, died.


He was there, and He knew I was hurting.
My grades were not the strongest, and coupled following days, weeks, and months were tough. I
with limited family resources, it became apparent often took Bobby to his treatments. We even lived
that college would probably not be in the plans together for a short time, and I wanted him to be
for me. The possibility of a sports scholarship was the best man at my wedding.
on the table early on, but an injury in my junior I remember wishing I had some answers for
year of high school put that dream to bed. Life him. I was his big brother, but I had nothing to
after high school would be a little challenging, but offer. So a close friend of mine set up a meeting
I believed it could work out. My dad had been an with a Presbyterian minister to talk about things.
hourly factory worker his entire life, and he did When the minister asked Bobby why he thought
ne. So with that mentality I nished high school he got cancer, he replied that God gave him cancer
by giving in to peer pressure and started drinking, because He had a better job for him to do. The
smoking, and experimenting with drugs. minister agreed that this was a good possibility
and left it at that. It sounded comforting, and
ALCOHOL WAS STANDARD FARE Bobby seemed to be at peace. All I could do is be
Where I came from, drinking alcohol was not supportive. Bobby died September 25, 1983, 20
only accepted but encouraged. Going out to a bar days before our wedding. He was just 23 years
on your eighteenth birthday to have a beer with old.
your dad was not only an honor but a rite of pas- My bride, Karen, and I settled in Edenville, Mich-
sage. Social drinking and smoking is still so wide- igan, where we found a small A-frame home on a
spread that many people live for the weekends. lake, not far from our hometown. However, my
Sadly enough, most of those who inherited this experience with Bobby began to wear on me. My
lifestyle are empty inside and dont know anything brothers idea that God had a better job for him
else. haunted me to the point where I became angry at
Life in my mid-20s went pretty well. I had a God. In fact, I wondered if God even existed. And
steady job at a large printing company and made if He did, what kind of God would give people
good enough money to consider marrying my cancer? I had many more questions about other
steady girlfriend, Karen. I had an older brother topics, such as heaven and the meaning of life in
who had recently gotten out of the Marines, and general. Unfortunately, alcohol, tobacco, and drugs
a brother and sister three and seven years younger, became a bigger part of my therapy as their use
respectively. My parents were both alive, and we became abuse.
all lived in the same area. We got together to share The next six years were lled with ups and
meals on occasion, and things for the most part downs. For the most part, Karen and I were happy,
were pretty good. Then we received the shock of even with some struggles. Karen was concerned
our lives. about my level of substance abuse, while I denied
having a problem. But I was really hurting. I
THINGS CAN TURN SOUR QUICKLY missed my brother and I tried to speak with him,
My younger brother had been working out of but there was no reply.
the country for a number of months and started
getting really bad headaches. Shortly after he GOD KNOWS WHERE YOU ARE
returned to Michigan, he had a large tumor Even though I denied God at the time, He was
removed from his brain and was diagnosed with there, and He knew I was hurting. One day, after
brain cancer. The doctor said they got most of it, a late night of work followed by drinking with
but couldnt get it all. With radiation and chemo- coworkers, Karen told me we had received a Signs
therapy he might live six to 12 months. The of the Times magazine in the mail. I had no
Karen and Glen pose with their son, Branden, after his marriage to
Vivian Dye on September 13, 2015.

response until she said it came with a card to send

in for free Bible studies. She wanted to send it in.
I didnt care.
I made up some work-related excuse so I could
miss the rst night of studies. Karen said two elderly
An elderly man came to men came to study with her and left some additional
study guides. They would return the following
our door that Tuesday, Tuesday, and I reluctantly agreed to be there.

looking somewhat An elderly man came to our door that Tuesday,

looking somewhat unkempt with a dirty overcoat,

unkempt with a dirty a ripped brown paper bag, and an armful of books.
His name was Paul, and he came alone on this
overcoat, a ripped second night. He told us he wanted to begin with
the book of Daniel, his favorite book of the Bible.
brown paper bag, and Reaching into his brown paper bag, Paul pulled
out this statue of a metal man that looked like a
an armful of books. childs toy. Amazingly, this metal man served as


a great visual aid as we began reading the book plant seeds of doubt and unworthiness in my
of Daniel together. mind.
Paul gave us a great history lesson that night
that grabbed my heart and mind, as he showed REAL CHANGE
us the correlation between the Bible and history. After the meetings ended, we did not join the
My wife and I were both fascinated and actually church right away. There were some things we felt
looked forward to our next visit, when wed dis- we needed to work through rst. We were soul
cuss Daniel 7. After a few weeks Paul invited us searchingwith family, friends, Sabbath, and other
to a Revelation Seminar. We agreed to postpone obstacles to work through. We were convinced,
our personal studies to attend the meetings. but not fully convicted. My substance abuse issues
were still there, though I had done a pretty good
STEP BY STEP job of hiding them from Karen. When she smelled
I have to admit, some nights I just didnt want cigarette smoke on me after a weekend ski trip, I
to go. What we thought might be a weeklong came to the realization I had a problem. I confessed
commitment turned into several weeks. Working that I was still smoking and drinking. I felt
all day, rushing to eat dinner, then making it to ashamed, and committed to quitting once again.
the meetings on time was a challenge. But we But the lies and deception continued.
persevered and learned more about the true char- While driving to work one morning, I reached
acter of God and His love for humanity, how He under the seat for my Ziploc bag of cigarettes and
cared so much for each and every person, even almost drove off the road! As I regained control of
me. I felt my heart melting as I learned about what the car, I looked at the cigarettes in my hand and
Jesus had done for me, and how the Ten Com- felt so hopeless. Tears of sorrow owed down my
mandments are like a mirror that shows us sin in face as I cried out to God. He had done so much
our lives. Then I learned about what happens to for me, but I couldnt do even this for Him? As tears
people when they die. I came to understand that continued to run down my face I asked God to take
Bobby was not in heaven watching his family this habit from me. I couldnt do it by myself.
suffer, nor was he burning for eternity. Our God And He did! In a matter of seconds my tears of
is a loving God and a righteous judge. sorrow turned to tears of joy. Something came
The next night Karen and I went forward during over me, as if God simply said OK and that was
the altar call! Although we werent too sure what it. I felt His peace, and for the rst time, I experi-
the next steps would be, we were willing to go enced faith. From that instant I completely lost
forward. I felt God had taken me light-years ahead the urge to partake of any of those substances.
of where I had been just a few months before. But Karen and I were baptized two months later in
I still had to get rid of a lot of baggage. After every- the Seventh-day Adventist church in Edenville,
thing God had done for me, I had to clean myself Michigan, June 7, 1990.
up. Feeling like a hypocrite and unworthy of the
blessings I had been given, I began to purge myself GOD IS GOOD AND MORE
of those bad habits that gripped me. I was lost, but the Lord found me, taught me,
When I shared with my parents some of the cleansed me, and healed me. I could go on about
truths we had learned, I didnt receive a lot of how God cleared up my mind, took away my
support. They had no knowledge of Seventh-day selshness, gave me compassion for others, and
Adventists, and they thought we were joining blessed me with an opportunity to serve the
some cult. This made things more difficult, as I church as well. Eternal life came with so much
was already going through so many changes. I more! What a God! What a message to share with
knew what my parents wanted, what my wife the world!
wanted, and what God wanted. But what did Glen
Glen Gohlke worked at the Review and Herald Publishing
want? Glen wanted to do the right thing. But the Association for 10 years. He now serves the church selling
devil was busy; he was using those old habits to advertising for Adventist Review and Adventist World.



The difference forgiveness makes

The author's conversion took place

around the world over several decades.


om Tessalee squeezes an astonishing she had lived with grandmother Im and aunt

S amount of living into life. From Swissair

ight attendant, to rare antique furnishing
gallery sales manager, to human resources
and more, this Thai Chinese American has
tasted more of lifes varied avorscultural,
Saichon, she had attended Khoon Chae Christian
Wittaya School, a Baptist school. The villages best
schools were usually Christian, she says. But sing-
ing Christian songs and praying before meals
didnt mean God to her. She was just doing as she
professional, spiritualthan many people twice was told. Buddhism was a family commitment.
her age. Her father and two older brothers had all once
been monks.
ESPECIALLY SPIRITUAL When she was 10 years old, her mother
Through her remarkable spiritual journey brought her to the city of Bangkok. She couldnt
she has observed how a God of constant, adjust very well to her new schools. Besides,
guiding love has charted the route of life that living with Grandma had been nicer. Napawan
provides her the delectable satisfactions of all and Chatjawan, her mom and dad, worked hard;
those other experiences. And nothing has meant and sometimes he was as far away as Saudi Ara-
as much to her as the amazing truth of divine bia, working as a mechanical engineer. Soms
forgiveness. keen mind and restless spirit wrestled with every
As a 14-year-old attending a Christian camp, little thing. She sensed that what she was living
Som Snamthong found peoples friendliness quite didnt bring the happiness a kid should have.
uncomfortable. Theyre trying to make me a Chris- Mom should divorce Dad. Maybe that would help.
tian, she thought. She should pray more. Maybe that would help.
She knew a bit about Christianity. In the village She would sit or kneel before the Buddhas and
of Hau Khoon Chae, Chonburi, Thailand, where the Chinese goddess Guanyin in Dads prayer


room, searching for a god that would free her
from a weight of distress that would burden
She would sit or kneel
someone much older than she. before the Buddhas and
THE RETREAT Chinese goddess Guanyin in
Then came the invitation to attend the retreat
at Sammuk Christian Academy, Chonburi. She Dads prayer room.
was back in her village with Grandma when a
friend invited her. Mom, in Bangkok, thought felt it. He was right there, and she knew it. He was
attending would be ne, and Som went off to the showing her that He is real. He assured her that
retreat that would change her life forever. He would go through lifes difficulties with her.
Som was one of only two non-Christians among She opened her eyes. She was a believer. She
the almost 80 people there, and her Christian wanted to become a Christian, she told people the
hosts made life surprising for her. They were too next day. And so it was. Jesus came into her life,
nice. She enjoyed introducing herself, meeting and everything changed. But she couldnt tell
and greeting, and the small group dynamics; but Grandma. Grandma considered Christianity a
people seemed to be a bit pushy. Gradually the foreigners religion. It was disrespectful. Christians
skepticism wore off. By the third day she didnt didnt worship their ancestors. But Mom in Bang-
feel as put upon when a friend, Kai, offered, kok would understand.
Would you like to pray?
I dont know how to pray, she replied. She LIVING AS A CHRISTIAN
thought of the language she had read in Thai Som told Mom. She thought Mom would be
Bibles. They used the same hifalutin speech for excited. But it didnt quite go that way. Still, Som
dealing with God that one would use when speak- got permission to attend church when she got
ing to the Thai royal family. She didnt know how back to Bangkok. Then Mom decided she couldnt
to speak that way, so she knew she didnt know go to church anymore. It was that way for almost
how to pray. three years. No Bible reading. Som could not live
The next day Kai met her again: You dont have without her Jesus. She secretly read her Bible in
to speak to God in a special language, in a high the bathroom and attended a church. She loved
vocabulary. Just speak of things in your heart, Jesus. She was thrilled to be a Christian.
she assured. The kindness of this Christian woman Mom grieved for her daughter. Som was being
was getting through to her heart, and Som thought unfaithful to her training. She no longer cared
maybe she could try to talk to God, though she about the Buddhas and Guanyin. It pained her
knew neither Him nor what to say. mothers heart. Meanwhile, Som was thinking up
Tentatively she began to pray: God, I dont a scheme: Dad, could you take me to the tutoring
really know You, but Im going to pray. If Youre school?
real, just show me. Her heart was burdened about Dad agreed. For months Dad took Som to
many things. Her parents had transferred her to tutoring.
another new school. But she had joined class a One day after dropping her off, he went to visit
year after the other kids. Besides, they were all a secondhand goods and spare car parts market.
wealthy; she didnt t in. She wished she could He was standing on the sidewalk when a bus
have a dad at home all the time to love and talk passed by with Som sitting at a window. They
with. For 10 minutes she poured out her heart to looked straight at each other. Som was embar-
this God she didnt know. He was listening; she rassed. Her dad was heartbroken. His daughter
She knows that the God who had been lying to him, taking a bus to church
when he left her at school. When she came home

led her is still leading her about 8:00 p.m. neither he nor her mother spoke
to her. The silence was painful.
loved ones to embrace the Som knew she had been living two lies: attend-
ing church when her parents thought she was at
truth she now loves. tutoring; and participating in ancestor worship at
home. That was a lie too. She prayed, God, please
forgive me; I dont have the courage not to partic-
ipate. Please understand.
In New York, as a 17-year-old exchange student,
God provided Som with a double miracle. Two
Thai women drove her from Northport to Yonkers
from time to time on Sunday so she could worship
as she desired. At the church in Yonkers another
wonder awaited her: the pastors wife, Ilada, had
been her third-grade teacher in the Baptist school
back in her village. Before her exchange year
ended, Som was baptized. She even had family
members to accompany her; her American host
family attended as her parents.
During the next eight years Som completed
college, worked in marketing, traveled the world
as a ight attendant with Swissair, earned a grad-
uate degree in organizational communication in
Kentucky, and met her husband in Chicago. For
ve years they attended the Thai community
church of Chicago without any interest in each
other. Then something happened. Now they are
married members of the Fil-Am Seventh-day
Adventist Church family in Hinsdale, Illinois.

The author celebrates the Som Tessalee now works in human resources
beginning of life as husband and and compliance for a home health agency in
wife with her husband, Peter. Chicago, Illinois. She thanks God for bringing her
to Christianity and specically to Seventh-day
Adventist understandings of His Word. She still
prays for her mom and dad. When they visited
and attended the Thai church with her in Chicago
and he joined the hymn singing, she wept. She
knows that the God who led her is still leading
her loved ones to embrace the truth she now loves,
leading us all to the place where, forever, we shall
share and savor innitely more of the avorful
delights of His glorious truth.

Lael Caesar is an associate editor of Adventist Review.



Following Him means setting self aside.

From novelist to believer to editor


rom childhood onward, I wanted to be a and went to bed amid a cloud of smoke (I burned

F novelist or nothing. In my junior year at col-

lege I started a novel that, before long, con-
sumed me. The book controlled my life more
than I controlled the lives in it. Everything exter-
nalfriends, family, nanceswas interpreted,
it in my room).
Within days the devil whispered in the ears of
this new believer: Oh, you burned the book because
you needed an excuse to get out because you knew
you couldnt do it. A wave of doubt swept through
qualied, and analyzed through the template of me. But as I recounted the experience of that night,
how they would impact my writing the novel. I thought, On the contrary, I was never more sure of
One early evening in the late summer of 1979 the book than I was that night. Thats why the Lord
I wandered back to my room in Gainesville, Flor- had me burn it then! Get thee behind me, Satan!
ida, to continue writing. I had, at this point, poured Ellen White explains so much: At the moment
two and a half years into the novel, more than 10 of success, when the nets were lled with sh,
percent of my life (I was 23), and that evening I and the impulses of the old life were strongest,
felt more excited about the project than ever Jesus asked the disciples at the sea to leave all for
before. Never had it been going better. the work of the gospel. So every soul is tested as
In the room I stuck a sheet of paper into the to whether the desire for temporal good or for
typewriter, and when I struck the rst keyas real fellowship with Christ is strongest.*
as anything thats ever happened to me, the Spirit No fooling.
of the Lord Jesus came and said, Cliff, you have By uprooting us from the world when our roots
been playing with Me long enough. If you want are the deepest in the world, the Lord makes it
Me tonight, burn the book. more difficult (though not impossible) for those
This didnt happen in a vacuum; the Lord had roots to take hold again. We have to commit our-
long been working to bring me to this moment, selves at the lowest common denominator, that
in which He showed me that the book was my of ourselves; otherwise, its no commitment, only
god, and if I wanted the true God, the false one a handshake with our ngers crossed.
had to go. But why tonight, when I was more enthu- *Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages (Mountain View, Calif.: Pacific Press
siastic about the book than ever? Why couldnt the Pub. Assn., 1898), p. 273.

Lord have asked me to do this at a time when it wasnt

Clifford Goldstein is editor of the Adult Sabbath School Bible
going too well? Study Guide. He is writing a book tentatively titled Evolution
After a night of wrestling I burned the novel and the Seduction of Christianity.



From Roman Catholic to Adventist chaplain

The author joined the Adventist Church
while serving in the U.S. Navy in Guam.

was born and raised a Roman Catholic, and presented a series of prophetic lectures. The topic

I schooled in Massachusetts near Atlantic Union

College (AUC). But my rst contact with Adven-
tists was at a roller-skating rink, where I met a
pretty, young Seventh-day Adventist named Lois.
Since I had recently enlisted in the Navy, our
for the third night was the Dark Day and the falling
stars. I had read about them and decided to attend
that meeting and all the rest.
At the end of the series we invited the pastor
to our home, which led to more study, and nally,
relationship grew mostly through letters. After my decision to join the Seventh-day Adventist
three years, against some well-meant advice from Church. I was baptized in Tumon Bay, Guam.
our families and churches, we were married. Leaving the Catholic Church strained my rela-
Returning to my duty station in North Africa, we tionship with my parents for many years. I received
set up our rst home. a letter from my 12-year-old sister saying she was
During a transfer to my next duty station, Lois going to enter the convent to make up for my sins.
convinced me to attend her home church. Her My other sister defended me to my mother by
pastor, Donald Sandstrom, and his wife invited us saying: Well, Mom, its not as if he robbed a bank.
to their home, where I soon realized I had better Impressed to become a Navy chaplain, I left the
get and read a Bible to defend my beliefs and military after nine years and went to Atlantic
convert Lois to them. Union College and Andrews University and began
While stationed in Maryland, we attended a pastoral ministry, intending to reenter the Navy.
program in Washington, D.C., where H.M.S. Rich- One year later, while preaching a Sabbath sermon,
ards, Sr., spoke. The man and his message I collapsed because of a brain aneurysm. Military
impressed me. Soon after, my Navy chief and I chaplaincy was suddenly an impossibility.
were needed for special duty in Germany. He was An anointing service and many prayers resulted
ordered there, but I ended up being transferred to in a miraculous recovery. Six years later I began a
Guam. Lois and our 2-year-old daughter, Maureen, 44-year ministry as a hospital chaplain. Now I under-
joined me there several months later. stand why I was sent to Guam instead of Germany.
One Sunday I recognized the voice of H.M.S. During our 65 years of marriage Lois and I,
Richards on the radio. At my wifes urging, we lis- along with our daughter, Maureen, and our son,
tened to the Voice of Prophecy radio programs, and Tim, have experienced many miracles and bless-
sent for and completed the Bible course together. ings, for which we are grateful to God.
About the same time Pastor Vernon Kelstrom, Leo Poirier is retired, living with Lois in Stoneham,
at the Seventh-day Adventist church on Guam, Massachusetts.


A lot of factors have to be taken into consideration when tracking the growth
of a movement as large as the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Accessions
(baptisms and professions of faith) and losses (dropped, missing, and audit
adjustments) are two of them, and arguably the most important. Another
reality is losses because of member deaths. Here are those indicators for
the last ve years, both in North America and around the world.Editors








2010 2011 2012 2013 2014







2010 2011 2012 2013 2014




How I joined Christs healing ministry


aybe I was an agnostic before I became a

M Christian rather than an atheist, since I

was more ignorant than a complete non-
believer. The Philippine Communist Party
was my fathers passion, though that didnt bring
any wages into the house. It landed him in prison,
Cris poses with his mother,
Julia, just before he left the
and I lived there with my parents until I was about Philippines to study in Russia.
1 year old.
course for me. At least Dad got me to read Marx
GROWING UP HARD and contribute to Communist-organized unrest.
Once my father was out of prison, my mother At 19 I set off for the Soviet Union to be trained
became the breadwinner, leaving me with grand- as a Communist leader.
parents. She worked in a factory for minimum
wage, and visited her father and me every two AN INEXPLICABLE CHANGE
months or so. I wept bitterly every time she had I still cannot explain the odd circumstances
to leave. that got me into seven years of medical school
About age seven I started caring for several instead of one year of Communist leadership
carabaos, water buffalo my grandfather used for training. But Ive concluded that it was all part of
milk and farming. I also began attending school. Gods different and much better plan for my life.
When I was in fourth grade, my mother took me Back in the Philippines for the rst time in
back home. seven years, I passed the Philippine medical board
School went better for my older brother than it examination and started a postgraduate intern-
did for me. He lived with my paternal grandfather, ship in Manila Doctors Hospital.
and eventually became an accountant, whose I met a woman named Victoria there, and she
income became a great help to our family. He was won me over. Lets say we won each other. But
the smart one; and Dad, with his Communist Victoria was bound for the United States. After
dedication, wanted him to go study medicine in two years she came home, we got married, and
Russia. But with the family needing my brothers three years later I joined her in the United States.
accountants income, and my life at increasing I passed the U.S. medical board examination,
risk through my participation in street protests, completed a residency in internal medicine, and
dad decided that I should take up the Russian settled down to live the good life.
study offer, though medicine was not a likely We had everything we could dream of: a beau-


I drove 90 miles each way every night.
tiful house, luxury cars, my own medical practice, words. I was amazed by the truth I discovered
ne dining, and exotic vacations. Religion meant through my reading. It was pure joy to share it
occasional visits to Catholic Church Mass to play with others.
guitar for the choir.
A TRAGIC TURN The Lord has always had better plans for me
Then, just as we started looking for something than Ive known, plans for good and not for disas-
spiritually satisfying, Victoria was diagnosed with ter. Hes always meant to give me a future and a
stage IV ovarian cancer. During her rst hospital hope. And He promises, In those days when you
stay, I saw a picture frame in the lobby with words pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheart-
to the effect: You are going to look for Me when edly, you will nd me (Jer. 29:11-13, NLT).*
you have nowhere to go. Later I found a large
childrens Bible, read it through, and discovered
a ravenous hunger for truth.
I sought out a regular Bible at a bookstore. I
discovered many different Bibles. I chose a stu-
dents Bible. Then, as I was about to leave that
aisle, I was impressed to pick up Lee Strobels book
The Case for Christ. That book, and my Bible study,
provided the answers I needed; answers I was
groping for while heartbrokenly caring for my
wife, knowing she would not recover.
We studied the Bible together with an Adventist
minister who came to our house three times a Cris (left) leads The Seekers musical
week. I read The Desire of Ages and The Great Con- group at the Fil-Am Seventh-day
troversy in a couple of months, and kept searching. Adventist church in Hinsdale, Illinois.
I bought DVDs by Doug Bachelor, John Carter, and
others. I listened and read during my days off. God has been with me all along. His leading in
Before Victoria passed away, we both accepted my life shows purpose and reason. I may not know
Jesus Christ as our Savior. We became baptized all about it, but I know with all my heart that I can
members of Hinsdale, Illinois, Fil-Am Seventh-day fully trust Him. God is in control. He has given me
Adventist Church in February 2004. Three months a new love, Susan, a mother of three who lost her
later I lost my Vicky, nine months after her rst husband to cancer. We are content to live and work
diagnosis. It was the most difficult and painful for Jesus. I am involved as director of mens min-
time in my life. istries at my church, I teach a Sabbath School
God and His truth became very precious to me. class, and I look forward to opportunities for
During Kenneth Coxs evangelistic series at my missionary work.
church, I drove 90 miles each way every night to If I were to leave a message with you it would
absorb everything taught so I could nd answers be only three words: Keep the faith!
to so many questions in my life. I knew that there * Bible texts marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living
had to be more to life than what I was living! Translation, copyright 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation.
Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illi-
Someone gave me Ravi Zacharias book Can Man nois 60188. All rights reserved.
Live Without God? It dealt with deeper questions Cris Reyes, a physician, has practiced in Watseka, Illinois,
of lifes meaning and purpose according to Jesus United States, since 2004.




everal years ago my wife, Janet, and I began

S searching for a country cabin to purchase for

weekend retreats. North of Toronto in the
Muskoka district we found some beautiful tur-
quoise lakes. We were deeply impressed and
admired their tropical colors, only to be told that
the lakes were dead. Acid rain, caused by indus-
trial pollution of the atmosphere, had acidied
the water to such a degree that the lakes were
devoid of ora and fauna. Beautiful to look at but
toxic for any kind of life within them, such lakes
have become sterile.
Pollution of water and air, destruction of natural
habitats, and massive industrialization threaten
the continuation of life as we know it; therefore,
environmental awareness is important to the
maintenance of health.


Many people are beginning to voice what has
sometimes been labeled a politically incorrect
viewpoint: that overpopulation is the worst envi-
ronmental threat we are faced with today.
Current projections still predict a global popu-
lation somewhere between 8 and 10.5 billion by

LETS the year 2050.1 The effects of overpopulation

depend on the ratio of population to sustainable
resources, as well as on the distribution of such

CELEBRATE resources, including clean water, clean air, food,

shelter, and appropriate climatic conditions.
Destruction of forests to support the growing

THE ENVIRONMENT population results in loss of animal habitats as

well as loss of plant species and their capacity to
remove carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. Over-
population also presents serious difficulties to
effective governance and stress; consequently,
strife and turmoil often ensue.

is for environment, Deforestation on a massive scale often results
in damage to the quality of the land. Although
a sustainer of life. some 30 percent of the earths surface is still cov-
ered by forest, large tracts of land are lost annually
to deforestation.
Deforestation contributes to climate change.
Moist forest soils quickly dry out without the
shade of a forest canopy. Forest lands can quickly
become deserts. The role played by forests in
absorbing greenhouse gases is a central one.


Poverty and the impact of climate change are felt
much more acutely where drought and deserti-
Pollution of water and air,
cation take place. destruction of natural habitats,
CLIMATE CHANGE and massive industrialization
Climate change may inuence food production.
Yields of grain, for example, have been shown in
threaten the continuation of life
many situations to vary with temperatures. The as we know it.
International Rice Research Institute in the Phil-
ippines2 found that rice production declined by
10 percent for each 1-degree-centigrade increase animal waste. The Blacksmith Institute Technical
in growing season nighttime-minimum Advisory Board3 reports that persons living in
temperature. polluted regions may not have immediate health
problems, but may later develop cancers, lung
ENERGY CONSERVATION infections, and mental retardation.
Reliance upon fossil fuels has characterized The American Lung Association4 estimates that
much of the energy utilization during the past roughly 50 percent of Americans live in counties
century. Its likely that the increased cost of such that have unhealthful levels of either ozone or
energy will drive the move to alternate energy pesticide pollution.
sources. Regardless of cost issues, energy conser-
vation is an important part of environment SOLAR IRRADIATION
preservation. Much of the suns radiation is important to
well-being, but overexposure to ultraviolet radi-
POLLUTION ation can be harmful.
Two areas of pollution that are particularly Sunshine also converts cholecalciferol into the
concerning are water and air pollution. active vitamin D we need for so many bodily
Industrialization has produced massive functions. Dermatologists, however, have noted
amounts of collateral waste material. Plastics, for the association between sunburn and skin cancer
example, are derivatives of petroleum-type prod- and advocate the avoidance of overexposure. On
ucts, and they do not naturally degrade easily. Its the other hand, vitamin D is probably an import-
been shown that plastic can persist for multiple ant factor in controlling the growth of other can-
decades. Plastic particles, called nurdles, have cers, such as prostate cancer.
been found in the digestive tracts of krill, which
are the oceans basic food source for most marine RESPONSIBLE STEWARDS
life. Health, Gods gift to us, is best maintained in
Industrial wastewhich includes such heavy the most natural state of unpolluted and hygienic
metals as lead, mercury, and cadmium, as well as purity. We are stewards of the earth, responsible
toxic dioxin compoundsis contaminating under- for managing the earths resources and the envi-
ground water. Radioactive contamination follow- ronment of our bodies.
ing the 2011 earthquake and massive tsunami off 1
Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs
the coast of Japan will likely render the Fukushima of the United Nations Secretariat, World Population Prospects: The 2008
area uninhabitable, perhaps for centuries. The Revision, June 2009.
S. Peng et al., Rice Yields Decline With Higher Night Temperature
Chernobyl disaster in Ukraine in 1986 resulted in
From Global Warming, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
increases in thyroid and other cancers. Radioactive of the United States of America 101, no.27 (2004): 9971-9975.
isotopes leached into the water are a form of silent 3
Blacksmith Institute Technical Advisory Board, e-pub, June 28, 2004.
Report of the American Lung Association, The State of the Air, May
yet lethal pollution.
2, 2011.


Allan R. Handysides, a board-certified gynecologist, is a
Outbreaks of disease are frequently related to former director of the General Conference Health Ministries
viral and bacterial contamination by human and Department.


THE JOSEPH deeply loved and believed in Mary, accord-
ing to the Word of God he would not go
through with the marriage and be com-
DECISION-MAKING plicit with Marys sin (see verse 19).
Second, compassion (exercise kindness): In

MODEL a magnanimous show of kindness, Joseph

decided to help Mary. Instead of having
her stoned or publicly embarrassed (Deut.
oseph, the earthly father of Jesus, provides 22:23, 24), he would quietly divorce her

a helpful model for decision-making.
There are enough salient insights in the
Matthew 1 account to provide a simple blue-
and facilitate her departure from Naza-
reth. The truth would eventually get out,
but it would be easier on her this way.
print about how to make deci- Third, meditation (spiritual reection):
sions with confidence and After making his decision, Joseph entered
TRANSFORM- compassion. Further, they a deep state of thought, meditation, and
ATION TIPS reveal principles about how to prayer (James 1:5, 6). No doubt he
DELBERT W. do so while treating people with reected on the narrative shared by Mary,

BAKER dignity and respect, even when

theyre apparently in the wrong.
the angel, and the message about the
holy seed and Son of God. In spite of
Few situations in life could Marys sterling reputation, her story was
be more socially awkward and too unbelievable to accept.
spiritually challenging than Fourth, confirmation (remain open):
the one in which Joseph found Joseph was now ready to act, but remained
himself. A carpenter in Naza- open to further insight. At this point God
reth, he had proposed to intervened and provided an alternate per-
young Mary, and she had spective (verse 20). The Bible says during
accepted. According to Jewish this time an angel appeared to Joseph in
custom, they entered the a dream. He assured Joseph that Mary had
engagement phase of their been chaste, that the Holy Spirit had
marriage. planted the seed within her womb, and
Then a major problem surfaced: Mary that he, Joseph, should go through with
was found to be pregnant, clearly one of the their marriage and cooperate in the plan
most calamitous events that could happen of incarnation.
to an engaged Jewish couple. Mary Fifth, completion (act decidedly): Amaz-
explained that she was impregnated by the ingly, Joseph didnt object. He willingly
Holy Spirit. To complicate matters, after this cooperated with the divine initiative,
announcement Mary immediately left town though he understood that he might be
to visit her relative Elizabeth, who lived accused of immorality with Mary before
some 70 miles south toward Jerusalem. their marriage was complete. Neverthe-
Joseph was in a serious dilemma. The less, he reconciled with Mary, conrmed
Bible says he was a righteous man, commit- their accounts, and went through with
ted to following the law of God. In spite of the marriage ceremony. Mary became his
his love for Mary, Joseph concluded that she lawful wife.
had done wrong and that he must do right. So there you have it. This decision
Five principles reveal Josephs exem- model worked for Joseph, and it can work
plary decision-making construct. for us all.
First, contemplation (thinking thoroughly):
Delbert W. Baker is vice-chancellor of the Adventist
Before deciding what to do, Joseph con- University of Africa near Nairobi, Kenya.
sidered the familial, social, and spiritual
dimensions of his dilemma. Though he




Friends stick around where servants have long bolted.

Friends hear your heart where servants hear your voice.
Friends share your vision where servants get the job done.

hen the word of the Lord Imagine all the good I could have done

came to Jonah a second for You there.
time: Go to the great city God: But Jonah, I need you in Nineveh.
of Nineveh and proclaim Jonah: Well, I didnt know that this was
to it the message I give so important to You. If you insist . . .
you (Jonah 3:1, 2).1 So the runaway prophet goes back to
Its a familiar story. Start and begins all over again. In fact,
Illustrators of childrens the rst verses of chapter 3 sound almost
Bibles love to give it prom- exactly like the rst verses of chapter 1.
inent treatment; the more
enlightened of our con- SECOND CHANCES
temporaries wink knowingly when they Can you see Jonah making his way
hear about the great sh that became from the Mediterranean coast to Nineveh,
Jonahs home for three days and three right in the heart of dry and sizzling Mes-
nights. Jesus did not wink. opotamia? He has plenty of time to work
Generally, prophets do what they are on his preaching. He has plenty of time
told to do. They hear, they listen, they to consider his message. He has plenty of
seethen they speak, preach, or write time to converse with the Master. The
Gods message. Jonah, however, is differ- God of second chances has sent him to
ent. He hearsthen he runs in the oppo- Ninevehone of the capitals of the cruel
site direction. Together with a boatload and hated Assyrians. But Jonah doesnt
of hardened but frightened sailors he like his mission. Jonah is walking in the
experiences a terrible storm. Finally, right direction, saying the right words,
Jonah is going down, down, down; right but his heart is not in Nineveh.
to the bottom of the sea and straight to Then Jonah begins to preach: Forty
certain death. You hurled me into the more days and Nineveh will be over-
depths, into the very heart of the seas, thrown (Jonah 3:4). What a sermon! No
and the currents swirled about me; all careful and logical development, no illus-
your waves and breakers swept over me trations, no callsjust a judgment mes-
(Jonah 2:3). Yet in the midst of the storm, sage in its starkest and darkest form.
while Jonah is sinking to rock bottom, Jonah, where is your heart? we want to
God waits for him in the belly of a very ask the prophet who already knows that
big sh. Listen to this imagined conver- God is to blame. Jonah doesnt like the God
sation between God and Jonah: of second chances when it comes to
God: Jonah, Jonah, can you hear Me? Nineveh. (Im sure he liked the God of sec-
Jonah: Um, its so dark in herewhere ond chances in the belly of the sh.) Isnt
am I? this what I said, Lord, when I was still at
God: Jonah, its Me, your heavenly Father. home? That is what I tried to forestall by
I am right next to you. eeing to Tarshish. I knew that you are a
Jonah: Why are You persecuting me? gracious and compassionate God, slow to
Why didnt You let me go to Tarshish? anger and abounding in love, a God who


God continues to ask the right questions. God always asks the right questions

relents from sending calamity (Jonah 4:2). envoys that he beats his donkey mercilessly. In
I knew what would happen, Jonah says, and I just fact, he is so xated on going that he even has a
dont like it. verbal argument with his miraculously talking
donkey. In Jonahs case, its the big sh that hears,
WHERE IS YOUR HEART? obeys, and follows Gods instructions. In Balaams
We can think of other biblical stories where case, God uses a donkey that sees (an angel with
feet move in one direction but hearts are some- a drawn sword), understands, and speaks to stop
where else. The feet of Lots wife may have been this prophet from mindlessly galloping into cer-
heading out of Sodom after the angels literally tain death.
dragged the entire family from the city that was Balaams story, unfortunately, doesnt have a
about to be incineratedbut her heart remained happy ending. His curses-turned-into-blessings
in Sodom. Perhaps she felt that she had been make him lose all the promised cash. He returned
dragged out against her will. As soon as she could, empty-handed and angry because God, somehow,
she turned around and looked back. With her had not allowed him to do what he really wanted
heart and mind back in Sodom, she shared the to do. He dies in battle with Israel some time later
fate of Sodom (cf. Gen. 19:16-26). (Num. 31:7, 8), after his advice of using sex and
What about Balaam, son of Beor, the prophet idolatry prevail where curses and confrontation
whose curses were to bring destruction to Israel? have not.
He didnt drag his feet. In fact, he ran miles ahead
of God when he saw the cash offered by Balak, the BEYOND A SERVANT
king of Moab. Curses for cash must have been one Service lies at the heart of Christianity. Christ
of Balaams specialtieswhy else would Balak have came as a servantthe Suffering Servant (Isa.
chosen someone living hundreds of miles away? 53)to save a planet in rebellion. He washed the
Unlike Jonah, Balaam was eager to go. But just feet of His disciples (John 13:1-10); He carried
like Jonah, he didnt like it when he heard God the burden that we cannot carry; He touched
speak (Num. 22:12). Balaams response to the lepers and embraced outcasts. Yet, in His last
Moabite delegation the next morning is quite words to His disciples, He invites us (as He
instructive: Go back to your own country, for the invited Peter, John, James, and the rest of the lot)
Lord has refused to let me go with you (verse 13). to move closer. In Greek the term translated as
Indeed, God refused the generous offer, for these servant is doulos. It actually means slave. With
were His people. this background, lets listen to Jesus as He shares
The story doesnt end here. Balak increases the His heart with His disciples: You are my friends
pressure. Balaam keeps insistingand, nally and if you do what I command. I no longer call you
reluctantly, God lets Balaam go. He is, after all, a servants [doulos], because a servant [doulos] does
God who cherishes freedom and choiceunlike not know his masters business. Instead, I have
His demonic opponent who specializes in manip- called you friends, for everything that I learned
ulation and arm-bending. But, God reminds from my Father I have made known to you
Balaam, do only what I tell you (verse 20). (John 15:14, 15).
Balaam is delighted. Finally heres an opportu- Did you catch it? Jesus introduces a new
nity to ll that retirement fundand ll it well. dimension as He relates to the disciples. I no
Balaam is so eager to catch up with the Moabite longer call you servants [doulos] is His way of


that are aimed straight at our hearts, because a friend asks the hard questions.

saying that He wants more. Servants usually dont After a few minutes the conversation ebbed away,
know what their Master is up tofriends do. and the worker turned back to his large pile of
Servants obey the Masters commandsfriends stones.
anticipate them. Lets try again, mused the traveler, and he
Its time to catch up with Jonah in Nineveh. walked to a third worker. Sir, may I ask what you
Following the big sh episode, Jonah was an obe- are doing here?
dient servant. He did what he was told to do, yet The worker put down his tools, stood up tall,
the question is: was he ready to be Gods friend? looked the traveler in the eye, and said with a
Did Jonah understand why he was sent to warm smile: I am building a cathedral. It will be
Nineveh? Could Jonah distinguish between the the tallest and most magnicent structure for
right behavior and the right heart? miles around. Its beauty will delight people for
His conversation with God in chapter 4 suggests centuries to come. The stone I am now working
that he still has a long way to go. His anger at God, on will go near the front door, where people will
the God who loved even Ninevites (as well as their enter for shelter and fellowship. I will, most likely,
animals), was so raw and hot and honest. But God not see the nal building, but I know my work is
continues to ask the right questions. God always part of something very important.
asks the right questions that are aimed straight All three workers were obediently doing the
at our hearts, because a friend asks the hard ques- same job, but each had a different vision of its
tionsthen listens and waits and prays. purpose, and each had a different level of
SOMETHING BIGGER Friends stick around where servants have long
Some time ago I heard this story about a traveler bolted.
in the Middle Ages who happened upon a large Friends hear your heart where servants hear your
worksite in the center of a village. Since he had voice.
spent weeks traveling alone through dense forests Friends share your vision where servants get the
and sparsely populated mountains, he was eager job done.
to talk to people. As I consider my walk with Jesus, I wonder about
After looking around, he walked up to a worker my own heart. How often do I walk in the right
and asked, Sir, may I ask what you are doing direction, but my heart is somewhere else? How
here? often do I just go through the motions of being a
The worker frowned slightly with a bit of irri- servant, and forget that God really wants me to be
tation and said brusquely: I am cutting stones. His friendjust like Abraham (Isa. 41:8; 2 Chron.
With that he turned around and moved away. 20:7) or Moses (Ex. 33:11)or the disciples?
Clearly, there is not much of a conversation here, I no longer call you servants, because a servant
thought the traveler, and he tried the same ques- does not know his masters business. Instead, I
tion on another worker. The worker straightened have called you friends, for everything that I
his back, paused for a moment, and then explained learned from my Father I have made known to
that he was cutting stones so he could support his you.
family. He then went on to talk about his wonder-
ful wife and the two small children who depended Gerald A. Klingbeil is an associate editor of the Adventist
on him to provide them with food and shelter. Review.



An interview with Ellen Gould White

When did you rst hear the Surely, you trusted someone
message of Christs second enough to voice your fears
coming? and seek counsel.
In March, 1840, William My brother Robert and [I]
Miller visited Portland, Maine, were returning home from a
and gave his rst course of lec- meeting where we had listened
tures on the second coming of to a most impressive discourse
Christ. . . . I attended these on the approaching reign of
meetings and listened to the Christ upon the earth. . . . My
startling announcement that soul had been stirred within
Christ was coming in 1843, me by what I had heard. And
only a few short years in the so deep was the sense of con-
Everyones conversion story is future. Mr. Miller traced down viction in my heart, that I
different. Long before she the prophecies with an exact- feared the Lord would not
became known for her visions ness that struck conviction to spare me to reach home. . . . I
and spiritual insights, Ellen the hearts of his hearers. He tried to explain my feelings to
White responded to Christs dwelt upon the prophetic peri- my brother Robert, who was
invitation as a child. Here she ods, and brought many proofs two years older than [I]; I told
tells us how it happened. to strengthen his position. him that I dared not rest nor
Editors. sleep until I knew that God
Were you condent about your had pardoned my sins.
conviction, or did you have
some struggles or doubts? What was his response, and
When sinners were invited your subsequent reaction to it?
forward to the anxious seat My brother made no imme-
[front pew], hundreds diate reply, but the cause of his
responded to the call, and I, silence was soon apparent to
among the rest, pressed me; he was weeping in sympa-
through the crowd and took thy with my distress. This
my place with the seekers. But encouraged me to conde in
there was in my heart a feeling him still more, to tell him that
that I could never become wor- I had coveted death in the days
thy to be called a child of God. when life seemed so heavy a
A lack of condence in myself, burden for me to bear; but now
and a conviction that it would the thought that I might die in
be impossible to make anyone my present sinful state and be
understand my feelings, pre- eternally lost lled me with
vented me from seeking advice terror. I asked him if he
and aid from my Christian thought God would spare my
friends. life through that one night, if I
spent it agonizing in prayer to


Him. He answered: I think He from their sins and receive the of distress. It seemed to me
will if you ask Him with faith, pardoning love of Christ, yet that I had no right to feel joy-
and I will pray for you and for held in doubt and bondage by ous and happy. But Jesus
myself. timidity and fear of failure. He seemed very near to me; I felt
counseled such ones to surren- able to come to Him with all
How did you, being so young, der themselves to God, and my griefs, misfortunes, and tri-
handle these feelings of venture upon His mercy with- als, even as the needy ones
doubt and despair? out delay. . . . All that was came to Him for relief when
I spent most of the long required of the sinner, trem- He was upon earth. There was
hours of darkness in prayer bling in the presence of his a surety in my heart that He
and tears. . . . My hope was so Lord, was to put forth the hand understood my peculiar trials
small, and my faith so weak, of faith and touch the scepter and sympathized with me. I
that I feared if another took a of His grace. That touch can never forget this precious
similar view of my condition, it ensured pardon and peace. assurance of the pitying ten-
would plunge me into despair. Those who were waiting to derness of Jesus toward one so
Yet I longed for someone to tell make themselves more worthy unworthy of His notice.
me what I should do to be . . . were making a fatal mis-
saved. . . . The following sum- take. . . . It is only by connect- What happened after your
mer my parents went to the ing with Jesus through faith conversion experience?
Methodist camp meeting at that the sinner becomes a One of the mothers in Israel
Buxton, Maine, taking me with hopeful, believing child of God. came to me and said: Dear
them. I was fully resolved to These words comforted me child, have you found Jesus? I
seek the Lord in earnest there, and gave me a view of what I was about to answer, Yes,
and obtain, if possible, the par- must do to be saved. when she exclaimed: Indeed
don of my sins. There was a you have, His peace is with
great longing in my heart for Tell us about that moment you, I see it in your face!
the Christians hope and the you felt true conversion. Again and again I said to
peace that comes of believing. While [I was] bowed at the myself: Can this be religion?
altar with others who were Am I not mistaken? It seemed
Was there any particular seeking the Lord, all the lan- too much for me to claim, too
scriptural passage or sermon guage of my heart was: Help, exalted a privilege. Though too
that gave you encouragement Jesus, save me or I perish! I will timid to openly confess it, I felt
or clarity? never cease to entreat till my that the Savior had blessed me
I was much encouraged prayer is heard and my sins and pardoned my sins.
while listening to a discourse forgiven! I felt my needy, help-
from the words I will go in less condition as never before. These excerpts are taken from Testimo-
nies for the Church (Mountain View,
unto the king, and if I perish, As I knelt and prayed, sud- Calif.: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1948), vol.
I perish. In his remarks the denly my burden left me, and 1, pp. 14-18. Seventh-day Adventists
speaker referred to those who my heart was light. At rst a believe that Ellen G. White (1827-1915)
exercised the biblical gift of prophecy
were wavering between hope feeling of alarm came over me, during more than 70 years of public
and fear, longing to be saved and I tried to resume my load ministry.




Its challenging,
but we never
have to do it



hen do followers of Christ reach When King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that

spiritual maturity? What are the neither he nor his counselors could understand,
identifying characteristics that Daniel was brought forward to explain the kings
declare one to have reached that dream. Your Majesty looked, and there before you
goal? And how might we acquire stood a large statuean enormous, dazzling statue,
those characteristics in our lives? awesome in appearance (Dan. 2:31). Then Daniel
Any type of maturity requires told him, You are that head of gold (verse 38).
time. A baby develops into a child, Nebuchadnezzar apparently concentrated on
then a youth, then a young adult. We generally the head of gold and the fact that it represented
connect maturity with time. So it seems logical to his kingdom, rather than considering that other
expect ones spiritual maturity to be obtained much world powers would follow.
later in life, and often that seems to be the case.
Those years of living give us a better understanding THE ULTIMATE TEST
of life with its trials and victories. They also allow Shortly after that dream, Nebuchadnezzar made
us time to experience Gods revelation of Himself. an image 90 feet tall and nine feet wide and placed
In the Holy Scriptures, however, are some won- it on the Babylonian plain of Dura. Instead of
derful examples of spiritual maturity reached having only a head of gold, the entire image
quite early in life. appeared to be made of gold. He apparently
wanted to leave the impression that his kingdom
TAKEN CAPTIVE would last forever.
When Babylonian armies conquered Jerusalem Power always demands respect, and it was no
in the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim, a num- different with Nebuchadnezzar. The day came
ber of individuals were taken captive to Babylon. when all the rulers and officers of his kingdom
Some of those young, healthy individuals were gathered at the site of the golden image. They were
apparently more promising, intellectually brighter, commanded to fall down and worship the statue.
and more responsible than others. We immedi- Daniel 3 tells the story. The three Hebrews
ately think of Daniel and his three friends: Hana- refused to fall down and worship the golden
niah, Mishael, and Azariah. We know these image. When confronted by Nebuchadnezzar, they
individuals better by their Babylonian names, were offered another opportunity to show their
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. allegiance to him or risk being cast into a ery
Their story in the book of Daniel is highly com- furnace if they refused.
plimentary of these four captives. They had high Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered,
principles, and a strict and healthy diet; their King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend
appearance was appealing, and they passed their ourselves before you in this matter. If we are
exams with honors. To these four young men thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve
God gave knowledge and understanding of all is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us
kinds of literature and learning. And Daniel could from Your Majestys hand. But even if he does not,
understand visions and dreams of all kinds (Dan. we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will
1:17). They soon lled responsible positions in not serve your gods or worship the image of gold
Nebuchadnezzars kingdom. you have set up (Dan. 3:16-18).
Adhering to Gods commands, maintaining high
standards, rejecting those things that harm us and ACCEPTANCE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT
others, often protects us from many of the prob- Two As of spiritual growth are found in Daniel
lems that we might otherwise suffer. But with 3:16-18.
Daniel and his three friends, the very things that The first A stands for acknowledgment.
gave them success as they arrived in Babylon later Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego knew God
became obstacles in serving the king. Daniel and personally and acknowledged His right to demand
his three companions unwavering dedication and total allegiance. Thus they could not bow down
determination to serve God rather than obey the or worship any image.
king placed them in their dilemma. Most important, however, the three young men
acknowledged the possibility that God might Abednego, who has sent his angel and rescued his
choose not to intervene and spare their lives. Their servants! They trusted in him (verse 28).
obedience did not depend on God sparing them
The second A of spiritual maturity is likewise The story of Daniels three friends took on spe-
found in the conversation between the three cial meaning when my mother-in-law developed
Hebrews and Nebuchadnezzar: But even if he cancer some years ago. After all treatment options
does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that were exhausted, she asked to spend her nal days
we will not serve your gods or worship the image in our home. We gladly took her in and provided
of gold you have set up (verse 18). Acceptance is for her care.
the second A in spiritual growth. The three young One day when I returned from the office, I found
men accepted the fact that God might choose not Grandma greatly distressed. That day a friend from
to spare their lives. They would accept death a nearby church had come to visit and give her
rather than betray God. words of comfort and counsel. He told her she
Its interesting to observe Gods timing in this could be healed if she truly had faith. This greatly
story. If God intended to prevent their death all distressed her to think that after serving God all
along, why not thwart Shadrach, Meshach, and her life she was now somehow preventing His
Abednego from even being thrown into the ery healing because of her lack of faith.
furnace? She asked, Am I dying because I lack faith?
Spiritual growth often requires that our faith In what seemed an instant, the answer came to
in God is tested. The miracle of surviving the me in the story of the three Hebrews. Grandmas
furnace that killed those who threw the three hearing was greatly impaired from all the chemo-
Hebrews into the re, yet did not as much as singe therapy, so I raised my voice so she could hear me
a single hair on their heads, could be explained and asked her two questions as part of my answer
only by a power that far exceeded any earthly to her question.
power. Nebuchadnezzar recognized that power The rst question: Do you believe that God in
in the ery furnace when he observed: Look! I an instant could restore you to perfect health? Her
see four men walking around in the re, unbound answer was a bit weak but positive Yes.
and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of The second question: Will you continue to have
the gods (verse 25). faith in God and accept His will in your life if He
Remember, the three were bound when they chooses not to heal you? Her answer was a bit
were thrown into the furnace. But when the king stronger: Oh, yes.
saw them they were loose, walking in the furnace I assured her that she had true faith indeed, the
unhurt and unharmed. When they came out of kind of faith that is acceptable to God. A short
the furnace, their robes were not scorched, and time later she closed her eyes for a last time,
there was no smell of re on them (verse 27). assured of the great resurrection when all sickness
Perhaps the test and the miracle of survival were and disease will be replaced by the gift and miracle
given more for the benet of Nebuchadnezzar and of everlasting life. Her healing will come; it will
other onlookers than for those who were saved. be at the sound of the last trumpet; and it will take
The spiritual maturity of the three young men place in the twinkling of an eye.
is shown by their acknowledgment of Gods power The question we have to answer is this: How
to intervene. Coupled with that, Shadrach, do we grow and mature spiritually? Gods Word
Meshach, and Abednego accepted the fact that gives us the answer. We are admonished to pray
God might not save them. They determined to be without ceasing, be thankful in everything, search
faithful, no matter what. Acknowledgment of what the Scriptures daily, encourage others to love and
God can do and acceptance of what He chooses serve the Lord, and meditate each day on the great
to do shows the maturity of our spiritual growth. sacrice of Calvary. These are the nutrients that
This narrative also shows Nebuchadnezzar will help us grow and reach spiritual maturity.
taking some of his rst steps in spiritual under-
standing when he acknowledged and declared, James Hagele, an ophthalmologist, lives in Nevada City,
Praise be to the God of Shadrach, Meshach and California.


A LESSON phone. I hung up and spoke aloud in the
office. Lord Jesus, please give me
patience! I need it!

IN PATIENCE Dee, my coworker, laughed from her

desk. Be careful what you pray for, Jill.
You never know whats going to
I nodded and picked up the phone
took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. again. This time I actually reached a

I For English, press 1. Para Espaol,

nmero dos. Why did automated phone
systems bother me so much? I reached out
person, but they couldnt help either.
After a while they nally said, Im sorry,
maam. I cannot help you.
and pressed 1.
Suddenly I heard it again, For English,
Im transferring you to my
press 1. Para Espaol . . . Breathe, Jill, I The supervisor was much WITH JESUS
reminded myself, as I pressed 1 again. less mechanical, more human JILL
I always put off calling this particular
company. It seemed impossible to get to
somehow. After listening, he
said, Maam, please turn your
a real person, and when I did, they companys phone off right
always seemed robotic. Like they were now. I pressed the button, but
reading off a script or something. Ive it refused to cooperate.
talked to fabulous customer service rep- As I struggled, he spoke ROLES REVERSED,
resentatives many times, but this com- again, Now, your phone AND I REALIZED
pany seemed different somehow. Even should be turning on. HED HAD A TOUGH
the way their people spoke was mechan- Im sorry, I said. Im still DAY TOO.
ical. Measured. Impersonal. trying to get it turned off.
Since I call them often for work, Ive He took a deep breath.
tried to ask questions and develop a rela- Maam, Im telling you for the last time,
tionship with the person on the other turn your phone off! Suddenly our roles
end of the line. But it never works. One reversed, and I realized hed had a tough
time I asked the woman what her weather day too. I had become the frustrating
was like. She said, Excuse me, maam. customer.
What was your question? I struggled to keep the laughter out of
I smiled. Finally Id gotten her off my voice. Yes, sir, Im doing that now.
script. Whats your weather like? Were Whats next?
pretty cold here; in fact, we even have Soon our problem was solved. Im sure
snow! he hung up quite relieved to be rid of me.
She paused for a moment, but then her And me? I couldnt get the phone down
voice came over the wire. Very clipped fast enough. I laughed until the tears ran
and metallic. Im sorry, maam. We dont down my cheeks. God had given me a
have an answer to your question. I cannot good lesson. One in patience, in not tak-
help you. ing myself so seriously, and, most import-
The automated voice jarred me back ant, in seeing life through someone elses
to the present. For English, press 1 . . . I eyes.
groaned. Today was not my day. Ive
already pressed 1 several times. Whats Jill Morikone is administrative assistant to the pres-
ident of 3ABN, a supporting Adventist television
wrong with their system? network. She and her husband, Greg, live in south-
Suddenly I realized the automated ern Illinois and enjoy ministering together for Jesus.
voice was still speaking. Please hang up
and try your call again from a touch-tone



The (struggling)
economics and
governance of
Adventist education

uch has been written

recently about the strug-
gles of Adventist schools.
This struggle is not limited
to North America, or to
one type or level of school.
We regularly hear of
schools that are closed
(remember, most recently,
Mount Vernon Academy)
or in danger of closing.
There are conversations,
prayers, and much hand-wringing, but our funda-
mental process for operating schools has not
changedat least not in my lifetime.
Whats happening? Why are these schools
struggling? What can we do to improve our
schools and make them successful? These are
questions Ive asked myself for some time. As a
business professor and the nancial administrator
of an Adventist school, for me these questions are
not merely academic, but practical and pressing
concerns. Our schools are an integral part of our
God-given mission. If they fail, we are not deliv-
ering on what God has asked us to do.

In the normal Adventist model the local
church runs elementary schools; academies are
run by the conference; and union con-
ferences run colleges and universities.
Education today is far more complex
than it was 100 years ago. The amount Our schools are an
of paperwork needed to run any school
is signicantly higher, thanks to govern- integral part of our
ments and accrediting associations.
Regulations reduce the exibility that
God-given mission. If
schools at all levels used to have. The
costs of laboratories (science, comput-
they fail, we are not
ers, etc.) have outpaced ination. Many delivering on what God
expenses are on a per-school basis,
rather than on a per-student basis. has asked us to do.
Other circumstances have also
changed. Families used to have many
children. Today there are often only one
or two. We have seen a shift from rural to urban
societies. In my grandparents generation, a sec-
ondary school diploma ensured employment for
life. A college degree was for the elite. For my


children today to remain employed in a profes- graduating fewer than 15 students per year. Is this
sional capacity, they will likely be required to earn affordable?
a graduate degree. Demographics. Todays church is rapidly becom-
Distance is no longer the barrier it used to be. ing an urban church. In an urban context we have
When Adventist schools started, traveling 100 multiple congregations within a small radius, yet
miles a day was a signicant journey. Today we the elementary school typically belongs to a single
y 2,000 miles without letting it interfere with church. That church has to budget for it, and hope
our sleep schedule. and pray that enough students will come to make
Technology has also changed. Postal mail across the budget work. In a city, day academies spring
country took weeks. Now, with cell phones and up to serve local members, enabling them to
the Internet, communication at a distance is not attend an Adventist school. This reduces the pool
an issue (even internationally). Physical presence of students for the conference boarding academy,
is no longer the critical element it used to be. creating more economic pressure.
People no longer stay in the area where they
WHY ARE OUR SCHOOLS STRUGGLING? were raised. In the nineteenth century many
Here are some crucial factors I have identied people lived and died within 50 miles of their
as I have puzzled over this problem for the past birthplace. Today it is common to live on the other
few years. end of the country. The more educated a person
Size. In todays environment, with major gov- is, the less likely they are to remain where they
ernmental and accreditation requirements, it is grew up.
very difficult to meet these requirements without Tradition. Generally, we dont like change. We
allocating additional personnel, infrastructure, ght to keep what weve always had. During the
and nances. Because of the nature of the require- past decade one conference in the U.S. with a
ments, the necessary work is not directly propor- struggling boarding academy (which they consid-
tional to the size of the institution. An academy ered closing) received a multimillion-dollar offer
with 100 students and one with 500 students to purchase the land and the buildings of the acad-
must complete the same reports. The cost per
student of the smaller school is therefore higher.
Higher costs make it more difficult for parents to
afford (or justify) the cost of Adventist If the product is not perceived
Another size issue involves the necessary lab-
as being significantly different
oratories (particularly for academies and colleges/
universities). The facilities needed for computer
from the alternatives, why should
or chemistry labs are not different if you have one parents pay money plus have the
group of 25 students or six groups of 25 students.
Small is nice but expensive. Not long ago I asked inconvenience of the location?
about the size of the Spanish program at one
university. I was told that they averaged only two
graduates per year, and that there were (at that
time) six or seven Spanish majors offered across
all Adventist universities in the United States,


emy, located in a rural setting. The proposal was consumers make choices on price, product, pro-
to sell the academy and use the proceeds to clear motion, and place. Adventist education is not
the schools debt, then invest the remainder as an normally the cheapest; it is often not well mar-
endowment to fund students from that conference keted; the location of our schools is often not the
to study at nearby boarding academies. most convenient. Therefore, whats the selling
The proposal was defeated, and the academy point? It has to be product. If the product is not
remained open for another two or three years. It perceived as being signicantly different from the
is now closed, and the land was sold for 30 percent alternatives, why should parents pay money plus
of the original offer. The new payment had to cover have the inconvenience of the location?
not only the earlier debt but also the additional How is our product different? Can it be differ-
debt from running the institution at a loss for the ent if our faculty and employees are non-Adven-
extra time the school operated, as well as the time tists, or have not received a solid Adventist
that the institution was not used before it was education? Do we have a program that requires
sold. The remaining endowment (after clearing new faculty (Adventist or not) to have training in
debts) is less than 15 percent of what it would Adventist beliefs and educational philosophy? Do
have been, severely limiting the assistance the we require a statement of belief and practice from
conference can provide. our employees, as many other faith-based schools
The neighboring academies (four of them) can- (at all levels) do? I know that I have not signed a
not therefore receive the hundreds of thousands single such statement in my entire work experi-
of dollars that the endowment would have pro- ence, all of which has been spent in Adventist
vided every year, nor the additional amounts that schools. We have plenty of opportunity to have a
parents would have contributed! We dont like distinctive product, but we often dont use it. If
moving our schools, even when it makes economic something does not contribute to the mission of
sense. Even Ellen White saw this. The move of the church, it becomes a distraction and, according
Healdsburg College (which she had been involved to business theory, should be disposed of. Do our
in setting up) to Angwin as Pacic Union College schools truly contribute to that mission? What
in 1909 had her full support. The church sold the can we do to improve on that contribution?
land in Healdsburg and used the proceeds to
purchase the land they currently own. Even SOME POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS
though she had advised the church to build in We live in a vastly different world than we did
Healdsburg at rst, when times changed, she when Adventist education began. In reality, we
advocated changing the location. live in a time of rapid changes, and its time to act
Identity. We need to recognize that the largest creatively and decisively if Adventist education
single source for funding education is tuition, is to continue to be a vibrant contributor in ful-
which comes mainly from students parents. In lling the mission God has given us. I suggest the
todays environment parents are concerned with following areas be addressed:
getting value for the money they spend on their Governance. Considering todays reality, its time
childrens education. Adventist education is not for elementary schools to be attached to the local
cheap, so parents ask themselves: What value conference. The ability to coordinate between
am I getting for what I spend? churches and districts, and to coordinate the gov-
They look at public education as well as other ernmental requirements, creates signicant effi-
private schools. From marketing we know that ciencies. Textbook purchasing can be coordinated,


and in some cases the sharing of specialized faculty few exceptions, whenever I see schools in sys-
(music, computers, art) could be advantageous temic trouble (Im not talking about the momen-
both from nancial and quality perspectives. tary crisis), Ive seen schools that are not following
At the secondary school level, schools should the clear instructions we have from the Bible and
be attached to union conferences. The decision the writings of Ellen White. Even non-Adventist
then on how best to serve the members who dont leaders recognize the Adventist philosophy of
have access to day academies (or would prefer education as very sound, yet we tend to forget it.
their child to attend a boarding school) can be We often sacrice our Adventist philosophy on
done for a larger region. Efficiencies in supervision the altar of nancial expediency, or we try to
from coordinating across many secondary schools compete with the world rather than being a
include the ability to share in purchasing and the distinctive light upon the hill. We cannot expect
potential (using technology) to share faculty so God to bless us when we are doing things that are
that specialized courses, particularly in key sub- contrary to explicit instructions we have been
jects such as mathematics and sciences, can be given.
shared. This increases the systems capacity to
offer quality teaching without significantly WRAP-UP
increasing costs, making the product more I know it sounds simplistic to say that with
attractive. addressing the governance and identity issues,
Colleges and universities need to be attached we will have solved the problem. However, if we
to the division. Looking across the fence at the agree that the core issues are size, demographics,
Mormon Church in North America, its plain that tradition, and identity, we will be much further
they have focused all their efforts on Brigham down the road to resolving these issues than we
Young University, thus creating a world-class are under the current model. It will not be easy
school. for organizations to give up control of what they
I would not argue that we should close all of have owned, but its not impossible. Financially,
our institutions and take them to one location. if each organization continues to contribute the
Rather, I would suggest that the model of the same amount to the operations of the schools, the
University of Wisconsin System, with its multiple schools nances will improve rapidly, because of
campuses, could be used, where transfer between efficiencies of being part of a larger system. As
campuses is seamless.* Just imagine the Adventist part of a more cohesive system, the issues that
University of North America, with 13 campuses. are driven by size, demographics, and tradition
Yes, its painful to think of giving up control (and should be able to be overcome.
perhaps even names). But such a model would But without a clear Adventist identity, what is
enable a student to start on one campus and move the purpose of having a school? How does it sup-
to complete at another campus without fear of port the mission of the church? Lets not lose our
the dreaded transfer credit problems. It enables focus. The purpose of Adventist education is not
coordination of offerings so that class sizes are to provide employment for members, or merely
maintained at reasonable levels to make programs a protected haven where parents can have their
more affordable. Certain campuses could special- kids in a safe environment for a bit longer. Any-
ize in specic areas, while high-volume degrees thing and everything we do must be focused on
could be offered at all locations. Students who preparing those around us for the Second Advent.
wish to stay closer to home might be able to study If we do not agree on and work toward this goal,
two years in Berrien Springs (Andrews University), our investment may be in vain.
and then move to Loma Linda or Walla Walla to
*University of Wisconsin System, UW Colleges Transfer Guides (2015),
complete their studies., accessed May 15, 2015.
Identity. Ive worked in Adventist education for
more than 30 years. Ive been privileged to travel Ron Vyhmeister, Ph.D., served as deputy vice-chancellor for
the world and see Adventist schools in almost all financial administration at the Adventist University of Africa
while writing this article. He and his wife, Shawna, have just
regions of the church. As I look at schools of every moved to Middle East University in Lebanon, where he will
level, Ive seen one consistent thing: With very serve as academic dean.




I am 62 years old and have moderate high It was quite surprising when in 2014 the Eighth
Q: blood pressure. Over the past year I have Joint National Committee panel suggested that it
read conicting reports as to the target blood was safe to treat patients over the age of 60 years
pressure reading I should be striving toward. to a level of below 150/90 millimeters of mercury,
What is your advice? and for patients aged 30 through 59 be treated to
a level of less than 140/90. In November 2015 a
High blood pressure is a common and dan- large NIH-based study of more than 9,300 patients
A: gerous condition if not adequately treated. was stopped prematurely because it was shown
It has been named the silent killer because there that more intensive treatment of hypertension
are often no symptoms until signicant damage showed significant benefits, with decreased
to the heart, kidneys, and brainor even death deaths, strokes, and heart attacks with systolic
occurs. Untreated high blood pressure may result
in a heart attack or stroke (brain attack). Symp-
toms may be less dramatic, such as unusual short-
ness of breath with mild exercise. There is no
High blood pressure has been named
doubt that with adequate treatment of blood
pressure, there has been a signicant decrease in
the silent killer because there are
strokes and other complications. Sadly, however, often no symptoms until significant
undiagnosed and untreated hypertension is still
common even in developed countries. It is import- damageor even deathoccurs.
ant for one to have blood-pressure screening and
to know ones numbers in order to take the nec-
essary treatment as needed. blood-pressure readings of below 120. The results
Even in the 1960s an increasing level of the were so clear that the trial was stopped prema-
systolic blood pressure (or upper reading: e.g., the turely, as it would have been unethical to withhold
120 of 120/80 millimeters of mercury) with age intensive therapy from the comparison group,
was accepted as normal. In fact, the norm was who were targeting a systolic level of below 140.*
calculated as age in years plus 60; so for a 60-year In consultation with your physician, who knows
old, a systolic blood pressure of 120 + 60, or 180 your risk factors for cardiovascular events, it
millimeters, was considered normal. Epidemio- makes sense to aim for a systolic blood pressure
logical studies in the latter part of the twentieth of 120. Home blood-pressure readings are helpful,
century, as well as the advent of clinical trial stud- and electronic monitors have become more
ies, debunked this concept, showing that active affordable.
treatment of even isolated systolic hypertension Take the pressure off your heart: measure and
in the older patient resulted in less complications record your numbers, and follow up with your
of the disease. Landmark clinical studies in the physician regularly.
1990s onward showed that the outcomes for
* Report from the panel members of the Eighth Joint National Commit-
patients with a blood pressure reading of 120/80 tee, Journal of the American Medical Association 311, no. 5 (2014): 507-
or less were better than those who remained above 520. doi:10.1001/jama.2013.284427.

140/90. This led to a much more aggressive man-

Peter N. Landless, a board-certified nuclear cardiologist, is
agement of high blood pressure, even in older director of the General Conference Health Ministries
patients. Department.



I suffer from depression: a
mental illness. Did I just say that
out loud? How does that make
you feel? Nervous? Awkward?
Would it be easier if I said that
I was in an accident and broke
some bones? Would a physical
illness be easier to pray for?
Would it be easier for me to talk
In my roughly 18 years as an
Adventist, I have never heard
any mention of depression in a
church service. No sermons
preached. No prayer requests
mentioned aloud. Ive heard it
addressed in our seminars, and
since I havent attended every
church on every Sabbath since
becoming an Adventist, my per-
spective may be a bit skewed.
But I still wonder why I have not
heard about depression at least
once in the past 18 years. Isnt
the wellness of our minds just
as important as the wellness of
our physical bodies?
Paul thought so, and so does
God. Why then does it seem as
though mental wellness (or the
lack thereof ) is one of those
hush-hush topics?

LEARNING TO LOVE LIFE In my host country as a mis-

sionary, I lived near a small com-
munity known for its mental (or
m a missionary. On July 1, crazy) hospital. In fact, the way
For some, life is
dark and forbidding.
I 2015, I threatened suicide. I
didnt act on it; it was simply
a threat.
you catch a minibus to this par-
ticular community is moving
your hand in circles over the
Which part of the previous right side of your brain. But not
paragraph caught your attention everyone who suffers from a
most? That Im a missionary, or mental illness lacks a sound
that I threatened suicide? mind.
Would I have ever acted upon My depression took center
the thought? No. The threat stage while I was in mission ser-
itself was a desperate cry for vice. I love the people and cul-
help. ture where I served, but I still
The point is: I wasnt well. I felt out of place. It was my heart.
BY CECILIA LUCK had hit rock bottom. Within the nancial, social, and


career walls in which I served I wasnt equal to
the other missionaries. Im single; the other mis-
Lets be more aware of the
sionaries my age werent. I was on a slightly ele-
vated volunteer stipend. The other missionaries
inner battles people face.
my age, well . . . you get the picture. Its not easy to struggle alone.
The other major issue was that I wasnt doing
what I really wanted to do. Teaching isnt my
calling; I was doing what God had opened to me
at the time. I was also in the nal stages of my
M.A. degree. I was both a teacher and a student,
a mid-30s single among married couples the same
age. I wasnt making enough income to do any-
thing more than basic travel, etc. of mind and abundant life God intends for us.
With my emotional and mental state, my feeling And this brings me to my nal point: Can one
out of place even in the country I loved to serve, truly be in the mission eld and suffer from
the sadness and frustration of not living the life I depression? Think about that. It surely hinders
really wanted to live eventually overwhelmed me. the fullness of life that service requires. However,
The gifts and abilities God gave me werent being there is hope. Through years of distress David
utilized. could still be a man after Gods own heart. And
My depressed state didnt begin during my time thankfully, God has provided resources that work
of service in the host country, however. I hadnt through His awesome power to overcome this
been able to put a label on it, but for the longest illness. Here are some verses that speak directly
time I felt a deep sadness, even on the greatest to depression. Read them if you need help, or share
days. There were moments of laughter, of course, them with others to encourage those who suffer
but an overall sense of peace and happiness just from depression: Psalm 13; Psalm 34:18; Psalm
didnt exist. 42; Lamentations 3:19-24; Philippians 4:6-9; Mat-
My family background isnt that great. In fact, thew 11:28; 1 Peter 5:6, 7.
it would take a book to share all the reasons my Once overcome, missionariesand everyone
family is a big factor in my mental wellness. From else who suffers from depressionare all the
a human perspective I have a lot to be sad about. stronger in their partnership with God. I can live
My depression and other circumstances interfered with that hope.
with my mission service. Yet as a daughter of God, Lets be more aware of the inner battles people
I have much for which to be thankful. face. Its not easy to struggle alone. And those of
Im a missionary. I claim this. us who suffer from this type of illness need prayer
and tender loving care just as much as anyone
EMOTIONAL AND SPIRITUAL HEALTH who suffers from a physical illness.
Heres the thing: Just because followers of Jesus Im a missionary, and I suffer from depression,
suffer from mental illness doesnt make them any but not forever. Im back in the United States
less followers. I love Jesus, and even though I regrounding my life and becoming a stronger
currently am experiencing this internal mental woman in my Savior. Then, by His grace, I will
and emotional battle, I spend time with Him every return to the mission eld and serve people in a
day, talk to Him, and want His will to be done in way that glories Him through the gifts and abil-
my life. ities He has given to me.
As we look in Gods Word, we nd a number of Jesus promised: I have come that they may
people who suffered from depression. Have you have life, and have it to the full (John 10:10). That
read through some of the psalms lately, or Lam- is my prayer for us all, especially for those of us
entations? David and Jeremiah, just to name a who suffer from depression.
couple, experienced mental and emotional dis-
tress. In this sin-sick world Satan has so many Cecilia Luck is working on a graduate degree in global commu-
avenues through which he can destroy the peace nity development at Southern Adventist University.


THE LORDS DAY writes, You yourselves know perfectly
that the day of the Lord comes as a thief
in the night (1 Thess. 5:2), clearly indi-
cating the coming of Christ.
This interpretation of the Lords Day
has strong support from the immediate
context of John 1:10. John says that hes
in the Spirit on the Lords Day (the sen-
he phrase the Lords Day of Revela- tence structure in Greek); then a voice

tion 1:10 is unique in Scripture, and
Christians interpret it many ways.
Its most commonly argued that the
tells him to write what he sees. Whats
John already seeing? Whats the only
thing that John has seen so far?
Lords Day means Sunday, the Just three verses earlier: Look, he is
rst day of the week, in honor coming with the clouds, and every eye
THE LIFE of Christs resurrection. Its will see him, even those who pierced him;
OF FAITH true that Sunday would and all the peoples of the earth will

ANDY someday be called the Lords

Day, but this didnt happen
mourn because of him. So shall it be!
Amen (Rev. 1:7, 8, NIV).2
NASH for 100 years, as Christians Here John is witnessing the coming of
began abandoning the Sab- Jesus Christ at the end of time. Whether
bath to distance themselves its John or an angel (see Rev. 1:1) shout-
from the Jews. But John was ing, Look, John is clearly seeing the
a Jew, and Jews rested on Sab- return of His Lord and Savior. This is the
bath, as did all Christians at same coming with the clouds of heaven
I WAS IN THE this point. that Jesus Himself prophesied to the high
SPIRIT ON THE So can we conclude that priest Caiaphas (see Matt. 26:64). It got
LORDS DAY the Lords Day means the Jesus killed; He was claiming to be God.
(REV. 1:10).1 Sabbath? After all, Jesus once This suggests how pregnant with
said that the Son of man is meaning is Johns introduction of Jesus
Lord of the Sabbath (Luke revelation. The one who declares Himself
6:5), and throughout Scrip- Lord of the Sabbath is the same Lord who
ture the Sabbath is called comes for John and for us in the clouds
Gods holy day. This inter- of glory.
pretation is possible, but to be fair to the 1
Unless otherwise noted, Bible texts in this article are
text it seems unusual that John would from the New King James Version. Copyright 1979, 1980,
suddenly use the term the Lords Day 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights
rather than just Sabbath, which he used reserved.
Texts credited to NIV are from the Holy Bible, New Inter-
throughout his Gospel. It might very well national Version. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by
have been Sabbath when John was in Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved
the Spirit, but his use of the term Lords
Day isnt watertight evidence of this.
Andy Nash ( is the author
There are other suggested meanings of The Book of Matthew: Save Us Now, Son of David.
of the Lords Day: Easter Sunday? Emper- He is coleading a tour to Patmos, Turkey, Greece,
ors Day? But these lack strong support. and Rome this summer.

What about the Lords Day being the

apocalyptic day of the Lord mentioned
throughout the Old and New Testa-
ments? To the saints in Thessolonica Paul



m a 23-year-old from the city of Forl in Italy.

I When I was about 6 years old, I almost drowned in the

warm Mediterranean Sea. I was underwater, and fearing all
was lost, when a hand yanked me out of the water and
brought me ashore. My parents came to hug me, and in that
split second my unknown savior disappeared. That night we FROM
celebrated and thanked God for saving my life.

This short story, in a way, describes what has happened to
My savior was a stranger.
me in life:
In my adolescence I drifted away from anything related to
Godprayer, Bible study, church . . . Instead I frequented places
and parties I should not have, with people who inuenced me
for the worse. I forgot what it was to have a relationship with
Christ, and I believed there was no need for Him, since I had
everything I needed. I had found new friends, I was having
fun; I felt free to live without rules and limits.
But I soon hit rock bottom, and the side effects of my lifestyle
took a toll on me. Suddenly I was always mad, lost, and frus-
trated with the world without really understanding why. Most
of all, I felt empty, and completely lost condence in myself.

In 2014, in my lost state, I traveled to Rwanda to volunteer
at an Adventist orphanage near Kibuye. I met great people in
Rwanda, friends that lived out their faith in God in great ways,
and showed condence that God was in fact in control of their
lives. Through them God began to get through to me. Still
feeling unworthy to be forgiven, I began to discover that I was
the one who wouldnt forgive myself! Then
and there, far from home, God knocked on
the door of my heart. Kneeling on the oor,
I wouldnt
broken and crying, I opened the Bible ran-
domly to Isaiah 51. I received my answer.
I have not always been as close to God as myself.
I should, but He has always been my salva-
tion, my strength, my refuge. He has forgiven me, and given
me new life! He is changing my heart, and I have started a
journey that I will never end. Before I had no self-esteem, no
condence. But God has slowly put me back together, and He
is helping me understand that I am precious in His eyes. I
began to understand that He loves me for who I am, and He
has a future of hope for me.
Just as when I was a little girl, life almost drowned me. But
God reached out and yanked me out of the water. I now live

because Christ lives in me.

Deborah Prati was a sociology major at the University of Bologna when she
wrote this story. She is passionate about living the gospel of Jesus Christ in
her secularized European homeland.



Introduce yourself.
for whom you

1 Identify one or two new believers

would like to care. Introduce your
get to know them, and build a posi
talk with them,

Fourteen ways to keep Pray for them.

track of the rest of the ock
2 Pray for them by name in your personal
devotions. When we pray for someone, we
form a spiritual connection with them.

e all know the story: the church

W had 100 members. But when just

one got lost, the loving Caregiver
risked His life to retrieve it. Supply their needs.

Todays church would be very satised As you get close to eac
with a 1 percent rate loss, but He was h other, you will be abl
to identify their felt nee e
not! The reality is that when we compare ds. Choose one of the
needs and try to satisfy ir
the number of members lost to mem- it.
bers gained in a given period,
our church reports a greater
Prayer partners.
than 34 percent loss!

Invite them to become your new prayer partner. Tell them that
We say we care, but do we
you have needs for which you would like them to pray, and
care enough to act? What can
that you will be happy to pray for their needs as well. Estab-
we do to stem our painful
lish a weekly time when you can call and pray with each other.
loss? Here are a few simple
ideas for connecting with new
Gordon and Waveney Martinborough, now retired, Visit the sick.

live in Orlando, Florida, and are co-directors of
If sickness visits the new believer, or a family
Happy Family Bible Seminars International, a sup-
porting ministry of the Adventist Church.? member, make sure you visit also. Visiting
shows we care.

Welcome the Sabbath.

6 Offer to visit new believers on Friday evenings and wel-

come the Sabbath together.

Provide transportation.
If there is a need, offer to provide
transportation to
church, as well as on weekdays
for running errands.

Care for the children.

ren of new believers

8 Take a special interest in the child

and make friends with them. Whe
a child, we often capture the hear
n we win the heart of
ts of the parents.

Share Sa
th lu

9 Invite new converts to your home for Sabbath

lunch. Dont strive for perfection; its the fellowship
that counts.

Remember special days.

10 Remember the special times of their lives

anniversaries, or Christmasand give a gift.
as The Desire of Ages make great nurturing
Books such

Recreate togethe

11 Invite families for social activities. These could be a

game, a party in a park, a social event, or watching
a lm together.

Teach new skills.

12 Teach your new friend a skill you have and they

like, such as learning another language.

Celebrate family.
your families that meets

Create a small-group meeting of
, talk together, pray
regularly to share sorrows and joys
. This can be priceless!
together, and fellowship together

Be a mentor

14 Live an authentic life. If your new friends think you

are genuine, they will model your behavior forever!



What keeps you grounded? What or who
keeps you connected to Christ and the church?

hat keeps me grounded was the great church My S

bb h SSchool
h l class:
l ffor putting
i up with

W I had growing up. It really set the foundation

for me to continue growing and never won-
dering. We had a great choir and an awesome
Andy Hanson, Chico, California

Pathnder Club, where we learned about Christ. ears ago a dear friend gave me a copy of the
Now we all are separated because of life. But many
of us continue growing and remaining in Christ
because we had a great foundation.
Y little pamphlet My Heart, Christs Home, by
Robert Boyd Munger. Its based on Ephesians
3:16, 17: I pray that out of his glorious riches [God]
Oscar E. Chavez, Wilmington, Delaware may strengthen you with power through his Spirit
in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in
ve been following Kent Hansens blog, A Word your hearts through faith.

Iof Grace, for several years. His essays are spiritual

and thoroughly based on the Bible. They are so
uplifting I often nd myself reecting on their
The idea that Jesus wants to live in my life and
share my everyday experiences revolutionized my
life. It still amazes me. I love His invitation: If
messages throughout the week. anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will
Ruth Ellis, Atlanta, Georgia come in and eat with that person, and they with
me (Rev. 3:20).
llen and Rose Nell Brandt: for a 140-mile ride Robin Metaxas, Chicago, Illinois

A in their RV when my wife had to be trans-

ported to a pain clinic, where they accidentally eing connected to Christ is a choice. Its like
discovered a clue that led to treatment of my wifes
chronic, excruciating pain.
Sakae and Hatsumi Kubo: never walked away
B being a young child in a busy parking lot:
choosing to hold Dads hand makes life less
scary. I choose to spend time reading His Word in
without vegetables or fruit from their garden and the morning so that I have something to think and
the blessing of their lives. pray about during the day. I read His Word in the
Ernie and Beth Bursey and Larry and Arlene evening so that I have something to sleep on. Is it
Downing: kindred, loving spirits. Arlene was a easy? No, its a choice, a choice that makes life
resident in the ward when my 5-year-old son had worth living.
heart surgery. Lloyd Peterson, Columbus, Nebraska
PUC profs Paul Staufferjust had his 100th
birthdayand Alice Babcock Stauffer: Paul was
my roommate for a three-month Western arts tour
of Europe and the Middle East, and Alice required
me to read the book of Job.
My grandkids: dont want them to start praying
for me for just yet.


FEEDING OF Current and former Adventists in North America

ADVENTISTS were asked about the congregational care they

received before and after they became members.

I thought highly of it, but I had lost touch.
I thought highly of it, but I felt I could not VERY
live up to its standards. LITTLE VERY
It had become irrelevant to my life. 8% THOROUGH
I was angry at the way it treated me. 11%
I felt that it was cold and inexible.


Serious illness THOROUGH
Married/divorced 38%
Death in the family
Marital conict
Job change
Lost job
No big issue; I just drifted away. 30%
Lack of compassion for those hurting
Moral failure on my part 15%
I did not t in.
Too much focus on minor issues
Conict in the congregation DEPENDS ON SOMEWHAT
Moral failures of members LIKELY
20% 20%
Moral failures of leaders
Pressure from family or friends
Race, ethnic, or tribal issues


No one contacted me 40%

A church member visited me 19%
A local elder visited me 17%
A local church member contacted me by phone 15%
An Adventist relative made contact 10%
The pastor visited me 9%
The pastor contacted me by phone or e-mail 6%
An Adventist, not a local member, contacted me 3%
I received a letter in the mail 2%


A City Called Heaven
Ambassadors for God and country

his CD destroys stereotypesof Chile, of
Adventist education, of Seventh-day
Adventism in this stereotype-defying
land. Consider, for example, Chiles dimen-
sions18 times as long as it is wide at its widest
point. Again, consider its diplomatic strategy: A
City Called Heaven is a product of the Universidad
Adventista de Chile [UnACH], whose Coro de
Cmara [Chamber Choir] was selected as the
nations ambassadors to tour the United States of

Precious Memories America at the nations expense.

The strong, steady pulse of the CDs opening

of Missionaries of title number confounds standard anticipations

with the soulfulness of its sound. It moves to the
measures of a heaven-bound rhythm that nothing
Color, 2 volumes will swerve from its purpose. Youthful voices from
the south of South America pour out a sound of

arol Hammonds volume 1 (Pleas- gospel soul most know to belong to southern
ant Word Publishing, 2008), and America. That sound, the glorious demand to take
DeWitt S. Williams recent com- your stand (De Pie), the saturated progressions
plementary volume (TEACH Services,
2015), with a preface by Gary Krause,
director of the Office of Adventist Mis-
sion, are a unique mine of inspiration on
the yeoman service of Adventist African American overseas the beginning of Maurice and Esther
workers between 1892 and 2008. Williams has enhanced Battles service to ve overseas territories,
Hammonds work by continuing her title, clarifying infor- one of the longest terms of service
mation on some of her subjects, covering individuals not recounted (1956-1979), surpassed only
mentioned in volume 1, and providing alphabetical indices by Dunbar and Lorraine Henri (1945-
that integrate his data and hers. Both volumes are well 1973), and Leola and Walton Whaley
supplied with historically signicant photography. (1968-1998). A poem of 111 four-line
Hammonds 458 pages dedicate 49 chapters to telling of stanzas concludes the section, rhyming
the service of 86 individuals between 1892 and 2008. A a-b-c-b all the way through. It is Edward
nal section that might have been labeled Appendix Dorseys Dolly Dot and Me: Our Call to
begins with an alphabetical list of 187 heroes, the Black Florida, a poem mostly about service in
Seventh-day Adventist Mission Service Honor Roll, a third Liberia, a long way from Florida.
of whom (63) were single missionaries. Next, Maurice Chapters are numbered in volume 2:
Battles letter from his mom, dated September 6, 1956, adds 95 in all. Williams 372 pages lead off
a quaint touch that startles by the nature and currency of with eight names of individuals already
its content: As for news not much, she says: approaching covered in volume 1 on whom he has
elections, race agitation, crime. Her words of love came at gathered new information. The most


to take us with them, and that she knows how to
get us all there. Also, that the foreign ministrys
judgment in selection of these ambassadors is
more than merely wise. It is inspired.
Their nal plea [song 9, Seor Jess el da ya
se fue,] will be yours too, Abide With Me, for as
the spirit of their selections and interpretations
shows they are aware, we all need Him at every
step if our journey will ever succeed.
Listen to the message, delivered in both English
and Spanish, admire the orchestration of the
Nashville String Machine and the Symphonic
Orchestra of Prague, and be blessed, inspired, and
and adept modulations of Fija Tus Ojos en Cristo, lifted.
all ll you, fellow Seventh-day Adventist, with A City Called Heaven may be obtained through
admiration and holy pride at the competence, several avenues, including (1) the university (rectoria
musicality, vocal quality, genre versatility, and; (2) director Susana Ovalle (susana.ovalle@
spiritual sincerity of these messengers for God; codirector Sergio Leiva (sergioleiva59@
and country. You hear and know that director
Susana Ovalle Miranda knows the journey that
her singers need to take, that she means for them Lael Caesar

interesting of these duplications is prob- and to Panama in Central America (1892-

ably a single woman missionary to Libe- 1896). Williams 249 subjects include 27
ria and Sierra Leone. Though Williams singles and 111 couples, ending with
correctly identies her as Caucasian, he Timothy and Beverly McDonald in Kenya,
might also have noted her preferred spell- 2003-2007.
ing of her name: Hannah More. His alpha- We all need the inspiration of these
betical listing of names on pages 361-365 books history. Forgetting the Lords lead-
would read better if last names in the list ing inspires fear. Remembering through
were placed first (Battle, Maurice & these stories helps prepare us to say,
Esther, under B, instead of Maurice and Here am I, Lord, send me.
Esther Battle under B). A listing of coun- Precious Memories, volume 1, is avail-
tries would well complement the names able on Amazon; volume 2 may be obtained
list and the chronological listing of peri- at your local book center; or directly from
ods of service (pp. 367-371). Pioneer the author (
James E. Patterson opens the chronolog-
ical list with his service to the Caribbean Lael Caesar is an associate editor of Adventist
islands of Jamaica, Barbados, and Haiti,

Tossing the Gospel

t was one of those deceptively cold an act of kindness from a soul who, for

days, the kind that trades sharp wind
and paralyzing temperatures for a dull
chill that seeps in over time. The kind
all we knew, could be facing anything
from a lost job to simply a bad day.
It hurts to think that I and other Chris-
that tempts you to leave the house with- tians indulge that same scrutinizing atti-
out gloves or scarf; but I was wearing tude when dispensing a gift weve been
both, expecting to be outside for several given in far more copious amounts: the
hours. good news of salvation in Jesus. We do it
That Saturday afternoon our group was so unconsciouslyyet so scrupulously
unpacking the church van to serve a with such thoughts as: those people have
warm meal to the homeless. Looking at already been preached to . . . my neighbor
the faces lining up, I found it would never listen to my testimony . . . my
hard not to think about how coworker doesnt want to talk about faith.
long theyd been out in the ele- We then allow these thoughts to paralyze
ments that day. us out of sharing the gospel, and instead
THE SOWER IN Up to our table came a mother wait for the next carefully planned mis-
with two small daughters. Next, sion trip or evangelistic meeting.
a man approached asking for an How sad that we often miss an import-
extra plate of food for his home- ant point in Jesus parable about the
less father. Then a woman sower. In Matthew 13 the sower in the
appeared, wound tight with so story is not your typically precise farmer;
many layers of clothes that she he scatters seed all over the place. From
could barely carry her tray of him we learn to focus less on evaluating
food. I shivered and pulled my the ground and more on being so radiant
scarf a little tighter, but purposely left my with the truth and love of Jesus Christ
face exposed to offer a welcoming smile that we saturate everywhere we go with
to our guests. seeds of faith.
Suddenly, in front of me was a sharply Think of those to whom the Savior
dressed man, his leather-gloved hands spent time revealing the truths of the
toting a briefcase. I hesitated and glanced kingdom: sick individuals, Pharisees,
around at my fellow group members for Gentiles, family members, a tax collec-
guidance. It was that very human tor, even the one who would betray Him.
moment we all face sometimes when If Christ can so easily and openly toss
trying to make a judgment about some- the seeds of the gospel, shouldnt I
one. Why is he here? Does he really need a human with no knowledge of the
this food? future or conversion matters of the
Almost immediately another thought heartbe even more willing to do so
forced itself on my mind: Does it actually every single day?
even matter? No, it didnt. There was no
shortage of food, no reason to withhold Kristina Penny is digital editor of Adventist Review.


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