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Statistics for Economists and Managers

2016/2017 Winter Semester



Chapter 1 The bridge between descriptive statistics and inductive statistics

Chapter 2 The reference continuous distributions

Chapter 3 The sampling distributions

Chapter 4 Point and interval estimators

Chapter 5 Hypothesis testing

Chapter 6 Introduction to econometrics

Statistics for Economists and Managers
2016/2017 Winter Semester

2 Bibliography

Newbold, Carlson & Thorne,

Statistics for Business and Economics,
Pearson International Edition, 6th ed. Pearson International Edition
2007 ISBN 0-13-814250-5

This is the main textbook for the course.

Pedrosa, A. C. e Gama, S. M.,

Introduo Computacional Probabilidade e Estatstica,
Porto Editora, 2004

3 Evaluation

If you attend the Regular Exam date, the final grade is the weighted average of the
intermediate test (30%) and the final exam (70%).

If you take the Resit Exam, your final grade is 100% the exam grade.

For students trying to improve their grade, the exam is valued at 100% at any date.

All the exceptions should be managed by the Pedagogic Council.


Intermediate test 29 October 17.00

Final exams 09 January 14:00

31 January 08:30

Statistics for Economists and Managers
2016/2017 Winter Semester

For the evaluation moments

a) You may prepare one A4 sheet to consult. You may use it to write
anything you want.
b) You may use the statistical tables in paper
c) You may use an elementary calculator

For the evaluation moments the subjects covered are

everything theoretical and practical until the last class
with common sense.

4 Course material available in the course moodle

a) Theoretical courses in PPT

b) Practical courses grouped in the correspondent chapters; all the chapters
include solved problems and proposed problems.
c) Manual to read statistical tables
d) A number of excel files

5 Punctuality

The lessons start FIVE minutes after the Schedule and finish 15 minutes before.

It is not allowed to enter after class begins but there will be a special opening 15
minutes for a train of late students.

Statistics for Economists and Managers
2016/2017 Winter Semester

6 Calendar of the theoretical courses

Statistics for Economists and Managers
2016/2017 Winter Semester

7 Common timetable

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