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Extended Day Meeting - 11/15/16

$8,000 to spend on the program.

Transportation = free
Snack = free

Snack - depot to cafeteria at 3:45pm

228 hours of pay. ($35 / hour)

No pay for planning. (Kindergarten and First Grade)

ESP (2) = $17.00/hour

7 teachers = 36 hours

2 hours/week = 16 weeks

Reading = Read Naturally - a year below grade level

Shared reading with snap words (Kindergarten) - Ask for feedback
Phonics, snap words, shared reading (First grade) - Ask for feedback
Math = Reflex + IXL + CCSS

Lead teachers will identify which students are within the Read Naturally range.

Tuesday = Reading
Wednesday = Math

Email team leaders - explain program - one teacher per grade level.

Starting the 2nd Week of January (1/10/17)

Give Outline of Program
Encore - Grove
K - Kane
1st - Wolbert
2nd - Grimm
3rd - Carver
4th - Fagan
5th - T. Newcomer

Meet Tomorrow After School

$8,000 = 228 hours

Paras- $17

1 teacher per grade level -each teacher gets 32 hours ( 2 times a week)

1 day reading, 1 day math

Reflex IXL and Read Naturally

Target Audience- Bubble kids K-5 (see data)

Select students that are in the targeted area (1 grade level below)


January 10th

Grade Reading Math Substitute

Kindergarten Ausherman Zeger

1st Grade Whiteman Tracey

2nd Grade Grimm Chris

3rd Grade Carver Randi or Ashley

4th Grade Thomas Eicher Plume

5th Grade Bland McDonald

Encore Runkles Grove


Para Vincent Irving

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