Sophomore Year Reflection

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Wendy Barth

Sophomore Year Reflection

I went on to continue my undergraduate degree here at the University of Wisconsin-Stout

in the fall of 2015. I stuck with the same major, dietetics, and am still very confident with my
choice on a future profession. After completing my freshman year with an accumulative GPA of
3.7, I was ready to take on year two. Going into it, I knew that the classes where going to become
much more program based and less generalized. I was very aware that I would have difficult
classes ahead of me. Having this in mind, I was not discouraged but rather hungry to take on any
obstacle thrown at me.
I started out Fall semester with a hefty 17 credits. I was excited to finally be in classes
pertaining to wellness and nutrition. The classes I was enrolled in included: College Chemistry,
Food Service Sanitation, Institutional Food Purchasing, Issues & Ethics in F&N, Modern United
States History, and Principles of Management. An aspect I thoroughly enjoyed from these classes
was collaborating with other students in group projects. I also was pleased to dive into learning
about nutrition and kitchen sanitation procedures. This knowledge went on to be very helpful in
classes to come. This was the first time I was exposed to college chemistry. I would say that
chemistry was the bulk of my semester course load and took the most effort to earn a good grade.
I persevered and earned a B in the class, which I was very pleased with. My Business
Management class forced me into working in groups, which I enjoyed, but also taught me how to
network and reach out to different individuals for interview and mentor questions. Another
memorable class was Food Service Sanitation. It became a great beginners class into standard
operations and sanitation laws. I went on the use the information learned in future classes.
Overall, my fall semester classes went very well as I tackled the course load and ended off with
good grades and a up to par GPA.
In the spring, I then took Physiology and Anatomy, Organic Chemistry, Medical
Terminology, and Institutional Meu Planning. I heard very discouraging things about organic
chemistry before entering the class which did discourage me a bit but in all honesty, I ended up
really liking the class. Labs were the make or break for me. The lectures where challenging and
very in depth, which made it hard for me to wrap my mind around all the concepts. Once we got
to lab, thats where it clicked. Being able to practice the procedures and conduct experiments
made learning the material so much more exciting. I looked forward to organic chemistry lab
because I understood the material which lead to great lab grades. Both Anatomy and Physiology
and Institution Menu planning taught me what I would and wouldnt want to do in the future.
They were both very tedious but enriching. Learning about how the body is put together in depth
and how it works was very interesting to me. Menu Planning was another story. I feel I learned
so much about required food groups and purchasing ingredients that would be very important for
me in the future but it also taught me that I dont want a future job that entails purchasing and
planning in such detail.
In conclusion, my sophomore year challenged me more intellectually and set a pace on
how the next few years would come to be. I felt accomplished and was ready to take on year

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