Seanema Film Festival - Second Edition

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15-18 September 2016

Otrant Beach,
Seanema - the first solar cinema in Montenegro. Ulqin / Ulcinj, Montenegro


Drita Llolla
Seanema Film Festival Director
Hatixhe Nelaj, journalist director of NGO SOS telephone for women and
In the pursuit of social impact by combining cinema and activism.
children victims of violence in Ulcinj. Hatixhe was born in 1965 in Bar. In
1998 she started her work as a news correspondent for Radio Mir in Tuzi.
Meanwhile she also worked as a news correspondent for a daily
I would always be curious about the empathy created by great storytelling and how that empathy would
newspaper Bota sot. Since 2000 Hatixhe works at TV Teuta as a journalist later prove to be a great fuel for action. It would often reconfirm the power of storytelling and turn the
and editor of its informative program. In 2002, in Columbia, Missouri, after lens on the importance and responsibility of choosing which story to tell and in what way to present it.
having completed the training, she gets a certificate in investigative journalism.
International union of poets, writers and artists Pegasi Albania, at the Seeing Ulqin gripped in lethargy for so many years in a row, generated a natural compulsion to act. I was
ceremony in Tirana, in 2015, delivered Hatixhe an award for her work. Among almost convinced that at that stage, no conventional way would bring about organic change.
other awards in 2015 there was also the one for the most creative Albanians I hope to have been right. If watching a compelling documentary, audiences would walk out saying
in Montenegro. I want to do something about the way I feel and what I just saw! it would serve as a good start.
In the same year she was declared a journalist of the year in 2015, as a modern and very engaged It does take coordinated, organized and strategic actions to facilitate changes in a society`s viewpoint,
journalist including in her work all generations. With her eye and pen she notes down various lexicons, values and practices. However, inspiring people and generating empathy must be a good start.
personalities, individuals and times, while adding significance to the voice of Albanian people.
Since 2001 she is an executive manager and director of NGO SOS telephone for women and Ultimately, we as iACT believe that inspired action can drive societal and legislative change, truly altering
children victims of violence in Ulcinj. She has carried out many projects supported by international societal practice.
and national sponsors. At the moment this NGO is working on three projects.
Reframing gender inequality and putting it back on the agenda
Hatixhe Nelaj-gazetare - Drejtoresh e SOS telefonit pr femra dhe fmij viktima t dhuns Ulqin.
E lindur n vitin 1965 n Tivar .Nga viti 1998 fillon punn si korrespodente e Radio Mirme seli n The title of this edition Mind the Gap directs the audience`s attention to increased tendency to
Tuz .Nj koh t gjat korrespodente e gazets Bota SOT. Nga viti 2000 punsohet n televizionin emphasize differences among people on various grounds: race, gender, nationality, religious belief,
Teuta si gazetare,redaktore e emisioneve informative. N vitin 2002 n Kollumbia Missuri n nj political affiliation, relationship to the natural environment, and so on. Often these differences and
trajnim t gazetaris merr diplomen pr gazetari hulumtuese. Lidhja ndrkombtare e poeteve , discrimination on the basis of them are being covered up, trying to appear as legitimate, or even
shkrimtarve dhe artisteve PEGASI Albania, n ceremonin e mbajtur n Tiran, ndau titujt e lart nonexistent. In order to be confronted with something, we first have to admit its existence.
Pegasian, pr vitin 2015. Ndr mimet e ndara pr kt vit ishin edhe ato pr krijusit kreative Seanema and iACT chose to use the power of compelling documentary and the presentation of staggering
shqiptare nga Mali i Zi. Hatixhe Nelaj gazetarja e televizionit Teuta shpallet gazetarja e vitit 2015 me statistics to raise awareness about gender inequality.
motivacion Gazetare dhe veprimtare bashkkohore me nj aktivitet t vrullshm n shrbim t
brezave.Me syrin dhe penn e saj t vmendshme trajtoi ngjarje dhe personalitete ,individualitete Tackling radicalization with a new approach
dhe kohra,duke pruar zrin e popullats shqiptare.
Q nga viti 2001 sht n krye t shoqats SOS telefon pr femra dhe fmij viktima t dhuns n Our country features large bodies of unemployed youth (40.5% of young people in Montenegro are
Ulqin.Ka realizuar projekte t shumta t prkrahur nga donator t huaj dhe vendas.Aktualisht kjo unemployed*). It serves as a fertile soil for the rise of violent extremism, especially in a time of rapid
organizat sht duke realizuar tre projekte.
spread of radicalization. Alienation, identity crisis or just a desire to change the world can easily be
manipulated by sophisticated religious propaganda. In order to offset radical views, young people should
Hatide Nelaj novinarka- direktorica NVO SOS telefon za ene i djecu rtve nasilja, u Ulcinju.
be exposed to a plethora of counter-narratives, including positive life visions and religious perspectives.
Roena je 1965 godine u Baru. Od 1998 poinje svoj rad u novinarstvu kao dopisnica za Radio Mir Seanema tents to offer just that positive vision to young people.
u Tuzima. Dugo vremena takoe dopisnica dnevnih novina Bota Sot. Od 2000.godine, radi na
Tv Teuti kao novinarka i urednica informativnog programa. Godine 2002, po zavrenoj obuci, dobija Just as in literature, as the taste has moved from fiction to nonfiction. I think it`s going to happen in
diplomu za istraivako novinarstvo u Kolumbiji, drava Misuri. Meunarodno udruenje pjesnika, film as well. In a way you`re on a serendipitous journey, a journey which is much more akin to the life
pisaca i umjetnika Pegaz iz Albanije, na ceremoni u Tirani, dodjeljuje joj nagradu Pegaz, 2015 experience. When you see somebody on the screen in a documentary, you`re really engaged with a
godine. Medju ostalim nagradama dodijeljenim 2015.godine je i ona za najkreativnije albanske person going through real life experiences. So far that period of time, as you watch the film, you are,
stvaraoce u Crnoj Gori. Hatide Nelaj je takoe 2015.godine proglaena novinarkom godine, uz in effect, in the shoes of another individual. What a privilege to have that experience. Albert Maysles
obrazloenje da je:Novinarka i stvaralac modernih tendencija, sa jednom neprestanom aktivnou US Documentary Filmmaker.
u korist svih generacija. Svojim okom i perom biljei dogaaje i ivote raznih osoba, karaktera i
vremena, tako inei da se uje glas albanskog naroda. Story and culture operate in poetic and unpredictable ways.
Od 2001.godine je na elu NVO SOS telefona za ene i djecu rtve nasilja, u Ulcinju. Tokom godina I invite you to embark on this journey with us of combining cinema
svog rada u ovoj organizaciji realizovani su brojni projekti podrani od strane domaih i stranih and activism and let us hope for the best!
sponzora. Trenutno organizacija radi na tri projekta.

Ervina Dabizinovic is a psychologist, activist, and the women studies
THE TEAM programme coordinator in Anima. She also delivers courses on cultural
identity as part of this program. From 1988 to 1999, she worked as a
psychologist in the Special Psychiatric Hospital - Dobrota in Kotor.
Drita Llolla Lighting Thereafter, from 1999 to 2005 she worked as a psychologist at the Institute
for Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine " Dr Simo Milosevic " in Igalo.
Festival Curator In addition she has mastered in TA , Gestalt and " Body - Mind" types of
Musa Hoxha therapies. She is one of the founders of Anima and the alternative program
on women studies. She obtained her master's degree in the field of gender
Operations studies at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade. She is currently
Luljeta Sefa Friends and Partners pursuing her doctoral studies in Novi Sad. She is the author of numerous
articles and two books: Montenegro regtime (2009 ) and Palimpsest (2007 ). She is currently working
on her third book that addresses the issues of politics of women representation in certain cultural
Media & IT Nikola Vukcevic practices in Montenegro. She is a regular columnist for the daily newspaper "Vijesti ".
Ervinas #mindthegap message is: Feminism fought no wars.
Admir Gjoni Mladen Vusurovic (BELDocs)
Learta Hollaj Veton Nurkollari (DOKufest)
Ervina Dabizinovic sht psikologe, aktiviste dhe koordinatore e programit pr studime pr gra n
Mensur Pelinkovi Edit Pula ( Anima. Si pjes e ktij programi, ajo poashtu udhheq kurse q trajtojn identitetin kulturor. Nga viti
Lenka Lalovi Kujtim Cashku (AFM Marubi) 1988 deri n 1999, ajo ka punuar si psikologe pran Spitalit Special Psikiatrik - Dobrota n Kotorr. M
Nikola Djonovic pastaj, nga viti 1999 2005, ka punuar si psikologe pran Institutit pr Rehabilitim dhe Medicin
Fizike 'Dr. Simo Milosevic' n Igallo.
Volunteer Coordination Flogert Dollani Ajo po ashtu ka specializuar n tipet e terapive TA, Gestalt dhe Body-Mind. sht njra nga
Silvija Marnikovi Astrit Salaj (Center for Culture Ulcinj) themelueset e Anima dhe e programit alternativ pr studime t grave. Ka magjistruar n fushn e
studimeve gjinore n Fakultetin e Shkencave Politike n Beograd. Pr momentin po prfundon
Alen uturi Ali Bardhi (Islamic Community) studimet e doktoratures n Novi Sad. Ajo sht autore e disa artikujve dhe dy librave: Montenegro
Concordia Commerce regtime (2009) dhe Palimpsest (2007). Pr momentin po punon n finalizim t librit t saj t tret q
adreson shtjen e politikave pr prfaqesim t grave n praktika t caktuara kulturore n Mal t Zi.
Logistics Xhemal Peroviq (MOGUL) sht po ashtu kolumniste e rregullt n t prditshmen Vijesti. Sa i prket tems s festivalit, ajo
Ilir Harasani Nazif Veliq (Horizonti i Ri) dshiron t na rikujtoj q Feminizmi kurr nuk ka shkaktuar luftra.

Latif Haxhibrahimi Edin Sarvan

Flutur Mustafa Sabir Kanaqi Ervina Dabiinovi, psiholokinja,aktivistkinja, koordinatorka programa enskih studija u Animi i
voditeljka kursa o kulturnom identitetu u okviru ovog programa. Od 1988. do 1999. je radila kao
Ervin Kotori psiholokinja u Specijalnoj bolnici za psihijatriju, Dobrota, Kotor. Od 1999. do 2005. radila je kao
Subtitling Allmir Caushi psiholokinja u Institutu za rehabilitaciju i fizikalnu medicinu Dr Simo Miloevi u Igalu. Dodatno se
usavravala u TA, Getalt i Body-mind terapijama.Jedna je od osnivaica Anime i alternativnog
Ognjen Gazivoda Hajro Veliu programa enskih studija. Magistrirala Studije roda na Fakultetu politikih nauka u Beogradu, trenutno
na doktorskim studija u Novom Sadu. Autorka je brojnih lanaka i dvije knjige: Montenegro regtime
(2009) i Palimpsest (2007). U pripremi je trea knjiga koja se bavi politikama reprezentacije enskog
Graphic Design tijela u nekim kulturnim praksama u Crnoj Gori. Kolumnistkinja dnevnog lista Vijesti.
Joreld Dhamo Ervinina poruka u susret festivalu je: Feminizam nije vodio ratove.

Venue and Stage Design

Zenepa Lika
Jetmira Hoxha

Ljubomirka - Ljupka Kovacevic is a psychologist, activist, and coordinator
of the women and peace program in Anima the center for women and
peace education in Kotor. From 1976 to 1998, she worked as a psychologist
in the Special Psychiatric Hospital - Dobrota. She completed her
postgraduate studies in the field of psychodynamic psychotherapy and
psychodynamic counseling. In the period 1998 2000, she worked in the
humanitarian organization World Vision as a supervisor of the CATH team
working on acute trauma. She is one of the founders of the NGO Anima
and the initiator of the alternative program of women studies. She is the
editor of the magazine ZINEC - the magazine on feminist theory, while she
also delivers courses on sexuality policies, non-violent communication and
the feminist approach to peace-building. She is a columnist for the daily
newspaper "Vijesti". Ljupkas #mindthegap message is: Feminism fought no wars.

Ljubomirka - Ljupka Kovacevic sht psikologe, aktiviste dhe koordinatore e programit pr gra dhe
paqe n Anima qendr pr edukim mbi grat dhe paqe me baz n Kotorr. N vitet 1976-1998, ajo
ka punur si psikologe n Qendren Speciale Psikiatrike Dobrota. Ka prfundar studimet
postdiplomike n fushn e psikoterapis psikodinamike dhe kshillim psikodinamik. M pastaj, n
periudhn 1998-2000, ajo ka punuar n organizatn humanitare World Vision si mbikqyrse e ekipit
t ashtuquajtur CATH q merrej me trajtimin e traumave akute. Ajo sht nj ndr themelueset e
OJQ Anima si dhe iniciatore e programit alternativ pr studime t grave. Ajo sht redaktore n
revistn SINEC revist mbi teorit feministe, prderisa po ashtu ligjron n kurse q trajtojn
tema si politikat e seksualitetit, komunikim jo t dhunshm, si dhe qasje feministe n ndrtimin e
paqes. Ajo sht edhe kolumniste e rregullt n gazetn ditore 'Vijesti'. Sa i prket tems s
festivalit, ajo dshiron t na rikujtoj q Feminizmi kurr nuk ka shkaktuar luftra.

Ljubomirka Ljupka Kovaevi je psiholokinja, aktivistkinja, koordinatorka enskog i mirovnog

programa Anime Centra za ensko i mirovno obrazovanje iz Kotora . Od 1976. do 1998. radila je
kao psiholokinja u Specijalnoj bolnici za psihijatriju, Dobrota, zavrsila posdiplomske iz
psihodinamske psihoterapije i program psihodinamskog savjetovanja . Od 1998. do 2000. je radila u
humanitarnoj organizaciji World Vision kao supervizorka tima za CATH program za akutnu traumu.
Jedna je od osnivaica NVO Anime i inicijatorka alternativnog programa enskih studija. Urednica
asopisa INEC asopisa za feministiku teoriju i voditeljka kurseva o politikama seksualnosti, o
nenasilnoj komunikaciji i feministikom pristupu izgradnji mira. Bila je kolumnistkinja dnevnog
lista Vijesti. Ljupkina poruka u susret festivalu je: Feminizam nije vodio ratove.

Elvira Hadibegovi Bubanja is the Executive Director of Forum MNE. She
pursued her education in Novi Sad and Sweden. She is also a passionate
community youth worker. She has developed exceptional professional skills
in working with teachers in helping them to develop their key competences
for lifelong learning, with the sole goal to aid the development of key
competencies for young people. She is motivated by the acquisition of new
knowledge and skills and she truly believes that without continuous
investment in improving our competences, we will not be able to cope with
the challenges of tomorrow. Her coaching career and love for education
started with her engagement with the International Federation of Red Cross
and Red Crescent as an 18 year old and has been enjoying doing this ever

Elvira Haxhibegovi Bubanja sht drejtoresh ekzekutive e Forum MNE. Ajo u shkollua n Novi Sad
dhe n Suedi. Shquhet si nj person i pasionuar pr punn n komunitet me qllim pr ti ndihmuar
t rinjt. Ajo ka zhvilluar aftsi t jashtzakonshme profesionale n punn me msuesit pr ti
ndihmuar ata q t zhvillojn kompetencat e tyre kryesore pr t msuarit gjat gjith jets, me
qllimin e vetm pr t ndihmuar n zhvillimin e kompetencave kryesore pr t rinjt. Ajo motivohet
nga prvetsimi i njohurive dhe aftsive t reja dhe ajo me t vrtet beson se pa investime t
vazhdueshme n prmirsimin e kompetencave tona ne nuk do t jemi n gjendje pr tu prballuar
me sfidat e s nesrmes. Karriera e saj me trajnime dhe dashuria pr arsimin filloi me angazhimin e
saj me Federatn Ndrkombtare t Kryqit t Kuq dhe Gjysmhns s Kuqe si nj 18 vjeare dhe
q nga ajo koh ajo vazhon ta dashuroj plotsisht punn q e bn.

Elvira je izvrni director Forum MNE-a. Svoju edukaciju je zavrila u Novom Sadu i vedskoj. Ona je
takodje komunikolokinja/omladinska radnica u zajednici. Profesionalno se usavravala u radu s
nastavnicima na razvoju njihovih kljunih kompetencija za cjeloivotno uenje, a sve u cilju razvoja
kljunih kompetencija mladih ljudi. Motivie je sticanje novog znanja i vjetina i istinski vjeruje da bez
kontinuiranog ulaganja u svoje kompetencije neemo moi da se nosimo sa sjutranjicom.
Svoju trenersku karijeru i ljubav prema edukaciji drugih zapoela je u Meunarodnoj Federaciji
Crvenog Krsta i Crvenog Polumjeseca sa svojih 18 godina i od tada uiva u trenerskom poslu.

Muharrem Fejzo lindi n Kolonj n vitin 1933. Fejzo bri praktik n Teatrin
Popullor n Tiran. Ai gjithashtu kreu studimet n degn e aktrimit dhe nga
pasioni i madh q kishte pr kineman, Muharrem Fejzo kontribuoi si grimier
n disa nga filmat e par shqiptar. Vite m von u b drejtori i Shtpis s
Kulturs n qytetin e Kuksit. Prpara se t realizonte filmin e tij t par,
"Montatorja" (1970), Fejzo punoi si asistent regjisor n dy filma artistik,
"Prita" (1968) t Mithat Fagut dhe "Njsiti Guerril" (1969) t Hysen Hakanit.
N vitin 1972 Muharrem Fejzo, s bashku me regjisorin Fehmi Hoshafi,
realizoi filmin "Kapedani", komedin e par q vazhdon t konsiderohet
edhe sot si nj nga kryeveprat e kinemas shqiptare.
Gjat karriers s tij, regjisori Muharrem Fejzo realizoi mbi dhjetra filma t
tjer, midis t cilve mund t prmenden: Operacioni "zjarri" (1973) dhe "Msonjtorja" (1979). Filmin e tij
t fundit "Muri i gjall", Muharrem Fejzo e realizoi n vitin 1989.

Muharrem Fejzo was born in Kolonje, Albania, in 1933. Fejzo did an internship at the National Theater
in Tirana. He also completed his studies of acting, and for the sake of his great passion for cinema, he
worked as an make-up artist in some of the first Albanian films. Years later he became the director of
the Cultural Centre in Kukes town. Before his film first, "Montatorja " (1970), Fejzo worked as an
assistant director on two other films, Prita" (1968) of Mithat Fagu and " Njsiti Guerril " (1969) of Hysen
Hakan. In 1972, Muharrem Fejzo, together with a director Fehmi Hoshafi, made the film "Kapedani",

the first comedy, which is still considered as one of the masterpieces of the Albanian cinematography.
During his career, director Muharrem Fejzo conducted on dozens of other films, among which we
will mention: Operation -Fire" (1973) and "Msonjtorja" (1979). His latest film "Muri i gjalle,"

Muharrem Fejzo made in 1989.

Muharem Fejzo je roen u gradu Kolonja, Albanija, 1933. Stairao je u Narodnom pozoritu u Tirani.
Studirao je i zavrio glumu, a zbog svoje velike strasti za kinematografijom, Muharem Fejzo je radio i
kao minker u nekim od prvih albanskih filmova. Godinama kasnije postao je direktor Doma kulture
u gradu Kukes. Pre nego to njegov prvi film "Monter" (1970) zavren, Fejzo je radio kao asistent reije
na dva druga filma, "Prita (Zasjeda)" (1968) od reisera Mithata Fagu i " Njsiti Guerril Gerilske jedinice)"
(1969) od Hisena Hakana. Muharem Fejzo je 1972.godine, zajedno sa reiserom Fehmijem Hoshafi,
reirao film "Kapedani" prvu komediju koja i danas vai za jedno od remek djela albanske
kinematografije. Tokom svoje karijere, reiser Muharem Fejzo snimio je na desetine drugih filmova, ( in screening order )
meu kojima pominjemo: Operacioni -zjarri (Operacija-vatra)" (1973) i "Mesonjtorja" (1979). Njegov
poslednji film "Muri i gjall (ivi zid)", Muharem Fejzo je reirao 1989. godin.

#SeanemaTalks Seanema - the first solar cinema in Montenegro.

SUFFRAGETTE / 106 / Sarah Gavron Hadixha Gjoni was born in Podgorica, where she also finished the
elementary as well as the high school. She graduated from the Faculty of
Economics of the University "Veljko Vlahovic" in Podgorica. She began
The Historical drama, set in London follows the early her political career in 1987 as a delegate to the Joint Work Council within
members of the Women's Social and Political Union and the Local Assembly of Ulcinj. Thereafter, she was a delegate to the Council
the story of their radicalisation from peaceful protesters to on Local Communities until 1990 and later she served as its Vice President,
law breakers. The film documents WSPU's secret meetings as well as, as a member of the Local Assembly Presidency. In the period
to discuss tactics when protests and parliamentary evidence 1990-2002, she was also a councilor at the first multi-party assembly in the
fail to win women the vote. After further mistreatment by Municipality of Ulqin.
employers, police and political lies the suffragettes decide to On the other hand, Hadixha Gjoni has actively participated in the
increase their activism with civil disobedience causing establishment of the Democratic Union of Albanians. She is currently the vice
damage to Oxford Street windows, postboxes, churches and president of the party and president of the Women's Forum of this political subject. She leads the
politicians homes. party's councilors club within the local assembly since 2002.
In addition to her work and the political engagement, she has been actively engaged in the NGO
sector and has been working closely with international organizations and foundations. She is one
Dobra ena / 90 / Mirjana Karanovic of the founders of the Association of Women "Anima", the Center for Women's Entrepreneurship
Development, the Institute for Gender Policy "Dulcinea", the Network for Affirmation of NGO Sector
(MANS) - where she also served as a member of the Board of Directors for a certain period.
The Historical drama, set in London follows the early
members of the Women's Social and Political Union and
the story of their radicalisation from peaceful protesters to Hadixha Gjoni sht me profesion ekonomiste. Karriern e saj politike e filloi n vitin 1987 si delegate
law breakers. The film documents WSPU's secret meetings e Kshillit t Puns s Prbashkt n Kuvendin Komunal t Ulqinit. Deri n vitin 1990 ishte delegate
to discuss tactics when protests and parliamentary evidence dhe Nnkryetare e Kshillit t Bashksive Lokale, si dhe antare e kryesis s KK Ulqin. Gjithashtu,
fail to win women the vote. After further mistreatment by shrbeu si kshilltare e Kuvendit t par shumpartiak n Komunn e Ulqinit prej vitit 1990 deri n
employers, police and political lies the suffragettes decide vitin 1992.Hadixha Gjoni mori pjes aktivisht n themelimin e Unionit Demokratik t Shqiptarve n
Mal t Zi. Tani ajo sht nnkryetare e partis dhe kryetare e Forumit t gruas t ktij subjekti politik.
Prej vitit 2002 e deri m sot drejtoi klubin e kshilltarve t UDSH-s. N mars t vitit 2016 u emrua
Nnkryetare e Komuns s Ulqinit.
SONITA / 90 / Rokhsareh Ghaemmaghami Prve angazhimit t saj politik, Hadixha njihet pr kontributin e saj edhe n sektorin joqeveritar, si
edhe n organizata dhe fondacione ndrkombtare. Ajo sht nj nga themelueset e Shoqats s
grave Anima, Qendrs pr zhvillimin e siprmarrjes te grat, Institutin pr politika gjinore Dulcinea,
Sonita works in Tehran as a cleaner at a refugee center that Rrjetin pr afirmimin e sektorit joqeveritar (MANS) - ku pr nj periudh t caktuar kohore ishte
doubles as a school, and lives with her sister and niece in a antare e Kshillit drejtues.
single tiny room. She imagines herself a superstar rapper
when not working, she spends her days superimposing her
face on to magazine cutouts of Rihanna, or performing for Hadixha Gjoni je roena 14.09.1955. godine u Podgorici. Osnovnu i srednju ekonomsku kolu je
the kids at the center. zavrila u Podgorici. Studirala je na Ekonomskom fakultetu Univerziteta Veljko Vlahovi u Podgorici.
She wants to follow in Rihannas footsteps, but as an artist Svoju politiku karijeru zapoela je 1987. godine kao delegat Vijea udruenog rada u SO Ulcinj, a
she couldnt be more different. zatim do 1990. godine bila je delegat Vijea mjesnih zajednica i potpredsjednica tog Vijea kao i lan
predsjednitva SO Ulcinj. Bila je odbornik prve viestranake Skuptine Optine Ulcinj 1990-1992.
godine. Hadixha Gjoni je aktivno uestvovala u osnivanju Demokratske Unije Albanaca. Trenutno je
Sonita doesnt rap about love or fame she raps defiantly about her experience potpredsjednica ove partije i predsjednica Foruma ena tog politikog subjekta. Od 2002. godine
as an Afghan teenager at odds with her sexist surroundings. Shes an activist, only do danas uglavnom je rukovodila odbornikim klubom DUA.
shes too young to really know it. Pored svog radnog i politikog angamana evidentan je njen angaman u NVO sektoru,
Sonitas estranged mother makes a surprise visit from Afghanistan. It isnt long meunarodnim organizacijama i Fondacijama. Jedna je od osnivaica Udruenja ena Anima, Centra
before she makes her intentions known: she has re-entered her daughters life to za razvoj enskog preduzetnitva, Instituta za rodnu politiku Dulcinea, Mree za afirmaciju nevladinog
bring her home and sell her as a bride, for $9,000, so the family can buy Sonitas sektora (MANS) u kojoj je odreeni period bila i lanica Upravnog odbora.
brother a wife of his own.

THE HUNTING GROUND / 103 / Kirby Dick
Agon Maliqi is the founder and co-editor of the blog Sbunker. He works as
a researcher and public policy advisor in the private sector, while he is
engaged as an activist from civil society and known as a local press A a startling expos of rape crimes on U.S. college campuses,
commentator. Maliqi has worked on a number of development programs their institutional cover-ups and the devastating toll they take
in Kosovo, mainly related to good governance, human rights and inclusive on students and their families. Weaving together verit footage
development. Maliqi has completed the Master of International and first-person testimonies, the film follows the lives of several
Development Policy at Duke University in the US while in 2006 he has undergraduate assault survivors as they attempt to pursue -
graduated in Political Science and European Studies at the American despite incredible push back, harassment, and traumatic
University in Bulgaria.Agons #mindthegap message: aftermath - both their education and justice.
"In a region that glorifies tradition, the past holds its grip over the present as
a whole - with both its beautiful and oppressive sides - which is why most
people don't mind the gap. We need to build a tradition of progress which
separates the beautiful parts of our past from all its primitive forms of discrimination." ALBANIAN
KONCERT NE VITIN 1936 / 91 / Saimir Kumbaro MOVIE

Agon Maliqi sht themeluesi dhe bashk-redaktor i blogut Sbunker. Ai punon si hulumtues dhe Filmi "Koncert n vitin 1936" prodhim i vitit 1978 i cili tregon pr
kshilltar n fushn e politikave publike n sektorin privat, ndrkoh q sht i angazhuar edhe si vizitn e e dy artisteve shqiptare (kngtare dhe pianiste) n
aktivist i shoqris civile dhe komentator i rregullt n shtypin kosovar. Maliqi ka punuar pr nj qytetin e Lushnjs gjat kohs s monarkis shqiptare gj q
numr programesh zhvillimore n Kosov, kryesisht t ndrlidhura me qeverisjen e mir, t drejtat "tronditi jetn e nj qytetit tejet konservator.
e njeriut dhe zhvillimin gjithprfshirs. Maliqi ka prfunduar studimet master pr Politikat e Zhvillimit
Ndrkombtar n Universitetin e Duke n SHBA ndrkoh q m par, n vitin 2006, ka diplomuar
pr Shkenca Politike dhe Studime Evropiane n Universitetin Amerikan n Bullgari.
Sipas Agonit, n nj rajon q lartson traditn, e kaluara mban kontrollin e saj mbi t tashmen - me
t dyja ant e saj, t bukuren dhe shtypsen- e cila sht arsyeja pse shumica e njerzve nuk e
kan n mendje hendekun. Ne kemi nevoj pr t ndrtuar nj tradit t progresit e cila i ndan ALBANIAN
pjest e bukura t s kaluars son nga t gjitha format e saj primitive t diskriminimit. KAPEDANI / 95 / Muharrem Fejzo MOVIE

Agon Malii je osniva i ko-urednik Sbunker bloga. Radi kao istariva i savjetnik za javnu politiku Xha Suloja e ka t vshtir t pranoj ta urdheroj nj grua. Kulmi
privatnog sektora, a u meuvremenu djeluje i kao aktivist civilnog drutva kao i komentator za arrin kur kryetarja ekooperativs gjat nj alarmi natn e cakton t
kospovsku tampu. Malii je bio nagaovan na brojnim razvojnim programima na Kosovu, uglavnom kujdeset pr kotecin e pulave.Xha Suloja revoltohet: Nj burr me
u domenu dobre vladavine, ljudskim pravima i sveukupnim razvojem. Magistrirao je Meunarodne goxha mustaqe t meret me pulat!! Dhe e braktis detyrn...
razvojne politike pri Duke Univerzitetu u SAD, a prethodno je 2006 godine diplomirao na amerikom Por t nesrmen, merr vesh se organizata e partis i ka vn
univerzitetu u Bugarskoj na temu politikih nauka i evropskih studija. fletrrufe. Rrugs pr n qytet sheh gra shofere, faturino, mjeke. Kto
Agonova poruka festivalu je: U regiji koja velia tradiciju, sadanjost je pod nadzorom prolosti nuk i plqejn. Ish-komisarin e gjen n pun fizike,por 't shoh?!
ukljuujui svoju lijepu i onu manje lijepu, odnosno ugnjetavaku stranu to je razlog zato je Ky funksionar i bindet nj gruaje brigadier
ljudima teko da premoste jaz. Potrebno je da izgradimo tradiciju napretka koja bi razdvojila sve
lijepe djelove nae prolosti od ostalih primitivnih oblika diskriminacije.
AMONG THE BELIEVERS / 84 / Mohammed Naqvi, Hemal Trivedi

Charismatic cleric Abdul Aziz Ghazi, an ISIS supporter and

Taliban ally, is waging jihad against the Pakistani state. His
dream is to impose a strict version of Shariah law throughout
the country, as a model for the world. A flashpoint in Aziz's
holy war took place in 2007, when the government leveled
his flagship mosque to the ground, killing his mother, brother,
only son and 150 students.
With unprecedented access, Among the Believers follows
Aziz on his very personal quest to create an Islamic utopia,
during the bloodiest period in Pakistan's modern history.
Kujtim ashku is an Albanian film director and screenwriter who has won
numerous awards at international film festivals, including the Critics Prize

at the 1996 Bastia Mediterranean Film Festival and the UNESCO Award at
the 1998 Venice Film Festival for Colonel Bunker, the Best Screenplay
Award, the FIRESCI Prize and the Silver Pyramid at the 2005 Cairo
International Film Festival as well as the Bronze Palm at the Valencia Festival
of Mediterranean Cinema for The Magic Eye, and the CEI Award at the
Trieste Film Festival for his "brave commitment to the development of
Albanian cinema". He is the founder and director of Tirana's Marubi Film &
Multimedia School, the first film university in Albania,as well as the supervisor
of OraFilm, Albania's first film production company, and founder-organizer of
Albania's first Human Rights Film Festival (IHRFFA).

Kujtim ashku sht regjisor dhe skenarist shqiptar i cili gjat karriers s tij ka fituar shum mime
kombtare dhe ndrkombtare duke perfshir kshtu mimin e Kritiks (1996) n Bastia
Shorts from AFM Marubi Mediterranean Film Festival dhe mimin UNESCO n edicionin e vitit 1998 n Festivalin e Filmit n
Venedik pr Kolonel Bunkerin. Po ashtu kaf fituar mimin skenari m i mir, si dhe mimin Firesci
dhe Piramida e Argjendt n vitin 2005 n Festivalin Internacional t Filmit n Kairo, duke mos ln
The capsule Irdit Kaso anash edhe Palmn e Bronzt n Valencia Festival of Mediterranean Cinema per filmin Syri Magjik,
si dhe dhe mimin CEI n festivalin e Filmit n Trieste pr Kontributin n zhvillimin e kinematografis
My Grandmother Jurgen Agushi shqiptare. sht themelues dhe drejtor tek Marubi Film & Multimedia School n Tiran, poashtu
Dear Ria Sabir Kanaqi edhe mbikqyrs i OraFilm, qendrs s par filmike shqiptare, si dhe themelues dhe organizator i
festivalit t par pr t drejtat e njeriut n Shqipri (IHRFFA)..
Gur Uj Ervin Kotori
Kujtim Cashku je albanski reditelj i scenarista koji je osvojio brojne nagrade na meunarodnim
filmskim festivalima, ukljuujui i nagradu kritiara 1996 na Bastia Mediterranean Film Festival-u i
nagradu UNESCO-a u 1998. godini na Filmskom festivalu u Veneciji za Kolonel Bunkeri. On je takodje
osvojio nagradu za najbolji scenario, kao i FIRESCI Prize i Srebrnu Piramidu na Cairo International Film
Festival (2005), kao i Bronzanu Palmu na Valencia Festival of Mediterranean Cinema for The Magic Eye,
ukljuujui I CEI nagradu na Trieste Film Festival-u zbog njegovog "hrabrog doprinosa u razvoju
albanske kinematografije". Osniva je i director kole Tirana Marubi Film & Multimedia School, kao i
nadzornik OraFilm-a, prvog albanskog filmskog centra. Isto tako je i osniva I organizator prvog festival
Shorts from AF Montenegro za ljudska prava u Albaniji (IHRFFA).

Hero from the park Nemanja Laki

Pathos Bojan Stijevi
Tranquility of blood - Senad Sahmanovi
Intro - Ivan Salati
Revolutionary Home - Seas Saboti

Ermira Mehmeti is a Member of the Parliament of Macedonia. She was born
in Skopje, Macedonia. She holds a bachelors degree in Law and a Masters The Academy of Film & Multimedia MARUBI offers professional, creative, artistic and
degree in Comparative politics and nationalism from the London School of technical qualification and education, for those who aspire to get involved in Film and
Economics. She is currently completing her PhD in Public International Law. Television Industry. AFMMs methodology is based on best European and American
Ermira began her party activism in 2002 when she became the first female traditions of teaching.
party spokesperson representing a major political party in Macedonias The cooperation with European and North American schools, and the participation of
political scene. Since 2008, Ermira has been holding a seat in the Parliament professionals and personalities from all around the world in our pedagogic structure, facilitates
of Macedonia, twice elected as number one on the list in a proportional the recognition of our Curricula and Diplomas in western countries. Since 2008, AFMM is a full
electoral system. She currently chairs the Parliaments Committee on member of CILECT (Centre de Liason des Ecoles de Cinma et Tlvision), worlds major
European Affairs. Ermiras voice is well heard in the society in Macedonia. film-schools association, after a process of recognition and professional inspections.
Not only has she served as the voice of moderation for her own ethnic As the first film-school in Albania founded in Tirana in October 2004 by OraFilm film-house,
community, but more importantly, she has also become a synonym of a politician of integrity and with the support of the Albanian Filmmakers Association Lumire, it also operates in
courage to openly criticize and call for change in government policies as well as party politics. accordance with the Cinematographic Law nr. 8096, date 21.03.1996 changed with the
Ermira`s moto is Keep walking. There are many gaps and endless obstacles in the political stairway. Law nr. 9353 date 03.03.2005.
Rightfully described as a world of dark corridors shadowed by intrigue, temptation and numerous AFMM is a public independent university recognized by the Albanian Government according
unknowns along the way, political activism remains at test for women in the Balkans. to the Decision of Council of Ministers Nr.652 dt.30.09.2004, and accredited from the Ministry
of Education and Sport Nr.227 dt 26.05.2008.

Ermira Mehmeti ka mbaruar studimet Bachelor pr Politika Krahasuese dhe Nacionalizm n London
School of Economics, Angli. Aktualisht, po prfundon punimin e doktoraturs pr t Drejtn Akademia e Filmit dhe Multimedias Marubi, ofron kualifikim dhe edukim profesional, kreativ,
Ndrkombtare Publike. Ajo filloi aktivizmin e saj politik n vitin 2002, kur u b zdhnsja e par artistik dhe teknik, pr t gjith ata q aspirojn t prfshihen n industrin e filmit dhe
femr pr nj parti t madhe politike n Maqedoni. Prve se ia doli me sukses, q nga viti 2008 televizionit. Metoda e AFM Marubi, bazohet n traditn dhe praktikn m t mir Europiane
Ermira vijon t jet deputete n Parlamentin e Maqedonis si edhe kryeson Komitetin e Parlamentit dhe Amerikane t msimdhnies.
pr shtje Evropiane. Zri i Ermirs kumbon thell n rrethet shoqrore n Maqedoni. Ajo sht Bashkpunimi me shkollat Europiane dhe Amerikano.Veriore, si dhe pjesmarrja n procesin
shembulli i nj politikaneje me integritet dhe guximin pr t kritikuar hapur dhe pr t br thirrje pr e msimdhnies e profesionistve dhe personaliteteve nga vendi dhe nga bota n strukturn
ndryshime n politikat qeveritare, si dhe n politikat brenda partiake. ton pedagogjike, thjeshtson njehsimin e kurrikulave dhe diplomave. N vitin 2008, pas nj
Motoja e saj sht "Vazhdo t ecsh prpara". Sipas Ermirs, hendeqet dhe pengesat jan t pafu- procesi tre-vjear njohje dhe inspektimit profesional, AFM Marubi u pranua si antar me t
-ndme n politik dhe q me t drejt thuhet se politika sht nj bot me korridore t errta, plot drejta t plota n organizatn e shkollave m t mira t filmit n bot, CILECT (Centre de
hije, intriga, tundime e t panjohura. Aktivizmi politik mbetet nj prov pr grat dhe vajzat n Liason des Ecoles de Cinma et Tlvision).
Ballkan. AFM Marubi, si shkolla e par kinematografike n Shqipri, themeluar n vitin 2004 nga
shtpia kinematografike OraFilm, me mbshtetjen e Shoqats s Kineastve Shqiptar
Lumiere, ushtron aktivitetin e saj bazuar n Ligjin pr Kinematografin nr. 8096, dat
Emira Mehmeti je lan Parlamenta Makedonije. Roena je u Skoplju. Osnovne studije prava i master 21.03.1996 ndryshuar me Ligjin nr. 9353, dat 03.03.2005.
studije na temu- komparativne politike i nacionalizam- zavrila je u Londonu. Trenutno radi na svojoj AFMM sht shkoll e lart publike e pavarur elur me lejen e veant VKM Nr.652
doktorskoj tezi iz javnog meunarodnog prava. dt.30.09.2004 nga Qeveria Shqiptare dhe akredituar nga Ministria e Arsimit dhe Sportit me
Svoj angaman u politici zapoela je 2002 godine, kada je postala prva ena predstavnica vodee Vendimin numr Nr.227 dt 26.05.2008.
politike partije na makedonskoj politikoj sceni. Od 2008 Ermira je lan parlamenta Makedonije,
dva puta je bila nosilac liste u proporcionalnom izbornom sistemu. Trenutno predsjedava
Parlamentarnim odborom za evropska pitanja. Ermira je veoma prisutna u drutvenim deavanjima u Akademija za film i multimedije Marubi, nudi kreativnu, umjetniku, tehniku obuku i struno
Makedoniji. Ne samo da je neko ko se zalae za toleraniciju i mir u okviru svoje etnike zajednice, obrazovanje za sve one koji ele da se ukljue u filmsku i televizijsku industriju.
ve tavie, ona je postala sinonim politiara sa integritetom i hrabrou da otvoreno kritikuje i Metod rada AFM Marubi se zasniva na najboljoj evropskoj i amerikoj nastavnoj tradiciji i praksi.
pozove na promjene u vladajuoj politici i politikim partijama. Saradnja sa evropskim i sjevernoamerikim kolama, kao i uee profesionalaca i linosti iz
Ermirina poruka je "Nastavite naprijed. Postoje mnoga razilaenja i bezbrojne prepreke pri politikom zemlje i svijeta u naoj obrazovnoj strukturi, pojednostavljuje priznanje naih diploma i nasta-
usponu. S pravom opisan kao svijet mranih prolaza zasijenen inrigama, iskuenjima i brojnim -vnih planova. U 2008.godini, nakon obavljenog procesa profesionalnog nadzora i priznanja,
nepoznanicama u svakom svom kutku, politiki aktivizam je jo uvijek neispitan teren za ene na AFM Marubi je postala punopravni lan organizacije najboljih kola za film u svijetu - CILECT.
Balkanu. AFM Marubi kao prva kola filma u Albaniji, osnovana je 2004.godine od strane filmske kue
Orafilm, uz pidrku albanskog filmskog udruenja "Lumiere", a svoj rad zasniva na Zakonu o
kinematografiji br.8096, od 21.03.1996, i njegovim izmjenama br.9353, iz 03.03.2005.godine.
AFM Marubi je javni i nezavisni univerzitet otvoren uz posebnu dozvolu Vlade Albanije, br.652,od
30.09.2004, akreditovan od strane Ministarstva prosvjete i sporta, Odluka br. 227, od 26.05.2008.
Saimir Kumbaro, born in Tirana, is a famous Albanian film director of the
1980s. He has worked in Kinostudio Shqiperia e Re" as a director since
1970. He initially appeared as an actor in Njsiti guerril in 1969 but his first
film was Rrugicat q krkonin diell in 1975. In 1978 he received the title
as the best director for the movie "Concert in 1936." He has filmed over
90 documentary films. His two latest documentaries are
"Sherbastari i Kombit" and "Martyrs". He retired from dAirecting in 1995.
However, in 2007, he brought back on stage the movie Azem, ti je gjall.

Saimir Kumbaro, i lindur n Tiran, sht nj regjisor i mirnjohur i kinematografis shqiptare i viteve
1980. Ai ka punuar dhe vepruar n Kinostudio Shqipria e Re si regjisor q nga viti 1970. Fillimisht na
paraqitet si aktor n filmin Njesiti Guerril n vitin 1969 por filmi i tij i par ishte Rrugicat q krkonin Diell
n 1975. N vitin 1978 laurohet me titullin si regjisori m i mir pr filmin Koncert n Vitin 1936. Ka
realizuar m shum se 90 filma dokumentare. Dokumentart m t vonshm t tij jan
Sherbastari i Kombit dhe Martirt. Dorhiqet nga regjia n vitin 1995 kurse n vitin 2007 risjell filmin
Adem, ti je gjall.

Saimir Kumbaro, roen u Tirani, je poznati Albanski filmski reditelj 80-tih godina. Radio je u "Kinostudio
Shqiperia e Re" kao reditelj od 1970 godine. Prvo pojavljivanje mu je bilo kao glumac u filmu
"Njsiti guerril" iz 1969 godine, ali njegov debitanski film kao reditelja bio je "Rrugicat q krkonin diell"
iz 1975 godine. Godine 1978 Saimir Kumbaro dobio je priznanje za najboljeg reditelja za film
"Koncert godine 1936". On je takodje reirao preko 90 dokumentarnih filmova, od kojih je film "Lira"
proglaen najboljim na festivalu 2004 godine. Njegova dva poslednja dokumentarca su
"Sherbastari i Kombit" i "Martyrs". Godine 1995 povukao se kinematografske scene i posla reisera,
ali 2007.godine na scenu vraa film "Azem ti je gjall ".

Elmaz Fida was born in 1975 in Diber. He finished his bachelor studies on
the Islamic law in Saudi Arabia, while he holds another bachelor and a
master degree in the field of psychological counseling. He has translated
more than 30 books on religion and psychology. He works as a translator,
while he is distinguished for his excellent skills in the Arabian and the
English language. His message on the festivals topic on religious
extremism is: Empowerment of the institution of the family leads to the
successful fighting of negative behavior and habits.

Elmaz Fida ka lindur n vitin 1975 n Dibr. Ka prfunduar studimet bachelor

pr t drejtn islame n Arabin Saudite, prderisa po ashtu ka prfunduar
studimet bachelor dhe master n fushn e psikologjis s kshillimit. sht prkthyes i mbi 30 librave
me karakter fetar dhe psikologjik. Punon si perkthyes dhe sht njohs i mir i gjuhs arabe dhe
gjuhs angleze, Mesazhi i tij mbi temn e festivalit rreth ekstremizmit fetar sht: Forcimi i familjes
sht dobsim pr cdo ves dhe sjellje negative n shoqri.

Elmaz Fida je roen 1975. godine u Debar. Zavrio je bachelor studije o islamskom pravu u Saudijskoj
Arabiji, a takoe ima bachelor i master diplomu u oblasti psihologije savjetovanja. Prevodilac je vie
od 30 knjiga sa vjerskog i psiholokog karaktera. Trenutno radi kao prevodilac i dobar je poznavalac
arapskog i engleskog jezika. Njegova poruka oko vjerskog ekstremizma je: Jaanje porodice je
oslablenje svakog gesta i negativnog ponaanja u drutvu.
Sabina OSMANOVIC holds a Ph.D. from the Karl Franzens University of
Graz (Austria) in German Philology. The title of her Dissertation is, Crises of
Meaning, Relationships and Old Age in the Works of Selected Writers of
Contemporary Literature. She is presently a Lecturer at the University of
New York in Tirana. Sabina also taught at the State University of Tirana,
Albania and University of Shkodra, Albania (in the Department of German
Studies). Her research interests include Contemporary German, English
and Albanian Literature. She has published various scientific papers and
journal articles in Montenegro and abroad. She is currently the
Editor-in-Chief of the Journal Lemba (Ulqin, Montenegro) and also a
Member of Publishing Board of the Scholarly Journal Humanus
(in Tirana, Albania). Osmanovic has also been volunteering and taking part
in activities organized by the local NGO-s.Sabinas #mindthegap message:
Audentes Fortuna iuvat Fortune aids the daring. (Virgil)

Sabina Osmanoviq ka prfunduar studimet e doktoraturs n Universitetin Franzens Karl t Gracit

(Austri) n fushn e Filologjis Gjermane. Titulli i disertacionit t saj sht, "Krizat e kuptimit,
marrdhnieve dhe moshs s vjetr n veprat e shkrimtarve t przgjedhur t letrsis
bashkkohore". Ajo sht aktualisht profesore n Universitetin e New York-ut n Tiran. Sabina ka
dhn msim n Universitetin Shtetror t Tirans dhe n Universitetin e Shkodrs n Shqipri

(n Departamentin e Studimeve gjermane). Interesat e saj krkimore prfshijn literaturn
bashkkohore gjermane, angleze dhe letrsin shqipe. Ajo ka publikuar punime t ndryshme
shkencore dhe artikuj n t prditshmet n Mal t Zi dhe jasht vendit. Ajo sht aktualisht

kryederaktore e revists "Lemba" (Ulqin , Mali i Zi) dhe gjithashtu antare e Kshillit Botues t
Revists Akademike "Humanus" ( Tiran , Shqipri) . Osmanoviq ka qen gjithashtu nj vullnetare
dhe ka marr pjes n aktivitete t organizuara nga OJQ-t lokale n Ulqin.
Motoja e preferuar e Sabins, t ciln ajo e prcjell edhe si mesazh kryesor pr temn e festivalit,
sht: Audentes Fortuna iuvat Fati i ndihmon t guximshmit (Virgjili).

Sabina Osmanovi je doktorirala na Karl Franzes Univerzitetu u Gracu (Austrija), smjer Njemaka
filologija. Naslov njene disertacije je ''Krize znaenja, odnosa i starosti u radovima odabranih pisaca
savremene knjizevnosti''. Ona je trenutno lektor na Njujorkom Univerzitetu u Tirani. Sabina je #SeanemaTalks
takoe predavala na dravnom Univerzitetu u Tirani, Albanija, kao i na Univerzitetu u Skadru,
Albanija (na odsijeku za njemake studije). Njena istraivaka interesovanja ukljuuju savremenu
njemaku, englesku i albansku literaturu. Objavila je brojne naune radove i novinarske lanke u
Crnoj Gori, a i ire. Trenutno je glavni urednik asopisa ''Lemba'' (Ulcinj, Crna Gora) i takoe lan
izdavakog tima kolskog asopisa ''Humanus'' (Tirana, Albanija). Sabina takoe volontira i uestvuje
u aktivnostima organizovanim od strane lokalnih NVO.Sabinina poruka u susret festivalu je:
''Audentes Fortuna iuvat- Sudbina pomae hrabrima.'' (Virgil)

Andrej Nikolaidis je roen i odrastao u Sarajevu. On ivi u Ulcinju i redovni Ivana Mrvaljevic was born in Cetinje, Montenegro. She graduated from the
je dopisnik regionalnog medijskog portala E-novine. Nikolaidis je prije toga Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Cetinje, Department of acting, while at the
pisao kolumne za crnogorske listove Vijesti, Monitor' i University of Turin in 2012 she finished her Master studies on cinema and
bosanskohercegovaki list Slobodna Bosna. Objavio je knjige Ogledi o television production and cross -media communication. Ivana has been a
ravnodunosti (1995), Zato Mira Furlan (1997), Katedrala u Sijetlu (1999), Oni! permanent member of the ensemble of the City Theater in Podgorica and
(2001) i Mimesis (Durieux, OKF, 2003) i mnogo novinskih lanaka. U prvom in 2001 with her colleagues established the NGO "Youth Theatre" in Cetinje.
ga planu treba isticati kao kvalitetnog knjievnika i jednu od najzanimljivijih Since 2012, Ivana is director of the City Theater in Podgorica.
pojava na prostorima Zapadnog Balkana. Ivanas #mindthegap message:
Mind the gap as that is the only way for you to become a complete person
who can directly contribute towards the creation of a more qualitative society.
Andrej Nikolaidis was born and raised in Sarajevo. He lives in Ulcinj and is a regular correspondent
for the regional media portal E - novine . Nikolaidis previously wrote columns for the Montenegrin
daily Vijesti , Monitor and Bosnian newspaper Slobodna Bosna . He published the books Ogledi o Aktorja dhe producentja malazeze Ivana Mrvaljeviq ka lindur n Cetin, Mali i Zi. Ajo sht diplomuar
ravnodunosti (1995), Zato Mira Furlan (1997), Katedrala u Sijetlu (1999), Oni! (2001) i Mimesis n Fakultetin e Arteve Dramatike n Cetinje, n degn aktrim, ndrsa n Universitetin e Torinos n
(Durieux, OKF, 2003) and many articles. He is distinguished as a good writer and one of the most vitin 2012 ka prfunduar studimet e larta Master n fushn e produksionit kinematografik dhe televiziv
interesting phenomena in the Western Balkans region. si dhe komunikimit ndr-mediatik. Ivana ka qen antare e prhershme e ansamblit t Teatrit t
Qytetit n Podgoric dhe n vitin 2001 me kolegt e saj themeloi OJQ-n "Teatri Rinia" n Cetin.
Q n vitin 2012, Ivana sht drejtoresh e Teatrit t Qytetit t Podgorics.
Andrej Nikolaidis ka lindur dhe sht rritur n Sarajev. Ai jeton n Ulqin dhe sht nj korrespondent Sipas Ivans, ne duhet t kemi #nmendjeHENDEKUN, pasi vetm n at mnyr mund t arrijm t
i rregullt pr portalin mediatik rajonal E - novine. Nikolaidis m par ka qen kolumnist pr t jemi t plotsuar dhe q prmes veprave tona t mund t kontribuojm n krijimin e nj shoqrie m
prditshmen Vijesti t Malit t Zi, Monitor dhe gazetn boshnjake Slobodna Bosna. Ai botoi librat cilsore.
Ogledi o ravnodunosti ( 1995), Zato Mira Furlan ( 1997), Katedrala u Sijetlu ( 1999) ,Oni ! ( 2001) i
imitacion ( DURIEUX , OKF , 2003) si dhe shum artikuj. Ai shquhet si nj shkrimtar i mir dhe nj nga
fenomenet m interesante n rajonin e Ballkanit Perndimor Ivana Mrvaljevi je rodjena na Cetinju, u Crnoj Gori. Ona je diplomirala na Fakultetu Dramskih
Umjetnosti na Cetinju, odsjek za glumu, dok je na Univerzitetu u Torinu u 2012 zavrila Master za
kinematografsku i televizijsku produkciju i kros-medijalne komunikacije. Ivana je bila stalni lan
ansambla Gradskog Pozorita Podgorica, a 2001. je sa svojim kolegama osnovala NVO Teatar mladih
na Cetinju. Od 2012, Ivana je direktor Gradskog pozorita u Podgorici.
Ivanina poruka u susret festivalu je:
Pazi na razlike jer samo tako si kompletna osoba koja svojim djelovanjem moe pomoi stvaranju
kvalitetnijeg drutva.

Manushaqe Qinami is an Albaian actress. She is known for her distinguished

performances in the movies Koncert n vitin 1936 and Karnavalet. She has
been widely praised for her role as the lead protagonist in the movie
Koncert n vitin 1936. To this date, Manushaqe Qinami is remembered for
bringing elegance and charm within the Albanian cinematography.

Manushaqe Qinami sht nj aktore e mirnjohur e skens shqiptare, ku

rolet e saja m t spikatura jan n filmat Koncert n vitin 1936 dhe
Karnevalet. Prformanca e saj n rolin e protagonistes tek filmi
Koncert ne vitin 1936 sht vlersuar gjr nga publiku. Manushaqe Qinami
konsiderohet si mshirim i elegancs dhe sharmit n Kinematografin Shqiptare.

Manushaqe Qinami je Albanska glumica koja je poznata po svojim izuzetnim izvoenjem u filmovima
"Koncert n vitin 1936" i "Karnavalet". Za izvonje glavne uloge u filmu "Koncert godine 1936" dobila je
brojne pohvale. Do dananjeg dana, Manushaqe Qinami je zapamena po njenoj eleganciji i armu
kojeg je svojim pojavljivanjem unijela u albansku kinematografiju.
Margarita Xhepa, Artiste e Popullit dhe Nderi i Kombit, sht aktore Iris Luarasi is a lecturer at the Department of Journalism at the University of
shqiptare, e lindur n Lushnje, Shqipri. Nga viti 1950 u aktivizua si artiste Tirana. From 1999 to 2001 she was a director of the monthly magazine
probiste n Teatrin Popullor (sot Teatri Kombtar) dhe njkohsisht studioi Me, a woman. She graduated in language and literature, and with a strong
n Liceun Artistik, Dega e Drams. Ka krijuar mbi 150 role n teatr, midis ambition she enrolled at the Boston University, where he completed one
t cilve mund t prmendim: Majlindn tek "Majlinda" (Xh. Broja), Dafina academic year at the College of Mass Communications. She earned a
tek "Lumi i vdekur", Filja tek "Cuca e maleve" (Loni Papa), Zonja Mm tek masters degree in European Studies and she holds a PhD in the History of
"Kush e solli Doruntinn," etj. Ka qn njsoj e suksesshme n rolet e the Albanian Press. Her engagement is praiseworthily. Since 2003, she is
dramaturgjis botrore, si Ofelia tek "Hamleti", Vajza e dyt tek "Mbreti Lir", the Executive Director of LRM (Local radio networks in Albania), and since
Dado tek "Romeo e Xhulieta", Mbretresha Margaret tek "Rikardi i III", t 2016 Iris has been a president of the Management Board of Womens and
Shekspirit. Ve roleve n teatr, ka realizuar edhe 32 role n kinematografi, girls Advice Center. She has a prolific career in civil sector, especially when
duke punuar me shumicn e regjisorve shqiptar. N maj 2004 u rikthye it comes to raising a voice for women rights in state institutions in Albania.
n skenn e Teatrit Kombtar, pr t shklqyer n dramn Iris Luarasi is the Executive Director of Counseling Line for Women and Girls one of pioneer women
"Streha e t harruarve", nj tjetr sukses n karriern e saj 50-vjeare. organization in the country which fights gender-based violence and trafficking and lobbies for
womens rights legislation.

Margarita Xhepa, widely known as the Peoples Artist and the Honor of the Nation ia an Albanian
actress born in Lushnje, Albania. Since 1950 she was part of National Theater as an artist on
probation meanwhile pursuing the School of Arts at the Drama Department. She performed over 150 Iris Luarasi sht pedagoge ne Departamentin e Gazetaris n Universitetine Tirans. Nga viti 1999
roles amongst which we are highlighting only some: Majlinda at Majlinda (Xh. Broja), Dafina at deri n vitin 2001 ka qen drejtore e revists s prmuajshme ''Un, Gruaja''. E diplomuar pr Gjuh
The dead river, as Filja at Young girl of the mountains(Loni Papa), Mother at Who brought dhe Letrsi Shqipe, me ambicie t thell niset drejt Universiteti t Bostonit ku prfundon nj vit
Doruntina ect. She also has also excelled at her assigned roles in the characters of worldwide known akademik n Kolegjin e Komunikimit Masiv. Bart master n Studime Evropiane dhe ka prfunduar
plays such as: Ofelia at Hamlet, the second daughter at King Lear, the nanny at Romeo & Juliet, studimet e doktoraturs n hisotrin e shtypit shqiptar. Puna e saj sht pr tu vlersuar. Nga viti
Queen Margaret at Ricard the third of Shakespeare. Except her theatrical roles, she has also 2003 sht drejtore ekzekutive e NLR (Networku Lokal i Radiove ne Shqipri) poashtu nga ky vit
performed in the world of cinematography with her 32 roles collaborating with well-known Albanian sht Kryetare e Bordit pran Qendrs s Khsillimit pr Gra dhe Vajza. Ka nj prapavij voluminoze
directors. In May 2004 she returned to the stage at the National Theater of Albania, once more n pun me shoqerin civile dhe ngritjen e zrit pr t drejtat e femrave edhe prane institucioneve
exceling at her role in the play The Shelter of the Forgotten (Drama), marking this way yet another shtetrore n Shqipri. Iris Luarasi sht aktualisht drejtoresh ekzekutive e Qendrs pr Kshillim
success in her 50 year of professional acting career. pr Gra dhe Vajza, njra prej organizatave pioniere n vend e cila lufton dhunn me baz gjinore
dhe trafikimin dhe avokon pr promovimin e t drejtave t grave prmes n bazn ligjore t vendit.

Margarita Xhepa, narodna umjetnica, je albanska glumica, rodjena u gradu Ljunje, Albanija. Od
1950 radi kao umjetnica u Narodnom pozoritu (danas Nacionalno pozorite) a istovremeno je
studirala pri umjetnikoj koli na odsjeku za dramu. Ostvarila je preko 150 uloga u pozoritu, medju Iris Luarasi je predavaica na Odsjeku za novinarstvo na Univerzitetu u Tirani . Od 1999 do 2001 bila
kojima su najpoznatije: Majlinda u komadu "Majlinda" (Xh.Broja), Dafina u "Mrtva rijeka", Filja u "Djevojka je direktorica mjesenog asopisa ''Ja, ena ''. Diplomirala ja albanski jezik i knjievnost, te sa velikim
sa planine" (Loni Papa), gospodja Meme u "Ko je doveo Doruntinu" itd. Podjednako uspjena je i u ambicijama se upisuje na Bostonski Univerzitet, gdje zavrava jednu akademsku godinu pri koledu
komadima djela svjetske drame, kao Ofelija iz "Hamleta", Druga djevojka u "Kralju Liru", dadilja iz za masovne komunikacije . Nosilac je mastera iz evropskih studija dok je doktorirala u oblasti istorije
"Romea i Julije", kraljica Margareta u "Ricardu III" ekspir. Osim uloga u pozoritu igrala je i 32 uloge albanske tampe. Njen posao je za svaku pohvalu. Od 2003.godine je izvrni direktor LRM (Lokalna
u kinematografiji, saradjujui sa veinom albanskih reisera. U maju 2004 se vratila Nacionalnom radio mrea u Albaniji), dok je od ove godine i predsjednica Upravnog odbora Centra za savjetovanje
pozoritu, i zablustala u drami "Skrovite zaboravljenih" , sa jo jednim uspjehom u svojoj 50godinjoj ena i djevojaka. Iza nje je ogroman angaman na polju civilnog sektora, posebno kada je rije o
karijeri. zagovaranju za prava ena u dravnim institucijama u Albaniji. Iris Luarasi je izvrna direktorica
Savetovalita za ene i djevojke, jedna od prvih organizacija u zemlji koja se bori protiv rodno
zasnovanog nasilja i trgovine ljudima i lobira za enska prava u zakonodavstvu.

#SeanemaTalks #SeanemaTalks

15/09 16/09 17/09 18/09

18:00 Welcome cocktail 17:00 Shorts screenings in the Small Hall 17:00 Shorts screenings in the Small Hall
Seanema invites FDA Montenegro Seanema invites AFM Marubi
19:00 Official opening
/ /
Mr. Nazif Cungu, Mayor of
Ulqin / Ulcinj. Hero from the park Nemanja Laki The capsule Irdit Kaso
Mr. Bix Aliu, Deputy Chief of Pathos Bojan Stijevi My Grandmother Jurgen Agushi
Mission at the US Embassy. Tranquility of blood - Senad Sahmanovi Dear Ria Sabir Kanaqi
Mr. Nikola Vukevi, film director Intro - Ivan Salati Gur Uj Ervin Kotori
and professor at Faculty of Revolutionary Home - Seas Saboti
Dramatic Arts in Cetinje.
Ms. Drita Llolla, Seanema Film
Festival Director.

19:30 Suffragette 19:30 Sonita 19:30 Concert in 1936 19:30 Among the believers

21:00 Open Panel Breaking (through) 21:00 Open Panel Through my 21:00 Guests of the night 21:00 Open Panel Us and Them
the glass ceiling wounds society bleeds
Mr. Kujtim ashku, Rector of AFM Mr. Elmaz Fida, theologian
Moderator and Lead Panelist: Ms. Iris Luarasi, Exec. Director of the Marubi and movie director and psychologist
Dr. Sabina Osmanovic, Lecturer Counseling line for Women/Girls and Mr. Saimir Kumbaro, Director of Mr. Mohammed Ali Naqvi,
at the Social Sciences Dept., Men/Boys in Albania Concert in 1936 Co-director of
Research Center at the Ms. Ljupka Kovacevic, Coordinator of Ms. Manushaqe Qerimi, actress and Among the believers
University of New York, Tirana Women's Peace Program NGO Anima lead role in Concert in 1936 Ms. Elvira Hadibegovi Bubanja,
Ms. Ervina Dabidinovi, Coordinator Ms. Margarita Xhepa, actress, Exec. Director of Forum MNE
Guests/Panelists: of Women's Studies NGO Anima winner of National artist and Mr. Andrej Nikolaidis, novelist
Mr. Agon Maliqi, Research and Ms. Hatixhe Nelaj, Exec. Director of Honour of the Nation in Albania and political analyst
Policy Analyst in the private sector SOS Telephone in Ulqin/Ulcinj Mr. Muharrem Fejzo, director
in Kosovo of Captain Moderator
Ms. Ermira Mehmeti, Member of Mr. Armend Milla
Parliament in the Republic of
Ms. Ivana Mrvaljevic, Director at
the City Theater in Podgorica
Ms. Hadixha Gjoni, Deputy
Mayor of Ulqin 21:30 The Captain

22:00 Closing of the Second Edition of

22:00 Dobra ena 22:00 The hunting ground
Seanema Film Festival

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