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Sunset Ridge Middle

WHEREAS, Sunset Ridge Middle School has been selected based on meeting criteria focused on
academic excellence, being developmentally responsive to the needs and interests of young
adolescents, and by being socially equitable--democratic and fair, providing resources and support to
every student; and

WHEREAS, Sunset Ridge Middle School has strong leadership, teachers who work together to improve
curriculum and instruction, and a commitment to assessment and accountability to foster continuous
improvement; and

WHEREAS, Sunset Ridge Middle School is modeling ongoing school improvement; and

WHEREAS, Sunset Ridge Middle School serves an important role in sharing with other educators what
they do, mentoring principals and teachers, and providing middle school leadership in our state; and

NOW, THEREFORE, the House of Representatives of the State of Utah congratulates Sunset Ridge
Middle School on their success and wishes them well in their future pursuits.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set
our hand and affixed the Seal of the House of
Representatives of Utah on this twenty-eighth
day of February, two thousand seventeen.

Greg Hughes
Speaker of the House
Utah House of Representatives

Kim Coleman
Utah House of Representatives

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