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5.1.1 Introduction
The ever increasing speed of working processes and work sequences
and the resulting higher machine cycles form the basis for the competi-
tiveness of products in national and international markets. In detail, this
higher machine utilisation
optimum efficiency
targeted maintenance
reduced downtimes
quicker recommissioning
optimisation of systems
In this context, the maintenance of industrial systems is of ever increas-
ing significance. Although heavily neglected until just a few years ago, it
now forms the basis for good productivity. In new production structures
such as teamwork, maintenance now firmly has its own place. For em-
ployees in these spheres of activity this means that extensive knowl-
edge is required in the area of control and automation technology.

5.1.2 What is meant by maintenance?

A production system can only produce efficiently through trouble-free
operation. One of the prime objectives in the operation of production
systems is therefore the reduction of downtimes as far as possible.
This is attempted in two ways. On the one hand, a fast reaction must
be ensured in the event of any defect occuring during the operation of
the system. Fast and systematic fault finding are imperative in order to
ensure a speedy remedy and recommissioning of the system.
On the other hand, there is preventive maintenance. Every component
in a production system is subject to wear which, sooner or later, will
lead to failure and hence to malfunction or system failure. Preventive
maintenance, is therefore used to endeavour to prevent malfunction
and thereby to pre-empt unproductive downtimes.

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The term maintenance refers to all measures regarding the preservation

and re-establishing of the setpoint status and the determining and
evaluation of the actual state of technical resources of the system (DIN

Fig. 5.1.1:
Areas of maintenance

More specifically, maintenance can be divided into three areas

(see fig. 5.1.1):

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5.1.3 Service
The term Service refers to preventive measures to prolong operating
times. Servicing of technical installations covers:
the drawing up of a service schedule, which must be geared to
the particular aspects of the operation and system and must be man-
the preparation of the implementation,
the implementation and
the feedback.

Fig. 5.1.2:

The service schedule (or service instructions) is generally drawn up in

the form of a list and contains all the work to be carried out, measured
and test variables, the frequency of operations to be carried out and
special comments regarding the individual operations.

Product . . .
Manufacturer Service/inspection instructions
List No.. . . .

Con- and test Frequency Comments
sec Tasks to be carried out variable of
No. process
1 El. motor
1.1 Check storage temperature 60 C max. 3-monthly
1.2 Check condition of carbon brushes 6-monthly

2 Gears
2.1 Check oil level Lubricating oil monthly
2.2 Change oil DIN 51517-C100 yearly
Fig. 5.1.3:
Service instructions
(DIN 31052)

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5.1.4 Inspection
The wear and tear of components cannot always be detected with the
naked eye. It is therefore important, particulary with regard to safety
components to check the functioning and condition of certain compo-
nents at fixed intervals. Manufacturers of components or systems
generally specify the time intervals for inspection.
Inspection covers all measures required to establish and evaluate the
actual state of a technical installation. These include:
the drawing up of an inspection schedule, which must be geared
to the particular aspects of the operation and system and must be
the preparation of the implementation,
the implementation,
the submission of the result of the actual state detected,
the evaluation of the results and
the conclusion of the required consequences (DIN 31051).

Fig. 5.1.4:

In practice, the inspection and servicing schedules are combined into

an inspection and service schedule (see fig. 5.1.3).

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5.1.5 Repairs
With repairs, differentiation should be made between planned repairs
and repairs in the case of malfunction.

Fig. 5.1.5:

Planned repairs, for instance, are carried out after an inspection. Com-
ponents which were found to be faulty or worn during the inspection are
either repaired or replaced. In this way, the required status of the sys-
tem is maintained.

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Systematic repairs in the event of malfunction

In the event of an inadvertent interruption, repairs are to be carried out
according to the following plan.

Bild 5.1.6:
Systematic repairs

Prerequisite for systematic repairs

The basic prerequisite for systematic repairs and fault finding is knowl-
edge of the system. This means that only when you have become fam-
iliarised with the system and know how it is structured, is it possible to
carry out targeted repairs.
Familiarisation with the system by:
closely observing look at the installation.
making available the entire system documentation.
knowing the product and the processing technology.
exchanging information with the user, operator.
A detailed explanation of systematic fault finding on technical systems
can be found in the chapter on fault finding, together with some practi-
cal exercises on this subject.

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5.1.6 Fault documentation

When a fault has been found, it is not sufficient just to rectify this but, in
addition, the cause of the problem must be established. A useful aid for
this is a fault list, which should be kept on the installation. This list
describes the faults and their causes. It may take different forms, such
as in the example below:

List of machine malfunctions

Mach. Date Fault Rectified

Malfunction Cause Measure
No. Time index* by

This list may be useful in finding recurring faults and their causes. The
fault index* enables you to easily establish the nature of the fault.
A = Faulty working practice
(e.g. a retaining screw has not be properly tightened
on an assembly component)
M = Mechanical fault
(e.g. sensors are maladjusted)
E= Electrical fault
(e.g. relay is not energised or solenoid does not switch)
S= Control error
(e.g. program or program part is not activated)
L= Leakage fault
(e.g. air escaping from a threaded joint)
B= Operator error
(e.g. shut-off valve not closed)
W = Service error
(e.g. filter not cleaned)

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5.1.7 Possible fault influence analysis (PFIA)

The machine malfunctions list can form the basis for a systematic
analysis of faults which have occurred. A useful tool for this is for in-
stance the Possible Fault Influence Analysis method, (PFIA). The orig-
inal concept of this method was to identify beforehand potential errors
at the the production planning stage and to provide appropriate
measures to eliminate faults.
However, the PFIA method can also be used for the systematic
analysis and evaluation of errors which have already occurred and
have been logged in the malfunctions list.
The objective of PFIA is to establish those faults which occur frequently
or which are particularly serious on the basis of an evaluation of the
sum total, whereby solutions can then be found for these faults.
All potential faults are listed on a form and their frequency, significance
and detection evaluated using a figure between 1 and 10.
Multiplication of the three figures provides a risk priority figure (RPF) for
each fault. Means of eliminating faults are discussed and introduced for
all faults with a significant risk priority figure (e.g. >100).
Fault elimination measures of this type can for instance include design
modifications of the system or changes in the service schedule (e.g. a
component is to be regularly replaced as a preventive measure).

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PFIA example:

Cons. Fre- Signifi- Detec-

Fault Sequence Cause Prevention Detection RPF Measures
No. quency cance tion

much assembly
wrong shorter better as a result
1 mix-up 2 8 9 144 designation
material service designation of
life destructive

Each frequently occurring or critical fault is listed.

Description of what happens when the fault occurs.

List already known or suspected causes.

List already known measures for fault prevention.

List test measures, which may lead to the detection of the fault.

List the measures introduced to prevent faults.

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