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Five Year Plan

1st Year 2017 (24)

A. Personal Goals
1. Learn 10 hymns on the piano well enough to accompany.
2. Make 2 quilts.
3. Read Mist Born
4. Be able to run a 5K
B. Educational Goals
1. Complete all required classes to graduate, going the extra mile to not
only get a good grade, but to gain as much knowledge and experience
as possible.
2. Successfully complete student teaching experience.
3. Build up my teaching portfolio: Have Lesson plans and materials for 5-
6 FCS courses.
C. Professional Goals
1. Volunteer at the Extension office and/or the refugee center.
2. Volunteer or work at a The Glass Slipper or another bridal shop.
3. Work for the Jepson families online business Liberty Dolls, and learn
how to set up my own online business for selling temple bags.
2nd Year 2018 (25)
A. Personal Goals
1. Buy a car with cash
2. Go to Georgia to visit my mission
3. Get Married
B. Educational Goals
1. Teach in China in the spring
2. Find out about Graduate degrees in FCS and requirements to get in.
3. Read 2 books on how to teach.
4. Study Spanish using duolingo and reading a book in Spanish.
C. Professional Goals
1. Practice various designs for temple bags
2. Set up an online business
3. Find a full time teaching position for fall semester, preferably in the
Salt Lake area.
3rd Year 2019 (26)
A. Personal Goals
1. Go on a humanitarian trip during the summer.
2. Take a dance class or voice lessons.
3. Be in 3 5K races
B. Educational Goals
1. Continue studying Spanish, and score at least 40% on a Proficiency
2. Take an advanced sewing course at Salt Lake Community College.
3. Chose the degree I would like to go into and study that area.
4. Study for the LSAT.
C. Professional Goals
1. Volunteer and teach a class at the Extension office.
2. Continue teaching at The Jr High.
3. Solidify my online business
4. Be an FCCLA Councilor
4th Year 2020 (27)
A. Personal Goals
1. Have enough money saved for grad school, or have scholarships to
cover the costs.
2. Be able play 10 songs on the ukulele.
3. Be in 3 5K races
B. Educational Goals
1. Apply for Grad schools
2. Read a book on family relations.
3. Continue studying Spanish. Score 85% on precedency test.
C. Professional Goals
1. Work as an events assistant
2. Continue teaching at the Jr High.
3. Continue to grow my business
4. Be an FCCLA councilor
5th Year 2021 (28)
A. Personal Goals
1. Run a half Marathon.
2. Get concealed weapons permit.
B. Educational Goals
1. Start Grad school in the fall.
C. Professional Goals
1. Get to know the professors at my University.
2. Look for opportunities to be involved in campus and community FCS
and CTE societies.

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