Romero Homework

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Florida, Ella Marie 2Psy2 SCL 3


1. Pay special attention to the character and conscience formation of Oscar Romero. How did
the events in his life inform and change his conscience? What events lead to his conversion?
What caused him to act?

Archbishop Oscar Romero tried to conform with the governments treatment of the poor
Salvadoran people but after father Rutilio Grande was assassinated his eyes was finally opened
from the violence and repression of his people. It changed him to act purposefully despite the
condemnation of government and his fellow priest.

2. What did Romero experience when he gets involved in trying to free the kidnapped Rafael
Zelada? How did this open his eyes?

3. Describe the conversation between the President- elect and Romero. Why did Romero
choose not to attend the Presidents inauguration? How did the other bishops respond? How
has Romero changed since the first bishops statement?

4. In two scenes, Romero is intimidated into leaving the church in Aguilares, and then
returns. Why did you think he return? How are these scenes symbolic of his entire
experience as an Archbishop?

He returned not just for the holy Eucharist he returned to prove the church is still a church.
No one can take its people away from the house of God. It symbolizes his stand of being with his
people faithful in one God.

5. My task is not to run the country. My task is to keep my priests and our people from
getting killed. What role do you think the Church should play in society? Explain.

For me the role that the church should play in the society is to fight the injustice that repress
its people. The church should also be the one to keep the peoples faith amidst their fight for their
rights and struggle against social injustices because the mission of the church is to stand with the

6. How does the movie relate to the Churchs role in the promotion of social justice?
The movie shows that emotion and feeding the hungry is not enough to fight social
injustices, the need of the society for reforms on social injustice makes the movie relevant to the
promotion of social justice.

7. What principles or themes of social justice where expressed and shown in the movie? How
were there expressed?

Human Dignity, because people are created by God we are all human beings and
nothings more important than life. The issue with Community and Common Good was heavily
emphasized because of the poor peoples fight against economic injustice. Participation was
also one of the issues for the poor because no matter what they do, most of the people in the
government heard their pleas but choose not to listen. Solidarity is one of the central themes
because it promotes peoples empathy to the poor and repressed.

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