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Plunger Pump Tips

Tips On

Planning, Installing &

Caring For Your

Plunger Pump


A s the title implies, this section is designed to assist you in

planning, installing, and caring for your NATIONAL OILWELL
Plunger Pumps. The following pages contain helpful suggestions
and illustrations on ten of the most important phases of the instal-
lation and operation of a plunger pump. Each is presented in
logical order. Also, tip number 11 has a detailed checklist of
application considerations.

Of course, this section could not possibly answer every question

regarding NATIONAL OILWELL Plunger Pumps. However, specific
information is readily available simply by contacting your
NATIONAL OILWELL representative or distributor.

Yours for profitable pumping

Continue >

NO.1 Selecting the right plunger pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

NO.2 Planning your plunger pump installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2

NO.3 The importance of a firm foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

NO.4 Setting your pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

NO.5 Keeping your head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

NO.6 Getting the most from suction lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

NO.7 Discharge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

NO.8 The importance of bypass and relief valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

NO.9 Guaranteeing a smooth start-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

NO.10 Keeping your plunger pump going . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

NO.11 Typical Plunger Pump Inquiry Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

Continue >
Plunger Pump Tips NO. 1

Selecting the right

plunger pump
While weeds are still waving over To summarize: First, determine
the location for your installation, you your pumping conditions. Next,
should start the job of pump selection. decide on volume and pressure
The size of the pump you select pretty requirements. Then, select the
much depends on the size of the job pump or pumps which will provide
it must do. the best performance without wast-
ing horsepower. Finally, equip your
Fluids to be pumped is one of the
pumps to tackle your particular
first considerations. Is it corrosive?
operating conditions. A checklist
What kind of elements or minerals
of application considerations can
does it contain? How viscous? What
be found on the inside back cover.
temperature? Will it be mixed with
other fluid or chemically treated?
What about volume and pres- NOTES: ______________________
sure? What pumping service must ______________________________
be met by a continuous duty pump?
Low pressure-high volume? Medium ______________________________
pressure-medium volume? High ______________________________
pressure-low volume?
Knowing the right answers to the
above questions will help you decide ______________________________
which size pump to choose. Or what ______________________________
combination of pumps and pump sizes
offers the most efficient operation for
your particular requirements and ______________________________
conditions. ______________________________

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w w w. n a t o i l . c o m 1
NO. 2 Plunger Pump Tips

Planning your
plunger pump
Some pump installations look like 5. Make sure piping and valves are
plumbers nightmares simply because the right size and are made for
operators preferred to do their each other.
planning as they installed equipment.
6. Make certain connections to tanks
At times this may seem like the easy
are of the appropriate type and in
way, but in practice it often proves to
line with pump piping.
be the hardest. A few hours spent in
planning can save days even weeks 7. Consider suction and discharge
of installation time while assuring dampeners as a part of your
top performance. original plan.
Naturally, the more you plan, the less
likely youll go astray. But you dont NOTES: ______________________
have to be a registered plumber. All
thats needed is a pencil, some paper, ______________________________
a rule, plus one more important tool: ______________________________
Good, common sense!
Oddly enough, some of the more
basic things are most often over- ______________________________
looked. Here are a few of the ______________________________
most common:
1. Dont get fancy. Generally, the
simpler the installation the better
it works. ______________________________
2. Plan for proper drainage of the site. ______________________________
3. Put your pumps as close to tankage ______________________________
as possible. ______________________________
4. For best suction and discharge ______________________________
conditions, keep piping straight and
short. If possible, avoid right ______________________________
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2 w w w. n a t o i l . c o m
Plunger Pump Tips NO. 3
Anchor bolts are really part of the
foundation, but because they must
match equipment holes, they deserve
special consideration. One way to
assure proper bolt location is to place
them securely in position before
pouring the foundation.
Despite careful positioning, however,
it may be almost impossible to adjust
The importance of anchor bolts even a fraction of an inch
a firm foundation once bolts are firmly cemented in. You
wont have this problem if you set
Dont skimp on the foundation. If it each bolt in a grout tube before pour-
isnt up to the job, youll pay much ing the foundation. Thus, they are held
more later. A poor foundation is almost in position, yet can easily be adjusted
impossible to correct once an installa- to align with the drilled holes. Then,
tion is completed. when equipment is grouted in, grout
will fill the tubes to anchor bolts firmly.
The most important thing is for the
foundation to be adequate. This There are contractors in most areas
means it should have generous top- experienced at installing equipment
side dimensions and sufficient depth. foundations. It can pay to call on one.
Of these, lack of depth is the most Looking back: A quality foundation
common failing. As a rule of thumb, gets things off on the right foot
4 feet is a good minimum depth. dont skimp here. Design your foun-
However, soil conditions in your area dation to suit soil conditions. Set
will dictate the depth and foundation anchor bolts in grout tubes before
for your installation. Experienced local pouring its an easy way to cor-
contractors can be very helpful. rect for positioning adjustments.
Where soil is particularly soft, for Finally, consult an experienced
example, pilings may be the answer. contractor.
Another approach may be to spread
out the bearing area by making the
NOTES: ______________________
foundation wider and longer, but less
thick. Where soil isnt soft, but not as ______________________________
stable as youd like, you may elect to ______________________________
add support by undercutting at the
base of the foundation as shown in ______________________________
the sketch below. ______________________________
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w w w. n a t o i l . c o m 3
NO. 4 Plunger Pump Tips

Setting your pump

A good job of grouting in your pump Dont forget: The installation and
is so important that it will pay to have quality of the grout is most impor-
it done by an expert. Quality of the tant. The bigger the pump, the bet-
grout used is very important, too. ter the grout needed. Dont forget
alignment check it before and
In general, the quality of grout re-
after grouting. Always consult
quired pretty much depends on mas-
your pump service manual prior
siveness of the equipment to be set.
to start up.
The bigger the pump, the better the
grout must be. For lighter pumps, a
sand-cement mixture might do. NOTES: ______________________
Heavier pumps may call for metal-
filled or epoxy-sand grouts. As a rule ______________________________
of thumb, grout should be a minimum ______________________________
of about one inch thick.
Alignment of the pump with direct-
connected engines, electric motors, ______________________________
and gear reducers must be main- ______________________________
tained during grouting. In fact, its a
good idea to check alignment before
and after grouting because tighten- ______________________________
ing down equipment may change ______________________________
alignment. Dont overlook alignment
of sheaves and belts for long trouble- ______________________________
free operation. ______________________________
Once the pump is grouted in and ______________________________
properly aligned, be sure to check
your pump service manual. It will ______________________________
remind you of proper procedures to ______________________________
follow before start-up such as
checking oil, tightening bolts and nuts,
Continue >

4 w w w. n a t o i l . c o m
Plunger Pump Tips NO. 5
4. Vapor pressure: Be sure to con-
sider vapor pressure of the fluid you
are pumping. Up to 120 o F, theres
no problem with water, but above
this, you must have additional head
to prevent flash-off of water vapor.
Check vapor pressure requirements
for fluids other than water.
Height of head
At maximum speed and with maxi-
Keeping your head mum sized plungers, a plunger pump
will run properly with a minimum of
Proper plunger pump operation 8 feet of head providing the factors
depends on suction head. To assure previously mentioned are okay. But,
this pressure, design of the suction its important to note that even heads
system is probably the most important of more than 8 feet dont necessarily
thing. However, there are a few other eliminate need for suction dampeners.
factors you must consider to ensure
At slow speeds or with smaller
the pump has fluid under proper
plungers, required head is less than
pressure and flow conditions to prop-
8 feet. In fact, its possible to operate
erly fill the plunger area during the
pumps with good success, but only at
suction stroke.
less than maximum speeds.
1. Pipe friction: This is something
Lets recap important points:
you can forget if you use pipe large
Use adequate suction lines.
enough to give you a maximum
Eliminate harmful surging with
velocity of 2 to 3 feet/second in the
properly designed suction dampen-
suction line during normal operation.
ers. Make sure fluid vapor pressure
2. Valve and spring load: is matched by additional head. And
Design of valves helps maintain be sure the suction chamber has
pressure. For example, National net positive head during normal
Oilwell Plunger Pumps have large operation.
area, heavy spring valves with
flow-thru pressure less than 1 psi.
NOTES: ______________________
3. Acceleration head: This is
pressure needed to keep fluid ______________________________
moving in the suction system in ______________________________
time with the cyclic motion caused
by plunger strokes. However, a ______________________________
properly designed suction dampen- ______________________________
er eliminates the need for accelera-
tion head. ______________________________

Continue >
w w w. n a t o i l . c o m 5
NO. 6 Plunger Pump Tips

To provide excellent flow characteris-

tics and isolate mechanical vibration,
use the properly sized length of hose
for the pump suction connection. The
table outlines the recommended diam-
eter suction line or header to use with
one or more plunger pumps.
It is also vitally important that full-
opening valves be used. All restric-
Getting the most tions in the suction system should
from suction lines be eliminated.
Pressure surges in suction lines result
One of your most important considera- from the normal operation of plunger
tions in installing suction lines is to pumps. Neither the piping design nor
keep them as short and straight suction pressure can prevent their
as possible. If turns are required, occurrence. For this reason, it is wise
45o bends are recommended to main- to include a suction dampener on
tain constant, efficient flow. If at all every plunger pump. A dampener will
possible, avoid right angles. The eliminate these pressure surges the
comparison sketches below illustrate result being higher operating efficiency
this point. and less change of valve trouble.
As illustrated, its recommended that Looking back: The trick of efficient
the suction line be connected to only suction lines is keep em short and
one side of the pump; double lines are straight. Right angle turns can be
usually necessary. It is advisable that wasteful and harmful, avoid them if
an eccentric swage or reducer be possible. Watch your flow rates,
installed at the pump connection. 3 feet/second is maximum. A prop-
Flow rates in any suction line erly sized hose on the pump suc-
should not exceed 2 feet/second. tion connection reduces harmful
This can be accomplished in all vibrations, increases efficiency.
plunger pumps by using a suction Install suction dampeners on
line that is one size larger than plunger pumps, theyre one of
the pump suction connection. your best pump preservers.

Suction Line Header

NOTES: ______________________
Connection Size Size
Size Single Two Three Four Five Six
Pump Pumps Pumps Pumps Pumps Pumps
2-1/2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 7" 8"
3" 4" 6" 7" 8" 10" 10"
4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" ______________________________
5" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16"
6" 8" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20"
8" 10" 14" 18" 20"
Continue >
6 w w w. n a t o i l . c o m
Plunger Pump Tips NO. 7
2. Where bends in the line are neces-
sary, they should be as generous
as possible. Most desirable are 45
bends or long-radius formed pipe
bends. Dont bull-head a
discharge line with a tee!
3. Its a good idea to install a dis-
charge desurger when maximum
performance is required.
4. The discharge line should be tied
Discharge! down to a sturdy support as soon
as possible after leaving the pump.
Honorable discharge is also impor- This limits mechanical vibration of
tant for an efficient plunger pump the discharge line and guards
installation. We have previously against premature failure.
discussed the desirability of proper 5. Shut-off valves in the discharge
suction line design. Next in impor- line should be full-opening. If a
tance is proper design of the dis- check valve is used, be sure to
charge system. install it as far from the pump as
possible to prevent feed back of
Pressure surges are common to all pressure surges.
plunger pumps in operation. Recog-
nized as vibration in the discharge Points to remember: Discharge
line, they give a continual buffeting lines, like suction lines, will vibrate
to pumps and piping. You cant end pumps and piping its unavoid-
able. However, a good design with
surging, but effects of surges can be
few sharp turns and sturdy tiedown
greatly minimized through intelligent
will keep discharge lines efficient
discharge system design. At the same
and operative.
time, proper design provides fluid
efficiency that gives you the best per-
formance for your installation dollars. NOTES: ______________________

Here are some points to check in ______________________________

your design: ______________________________
1. The discharge line should be as ______________________________
straight as possible, and not
reduced in diameter until it has
been run a minimum of 20 feet ______________________________
from the pump. ______________________________

Continue >

w w w. n a t o i l . c o m 7
NO. 8 Plunger Pump Tips

Pressure relief valve

A properly installed and sized pres-
sure relief valve protects more than
the pump and system. It protects
you and your operators from
possible injury.
For proper protection, the relief valve
The importance should be set or adjusted to relieve
of bypass and whenever the pressure reaches at
least 20% more than the pressure
relief valves rating of the plungers being used. Its
size should be sufficient to relieve
Bypass and relief valves for your complete pump capacity when set for
plunger pump installation are as normal operation. The bypass and
important as insurance for your car. relief valves can be installed on a
You shouldnt start the engine without common return line to the supply tank.
them. Each type of valve provides This saves on piping costs. This line
special safeguards. should be pipe to the top of the supply
tank where a visual check will reveal
Bypass valve
if either valve is leaking.
You need the following benefits of a
Touching on the highlights:
bypass valve on any plunger pump
Bypass and relief valves are essen-
regardless of size, pressure or volume
tials dont pump a stroke without
them. Adjust relief valves according
1. Protects valves from cavitation by to pressure ratings of plungers
allowing air to be purged from the and make sure they're capable of
fluid end under low pressure. relieving maximum pumping capaci-
2. Permits oil to circulate to vital work- ty. Once again, when in doubt, ask
ing parts before they are loaded. us for help.

3. Reduces electric motor starting

torque. NOTES: ______________________
4. Lessens load on the engine clutch ______________________________
when the pump is started.
5. Eliminates danger of over-pressur-
ing the system on start-up.
Piping from the bypass valve
should return to the supply ______________________________
tank, not be connected to the ______________________________
pump suction.
Continue >
8 w w w. n a t o i l . c o m
Plunger Pump Tips NO. 9
5. Check suction and discharge piping
to be sure it is of correct design and
has been cleared of all abrasive
material that might damage the new
pump valves.
6. Be sure that the lubricator is filled
with the proper oil, that air is purged
from the lubrication lines, and that
the setting is correct to provide the
Guaranteeing a desired amount of lubrication.
smooth startup 7. Assure normal pump operation by
running pump at bypass pressure
Your National Oilwell plunger pumps until oil has warmed.
are built to keep pumping efficiently
8. Pressure test the entire system,
day after day, month after month, year
including relief valve. In getting test
after year. With this kind of perfor-
pressures, which may exceed pump
mance ahead, you can afford to take a
rating, operate the pump at a slower
few minutes to be sure everything is
A-OK before start-up. Here is a good
check list for a smooth start: 9. Check safety switches for operation
under normal conditions of pressure
1. Review your operating instructions.
and pump speed.
These are provided by National
Oilwell with every pump. They cover By taking a few minutes to make
all important features of operation, these and other important checks,
components, and maintenance. you help assure smooth start-up,
proper continuing operation, and
2. Double-check weight and grade of
minimum repair.
lubricant in the power end to make
sure it matches specifications on
the equipment name tag. Also, con- NOTES: ______________________
sider the temperature of the fluid
being pumped as well as the air ______________________________
temperature of the installation. ______________________________
3. Look over alignment of pump ______________________________
and prime mover to assure it is
correct and within recommended ______________________________
guidelines. ______________________________
4. Test hold-down bolts and nuts ______________________________
as well as bolts and nuts on the
equipment to be certain they are
securely tightened. ______________________________

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w w w. n a t o i l . c o m 9
NO. 10 Plunger Pump Tips

Keeping your
plunger pump going
Once your plunger pump is installed NATIONAL OILWELL Pump
and running, good housekeeping Service Manual
does most to assure top performance NATIONAL OILWELL plunger pumps
at least cost. are built to provide minimum mainte-
A properly maintained installation is nance. You don't have to baby them,
generally a clean one. But what good but like any precision-made piece of
housekeeping really means is planned, machinery, they require proper care.
day-to-day maintenance. Not a hit-or- This is why a detailed guide to mainte-
miss program, but scheduled mainte- nance and trouble-shooting is included
nance designed to catch trouble in the service manual provided with
before it develops or while it's small. each NATIONAL OILWELL pump.
This preventive maintenance keeps Reviewing maintenance: Keep
little problems little minor repairs abreast of maintenance, trou-
minor. bleshoot your pumps, and don't be
Some maintenance is basic. For afraid to get your hands dirty
example, correct lubricant properly clean installations lead to extended
applied to plungers and packing can service. Visually check plungers,
mean the difference between success valves, and packing make sure
and failure. they're delivering all the perfor-
mance they can. And make certain
Other maintenance requires careful
they're the right ones for the job.
attention to operation. Materials for
plungers, packing and valves, for
example, must be compatible with NOTES: ______________________
fluid being pumped. This might simply
require making sure that parts are ______________________________
replaced by parts of identical material. ______________________________
But it might also call for material
changes to match changes in fluid or ______________________________
to correct for ingredients in the fluid ______________________________
not originally recognized.
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10 w w w. n a t o i l . c o m
Plunger Pump Tips NO. 11

Typical Plunger Pump Inquiry Information

Waterflood Belt Drive
Water Disposal Pump Sheave
Power Oil Prime Mover Sheave
Fresh Water Belt Length
Salt Water
Other Internal Combustion:
24 Hr/Day HP
Intermittent Speed RPM
Other Clutch
Corrosive Electric:
Non Corrosive Voltage
Hydrogen Sulfide Cycles
Temperature Fahrenheit HP
Specific Gravity Speed
Psig Nema B, C, D Torque
Bbl/Day/Gallon Per Minute (GPM)
Bypass Valve
Pulsation Dampener Plungers:
Shut Off Valve Ceramic
Tungsten Carbide (standard grade)
SUCTION CONDITIONS: Tungsten Carbide (premium grade)
Psig Other
or Tank Level Head Packing:
Ft. Max Standard
Ft. Min Other
Charge Pump Packing Lubricator
Capacity of Charge Pump Valve Style
Length-Suction Line Feet Valve Service Kit
(Should be approximately twice discharge volume) Chamber Cover
Size Suction Line Inches Control Panel Pump
Suction Dampener Oil Level Switch
Relief Valve
PUMP MOUNTING: Hi-Lo Pressure Switch
Outdoors Hi-Lo Suction Switch
Indoors Hi-Lo Tank Switch
Concrete Other
Direct Drive
Gear Reducer Next Section >

w w w. n a t o i l . c o m 11
Plunger Pump Technical Data
Plunger Pump

Technical Data

Plunger Pump Technical Data

Factors And Formulas Application

To Pick The Right Pump Plunger Pumps
It is easy to select the right multiplex pump
The simplest plunger pump installation is
to best meet your anticipated volume and
in reality a complex hydraulic system.
pressure requirements.
While it is not possible to anticipate all of the
1) First calculate the hydraulic horsepower
operational peculiarities of a pump installation,
2) Then determine the input horsepower it is to the operators advantage to consider
required. Use input horsepower to identify certain well known design factors and
the smallest pump suitable for the incorporate these factors into the station
application or the combination of pumps arrangement. The following will help
needed to meet the total volume determine these factors.
3) Select the plunger size closest to the Pump And System
maximum operating discharge pressure Design Factors
Suction pressure
4) Determine the operating speed that will
tailor the pump to your volume and Plunger pumps have certain characteristics
discharge pressure requirements. that must be considered in designing the
pump suction piping system to assure
Helpful Sizing Formulas: satisfactory performance. While running, a
Net Positive Suction Pressure is required by
a plunger pump to enable it to fill on each
hyd. hp = gpm X psi X .00058 stroke. This pressure is referred to as Net
hyd. hp = bbl/day X psi X .000017 Positive Suction Head Required (NPSHR) and
hyd. hp = gpm X psi is measured on the absolute pressure scale.
The minimum NPSHR of any pump is the
bbl/day X psi
hyd. hp = specific suction pressure which will allow the
pump to operate hydraulically with acceptable
hyd. hp performance and volumetric efficiency.
input hp =
.90 (mechanical efficiency of pump)
NPSHR is affected by many factors including
Volume but not limited to pump speed, plunger
bbl/day = gpm X 34.285 diameter, valve type and flow through area,
bbl/day = m3/d X 6.2897 valve spring load, liquid temperature, vapor
bbl/day pressure of liquid being pumped and most
gpm = important in an open suction system local
uncorrected barometric pressure.
gpm = bbl/day X .02916
liter = gallons X 3.785 A conservative approach to designing a
pump suction system is to assume that while
Pressure running any plunger pump requires a
feet water = psi X 2.31 minimum NPSHA (Net Positive Suction Head
psi = feet water X .433 Available) of 18 psia, above vapor pressure.
psi = kg/cm2 X 14.223 Obviously any NPSHA above this minimum
will result in improved fluid end performance
m3/d = and provides insurance against unpredictable
changes in operating conditions such as an
kg/cm2 = psi X .0703
increase in liquid temperature, lower supply
mm = inches X 25.4 tank level, entrained gas, etc
kg = pounds X .45359
Continue >

w w w. n a t o i l . c o m 1
Plunger Pump Technical Data

Major positive and Gas Blanket Pressure

negative pressures in A gas blanket on the supply tank adds
a pump inlet system: additional positive pressure to the suction
Positive: system. Furthermore, a gas blanket of a few
ounces prevents absorption of oxygen and
A. Liquid Level above Pump Inlet (psi) reduces corrosion in the pumps and piping.
= (feet X .433).
B. Atmospheric Pressure (psia)
Vapor Pressure
= Local uncorrected barometric reading Vapor pressure is the absolute pressure at
(inches of mercury X .4912). which the liquid will change to vapor at a given
temperature. Vapor pressure becomes most
C. Gas Blanket Pressure (psi) (usually of small
critical when pumping liquid hydrocarbons;
magnitude and can be ignored in NPSHA
e.g., propane, crude oil, butane, L.N.G., etc.,
or water at elevated temperatures.
A. Vapor Pressure of Fluid (psia)
Friction in Piping
The suction line should be as short as
B. Friction in Piping (psi)
practical with a minimum of bends and fittings.
C. Acceleration Head (psi) A single inlet line between pump and tank or
header should be adequate for most
Supply Tank Elevation installations. When more than one pump is
drawing from the same tank, it is best to run
The supply tank should be located at an
individual suction lines from each pump to the
elevation as high as possible in relation to the
tank. If bends or elbows are necessary in the
pump suction, taking advantage of the natural
line, they should be of long radius design.
terrain. Since pipe friction is usually of a low
order, it is sometimes advantageous to dis-
regard the accepted rule to make the suction
Acceleration Pressure
line as short as possible and increase line (Head)
length in order to gain additional tank Acceleration pressure (head) is the theoretical
elevation. inertia effect of the fluid mass in the suction
Before locating the pump and supply tank, line. In effect, it is the head necessary to
make calculations to determine if an elevated accelerate the fluid at the beginning of each
tank with a long inlet line or a tank at a lower plunger stroke and is a function of the volume
elevation with a short inlet line provides the of fluid in the suction line, the pump speed,
greater NPSHA. number of plungers, and pump displacement.
Acceleration pressure (head) is probably the
Atmospheric Pressure least understood of all the factors which can
affect pump performance. In some cases,
This is the true local uncorrected barometric acceleration pressure (head) can be quite
pressure at the altitude of pump location large in reciprocating pumps having long
expressed in psia. Note: Barometric pressure suction lines and operating at high speed.
as reported by the weather bureau is normally
corrected to sea level conditions. The The NPSH required to accelerate cold
uncorrected reading must be used. water without cavitation may be calculated
with the formula:
Pac = KNLQ

Pac = Acceleration pressure(psia)

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2 w w w. n a t o i l . c o m
Plunger Pump Technical Data

Factor for type of pump: Typical Inlet System

Duplex Double Acting Pump (Open Type)
K = .000451
Net Positive Suction Head Required
Triplex Single Acting Pump
K = .000259 NPSHR (Net Positive Suction Head Required)
= The absolute pressure in psia, above vapor
Quintuplex Single Acting Pump
pressure, as determined by test, required to
K = .000157 fill the pump cylinders sufficiently. (18.0 psia
N = Pump Speed (rpm) assumed in these examples).
L = Inlet Line Length (Ft.)
Q = Pumped Volume (gpm) Net Positive Suction Head Available
Ds = Inlet Line Diameter (inches)
NPSHA (Net Positive Suction Head Available)
Acceleration Pressure = That pressure in psia of liquid being
pumped existing at the pump inlet.
Pa = Atmospheric pressure in psia in
Example calculation of Acceleration pressure relation to altitude.
(head). Assume a pump installation with Pv = Vapor pressure in psia of liquid
the following as given. being pumped.
Pf = Pressure drop in psi caused by
Triplex Single Acting Pump = .000259 friction in piping and fittings.
Pump Speed = 300 rpm H = Height of liquid above pump inlet
Inlet Line length = 20 ft. measured in feet.
Inlet Line Diameter = 6" P1 = Pressure in psig at pump inlet.
Pumped Volume = 138 gpm P2 = Pressure in psig at tank outlet.

Calculate the Acceleration head. Calculation of Net Positive Suction

KNLQ Head Available
Pac =
Ds2 Example calculation of NPSHA (Net Positive
(.000259)(300)(20) Suction Head Available)
Pac =
Assume a pump installation with the following
Pac = as given. Calculate the NPSHA:
Pac = .043 psia or (1ft. of head) Pump elevation = Sea Level
Atmospheric pressure (Pa) = 14.7 psia
By varying the pipe diameter in the above
Fluid height in tank = 4.83 Ft.
calculation it will be readily seen that large
diameter suction pipe is important. In order to Vapor pressure (Pv) of the pumped fluid = 1.7 psia
determine total NPSHA (Net Positive Suction Calculated pipe and fittings pressure loss (Pf) = 0.1 psi
Head Available) the calculated acceleration NPSHA = Pa + H - Pf - Pv
pressure result should be subtracted from the NPSHA = 14.7 psia + (4.83 ft./2.30) - 0.1 psi - 1.7 psia
calculated NPSHA result below thus reducing NPSHA = 14.7 psia + 2.1 psig - 1.8 psia
the available head pressure.
NPSHA = 15 psia
Tests have demonstrated that the acceleration
To provide sufficient NPSHA, it is necessary
pressure effect on NPSHA can be practically
to determine the minimum height of liquid
canceled by locating a suction stabilizer in the
required in the supply tank.
inlet line as close as possible to the pump
intake. Therefore, the use of suction To determine H (minimum height of liquid
stabilizers on each pump is strongly above pump inlet required ) solve the

Continue >

w w w. n a t o i l . c o m 3
Plunger Pump Technical Data

following: actual discharge pressure less the pump

H(ft) = (NPSHR + Pv + Pf - Pa) X 2.31 suction pressure.
H(ft) = (18 psia + 1.7 psia + 0.1 psi - 14.7 psia) X 2.31

H(ft) = 5.1 psia X 2.31 Suction And Discharge

H(ft) = 12 f t. Piping
It will be seen that as the barometric pressure Suction Piping Line
decreases, the level in the supply tank must
be increased to provide the same absolute The suction line from the supply tank to the
NPSHA at the pump inlet. If the vapor pump must not be smaller than the inlet
pressure or pressure losses increase, the connection of the pump; it should be short and
supply tank level must be increased direct as practical and of sufficient diameter to
proportionally to maintain the NPSHA. limit the fluid velocity to 1 to 2 feet/second. It
should be free of any restrictions and all
The above calculations provide minimum fittings should be full opening type with low
NPSHA; a good operating practice is to resistance to the fluid flow. Piping reductions
provide an additional 5 to 10 feet of head at the pump inlet should be made with an
for contingencies. eccentric reducer and installed such that the
Low Inlet Pressure transition from large to small is from the
bottom side of the pipe.
Where sufficient NPSH is not available,
increased inlet pressure may be obtained by Discharge Piping Line
the use of an inlet charging centrifugal pump.
When calculating the centrifugal pump The discharge line must not be smaller than
requirements, the pump should be sized to the discharge connection at the pump; it
pump 1-1/2 to 2 times the discharge rate of should be of a diameter sufficient to permit a
the plunger pump. maximum fluid velocity of not more than 12
feet/second. This line should be streamlined
High Inlet Pressure through gradual turns with friction not greater
In single acting plunger pumps, high inlet than those caused by 45o long radius elbows.
pressure actually increases the bearing loads Any bends directly adjacent to the pump
and for this reason a correction must be made discharge should be avoided if at
to the maximum discharge pressure rating for all possible.
a given plunger size if the suction pressure is
more than 5% of the discharge pressure. By-Pass Line
For triplex pumps, the plunger size should A by-pass valve and by-pass return line to
be determined on the basis of a calculated the supply tank is recommended for all
artificial discharge pressure (Px) which is installations. This will permit no-load starting
equal to the actual discharge pressure (Pd) and facilitate checking the pump and
plus one-half the actual inlet pressure (PI) prime mover.
as shown below:
Relief Valves
Px = Pd + Pi
(for single acting triplex pumps) A relief valve must be mounted on the
discharge line as close to the pump as
For quintuplex pumps the artificial discharge
possible. No other valve should be installed
pressure should be the actual discharge
between the pump and relief valve. The relief
pressure plus two-thirds the actual suction
valve must have adequate relieving capacity
and be set no higher than 1.25 times the rated
Px = Pd + 2/3 Pi plunger working pressure. Relief discharge
(for single acting quintuplex pumps)
should be piped back to the supply tank (not
The work performed by the pump, however, the inlet line).
is calculated in the usual manner using the
Continue >

4 w w w. n a t o i l . c o m
Plunger Pump Technical Data

Caution: The need for pulsation dampeners is

Be certain that all pipe, pipe fittings, hose, increased where multiple pump installations
etc., in the discharge line have working are involved. When two or more pumps are
pressure ratings equal to or greater than the discharging into a common header, the
maximum pressure rating of the pump fluid normal pressure peaks of each pump may
end. occur simultaneously with the result that the
pressure peaks for the system will be
Recommended Auxiliary considerably higher than for a single pump.
Safety Devices
Suction Stabilizer
Low Fluid Level Controls
As previously pointed out the use of a suction
stabilizer on each pump is recommended. Pump operations under starved suction
conditions will result in severe knocking and
A simple vertical chamber with a closed top, high shock pressures within the fluid end. For
water level gauge and air charging connection this reason, a Low Fluid Level Controls shut-
will perform satisfactorily as a suction stabi- down should be provided on all installations to
lizer if properly pressurized with an air or gas protect the pump from operations with
cushion on top of the fluid. Water absorbs air insufficient fluid to fill the pump. The low fluid
and gas; therefore, this type of chamber level control sensor should be located on the
requires regular attention. tank to assure the minimum NPSHA at the
Commercial stabilizers, equipped with a pump inlet as described in Calculation on
rubber diaphragm separating the air from the Inlet System on the previous page.
fluid, are available and can be charged to a
predetermined pressure with air or nitrogen. Low Discharge Pressure
This charge will normally be retained for a Shut-Down
long period of time. A Low Discharge Pressure Shut-Down
device is recommended as a protection
Discharge Pulsation against property damage due to discharge
Dampeners line rupture.
A pulsation dampener should be installed
on each pump as close to the fluid end High Discharge Pressure
as possible. Shut-Down
All positive displacement reciprocating pumps High Discharge Pressure Shut-Down device
discharge fluid in a pulsating manner. The is recommended as extra insurance against
harmonic relationship between the pump pump and equipment damage and the
speed, the piping system and other pumps in possibility of personal injury should the relief
the system may cause pulsations to be valve malfunction.
amplified and result in transient pressure
peaks far in excess of the average discharge Low Oil Pressure
pressure. These peaks are not always obvious Low Oil Pressure or low oil level shut-down is
and seldom will be indicated on pressure strongly recommended to safeguard the pump
gauges. power end against lubrication failure.
The pump may sound satisfactory with little or
no audible fluid knock but, such pressure
Continue >
peaks subject the pump and piping system to
excessively high stresses. Many test have
shown that a pulsation dampener minimizes
these pressure peaks and contributes to
longer pump and valve life.

w w w. n a t o i l . c o m 5
Plunger Pump Technical Data

Reference Tables
Equivalents of Liquid Measures and Weights

Liquid Measure U.S.

or U.S. Imperial U.S. Pound U.S. U.S.
Weight Gallon Gallon Pint Water* Cubic Foot Cubic Inch
U.S. Gallon 1 0.833 8 8.337 0.13368 231
Imperial Gallon 1.2009 1 9.60752 10 0.16054 277.42
U.S. Pint 0.125 0.1501 1 1.042 0.01671 28.875
U.S. Pound Water* 0.11995 0.09992 0.09596 1 0.016035 27.708
U.S. Cubic Foot 7.48052 6.22888 59.8442 62.365 1 1728
U.S. Cubic Inch 0.004329 0.00361 0.034632 0.03609 0.0005787 1

*Water at 60o F. 1 Barrel = 42 gallons (petroleum measure)

Reference Tables
Equivalents of Pressure and Head

Pressure Inch Feet Inch

or Water Water Mercury
Head Lb/In2 Lb/Ft2 Atmospheres (60o F) (60o F) (32o F)
Lb/In2 1 144 0.068046 27.707 2.3039 2.03601
Lb/Ft2 0.0069445 1 0.000473 0.19241 0.01603 0.014139
Atmospheres 14.696 2116.22 1 407.17 33.931 29.921
Inch Water* 0.036092 5.1972 0.002456 1 0.08333 0.073483
Feet Water* 0.433103 62.3668 0.029471 12 1 0.88180
Inch Mercury 0.491157 70.7266 0.033421 13.608 1.1340 1

*Water at 60o F. Mercury at 32o F

To convert from one set of units to another, locate the given unit in the left hand column, and multiply the numerical value by the factor shown horizontally to the right, under the set of units desired.

Continue >

6 w w w. n a t o i l . c o m
Plunger Pump Technical Data

Reference Tables
Equivalent Resistance of Valves and Fittings

Gate Valve Globe Valve Angle Valve 45o Elbow 90o Elbow 180o Close Ret. Tee Thru Run Tee Thru Branch
KFactor .22 10 5 .42 .90 2 .5 1.80
Nominal Pipe Inside
Size Inches Dia. Inches L = Equivalent Length of Schedule 40 Pipe in Feet
1/ 0.622 .41 18.5 9.3 .78 1.67 3.71 .93 3.33
3/ 0.824 .54 24.5 12.3 1.03 2.21 4.90 1.23 4.41
1 1.049 .69 31.2 15.6 1.31 2.81 6.25 1.56 5.62
11/4 1.380 .90 41.0 20.5 1.73 3.70 8.22 2.06 7.40
11/2 1.610 1.05 48.0 24.0 2.15 4.31 9.59 2.40 8.63
2 2.067 1.35 61.5 30.8 2.59 5.55 12.3 3.08 11.6
21/2 2.469 1.62 73.5 36.8 3.09 6.61 14.7 3.68 13.2
3 3.068 2.01 91.5 45.8 3.84 8.23 18.2 4.57 16.4
4 4.026 2.64 120 60.0 5.03 10.8 23.9 6.00 21.6
5 5.047 3.30 150 75.0 6.31 13.5 30.0 7.51 27.0
6 6.065 3.98 180 90.0 7.10 16.2 36.1 9.05 32.5
8 7.981 5.23 237 118.5 10.0 22.4 47.5 11.9 42.8
10 10.02 6.56 298 149 12.5 26.8 59.6 14.9 53.7
12 11.94 7.83 356 178 15.0 32.0 71.1 17.8 64.0
14 13.13 8.60 392 196 16.4 35.2 78.1 19.5 70.4
16 15.00 9.84 446 223 18.8 40.2 89.3 22.4 80.5
18 16.88 11.1 502 251 21.2 45.2 100 25.2 90.5
20 18.81 12.3 560 280 23.5 50.5 112 28.0 101
24 22.63 14.8 672 336 28.3 60.6 135 33.7 121

It is generally accepted that the pressure drop 2 2

Through valves and fittings is affected by the K V = h = f 4L x V
2g D 2g
same variables as the pressure drop through
straight pipe. This fact makes it possible to L = Equivalent length of pipe in feet
express the resistance of valves and fittings D= Inside diameter in feet
as being equivalent to a length of straight
pipe, and the approximate pressure drop for d = Inside diameter in inches
the actual flow conditions can be determined K = Experimental coefficient for valve or fitting
by using the formulas developed for
determining the pressure drop through straight f = Friction factor
pipe. Experimental data has shown that coefficient
Experimental data has shown that the K remains fairly constant for a specific type of
pressure drop through valves and fittings can valve or fitting over a range of sizes. By using
be expressed by the following equation: an average friction factor based on a
2 Reynolds Number of 100,000, the equation:
h =K V
2g K = f 4L becomes L = Kd
D .336
The pressure drop for steady flow through
straight pipe is expressed by Fannings and can be used to determine an approximate
equation: equivalent length of pipe for a valve or fitting.
h = f 4L x V The values of equivalent length of straight
D 2g pipe for valves and fittings presented here
are based on a conservative evaluation of
By combining these two equations, the
published data and experimental tests. These
pressure drop of a valve or fitting can be
values are based on data obtained from the
converted to a length of a straight pipe.
flow of water through valves and fittings.

Continue >

w w w. n a t o i l . c o m 7
Plunger Pump Technical Data

Reference Tables
Flow of Water Through Schedule 40 Steel Pipe

Discharge Pressure Drop per 100 feet and Velocity in Schedule 40 pipe for Water at 60 F.
Press. Press. Press. Press. Press. Press. Press. Press.
Velocity Drop Velocity Drop Velocity Drop Velocity Drop Velocity Drop Velocity Drop Velocity Drop Velocity Drop
Gal. Cub. Ft. Feet Lbs Feet Lbs Feet Lbs Feet Lbs Feet Lbs Feet Lbs Feet Lbs Feet Lbs
per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per
Minute Second Second Sq. In. Second Sq. In. Second Sq. In. Second Sq. In. Second Sq. In. Second Sq. In. Second Sq. In. Second Sq. In.
1/8" 1/4"
.2 0.000446 1.13 1.86 0.616 0.359 3/8" 1/2"
.3 0.000668 1.69 4.22 0.924 0.903 0.504 0.159 0.317 0.061
.4 0.000891 2.26 6.98 1.23 1.61 0.672 0.345 0.422 0.086 3/4"
.5 0.00111 2.82 10.5 1.54 2.39 0.840 0.539 0.528 0.167 0.301 0.033
.6 0.00134 3.39 14.7 1.85 3.29 1.01 0.751 0.633 0.240 0.361 0.041
.8 0.00178 4.52 25.0 2.46 5.44 1.34 1.25 0.844 0.408 0.481 0.102 1"
1 0.00223 5.65 37.2 3.08 8.28 1.68 1.85 1.06 0.600 0.602 0.155 0.371 0.048 11/4"
2 0.00446 11.29 134.4 6.16 30.1 3.36 6.58 2.11 2.10 1.20 0.526 0.743 0.164 0.429 0.044 11/2"
3 0.00668 9.25 64.1 5.04 13.9 3.17 4.33 1.81 1.09 1.114 0.336 0.644 0.090 0.473 0.043
4 0.00891 12.33 111.2 6.72 23.9 4.22 7.42 2.41 1.83 1.49 0.565 0.858 0.150 0.630 0.071
5 0.01114 2" 8.40 36.7 5.28 11.2 3.01 2.75 1.86 0.835 1.073 0.223 0.788 0.104
6 0.01337 0.574 0.044 10.08 51.9 6.33 15.8 3.61 3.84 2.23 1.17 1.29 0.309 0.946 0.145
8 0.01782 0.765 0.073 21/2" 13.44 91.1 8.45 27.7 4.81 6.60 2.97 1.99 1.72 0.518 1.26 0.241
10 0.02228 0.956 0.108 0.670 0.046 10.56 42.4 6.02 9.99 3.71 2.99 2.15 0.774 1.58 0.361
15 0.03342 1.43 0.224 1.01 0.094 3" 9.03 21.6 5.57 6.36 3.22 1.63 2.37 0.755
20 0.04456 1.91 0.375 1.34 0.158 0.868 0.056 31/2" 12.03 37.8 7.43 10.9 4.29 2.78 3.16 1.28
25 0.05570 2.39 0.561 1.68 0.234 1.09 0.083 0.812 0.041 9.28 16.7 5.37 4.22 3.94 1.93
30 0.06684 2.87 0.786 2.01 0.327 1.30 0.114 0.974 0.056 4" 11.14 23.8 6.44 5.92 4.73 2.72
35 0.07798 3.35 1.05 2.35 0.436 1.52 0.151 1.14 0.704 0.882 0.041 12.99 32.2 7.51 7.90 5.52 3.64
40 0.08912 3.83 1.35 2.68 0.556 1.74 0.192 1.30 0.095 1.01 0.052 14.85 41.5 8.59 10.24 6.30 4.65
45 0.1003 4.30 1.67 3.02 0.668 1.95 0.239 1.46 0.117 1.13 0.064 9.67 12.80 7.09 5.85
50 0.1114 4.78 2.03 3.35 0.839 2.17 0.288 1.62 0.142 1.26 0.076 10.74 15.66 7.88 7.15
60 0.1337 5.74 2.87 4.02 1.18 2.60 0.406 1.95 0.204 1.51 0.107 5" 12.89 22.2 9.47 10.21
70 0.1560 6.70 3.84 4.69 1.59 3.04 0.540 2.27 0.261 1.76 0.143 1.12 0.047 11.05 13.71
80 0.1782 7.65 4.97 5.36 2.03 3.47 0.687 2.60 0.334 2.02 0.180 1.28 0.060 12.62 17.59
90 0.2005 8.60 6.20 6.03 2.53 3.91 0.861 2.92 0.416 2.27 0.224 1.44 0.074 6" 14.20 22.0
100 0.2228 9.56 7.59 6.70 3.09 4.34 1.05 3.25 0.509 2.52 0.272 1.60 0.090 1.11 0.036 15.78 26.9
125 0.2785 11.97 11.76 8.38 4.71 5.43 1.61 4.06 0.769 3.15 0.415 2.01 0.135 1.39 0.055 19.72 41.4
150 0.3342 14.36 16.70 10.05 6.69 6.51 2.24 4.87 1.08 3.78 0.580 2.41 0.190 1.67 0.077
175 0.3899 16.75 22.3 11.73 8.97 7.60 3.00 5.68 1.44 4.41 0.774 2.81 0.253 1.94 0.102
200 0.4456 19.14 28.8 13.42 11.68 8.68 3.87 6.49 1.85 5.04 0.985 3.21 0.323 2.22 0.130 8"
225 0.5013 15.09 14.63 9.77 4.83 7.30 2.32 5.67 1.23 3.61 0.401 2.50 0.162 1.44 0.043
250 0.557 10.85 5.93 8.12 2.84 6.30 1.46 4.01 0.495 2.78 0.195 1.60 0.051
275 0.6127 11.94 7.14 8.93 3.40 6.93 1.79 4.41 0.583 3.05 0.234 1.76 0.061
300 0.6684 13.00 8.36 9.74 4.02 7.56 2.11 4.81 0.683 3.33 0.275 1.92 0.072
325 0.7241 14.12 9.89 10.53 4.09 8.19 2.47 5.21 0.797 3.61 0.320 2.08 0.083
350 0.7798 11.36 5.41 8.82 2.84 5.62 0.919 3.89 0.367 2.24 0.095
375 0.8355 12.17 6.18 9.45 3.25 6.02 1.05 4.16 0.416 2.40 0.108
400 0.8912 12.98 7.03 10.08 3.68 6.42 1.19 4.44 0.471 2.56 0.121

For Pipe lengths other than 100 feet, the presure drop is proportional to the length. Thus, for 50 feet of pipe, the pressure drop is approximately one-half the value given in the table...for 300
feet, three times the given value, etc.

Velocity is a function of the cross sectional flow area; thus, it is constant for a given flow rate and is independent of pipe length.

Continue >

8 w w w. n a t o i l . c o m
Plunger Pump Technical Data

Reference Tables
Flow of Water Through Schedule 40 Steel Pipe

Discharge Pressure Drop per 100 feet and Velocity in Schedule 40 pipe for Water at 60 F.
Press. Press. Press. Press. Press. Press. Press. Press.
Velocity Drop Velocity Drop Velocity Drop Velocity Drop Velocity Drop Velocity Drop Velocity Drop Velocity Drop
Gal. Cub. Ft. Feet Lbs Feet Lbs Feet Lbs Feet Lbs Feet Lbs Feet Lbs Feet Lbs Feet Lbs
per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per per
Minute Second Second Sq. In. Second Sq. In. Second Sq. In. Second Sq. In. Second Sq. In. Second Sq. In. Second Sq. In. Second Sq. In.
31/2" 4" 5" 6" 8"
425 0.9469 13.80 7.89 10.71 4.12 6.82 1.33 4.72 0.529 2.73 0.136
450 1.003 10" 14.61 8.80 11.34 4.60 7.22 1.48 5.00 0.590 2.89 0.151
475 1.059 1.93 0.054 11.97 5.12 7.62 1.64 5.27 0.653 3.04 0.166
500 1.114 2.03 0.059 12.60 5.65 8.02 1.81 5.55 0.720 3.21 0.182
550 1.225 2.24 0.071 13.85 6.79 8.82 2.17 6.11 0.861 3.53 0.219
600 1.337 2.44 0.083 15.12 8.04 9.63 2.55 6.66 1.02 3.85 0.258
650 1.448 2.64 0.097 12" 10.43 2.98 7.22 1.18 4.17 0.301
700 1.560 2.85 0.112 2.01 0.047 11.23 3.43 7.78 1.35 4.49 0.343
750 1.671 3.05 0.127 2.05 0.054 12.03 3.92 8.33 1.55 4.81 0.392
800 1.782 3.25 0.143 2.29 0.061 14" 12.83 4.43 8.88 1.75 5.13 0.443
850 1.894 3.46 0.160 2.44 0.068 2.02 0.042 13.64 5.00 9.44 1.96 5.45 0.497
900 2.005 3.66 0.179 2.58 0.075 2.13 0.047 14.44 5.58 9.99 2.18 5.77 0.554
950 2.117 3.86 0.198 2.72 0.083 2.25 0.052 15.24 6.21 10.55 2.42 6.09 0.613
1,000 2.228 4.07 0.218 2.87 0.091 2.37 0.057 16.04 6.84 11.10 2.68 6.41 0.675
1,100 2.451 4.48 0.260 3.15 0.110 2.61 0.068 16" 17.65 8.23 12.22 3.22 7.05 0.807
1,200 2.674 4.88 0.306 3.44 0.128 2.85 0.080 2.18 0.042 13.33 3.81 7.70 0.948
1,300 2.896 5.29 0.355 3.73 0.150 3.08 0.093 2.36 0.048 14.43 4.45 8.33 1.11
1,400 3.119 5.70 0.409 4.01 0.171 3.32 0.107 2.54 0.055 15.55 5.13 8.98 1.28
1,500 3.342 6.10 0.466 4.30 0.195 3.56 0.122 2.72 0.063 16.66 5.85 9.62 1.46
1,600 3.565 6.51 0.527 4.59 0.219 3.79 0.139 2.90 0.071 18" 17.77 6.61 10.26 1.65
1,800 4.010 7.32 0.663 5.16 0.276 4.27 0.172 3.27 0.088 2.58 0.050 19.99 8.37 11.54 2.08
2,000 4.456 8.14 0.808 5.73 0.336 4.74 0.209 3.63 0.107 2.87 0.060 22.21 10.3 12.82 2.55
2,500 5.570 10.17 1.24 7.17 0.515 5.93 0.321 4.54 0.163 3.59 0.091 20" 16.03 3.94
3,000 6.684 12.20 1.76 8.60 0.731 7.11 0.451 5.45 0.232 4.30 0.129 3.46 0.075 19.24 5.59
3,500 7.798 14.24 2.38 10.03 0.982 8.30 0.607 6.35 0.312 5.02 0.173 4.04 0.101 24" 22.44 7.56
4,000 8.912 16.27 3.08 11.47 1.27 9.48 0.787 7.26 0.401 5.74 0.222 4.62 0.129 3.19 0.052 25.65 9.80
4,500 10.03 18.31 3.87 12.90 1.60 10.67 0.990 8.17 0.503 6.46 0.280 5.20 0.162 3.59 0.065 28.87 12.2
5,000 11.14 20.35 4.71 14.33 1.95 11.85 1.21 9.08 0.617 7.17 0.340 5.77 0.199 3.99 0.079
6,000 13.37 24.41 6.74 17.20 2.77 14.23 1.71 10.89 0.877 8.61 0.483 6.93 0.280 4.79 0.111
7,000 15.60 28.49 9.11 20.07 3.74 16.60 2.31 12.71 1.18 10.04 0.652 8.08 0.376 5.59 0.150
8,000 17.82 22.93 4.84 18.96 2.99 14.52 1.51 11.47 0.839 9.23 0.488 6.38 0.192
9,000 20.05 25.79 6.09 21.34 3.76 16.34 1.90 12.91 1.05 10.39 0.608 7.18 0.242
10,000 22.28 28.66 7.46 23.71 4.61 18.15 2.34 14.34 1.28 11.54 0.739 7.98 0.294
12,000 26.74 34.40 10.7 28.45 6.59 21.79 3.33 17.21 1.83 13.85 1.06 9.58 0.416
14,000 31.19 33.19 8.89 25.42 4.49 20.08 2.45 16.16 1.43 11.17 0.562
16,000 35.65 29.05 5.83 22.95 3.18 18.47 1.85 12.77 0.723
18,000 40.10 32.68 7.31 25.82 4.03 20.77 2.32 14.36 0.907
20,000 44.56 36.31 9.03 28.69 4.93 23.08 2.86 15.96 1.12

For Pipe lengths other than 100 feet, the pressure drop is proportional to the length. Thus, for 50 feet of pipe, the pressure drop is approximately one-half the value given in the table...for 300
feet, three times the given value, etc.

Velocity is a function of the cross sectional flow area; thus, it is constant for a given flow rate and is independent of pipe length.

Continue >

w w w. n a t o i l . c o m 9
Plunger Pump Technical Data

Reference Tables
Vapor Pressure or Saturation Presure of Water*
Temp. psi Inches Feet Of Temp. psi Inches Feet Of
Deg. F. Absolute Mercury Head Deg. F. Absolute Mercury Head
32 .08854 .1806 .2048 112 1.3504 2.7494 3.117
34 .09610 .1957 .2219 114 1.4298 2.9111 3.299
36 .10412 .2120 .2404 116 1.5130 3.0806 3.490
38 .11256 .2291 .2599 118 1.6006 3.2589 3.695
40 .12170 .2478 .2810 120 1.6924 3.4458 3.907
42 .13149 .3180 .3036 122 1.7888 3.6420 4.121
44 .14197 .2890 .3278 124 1.8897 3.8475 4.354
46 .15319 .3119 .3537 126 1.9955 4.0629 4.597
48 .16523 .3364 .3815 128 2.1064 4.2887 4.853
50 .17811 .3626 .4110 130 2.2225 4.5251 5.128
52 .19182 .3906 .4428 132 2.3440 4.7725 5.400
54 .20642 .4203 .4763 134 2.4712 5.0314 5.693
56 .2220 .4520 .5123 136 2.6042 5.3022 6.000
58 .2386 .5218 .5504 138 2.7432 5.5852 6.320
60 .2563 .5218 .5913 140 2.8886 5.8812 6.666
62 .2751 .5601 .6347 142 3.0440 6.1903 7.013
64 .2951 .6009 .6809 144 3.1990 6.5132 7.307
66 .3164 .6442 .7301 146 3.365 6.850 7.753
68 .3390 .6903 .7822 148 3.537 7.202 8.149
70 .3631 .7392 .8377 150 3.718 7.569 8.566
72 .3886 .7912 .8965 160 4.741 9.653 10.923
74 .4156 .8462 .9589 170 5.992 12.200 13.805
76 .4443 .9046 1.025 180 7.510 15.290 17.302
78 .4747 .9666 1.095 190 9.339 19.014 21.516
80 .5069 1.0321 1.170 200 11.526 23.467 26.555
82 .5410 1.1016 1.249 210 14.123 28.755 32.538
84 .5771 1.1750 1.332 212 14.696 29.921 33.858
86 .6152 1.2527 1.421 220 17.186 34.991 39.595
88 .6556 1.3347 1.514 240 24.969 50.837 57.526
90 .6982 1.4215 1.611 260 35.429 72.134 81.625
92 .7432 1.5131 1.716 280 49.203 100.178 113.359
94 .7906 1.6097 1.825 300 67.013 136.439 154.391
96 .8407 1.7117 1.940 350 134.63 274.108 310.147
98 .9835 1.8192 2.062 400 247.31 503.526 569.778
100 .9492 1.9325 2.191 450 422.6 860.418 973.628
102 1.0078 2.0519 2.326 500 680.8 1386.156 1568.495
104 1.0695 2.1775 2.468 550 1045.2 2128.038 2408.036
106 1.1345 2.3099 2.617 600 1542.9 3141.360 3554.687
108 1.2029 2.4491 2.775 700 3093.7 6298.804 7127.575
110 1.2748 2.5955 2.942

*Specific Gravity of Water at 60O F = 1.00 Continue >

10 w w w. n a t o i l . c o m
Plunger Pump Technical Data

Reference Tables
Approximate Atmospheric Pressures and Barometer Readings at Different Altitudes

Altitude Atmospheric Pressure Barometer Head In Feet

Feet PSIA Inches Mercury Of Water*
-1,000 15.2 31.02 35.07
-500 15.0 30.62 34.61
0 14.696 30.004 33.92
+500 14.4 29.39 33.23
+1,000 14.2 28.98 32.77
1,500 13.9 28.37 32.07
2,000 13.7 27.96 31.61
2,500 13.4 27.35 30.92
3,000 13.2 26.94 30.46
3,500 12.9 26.33 29.77
4,000 12.7 25.92 29.31
4,500 12.4 25.31 28.61
5,000 12.2 24.90 28.15
5,500 12.0 24.49 27.69
6,000 11.8 24.08 27.23
6,500 11.5 23.47 26.54
7,000 11.3 23.06 26.07
7,500 11.1 22.66 25.61
8,000 10.9 22.24 25.15
8,500 10.7 21.84 24.69
9,000 10.5 21.43 24.23
9,500 10.3 21.02 23.77
10,000 10.1 20.62 23.31
15,000 8.3 16.94 19.15
20,000 6.7 13.68 15.46

*Water at 60o F.
Continue >

w w w. n a t o i l . c o m 11
Plunger Pump Technical Data


4 10

1 Lubrication: 7
splash or force-fed
Most NATIONAL OILWELL pumps use the 8
proven splash lubrication system. Models for
high horsepower requirements incorporate
3 Power end is designed for
both splash and pressurized systems. The
pressurized system is also available for low- long life and ease of service
speed and severe service applications. Precision bearings mounted to high strength
crankshaft, ductile iron marine type connecting
rods, and fully cylindrical cross heads (on
2 Plunger systems models up to 8-inch stroke) are combined in a
rugged, cast power frame for structural reliability
The finish of each plunger is computer and ease of servicing.
controlled and monitored to assure extended
packing life. Plungers are available with a
variety of surfaces including:
4 Double extension crankshaft
Ceramic on select models
Spray metal
This permits drive input from either side
Carbide-coated spray metal without reversing the crankshaft. You can also
To handle most fluids and pressures, packing connect auxiliary drives for chemical, sump,
options include: charging, or lubricating pumps, in addition to
the regular drive.
Spring-loaded Kevlar
Non-adjustable lip-type
Adjustable die-formed 5 Replaceable intermediate rod
Spring-loaded V-ring
Corrosion-resistant chrome-plated or stainless
For high-pressure, high-temperature, and steel intermediate rods can be replaced
exotic fluids, special packing materials are without removing the crosshead.
Continue >

12 w w w. n a t o i l . c o m
Plunger Pump Technical Data



4 8

8 Fluid ends
6 Valve service Fluid ends are available for low medium, and
high pressure applications. Materials can be
Shouldered, tapered-seat stainless steel
furnished to handle fluids of all types. A partial
valves provide a positive and controlled fit.
list includes:
For high pressure service and other special
requirements, valve choices include: Aluminum bronze
Cage-type with ball and seat 316 stainless steel
Cage-type with disc and seat Ductile Ni-resist
Bottom guided Inconel
Disc type 17-4 PH stainless steel
Duplex 5.5
For greater corrosion and abrasion resistance,
optional valve materials include: Ductile iron
Cast & forged steel
5 choices of stainless steels
Delrin plastic
Carburized steel 9 Gear reducers
For direct connecting high speed drives,
integral gear reducers are available for most
7 Long-Life plungers pumps. Other models incorporate an internal
and packing pinion shaft which provides great flexibility for
The stuffing boxes fit in a pilot bore in the rib- changes in pumping conditions.
reinforced main frame, assuring proper
alignment of the plungers and stuffing boxes.
Packing and plunger life can be further 10 Easy access to plungers
extended with an easily installed drip or force- and stuffing boxes
fed lubrication system.
Ample space in the cradle chamber makes
maintenance easier. Plungers can be
removed or packing replaced without
removing stuffing boxes.

w w w. n a t o i l . c o m 13
Horsepower Calculator

To find Hydraulic & Brake Horsepower answer questions a & b or a & c below:

English Units (to use bbl/day, gpm must be zero) Calculate Reset

a. Maximum discharge pressure in psi 0

b. Maximum required flow in gpm 0

c. Maximum required flow in bbl/day 0

Hydraulic Horsepower is 0
Brake Horsepower Required 0

Metric Units (to use m3/day, l/m must be zero) Calculate Reset

a. Maximum discharge pressure in kPa 0

b. Maximum required flow in l/m 0

c. Maximum required flow in m3/day 0

Hydraulic Kilowatts is 0 (Hydraulic Horsepower is 0 )

Kilowatts Required 0 (Brake Horsepower is 0 )

Using a maximum discharge pressure of 2500 psi and a maximum required flow of 100 gpm,
the hydraulic horsepower is 146, the brake horsepower is 162.

The result of the above calculation would indicate you need a pump capable of 162 bhp or above
to do the job. You then choose the smallest pump that will do the job effectively starting in this
case with the 165T-5.

Look at the max discharge pressure column in the 165T ratings. Find the pressure equal to
or the next one greater than 2500 psi. Move across the row to determine if the pump can deliver
100 gpm within the listed pump speed range. Notice that the 165T is just short of being able
to do the job. Go to the next larger pump and repeat the process. You'll then find the 200T is
capable of doing the job utilizing a 2 1/4" plunger running in the 400 rpm range.

Duty Pumps

Continuous Duty Pumps

Simplex Plunger Pump 8S-25
Rated input horsepower
"S" Simplex
Stroke length (in.)

This 2 1/2" stroke pump is

designed for a variety of
fluid transfer applications.

Performance Data >

Field Connections in. (mm) Dimensions

Pump Model Discharge Connection Size Suction Connection Size Pump Type Length Width Height
8S-25 1-1/4 (31.8) FNP Threaded. 2" (50.8) FNP Threaded. 8S-25 31" 11" 10-3/4"

Pump Specifications Standard Equipment

Aluminum Bronze Fluid End
Pump Size (Max. Plunger Diameter x Stroke) in. (mm) ......2 x 2-1/2 (50.8 x 63.5)
Aluminum Bronze Valve Covers
Rated BHP At 450 RPM (Kw) ..........................................................................8 (6) Aluminum Bronze Stuffing Boxes & Nuts
Rated Plunger Load, pounds (Kg).......................................................2,560 (1162) Bronze Stuffing Box Internals
Ceramic or Metal Plungers
Maximum Working Pressure: PSI (kPa) ........................................2,350 (16,192) General Service Plunger Packing
Stainless Steel Intermediate Rods
Chamber Cover
Crankshaft Extension: in. (mm) ................................................................2 (50.8) Crankcase Breather

Weight: - Lbs. (Kg) Optional Equipment

Pump Only On Wood Shipping Skids.........................................................160 (64) Alternate Fluid End Materials
Alternate Fluid End Valve Styles
Custom Designs For Specialized Applications

Packing Lubricator
Pulsation Dampeners
Relief Valves
Valve Service Kit
Complete Unitization Services

< Return To Specs
Continuous Duty Performance Data (Volumes Indicated Are Displacement of Incompressible Fluid)

English Units
Plunger Plunger BPD GPM Max. 100 RPM 150 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM 450 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
1 0.7854 0.2916 0.0085 2350 29 0.85 44 1.28 58 1.70 73 2.13 87 2.55 102 2.98 117 3.40 131 3.83
1 1/4 1.2272 0.4555 0.0133 2086 46 1.33 68 1.99 91 2.66 114 3.32 137 3.98 159 4.65 182 5.31 205 5.98
1 1/2 1.7672 0.6560 0.0191 1449 66 1.91 98 2.87 131 3.83 164 4.78 197 5.74 230 6.69 262 7.65 295 8.61
1 3/4 2.4053 0.8929 0.0260 1064 89 2.60 134 3.90 179 5.21 223 6.51 268 7.81 313 9.11 357 10.41 402 11.71
2 3.1416 1.1662 0.0340 815 117 3.40 175 5.10 233 6.80 292 8.50 350 10.20 408 11.90 466 13.60 525 15.30
Brake Horsepower Required1.8 2.7 3.6 4.5 5.4 6.3 7.2 8.0

Metric Units
Plunger Plunger M3/D L/Min. Max. 100 RPM 150 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM 450 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
mm Sq. cm. RPM RPM kPa M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D GPM M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min.
25 5.0671 0.0464 0.0322 16,203 5 3.22 7 4.83 9 6.43 12 8.04 14 9.65 16 11.26 19 12.87 21 14.48
32 7.9174 0.0724 0.0503 14,382 7 5.03 11 7.54 14 10.05 18 12.57 22 15.08 25 17.59 29 20.11 33 22.62
38 11.4010 0.1043 0.0724 9,991 10 7.24 16 10.86 21 14.48 26 18.10 31 21.72 37 25.34 42 28.96 47 32.57
44 15.5180 0.1420 0.0985 7,336 14 9.85 21 14.78 28 19.71 35 24.63 43 29.56 50 34.48 57 39.41 64 44.34
51 20.2684 0.1854 0.1287 5,619 19 12.87 28 19.30 37 25.74 46 32.17 56 38.61 65 45.04 74 51.48 83 57.91
Kilowatts Required 1.3 2.0 2.7 3.3 4.0 4.7 5.3 5.9

Volume is based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Brake horsepower is based on 90% mechanical efficiency

National Oilwell is a leading manufacturer Copyright 1999 by National Oilwell, L.P. All Rights
of reciprocating plunger pumps, Mission Reserved. NATIONAL OILWELL, NATIONAL, and OILWELL
are registered trademarks of NATIONAL OILWELL, L.P.
centrifugal pumps, and Fluid King fluid Houston, Texas, USA. All other trademarks used are
end replacement parts. We also offer a registered to their respective companies. The information and
Sales/Technical Information: complete set of solutions to your fluid data in this brochure, including but not limited to pictures,
photographs, charts, diagrams, drawings, lists, written
transfer challenges. comments, and specifications, are accurate to the best of our
USA Tollfree: 1 (800) 800-4110
knowledge and belief, but are intended for general information
For more information, contact National only. Applications suggested for the materials and other
Internet: Oilwell directly at the Headquarters in information are described only to help readers make their
Houston, Texas. All National Oilwell own evaluations and decisions, and are neither guarantees
nor are they to be construed as express or implied warranties
products are available throughout the U.S. of suitability for these or other applications. National Oilwell
and around the world from service centers, makes no warranty, either express or implied, beyond that
authorized distributors, and representatives. stipulated in National Oilwells Standard Terms and
Conditions of Sale which are available upon request.
Duplex Plunger Pump 14D-25
Rated input horsepower
"D" Duplex
Stroke length (in.)

This 2 1/2" stroke pump is

designed for a variety of
fluid transfer applications.

Performance Data >

Field Connections in. (mm) Dimensions

Pump Model Discharge Connection Size Suction Connection Size Pump Type Length Width Height
14D-25 1-1/4 (31.8) FNP Threaded. 2"(50.8) FNP Threaded. 14D-25 31" 14-1/2" 10-3/4"

Pump Specifications Standard Equipment

Aluminum Bronze Fluid End
Pump Size (Max. Plunger Diameter x Stroke) in. (mm) .......2 x 2-1/2 (50.8 x 63.5)
Aluminum Bronze Valve Covers
Rated BHP At 400 RPM (Kw) ...................................................................14 (10.5) Aluminum Bronze Stuffing Boxes & Nuts
Rated Plunger Load, pounds (Kg).......................................................2,560 (1162) Bronze Stuffing Box Internals
Ceramic or Metal Plungers
Maximum Working Pressure: PSI (kPa) ........................................2,350 (16,192) General Service Plunger Packing
Stainless Steel Intermediate Rods
Chamber Cover
Crankshaft Extension: in. (mm) ................................................................2 (50.8) Crankcase Breather

Weight: - Lbs. (Kg) Optional Equipment

Pump Only On Wood Shipping Skids....................................................320 (103.5) Alternate Fluid End Materials
Alternate Fluid End Valve Styles
Custom Designs For Specialized Applications

Packing Lubricator
Pulsation Dampeners
Relief Valves
Valve Service Kit
Complete Unitization Services

< Return To Specs
Continuous Duty Performance Data (Volumes Indicated Are Displacement of Incompressible Fluid)

English Units
Plunger Plunger BPD GPM Max. 100 RPM 150 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
1 0.7854 0.5831 0.0170 2350 58 1.70 87 2.55 117 3.40 146 4.25 175 5.10 204 5.95 233 6.80
1 1/4 1.2272 0.9111 0.0266 2086 91 2.66 137 3.98 182 5.31 228 6.64 273 7.97 319 9.30 364 10.63
1 1/2 1.7672 1.3120 0.0383 1449 131 3.83 197 5.74 262 7.65 328 9.56 394 11.48 459 13.39 525 15.30
1 3/4 2.4053 1.7857 0.0521 1064 179 5.21 268 7.81 357 10.41 446 13.02 536 15.62 625 18.22 714 20.83
2 3.1416 2.3324 0.0680 815 233 6.80 350 10.20 466 13.60 583 17.00 700 20.40 816 23.80 933 27.20
Brake Horsepower Required: 3.6 5.4 7.2 9.0 10.8 12.6 14

Metric Units
Plunger Plunger M3/D L/Min. Max. 100 RPM 150 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
mm Sq. cm. RPM RPM kPa M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D GPM M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min.
25 5.0671 0.0927 0.0643 16,203 9 6.43 14 9.65 19 12.87 23 16.09 28 19.30 32 22.52 37 25.74
32 7.9174 0.1449 0.1005 14,382 14 10.05 22 15.08 29 20.11 36 25.13 43 30.16 51 35.19 58 40.22
38 11.4010 0.2086 0.1448 9,991 21 14.48 31 21.72 42 28.96 52 36.19 63 43.43 73 50.67 83 57.91
44 15.5180 0.2839 0.1971 7,336 28 19.71 43 29.56 57 39.41 71 49.26 85 59.12 99 68.97 114 78.82
51 20.2684 0.3708 0.2574 5,619 37 25.74 56 38.61 74 51.48 93 64.35 111 77.21 130 90.08 148 102.95
Kilowatts Required: 2.7 4.0 5.4 6.7 8.0 9.4 10.4

Volume is based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Brake horsepower is based on 90% mechanical efficiency

National Oilwell is a leading manufacturer Copyright 1999 by National Oilwell, L.P. All Rights
of reciprocating plunger pumps, Mission Reserved. NATIONAL OILWELL, NATIONAL, and OILWELL
are registered trademarks of NATIONAL OILWELL, L.P.
centrifugal pumps, and Fluid King fluid Houston, Texas, USA. All other trademarks used are
end replacement parts. We also offer a registered to their respective companies. The information and
Sales/Technical Information: complete set of solutions to your fluid data in this brochure, including but not limited to pictures,
photographs, charts, diagrams, drawings, lists, written
transfer challenges. comments, and specifications, are accurate to the best of our
USA Tollfree: 1 (800) 800-4110
knowledge and belief, but are intended for general information
For more information, contact National only. Applications suggested for the materials and other
Internet: Oilwell directly at the Headquarters in information are described only to help readers make their
Houston, Texas. All National Oilwell own evaluations and decisions, and are neither guarantees
nor are they to be construed as express or implied warranties
products are available throughout the U.S. of suitability for these or other applications. National Oilwell
and around the world from service centers, makes no warranty, either express or implied, beyond that
authorized distributors, and representatives. stipulated in National Oilwells Standard Terms and
Conditions of Sale which are available upon request.
Triplex Plunger Pump 15T-15
Rated input horsepower
"T" Triplex
Stroke length (in.)

This 1-1/2" stroke pump is

designed for a variety of
fluid transfer applications.

Performance Data >

Field Connections in. (mm) Dimensions

Pump Model Discharge Connection Size Suction Connection Size Pump Type Length Width Height
15T-15 3/4" (19.05) FNP Threaded 1-1/2" (38.1) FNP Threaded 15T-15 18-5/16" 9-1/2" 71/4"

Pump Specifications Standard Equipment

Aluminum Bronze Fluid End
Pump Size (Max. Plunger Diameter x Stroke) in. (mm) .1-1/2 x 1-1/2 (38.1 x 38.1)
Aluminum Bronze Valve Covers
Rated BHP At 750 RPM (Kw) .................................................................15 (11.25) Aluminum Bronze Stuffing Boxes & Nuts
Rated Plunger Load, pounds (Kg).........................................................1,600 (720) Bronze Stuffing Box Internals
Ceramic or Metal Plungers
Maximum Working Pressure: PSI (kPa) ........................................5,215 (25,838) General Service Plunger Packing
Stainless Steel Intermediate Rods
Chamber Cover
Crankshaft Extension: in. (mm) ........................................................1 1/8 (28.58) Crankcase Breather

Weight: - Lbs. (Kg) Optional Equipment

Pump Only On Wood Shipping Skids.........................................................115 (52) Alternate Fluid End Materials
Alternate Fluid End Valve Styles
Custom Designs For Specialized Applications

Packing Lubricator
Pulsation Dampeners
Relief Valves
Valve Service Kit
Complete Unitization Services

< Return To Specs
Continuous Duty Performance Data (Volumes Indicated Are Displacement of Incompressible Fluid)

English Units
Plunger Plunger BPD GPM Max. 100 RPM 150 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
3/4 0.4418 0.2952 0.0086 3622 30 0.86 44 1.29 59 1.72 74 2.15 89 2.58 103 3.01 118 3.44
1 0.7854 0.5248 0.0153 2037 52 1.53 79 2.3 105 3.06 131 3.83 157 4.59 184 5.36 210 6.12
1 1/4 1.2272 0.82 0.0239 1304 82 2.39 123 3.59 164 4.78 205 5.98 246 7.17 287 8.37 328 9.56
1 1/2 1.7672 1.1808 0.0344 905 118 3.44 177 5.16 236 6.89 295 8.61 354 10.33 413 12.05 472 13.77
Brake Horsepower Required: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

English Units (cont.)

Plunger Plunger BPD GPM Max. 450 RPM 500 RPM 550 RPM 600 RPM 650 RPM 700 RPM 750 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
3/4 0.4418 0.2952 0.0086 3622 133 3.87 148 4.3 162 4.73 177 5.16 192 5.59 207 6.02 221 6.45
1 0.7854 0.5248 0.0153 2037 236 6.89 262 7.65 289 8.42 315 9.18 341 9.95 367 10.71 394 11.48
1 1/4 1.2272 0.82 0.0239 1304 369 10.76 410 11.95 451 13.15 492 14.34 533 15.54 574 16.73 615 17.93
1 1/2 1.7672 1.1808 0.0344 905 531 15.49 590 17.21 649 18.93 708 20.66 768 22.38 827 24.1 886 25.82
Brake Horsepower Required: 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Metric Units
Plunger Plunger M3/D L/Min. Max. 100 RPM 150 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
mm Sq. cm. RPM RPM kPa M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D GPM M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min.
19 2.8502 0.0469 0.0326 24,973 5 3.26 7 4.89 9 6.51 12 8.14 14 9.77 16 11.4 19 13.03
25 5.0671 0.0834 0.0579 14,045 8 5.79 13 8.69 17 11.58 21 14.48 25 17.37 29 20.27 33 23.16
32 7.9174 0.1304 0.0905 8,991 13 9.05 20 13.57 26 18.1 33 22.62 39 27.15 46 31.67 52 36.19
38 11.401 0.1877 0.1303 6,240 19 13.03 28 19.54 38 26.06 47 32.57 56 39.09 66 45.6 75 52.12
Kilowatts Required: 1.5 2.3 3 3.8 4.5 5.3 6

Metric Units (cont.)

Plunger Plunger M3/D L/Min. Max. 450 RPM 500 RPM 550 RPM 600 RPM 650 RPM 700 RPM 750 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
mm Sq. cm. RPM RPM kPa M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D GPM M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min.
19 2.8502 0.0469 0.0326 24,973 21 14.66 23 16.29 26 17.92 28 19.54 31 21.17 33 22.8 35 24.43
25 5.0671 0.0834 0.0579 14,045 38 26.06 42 28.96 46 31.85 50 34.75 54 37.64 58 40.54 63 43.43
32 7.9174 0.1304 0.0905 8,991 59 40.72 65 45.24 72 49.77 78 54.29 85 58.82 91 63.34 98 67.86
38 11.401 0.1877 0.1303 6,240 84 58.63 94 65.15 103 71.66 113 78.18 122 84.69 131 91.21 141 97.72
Kilowatts Required: 6.8 7.5 8.3 9 9.8 10.5 11.3

Volume is based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Brake horsepower is based on 90% mechanical efficiency

National Oilwell is a leading manufacturer Copyright 1999 by National Oilwell, L.P. All Rights
of reciprocating plunger pumps, Mission Reserved. NATIONAL OILWELL, NATIONAL, and OILWELL
are registered trademarks of NATIONAL OILWELL, L.P.
centrifugal pumps, and Fluid King fluid Houston, Texas, USA. All other trademarks used are
end replacement parts. We also offer a registered to their respective companies. The information and
Sales/Technical Information: complete set of solutions to your fluid data in this brochure, including but not limited to pictures,
photographs, charts, diagrams, drawings, lists, written
transfer challenges. comments, and specifications, are accurate to the best of our
USA Tollfree: 1 (800) 800-4110
knowledge and belief, but are intended for general information
For more information, contact National only. Applications suggested for the materials and other
Internet: Oilwell directly at the Headquarters in information are described only to help readers make their
Houston, Texas. All National Oilwell own evaluations and decisions, and are neither guarantees
nor are they to be construed as express or implied warranties
products are available throughout the U.S. of suitability for these or other applications. National Oilwell
and around the world from service centers, makes no warranty, either express or implied, beyond that
authorized distributors, and representatives. stipulated in National Oilwells Standard Terms and
Conditions of Sale which are available upon request.
Triplex Plunger Pump 20T-25
Rated input horsepower
"T" Triplex
Stroke length (in.)

This 2 1/2" stroke pump is

designed for a variety of
fluid transfer applications.

Performance Data >

Field Connections in. (mm) Dimensions

Pump Model Discharge Connection Size Suction Connection Size Pump Type Length Width Height
20T-25 1-1/4 (31.8) FNP Threaded. 2 (50.8) FNP Threaded. 20T-25 31" 17" 10-3/4"

Pump Specifications Standard Equipment

Aluminum Bronze Fluid End
Pump Size (Max. Plunger Diameter x Stroke) in. (mm) ......2 x 2-1/2 (50.8 x 63.5)
Aluminum Bronze Valve Covers
Rated BHP At 400 RPM (Kw) ......................................................................20 (15) Aluminum Bronze Stuffing Boxes & Nuts
Rated Plunger Load, pounds (Kg).......................................................2,560 (1162) Bronze Stuffing Box Internals
Ceramic or Metal Plungers
Maximum Working Pressure: PSI (kPa) ........................................2,350 (16,192) General Service Plunger Packing
Stainless Steel Intermediate Rods
Chamber Cover
Crankshaft Extension: in. (mm) ................................................................2 (50.8) Crankcase Breather

Weight: - Lbs. (Kg) Optional Equipment

Pump Only On Wood Shipping Skids.......................................................340 (153) Alternate Fluid End Materials
Alternate Fluid End Valve Styles
Custom Designs For Specialized Applications

Packing Lubricator
Pulsation Dampeners
Relief Valves
Valve Service Kit
Complete Unitization Services

< Return To Specs
Continuous Duty Performance Data (Volumes Indicated Are Displacement of Incompressible Fluid)

English Units
Plunger Plunger BPD GPM Max. 100 RPM 150 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
1 0.7854 0.8747 0.0255 2350 87 2.55 131 3.83 175 5.10 219 6.38 262 7.65 306 8.93 350 10.20
1 1/4 1.2272 1.3666 0.0398 2086 137 3.98 205 5.98 273 7.97 342 9.96 410 11.95 478 13.95 547 15.94
1 1/2 1.7672 1.9680 0.0574 1449 197 5.74 295 8.61 394 11.48 492 14.34 590 17.21 689 20.08 787 22.95
1 3/4 2.4053 2.6786 0.0781 1064 268 7.81 402 11.71 536 15.62 670 19.52 804 23.43 938 27.33 1071 31.24
2 3.1416 3.4986 0.1020 815 350 10.20 525 15.30 700 20.40 875 25.50 1050 30.60 1225 35.70 1399 40.80
Brake Horsepower Required: 5.4 8.0 10.8 13.5 16.1 18.9 20

Metric Units
Plunger Plunger M3/D L/Min. Max. 100 RPM 150 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
mm Sq. cm. RPM RPM kPa M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D GPM M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min.
25 5.0671 0.1391 0.0965 16,203 14 9.65 21 14.48 28 19.30 35 24.13 42 28.96 49 33.78 56 38.61
32 7.9174 0.2173 0.1508 14,382 22 15.08 33 22.62 43 30.16 54 37.70 65 45.24 76 52.78 87 60.32
38 11.4010 0.3129 0.2172 9,991 31 21.72 47 32.57 63 43.43 78 54.29 94 65.15 110 76.01 125 86.87
44 15.5180 0.4259 0.2956 7,336 43 29.56 64 44.34 85 59.12 106 73.90 128 88.68 149 103.45 170 118.23
51 20.2684 0.5562 0.3861 5,619 56 38.61 83 57.91 111 77.21 139 96.52 167 115.82 195 135.12 222 154.43
Kilowatts Required: 4 6 8 10 12 14 15

Volume is based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Brake horsepower is based on 90% mechanical efficiency.

National Oilwell is a leading manufacturer Copyright 1999 by National Oilwell, L.P. All Rights
of reciprocating plunger pumps, Mission Reserved. NATIONAL OILWELL, NATIONAL, and OILWELL
are registered trademarks of NATIONAL OILWELL, L.P.
centrifugal pumps, and Fluid King fluid Houston, Texas, USA. All other trademarks used are
end replacement parts. We also offer a registered to their respective companies. The information and
Sales/Technical Information: complete set of solutions to your fluid data in this brochure, including but not limited to pictures,
photographs, charts, diagrams, drawings, lists, written
transfer challenges. comments, and specifications, are accurate to the best of our
USA Tollfree: 1 (800) 800-4110
knowledge and belief, but are intended for general information
For more information, contact National only. Applications suggested for the materials and other
Internet: Oilwell directly at the Headquarters in information are described only to help readers make their
Houston, Texas. All National Oilwell own evaluations and decisions, and are neither guarantees
nor are they to be construed as express or implied warranties
products are available throughout the U.S. of suitability for these or other applications. National Oilwell
and around the world from service centers, makes no warranty, either express or implied, beyond that
authorized distributors, and representatives. stipulated in National Oilwells Standard Terms and
Conditions of Sale which are available upon request.
Triplex Plunger Pump 29T-3
Rated input horsepower
"T" Triplex
Stroke length (in.)

This 3" stroke pump is

designed for a variety of
fluid transfer applications.

Performance Data >

Field Connections in. (mm) Dimensions

Pump Model Discharge Connection Size Suction Connection Size Pump Type Length Width Height
29T-3 1-1/2 (38.1) FNP Threaded. 2-1/2" (63.5) FNP Threaded. 29T-3 37-1/2" 24-1/2" 13"

Pump Specifications Standard Equipment

Aluminum Bronze Fluid End
Pump Size (Max. Plunger Diameter x Stroke) in. (mm) ......2-1/2 x 3 (63.5 x 76.2)
Aluminum Bronze Valve Covers
Rated BHP At 400 RPM (Kw) .................................................................29 (21.75) Aluminum Bronze Stuffing Boxes & Nuts
Rated Plunger Load, pounds (Kg).......................................................2,950 (1162) Bronze Stuffing Box Internals
Ceramic or Metal Plungers
Maximum Working Pressure: PSI (kPa) ........................................2,350 (16,192) General Service Plunger Packing
Stainless Steel Intermediate Rods
Chamber Cover
Crankshaft Extension: in. (mm) ..........................................................2-1/2 (63.5) Crankcase Breather

Weight: - Lbs. (Kg) Optional Equipment

Pump Only On Wood Shipping Skids.......................................................800 (360) Alternate Fluid End Materials
Alternate Fluid End Valve Styles
Custom Designs For Specialized Applications

Packing Lubricator
Pulsation Dampeners
Relief Valves
Valve Service Kit
Complete Unitization Services

< Return To Specs
Continuous Duty Performance Data (Volumes Indicated Are Displacement of Incompressible Fluid)

English Units
Plunger Plunger BPD GPM Max. 100 RPM 150 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
1 1/4 1.2272 1.6400 0.0478 2350 164 4.78 246 7.17 328 9.56 410 11.95 492 14.34 574 16.73 656 19.13
1 1/2 1.7672 2.3616 0.0689 1698 236 6.89 354 10.33 472 13.77 590 17.21 708 20.66 827 24.10 945 27.54
1 3/4 2.4053 3.2143 0.0937 1247 321 9.37 482 14.06 643 18.74 804 23.43 964 28.11 1125 32.80 1286 37.49
2 3.1416 4.1983 0.1224 955 420 12.24 630 18.36 840 24.48 1050 30.60 1259 36.72 1469 42.84 1679 48.96
2 1/4 3.9761 5.3135 0.1549 755 531 15.49 797 23.24 1063 30.98 1328 38.73 1594 46.47 1860 54.22 2125 61.97
2 1/2 4.9088 6.5599 0.1913 611 656 19.13 984 28.69 1312 38.25 1640 47.81 1968 57.38 2296 66.94 2624 76.50
Brake Horsepower Required: 7.57 11.3 15.2 18.9 22.7 26.5 29.0

Metric Units
Plunger Plunger M3/D L/Min. Max. 100 RPM 150 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
mm Sq. cm. RPM RPM kPa M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D GPM M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min.
32 7.9174 0.2607 0.1810 16,203 26 18.10 39 27.15 52 36.19 65 45.24 78 54.29 91 63.34 104 72.39
38 11.4010 0.3755 0.2606 11,707 38 26.06 56 39.09 75 52.12 94 65.15 113 78.18 131 91.21 150 104.24
44 15.5180 0.5110 0.3547 8,598 51 35.47 77 53.21 102 70.94 128 88.68 153 106.41 179 124.15 204 141.88
51 20.2684 0.6675 0.4633 6,584 67 46.33 100 69.49 133 92.66 167 115.82 200 138.99 234 162.15 267 185.31
57 25.6522 0.8448 0.5863 5,206 84 58.63 127 87.95 169 117.27 211 146.59 253 175.90 296 205.22 338 234.54
64 31.6694 1.0430 0.7239 4,213 104 72.39 156 108.58 209 144.78 261 180.97 313 217.16 365 253.36 417 289.55
Kilowatts Required: 5.7 8.4 11.3 14.0 16.9 19.8 21.6

Volume is based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Brake horsepower is based on 90% mechanical efficiency

National Oilwell is a leading manufacturer Copyright 1999 by National Oilwell, L.P. All Rights
of reciprocating plunger pumps, Mission Reserved. NATIONAL OILWELL, NATIONAL, and OILWELL
are registered trademarks of NATIONAL OILWELL, L.P.
centrifugal pumps, and Fluid King fluid Houston, Texas, USA. All other trademarks used are
end replacement parts. We also offer a registered to their respective companies. The information and
Sales/Technical Information: complete set of solutions to your fluid data in this brochure, including but not limited to pictures,
photographs, charts, diagrams, drawings, lists, written
transfer challenges. comments, and specifications, are accurate to the best of our
USA Tollfree: 1 (800) 800-4110
knowledge and belief, but are intended for general information
For more information, contact National only. Applications suggested for the materials and other
Internet: Oilwell directly at the Headquarters in information are described only to help readers make their
Houston, Texas. All National Oilwell own evaluations and decisions, and are neither guarantees
nor are they to be construed as express or implied warranties
products are available throughout the U.S. of suitability for these or other applications. National Oilwell
and around the world from service centers, makes no warranty, either express or implied, beyond that
authorized distributors, and representatives. stipulated in National Oilwells Standard Terms and
Conditions of Sale which are available upon request.
Formerly J-30

Triplex Plunger Pump 30T-2 _

Rated input horsepower
"T" Triplex
Stroke length (in.)
Fluid end pressure ranges "L" Low, "H" High

This 2" stroke pump is

designed for a variety of fluid
transfer applications operating
at low, or high pressures.

Performance Data >

Field Connections in. (mm) Dimensions

Pump Model Discharge Connection Size Suction Connection Size Pump Type Length Width Height
30T-2L Threaded 1-1/2 (38.10) Int. Pipe Thds. 2-1/2 (63.5) Int. Pipe Thds. 30T-2L Threaded 34-7/8" 28-1/4" 11"
30T-2L 1-1/2 (38.10) API-2000# RTJ 2-1/2 (63.5) ANSI-150 F.F. 30T-2L Flanged 34-7//8" 28-1/4" 11"
30T-2H 1 (25.4) ANSI-2500 RTJ 2 (50.8) ANSI-300 F.F. 30T-2H Flanged 34-7/8" 28-1/4" 11"

Pump Specifications Standard Equipment

Aluminum Bronze Fluid End
Pump Size (Max. Plunger Diameter x Stroke) in. (mm) ......2-1/4 x 2 (57.2 x 50.8)
Aluminum Bronze Valve Covers
Rated BHP At 500 RPM (Kw) ...................................................................30 (22.4) Aluminum Bronze or Stainless Steel Stuffing Boxes
Rated Plunger Load, pounds (Kg).......................................................3,565 (1617) Bronze Stuffing Box Internals
Ceramic or Tungsten Carbide Plungers
Maximum Working Pressure: PSI (kPa) General Service or Kevlar Plunger Packing
Stainless Steel Intermediate Rods
"L" Model Discharge Pressure .........................................................2,000 (13,788)
Fluid King Spherical Valves
"H" Model Discharge Pressure.........................................................5,000 (34,470) Double Extended Crankshaft
Oil Level Dipstick
Crankshaft Extension: in. (mm) Crankcase Breather
Diameter ..................................................................................................2.5 (63.5)
Optional Equipment
Length .............................................................................................4-15/16 (125.4)
Alternate Fluid End Materials
Keyway (Width x Depth) ...................................................5/8 x 5/16 (15.88 x 7.94)
Alternate Fluid End Valve Styles
Custom Designs For Specialized Applications
Pinion Shaft Extension, if gear unit supplied (mm)
Belt Or Chain Drive: Diameter ............................................................1.75 (44.45) Accessories
Length.............................................................3-13/16 (96.8) Bolt On Style Gear Reducers
Keyway (Width x Depth) ...................1/2 x 1/4 (12.7 x 6.35) 3.50:1 Ratio
Direct Drive: Diameter ............................................................1.75 (44.45)
Packing Lubricator
Length...............................................................3-3/16 (96.8) Pulsation Dampeners
Keyway (Width x Depth) ......................1/2 x 1/4 (12.7 x 6.4) Relief Valves
Valve Service Kit
Oil Capacity: Gallons (L) Complete Unitization Services
Crankcase .................................................................................................1.2 (4.5)
Quick Maintenance Features
Gear Unit (Varies with Ratio)......................................................................2/3 (2.5)
Horizontal Design
Large Power End Covers
Weight: Pump Only On Wood Shipping Skids - Lbs. (Kg) .......................640 (290) Easy Access For Bearing Adjustment
Gear Unit - Lbs. (Kg) ...........................................................................300 (136.08) Separate Crosshead/Plunger Construction
Open Frame Construction
Removable Stuffing Boxes

< Return To Specs
Continuous Duty Performance Data (Volumes Indicated Are Displacement of Incompressible Fluid)

English Units
Plunger Plunger BPD GPM Max. 200 RPM* 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM 450 RPM 500 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
1 1/2 1.7671 1.5744 0.0459 2000 315 9.18 394 11.48 472 13.77 551 16.07 630 18.36 708 20.66 787 22.95
1 3/4 2.4053 2.1429 0.0625 1482 429 12.50 536 15.62 643 18.74 750 21.87 857 24.99 964 28.11 1071 31.24
2 3.1416 2.7989 0.0816 1134 560 16.32 700 20.40 840 24.48 980 28.56 1120 32.64 1259 36.72 1399 40.80
2 1/4 3.9761 3.5423 0.1033 896 708 20.66 886 25.82 1063 30.98 1240 36.15 1417 41.31 1594 46.47 1771 51.64
15/16 0.6910 0.6156 0.0179 5000 123 3.59 154 4.48 184 5.38 215 6.28 246 7.17 277 8.07 307 8.96
1 0.7854 0.6997 0.0204 4538 140 4.08 175 5.10 210 6.12 245 7.14 280 8.16 315 9.18 350 10.20
1 1/4 1.2272 1.0933 0.0319 2904 219 6.38 273 7.97 328 9.56 383 11.16 437 12.75 492 14.34 547 15.94
1 1/2 1.7672 1.5744 0.0459 2017 315 9.18 394 11.48 472 13.77 551 16.07 630 18.36 708 20.66 787 22.95
Brake Horsepower Required: 12 15 18 21 24 27 30

Metric Units
Plunger Plunger M3/D L/Min. Max. 200 RPM* 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM 450 RPM 500 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
mm Sq. cm. RPM RPM kPa M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D GPM M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min.
38 11.4010 0.2503 0.1737 13788 50 34.75 63 43.43 75 52.12 88 60.81 100 69.49 113 78.18 125 86.87
44 15.5180 0.3407 0.2365 10215 68 47.29 85 59.12 102 70.94 119 82.76 136 94.59 153 106.41 170 118.23
51 20.2684 0.4450 0.3089 7821 89 61.77 111 77.21 133 92.66 156 108.10 178 123.54 200 138.99 222 154.43
57 25.6522 0.5632 0.3909 6180 113 78.18 141 97.72 169 117.27 197 136.81 225 156.36 253 175.90 282 195.45
24 4.4535 0.0978 0.0679 34470 20 13.57 24 16.97 29 20.36 34 23.75 39 27.15 44 30.54 49 33.93
25 5.0671 0.1112 0.0772 31284 22 15.44 28 19.30 33 23.16 39 27.02 44 30.89 50 34.75 56 38.61
32 7.9174 0.1738 0.1206 20022 35 24.13 43 30.16 52 36.19 61 42.23 70 48.26 78 54.29 87 60.32
38 11.4010 0.2503 0.1737 13904 50 34.75 63 43.43 75 52.12 88 60.81 100 69.49 113 78.18 125 86.87
Kilowatts Required: 9 11 13 16 18 20 22

*For Operations below 200 RPM, auxiliary lubrication system is required.

Volume is based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Brake horsepower is based on 90% mechanical efficiency

National Oilwell is a leading manufacturer Copyright 1999 by National Oilwell, L.P. All Rights
of reciprocating plunger pumps, Mission Reserved. NATIONAL OILWELL, NATIONAL, and OILWELL
are registered trademarks of NATIONAL OILWELL, L.P.
centrifugal pumps, and Fluid King fluid Houston, Texas, USA. All other trademarks used are
end replacement parts. We also offer a registered to their respective companies. The information and
Sales/Technical Information: complete set of solutions to your fluid data in this brochure, including but not limited to pictures,
photographs, charts, diagrams, drawings, lists, written
transfer challenges. comments, and specifications, are accurate to the best of our
USA Tollfree: 1 (800) 800-4110
knowledge and belief, but are intended for general information
For more information, contact National only. Applications suggested for the materials and other
Internet: Oilwell directly at the Headquarters in information are described only to help readers make their
Houston, Texas. All National Oilwell own evaluations and decisions, and are neither guarantees
nor are they to be construed as express or implied warranties
products are available throughout the U.S. of suitability for these or other applications. National Oilwell
and around the world from service centers, makes no warranty, either express or implied, beyond that
authorized distributors, and representatives. stipulated in National Oilwells Standard Terms and
Conditions of Sale which are available upon request.
Triplex Plunger Pump 50T-3
Rated input horsepower
"T" Triplex
Stroke length (in.)

This 3" stroke pump is

designed for a variety of
fluid transfer applications.

Performance Data >

Field Connections in. (mm) Dimensions

Pump Model Discharge Connection Size Suction Connection Size Pump Type Length Width Height
50T-3 1-1/4 (31.8) FNP Threaded. 2 (50.8) FNP Threaded. 50T-3 39-1/2" 24-1/2" 14"

Pump Specifications Standard Equipment

Aluminum Bronze Fluid End
Pump Size (Max. Plunger Diameter x Stroke) in. (mm) ............2 x 3 (50.8 x 76.2)
Aluminum Bronze Valve Covers
Rated BHP At 450 RPM (Kw) ...................................................................50 (37.5) Aluminum Bronze Stuffing Boxes & Nuts
Rated Plunger Load, pounds (Kg).......................................................4,400 (2002) Bronze Stuffing Box Internals
Ceramic or Metal Plungers
Maximum Working Pressure: PSI (kPa) ........................................3,594 (24,727) General Service Plunger Packing
Stainless Steel Intermediate Rods
Chamber Cover
Crankshaft Extension: in. (mm) .............................................................2.5 (63.5) Crankcase Breather

Weight: - Lbs. (Kg) Optional Equipment

Pump Only On Wood Shipping Skids.......................................................900 (405) Alternate Fluid End Materials
Alternate Fluid End Valve Styles
Custom Designs For Specialized Applications

Packing Lubricator
Pulsation Dampeners
Relief Valves
Valve Service Kit
Complete Unitization Services

< Return To Specs
Continuous Duty Performance Data (Volumes Indicated Are Displacement of Incompressible Fluid)

English Units
Plunger Plunger BPD GPM Max. 100 RPM 150 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM 450 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
1 1/4 1.2272 1.6400 0.0478 3594 164 4.78 246 7.17 328 9.56 410 11.95 492 14.34 574 16.73 656 19.13 738 21.52
1 1/2 1.7672 2.3616 0.0689 2496 236 6.89 354 10.33 472 13.77 590 17.21 708 20.66 827 24.10 945 27.54 1063 30.98
1 3/4 2.4053 3.2143 0.0937 1833 321 9.37 482 14.06 643 18.74 804 23.43 964 28.11 1125 32.80 1286 37.49 1446 42.17
2 3.1416 4.1983 0.1224 1404 420 12.24 630 18.36 840 24.48 1050 30.60 1259 36.72 1469 42.84 1679 48.96 1889 55.08
Brake Horsepower Required: 11 17 22 28 33 39 44 50

Metric Units
Plunger Plunger M3/D L/Min. Max. 100RPM 150 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM 450 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
mm Sq. cm. RPM RPM kPa M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D GPM M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min.
32 7.9174 0.2607 0.1810 24,780 26 18.10 39 27.15 52 36.19 65 45.24 78 54.29 91 63.34 104 72.39 117 81.44
38 11.4010 0.3755 0.2606 17,209 38 26.06 56 39.09 75 52.12 94 65.15 113 78.18 131 91.21 150 104.24 169 117.27
44 15.5180 0.5110 0.3547 12,638 51 35.47 77 53.21 102 70.94 128 88.68 153 106.41 179 124.15 204 141.88 230 159.62
51 20.2684 0.6675 0.4633 9,680 67 46.33 100 69.49 133 92.66 167 115.82 200 138.99 234 162.15 267 185.31 300 208.48
Kilowatts Required: 8.2 12.7 16.4 20.9 24.6 29.0 32.8 37.3

Volume is based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Brake horsepower is based on 90% mechanical efficiency

National Oilwell is a leading manufacturer Copyright 1999 by National Oilwell, L.P. All Rights
of reciprocating plunger pumps, Mission Reserved. NATIONAL OILWELL, NATIONAL, and OILWELL
are registered trademarks of NATIONAL OILWELL, L.P.
centrifugal pumps, and Fluid King fluid Houston, Texas, USA. All other trademarks used are
end replacement parts. We also offer a registered to their respective companies. The information and
Sales/Technical Information: complete set of solutions to your fluid data in this brochure, including but not limited to pictures,
photographs, charts, diagrams, drawings, lists, written
transfer challenges. comments, and specifications, are accurate to the best of our
USA Tollfree: 1 (800) 800-4110
knowledge and belief, but are intended for general information
For more information, contact National only. Applications suggested for the materials and other
Internet: Oilwell directly at the Headquarters in information are described only to help readers make their
Houston, Texas. All National Oilwell own evaluations and decisions, and are neither guarantees
nor are they to be construed as express or implied warranties
products are available throughout the U.S. of suitability for these or other applications. National Oilwell
and around the world from service centers, makes no warranty, either express or implied, beyond that
authorized distributors, and representatives. stipulated in National Oilwells Standard Terms and
Conditions of Sale which are available upon request.
Formerly J-60

Triplex Plunger Pump 60T-3 _

Rated input horsepower
"T" Triplex
Stroke length (in.)
Fluid end pressure ranges
"L" Low, "M" Medium, "H" High

This 3" stroke pump is

designed for a variety of
fluid transfer applications
operating at low, medium
or high pressures.
Performance Data >

Field Connections in. (mm) Dimensions

Pump Model Discharge Connection Size Suction Connection Size Pump Type Length Width Height
60T-3L 2 (50.8) API-2000# RTJ 3 (76.2) ANSI-150 F.F. 60T-3L Flanged 45-3/8" 35-3/8" 13-3/8"
60T-3M 1-1/2 (38.1) API-5000# RTJ 2-1/2 (63.5) ANSI-150 F.F. 60T-3M Flanged 45-3/8" 35-3/8" 13-3/8"
60T-3H 1-1/4 (31.75) ANSI-2500 RTJ 2-1/2 (63.5) ANSI-300 F.F. 60T-3H Flanged 45-3/8" 35-3/8" 13-3/8"

Pump Specifications Standard Equipment

Aluminum Bronze Fluid End
Pump Size (Max. Plunger Diameter x Stroke) in. (mm)............3- x 3 (76.2 x 76.2)
Aluminum Bronze Valve Covers
Rated BHP At 500 RPM (Kw)..................................................................60 (44.74) Aluminum Bronze or Stainless Steel Stuffing Boxes
Rated Plunger Load, pounds (Kg)...................................................4,750 (2,154.5) Bronze Stuffing Box Internals
Ceramic or Tungsten Carbide Plungers
Maximum Working Pressure: PSI (kPa) General Service or Kevlar Plunger Packing
Stainless Steel Intermediate Rods
"L" Model Discharge Pressure .........................................................1,500 (10,341)
Fluid King Spherical Valves
"M" Model Discharge Pressure ........................................................3,200 (22,061) Double Extended Crankshaft
"H" Model Discharge Pressure.........................................................5,000 (34,473) Oil Level Dipstick
Crankcase Breather
Crankshaft Extension: in. (mm)
Optional Equipment
Diameter ......................................................................................................3 (76.2)
Alternate Fluid End Materials
Length (long side) ...............................................................................5 3/4 (146.1)
Alternate Fluid End Valve Styles
Length (short side) ............................................................................5 9/16 (141.3) Custom Designs For Specialized Applications
Keyway (Width x Depth).........................................................3/4 x 3/8 (19.1 x 9.5)
Pinion Shaft Extension, if gear unit supplied (mm) Bolt On Style Gear Reducers
Belt Or Chain Drive: Diameter .............................................................2-1/4 (57.2) 2.34:1 Ratio
2.77:1 Ratio
Length.................................................................3-7/8 (98.4)
3.50:1 Ratio
Keyway (Width x Depth) ................5/8 x 5/16 (15.88 x 7.94)
Packing Lubricator
Direct Drive: Diameter .............................................................2-1/4 (57.2) Pulsation Dampeners
Length.................................................................3-7/8 (98.4) Relief Valves
Valve Service Kit
Keyway (Width x Depth) ................5/8 x 5/16 (15.88 x 7.94)
Complete Unitization Services

Oil Capacity: Gallons (L) Quick Maintenance Features

Crankcase .....................................................................................................2 (7.6) Horizontal Design
Gear Unit (Varies with Ratio).........................................................................1 (3.8) Large Power End Covers
Easy Access For Bearing Adjustment
Separate Crosshead/Plunger Construction
Open Frame Construction
Pump Only On Wood Shipping Skids - Lbs. (Kg) ..............................1,145 (519.3) Removable Stuffing Boxes
Gear Unit - Lbs. (Kg) ...........................................................................315 (142.88)

Continuous Duty Performance Data (Volumes Indicated Are Displacement of Incompressible Fluid) < Return To Specs

English Units
Plunger Plunger BPD GPM Max. 200 RPM* 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM 450 RPM 500 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
2 3.1416 4.1983 0.1224 1500 840 24.48 1050 30.60 1259 36.72 1469 42.84 1679 48.96 1889 55.08 2099 61.20
2 1/4 3.9761 5.3135 0.1549 1195 1063 30.98 1328 38.73 1594 46.47 1860 54.22 2125 61.97 2391 69.71 2657 77.46
2 1/2 4.9088 6.5599 0.1913 968 1312 38.25 1640 47.81 1968 57.38 2296 66.94 2624 76.50 2952 86.06 3280 95.63
2 3/4 5.9396 7.9374 0.2314 800 1587 46.28 1984 57.85 2381 69.42 2778 80.99 3175 92.57 3572 104.14 3969 115.71
3 7.0686 9.4462 0.2754 672 1889 55.08 2362 68.85 2834 82.62 3306 96.39 3778 110.16 4251 123.93 4723 137.70
1 1/2 1.7672 2.3616 0.0689 2689 472 13.77 590 17.21 708 20.66 827 24.10 945 27.54 1063 30.98 1181 34.43
1 3/4 2.4053 3.2143 0.0937 1976 643 18.74 804 23.43 964 28.11 1125 32.80 1286 37.49 1446 42.17 1607 46.86
2 3.1416 4.1983 0.1224 1513 840 24.48 1050 30.60 1259 36.72 1469 42.84 1679 48.96 1889 55.08 2099 61.20
1 0.7854 1.0496 0.0306 5000 210 6.12 262 7.65 315 9.18 367 10.71 420 12.24 472 13.77 525 15.30
1 1/4 1.2272 1.6400 0.0478 3872 328 9.56 410 11.95 492 14.34 574 16.73 656 19.13 738 21.52 820 23.91
Brake Horsepower Required: 24 30 36 42 48 54 60

Metric Units
Plunger Plunger M3/D L/Min. Max. 200 RPM* 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM 450 RPM 500 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
mm Sq. cm. RPM RPM kPa M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D GPM M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min.
51 20.2684 0.6675 0.4633 10341 133 92.66 167 115.82 200 138.99 234 162.15 267 185.31 300 208.48 334 231.64
57 25.6522 0.8448 0.5863 8239 169 117.27 211 146.59 253 175.90 296 205.22 338 234.54 380 263.85 422 293.17
64 31.6694 1.0430 0.7239 6674 209 144.78 261 180.97 313 217.16 365 253.36 417 289.55 469 325.75 521 361.94
70 38.3200 1.2620 0.8759 5516 252 175.18 315 218.97 379 262.77 442 306.56 505 350.36 568 394.15 631 437.95
76 45.6040 1.5019 1.0424 4635 300 208.48 375 260.60 451 312.72 526 364.84 601 416.96 676 469.08 751 521.19
39 11.4010 0.3755 0.2606 18539 75 52.12 94 65.15 113 78.18 131 91.21 150 104.24 169 117.27 188 130.30
45 15.5180 0.5110 0.3547 13620 102 70.94 128 88.68 153 106.41 179 124.15 204 141.88 230 159.62 256 177.35
51 20.2684 0.6675 0.4633 10428 133 92.66 167 115.82 200 138.99 234 162.15 267 185.31 300 208.48 334 231.64
26 5.0671 0.1669 0.1158 34470 33 23.16 42 28.96 50 34.75 58 40.54 67 46.33 75 52.12 83 57.91
32 7.9174 0.2607 0.1810 26696 52 36.19 65 45.24 78 54.29 91 63.34 104 72.39 117 81.44 130 90.49
Kilowatts Required: 18 22 27 31 36 40 45

*For operations below 200 RPM, an auxiliary lubrication system is required.

Volume is based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Brake horsepower is based on 90% mechanical efficiency.

National Oilwell is a leading manufacturer Copyright 1999 by National Oilwell, L.P. All Rights
of reciprocating plunger pumps, Mission Reserved. NATIONAL OILWELL, NATIONAL, and OILWELL
are registered trademarks of NATIONAL OILWELL, L.P.
centrifugal pumps, and Fluid King fluid Houston, Texas, USA. All other trademarks used are
end replacement parts. We also offer a registered to their respective companies. The information and
Sales/Technical Information: complete set of solutions to your fluid data in this brochure, including but not limited to pictures,
photographs, charts, diagrams, drawings, lists, written
transfer challenges. comments, and specifications, are accurate to the best of our
USA Tollfree: 1 (800) 800-4110
knowledge and belief, but are intended for general
For more information, contact National information only. Applications suggested for the materials and
Internet: Oilwell directly at the Headquarters in other information are described only to help readers make
Houston, Texas. All National Oilwell their own evaluations and decisions, and are neither
guarantees nor are they to be construed as express or
products are available throughout the U.S. implied warranties of suitability for these or other applications.
and around the world from service centers, National Oilwell makes no warranty, either express or implied,
authorized distributors, and representatives. beyond that stipulated in National Oilwells Standard Terms
and Conditions of Sale which are available upon request.
Triplex Plunger Pump 80T-3 _
Rated input horsepower
"T" Triplex
Stroke length (in.)
Fluid end pressure ranges "L" Low,
"M" Medium, "H" High

This 3" stroke pump is

designed for a variety of
fluid transfer applications
operating at low, medium
or high pressures.

Performance Data >

Field Connections in. (mm) Dimensions

Pump Model Discharge Connection Size Suction Connection Size Pump Type Length Width Height
80T-3L Flanged 2 (50.8) API-2000# RTJ 3 (76.2) ANSI-150 F.F. 80T-3L Flanged 46-3/8" 35-3/8" 13-3/8"
80T-3M 1-1/2 (38.1) API-5000# RTJ 2-1/2 (63.5) ANSI-150 F.F. 80T-3M Flanged 46-3/8" 35-3/8" 13-3/8"
80T-3H 1-1/4 (31.75) ANSI-2500 RTJ 2-1/2 (63.5) ANSI-300 F.F. 80T-3H Flanged 46-3/8" 35-3/8" 13-3/8"

Pump Specifications Standard Equipment

Aluminum Bronze Fluid End
Pump Size (Max. Plunger Diameter x Stroke) in. (mm) ..3-3/8 x 3 (85.725 x 76.2)
Aluminum Bronze Valve Covers
Rated BHP At 500 RPM (Kw) .................................................................80 (59.65) Aluminum Bronze or Stainless Steel Stuffing Boxes
Rated Plunger Load, pounds (Kg).......................................................6,336 (2874) Bronze Stuffing Box Internals
Ceramic or Tungsten Carbide Plungers
Maximum Working Pressure: PSI (kPa) General Service or Kevlar Plunger Packing
Stainless Steel Intermediate Rods
L Model Discharge Pressure ..........................................................2,016 (13,901)
Fluid King Spherical Valves
M Model Discharge Pressure.........................................................3,584 (29,408) Double Extended Crankshaft
H Model Discharge Pressure .........................................................5,161 (35,587) Oil Level Dipstick
Crankcase Breather
Crankshaft Extension: in. (mm)
Optional Equipment
Diameter .....................................................................................................3 (76.2)
Alternate Fluid End Materials
Length (long side) ...............................................................................5 3/4 (146.1)
Alternate Fluid End Valve Styles
Length (short side) ............................................................................5 9/16 (141.3) Custom Designs For Specialized Applications
Keyway (Width x Depth) .........................................................3/4 x 3/8 (19.1 x 9.5)
Pinion Shaft Extension, if gear unit supplied (mm) Bolt On Style Gear Reducers
Belt Or Chain Drive: Diameter ............................................................2-1/4 (57.2) 2.34:1 Ratio
2.77:1 Ratio
Length.................................................................3-7/8 (98.4)
3.50:1 Ratio
Keyway (Width x Depth) ...............5/8 x 5/16 (15.88 x 7.94)
Direct Drive: Diameter .............................................................2-1/4 (57.2) Packing Lubricator
Length.................................................................3-7/8 (98.4) Pulsation Dampeners
Keyway (Width x Depth) ................5/8 x 5/16 (15.88 x 7.94) Relief Valves
Valve Service Kit
Complete Unitization Services
Oil Capacity: Gallons (L)
Crankcase ....................................................................................................2 (7.6) Quick Maintenance Features
Gear Unit (Varies with Ratio).........................................................................1 (3.8) Horizontal Design
Large Power End Covers
Weight: Pump Only On Wood Shipping Skids - Lbs. (Kg) .................1,195 (542.0) Easy Access For Bearing Adjustment
Separate Crosshead/Plunger Construction
Gear Unit - Lbs. (Kg) ...........................................................................315 (142.88)
Open Frame Construction
Removable Stuffing Boxes

< Return To Specs
Continuous Duty Performance Data (Volumes Indicated Are Displacement of Incompressible Fluid)

English Units
Plunger Plunger BPD GPM Max. 200 RPM* 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM 450 RPM 500 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
2 3.1416 4.1983 0.1224 2016 840 24.48 1050 30.60 1259 36.72 1469 42.84 1679 48.96 1889 55.08 2099 61.20
2 1/4 3.9761 5.3135 0.1549 1593 1063 30.98 1328 38.73 1594 46.47 1860 54.22 2125 61.97 2391 69.71 2657 77.46
2 1/2 4.9088 6.5599 0.1913 1290 1312 38.25 1640 47.81 1968 57.38 2296 66.94 2624 76.50 2952 86.06 3280 95.63
2 3/4 5.9396 7.9374 0.2314 1066 1587 46.28 1984 57.85 2381 69.42 2778 80.99 3175 92.57 3572 104.14 3969 115.71
3 7.0686 9.4462 0.2754 896 1889 55.08 2362 68.85 2834 82.62 3306 96.39 3778 110.16 4251 123.93 4723 137.70
**3 1/4 8.2958 11.0862 0.3232 763 2217 64.64 2772 80.80 3326 96.96 3880 113.12 4434 129.29 4989 145.45 5543 161.61
1 1/2 1.7672 2.3616 0.0689 3584 472 13.77 590 17.21 708 20.66 827 24.10 945 27.54 1063 30.98 1181 34.43
1 3/4 2.4053 3.2143 0.0937 2633 643 18.74 804 23.43 964 28.11 1125 32.80 1286 37.49 1446 42.17 1607 46.86
2 3.1416 4.1983 0.1224 2016 840 24.48 1050 30.60 1259 36.72 1469 42.84 1679 48.96 1889 55.08 2099 61.20
1 1/4 1.2272 1.6400 0.0478 5161 328 9.56 410 11.95 492 14.34 574 16.73 656 19.13 738 21.52 820 23.91
Brake Horsepower Required 32 40 48 56 64 72 80

Metric Units
Plunger Plunger M3/D L/Min. Max. 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM 450 RPM 500 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
mm Sq. cm. RPM RPM kPa M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D GPM M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min.
51 20.2684 0.6675 0.4633 13901 133 92.66 167 115.82 200 138.99 234 162.15 267 185.31 300 208.48 334 231.64
57 25.6522 0.8448 0.5863 10984 169 117.27 211 146.59 253 175.90 296 205.22 338 234.54 380 263.85 422 293.17
64 31.6694 1.0430 0.7239 8895 209 144.78 261 180.97 313 217.16 365 253.36 417 289.55 469 325.75 521 361.94
70 38.3200 1.2620 0.8759 7350 252 175.18 315 218.97 379 262.77 442 306.56 505 350.36 568 394.15 631 437.95
76 45.6040 1.5019 1.0424 6178 300 208.48 375 260.60 451 312.72 526 364.84 601 416.96 676 469.08 751 521.19
** 83 53.524 1.7624 1.2233 5261 352 244.51 441 305.83 529 367.15 617 428.08 705 489.40 793 550.72 881 611.66
38 11.4010 0.3755 0.2606 24713 75 52.12 94 65.15 113 78.18 131 91.21 150 104.24 169 117.27 188 130.30
44 15.5180 0.5110 0.3547 18155 102 70.94 128 88.68 153 106.41 179 124.15 204 141.88 230 159.62 256 177.35
51 20.2684 0.6675 0.4633 13901 133 92.66 167 115.82 200 138.99 234 162.15 267 185.31 300 208.48 334 231.64
32 7.9174 0.2607 0.1810 35587 52 36.19 65 45.24 78 54.29 91 63.34 104 72.39 117 81.44 130 90.49
Kilowatts Required 24 30 36 42 48 54 60

* For operations below 200 RPM, an auxiliary lubrication system is required.

** Require Spherical Valves
Volume is based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Brake horsepower is based on 90% mechanical efficiency

National Oilwell is a leading manufacturer Copyright 1999 by National Oilwell, L.P. All Rights
of reciprocating plunger pumps, Mission Reserved. NATIONAL OILWELL, NATIONAL, and OILWELL
are registered trademarks of NATIONAL OILWELL, L.P.
centrifugal pumps, and Fluid King fluid Houston, Texas, USA. All other trademarks used are
end replacement parts. We also offer a registered to their respective companies. The information and
Sales/Technical Information: complete set of solutions to your fluid data in this brochure, including but not limited to pictures,
photographs, charts, diagrams, drawings, lists, written
transfer challenges. comments, and specifications, are accurate to the best of our
USA Tollfree: 1 (800) 800-4110
knowledge and belief, but are intended for general information
For more information, contact National only. Applications suggested for the materials and other
Internet: Oilwell directly at the Headquarters in information are described only to help readers make their
Houston, Texas. All National Oilwell own evaluations and decisions, and are neither guarantees
nor are they to be construed as express or implied warranties
products are available throughout the U.S. of suitability for these or other applications. National Oilwell
and around the world from service centers, makes no warranty, either express or implied, beyond that
authorized distributors, and representatives. stipulated in National Oilwells Standard Terms and
Conditions of Sale which are available upon request.
Formerly C-523

Quintuplex Plunger Pump 84Q-3

Rated input horsepower
"Q" Quintuplex
Stroke length (in.)

This 3" stroke pump is

designed for a variety of
fluid transfer applications.

Performance Data >

Field Connections in. (mm) Dimensions

Pump Model Discharge Connection Size Suction Connection Size Pump Type Length Width Height
84Q-3 4 (101.61) NPT Threaded 6 (152.4) NPT Threaded 84Q-3 40-3/4" 43-3/4" 20"

Pump Specifications Standard Equipment

Aluminum Bronze Fluid End
Pump Size (Max. Plunger Diameter x Stroke) in. (mm) .............2-1/2 x 3 (64 x 76)
Aluminum Bronze Valve Covers
Rated BHP At 500 RPM (Kw) ......................................................................84 (63) Aluminum Bronze or Stainless Steel Stuffing Boxes
Rated Plunger Load (Kg) ................................................................4,000 (1,814.4) Bronze Stuffing Box Internals
Ceramic or Tungsten Carbide Plungers
Maximum Working Pressure: PSI (kPa) ........................................2,260 (15,582) General Service or Kevlar Plunger Packing
Stainless Steel Intermediate Rods
Fluid King Spherical Valves
Crankshaft Extension: in. (mm) Double Extended Crankshaft
Diameter ..................................................................................................2.995 (76) Oil Level Dipstick
Length ....................................................................................................4-7/8 (124) Crankcase Breather
Keyway (Width x Depth) .............................................................3/4 x 3/8 (19 x 10)
Optional Equipment
Alternate Fluid End Materials
Pinion Shaft Extension, if gear unit supplied (mm)
Alternate Fluid End Valve Styles
Belt Or Chain Drive: Diameter ...............................................................1.870 (47) Custom Designs For Specialized Applications
Length..................................................................4-7/8 (124)
Keyway (Width x Depth) .........................1/2 x 1/4 (13 x 16) Accessories
Direct Drive: Diameter ...............................................................1.870 (47) Bolt On Style Gear Reducers
Length..................................................................4-7/8 (124) 3.54:1 Ratio
3.95:1 Ratio
Keyway (Width x Depth) .........................1/2 x 1/4 (13 x 16)
4.45:1 Ratio

Oil Capacity: Gallons (L) Packing Lubricator

Crankcase ................................................................................................3-1/2 (13) Pulsation Dampeners
Gear Unit (Vertically Mounted) .........................................................................1 (4) Relief Valves
Valve Service Kit
(Horizontally Mounted) ...............................................................................1-1/2 (6)
Complete Unitization Services

Weight: Pump Only On Wood Shipping Skids - Lbs. (Kg) ....................1,655 (751) Quick Maintenance Features
Gear Unit - Lbs. (Kg) ..................................................................................175 (79) Horizontal Design
Large Power End Covers
Easy Access To Bearings
Separate Crosshead/Plunger Construction
Open Frame Construction
Removable Stuffing Boxes
Interchangeable Valves

< Return To Specs
Continuous Duty Performance Data (Volumes Indicated Are Displacement of Incompressible Fluid)

English Units
Plunger Plunger BPD GPM Max. 100 RPM 150 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM 450 RPM 500 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
1 1/4 1.2272 2.7333 0.0797 2260 273 7.97 410 11.95 547 15.94 683 19.92 820 23.91 957 27.89 1093 31.87 1230 35.86 1367 39.84
1 1/2 1.7672 3.9359 0.1148 2260 394 11.48 590 17.21 787 22.95 984 28.69 1181 34.43 1378 40.16 1574 45.90 1771 51.64 1968 57.37
1 3/4 2.4053 5.3572 0.1562 1660 536 15.62 804 23.43 1071 31.24 1339 39.05 1607 46.86 1875 54.67 2143 62.47 2411 70.28 2679 78.09
2 3.1416 6.9972 0.2040 1275 700 20.40 1050 30.60 1399 40.80 1749 51.00 2099 61.20 2449 71.40 2799 81.60 3149 91.80 3499 102.00
2 1/4 3.9761 8.8558 0.2582 1005 886 25.82 1328 38.73 1771 51.64 2214 64.55 2657 77.46 3100 90.37 3542 103.28 3985 116.18 4428 129.69
2 1/2 4.9088 10.9331 0.3188 815 1093 31.88 1640 47.81 2187 63.75 2733 79.69 3280 95.63 3827 111.56 4373 127.50 4920 143.44 5467 159.37
Brake Horsepower Required17 25 34 42 51 59 67 76 84

Metric Units
Plunger Plunger M3/D L/Min. Max. 100 RPM 150 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM 450 RPM 500 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
mm Sq. cm. RPM RPM kPa M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D GPM M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min.
32 7.9174 0.4346 0.3016 15582 43 30.16 65 45.24 87 60.32 109 75.40 130 90.49 152 105.57 174 120.65 195 135.60 217 150.60
38 11.4010 0.6258 0.4343 15582 63 43.43 94 65.15 125 86.87 156 108.58 188 130.30 219 152.02 250 173.73 281 195.60 313 217.20
44 15.518 0.8504 0.5912 11445 85 59.12 128 88.68 170 118.24 213 147.80 255 177.36 298 206.9 340 236.48 383 266.04 425 295.60
51 20.2684 1.1125 0.7721 8790 111 77.21 167 115.82 222 154.43 278 193.04 334 231.64 389 270.25 445 308.86 500 347.40 556 386.40
57 25.6522 1.4080 0.9772 6929 141 97.72 211 146.59 282 195.45 352 244.31 422 293.17 493 342.03 563 390.90 633 439.80 704 488.40
64 31.6694 1.7383 1.2065 5619 174 120.65 261 180.97 348 241.29 435 301.62 521 361.94 608 422.26 695 482.59 782 543.00 869 603.00
Kilowatts Required 13 19 25 31 38 44 50 56 63

* For operations below 50 RPM, an auxiliary lubrication system is required.

Volume is based on 100 % volumetric efficiency. Brake horsepower is based on 90% mechanical efficiency

National Oilwell is a leading manufacturer Copyright 1999 by National Oilwell, L.P. All Rights
of reciprocating plunger pumps, Mission Reserved. NATIONAL OILWELL, NATIONAL, and OILWELL
are registered trademarks of NATIONAL OILWELL, L.P.
centrifugal pumps, and Fluid King fluid Houston, Texas, USA. All other trademarks used are
end replacement parts. We also offer a registered to their respective companies. The information and
Sales/Technical Information: complete set of solutions to your fluid data in this brochure, including but not limited to pictures,
photographs, charts, diagrams, drawings, lists, written
transfer challenges. comments, and specifications, are accurate to the best of our
USA Tollfree: 1 (800) 800-4110
knowledge and belief, but are intended for general information
For more information, contact National only. Applications suggested for the materials and other
Internet: Oilwell directly at the Headquarters in information are described only to help readers make their
Houston, Texas. All National Oilwell own evaluations and decisions, and are neither guarantees
nor are they to be construed as express or implied warranties
products are available throughout the U.S. of suitability for these or other applications. National Oilwell
and around the world from service centers, makes no warranty, either express or implied, beyond that
authorized distributors, and representatives. stipulated in National Oilwells Standard Terms and
Conditions of Sale which are available upon request.
Formerly J-100

Triplex Plunger Pump 100T-4 _

Rated input horsepower
"T" Triplex
Stroke length (in.)
Fluid end pressure ranges
"L" Low, "M" Medium, "H" High

This 4" stroke pump is

designed for a variety of
fluid transfer applications
operating at low, medium
or high pressures.
Performance Data >

Field Connections in. (mm) Dimensions

Pump Model Discharge Connection Size Suction Connection Size Pump Type Length Width Height
100T-4L 2-1/2 (63.5) API-2000# RTJ 5 (127) ANSI-150 F.F. 100T-4L 57-3/8" 48-7/8" 19-5/8"
100T-4M 1-1/2 (38.1) API-5000# RTJ 3 (76.2) ANSI-150 F.F. 100T-4M 55-3/8" 48-7/8" 19-5/8"
100T-4H 1-1/2 (38.1) ANSI-2500 RTJ 3 (76.2) ANSI-300 F.F. 100T-4H 55-3/8" 48-7/8" 19-5/8"

Pump Specifications Standard Equipment

Aluminum Bronze Fluid End
Pump Size (Max. Plunger Diameter x Stroke) in. (mm) .....3-3/8 x 4 (85.7 x 101.6)
Aluminum Bronze Valve Covers
Rated BHP At 450 RPM (Kw) ....................................................................100 (75) Aluminum Bronze or Stainless Steel Stuffing Boxes
Rated Plunger Load, pounds (Kg)......................................................6,595 (2,291) Bronze Stuffing Box Internals
Ceramic or Tungsten Carbide Plungers
Maximum Working Pressure: PSI (kPa) General Service or Kevlar Plunger Packing
Stainless Steel Intermediate Rods
"L" Model Discharge Pressure ........................................................ 1,660 (11,444)
Fluid King Spherical Valves
"M" Model Discharge Pressure ....................................................... 3,182 (21,939) Oil Level Dipstick
"H" Model Discharge Pressure.........................................................5,000 (34,473) Crankcase Breather

Crankshaft Extension: in. (mm) Optional Equipment

Diameter..............................................................................................3-3/4 (95.25) Alternate Fluid End Materials
Length ........................................................................8-5/16, 8-1/2 (211.38, 215.9) Alternate Fluid End Valve Styles
Custom Designs For Specialized Applications
Keyway (Width x Depth) ...................................................7/8 x 7/16 (22.2 X 11.1)

Pinion Shaft Extension, if gear unit supplied (mm)
Bolt On Style Gear Reducers
Belt Or Chain Drive: Diameter ...........................................................2-3/8 (60.33) 2.60:1 Ratio 3.15:1 Ratio
Length.............................................................6-1/2 (165.10) 3.42:1 Ratio 3.89:1 Ratio
Keyway (Width x Depth) ................5/8 x 5/16 (15.88 x 7.94)
Direct Drive: Diameter ...........................................................2-3/8 (60.33) Packing Lubricator
Pulsation Dampeners
Length.............................................................6-1/2 (165.10)
Relief Valves
Keyway (Width x Depth) ................5/8 x 5/16 (15.88 x 7.94) Valve Service Kit
Complete Unitization Services
Oil Capacity: Gallons (L)
Crankcase ................................................................................................5.5 (20.8) Quick Maintenance Features
Gear Unit .....................................................................................................3 (11.4) Horizontal Design
Large Power End Covers
Easy Access To Bearings
Separate Crosshead/Plunger Construction
Pump Only On Wood Shipping Skids - Lbs. (Kg).............................2,300 (1043.3) Open Frame Construction
Gear Unit - Lbs. (Kg) .............................................................................500 (226.8) Removable Stuffing Boxes
Interchangeable Valves

< Return To Specs
Continuous Duty Performance Data (Volumes Indicated Are Displacement of Incompressible Fluid)

English Units
Plunger Plunger BPD GPM Max. 150 RPM* 200 RPM* 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM 450 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
2 1/4 3.9761 7.0847 0.2066 1660 1063 30.98 1417 41.31 1771 51.65 2125 61.97 2480 72.29 2834 82.62 3188 92.95
2 1/2 4.9088 8.7465 0.2550 1345 1312 38.25 1749 51.00 2187 63.75 2624 76.50 3061 89.25 3499 102.00 3936 114.75
2 3/4 5.9396 10.5833 0.3086 1111 1587 46.28 2117 61.71 2646 77.14 3175 92.57 3704 107.99 4233 123.42 4762 138.85
3 7.0686 12.5950 0.3672 934 1889 55.08 2519 73.44 3149 91.80 3778 110.16 4408 128.52 5038 146.88 5668 165.24
3 1/4 8.2958 14.7816 0.4310 796 2217 64.64 2956 86.19 3695 107.74 4434 129.29 5174 150.83 5913 172.38 6652 193.93
1 3/4 2.4053 4.2858 0.1250 2744 643 18.74 857 24.99 1071 31.24 1286 37.49 1500 43.73 1714 49.98 1929 56.23
2 3.1416 5.5978 0.1632 2101 840 24.48 1120 32.64 1399 40.80 1679 48.96 1959 57.12 2239 65.28 2519 73.44
1 1/4 1.2272 2.1866 0.0638 5000 328 9.56 437 12.75 547 15.94 656 19.13 765 22.31 875 25.50 984 28.69
1 1/2 1.7672 3.1487 0.0918 3735 472 13.77 630 18.36 787 22.95 945 27.54 1102 32.13 1259 36.72 1417 41.31
1 3/4 2.4053 4.2858 0.1250 2744 643 18.74 857 24.99 1071 31.24 1286 37.49 1500 43.73 1714 49.98 1929 56.23
Brake Horsepower Required: 33 44 56 67 78 89 100

Metric Units
Plunger Plunger M3/D L/Min. Max. 150 RPM* 200 RPM* 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM 450 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
mm Sq. cm. RPM RPM kPa M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D GPM M3/D L/Min.
57 25.6522 1.1264 0.7818 11444 169 117.27 225 156.36 282 195.45 338 234.54 394 273.63 451 312.72 507 351.81
64 31.6694 1.3906 0.9652 9269 209 144.78 278 193.04 348 241.29 417 289.55 487 337.81 556 386.07 626 434.33
70 38.3221 1.6824 1.1679 7661 252 175.19 336 233.58 421 291.98 505 350.37 589 408.77 673 467.16 757 525.56
76 45.6065 2.0022 1.3898 6437 300 208.47 400 277.96 501 347.45 601 416.94 701 486.43 801 555.92 901 625.41
83 53.5243 2.3498 1.6311 5485 352 244.67 470 326.22 587 407.78 705 489.33 822 570.89 940 652.44 1057 734.00
44 15.5180 0.6814 0.4729 18917 102 70.94 136 94.59 170 118.23 204 141.88 238 165.53 273 189.17 307 212.82
51 20.2684 0.8900 0.6177 14483 133 92.66 178 123.54 222 154.43 267 185.31 311 216.20 356 247.08 400 277.97
32 7.9174 0.3477 0.2413 34470 52 36.19 70 48.26 87 60.32 104 72.39 122 84.45 139 96.52 156 108.58
38 11.4010 0.5006 0.3475 25748 75 52.12 100 69.49 125 86.87 150 104.24 175 121.61 200 138.99 225 156.36
44 15.5180 0.6814 0.4729 18917 102 70.94 136 94.59 170 118.23 204 141.88 238 165.53 273 189.17 307 212.82
Kilowatts Required: 25 33 41 50 58 66 75

*For operations below 200 RPM, an auxiliary lubrication system is required.

Volume is based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Brake horsepower is based on 90% mechanical efficiency.

National Oilwell is a leading manufacturer Copyright 1999 by National Oilwell, L.P. All Rights
of reciprocating plunger pumps, Mission Reserved. NATIONAL OILWELL, NATIONAL, and OILWELL
are registered trademarks of NATIONAL OILWELL, L.P.
centrifugal pumps, and Fluid King fluid Houston, Texas, USA. All other trademarks used are
end replacement parts. We also offer a registered to their respective companies. The information and
Sales/Technical Information: complete set of solutions to your fluid data in this brochure, including but not limited to pictures,
photographs, charts, diagrams, drawings, lists, written
transfer challenges. comments, and specifications, are accurate to the best of our
USA Tollfree: 1 (800) 800-4110
knowledge and belief, but are intended for general information
For more information, contact National only. Applications suggested for the materials and other
Internet: Oilwell directly at the Headquarters in information are described only to help readers make their
Houston, Texas. All National Oilwell own evaluations and decisions, and are neither guarantees
nor are they to be construed as express or implied warranties
products are available throughout the U.S. of suitability for these or other applications. National Oilwell
and around the world from service centers, makes no warranty, either express or implied, beyond that
authorized distributors, and representatives. stipulated in National Oilwells Standard Terms and
Conditions of Sale which are available upon request.
Formerly A-344-H, A-334-H, A-324-H

Triplex Plunger Pump 125T-4 _

Rated input horsepower
"T" Triplex
Stroke length (in.)
Fluid end pressure ranges
"L" Low, "M" Medium, "H" High

This 4" stroke pump is

designed for a variety of
fluid transfer applications
operating at low, medium
or high pressures.
Performance Data >

Field Connections in. (mm) Dimensions

Pump Model Discharge Connection Size Suction Connection Size Pump Type Length Width Height
125T-4L 3 (76.2) Sch. 160, V-Bevel 6 (152.4) Sch. 40, V-Bevel 125T-4L 56" 43-3/4" 27-7/8"
125T-4M 3 (76.2) Sch. 160, V-Bevel 4 (101.6) Sch. 40, V-Bevel 125T-4M 52-1/8" 43-3/4" 22-1/4"
125T-4H 2 (50.8) Sch. 160, V-Bevel 3 (76.2) Sch. 80, V-Bevel 125T-4H 52-1/8" 43-3/4" 21-1/4"

Pump Specifications Standard Equipment

Aluminum Bronze Fluid End
Pump Size (Max. Plunger Diameter x Stroke) in. (mm).........4 x 4 (101.6 x 101.6)
Aluminum Bronze Valve Covers
Rated BHP At 450 RPM (Kw).....................................................................125 (93) Aluminum Bronze
Rated Plunger Load, pounds (Kg)......................................................8,250 (3,472) Bronze Stuffing Box Internals
Ceramic or Tungsten Carbide Plungers
Maximum Working Pressure: PSI (kPa) General Service Plunger Packing
Stainless Steel Intermediate Rods
"L" Model Discharge Pressure ........................................................ 1,500 (10,342)
Fluid King Spherical Valves
"M" Model Discharge Pressure ....................................................... 3,180 (21,925) Double Extended Crankshaft
"H" Model Discharge Pressure........................................................ 5,000 (34,473) Oil Level Dipstick
Crankcase Breather
Crankshaft Extension: in. (mm)
Optional Equipment
Diameter..............................................................................................3-3/4 (95.25)
Alternate Fluid End Materials
Length ....................................................................................................7 1/2 (191)
Alternate Fluid End Valve Styles
Keyway (Width x Depth) ....................................................7/8 x 7/16 (22.2 X 11.1) Custom Designs For Specialized Applications

Pinion Shaft Extension: Accessories

Diameter...................................................................................................2-7/8 (73) Bolt On Style Gear Reducers
Length ....................................................................................................6-3/4 (171) 2.596:1 Ratio 3.109:1 Ratio
3.947:1 Ratio 6.192:1 Ratio
Keyway (Width x Depth)..............................................................3/4 x 1/4 (19 x 6)
Packing Lubricator
Oil Capacity: Gallons (L) Pulsation Dampeners
Crankcase & Gearcase ................................................................................10 (38) Relief Valves
Valve Service Kit
Complete Unitization Services
Pump Only On Wood Shipping Skids - Lbs. (Kg) .................................1,747 (792) Quick Maintenance Features:
Gear Unit - Lbs. (Kg) ................................................................................575 (261) Horizontal Design
Large Power End Access Covers And Doors
Easy Bearing Access
Separate Crosshead/Plunger Shank Construction
Open Frame Cradle
Removable Stuffing Boxes

Continuous Duty Performance Data (Volumes Indicated Are Displacement of Incompressible Fluid) < Return To Specs

English Units
Plunger Plunger BPD GPM Max. 100 RPM* 150 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM 450 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
2 1/2 4.9088 8.7465 0.2550 1500 875 25.50 1312 38.25 1749 51.00 2187 63.75 2624 76.50 3061 89.25 3499 102.00 3936 114.75
2 3/4 5.9396 10.5833 0.3086 1389 1058 30.86 1587 46.28 2117 61.71 2646 77.14 3175 92.57 3704 107.99 4233 123.42 4762 138.85
3 7.0686 12.5950 0.3672 1167 1259 36.72 1889 55.08 2519 73.44 3149 91.80 3778 110.16 4408 128.52 5038 146.88 5668 165.24
3 1/4 8.2958 14.7816 0.4310 994 1478 43.10 2217 64.64 2956 86.19 3695 107.74 4434 129.29 5174 150.83 5913 172.38 6652 193.93
3 1/2 9.6212 17.1431 0.4998 857 1714 49.98 2571 74.97 3429 99.96 4286 124.95 5143 149.94 6000 174.93 6857 199.92 7714 224.91
3 3/4 11.0447 19.6796 0.5738 747 1968 57.38 2952 86.06 3936 114.75 4920 143.44 5904 172.13 6888 200.81 7872 229.50 8856 258.19
4 12.5664 22.3910 0.6528 657 2239 65.28 3359 97.92 4478 130.56 5598 163.20 6717 195.84 7837 228.48 8956 261.12 10076 293.76
1 3/4 2.4053 4.2858 0.1250 3180 429 12.50 643 18.74 857 24.99 1071 31.24 1286 37.49 1500 43.73 1714 49.98 1929 56.2
2 3.1416 5.5978 0.1632 2626 560 16.32 840 24.48 1120 32.64 1399 40.80 1679 48.96 1959 57.12 2239 65.28 2519 73.44
2 1/4 3.9761 7.0847 0.2066 2075 708 20.66 1063 30.98 1417 41.31 1771 51.64 2125 61.97 2480 72.29 2834 82.62 3188 92.95
2 1/2 4.9088 8.7465 0.2550 1681 875 25.50 1312 38.25 1749 51.00 2187 63.75 2624 76.50 3061 89.25 3499 102.00 3936 114.75
2 3/4 5.9396 10.5833 0.3086 1389 1058 30.86 1587 46.28 2117 61.71 2646 77.14 3175 92.57 3704 107.99 4233 123.42 4762 138.85
3 7.0686 12.5950 0.3672 1167 1259 36.72 1889 55.08 2519 73.44 3149 91.80 3778 110.16 4408 128.52 4721** 137.63** n/a n/a
1 1/4 1.2272 2.1866 0.0638 5000 219 6.38 328 9.56 437 12.75 547 15.94 656 19.13 765 22.31 875 25.50 984 28.69
1 1/2 1.7672 3.1487 0.0918 4669 315 9.18 472 13.77 630 18.36 787 22.95 945 27.54 1102 32.13 1259 36.72 1417 41.31
1 3/4 2.4053 4.2858 0.1250 3430 429 12.50 643 18.74 857 24.99 1071 31.24 1286 37.49 1500 43.73 1714 49.98 1929 56.23
2 3.1416 5.5978 0.1632 2626 560 16.32 840 24.48 1120 32.64 1399 40.80 1679 48.96 1959 57.12 2239 65.28 2519 73.44
2 1/4 3.9761 7.0847 0.2066 2075 708 20.66 1063 30.98 1417 41.31 1771 51.64 2125 61.97 2480 72.29 2834 82.62 3188 92.95
Brake Horsepower Required 28 42 56 69 83 97 111 125

Metric Units
Plunger Plunger M3/D L/Min Max. 100 RPM* 150 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM 450 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
mm Sq. cm. RPM RPM kPa M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D GPM M3/D L/Min.
64 31.6694 1.3906 0.9652 10342 139 96.52 209 144.78 278 193.04 348 241.29 417 289.55 487 337.81 556 386.07 626 434.33
70 38.3200 1.6826 1.1679 9577 168 116.79 252 175.18 337 233.57 421 291.97 505 350.36 589 408.75 673 467.14 757 525.54
76 45.6040 2.0025 1.3899 8046 200 138.99 300 208.48 400 277.97 501 347.46 601 416.96 701 486.45 801 555.94 901 625.43
83 53.5213 2.3501 1.6311 6853 235 163.11 353 244.67 470 326.23 588 407.79 705 489.34 823 570.90 940 652.46 1058 734.02
89 62.0721 2.7256 1.8917 5909 273 189.17 409 283.76 545 378.35 681 472.94 818 567.52 954 662.11 1090 756.70 1227 851.28
95 71.2562 3.1289 2.1716 5150 313 217.16 469 325.75 626 434.33 782 542.91 939 651.49 1095 760.08 1252 868.66 1408 977.24
102 81.0737 3.5600 2.4708 4530 356 247.08 534 370.63 712 494.17 890 617.71 1068 741.25 1246 864.80 1424 988.34 1602 1111.88
44 15.5180 0.6814 0.4729 21925 68 47.29 102 70.94 136 94.59 170 118.23 204 141.88 238 165.53 273 189.17 307 212.82
51 20.2684 0.8900 0.6177 18106 89 61.77 133 92.66 178 123.54 222 154.43 267 185.31 311 216.20 356 247.08 400 277.97
57 25.6522 1.1264 0.7818 14307 113 78.18 169 117.27 225 156.36 282 195.45 338 234.54 394 273.63 451 312.72 507 351.81
64 31.6694 1.3906 0.9652 11590 139 96.52 209 144.78 278 193.04 348 241.29 417 289.55 487 337.81 556 386.07 626 434.33
70 38.3200 1.6826 1.1679 9577 168 116.79 252 175.18 337 233.57 421 291.97 505 350.36 589 408.75 673 467.14 757 525.54
76 45.6040 2.0025 1.3899 8046 200 138.99 300 208.48 400 277.97 501 347.46 601 416.96 701 486.45 750** 520.98** n/a n/a
32 7.9174 0.3477 0.2413 34474 35 24.13 52 36.19 70 48.26 87 60.32 104 72.39 122 84.45 139 96.52 156 108.58
38 11.4010 0.5006 0.3475 32192 50 34.75 75 52.12 100 69.49 125 86.87 150 104.24 175 121.61 200 138.99 225 156.36
44 15.5180 0.6814 0.4729 23649 68 47.29 102 70.94 136 94.59 170 118.23 204 141.88 238 165.53 273 189.17 307 212.82
51 20.2684 0.8900 0.6177 18106 89 61.77 133 92.66 178 123.54 222 154.43 267 185.31 311 216.20 356 247.08 400 277.97
57 25.6522 1.1264 0.7818 14307 113 78.18 169 117.27 225 156.36 282 195.45 338 234.54 394 273.63 451 312.72 507 351.81
Kilowatts Required 21 31 41 52 62 72 83 93
*For operations below 50 RPM and for reverse rotation, consult manufacturer for lubrication recommendations. **Limited to 375 RPM to maintain low velocity through valve areas.
Displacement calculated at this speed. Volume is based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Brake horsepower is based on 90% mechanical efficiency.

National Oilwell is a leading manufacturer Copyright 1999 by National Oilwell, L.P. All Rights
of reciprocating plunger pumps, Mission are registered trademarks of NATIONAL OILWELL, L.P.
centrifugal pumps, and Fluid King fluid Houston, Texas, USA. All other trademarks used are
end replacement parts. We also offer a registered to their respective companies. The information and
Sales/Technical Information: complete set of solutions to your fluid data in this brochure, including but not limited to pictures,
photographs, charts, diagrams, drawings, lists, written
transfer challenges. comments, and specifications, are accurate to the best of our
USA Tollfree: 1 (800) 800-4110
knowledge and belief, but are intended for general
Internet: For more information, contact National information only. Applications suggested for the materials and
Oilwell directly at the Headquarters in other information are described only to help readers make
Houston, Texas. All National Oilwell their own evaluations and decisions, and are neither
guarantees nor are they to be construed as express or
products are available throughout the U.S. implied warranties of suitability for these or other applications.
and around the world from service centers, National Oilwell makes no warranty, either express or implied,
authorized distributors, and representatives. beyond that stipulated in National Oilwells Standard Terms
and Conditions of Sale which are available upon request.
Triplex Plunger Pump 130T-4_
Rated input horsepower
"T" Triplex
Stroke length (in.)
Fluid end pressure ranges
"L" Low, "M" Medium, "H" High

This 4" stroke pump is

designed for a variety of
fluid transfer applications
operating at low, medium
or high pressures.
Performance Data >

Field Connections in. (mm) Dimensions

Pump Model Discharge Connection Size Suction Connection Size Pump Type Length Width Height
130T-4L 2-1/2 (63.5) API-2000# RTJ 5 (127) ANSI-150 F.F. 130T-4L 58-3/8" 48-7/8" 19-5/8"
130T-4M 1-1/2 (38.1) API-5000# RTJ 3 (76.2) ANSI-150 F.F. 130T-4M 56-3/8" 48-7/8" 19-5/8"
103T-4H 1-1/2 (38.1) ANSI-2500 RTJ 3 (76.2) ANSI-300 F.F. 130T-4H 56-3/8" 48-7/8" 19-5/8"

Pump Specifications Standard Equipment

Aluminum Bronze Fluid End
Pump Size (Max. Plunger Diameter x Stroke) in. (mm) .....3-5/8 x 4 (92.1 x 101.6)
Aluminum Bronze Valve Covers
Rated BHP At 450 RPM (Kw) ....................................................................130 (97) Aluminum Bronze or Stainless Steel Stuffing Boxes
Rated Plunger Load, pounds (Kg).......................................................8,590 (3899) Bronze Stuffing Box Internals
Ceramic or Tungsten Carbide Plungers
Maximum Working Pressure: PSI (kPa) General Service or Kevlar Plunger Packing
Stainless Steel Intermediate Rods
L Model Discharge Pressure ......................................................... 1,750 (12,070)
Fluid King Spherical Valves
M Model Discharge Pressure........................................................ 3,111 (21,458) Oil Level Dipstick
H Model Discharge Pressure .........................................................5,000 (34,470) Crankcase Breather

Crankshaft Extension: in. (mm) Optional Equipment

Diameter..............................................................................................3-3/4 (95.25) Alternate Fluid End Materials
Alternate Fluid End Valve Styles
Length .............................................................................................8 5/16 (211.38)
Custom Designs For Specialized Applications
Keyway (Width x Depth) ....................................................7/8 x 7/16 (22.2 X 11.1)
Pinion Shaft Extension, if gear unit supplied (mm) Bolt On Style Gear Reducers
Belt Or Chain Drive: Diameter ...........................................................2-3/8 (60.33) 2.60:1 Ratio 3.15:1 Ratio
Length.............................................................6-1/2 (165.10) 3.42:1 Ratio 3.89:1 Ratio
4.27:1 Ratio
Keyway (Width x Depth) ...............5/8 x 5/16 (15.88 x 7.94)
Direct Drive: Diameter ...........................................................2-3/8 (60.33) Packing Lubricator
Length.............................................................6-1/2 (165.10) Pulsation Dampeners
Keyway (Width x Depth) ................5/8 x 5/16 (15.88 x 7.94) Relief Valves
Valve Service Kit
Complete Unitization Services
Oil Capacity: Gallons (L)
Crankcase ................................................................................................5.5 (20.8) Quick Maintenance Features
Gear Unit (Varies with Ratio).......................................................................3 (11.4) Horizontal Design
Large Power End Covers
Weight: Pump Only On Wood Shipping Skids - Lbs. (Kg) ...............2,360 (1070.5) Easy Access For Bearing Adjustment
Gear Unit - Lbs. (Kg) .............................................................................500 (226.8) Separate Crosshead/Plunger Construction
Open Frame Construction
Removable Stuffing Boxes
Interchangeable Valves

< Return To Specs
Continuous Duty Performance Data (Volumes Indicated Are Displacement of Incompressible Fluid)

English Units
Plunger Plunger BPD GPM Max. 200 RPM* 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM 450 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
2 1/2 4.9088 8.7465 0.2550 1750 1749 51.00 2187 63.75 2624 76.50 3061 89.25 3499 102.00 3936 114.75
2 3/4 5.9396 10.5833 0.3086 1446 2117 61.71 2646 77.14 3175 92.57 3704 107.99 4233 123.42 4762 138.85
3 7.0686 12.5950 0.3672 1215 2519 73.44 3149 91.80 3778 110.16 4408 128.52 5038 146.88 5668 165.24
3 1/4 8.2958 14.7816 0.4310 1036 2956 86.19 3695 107.74 4434 129.29 5174 150.83 5913 172.38 6652 193.93
3 1/2 9.6212 17.1431 0.4998 893 3429 99.96 4286 124.95 5143 149.94 6000 174.93 6857 199.92 7714 224.91
2 3.1416 5.5978 0.1632 2735 1120 32.64 1399 40.80 1679 48.96 1959 57.12 2239 65.28 2519 73.44
2 1/4 3.9761 7.0847 0.2066 2161 1417 41.31 1771 51.64 2125 61.97 2480 72.29 2834 82.62 3188 92.95
1 1/2 1.7672 3.1487 0.0918 4862 630 18.36 787 22.95 945 27.54 1102 32.13 1259 36.72 1417 41.31
1 3/4 2.4053 4.2858 0.1250 3572 857 24.99 1071 31.24 1286 37.49 1500 43.73 1714 49.98 1929 56.23
Brake Horsepower Required: 58 72 87 101 116 130

Metric Units
Plunger Plunger M3/D Liters Max. 200 RPM* 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM 450 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
mm Sq. cm. RPM RPM kPa M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D GPM M3/D L/Min.
64 31.6694 1.3906 0.9652 12,066 278 193.04 348 241.29 417 289.55 487 337.81 556 386.07 626 434.33
70 38.3200 1.6826 1.1679 9,970 337 233.57 421 291.97 505 350.36 589 408.75 673 467.14 757 525.54
76 45.6040 2.0025 1.3899 8,377 400 277.97 501 347.46 601 416.96 701 486.45 801 555.94 901 625.43
83 53.5213 2.3501 1.6311 7,143 470 326.23 588 407.79 705 489.34 823 570.90 940 652.46 1058 734.02
89 62.0721 2.7256 1.8917 6,157 545 378.35 681 472.94 818 567.52 954 662.11 1090 756.70 1227 851.28
51 20.2684 0.8900 0.6177 18,858 178 123.54 222 154.43 267 185.31 311 216.20 356 247.08 400 277.97
57 25.6522 1.1264 0.7818 14,900 225 156.36 282 195.45 338 234.54 394 273.63 451 312.72 507 351.81
38 11.4010 0.5006 0.3475 33,523 100 69.49 125 86.87 150 104.24 175 121.61 200 138.99 225 156.36
44 15.5180 0.6814 0.4729 24,629 136 94.59 170 118.23 204 141.88 238 165.53 273 189.17 307 212.82
Kilowatts Required: 43 54 65 75 87 97

* For operations below 200 RPM, an auxiliary lubrication system is required.

Volume is based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Brake horsepower is based on 90% mechanical efficiency

National Oilwell is a leading manufacturer Copyright 1999 by National Oilwell, L.P. All Rights
of reciprocating plunger pumps, Mission Reserved. NATIONAL OILWELL, NATIONAL, and OILWELL
are registered trademarks of NATIONAL OILWELL, L.P.
centrifugal pumps, and Fluid King fluid Houston, Texas, USA. All other trademarks used are
end replacement parts. We also offer a registered to their respective companies. The information and
Sales/Technical Information: complete set of solutions to your fluid data in this brochure, including but not limited to pictures,
photographs, charts, diagrams, drawings, lists, written
transfer challenges. comments, and specifications, are accurate to the best of our
USA Tollfree: 1 (800) 800-4110
knowledge and belief, but are intended for general information
For more information, contact National only. Applications suggested for the materials and other
Internet: Oilwell directly at the Headquarters in information are described only to help readers make their
Houston, Texas. All National Oilwell own evaluations and decisions, and are neither guarantees
nor are they to be construed as express or implied warranties
products are available throughout the U.S. of suitability for these or other applications. National Oilwell
and around the world from service centers, makes no warranty, either express or implied, beyond that
authorized distributors, and representatives. stipulated in National Oilwells Standard Terms and
Conditions of Sale which are available upon request.
Formerly 336-P & 346-P

Triplex Plunger Pump 160TP-6 _

Rated input horsepower
"T" Triplex
"P" Internal Pinion
Stroke length (in.)
Fluid end pressure ranges
"L" Low, "M" Medium

This 6" stroke pump is

designed for a variety of
fluid transfer applications
operating at low, medium
or high pressures.

Performance Data >

Field Connections in. (mm) Dimensions

Pump Model Discharge Connection Size Suction Connection Size Pump Type Length Width Height
160TP-6L 3 (76.2) ANSI 600 L.R. 6" (154.4) ANSI 600 F.F. 160TP-6L 73-1/4" 49-1/2" 33-3/4"
160TP-6M 2-1/2 (63.5) ANSI 1500 L.R. 4" (101.6) ANSI 600 F.F. 160TP-6M 73-1/4" 49-1/2" 33-1/4"

Pump Specifications Standard Equipment

Aluminum Bronze Fluid End
Pump Size (Max. Plunger Diameter x Stroke) in. (mm) ...4-1/4 x 6 (107.9 x 152.4)
Aluminum Bronze Valve Covers
Rated BHP At 320 RPM (Kw) ..................................................................160 (119) Aluminum Bronze or Stainless Steel Stuffing Boxes
Rated Plunger Load, pounds (Kg)....................................................10,000 (4,536) Bronze Stuffing Box Internals
Ceramic or Tungsten Carbide Plungers
Maximum Working Pressure: PSI (kPa) General Service Plunger Packing
Stainless Steel Intermediate Rods
L Model Discharge Pressure .............................................................1,420 (9791)
Fluid King Spherical Valves
M Model Discharge Pressure.........................................................3,180 (21,925) Lubricating Oil Pump
Oil Level Dipstick
Pinion Shaft Extension, if gear unit supplied (mm) Crankcase Breather
Belt Or Chain Drive: Diameter ..........................................................2.995 (76.07)
Optional Equipment
Length.............................................................7-1/4 (184.15)
Alternate Fluid End Materials
Keyway (Width x Depth) .................3/4 x 1/4 (19.05 x 6.35)
Alternate Fluid End Valve Styles
Custom Designs For Specialized Applications
Oil Capacity: Gallons (L)
Crankcase ....................................................................................................13 (49) Accessories
Internal Pinion Gear
Weight: Pump Only On Wood Shipping Skids - Lbs. (Kg) .................4,725 (2,143) 4.440:1 Ratio (Standard) 1.529:1 Ratio (Optional)
1.588:1 Ratio (Optional) 1.776:1 Ratio (Optional)
2.487:1 Ratio (Optional) 3.121:1 Ratio (Optional)
5.476:1 Ratio (Optional) 7.130:1 Ratio (Optional)

Packing Lubricator
Pulsation Dampeners
Relief Valves
Valve Service Kit
Complete Unitization Services

Quick Maintenance Features

Horizontal Design
Large Power End Access Covers And Doors
Outside Access For Bearing Adjustment
Separate Crosshead/Plunger Construction
Open Cradle Frame
Removable Stuffing Boxes
Interchangeable Valves

< Return To Specs
Continuous Duty Performance Data (Volumes Indicated Are Displacement of Incompressible Fluid)

English Units
Plunger Plunger BPD GPM Max. 100 RPM* 150 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 320 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
3 7.0686 18.8924 0.5508 1420 1889 55.08 2834 82.62 3778 110.16 4723 137.70 5668 165.24 6046 176.26
3 1/4 8.2958 22.1724 0.6464 1200 2217 64.64 3326 96.96 4434 129.29 5543 161.61 6652 193.93 7095 206.86
3 1/2 9.6212 25.7147 0.7497 1040 2571 74.97 3857 112.46 5143 149.94 6429 187.43 7714 224.91 8229 239.90
3 3/4 11.0447 29.5194 0.8606 905 2952 86.06 4428 129.09 5904 172.13 7380 215.16 8856 258.19 9446 275.40
4 12.5664 33.5866 0.9792 795 3359 97.92 5038 146.88 6717 195.84 8397 244.80 10076 293.76 10748 313.34
4 1/4 14.1863 37.9161 1.1054 705 3792 110.54 5687 165.81 7583 221.09 9479 276.36 11375 331.63 12133 353.74
2 3.1416 8.3966 0.2448 3180 840 24.48 1259 36.72 1679 48.96 2099 61.20 2519 73.44 2687 78.34
2 1/4 3.9761 10.6270 0.3098 2520 1063 30.98 1594 46.47 2125 61.97 2657 77.46 3188 92.95 3401 99.14
2 1/2 4.9088 13.1198 0.3825 2040 1312 38.25 1968 57.38 2624 76.50 3280 95.63 3936 114.75 4198 122.40
2 3/4 5.9396 15.8749 0.4628 1680 1587 46.28 2381 69.42 3175 92.57 3969 115.71 4762 138.85 5080 148.10
3 7.0686 18.8924 0.5508 1420 1889 55.08 2834 82.62 3778 110.16 4723 137.70 5668 165.24 6046 176.26
Brake Horsepower Required: 50 75 100 125 150 160

Metric Units
Plunger Plunger M3/D L/Min Max. 100 RPM* 150 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 320 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
mm Sq. cm. RPM RPM kPa M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min.
76 45.6040 3.0037 2.0848 9791 300 208.48 451 312.72 601 416.96 751 521.19 901 625.43 961 667.13
83 53.5213 3.5252 2.4467 8274 353 244.67 529 367.01 705 489.34 881 611.68 1058 734.02 1128 782.95
89 62.0721 4.0884 2.8376 7171 409 283.76 613 425.64 818 567.52 1022 709.40 1227 851.28 1308 908.04
95 71.2562 4.6933 3.2575 6240 469 325.75 704 488.62 939 651.49 1173 814.37 1408 977.24 1502 1042.39
102 81.0737 5.3399 3.7063 5481 534 370.63 801 555.94 1068 741.25 1335 926.57 1602 1111.88 1709 1186.01
108 91.5246 6.0283 4.1840 4861 603 418.40 904 627.61 1206 836.81 1507 1046.01 1808 1255.21 1929 1338.89
51 20.2684 1.3350 0.9266 21925 133 92.66 200 138.99 267 185.31 334 231.64 400 277.97 427 296.50
57 25.6522 1.6896 1.1727 17374 169 117.27 253 175.90 338 234.54 422 293.17 507 351.81 541 375.26
64 31.6694 2.0859 1.4478 14065 209 144.78 313 217.16 417 289.55 521 361.94 626 434.33 667 463.28
70 38.3200 2.5239 1.7518 11583 252 175.18 379 262.77 505 350.36 631 437.95 757 525.54 808 560.57
76 45.6040 3.0037 2.0848 9791 300 208.48 451 312.72 601 416.96 751 521.19 901 625.43 961 667.13
Kilowatts Required: 38 56 75 94 113 119

* For operation below 50 RPM an auxiliary lube system is required.

Volume is based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Brake horsepower is based on 90% mechanical efficiency.

National Oilwell is a leading manufacturer Copyright 1999 by National Oilwell, L.P. All Rights
of reciprocating plunger pumps, Mission Reserved. NATIONAL OILWELL, NATIONAL, and OILWELL
are registered trademarks of NATIONAL OILWELL, L.P.
centrifugal pumps, and Fluid King fluid Houston, Texas, USA. All other trademarks used are
end replacement parts. We also offer a registered to their respective companies. The information and
Sales/Technical Information: complete set of solutions to your fluid data in this brochure, including but not limited to pictures,
photographs, charts, diagrams, drawings, lists, written
transfer challenges. comments, and specifications, are accurate to the best of our
USA Tollfree: 1 (800) 800-4110
knowledge and belief, but are intended for general information
For more information, contact National only. Applications suggested for the materials and other
Internet: Oilwell directly at the Headquarters in information are described only to help readers make their
Houston, Texas. All National Oilwell own evaluations and decisions, and are neither guarantees
nor are they to be construed as express or implied warranties
products are available throughout the U.S. of suitability for these or other applications. National Oilwell
and around the world from service centers, makes no warranty, either express or implied, beyond that
authorized distributors, and representatives. stipulated in National Oilwells Standard Terms and
Conditions of Sale which are available upon request.
Formerly J-165

Triplex Plunger Pump 165T-5 _

Rated input horsepower
"T" Triplex
Stroke length (in.)
Fluid end pressure ranges
"L" Low, "M" Medium, "H" High

This 5" stroke pump is

designed for a variety of
fluid transfer applications
operating at low, medium
or high pressures.
Performance Data >

Field Connections in. (mm) Dimensions

Pump Model Discharge Connection Size Suction Connection Size Pump Type Length Width Height
165T-5L 3 (76.2) API-2000# RTJ 6 (152.4) ANSI-150 F.F. 165T-5L 65-1/2" 51-7/8" 22-7/8"
165T-5M 2 (50.8) API-5000# RTJ 4 (101.6) ANSI-150 F.F. 165T-5M 64-5/8" 51-7/8" 22-7/8"
165T-5H 2 (50.8) ANSI-2500 RTJ 3 (76.2) API-2000# RTJ 165T-5H 64-1/4" 51-7/8" 22-7/8"

Pump Specifications Standard Equipment

Aluminum Bronze Fluid End
Pump Size (Max. Plunger Diameter x Stroke) in. (mm) ...............4 x 5 (102 x 127)
Aluminum Bronze Valve Covers
Rated BHP At 400 RPM (Kw) ..................................................................165 (123) Aluminum Bronze or Stainless Steel Stuffing Boxes
Rated Plunger Load, pounds (Kg)...................................................9,800 (4,445.2) Bronze Stuffing Box Internals
Ceramic or Tungsten Carbide Plungers
Maximum Working Pressure: PSI (kPa) General Service or Kevlar Plunger Packing
Stainless Steel Intermediate Rods
"L" Model Discharge Pressure .........................................................1,650 (11,376)
Fluid King Spherical Valves
"M" Model Discharge Pressure ........................................................3,120 (21,508) Double Extended Crankshaft
"H" Model Discharge Pressure.........................................................5,000 (34,473) Oil Level Dipstick
Crankcase Breather
Crankshaft Extension: in. (mm)
Optional Equipment
Diameter..............................................................................................4-1/8 (104.7)
Alternate Fluid End Materials
Length ............................................................................5-7/8, 8-1/8 (231.5, 206.4)
Alternate Fluid End Valve Styles
Keyway (Width x Depth) ..........................................................1 x 1/2 (25.4 x 12.7) Custom Designs For Specialized Applications

Pinion Shaft Extension, if gear unit supplied (mm) Accessories

Belt Or Chain Drive: Diameter ...................................................................3 (76.2) Bolt On Style Gear Reducers
Length...........................................................6-3/16 (157.16) 2.8:1 Ratio 3.22:1 Ratio 3.46:1 Ratio
4.38:1 Ratio 4.96:1 Ratio
Keyway (Width x Depth) ..................3/4 x 3/8 (19.05 x 9.53)
Direct Drive: Diameter ...................................................................3 (76.2) Packing Lubricator
Length...........................................................6-3/16 (157.16) Pulsation Dampeners
Keyway (Width x Depth) ..................3/4 x 3/8 (19.05 x 9.53) Relief Valves
Valve Service Kit
Complete Unitization Services
Oil Capacity: Gallons (L)
Crankcase ......................................................................................................8 (30) Quick Maintenance Features
Gear Unit (Varies with Ratio).....................................2-1/4 to 3-1/2 (8.52 to 13.25) Horizontal Design
Large Power End Covers
Weight: Pump Only On Wood Shipping Skids - Lbs. (Kg)..................4,000 (1814) Easy Access For Bearing Adjustment
Gear Unit - Lbs. (Kg) ................................................................................800 (363) Separate Crosshead/Plunger Construction
Open Frame Construction
Removable Stuffing Boxes
Interchangeable Valves

< Return To Specs
Continuous Duty Performance Data (Volumes Indicated Are Displacement of Incompressible Fluid)

English Units
Plunger Plunger BPD GPM Max. 100 RPM* 150 RPM* 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
2 3/4 5.9396 13.2291 0.3857 1650 1323 38.57 1984 57.85 2646 77.14 3307 96.42 3969 115.71 4630 134.99 5292 154.28
3 7.0686 15.7437 0.4590 1387 1574 45.90 2362 68.85 3149 91.80 3936 114.75 4723 137.70 5510 160.65 6297 183.60
3 1/4 8.2958 18.4770 0.5387 1181 1848 53.87 2772 80.80 3695 107.74 4619 134.67 5543 161.61 6467 188.54 7391 215.48
3 1/2 9.6212 21.4289 0.6248 1019 2143 62.48 3214 93.71 4286 124.95 5357 156.19 6429 187.43 7500 218.66 8572 249.90
3 3/4 11.0447 24.5995 0.7172 887 2460 71.72 3690 107.58 4920 143.44 6150 179.30 7380 215.16 8610 251.02 9840 286.88
4 12.5664 27.9888 0.8160 780 2799 81.60 4198 122.40 5598 163.20 6997 204.00 8397 244.80 9796 285.60 ** 11195 ** 326.40

2 3.1416 6.9972 0.2040 3120 700 20.40 1050 30.60 1399 40.80 1749 51.00 2099 61.20 2449 71.40 2799 81.60
2 1/4 3.9761 8.8558 0.2582 2465 886 25.82 1328 38.73 1771 51.64 2214 64.55 2657 77.46 3100 90.37 3542 103.28
2 1/2 4.9088 10.9331 0.3188 2000 1093 31.88 1640 47.81 2187 63.75 2733 79.69 3280 95.63 3827 111.56 4373 127.50
2 3/4 5.9396 13.2291 0.3857 1650 1323 38.57 1984 57.85 2646 77.14 3307 96.42 3969 115.71 4630 134.99 5292 154.28
1 1/2 1.7672 3.9359 0.1148 5000 394 11.48 590 17.21 787 22.95 984 28.69 1181 34.43 1378 40.16 1574 45.90
1 3/4 2.4053 5.3572 0.1562 4075 536 15.62 804 23.43 1071 31.24 1339 39.05 1607 46.86 1875 54.67 2143 62.48
2 3.1416 6.9972 0.2040 3120 700 20.40 1050 30.60 1399 40.80 1749 51.00 2099 61.20 2449 71.40 2799 81.60
Brake Horsepower Required: 41 62 83 103 124 144 165

Metric Units
Plunger Plunger M3/D L/Min Max. 100 RPM* 150 RPM* 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
mm Sq. cm. RPM RPM kPa M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D GPM
70 38.3200 2.1033 1.4598 11376 210 145.98 315 218.97 421 291.97 526 364.96 631 437.95 736 510.94 841 583.93
76 45.6040 2.5031 1.7373 9559 250 173.73 375 260.60 501 347.46 626 434.33 751 521.19 876 608.06 1001 694.93
83 53.5213 2.9377 2.0389 8145 294 203.89 441 305.84 588 407.79 734 509.73 881 611.68 1028 713.63 1175 815.57
89 62.0721 3.4070 2.3647 7023 341 236.47 511 354.70 681 472.94 852 591.17 1022 709.40 1192 827.64 1363 945.87
95 71.2562 3.9111 2.7146 6118 391 271.46 587 407.18 782 542.91 978 678.64 1173 814.37 1369 950.09 1564 1085.82
102 81.0737 4.4499 3.0886 5377 445 308.86 667 463.28 890 617.71 1112 772.14 1335 926.57 1557 1081.00 **1780 **1235.44

51 20.2684 1.1125 0.7721 21508 111 77.21 167 115.82 222 154.43 278 193.04 334 231.64 389 270.25 445 308.86
57 25.6522 1.4080 0.9772 16994 141 97.72 211 146.59 282 195.45 352 244.31 422 293.17 493 342.03 563 390.90
64 31.6694 1.7383 1.2065 13790 174 120.65 261 180.97 348 241.29 435 301.62 521 361.94 608 422.26 695 482.59
70 38.3200 2.1033 1.4598 11376 210 145.98 315 218.97 421 291.97 526 364.96 631 437.95 736 510.94 841 583.93
38 11.4010 0.6258 0.4343 34470 63 43.43 94 65.15 125 86.87 156 108.58 188 130.30 219 152.02 250 173.73
44 15.5180 0.8517 0.5912 28092 85 59.12 128 88.68 170 118.23 213 147.79 256 177.35 298 206.91 341 236.47
51 20.2684 1.1125 0.7721 21508 111 77.21 167 115.82 222 154.43 278 193.04 334 231.64 389 270.25 445 308.86
Kilowatts Required: 31 46 62 77 92 108 123

*For operations below 200 RPM an auxiliary lubrication system is required.

Volume is based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Brake horsepower is based on 90% mechanical efficiency.
**Requires Fluid King spherical valves for proper operation at listed RPM.

National Oilwell is a leading manufacturer Copyright 1999 by National Oilwell, L.P. All Rights
of reciprocating plunger pumps, Mission are registered trademarks of NATIONAL OILWELL, L.P.
centrifugal pumps, and Fluid King fluid Houston, Texas, USA. All other trademarks used are
end replacement parts. We also offer a registered to their respective companies. The information and
complete set of solutions to your fluid data in this brochure, including but not limited to pictures,
Sales/Technical Information: photographs, charts, diagrams, drawings, lists, written
transfer challenges. comments, and specifications, are accurate to the best of our
USA Tollfree: 1 (800) 800-4110 knowledge and belief, but are intended for general information
For more information, contact National only. Applications suggested for the materials and other
Internet: Oilwell directly at the Headquarters in information are described only to help readers make their
Houston, Texas. All National Oilwell own evaluations and decisions, and are neither guarantees
nor are they to be construed as express or implied warranties
products are available throughout the U.S. of suitability for these or other applications. National Oilwell
and around the world from service centers, makes no warranty, either express or implied, beyond that
authorized distributors, and representatives. stipulated in National Oilwells Standard Terms and
Conditions of Sale which are available upon request.
Triplex Plunger Pump 200T-5 _
Rated input horsepower
"T" Triplex
Stroke length (in.)
Fluid end pressure ranges
"L" Low, "M" Medium, "H" High

This 5" stroke pump is

designed for a variety of
fluid transfer applications
operating at low, medium
or high pressures.
Performance Data >

Field Connections in. (mm) Dimensions

Pump Model Discharge Connection Size Suction Connection Size Pump Type Length Width Height
200T-5L 3 (76.2) API-2000# RTJ 6 (152.4) ANSI-150 F.F. 200T-5L 66-5/8" 55-1/2" 22-1/2"
200T-5M 2 (50.8) API-5000# RTJ 4 (101.6) ANSI-150 F.F. 200T-5M 65-3/4" 55-1/2" 22-1/2"
200T-5H 2 (50.8) ANSI-2000 RTJ 3 (76.2) API-2000# RTJ 200T-5H 65-1/4" 55-1/2" 22-1/2"

Pump Specifications Standard Equipment

Aluminum Bronze Fluid End
Pump Size (Max. Plunger Diameter x Stroke) in. (mm) ............4 x 5 (101.6 x 127)
Aluminum Bronze Valve Covers
Rated BHP At 400 RPM (Kw) ...............................................................200 (149.1) Aluminum Bronze or Stainless Steel Stuffing Boxes
Rated Plunger Load (Kg) ..............................................................11,870 (5,384.2) Bronze Stuffing Box Internals
Ceramic or Tungsten Carbide Plungers
Maximum Working Pressure: PSI (kPa) General Service or Kevlar Plunger Packing
Stainless Steel Intermediate Rods
"L" Model Discharge Pressure .........................................................1,680 (11,584)
Fluid King Spherical Valves
"M" Model Discharge Pressure ........................................................2,988 (20,602) Double Extended Crankshaft
"H" Model Discharge Pressure.........................................................5,000 (34,473) Oil Level Dipstick
Crankcase Breather
Crankshaft Extension: in. (mm)
Optional Equipment
Diameter..............................................................................................4-7/8 (123.8)
Alternate Fluid End Materials
Length ...............................................................................................11-3/4 (298.0)
Alternate Fluid End Valve Styles
Keyway (Width x Depth)..........................................................1-1/4 x 5/8 (32 x 16) Custom Designs For Specialized Applications

Pinion Shaft Extension, if gear unit supplied (mm) Accessories

Belt Or Chain Drive: Diameter .............................................................3-1/2 (88.9) Bolt On Style Gear Reducers
Length..................................................................5-3/4 (146) 2.27:1 Ratio 2.89:1 Ratio 3.25:1 Ratio
4.38:1 Ratio 4.84:1 Ratio
Keyway (Width x Depth) ..................7/8 x 7/16 (22.2 x 11.1)
Direct Drive: Diameter .............................................................3-1/2 (88.9) Packing Lubricator
Length..................................................................5-3/4 (146) Pulsation Dampeners
Keyway (Width x Depth) ..................7/8 x 7/16 (22.2 x 11.1) Relief Valves
Valve Service Kit
Complete Unitization Services
Oil Capacity: Gallons (L)
Crankcase ...................................................................................................8 (30.3) Quick Maintenance Features
Gear Unit (Varies with Ratio) .............................................3.5 to 6.5 (13.2 to 24.6) Horizontal Design
Large Power End Covers
Weight: Pump Only On Wood Shipping Skids - Lbs. (Kg) .................4,486 (2,035) Easy Bearing Access
Gear Unit - Lbs. (Kg) .............................................................................1,100 (499) Separate Crosshead/Plunger Construction
Open Frame Construction
Removable Stuffing Boxes

< Return To Specs
Continuous Duty Performance Data (Volumes Indicated Are Displacement of Incompressible Fluid)

English Units
Plunger Plunger BPD GPM Max. 100 RPM* 150 RPM* 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
3 7.0686 15.7437 0.4590 1680 1574 45.90 2362 68.85 3149 91.80 3936 114.75 4723 137.70 5510 160.65 6297 183.60
3 1/4 8.2958 18.4770 0.5387 1432 1848 53.87 2772 80.80 3695 107.74 4619 134.67 5543 161.61 6467 188.54 7391 215.48
3 1/2 9.6212 21.4289 0.6248 1234 2143 62.48 3214 93.71 4286 124.95 5357 156.19 6429 187.43 7500 218.66 8572 249.90
3 3/4 11.0447 24.5995 0.7172 1075 2460 71.72 3690 107.58 4920 143.44 6150 179.30 7380 215.16 8610 251.02 9840 286.88
4 12.5664 27.9888 0.8160 945 2799 81.60 4198 122.40 5598 163.20 6997 204.00 8397 244.80 9796 285.60 **11,195 **326.40

2 1/4 3.9761 8.8558 0.2582 2988 886 25.82 1328 38.73 1771 51.64 2214 64.55 2657 77.46 3100 90.37 3542 103.28
2 1/2 4.9088 10.9331 0.3188 2419 1093 31.88 1640 47.81 2187 63.75 2733 79.69 3280 95.63 3827 111.56 4373 127.50
2 3/4 5.9396 13.2291 0.3857 2000 1323 38.57 1984 57.85 2646 77.14 3307 96.42 3969 115.71 4630 134.99 5292 154.28
1 1/2 1.7672 3.9359 0.1148 5000 394 11.48 590 17.21 787 22.95 984 28.69 1181 34.43 1378 40.16 1574 45.90
1 3/4 2.4053 5.3572 0.1562 4938 536 15.62 804 23.43 1071 31.24 1339 39.05 1607 46.86 1875 54.67 2143 62.48
2 3.1416 6.9972 0.2040 3780 700 20.40 1050 30.60 1399 40.80 1749 51.00 2099 61.20 2449 71.40 2799 81.60
Brake Horsepower Required: 50 75 100 125 150 175 200

Metric Units
Plunger Plunger M3/D L/Min Max. 100 RPM* 150 RPM* 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
mm Sq. cm. RPM RPM kPa M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D GPM
76 45.6040 2.5031 1.7373 11584 250 173.73 375 260.60 501 347.46 626 434.33 751 521.19 876 608.06 1001 694.93
83 53.5213 2.9377 2.0389 9874 294 203.89 441 305.84 588 407.79 734 509.73 881 611.68 1028 713.63 1175 815.57
89 62.0721 3.4070 2.3647 8508 341 236.47 511 354.70 681 472.94 852 591.17 1022 709.40 1192 827.64 1363 945.87
95 71.2562 3.9111 2.7146 7412 391 271.46 587 407.18 782 542.91 978 678.64 1173 814.37 1369 950.09 1564 1085.82
102 81.0737 4.4499 3.0886 6516 445 308.86 667 463.28 890 617.71 1112 772.14 1335 926.57 1557 1081.00 **1780 **1235.44

57 25.6522 1.4080 0.9772 20602 141 97.72 211 146.59 282 195.45 352 244.31 422 293.17 493 342.03 563 390.90
64 31.6694 1.7383 1.2065 16679 174 120.65 261 180.97 348 241.29 435 301.62 521 361.94 608 422.26 695 482.59
70 38.3200 2.1033 1.4598 13790 210 145.98 315 218.97 421 291.97 526 364.96 631 437.95 736 510.94 841 583.93
38 11.4010 0.6258 0.4343 34475 63 43.43 94 65.15 125 86.87 156 108.58 188 130.30 219 152.02 250 173.73
44 15.5180 0.8517 0.5912 34048 85 59.12 128 88.68 170 118.23 213 147.79 256 177.35 298 206.91 341 236.47
51 20.2684 1.1125 0.7721 26063 111 77.21 167 115.82 222 154.43 278 193.04 334 231.64 389 270.25 445 308.86
Kilowatts Required: 37 56 75 93 112 130 149

*For operations below 200 RPM an auxiliary lubrication system is required.

Volume is based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Brake horsepower is based on 90% mechanical efficiency.
**Requires Fluid King spherical valves for proper operation at listed RPM.

National Oilwell is a leading manufacturer Copyright 1999 by National Oilwell, L.P. All Rights
of reciprocating plunger pumps, Mission Reserved. NATIONAL OILWELL, NATIONAL, and OILWELL
are registered trademarks of NATIONAL OILWELL, L.P.
centrifugal pumps, and Fluid King fluid Houston, Texas, USA. All other trademarks used are
end replacement parts. We also offer a registered to their respective companies. The information and
Sales/Technical Information: complete set of solutions to your fluid data in this brochure, including but not limited to pictures,
photographs, charts, diagrams, drawings, lists, written
transfer challenges. comments, and specifications, are accurate to the best of our
USA Tollfree: 1 (800) 800-4110
knowledge and belief, but are intended for general information
For more information, contact National only. Applications suggested for the materials and other
Internet: Oilwell directly at the Headquarters in information are described only to help readers make their
Houston, Texas. All National Oilwell own evaluations and decisions, and are neither guarantees
nor are they to be construed as express or implied warranties
products are available throughout the U.S. of suitability for these or other applications. National Oilwell
and around the world from service centers, makes no warranty, either express or implied, beyond that
authorized distributors, and representatives. stipulated in National Oilwells Standard Terms and
Conditions of Sale which are available upon request.
Formerly A-336-H & A-346-H

Triplex Plunger Pump 202T-6 _

Rated input horsepower
"T" Triplex
Stroke length (in.)
Fluid end pressure ranges
"L" Low, "M" Medium

This 6" stroke pump is designed for

a variety of fluid transfer applications
operating at low or medium pressures.

Performance Data >

Field Connections in. (mm) Dimensions

Pump Model Discharge Connection Size Suction Connection Size Pump Type Length Width Height
202T-6L 3 (76.2) ANSI-600 L.R. 6 (152.4) ANSI-150 F.F. 202T-6L 73-1/8" 51-1/2" 28-5/8"
202T-6M 2-1/2 (63.5) ANSI-1500 L.R. 4 (101.6) ANSI-150 F.F. 202T-6M 73-1/4" 51-1/2" 28-5/8"

Pump Specifications Standard Equipment

Aluminum Bronze Fluid End
Pump Size (Max. Plunger Diameter x Stroke) in. (mm) ...4-1/4 x 6 (107.9 x 152.4)
Aluminum Bronze Valve Covers
Rated BHP At 320 RPM (Kw) .............................................................202 (150.58) Aluminum Bronze or Stainless Steel Stuffing Boxes
Rated Plunger Load (Kg) .................................................................12,500 (5,670) Bronze Stuffing Box Internals
Ceramic or Tungsten Carbide Plungers
Maximum Working Pressure: PSI (kPa) General Service Plunger Packing
Stainless Steel Intermediate Rods
L Model Discharge Pressure ..........................................................1,500 (10,342)
Fluid King Spherical Valves
M Model Discharge Pressure.........................................................3,180 (21,925) Oil Level Dipstick
Crankcase Breather
Crankshaft Extension: in. (mm)
Diameter ...........................................................................................4.495 (114.17) Optional Equipment
Length ...............................................................................................8 3/8 (212.73) Alternate Fluid End Materials
Alternate Fluid End Valve Styles
Keyway (Width x Depth) ..........................................................1 x 3/8 (25.4 x 9.53)
Custom Designs For Specialized Applications

Pinion Shaft Extension: in. (mm) Accessories

Diameter .............................................................................................3.438 (87.33) Bolt On Style Gear Reducers
Length ...............................................................................................7-3/8 (187.33) 1.59:1 Ratio 1.78:1 Ratio
Keyway (Width x Depth) ................................................7/8 x 7/16 (22.23 x 10.67) 2.487:1 Ratio 3.12:1 Ratio
4.44:1 Ratio 5.48:1 Ratio

Packing Lubricator
Oil Capacity: Gallons (L) Pulsation Dampeners
Crankcase ...............................................................................................34 (128.7) Relief Valves
Valve Service Kit
Complete Unitization Services
Weight: Pump Only On Wood Shipping Skids - Lbs. (Kg) ...............3,952 (1792.6)
Quick Maintenance Features
Horizontal Design
Large Power End Access Covers And Doors
Outside Access For Bearing Adjustment
Separate Crosshead/Plunger Construction
Open Frame Cradle
Removable Stuffing Boxes
Interchangeable Valves

< Return To Specs
Continuous Duty Performance Data (Volumes Indicated Are Displacement of Incompressible Fluid)

English Units
Plunger Plunger BPD GPM Max. 100 RPM* 150 RPM* 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 320 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
3 7.0686 18.89 0.5508 1500 1889 55.08 2834 82.62 3778 110.16 4723 137.70 5668 165.24 6046 176.26
3 1/4 8.2958 22.17 0.6464 1500 2217 64.64 3326 96.96 4434 129.29 5543 161.61 6652 193.93 7095 206.86
3 1/2 9.6212 25.71 0.7497 1299 2571 74.97 3857 112.46 5143 149.94 6429 187.43 7714 224.91 8229 239.90
3 3/4 11.0447 29.52 0.8606 1132 2952 86.06 4428 129.09 5904 172.13 7380 215.16 8856 258.19 9446 275.40
4 12.5664 33.59 0.9792 995 3359 97.92 5038 146.88 6717 195.84 8397 244.80 10076 293.76 10748 313.34
4 1/4 14.1863 37.92 1.1054 881 3792 110.54 5687 165.81 7583 221.09 9479 276.36 11375 331.63 12133 353.74
2 3.1416 8.40 0.2448 3180 840 24.48 1259 36.72 1679 48.96 2099 61.20 2519 73.44 2687 78.34
2 1/2 4.9088 13.12 0.3825 2546 1312 38.25 1968 57.38 2624 76.50 3280 95.63 3936 114.75 4198 122.40
2 3/4 5.9396 15.87 0.4628 2105 1587 46.28 2381 69.42 3175 92.57 3969 115.71 4762 138.85 5080 148.10
3 7.0686 18.89 0.5508 1768 1889 55.08 2834 82.62 3778 110.16 4723 137.70 5668 165.24 6046 176.26
Brake Horsepower Required: 63 95 126 158 189 202

Metric Units
Plunger Plunger M3/D L/Min Max. 100 RPM* 150 RPM* 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 320 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
mm Sq. cm. RPM RPM kPa M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min.
76 45.6040 3.00 2.0848 10342 300 208.48 451 312.72 601 416.96 751 521.19 901 625.43 961 667.13
83 53.5213 3.53 2.4467 10342 353 244.67 529 367.01 705 489.34 881 611.68 1058 734.02 1128 782.95
89 62.0721 4.09 2.8376 8958 409 283.76 613 425.64 818 567.52 1022 709.40 1227 851.28 1308 908.04
95 71.2562 4.69 3.2575 7803 469 325.75 704 488.62 939 651.49 1173 814.37 1408 977.24 1502 1042.39
102 81.0737 5.34 3.7063 6858 534 370.63 801 555.94 1068 741.25 1335 926.57 1602 1111.88 1709 1186.01
108 91.5246 6.03 4.1840 6075 603 418.40 904 627.61 1206 836.81 1507 1046.01 1808 1255.21 1929 1338.89
51 20.2684 1.33 0.9266 21925 133 92.66 200 138.99 267 185.31 334 231.64 400 277.97 427 296.50
64 31.6694 2.09 1.4478 17557 209 144.78 313 217.16 417 289.55 521 361.94 626 434.33 667 463.28
70 38.3200 2.52 1.7518 14510 252 175.18 379 262.77 505 350.36 631 437.95 757 525.54 808 560.57
76 45.6040 3.00 2.0848 12193 300 208.48 451 312.72 601 416.96 751 521.19 901 625.43 961 667.13
Kilowatts Required: 47 71 94 118 141 151

* For operations below 120 RPM an auxiliary lubrication system is required.

Volume is based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Brake horsepower is based on 90% mechanical efficiency.

National Oilwell is a leading manufacturer Copyright 1999 by National Oilwell, L.P. All Rights
of reciprocating plunger pumps, Mission Reserved. NATIONAL OILWELL, NATIONAL, and OILWELL
are registered trademarks of NATIONAL OILWELL, L.P.
centrifugal pumps, and Fluid King fluid Houston, Texas, USA. All other trademarks used are
end replacement parts. We also offer a registered to their respective companies. The information and
Sales/Technical Information: complete set of solutions to your fluid data in this brochure, including but not limited to pictures,
photographs, charts, diagrams, drawings, lists, written
transfer challenges. comments, and specifications, are accurate to the best of our
USA Tollfree: 1 (800) 800-4110
knowledge and belief, but are intended for general information
For more information, contact National only. Applications suggested for the materials and other
Internet: Oilwell directly at the Headquarters in information are described only to help readers make their
Houston, Texas. All National Oilwell own evaluations and decisions, and are neither guarantees
nor are they to be construed as express or implied warranties
products are available throughout the U.S. of suitability for these or other applications. National Oilwell
and around the world from service centers, makes no warranty, either express or implied, beyond that
authorized distributors, and representatives. stipulated in National Oilwells Standard Terms and
Conditions of Sale which are available upon request.
Formerly A-536 & A-546

Quintuplex Plunger Pump 267Q-6_

Rated input horsepower
"Q" Quintuplex
Stroke length (in.)
Fluid end pressure ranges
"L" Low, "M" Medium

This 6" stroke pump is designed for a

variety of fluid transfer applications
operating at low or medium pressures.

Performance Data >

Field Connections in. (mm) Dimensions

Pump Model Discharge Connection Size Suction Connection Size Pump Type Length Width Height
267Q-6L 4 (101.61) ANSI-600 L.R. 6 (152.4) ANSI-300 F.F. 267Q-6L 73-1/4" 66-3/8" 28-1/2"
267Q-6M 3 (76.2) ANSI-1500 L.R. 4 (101.6) ANSI-300 F.F. 267Q-6M 73-1/4" 66-3/8" 28-1/2"

Pump Specifications Standard Equipment

Aluminum Bronze Fluid End
Pump Size (Max. Plunger Diameter x Stroke) in. (mm) ...4-1/4 x 6 (107.9 x 152.4)
Aluminum Bronze Valve Covers
Rated BHP At 360 RPM (Kw) .............................................................267 (199.04) Aluminum Bronze or Stainless Steel Stuffing Boxes
Rated Plunger Load (Kg) .................................................................10,000 (4,536) Bronze Stuffing Box Internals
Ceramic or Tungsten Carbide Plungers
Maximum Working Pressure: PSI (kPa) General Service or Kevlar Plunger Packing
Stainless Steel Intermediate Rods
L Model Discharge Pressure ............................................................1,420 (9,791)
Fluid King Spherical Valves
M Model Discharge Pressure.........................................................3,180 (21,925) Double Extended Crankshaft
Oil Level Dipstick
Crankcase Breather
Crankshaft Extension: in. (mm)
Optional Equipment
Diameter ...........................................................................................4.495 (114.17)
Alternate Fluid End Materials
Length ...............................................................................................7-1/4 (184.15)
Alternate Fluid End Valve Styles
Keyway (Width x Depth) .........................................................1 x 3/8 (25.4 x 9.53) Custom Designs For Specialized Applications

Pinion Shaft Extension, if gear unit supplied (mm) Accessories

Belt Or Chain Drive: Diameter ........................................................4.495 (114.17) Bolt On Style Gear Reducers
Length.............................................................8-3/4 (222.25) 2.698:1 Ratio 3.680:1 Ratio 9.500:1 Ratio
5.500:1 Ratio 7.316:1 Ratio
Keyway (Width x Depth) ......................1 x 1/2 (25.4 x 12.7)
Direct Drive: Diameter ..........................................................3.375 (85.73)
Length...............................................................4-1/2 (114.3) Packing Lubricator
Keyway (Width x Depth) .................7/8 x 7/16 (22.2 x 10.7) Pulsation Dampeners
Relief Valves
Valve Service Kit
Complete Unitization Services
Oil Capacity: Gallons (L)
Crankcase .............................................................................................32 (121.13) Quick Maintenance Features
Gear Unit (Varies with Ratio).......................................5-1/4 to 7-1/2 (18.7 to 26.7) Horizontal Design
Large Power End Covers
Weight: Pump Only On Wood Shipping Skids - Lbs. (Kg) ..................6,340 (2876) Easy Access To Bearings
Separate Crosshead/Plunger Construction
Gear Unit - Lbs. (Kg) ...........................................................................2,219 (1006)
Open Frame Construction
Removable Stuffing Boxes
Interchangeable Valves

< Return To Specs
Continuous Duty Performance Data (Volumes Indicated Are Displacement of Incompressible Fluid)

English Units
Plunger Plunger BPD GPM Max. 100 RPM* 150 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 320 RPM** 360 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press. Max.
3 7.0686 31.4874 0.9180 1420 3149 91.80 4723 137.70 6297 183.60 7872 229.50 9446 275.40 10076 293.76 1250 11335 330.48
3 1/4 8.2958 36.9540 1.0774 1200 3695 107.74 5543 161.61 7391 215.48 9238 269.34 11086 323.21 11825 344.76 1060 13303 387.86
3 1/2 9.6212 42.8579 1.2495 1040 4286 124.95 6429 187.43 8572 249.90 10714 312.38 12857 374.85 13715 399.84 920 15429 449.82
3 3/4 11.0447 49.1991 1.4344 905 4920 143.44 7380 215.16 9840 286.88 12300 358.59 14760 430.31 15744 459.00 800 17712 516.38
4 12.5664 55.9776 1.6320 795 5598 163.20 8397 244.80 11196 326.40 13994 408.00 16793 489.60 17913 522.24 705 20152 587.52
4 1/4 14.1863 63.1935 1.8424 705 6319 184.24 9479 276.36 12639 368.48 15798 460.59 18958 552.71 20222 589.56 625 22750 663.26
2 3.1416 13.9944 0.4080 3180 1399 40.80 2099 61.20 2799 81.60 3499 102.00 4198 122.40 4478 130.56 2800 5038 146.88
2 1/4 3.9761 17.7117 0.5164 2520 1771 51.64 2657 77.46 3542 103.28 4428 129.09 5313 154.91 5668 165.24 2220 6376 185.90
2 1/2 4.9088 21.8663 0.6375 2040 2187 63.75 3280 95.63 4373 127.50 5467 159.38 6560 191.25 6997 204.00 1800 7872 229.50
2 3/4 5.9396 26.4582 0.7714 1680 2646 77.14 3969 115.71 5292 154.28 6615 192.84 7937 231.41 8467 246.84 1480 9525 277.70
3 7.0686 31.4874 0.9180 1420 3149 91.80 4723 137.70 6297 183.60 7872 229.50 9446 275.40 10076 293.76 1250 11335 330.48
Brake Horsepower Required: 84 126 168 210 250 267 267

Metric Units
Plunger Plunger M3/D L/Min Max. 100 RPM* 150 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 320 RPM** Max. 360 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press. Pres.
mm Sq. cm. RPM RPM kPa M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. kPa M3/D GPM
76 45.6040 5.0062 3.4746 9791 501 347.46 751 521.19 1001 694.93 1252 868.66 1502 1042.39 1602 1111.88 8619 1802 1250.87
83 53.5213 5.8753 4.0779 8274 588 407.79 881 611.68 1175 815.57 1469 1019.47 1763 1223.36 1880 1304.92 7308 2115 1468.03
89 62.0721 6.8140 4.7294 7171 681 472.94 1022 709.40 1363 945.87 1703 1182.34 2044 1418.81 2180 1513.39 6343 2453 1702.57
95 71.2562 7.8222 5.4291 6240 782 542.91 1173 814.37 1564 1085.82 1956 1357.28 2347 1628.73 2503 1737.32 5516 2816 1954.48
102 81.0737 8.8999 6.1771 5481 890 617.71 1335 926.57 1780 1235.42 2225 1544.28 2670 1853.14 2848 1976.68 4861 3204 2223.76
108 91.5246 10.0471 6.9734 4861 1005 697.34 1507 1046.01 2009 1394.68 2512 1743.35 3014 2092.02 3215 2231.48 4309 3617 2510.42
51 20.2684 2.2250 1.5443 21925 222 154.43 334 231.64 445 308.86 556 386.07 667 463.28 712 494.17 19305 801 555.94
57 25.6522 2.8160 1.9545 17374 282 195.45 422 293.17 563 390.90 704 488.62 845 586.34 901 625.43 15306 1014 703.61
64 31.6694 3.4765 2.4129 14065 348 241.29 521 361.94 695 482.59 869 603.23 1043 723.88 1112 772.14 12411 1252 868.66
70 38.3200 4.2066 2.9197 11583 421 291.97 631 437.95 841 583.93 1052 729.91 1262 875.90 1346 934.29 10204 1514 1051.08
76 45.6040 5.0062 3.4746 9791 501 347.46 751 521.19 1001 694.93 1252 868.66 1502 1042.39 1602 1111.88 8618 1802 1250.87
Kilowatts Required: 63 94 126 157 188 201 201

* For operations below 100 RPM an auxiliary lubrication system is required.

** Pump speeds is excess of 320 RPM require specific approval of the manufacturer. Viscosity, temperature, velocities,
and other fluid properties of characteristics combined with the inherent mechanical efficiencies of pumps may result in
less than optimum operation. We have applied this conservatism to assure you of total performance.
Volume is based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Brake horsepower is based on 90% mechanical efficiency.

National Oilwell is a leading manufacturer Copyright 1999 by National Oilwell, L.P. All Rights
of reciprocating plunger pumps, Mission Reserved. NATIONAL OILWELL, NATIONAL, and OILWELL
are registered trademarks of NATIONAL OILWELL, L.P.
centrifugal pumps, and Fluid King fluid Houston, Texas, USA. All other trademarks used are
end replacement parts. We also offer a registered to their respective companies. The information and
Sales/Technical Information: complete set of solutions to your fluid data in this brochure, including but not limited to pictures,
photographs, charts, diagrams, drawings, lists, written
transfer challenges. comments, and specifications, are accurate to the best of our
USA Tollfree: 1 (800) 800-4110
knowledge and belief, but are intended for general information
For more information, contact National only. Applications suggested for the materials and other
Internet: Oilwell directly at the Headquarters in information are described only to help readers make their
Houston, Texas. All National Oilwell own evaluations and decisions, and are neither guarantees
nor are they to be construed as express or implied warranties
products are available throughout the U.S. of suitability for these or other applications. National Oilwell
and around the world from service centers, makes no warranty, either express or implied, beyond that
authorized distributors, and representatives. stipulated in National Oilwells Standard Terms and
Conditions of Sale which are available upon request.
Formerly B-358-D & B-368-D

Triplex Plunger Pump 300TP-8 _

Rated input horsepower
"T" Triplex
"P" Internal Pinion
Stroke length (in.)
Fluid end pressure ranges
"L" Low, "M" Medium, "H" High, "V" Very High

This 8" stroke pump is

designed for a variety of
fluid transfer applications
operating at low, medium
or high pressures. Performance Data >

Field Connections in. (mm) Dimensions

Pump Model Discharge Connection Size Suction Connection Size Pump Type Length Width Height
300TP-8L 6 (152.4) ANSI-600 L.R. 8 (203.2) ANSI-150 F.F. 300TP-8L 87-3/8" 58-3/8" 49-1/4"
300TP-8M 4 (101.6) ANSI-900 L.R. 6 (152.4) ANSI-150 F.F. 300TP-8M 85-7/8" 58-3/8" 49-1/4"
300TP-8H 4 (101.6) ANSI-1500 L.R. 6 (152.4) ANSI-150 F.F. 300TP-8H 85-7/8" 58-3/8" 49-1/4"
300TP-8V 3 (76.2) ANSI-2500 RTJ 6 (152.4) ANSI-150 F.F. 300TP-8V 85-7/8" 58-3/8" 49-1/4"

Pump Specifications Standard Equipment

Aluminum Bronze Fluid End
Pump Size (Max. Plunger Diameter x Stroke) in. (mm) ...6-1/2 x 8 (165.1 x 203.2)
Aluminum Bronze Valve Covers
Rated BHP At 225 RPM (Kw) .............................................................300 (223.88) Aluminum Bronze or Stainless Steel Stuffing Boxes
Rated Plunger Load (Kg) .................................................................20,000 (9,072) Bronze Stuffing Box Internals
Ceramic or Tungsten Carbide Plungers
Maximum Working Pressure: PSI (kPa) General Service Plunger Packing
Stainless Steel Intermediate Rods
L Model Discharge Pressure ...............................................................925 (6,378)
Fluid King Spherical Valves
M Model Discharge Pressure.........................................................1,590 (10,963) Oil Level Dipstick
H Model Discharge Pressure ........................................................ 2,410 (16,616) Crankcase Breather
V Model Discharge Pressure ........................................................ 3,690 (25,441)
Optional Equipment
Pinion Shaft Extension, if gear unit supplied (mm) Alternate Fluid End Materials
Alternate Fluid End Valve Styles
Diameter ...........................................................................................4.495 (114.17)
Custom Designs For Specialized Applications
Length ...............................................................................................9-7/8 (250.83)
Keyway (Width x Depth) .........................................................1 x 1/2 (25.4 x 12.7) Accessories
Internal Pinion Gear:
4.07:1 Ratio (Standard) 2.02:1 Ratio (Optional)
Oil Capacity: Gallons (L) 3.28:1 Ratio (Optional) 5.23:1 Ratio (Optional)
Crankcase ...............................................................................................22 (83.28)
Packing Lubricator
Pulsation Dampeners
Weight: Pump Only On Wood Shipping Skids - Lbs. (Kg) .................8,725 (3,966) Relief Valves
Valve Service Kit
Complete Unitization Services

Quick Maintenance Features

Horizontal Design
Large Power End Access Covers And Doors
Outside Access For Bearing Adjustment
Separate Crosshead/Plunger Construction
Open Cradle Frame
Removable Stuffing Boxes
Interchangeable Valves

< Return To Specs
Continuous Duty Performance Data (Volumes Indicated Are Displacement of Incompressible Fluid)
English Units
Plunger Plunger BPD GPM Max. 100 RPM* 125 RPM 150 RPM 175 RPM 200 RPM 225 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
5 1/4 21.6476 77.1441 2.2491 925 7714 224.91 9643 281.14 11572 337.37 13500 393.59 15429 449.82 17357 506.05
5 1/2 23.7584 84.6661 2.4684 840 8467 246.84 10583 308.55 12700 370.26 14817 431.97 16933 493.68 19050 555.39
5 3/4 25.9673 92.5380 2.6979 770 9254 269.79 11567 337.24 13881 404.69 16194 472.13 18508 539.58 20821 607.03
6 28.2744 100.7597 2.9376 710 10076 293.76 12595 367.20 15114 440.64 17633 514.08 20152 587.52 22671 660.96
6 1/4 30.6797 109.3313 3.1875 650 10933 318.75 13666 398.44 16400 478.13 19133 557.81 21866 637.50 24600 717.19
6 1/2 33.1832 118.2527 3.4476 600 11825 344.76 14782 430.95 17738 517.14 20694 603.33 23651 689.52 26607 775.71
4 12.5664 44.7821 1.3056 1590 4478 130.56 5598 163.20 6717 195.84 7837 228.48 8956 261.12 10076 293.76
4 1/4 14.1863 50.5548 1.4739 1410 5055 147.39 6319 184.24 7583 221.09 8847 257.93 10111 294.78 11375 331.63
4 1/2 15.9044 56.6773 1.6524 1260 5668 165.24 7085 206.55 8502 247.86 9919 289.17 11335 330.48 12752 371.79
4 3/4 17.7206 63.1497 1.8411 1130 6315 184.11 7894 230.14 9472 276.17 11051 322.19 12630 368.22 14209 414.25
5 19.6350 69.9720 2.0400 1020 6997 204.00 8747 255.00 10496 306.00 12245 357.00 13994 408.00 15744 459.00
3 1/4 8.2958 29.5632 0.8619 2410 2956 86.19 3695 107.74 4434 129.29 5174 150.83 5913 172.38 6652 193.93
3 1/2 9.6212 34.2863 0.9996 2080 3429 99.96 4286 124.95 5143 149.94 6000 174.93 6857 199.92 7714 224.91
3 3/4 11.0447 39.3593 1.1475 1810 3936 114.75 4920 143.44 5904 172.13 6888 200.81 7872 229.50 8856 258.19
4 12.5664 44.7821 1.3056 1590 4478 130.56 5598 163.20 6717 195.84 7837 228.48 8956 261.12 10076 293.76
4 1/4 14.1863 50.5548 1.4739 1410 5055 147.39 6319 184.24 7583 221.09 8847 257.93 10111 294.78 11375 331.63
2 3/4 5.9396 21.1665 0.6171 3370 2117 61.71 2646 77.14 3175 92.57 3704 107.99 4233 123.42 4762 138.85
3 7.0686 25.1899 0.7344 2830 2519 73.44 3149 91.80 3778 110.16 4408 128.52 5038 146.88 5668 165.24
Brake Horsepower Required: 133 166 200 233 266 300

Metric Units
Plunger Plunger M3/D L/Min Max. 100 RPM* 125 RPM 150 RPM 175 RPM 200 RPM 225 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
mm Sq. cm. RPM RPM kPa M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min.
133 139.6621 12.2651 8.5128 6378 1227 851.28 1533 1064.11 1840 1276.93 2146 1489.75 2453 1702.57 2760 1915.39
140 153.2800 13.4611 9.3429 5791 1346 934.29 1683 1167.86 2019 1401.43 2356 1635.01 2692 1868.58 3029 2102.15
146 167.5312 14.7126 10.2116 5309 1471 1021.16 1839 1276.44 2207 1531.73 2575 1787.02 2943 2042.31 3310 2297.60
152 182.4159 16.0198 11.1188 4895 1602 1111.88 2002 1389.85 2403 1667.82 2803 1945.79 3204 2223.76 3604 2501.73
159 197.9339 17.3826 12.0647 4481 1738 1206.47 2173 1508.09 2607 1809.70 3042 2111.32 3477 2412.94 3911 2714.55
165 214.0853 18.8010 13.0492 4137 1880 1304.92 2350 1631.15 2820 1957.37 3290 2283.60 3760 2609.83 4230 2936.06
102 81.0737 7.1199 4.9417 10963 712 494.17 890 617.71 1068 741.25 1246 864.80 1424 988.34 1602 1111.88
108 91.5246 8.0377 5.5787 9722 804 557.87 1005 697.34 1206 836.81 1407 976.27 1608 1115.74 1808 1255.21
114 102.6089 9.0111 6.2543 8687 901 625.43 1126 781.79 1352 938.15 1577 1094.51 1802 1250.87 2028 1407.23
121 114.3266 10.0402 6.9686 7791 1004 696.86 1255 871.07 1506 1045.28 1757 1219.50 2008 1393.71 2259 1567.93
127 126.6777 11.1248 7.7214 7033 1112 772.14 1391 965.18 1669 1158.21 1947 1351.25 2225 1544.28 2503 1737.32
83 53.5213 4.7002 3.2623 16616 470 326.23 588 407.79 705 489.34 823 570.90 940 652.46 1058 734.02
89 62.0721 5.4512 3.7835 14341 545 378.35 681 472.94 818 567.52 954 662.11 1090 756.70 1227 851.28
95 71.2562 6.2577 4.3433 12480 626 434.33 782 542.91 939 651.49 1095 760.08 1252 868.66 1408 977.24
102 81.0737 7.1199 4.9417 10963 712 494.17 890 617.71 1068 741.25 1246 864.80 1424 988.34 1602 1111.88
108 91.5246 8.0377 5.5787 9722 804 557.87 1005 697.34 1206 836.81 1407 976.27 1608 1115.74 1808 1255.21
70 38.3200 3.3653 2.3357 23235 337 233.57 421 291.97 505 350.36 589 408.75 673 467.14 757 525.54
76 45.6040 4.0049 2.7797 19512 400 277.97 501 347.46 601 416.96 701 486.45 801 555.94 901 625.43
Kilowatts Required: 100 126 151 176 201 226
* For operations below 50 RPM an auxiliary lubrication system is required. Volume is based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Brake horsepower is based on 90% mechanical efficiency.

National Oilwell is a leading manufacturer Copyright 1999 by National Oilwell, L.P. All Rights
of reciprocating plunger pumps, Mission Reserved. NATIONAL OILWELL, NATIONAL, and OILWELL
are registered trademarks of NATIONAL OILWELL, L.P.
centrifugal pumps, and Fluid King fluid Houston, Texas, USA. All other trademarks used are
end replacement parts. We also offer a registered to their respective companies. The information and
Sales/Technical Information: complete set of solutions to your fluid data in this brochure, including but not limited to pictures,
photographs, charts, diagrams, drawings, lists, written
transfer challenges. comments, and specifications, are accurate to the best of our
USA Tollfree: 1 (800) 800-4110
knowledge and belief, but are intended for general information
For more information, contact National only. Applications suggested for the materials and other
Internet: Oilwell directly at the Headquarters in information are described only to help readers make their
Houston, Texas. All National Oilwell own evaluations and decisions, and are neither guarantees
nor are they to be construed as express or implied warranties
products are available throughout the U.S. of suitability for these or other applications. National Oilwell
and around the world from service centers, makes no warranty, either express or implied, beyond that
authorized distributors, and representatives. stipulated in National Oilwells Standard Terms and
Conditions of Sale which are available upon request.
Formerly J-275

Quintuplex Plunger Pump 300Q-5_

Rated input horsepower
"Q" Quintuplex
Stroke length (in.)
Fluid end pressure ranges
"L" Low, "M" Medium, "H" High

This 5" stroke pump is

designed for a variety of
fluid transfer applications
operating at low, medium
or high pressures.
Performance Data >

Field Connections in. (mm) Dimensions

Pump Model Discharge Connection Size Suction Connection Size Pump Type Length Width Height
300Q-5L 4 (101.6) API-2000# RTJ 8 (203.2) API# 150 F.F. 300Q-5L 67-1/8" 70-1/2" 23-3/16"
300Q-5M 3 (76.2) NSD-5000 RTJ 6 (152.4) NSD-600 RTJ 300Q-5M 64-1/4" 70-1/2" 23-3/16"
300Q-5H 2 (50.8) ANSI-2500# RTJ 6 (152.4) ANSI-600 RTJ 300Q-5H 64-1/4" 70-1/2" 23-3/16"

Pump Specifications Standard Equipment

Aluminum Bronze Fluid End
Pump Size (Max. Plunger Diameter x Stroke) in. (mm)..................4 x 5 (102x127)
Aluminum Bronze Valve Covers
Rated BHP At 400 RPM (Kw) ..................................................................300 (224) Aluminum Bronze or Stainless Steel Stuffing Boxes
Rated Plunger Load (Kg) ..............................................................10,700 (4,853.5) Bronze Stuffing Box Internals
Ceramic or Tungsten Carbide Plungers
Maximum Working Pressure: PSI (kPa) General Service or Kevlar Plunger Packing
Stainless Steel Intermediate Rods
L Model Discharge Pressure ..........................................................1,650 (11,375)
Fluid King Spherical Valves
M Model Discharge Pressure.........................................................3,000 (20,682) Double Extended Crankshaft
H Model Discharge Pressure .........................................................5,000 (34,473) Oil Level Dipstick
Crankcase Breather
Crankshaft Extension: in. (mm)
Optional Equipment
Diameter..............................................................................................4-7/8 (123.8)
Alternate Fluid End Materials
Length (long side).......................................................................................12 (305)
Alternate Fluid End Valve Styles
Length (short side) .................................................................................6-1/2 (165) Custom Designs For Specialized Applications
Keyway (Width x Depth).........................................................1-1/4 x 5/8 (32 x 16)
Pinion Shaft Extension, if gear unit supplied (mm) Bolt On Style Gear Reducers
For Belt Or Chain Drive: Diameter ........................................................3-1/2 (88.9) 2.27:1 Ratio 2.89:1 Ratio
3.25:1 Ratio 4.38:1 Ratio
Length ................................................................................................5-11/16 (145)
4.84:1 Ratio 5.63:1 Ratio
Keyway (Width x Depth) ....................................................7/8 x 7/16 (22.2 x 11.1)
Packing Lubricator
Oil Capacity: Gallons (L) Pulsation Dampeners
Crankcase .................................................................................................12 (45.5) Relief Valves
Valve Service Kit
Gear Unit (Varies with Ratio) .................................................3.5 to 6.5 (13.2:24.6)
Complete Unitization Services

Weight: Pump Only On Wood Shipping Skids - Lbs. (Kg) ..................7,000 (3175) Quick Maintenance Features:
Gear Unit - Lbs. (Kg) .............................................................................1,100 (499) Horizontal Design
Large Power End Covers
Easy Access To Bearings
Separate Crosshead/Plunger Construction
Open Frame Construction
Removable Stuffing Boxes
Interchangeable Valves

< Return To Specs
Continuous Duty Performance Data (Volumes Indicated Are Displacement of Incompressible Fluid)

English Units
Plunger Plunger BPD GPM Max. 100 RPM* 150 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
2 3/4 5.9396 22.0485 0.6428 1650 2205 64.28 3307 96.42 4410 128.56 5512 160.70 6615 192.84 7717 224.98 8819 257.13
3 7.0686 26.2395 0.7650 1510 2624 76.50 3936 114.75 5248 153.00 6560 191.25 7872 229.50 9184 267.75 10496 306.00
3 1/4 8.2958 30.7950 0.8978 1290 3079 89.78 4619 134.67 6159 179.56 7699 224.45 9238 269.34 10778 314.23 12318 359.13
3 1/2 9.6212 35.7149 1.0413 1110 3571 104.13 5357 156.19 7143 208.25 8929 260.31 10714 312.38 12500 364.44 14286 416.50
3 3/4 11.0447 40.9992 1.1953 970 4100 119.53 6150 179.30 8200 239.06 10250 298.83 12300 358.59 14350 418.36 16400 478.13
4 12.5664 46.6480 1.3600 850 4665 136.00 6997 204.00 9330 272.00 11662 340.00 13994 408.00 16327 476.00 n/a n/a
2 3.1416 11.6620 0.3400 3400 1166 34.00 1749 51.00 2332 68.00 2916 85.00 3499 102.00 4082 119.00 4665 136.00
2 1/4 3.9761 14.7597 0.4303 2690 1476 43.03 2214 64.55 2952 86.06 3690 107.58 4428 129.09 5166 150.61 5904 172.13
2 1/2 4.9088 18.2219 0.5313 2185 1822 53.13 2733 79.69 3644 106.25 4555 132.81 5467 159.38 6378 185.94 7289 212.50
2 3/4 5.9396 22.0485 0.6428 1800 2205 64.28 3307 96.42 4410 128.56 5512 160.70 6615 192.84 7717 224.98 8819 257.13
1 1/2 1.7672 6.5599 0.1913 5000 656 19.13 984 28.69 1312 38.25 1640 47.81 1968 57.38 2296 66.94 2624 76.50
1 3/4 2.4053 8.9287 0.2603 4450 893 26.03 1339 39.05 1786 52.06 2232 65.08 2679 78.09 3125 91.11 3571 104.13
2 3.1416 11.6620 0.3400 3400 1166 34.00 1749 51.00 2332 68.00 2916 85.00 3499 102.00 4082 119.00 4665 136.00
Brake Horsepower Required: 75 112 150 188 225 263 300

Metric Units
Plunger Plunger M3/D L/Min Max. 100 RPM* 150 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
mm Sq. cm. RPM RPM kPa M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D GPM
70 38.3200 3.5055 2.4330 11375 351 243.30 526 364.96 701 486.61 876 608.26 1052 729.91 1227 851.57 1402 973.22
76 45.6040 4.1718 2.8955 10410 417 289.55 626 434.33 834 579.11 1043 723.88 1252 868.66 1460 1013.43 1669 1158.21
83 53.5213 4.8961 3.3982 8893 490 339.82 734 509.73 979 679.64 1224 849.56 1469 1019.47 1714 1189.38 1958 1359.29
89 62.0721 5.6783 3.9411 7652 568 394.11 852 591.17 1136 788.23 1420 985.28 1703 1182.34 1987 1379.40 2271 1576.45
95 71.2562 6.5185 4.5243 6687 652 452.43 978 678.64 1304 904.85 1630 1131.06 1956 1357.28 2281 1583.49 2607 1809.70
102 81.0737 7.4166 5.1476 5860 742 514.76 1112 772.14 1483 1029.52 1854 1286.90 2225 1544.28 2596 1801.66 n/a n/a
51 20.2684 1.8541 1.2869 20682 185 128.69 278 193.04 371 257.38 464 321.73 556 386.07 649 450.42 742 514.76
57 25.6522 2.3466 1.6287 18545 235 162.87 352 244.31 469 325.75 587 407.18 704 488.62 821 570.06 939 651.49
64 31.6694 2.8971 2.0108 15063 290 201.08 435 301.62 579 402.16 724 502.70 869 603.23 1014 703.77 1159 804.31
70 38.3200 3.5055 2.4330 12409 351 243.30 526 364.96 701 486.61 876 608.26 1052 729.91 1227 851.57 1402 973.22
38 11.4010 1.0430 0.7239 34470 104 72.39 156 108.58 209 144.78 261 180.97 313 217.16 365 253.36 417 289.55
44 15.5180 1.4196 0.9853 30678 142 98.53 213 147.79 284 197.06 355 246.32 426 295.58 497 344.85 568 394.11
51 20.2684 1.8541 1.2869 23440 185 128.69 278 193.04 371 257.38 464 321.73 556 386.07 649 450.42 742 514.76
Kilowatts Required: 56 84 112 140 168 196 224

* For operations below 100 RPM an auxiliary lubrication system is required.

Volume is based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Brake horsepower is based on 90% mechanical efficiency.

National Oilwell is a leading manufacturer Copyright 1999 by National Oilwell, L.P. All Rights
of reciprocating plunger pumps, Mission Reserved. NATIONAL OILWELL, NATIONAL, and OILWELL
are registered trademarks of NATIONAL OILWELL, L.P.
centrifugal pumps, and Fluid King fluid Houston, Texas, USA. All other trademarks used are
end replacement parts. We also offer a registered to their respective companies. The information and
Sales/Technical Information: complete set of solutions to your fluid data in this brochure, including but not limited to pictures,
photographs, charts, diagrams, drawings, lists, written
transfer challenges. comments, and specifications, are accurate to the best of our
USA Tollfree: 1 (800) 800-4110
knowledge and belief, but are intended for general information
For more information, contact National only. Applications suggested for the materials and other
Internet: Oilwell directly at the Headquarters in information are described only to help readers make their
Houston, Texas. All National Oilwell own evaluations and decisions, and are neither guarantees
nor are they to be construed as express or implied warranties
products are available throughout the U.S. of suitability for these or other applications. National Oilwell
and around the world from service centers, makes no warranty, either express or implied, beyond that
authorized distributors, and representatives. stipulated in National Oilwells Standard Terms and
Conditions of Sale which are available upon request.
Formerly J-375

Triplex Plunger Pump 375T-7 _

Rated input horsepower
"T" Triplex
Stroke length (in.)
Fluid end pressure ranges
"L" Low, "M" Medium, "H" High

This 7" stroke pump is

designed for a variety of
fluid transfer applications
operating at low, medium
or high pressures.
Performance Data >

Field Connections in. (mm) Dimensions

Pump Model Discharge Connection Size Suction Connection Size Pump Type Length Width Height
375T-7L 6 (152.4) API-2000# RTJ 10 (254) ANSI-150 F.F. 375T-7L 87-1/4" 79-11/16" 29"
375T-7M 4 (101.6) ANSI-1500 RTJ 6 (152.4) ANSI-300 F.F. 375T-7M 88-1/2" 79-11/16" 29"
375T-7H 3 (76.2) ANSI-2500 RTJ 6 (152.4) ANSI-300 F.F. 375T-7H 100" 79-11/16" 29"

Pump Specifications Standard Equipment

Aluminum Bronze Fluid End
Pump Size (Max. Plunger Diameter x Stroke) in. (mm) ...............5 x 7 (127 x 178)
Aluminum Bronze Valve Covers
Rated BHP At 286 RPM (Kw) ..................................................................375 (280) Aluminum Bronze or Stainless Steel Stuffing Boxes
Rated Plunger Load (Kg) ...............................................................22,200 (10,070) Bronze Stuffing Box Internals
Ceramic or Tungsten Carbide Plungers
Maximum Working Pressure: PSI (kPa) General Service or Kevlar Plunger Packing
Stainless Steel Intermediate Rods
"L" Model Discharge Pressure ........................................................ 1,550 (10,686)
Fluid King Spherical Valves
"M" Model Discharge Pressure ....................................................... 3,150 (21,716) Double Extended Crankshaft
"H" Model Discharge Pressure........................................................ 5,000 (34,473) Oil Level Dipstick
Crankcase Breather
Crankshaft Extension: in. (mm)
Optional Equipment
Diameter ....................................................................................................6 (152.4)
Alternate Fluid End Materials
Length .............................................................................................10-3/16 (258.9)
Alternate Fluid End Valve Styles
Keyway (Width x Depth)....................................................1-1/2 x 3/4 (38.1 x 19.0) Custom Designs For Specialized Applications

Oil Capacity: Gallons: (L) Accessories

Crankcase .................................................................................................22 (83.6) Packing Lubricator
Pulsation Dampeners
Relief Valves
Weight: Pump Only On Wood Shipping Skids - Lbs. (Kg) ...............10,500 (4,763)
Valve Service Kit
Complete Unitization Services

Quick Maintenance Features

Horizontal Design
Large Power End Covers
Easy Bearing Access
Separate Crosshead/Plunger Construction
Open Frame Construction
Removable Stuffing Boxes

< Return To Specs
Continuous Duty Performance Data (Volumes Indicated Are Displacement of Incompressible Fluid)

English Units
Plunger Plunger BPD GPM Max. 100 RPM* 150 RPM 200 RPM 225 RPM 250 RPM 275 RPM 286 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
4 1/4 14.1863 44.2354 1.2897 1550 4424 128.97 6635 193.45 8847 257.93 9953 290.17 11059 322.42 12165 354.66 12651 368.84
4 1/2 15.9044 49.5927 1.4459 1399 4959 144.59 7439 216.88 9919 289.17 11158 325.32 12398 361.46 13638 397.61 14183 413.51
4 3/4 17.7206 55.2560 1.6110 1256 5526 161.10 8288 241.64 11051 322.19 12433 362.47 13814 402.74 15195 443.01 15803 460.74
5 19.6350 61.2255 1.7850 1133 6123 178.50 9184 267.75 12245 357.00 13776 401.63 15306 446.25 16837 490.88 17510 510.51
3 7.0686 22.0412 0.6426 3150 2204 64.26 3306 96.39 4408 128.52 4959 144.59 5510 160.65 6061 176.72 6304 183.78
3 1/4 8.2958 25.8678 0.7542 2682 2587 75.42 3880 113.12 5174 150.83 5820 169.69 6467 188.54 7114 207.39 7398 215.69
3 1/2 9.6212 30.0005 0.8747 2313 3000 87.47 4500 131.20 6000 174.93 6750 196.80 7500 218.66 8250 240.53 8580 250.15
3 3/4 11.0447 34.4393 1.0041 2015 3444 100.41 5166 150.61 6888 200.81 7749 225.91 8610 251.02 9471 276.12 9850 287.16
4 12.5664 39.1843 1.1424 1771 3918 114.24 5878 171.36 7837 228.48 8816 257.04 9796 285.60 10776 314.16 11207 326.73
2 1/2 4.9088 15.3064 0.4463 4533 1531 44.63 2296 66.94 3061 89.25 3444 100.41 3827 111.56 4209 122.72 4378 127.63
2 3/4 5.9396 18.5207 0.5400 3747 1852 54.00 2778 80.99 3704 107.99 4167 121.49 4630 134.99 5093 148.49 5297 154.43
3 7.0686 22.0412 0.6426 3150 2204 64.26 3306 96.39 4408 128.52 4959 144.59 5510 160.65 6061 176.72 6304 183.78
Brake Horsepower Required: 131 197 262 295 328 361 375

Metric Units
Plunger Plunger M3/D L/Min Max. 100 RPM* 150 RPM 200 RPM 225 RPM 250 RPM 275 RPM 286 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
mm Sq. cm. RPM RPM kPa M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min.
108 91.5246 7.0330 4.8814 10686 703 488.14 1055 732.21 1407 976.27 1582 1098.31 1758 1220.34 1934 1342.38 2011 1396.07
114 102.6089 7.8847 5.4725 9646 788 547.25 1183 820.88 1577 1094.51 1774 1231.32 1971 1368.14 2168 1504.95 2255 1565.15
121 114.3266 8.7852 6.0975 8657 879 609.75 1318 914.62 1757 1219.50 1977 1371.94 2196 1524.37 2416 1676.81 2513 1743.88
127 126.6777 9.7342 6.7562 7813 973 675.62 1460 1013.43 1947 1351.25 2190 1520.15 2434 1689.06 2677 1857.96 2784 1932.28
76 45.6040 3.5043 2.4322 21716 350 243.22 526 364.84 701 486.45 788 547.25 876 608.06 964 668.87 1002 695.62
83 53.5213 4.1127 2.8545 18493 411 285.45 617 428.18 823 570.90 925 642.26 1028 713.63 1131 784.99 1176 816.39
89 62.0721 4.7698 3.3106 15945 477 331.06 715 496.58 954 662.11 1073 744.87 1192 827.64 1312 910.40 1364 946.82
95 71.2562 5.4755 3.8004 13890 548 380.04 821 570.06 1095 760.08 1232 855.08 1369 950.09 1506 1045.10 1566 1086.91
102 81.0737 6.2299 4.3240 12208 623 432.40 934 648.60 1246 864.80 1402 972.90 1557 1081.00 1713 1189.10 1782 1236.66
64 31.6694 2.4336 1.6891 31253 243 168.91 365 253.36 487 337.81 548 380.04 608 422.26 669 464.49 696 483.07
70 38.3200 2.9446 2.0438 25829 294 204.38 442 306.56 589 408.75 663 459.85 736 510.94 810 562.03 842 584.51
76 45.6040 3.5043 2.4322 21716 350 243.22 526 364.84 701 486.45 788 547.25 876 608.06 964 668.87 1002 695.62
Kilowatts Required: 98 147 196 220 244 269 280

Volume is based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Brake horsepower is based on 90% mechanical efficiency.

National Oilwell is a leading manufacturer Copyright 1999 by National Oilwell, L.P. All Rights
of reciprocating plunger pumps, Mission Reserved. NATIONAL OILWELL, NATIONAL, and OILWELL
are registered trademarks of NATIONAL OILWELL, L.P.
centrifugal pumps, and Fluid King fluid Houston, Texas, USA. All other trademarks used are
end replacement parts. We also offer a registered to their respective companies. The information and
Sales/Technical Information: complete set of solutions to your fluid data in this brochure, including but not limited to pictures,
photographs, charts, diagrams, drawings, lists, written
transfer challenges. comments, and specifications, are accurate to the best of our
USA Tollfree: 1 (800) 800-4110
knowledge and belief, but are intended for general information
For more information, contact National only. Applications suggested for the materials and other
Internet: Oilwell directly at the Headquarters in information are described only to help readers make their
Houston, Texas. All National Oilwell own evaluations and decisions, and are neither guarantees
nor are they to be construed as express or implied warranties
products are available throughout the U.S. of suitability for these or other applications. National Oilwell
and around the world from service centers, makes no warranty, either express or implied, beyond that
authorized distributors, and representatives. stipulated in National Oilwells Standard Terms and
Conditions of Sale which are available upon request.
Triplex Plunger Pump 430T-7 _
Rated input horsepower
"T" Triplex
Stroke length (in.)
Fluid end pressure ranges
"L" Low, "M" Medium, "H" High

This 7" stroke pump is

designed for a variety of
fluid transfer applications
operating at low, medium
or high pressures.
Performance Data >

Field Connections in. (mm) Dimensions

Pump Model Discharge Connection Size Suction Connection Size Pump Type Length Width Height
430T-7L 6 (152.4) API-2000# RTJ 10 (254) ANSI-150 F.F. 430T-7L 87-1/4" 79-11/16" 29"
430T-7M 4 (101.6) ANSI-1500 RTJ 6 (152.4) ANSI-300 F.F. 430T-7M 88-1/2" 79-11/16" 29"
430T-7H 3 (76.2) ANSI-2500 RTJ 6 (152.4) ANSI-300 F.F. 430T-7H 100" 79-11/16" 29"

Pump Specifications Standard Equipment

Aluminum Bronze Fluid End
Pump Size (Max. Plunger Diameter x Stroke) in. (mm)...............5 x 7 (127 x 178)
Aluminum Bronze Valve Covers
Rated BHP At 300 RPM (Kw)...................................................................430 (321) Aluminum Bronze or Stainless Steel Stuffing Boxes
Rated Plunger Load (Kg)................................................................24,500 (11,136) Bronze Stuffing Box Internals
Ceramic or Tungsten Carbide Plungers
Maximum Working Pressure: PSI (kPa) General Service or Kevlar Plunger Packing
Stainless Steel Intermediate Rods
L Model Discharge Pressure..........................................................1,727 (11,910)
Fluid King Spherical Valves
M Model Discharge Pressure ........................................................3,466 (23,903) Double Extended Crankshaft
H Model Discharge Pressure .........................................................5,000 (34,473) Oil Level Dipstick
Crankcase Breather
Crankshaft Extension: in. (mm)
Optional Equipment
Diameter ....................................................................................................6 (152.4)
Alternate Fluid End Materials
Length .............................................................................................10-3/16 (258.9)
Alternate Fluid End Valve Styles
Keyway (Width x Depth) ...................................................1-1/2 x 3/4 (38.1 x 19.0) Custom Designs For Specialized Applications

Oil Capacity: Gallons: (L) Accessories

Crankcase .................................................................................................22 (83.6) Packing Lubricator
Pulsation Dampeners
Relief Valves
Weight: Pump Only On Wood Shipping Skids - Lbs. (Kg) ..............10,500 (4,763)
Valve Service Kit
Complete Unitization Services

Quick Maintenance Features

Horizontal Design
Large Power End Covers
Easy Bearing Access
Separate Crosshead/Plunger Construction
Open Frame Construction
Removable Stuffing Boxes

Continuous Duty Performance Data (Volumes Indicated Are Displacement of Incompressible Fluid) < Return To Specs

English Units
Plunger Plunger BPD GPM Max. 100 RPM* 150 RPM 200 RPM 225 RPM 250 RPM 275 RPM 300 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
4 1/4 14.1863 44.2354 1.2897 1727 4424 128.97 6635 193.45 8847 257.93 9953 290.17 11059 322.42 12165 354.66 13271 386.90
4 1/2 15.9044 49.5927 1.4459 1540 4959 144.59 7439 216.88 9919 289.17 11158 325.32 12398 361.46 13638 397.61 14878 433.76
4 3/4 17.7206 55.2560 1.6110 1383 5526 161.10 8288 241.64 11051 322.19 12433 362.47 13814 402.74 15195 443.01 16577 483.29
5 19.6350 61.2255 1.7850 1247 6123 178.50 9184 267.75 12245 357.00 13776 401.63 15306 446.25 16837 490.88 18368 535.50
3 7.0686 22.0412 0.6426 3466 2204 64.26 3306 96.39 4408 128.52 4959 144.59 5510 160.65 6061 176.72 6612 192.78
3 1/4 8.2958 25.8678 0.7542 2953 2587 75.42 3880 113.12 5174 150.83 5820 169.69 6467 188.54 7114 207.39 7760 226.25
3 1/2 9.6212 30.0005 0.8747 2546 3000 87.47 4500 131.20 6000 174.93 6750 196.80 7500 218.66 8250 240.53 9000 262.40
3 3/4 11.0447 34.4393 1.0041 2218 3444 100.41 5166 150.61 6888 200.81 7749 225.91 8610 251.02 9471 276.12 10332 301.22
4 12.5664 39.1843 1.1424 1950 3918 114.24 5878 171.36 7837 228.48 8816 257.04 9796 285.60 10776 314.16 11755 342.72
2 1/2 4.9088 15.3064 0.4463 4990 1531 44.63 2296 66.94 3061 89.25 3444 100.41 3827 111.56 4209 122.72 4592 133.88
2 3/4 5.9396 18.5207 0.5400 4125 1852 54.00 2778 80.99 3704 107.99 4167 121.49 4630 134.99 5093 148.49 5556 161.99
3 7.0686 22.0412 0.6426 3466 2204 64.26 3306 96.39 4408 128.52 4959 144.59 5510 160.65 6061 176.72 6612 192.78
Brake Horsepower Required: 144 217 289 325 361 397 430

Metric Units
Plunger Plunger M3/D L/Min Max. 100 RPM* 150 RPM 200 RPM 225 RPM 250 RPM 275 RPM 300 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
mm Sq. cm. RPM RPM kPa M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min.
108 91.5246 7.0330 4.8814 11910 703 488.14 1055 732.21 1407 976.27 1582 1098.31 1758 1220.34 1934 1342.38 2110 1464.41
114 102.6089 7.8847 5.4725 10620 788 547.25 1183 820.88 1577 1094.51 1774 1231.32 1971 1368.14 2168 1504.95 2365 1641.76
121 114.3266 8.7852 6.0975 9538 879 609.75 1318 914.62 1757 1219.50 1977 1371.94 2196 1524.37 2416 1676.81 2636 1829.25
127 126.6777 9.7342 6.7562 8600 973 675.62 1460 1013.43 1947 1351.25 2190 1520.15 2434 1689.06 2677 1857.96 2920 2026.87
76 45.6040 3.5043 2.4322 23903 350 243.22 526 364.84 701 486.45 788 547.25 876 608.06 964 668.87 1051 729.67
83 53.5213 4.1127 2.8545 20366 411 285.45 617 428.18 823 570.90 925 642.26 1028 713.63 1131 784.99 1234 856.35
89 62.0721 4.7698 3.3106 17559 477 331.06 715 496.58 954 662.11 1073 744.87 1192 827.64 1312 910.40 1431 993.17
95 71.2562 5.4755 3.8004 15297 548 380.04 821 570.06 1095 760.08 1232 855.08 1369 950.09 1506 1045.10 1643 1140.11
102 81.0737 6.2299 4.3240 13448 623 432.40 934 648.60 1246 864.80 1402 972.90 1557 1081.00 1713 1189.10 1869 1297.20
64 31.6694 2.4336 1.6891 34414 243 168.91 365 253.36 487 337.81 548 380.04 608 422.26 669 464.49 730 506.72
70 38.3200 2.9446 2.0438 28448 294 204.38 442 306.56 589 408.75 663 459.85 736 510.94 810 562.03 883 613.13
76 45.6040 3.5043 2.4322 23903 350 243.22 526 364.84 701 486.45 788 547.25 876 608.06 964 668.87 1051 729.67
Kilowatts Required: 107 162 216 242 269 296 321

Volume is based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Brake horsepower is based on 90% mechanical efficiency.

National Oilwell is a leading manufacturer Copyright 1999 by National Oilwell, L.P. All Rights
of reciprocating plunger pumps, Mission Reserved. NATIONAL OILWELL, NATIONAL, and OILWELL
are registered trademarks of NATIONAL OILWELL, L.P.
centrifugal pumps, and Fluid King fluid Houston, Texas, USA. All other trademarks used are
end replacement parts. We also offer a registered to their respective companies. The information and
Sales/Technical Information: complete set of solutions to your fluid data in this brochure, including but not limited to pictures,
photographs, charts, diagrams, drawings, lists, written
transfer challenges. comments, and specifications, are accurate to the best of our
USA Tollfree: 1 (800) 800-4110
knowledge and belief, but are intended for general
For more information, contact National information only. Applications suggested for the materials and
Internet: Oilwell directly at the Headquarters in other information are described only to help readers make
Houston, Texas. All National Oilwell their own evaluations and decisions, and are neither
guarantees nor are they to be construed as express or
products are available throughout the U.S. implied warranties of suitability for these or other applications.
and around the world from service centers, National Oilwell makes no warranty, either express or implied,
authorized distributors, and representatives. beyond that stipulated in National Oilwells Standard Terms
and Conditions of Sale which are available upon request.
Formerly J-625

Quintuplex Plunger Pump 625Q-7_

Rated input horsepower
"Q" Quintuplex
Stroke length (in.)
Fluid end pressure ranges
"L" Low, "M" Medium, "H" High

This 7" stroke pump is

designed for a variety of
fluid transfer applications
operating at low, medium
or high pressures.
Performance Data >

Field Connections in. (mm) Dimensions

Pump Model Discharge Connection Size Suction Connection Size Pump Type Length Width Height
625Q-7L 6 (152.4) API-2000# RTJ 10 (254) ANSI-150 F.F. 625Q-7L 90-5/8" 108-1/2" 29-3/4"
625Q-7M 4 (101.6) ANSI-1500 RTJ 6 (152.4) ANSI-300 F.F. 625Q-7M 87-5/8" 108-1/2" 29-3/4"
625Q-7H 3 (76.2) ANSI-2500 RTJ 6 (152.4) ANSI-300 F.F. 625Q-7H 100-5/8" 108-1/2" 29-3/4"

Pump Specifications Standard Equipment

Aluminum Bronze Fluid End
Pump Size (Max. Plunger Diameter x Stroke) in. (mm) ...............5 x 7 (127 x 178)
Aluminum Bronze Valve Covers
Rated BHP At 286 RPM (Kw) ..................................................................625 (466) Aluminum Bronze or Stainless Steel Stuffing Boxes
Rated Plunger Load (Kg) ...............................................................22,200 (10,070) Bronze Stuffing Box Internals
Maximum Working Pressure: PSI (kPa) Ceramic or Tungsten Carbide Plungers
"L" Model Discharge Pressure .........................................................1,550 (10,686) General Service or Kevlar Plunger Packing
Stainless Steel Intermediate Rods
"M" Model Discharge Pressure ........................................................3,150 (21,716)
Fluid King Spherical Valves
"H" Model Discharge Pressure.........................................................5,000 (34,473) Double Extended Crankshaft
Oil Level Dipstick
Crankshaft Extension: in. (mm) Crankcase Breather
Diameter ....................................................................................................6 (152.4)
Length (Long Side)...............................................................................14-7/8 (378)
Optional Equipment
Length (Short Side)................................................................................7-5/8 (194)
Alternate Fluid End Materials
Keyway (Width x Depth)....................................................1-1/4 x 5/8 (31.8 x 15.9) Alternate Fluid End Valve Styles
Custom Designs For Specialized Applications
Oil Capacity: Gallons: (L)
Crankcase ............................................................................................33-1/2 (127)
Packing Lubricator
Weight: Pump Only On Wood Shipping Skids - Lbs. (Kg) ...............18,000 (8,165)
Pulsation Dampeners
Relief Valves
Valve Service Kit
Complete Unitization Services

Quick Maintenance Features

Horizontal Design
Large Power End Covers
Easy To Access Bearings
Separate Crosshead/Plunger Construction
Open Frame Construction
Removable Stuffing Boxes
Interchangeable Valves

< Return To Specs
Continuous Duty Performance Data (Volumes Indicated Are Displacement of Incompressible Fluid)

English Units
Plunger Plunger BPD GPM Max. 100 RPM* 150 RPM 200 RPM 225 RPM 250 RPM 275 RPM 286 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
4 1/4 14.186 73.7257 2.1494 1550 7373 214.94 11059 322.42 14745 429.89 16588 483.62 18431 537.36 20275 591.10 21086 614.74
4 1/2 15.904 82.6544 2.4098 1400 8265 240.98 12398 361.46 16531 481.95 18597 542.19 20664 602.44 22730 662.68 23639 689.19
4 3/4 17.721 92.0934 2.6849 1250 9209 268.49 13814 402.74 18419 536.99 20721 604.11 23023 671.23 25326 738.36 26339 767.89
5 19.635 102.0425 2.9750 1125 10204 297.50 15306 446.25 20409 595.00 22960 669.38 25511 743.75 28062 818.13 29184 850.85
3 7.069 36.7353 1.0710 3150 3674 107.10 5510 160.65 7347 214.20 8265 240.98 9184 267.75 10102 294.53 10506 306.31
3 1/4 8.296 43.1130 1.2569 2675 4311 125.69 6467 188.54 8623 251.39 9700 282.81 10778 314.23 11856 345.66 12330 359.48
3 1/2 9.621 50.0008 1.4578 2300 5000 145.78 7500 218.66 10000 291.55 11250 327.99 12500 364.44 13750 400.88 14300 416.92
3 3/4 11.045 57.3989 1.6734 2000 5740 167.34 8610 251.02 11480 334.69 12915 376.52 14350 418.36 15785 460.20 16416 478.60
4 12.566 65.3072 1.9040 1775 6531 190.40 9796 285.60 13061 380.80 14694 428.40 16327 476.00 17959 523.60 18678 544.54
2 1/2 4.909 25.5106 0.7438 5000 2551 74.38 3827 111.56 5102 148.75 5740 167.34 6378 185.94 7015 204.53 7296 212.71
2 3/4 5.940 30.8679 0.8999 3750 3087 89.99 4630 134.99 6174 179.99 6945 202.49 7717 224.98 8489 247.48 8828 257.38
3 7.069 36.7353 1.0710 3150 3674 107.10 5510 160.65 7347 214.20 8265 240.98 9184 267.75 10102 294.53 10506 306.31
Brake Horsepower Required: 218 338 437 491 547 600 625

Metric Units
Plunger Plunger M3/D L/Min Max. 100 RPM* 150 RPM 200 RPM 225 RPM 250 RPM 275 RPM 286 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
mm Sq. cm. RPM RPM kPa M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min.
108 91.525 11.7217 8.1356 10687 1172 813.56 1758 1220.34 2344 1627.12 2637 1830.51 2930 2033.91 3223 2237.30 3352 2326.79
114 102.609 13.1412 9.1209 9653 1314 912.09 1971 1368.14 2628 1824.18 2957 2052.20 3285 2280.23 3614 2508.25 3758 2608.58
121 114.327 14.6419 10.1625 8618 1464 1016.25 2196 1524.37 2928 2032.50 3294 2286.56 3660 2540.62 4027 2794.68 4188 2906.47
127 126.678 16.2237 11.2604 7757 1622 1126.04 2434 1689.06 3245 2252.08 3650 2533.58 4056 2815.09 4462 3096.60 4640 3220.47
76 45.604 5.8405 4.0537 21719 584 405.37 876 608.06 1168 810.75 1314 912.09 1460 1013.43 1606 1114.78 1670 1159.37
83 53.521 6.8545 4.7575 18443 685 475.75 1028 713.63 1371 951.50 1542 1070.44 1714 1189.38 1885 1308.31 1960 1360.65
89 62.072 7.9496 5.5176 15858 795 551.76 1192 827.64 1590 1103.52 1789 1241.46 1987 1379.40 2186 1517.34 2274 1578.03
95 71.256 9.1259 6.3340 13790 913 633.40 1369 950.09 1825 1266.79 2053 1425.14 2281 1583.49 2510 1741.84 2610 1811.51
102 81.074 10.3832 7.2066 12238 1038 720.66 1557 1081.00 2077 1441.33 2336 1621.49 2596 1801.66 2855 1981.83 2970 2061.10
64 31.669 4.0559 2.8151 34474 406 281.51 608 422.26 811 563.02 913 633.40 1014 703.77 1115 774.15 1160 805.12
70 38.320 4.9077 3.4063 25855 491 340.63 736 510.94 982 681.25 1104 766.41 1227 851.57 1350 936.72 1404 974.19
76 45.604 5.8405 4.0537 21719 584 405.37 876 608.06 1168 810.75 1314 912.09 1460 1013.43 1606 1114.78 1670 1159.37
Kilowatts Required: 163 252 326 366 408 448 466

* For operations below 100 RPM an auxiliary lube system is required.

Volume is based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Brake horsepower is based on 90% mechanical efficiency.

National Oilwell is a leading manufacturer Copyright 1999 by National Oilwell, L.P. All Rights
of reciprocating plunger pumps, Mission Reserved. NATIONAL OILWELL, NATIONAL, and OILWELL
are registered trademarks of NATIONAL OILWELL, L.P.
centrifugal pumps, and Fluid King fluid Houston, Texas, USA. All other trademarks used are
end replacement parts. We also offer a registered to their respective companies. The information and
Sales/Technical Information: complete set of solutions to your fluid data in this brochure, including but not limited to pictures,
photographs, charts, diagrams, drawings, lists, written
transfer challenges. comments, and specifications, are accurate to the best of our
USA Tollfree: 1 (800) 800-4110
knowledge and belief, but are intended for general information
For more information, contact National only. Applications suggested for the materials and other
Internet: Oilwell directly at the Headquarters in information are described only to help readers make their
Houston, Texas. All National Oilwell own evaluations and decisions, and are neither guarantees
nor are they to be construed as express or implied warranties
products are available throughout the U.S. of suitability for these or other applications. National Oilwell
and around the world from service centers, makes no warranty, either express or implied, beyond that
authorized distributors, and representatives. stipulated in National Oilwells Standard Terms and
Conditions of Sale which are available upon request.
Formerly B-558, C-548

Quintuplex Plunger Pump 630Q-8_

Rated input horsepower
"Q" Quintuplex
Stroke length (in.)
Fluid end pressure ranges
"L" Low, "M" Medium

This 8" stroke pump is designed for a

variety of fluid transfer applications
operating at lo or, medium pressures.

Performance Data >

Field Connections in. (mm) Dimensions

Pump Model Discharge Connection Size Suction Connection Size Pump Type Length Width Height
630Q-8L 4 (101.6) ANSI-900 L.R. 8 (203.2) ANSI-300 F.F. 630Q-8L 93-3/4" 86" 37"
630Q-8M 4 (101.6) ANSI-1500 RTJ 6 (152.4) ANSI-300 F.F. 630Q-8M 87-3/4" 86" 37"

Pump Specifications Standard Equipment

Aluminum Bronze Fluid End
Pump Size (Max. Plunger Diameter x Stroke) in. (mm) .........5-1/2 x 8 (140 x 203)
Aluminum Bronze Valve Covers
Rated BHP At 225 RPM (Kw) ..................................................................630 (471) Aluminum Bronze or Stainless Steel Stuffing Boxes
Rated Plunger Load (Kg) ...............................................................25,000 (11,340) Bronze Stuffing Box Internals
Ceramic or Tungsten Carbide Plungers
Maximum Working Pressure: PSI (kPa) General Service Plunger Packing
Stainless Steel Intermediate Rods
L Model Discharge Pressure ..........................................................1,765 (12,150)
Fluid King Spherical Valves (Some models)
M Model Discharge Pressure.........................................................3,000 (20,684) Double Extended Crankshaft (Some models)
Oil Level Dipstick
Crankshaft Extension, (mm) Crankcase Breather
Diameter..............................................................................................6-1/2 (165.1)
Optional Equipment
Length .................................................................................................9-1/2 (241.3)
Alternate Fluid End Materials
Keyway (Width x Depth)...................................................1-1/2 x 1/2 (38.1 x 12.7)
Alternate Fluid End Valve Styles
External Heat Exchanger
Oil Capacity: Gallons (L) Custom Designs For Specialized Applications
Crankcase ..................................................................................................32 (121)
Weight: Pump Only On Wood Shipping Skids - Lbs. (Kg) ...............16,260 (7,375) Packing Lubricator
Pulsation Dampeners
Relief Valves
Valve Service Kit
Complete Unitization Services

Quick Maintenance Features

Horizontal Design
Large Power End Access Covers And Doors
Outside Access For Bearing Adjustment
Separate Crosshead/Plunger Construction
Open Cradle Frame
Removable Stuffing Boxes
Interchangeable Valves

< Return To Specs
Continuous Duty Performance Data (Volumes Indicated Are Displacement of Incompressible Fluid)

English Units
Plunger Plunger BPD GPM Max. 100 RPM 125 RPM 150 RPM 175 RPM 200 RPM 225 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
4 1/4 14.1863 84.2580 2.4565 1,765 8426 245.65 10532 307.06 12639 368.48 14745 429.89 16852 491.30 18958 552.71
4 1/2 15.9044 94.4622 2.7540 1,575 9446 275.40 11808 344.25 14169 413.10 16531 481.95 18892 550.80 21254 619.65
4 3/4 17.7206 105.2496 3.0685 1,415 10525 306.85 13156 383.56 15787 460.28 18419 536.99 21050 613.70 23681 690.41
5 19.6350 116.6200 3.4000 1,270 11662 340.00 14578 425.00 17493 510.00 20409 595.00 23324 680.00 26240 765.00
5 1/4 21.6476 128.5736 3.7485 1,160 12857 374.85 16072 468.56 19286 562.28 22500 655.99 25715 749.70 28929 843.41
5 1/2 23.7584 141.1102 4.1140 1,050 14111 411.40 17639 514.25 21167 617.10 24694 719.95 28222 822.80 31750 925.65
3 1/4 8.2958 49.2720 1.4365 3,000 4927 143.65 6159 179.56 7391 215.48 8623 251.39 9854 287.30 11086 323.21
3 1/2 9.6212 57.1438 1.6660 2,600 5714 166.60 7143 208.25 8572 249.90 10000 291.55 11429 333.20 12857 374.85
3 3/4 11.0447 65.5988 1.9125 2,260 6560 191.25 8200 239.06 9840 286.88 11480 334.69 13120 382.50 14760 430.31
4 12.5664 74.6368 2.1760 2,000 7464 217.60 9330 272.00 11196 326.40 13061 380.80 14927 435.20 16793 489.60
Brake Horsepower Required: 280 350 420 490 560 630

Metric Units
Plunger Plunger M3/D L/Min Max. 100 RPM 125 RPM 150 RPM 175 RPM 200 RPM 225 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
mm Sq. cm. RPM RPM kPa M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min.
108 91.5246 13.3962 9.2979 12,150 1340 929.79 1675 1162.23 2009 1394.68 2344 1627.12 2679 1859.57 3014 2092.02
114 102.6089 15.0185 10.4239 10,838 1502 1042.39 1877 1302.99 2253 1563.58 2628 1824.18 3004 2084.78 3379 2345.38
121 114.3266 16.7336 11.6143 9,727 1673 1161.43 2092 1451.78 2510 1742.14 2928 2032.50 3347 2322.85 3765 2613.21
127 126.6777 18.5414 12.8690 8,779 1854 1286.90 2318 1608.63 2781 1930.35 3245 2252.08 3708 2573.80 4172 2895.53
133 139.6621 20.4419 14.1881 7,963 2044 1418.81 2555 1773.51 3066 2128.21 3577 2482.91 4088 2837.61 4599 3192.32
140 153.2800 22.4351 15.5715 7,255 2244 1557.15 2804 1946.44 3365 2335.72 3926 2725.01 4487 3114.30 5048 3503.59
83 53.5213 7.8337 5.4372 20,684 783 543.72 979 679.64 1175 815.57 1371 951.50 1567 1087.43 1763 1223.36
89 62.0721 9.0853 6.3058 17,916 909 630.58 1136 788.23 1363 945.87 1590 1103.52 1817 1261.16 2044 1418.81
95 71.2562 10.4295 7.2388 15,607 1043 723.88 1304 904.85 1564 1085.82 1825 1266.79 2086 1447.76 2347 1628.73
102 81.0737 11.8665 8.2362 13,717 1187 823.62 1483 1029.52 1780 1235.42 2077 1441.33 2373 1647.23 2670 1853.14
Kilowatts Required: 209 262 314 366 418 471

* Pumps applied above 400 HP and above 298 Kw. require a lube oil heat exchanger.
Volume is based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Brake horsepower is based on 90% mechanical efficiency.

National Oilwell is a leading manufacturer Copyright 1999 by National Oilwell, L.P. All Rights
of reciprocating plunger pumps, Mission Reserved. NATIONAL OILWELL, NATIONAL, and OILWELL
are registered trademarks of NATIONAL OILWELL, L.P.
centrifugal pumps, and Fluid King fluid Houston, Texas, USA. All other trademarks used are
end replacement parts. We also offer a registered to their respective companies. The information and
Sales/Technical Information: complete set of solutions to your fluid data in this brochure, including but not limited to pictures,
photographs, charts, diagrams, drawings, lists, written
transfer challenges. comments, and specifications, are accurate to the best of our
USA Tollfree: 1 (800) 800-4110
knowledge and belief, but are intended for general information
For more information, contact National only. Applications suggested for the materials and other
Internet: Oilwell directly at the Headquarters in information are described only to help readers make their
Houston, Texas. All National Oilwell own evaluations and decisions, and are neither guarantees
nor are they to be construed as express or implied warranties
products are available throughout the U.S. of suitability for these or other applications. National Oilwell
and around the world from service centers, makes no warranty, either express or implied, beyond that
authorized distributors, and representatives. stipulated in National Oilwells Standard Terms and
Conditions of Sale which are available upon request.
Formerly C-528, C-538, D-548

Quintuplex Plunger Pump 630Q-8_

Rated input horsepower
"Q" Quintuplex
Stroke length (in.)
Fluid end pressure ranges
"H" High, "V" Very High, "U" Ultra High

This 8" stroke pump is

designed for a variety of
fluid transfer applications
operating at high, very high
or ultra high pressures.
Performance Data >

Field Connections in. (mm) Dimensions

Pump Model Discharge Connection Size Suction Connection Size Pump Type Length Width Height
630Q-8H 6 (152.4) ANSI-1500 RTJ 8 (203.2) ANSI-300 F.F. 630Q-8H 102-1/4" 86" 39-1/2"
630Q-8V 4 (101.6) ANSI-2500 RTJ 6 (152.4) ANSI-300 F.F. 630Q-8V 109-13/16" 86" 47-15/16"
630Q-8U 3 (76.2) ANSI-2500 RTJ 6 (152.4) ANSI-300 F.F. 630Q-8U 109" 86" 47-1/8"

Pump Specifications Standard Equipment

Aluminum Bronze Fluid End
Aluminum Bronze Valve Covers
Pump Size (Max. Plunger Diameter x Stroke) in. (mm) ...............5 x 8 (127 x 203) Aluminum Bronze or Stainless Steel Stuffing Boxes
Rated BHP At 225 RPM (Kw) ..................................................................630 (471) Bronze Stuffing Box Internals
Rated Plunger Load (Kg) ...............................................................25,000 (11,340) Ceramic or Tungsten Carbide Plungers
General Service Plunger Packing
Stainless Steel Intermediate Rods
Fluid King Spherical Valves (Some models)
Pump Size (Max. Plunger Diameter x Stroke) in. (mm) ...........3-1/2 x 8 (89 x 203) Double Extended Crankshaft (Some models)
Rated BHP At 225 RPM (Kw) ..................................................................630 (471) Oil Level Dipstick
Rated Plunger Load (Kg) ...............................................................25,000 (11,340) Crankcase Breather

Optional Equipment
Alternate Fluid End Materials
Pump Size (Max. Plunger Diameter x Stroke) in. (mm) ...........2-5/8 x 8 (67 x 203)
Alternate Fluid End Valve Styles
Rated BHP At 225 RPM (Kw) ..................................................................630 (471) External Heat Exchanger
Rated Plunger Load (Kg) ...............................................................25,000 (11,340) Custom Designs For Specialized Applications

Maximum Working Pressure: PSI (kPa) Accessories

H Model Discharge Pressure .........................................................3,500 (24,161) Packing Lubricator
Pulsation Dampeners
V Model Discharge Pressure .........................................................4,000 (27,579)
Relief Valves
U Model Discharge Pressure .........................................................6,000 (41,369) Valve Service Kit
Complete Unitization Services
Crankshaft Extension, (mm)
Diameter..............................................................................................6-1/2 (165.1) Quick Maintenance Features
Length .................................................................................................9-1/2 (241.3) Horizontal Design
Large Power End Access Covers And Doors
Keyway (Width x Depth)...................................................1-1/2 x 1/2 (38.1 x 12.7)
Outside Access For Bearing Adjustment
Separate Crosshead/Plunger Construction
Oil Capacity: Gallons (L) Open Cradle Frame
Crankcase ..................................................................................................32 (121) Removable Stuffing Boxes
Interchangeable Valves
Weight: Pump Only On Wood Shipping Skids - Lbs. (Kg)
630Q-8H ...........................................................................................15,361 (6,968)
630Q-8V ...........................................................................................13,262 (6,016)
630Q-8U ...........................................................................................14,200 (6,441)
< Return To Specs
Continuous Duty Performance Data (Volumes Indicated Are Displacement of Incompressible Fluid)
English Units
Plunger Plunger BPD GPM Max. 100 RPM 125 RPM 150 RPM 175 RPM 200 RPM 225 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
3 7.0686 41.9832 1.2240 3,500 4198 122.40 5248 153.00 6297 183.60 7347 214.20 8397 244.80 9446 275.40
3 1/4 8.2958 49.2720 1.4365 3,000 4927 143.65 6159 179.56 7391 215.48 8623 251.39 9854 287.30 11086 323.2
3 1/2 9.6212 57.1438 1.6660 2,600 5714 166.60 7143 208.25 8572 249.90 10000 291.55 11429 333.20 12857 374.85
3 3/4 11.0447 65.5988 1.9125 2,260 6560 191.25 8200 239.06 9840 286.88 11480 334.69 13120 382.50 14760 430.31
4 12.5664 74.6368 2.1760 2,000 7464 217.60 9330 272.00 11196 326.40 13061 380.80 14927 435.20 16793 489.60
4 1/4 14.1863 84.2580 2.4565 1,765 8426 245.65 10532 307.06 12639 368.48 14745 429.89 16852 491.30 18958 552.71
4 1/2 15.9044 94.4622 2.7540 1,575 9446 275.40 11808 344.25 14169 413.10 16531 481.95 18892 550.80 21254 619.65
4 3/4 17.7206 105.2496 3.0685 1,415 10525 306.85 13156 383.56 15787 460.28 18419 536.99 21050 613.70 23681 690.41
5 19.6350 116.6200 3.4000 1,270 11662 340.00 14578 425.00 17493 510.00 20409 595.00 23324 680.00 26240 765.00
2 1/2 4.9088 29.1550 0.8500 4,000 2916 85.00 3644 106.25 4373 127.50 5102 148.75 5831 170.00 6560 191.25
2 3/4 5.9396 35.2776 1.0285 4,000 3528 102.85 4410 128.56 5292 154.28 6174 179.99 7056 205.70 7937 231.41
3 7.0686 41.9832 1.2240 3,540 4198 122.40 5248 153.00 6297 183.60 7347 214.20 8397 244.80 9446 275.40
3 1/4 8.2958 49.2720 1.4365 3,000 4927 143.65 6159 179.56 7391 215.48 8623 251.39 9854 287.30 11086 323.21
3 1/2 9.6212 57.1438 1.6660 2,570 5714 166.60 7143 208.25 8572 249.90 10000 291.55 11429 333.20 12857 374.85
2 1/4 3.9761 23.6156 0.6885 6,000 2362 68.85 2952 86.06 3542 103.28 4133 120.49 4723 137.70 5313 154.91
2 1/2 4.9088 29.1550 0.8500 5,090 2916 85.00 3644 106.25 4373 127.50 5102 148.75 5831 170.00 6560 191.25
Brake Horsepower Required: 280 350 420 490 560 630

Metric Units
Plunger Plunger M3/D L/Min Max. 100 RPM 125 RPM 150 RPM 175 RPM 200 RPM 225 RPM
Dia. Area Per Per Press.
mm Sq. cm. RPM RPM kPa M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min. M3/D L/Min.
76 45.6040 6.6749 4.6328 24,131 667 463.28 834 579.11 1001 694.93 1168 810.75 1335 926.57 1502 1042.39
83 53.5213 7.8337 5.4372 20,778 783 543.72 979 679.64 1175 815.57 1371 951.50 1567 1087.43 1763 1223.36
89 62.0721 9.0853 6.3058 17,916 909 630.58 1136 788.23 1363 945.87 1590 1103.52 1817 1261.16 2044 1418.81
95 71.2562 10.4295 7.2388 15,607 1043 723.88 1304 904.85 1564 1085.82 1825 1266.79 2086 1447.76 2347 1628.73
102 81.0737 11.8665 8.2362 13,717 1187 823.62 1483 1029.52 1780 1235.42 2077 1441.33 2373 1647.23 2670 1853.14
108 91.5246 13.3962 9.2979 12,150 1340 929.79 1675 1162.23 2009 1394.68 2344 1627.12 2679 1859.57 3014 2092.02
114 102.6089 15.0185 10.4239 10,838 1502 1042.39 1877 1302.99 2253 1563.58 2628 1824.18 3004 2084.78 3379 2345.38
121 114.3266 16.7336 11.6143 9,727 1673 1161.43 2092 1451.78 2510 1742.14 2928 2032.50 3347 2322.85 3765 2613.21
127 126.6777 18.5414 12.8690 8,779 1854 1286.90 2318 1608.63 2781 1930.35 3245 2252.08 3708 2573.80 4172 2895.53
64 31.6694 4.6354 3.2173 27,579 464 321.73 579 402.16 695 482.59 811 563.02 927 643.45 1043 723.88
70 38.3200 5.6088 3.8929 27,579 561 389.29 701 486.61 841 583.93 982 681.25 1122 778.57 1262 875.90
76 45.6040 6.6749 4.6328 24,407 667 463.28 834 579.11 1001 694.93 1168 810.75 1335 926.57 1502 1042.39
83 53.5213 7.8337 5.4372 20,684 783 543.72 979 679.64 1175 815.57 1371 951.50 1567 1087.43 1763 1223.36
89 62.0721 9.0853 6.3058 17,720 909 630.58 1136 788.23 1363 945.87 1590 1103.52 1817 1261.16 2044 1418.81
57 25.6522 3.7546 2.6060 41,369 375 260.60 469 325.75 563 390.90 657 456.05 751 521.19 845 586.34
64 31.6694 4.6354 3.2173 35,094 464 321.73 579 402.16 695 482.59 811 563.02 927 643.45 1043 723.88
Kilowatts Required: 209 262 314 366 418 471
* Pumps applied above 400 HP and above 298 Kw. Require a lube oil heat exchanger. Volume is based on 100% volumetric efficiency. Brake horsepower is based on 90% mechanical efficiency.
For operstions below 75 RPM an auxiliary lubrication system is required.

National Oilwell is a leading manufacturer Copyright 1999 by National Oilwell, L.P. All Rights
of reciprocating plunger pumps, Mission Reserved. NATIONAL OILWELL, NATIONAL, and OILWELL
are registered trademarks of NATIONAL OILWELL, L.P.
centrifugal pumps, and Fluid King fluid Houston, Texas, USA. All other trademarks used are
end replacement parts. We also offer a registered to their respective companies. The information and
Sales/Technical Information: complete set of solutions to your fluid data in this brochure, including but not limited to pictures,
photographs, charts, diagrams, drawings, lists, written
transfer challenges. comments, and specifications, are accurate to the best of our
USA Tollfree: 1 (800) 800-4110
knowledge and belief, but are intended for general information
For more information, contact National only. Applications suggested for the materials and other
Internet: Oilwell directly at the Headquarters in information are described only to help readers make their
Houston, Texas. All National Oilwell own evaluations and decisions, and are neither guarantees
nor are they to be construed as express or implied warranties
products are available throughout the U.S. of suitability for these or other applications. National Oilwell
and around the world from service centers, makes no warranty, either express or implied, beyond that
authorized distributors, and representatives. stipulated in National Oilwells Standard Terms and
Conditions of Sale which are available upon request.

Duty Pumps


Intermittent Duty Pumps

Triplex Intermittent Duty JWS-185
"J" series intermittent duty pump
Rated input horsepower

NATIONAL-OILWELL Intermittent Duty

Pumps are appropriate for high-pressure,
high horsepower, operstions. This includes
applications such as reverse circulation,
well killing, acidizing, cementing, sand
fracturing and horizontal direction drilling.

Performance Data >

Field Connections in. Dimensions

Pump Model Discharge Connection Size Suction Connection Size Pump Type Length Width Height
JWS-185 2-1/16" API-10,000# RTJ 6" Std Pipe JWS-185 68-1/16" 51-7/8" 22-7/8


Forged Steel Fluid End
Pump Size (Max. Plunger Diameter x Stroke) in. (mm)..................4 x 5 (102x127)
Forged Steel Valve Covers
Rated BHP At 450 RPM (Kw) ...............................................................185 (137.9) Pistons & Liners
Maximum Working Pressure: PSI (kPa) ......................................10,000 (68,947.6) Or Plungers & Packing
Stroke Length, in. (mm) ................................................................................5 (127) Stainless Steel Extension Rods
Maximum Speed, rpm........................................................................................450 Slush-Type Valves
Double Extended Crankshaft
Maximum Plunger size, in. (mm) ...............................................................4 (101.6)
Oil Level Dipstick
Maximum Piston size, in. (mm) ...........................................................4-1/2 (114.3) Crankcase Breather

Crankshaft Extension: in. (mm) Accessories

Diameter............................................................................................4-1/8 (104.78) Bolt On Style Gear Reducers
3.22:1 Ratio 3.46:1 Ratio
Length ...............................................................................................8-1/8 (206.38)
4.38:1 Ratio 4.96:1 Ratio
Keyway (Width x Depth) .........................................................1 x 1/2 (25.4 x 12.7)
Plunger Lubricator
Pinion Shaft Extension, if gear unit supplied (mm) Suction Stabilizer
Belt Or Chain Drive: Diameter ...................................................................3 (76.2) Discharge Dampener
Liner Flush System
Length...........................................................6-3/16 (157.16)
Relief Valves
Keyway (Width x Depth) .................3/4 x 3/8 (19.05 x 9.53) Valve Service Kit
Direct Drive: Diameter ...................................................................3 (76.2) Complete Unitization Services
Length...........................................................6-3/16 (157.16)
Keyway (Width x Depth) ..................3/4 x 3/8 (19.05 x 9.53) Quick Maintenance Features
Horizontal Design
Large Power End Covers
Easy Bearing Access
Oil Capacity: Gallons (L) Separate Crosshead/Plunger Construction
Crankcase ......................................................................................................8 (30) Open Frame Construction
Gear Unit (Varies with Ratio) .............................................2.25 to 3.5 (8.52:13.25) Removable Stuffing Boxes

Weight: Pump Only On Wood Shipping Skids - Lbs. (Kg) .................4,000 (1,814)
Gear Unit - Lbs. (Kg) ................................................................................800 (363)

< Return To Specs
JWS-185 Performance Data (Volumes Indicated are Displacement of Incompressible Fluid)
English Units
Plunger/ 25 RPM 50 RPM 100 RPM 200 RPM 225 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM 450 RPM
Piston* Area Gallon
Dia. Inches Per
2 3.1416 0.2040 10,000 5.10 10,000 10.20 10,000 20.40 7,000 40.80 6,220 45.90 5,600 51.00 4,660 61.20 4,000 71.40 3,500 81.60 3,110 91.80
2 3/4 5.9396 0.3857 5,250 9.64 5,250 19.28 5,250 38.57 3,700 77.14 3,290 86.78 2,960 96.42 2,470 115.71 2,110 134.99 1,850 154.28 1,644 173.56
3 1/2 9.6212 0.6248 3,240 15.62 3,240 31.24 3,240 62.48 2,280 124.95 2,030 140.57 1,830 156.19 1,520 187.43 1,310 218.66 1,140 249.90 1,020 281.14
4 12.5664 0.8160 2,480 20.40 2,480 40.80 2,480 81.60 1,750 163.20 1,550 183.60 1,400 204.00 1,170 244.80 1,000 285.60 870 326.40 780 367.20
4 1/2 15.9044 1.03275 1,960 25.82 1,960 51.64 1,960 103.28 1,380 206.55 1,230 232.37 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Brake Horsepower Required 33 66 132 185 185 185 185 185 185 185

* 2" Available in Plunger Only.

** 4-1/2" Available with Piston Only.

Metric Units
Plunger/ Area 25 RPM 50 RPM 100 RPM 200 RPM 225 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM 450 RPM
Piston* Centi- Liter
Dia. meters Per
mm. Squared RPM kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min.
51 30.30 0.772 68,950 19.30 68,950 38.61 68,950 77.21 48,265 154.43 42,887 173.73 38,612 193.04 32,131 231.64 27,580 270.25 24,133 308.86 21,443 347.46
70 57.29 1.460 36,199 36.50 36,199 72.99 36,199 145.98 25,512 291.97 22,685 328.46 20,409 364.96 17,031 437.95 14,548 510.94 12,756 583.93 11,335 656.92
89 92.80 2.365 22,340 59.12 22,340 118.23 22,340 236.47 15,721 472.94 13,997 532.05 12,618 591.17 10,480 709.40 9,032 827.64 7,860 945.87 7,033 1,064.11
102 121.20 3.089 17,100 77.21 17,100 154.43 17,100 308.86 12,066 617.71 10,687 694.93 9,653 772.14 8,067 926.57 6,895 1,081.00 5,999 1,235.42 5,378 1,389.85
114 153.40 3.909 13,514 97.72 13,514 195.45 13,514 390.90 9,515 781.79 8,481 879.52 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Kilowatts Required 25 49 98 138 138 138 138 138 138 138

* 51 mm Available in Piston Only.

** 114 mm Available with Piston Only.
Horsepower and Kilowatts required are based on 90% mechanical efficiency and 100% volumetric efficiency.

Intermittent Duty Ratings: These ratings are for intermittent service. Pressures as shown may be utilized for a period not to exceed
30 minutes followed by an equal period at no load, but not to exceed 4 hours in a 24 hour period.

Pressure Limitations, Caution: When pump is eqipped with pistons and liners, pressures in excess of 5,000 psi (34,475 kPa)
should not be exceeded except for emergencies or intermittent duty of short duration.

Speed Limitations: Speed in excess of 225 RPM is not recommended on JWS-185 pumps for maximum liner and piston life.

Charge Pump: A suction system charge pump is recommended for best operation. The charge pump should be capable of delivering
1-1/2 times the maximum discharge flow rate of the reciprocating pump.

National Oilwell is a leading manufacturer Copyright 1999 by National Oilwell, L.P. All Rights
of reciprocating plunger pumps, Mission Reserved. NATIONAL OILWELL, NATIONAL, and OILWELL
are registered trademarks of NATIONAL OILWELL, L.P.
centrifugal pumps, and Fluid King fluid Houston, Texas, USA. All other trademarks used are
end replacement parts. We also offer a registered to their respective companies. The information and
Sales/Technical Information: complete set of solutions to your fluid data in this brochure, including but not limited to pictures,
photographs, charts, diagrams, drawings, lists, written
transfer challenges. comments, and specifications, are accurate to the best of our
USA Tollfree: 1 (800) 800-4110
knowledge and belief, but are intended for general information
For more information, contact National only. Applications suggested for the materials and other
Internet: Oilwell directly at the Headquarters in information are described only to help readers make their
Houston, Texas. All National Oilwell own evaluations and decisions, and are neither guarantees
nor are they to be construed as express or implied warranties
products are available throughout the U.S. of suitability for these or other applications. National Oilwell
and around the world from service centers, makes no warranty, either express or implied, beyond that
authorized distributors, and representatives. stipulated in National Oilwells Standard Terms and
Conditions of Sale which are available upon request.
Triplex Intermittent Duty JWS-340
"J" series intermittent duty pump
Rated input horsepower

NATIONAL-OILWELL intermittent duty

Pumps are appropriate for high-pressure,
high horsepower, operstions. This includes
applications such as reverse circulation,
well killing, acidizing, cementing, sand
fracturing and horizontal direction drilling.

Performance Data >

Field Connections in. Dimensions

Pump Model Discharge Connection Size Suction Connection Size Pump Type Length Width Height
JWS-340 2-1/16" API-10,000# RTJ 6" Std Pipe JWS-340 68-1/16" 55-1/2" 22-7/8"

Pump Specifications Standard Equipment

Forged Steel Fluid End
Pump Size (Max. Plunger Diameter x Stroke) in. (mm)..................4 x 5 (102x127)
Forged Steel Valve Covers
Rated BHP At 450 RPM (Kw) ...............................................................340 (253.5) Pistons & Liners
Maximum Working Pressure: PSI (kPa) ......................................10,000 (68,947.6) Or Plungers & Packing
Stroke Length, in. (mm) ................................................................................5 (127) Stainless Steel Extension Rods
Maximum Speed, rpm........................................................................................450 Slush-Type Valves
Double Extended Crankshaft
Maximum Plunger size, in. (mm) ...............................................................4 (101.6)
Oil Level Dipstick
Maximum Piston size, in. (mm) ...........................................................4-1/2 (114.3) Crankcase Breather

Crankshaft Extension: in. (mm) Accessories

Diameter..............................................................................................4-7/8 (123.8) Bolt On Style Gear Reducers
2.27:1 Ratio
Length ...............................................................................................11-3/4 (298.0)
2.89:1 Ratio
Keyway (Width x Depth).........................................................1-1/4 x 5/8 (32 x 16) 3.25:1 Ratio
4.38:1 Ratio
Pinion Shaft Extension, if gear unit supplied (mm) 4.84:1 Ratio
Belt Or Chain Drive: Diameter .............................................................3-1/2 (88.9)
Plunger Lubricator
Length..................................................................5-3/4 (146)
Suction Stabilizer
Keyway (Width x Depth) .................7/8 x 7/16 (22.2 x 11.1) Discharge Dampener
Direct Drive: Diameter .............................................................3-1/2 (88.9) Liner Flush System
Length..................................................................5-3/4 (146) Relief Valves
Keyway (Width x Depth) ..................7/8 x 7/16 (22.2 x 11.1) Valve Service Kit
Complete Unitization Services

Oil Capacity: Gallons (L) Quick Maintenance Features

Crankcase ......................................................................................................8 (30) Horizontal Design
Gear Unit (Varies with Ratio).......................................3-1/2 to 6-1/2 (13.2 to 24.6) Large Power End Covers
Weight: Pump Only On Wood Shipping Skids - Lbs. (Kg)..................5,200 (2,359) Easy Bearing Access
Gear Unit - Lbs. (Kg) .............................................................................1,100 (499) Separate Crosshead/Plunger Construction
Open Frame Construction
Removable Stuffing Boxes

< Return To Specs
JWS-340 Performance Data (Volumes Indicated are Displacement of Incompressible Fluid)
English Units
Plunger/ 25 RPM 50 RPM 100 RPM 200 RPM 225 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM 450 RPM
Piston* Area Gallon
Dia. Inches Per
2 3/4 5.9396 0.3857 10,000 9.64 10,000 19.28 10,000 38.57 6,800 77.14 6,040 86.78 5,440 96.42 4,530 115.71 3,890 134.99 3,400 154.28 3,020 173.56
3 1/2 9.6212 0.6248 6,220 15.62 6,220 31.24 6,220 62.48 4,200 124.95 3,730 140.57 3,360 156.19 2,800 187.43 2,400 218.66 2,100 249.90 1,870 281.14
4 12.5664 0.8160 4,760 20.40 4,760 40.80 4,760 81.60 3,210 163.20 2,860 183.60 2,570 204.00 2,140 244.80 1,840 285.60 1,610 326.40 1,430 367.20
4 1/2 15.9044 1.03275 3,760 25.82 3,760 51.64 3,760 103.28 2,540 206.55 2,260 232.37 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Brake Horsepower Required 63 126 252 340 340 340 340 340 340 340

* 4-1/2" Available with Piston Only.

Metric Units
Plunger/ Area 25 RPM 50 RPM 100 RPM 200 RPM 225 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM 450 RPM
Piston* Centi- Liter
Dia. meters Per
mm. Squared RPM kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min.
70 57.29 1.460 68,950 36.50 68,950 72.99 68,950 145.98 46,886 291.97 41,646 328.46 37,509 364.96 31,234 437.95 26,822 510.94 23,443 583.93 20,823 656.92
89 92.80 2.365 42,887 59.12 42,887 118.23 42,887 236.47 28,959 472.94 25,718 532.05 23,167 591.17 19,306 709.40 116,548 827.64 14,480 945.87 12,894 1,064.11
102 121.20 3.089 32,820 77.21 32,820 154.43 32,820 308.86 22,133 617.71 19,720 694.93 17,720 772.14 14,755 926.57 12,687 1,081.00 11,101 1,235.42 9,860 1,389.85
114 153.40 3.909 25,925 97.72 25,925 195.45 25,925 390.90 17,513 781.79 15,583 879.52 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Kilowatts Required 47 94 188 254 254 254 254 254 254 254

* 114 mm Available with Piston Only.

** Horsepower and Kilowatts required are based on 90% mechanical efficiency and 100% volumetric efficiency.

Intermittent Duty Ratings: These ratings are for intermittent service. Pressures as shown may be utilized for a period not to exceed
30 minutes followed by an equal period at no load, but not to exceed 4 hours in a 24 hour period.

Pressure Limitations, Caution: When pump is eqipped with pistons and liners, pressures in excess of 5,000 psi (34,475 kPa)
should not be exceeded except for emergencies or intermittent duty of short duration.

Speed Limitations: Speed in excess of 225 RPM is not recommended on JWS-340 pumps for maximum liner and piston life.

Charge Pump: A suction system charge pump is recommended for best operation. The charge pump should be capable of delivering
1-1/2 times the maximum discharge flow rate of the reciprocating pump.

National Oilwell is a leading manufacturer Copyright 1999 by National Oilwell, L.P. All Rights
of reciprocating plunger pumps, Mission Reserved. NATIONAL OILWELL, NATIONAL, and OILWELL
are registered trademarks of NATIONAL OILWELL, L.P.
centrifugal pumps, and Fluid King fluid Houston, Texas, USA. All other trademarks used are
end replacement parts. We also offer a registered to their respective companies. The information and
Sales/Technical Information: complete set of solutions to your fluid data in this brochure, including but not limited to pictures,
photographs, charts, diagrams, drawings, lists, written
transfer challenges. comments, and specifications, are accurate to the best of our
USA Tollfree: 1 (800) 800-4110
knowledge and belief, but are intended for general information
For more information, contact National only. Applications suggested for the materials and other
Internet: Oilwell directly at the Headquarters in information are described only to help readers make their
Houston, Texas. All National Oilwell own evaluations and decisions, and are neither guarantees
nor are they to be construed as express or implied warranties
products are available throughout the U.S. of suitability for these or other applications. National Oilwell
and around the world from service centers, makes no warranty, either express or implied, beyond that
authorized distributors, and representatives. stipulated in National Oilwells Standard Terms and
Conditions of Sale which are available upon request.
Triplex Intermittent Duty JWS-400
"J" series intermittent duty pump
Rated input horsepower


are appropriate for high-pressure, high
horsepower, intermittent duty operations.
This includes applications such as reverse
circulation, well killing, acidizing, cementing,
and sand fracturing.

Performance Data >

Field Connections in. Dimensions

Pump Model Discharge Connection Size Suction Connection Size Pump Type Length Width Height
JWS-400 3-1/16" API-6 BX 10,000 PSI 6" ASA 150# R.F. JWS-400 96-7/16" 95-1/2" 49-1/2"

Pump Specifications Standard Equipment

Forged Steel Fluid End
Pump Size (Max. Liner Diameter x Stroke) in. (mm)........5-1/2 x 7 (139.7 x 177.8)
Forged Steel Valve Covers
Pump Size (Max. Plunger Diameter x Stroke) in. (mm) ...4-1/2 x 7 (114.3 x 177.8) Pistons & Liners
Rated BHP At 450 RPM (Kw) ..................................................................400 (298) Or Plungers & Packing
Maximum Working Pressure: PSI (kPa) ......................................10,000 (68,947.6) Stainless Steel Extension Rods
Stroke Length, in. (mm) .............................................................................7 (177.8) Slush-Type Valves
Double Extended Crankshaft
Maximum Speed, rpm........................................................................................286
Oil Level Dipstick
Maximum Plunger size, in. (mm).........................................................4-1/2 (114.3) Crankcase Breather
Maximum Piston size, in. (mm) ...........................................................5-1/2 (139.7)
Crankshaft Extension: in. (mm) Chain Reducer (4.667:1)
Diameter ....................................................................................................6 (152.4) Plunger Lubricator
Suction Stabilizer
Length ...............................................................................................10-1/4 (260.4)
Discharge Dampener
Keyway (Width x Depth).................................................1-1/2 x 3/4 (38.1 x 19.05) Liner Flush System
Relief Valves
Pinion Shaft Extension, if chain drive supplied (mm) Valve Service Kit
Diameter..............................................................................................3-3/4 (95.25) Complete Unitization Services
Length........................................................................................................6 (152.4)
Quick Maintenance Features
Keyway (Width x Depth) ....................................................7/8 x 7/16 (22.2 x 11.1)
Horizontal Design
Large Power End Covers
Easy Bearing Access
Oil Capacity: Gallons (L) Separate Crosshead/Plunger Construction
Crankcase .................................................................................................22 (83.3) Open Frame Construction
Removable Stuffing Boxes
Gear Unit .................................................................................................30 (113.5)

Weight: Pump Only On Wood Shipping Skids - Lbs. (Kg) ...............15,000 (6,804)

< Return To Specs
JWS-400 Performance Data (Volumes Indicated are Displacement of Incompressible Fluid)
English Units
Plunger/ Area Gallon 25 RPM 55 RPM 75 RPM 100 RPM 140 RPM 175 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 286 RPM
Piston* Inches Per
4 12.5664 1.1424 10,000 28.56 10,000 62.83 7,250 85.68 5,445 114.24 3,819 159.94 3,100 199.92 2,725 228.48 2,175 285.60 1,900 326.73
4 1/2 15.9044 1.4459 8,000 36.15 8,000 79.52 5,747 108.44 4,280 144.59 3,072 202.42 2,435 253.02 2,140 289.17 1,715 361.46 1,500 413.51
5 19.6350 1.7850 6,400 44.63 6,334 98.18 4,636 133.88 3,482 178.50 2,483 249.90 1,979 312.38 1,741 357.00 1,390 446.25 1,217 510.51
5 1/4 21.6476 1.9680 5,804 49.20 5,747 108.24 4,205 147.60 3,159 196.80 2,249 275.51 1,795 344.39 1,579 393.59 1,261 491.99 1,102 562.84
5 1/2 23.7584 2.1599 5,289 54.00 5,216 118.79 3,831 161.99 2,878 215.99 2,055 302.38 1,635 377.97 1,439 431.97 1,149 539.96 1,004 617.72
Brake Horsepower Required 187 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400

* 5", 5-1/2", and 5-1/2" Available with Piston Only.

Metric Units
Plunger/ Area
Piston* Centi- Liter 25 RPM 55 RPM 75 RPM 100 RPM 140 RPM 175 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 286 RPM
Dia. meters Per
mm. Squared RPM kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min.
102 121.20 4.324 68,950 108.10 68,950 237.82 49,989 324.30 37,543 432.40 26,332 605.36 21,375 756.70 18,789 864.80 14,997 1,081.00 13,101 1,236.66
114 153.40 5.473 55,160 136.81 55,160 300.99 39,626 410.44 29,511 547.25 21,181 766.16 16,789 957.69 14,755 1,094.51 11,825 1,368.14 10,343 1,565.15
127 189.38 6.756 44,128 168.91 43,673 371.59 31,965 506.72 24,008 675.62 17,120 945.87 13,645 1,182.34 12,004 1,351.25 9,584 1,689.06 8,391 1,932.28
133 208.79 7.449 40,019 186.22 39,626 409.68 28,993 558.66 21,781 744.87 15,507 1,042.82 12,377 1,303.53 10,887 1,489.75 8,695 1,862.18 7,598 2,130.34
140 229.15 8.175 36,468 204.38 35,964 449.63 26,415 613.13 19,844 817.50 14,169 1,144.50 11,273 1,430.63 9,922 1,635.01 7,922 2,043.76 6,923 2,338.06
Kilowatts Required 140 298 298 298 298 298 298 298 298

* 127 mm, 133 mm, and 140 mm Available with Piston Only.
** Horsepower and Kilowatts required are based on 90% mechanical efficiency and 100% volumetric efficiency.

Intermittent Duty Ratings: These ratings are for intermittent service. Pressures as shown may be utilized for a period not to exceed
30 minutes followed by an equal period at no load, but not to exceed 4 hours in a 24 hour period.

Pressure Limitations, Caution: When pump is equipped with pistons and liners, pressures in excess of 5,000 psi (34,475 kPa)
should not be exceeded except for emergencies or intermittent duty of short duration.

Speed Limitations: Speed in excess of 175 RPM is not recommended on JWS-400 pumps for maximum liner and piston life.

Charge Pump: A suction system charge pump is recommended for best operation. The charge pump should be capable of delivering
1-1/2 times the maximum discharge flow rate of the reciprocating pump.

National Oilwell is a leading manufacturer Copyright 1999 by National Oilwell, L.P. All Rights
of reciprocating plunger pumps, Mission Reserved. NATIONAL OILWELL, NATIONAL, and OILWELL
are registered trademarks of NATIONAL OILWELL, L.P.
centrifugal pumps, and Fluid King fluid Houston, Texas, USA. All other trademarks used are
end replacement parts. We also offer a registered to their respective companies. The information and
Sales/Technical Information: complete set of solutions to your fluid data in this brochure, including but not limited to pictures,
photographs, charts, diagrams, drawings, lists, written
transfer challenges. comments, and specifications, are accurate to the best of our
USA Tollfree: 1 (800) 800-4110
knowledge and belief, but are intended for general information
For more information, contact National only. Applications suggested for the materials and other
Internet: Oilwell directly at the Headquarters in information are described only to help readers make their
Houston, Texas. All National Oilwell own evaluations and decisions, and are neither guarantees
nor are they to be construed as express or implied warranties
products are available throughout the U.S. of suitability for these or other applications. National Oilwell
and around the world from service centers, makes no warranty, either express or implied, beyond that
authorized distributors, and representatives. stipulated in National Oilwells Standard Terms and
Conditions of Sale which are available upon request.

Triplex Intermittent Duty SA-600-5

"SA" series intermittent duty pump
Rated input horsepower
Stroke length (in.)

The SA-pump series incorporates the desirable

combination of light weight and high strength, ideal for
mounting onto truck/trailer, barge and platform while
providing dependable intermittent duty service.

Performance Data >

Field Connections in. (mm) Dimensions

Pump Model Discharge Connection Size Suction Connection Size Pump Type Length Width Height
SA-626-5 2" Fig 1502 Female Union Half 4" Grooved Std Pipe SA-626-5 87-9/16" 43-9/16" 42-3/4"
SA-630-5 2" Fig 1502 Female Union Half 4" Grooved Std Pipe SA-630-5 87-9/16" 43-9/16" 42-3/4"
SA-634-5 2" Fig 1502 Female Union Half 4" Grooved Std Pipe SA-634-5 74-3/8" 44-9/16" 42-3/4"
SA-640-5 2" Fig 1502 Female Union Half 4" Grooved Std Pipe SA-640-5 74-3/8" 44-9/16" 42-3/4"
SA-644-5 3" Fig 1002 Female Union Half 5" Grooved Std Pipe SA-644-5 77-1/8" 42-1/8" 42-3/4"
SA-650-5 3" Fig 1002 Female Union Half 5" Grooved Std Pipe SA-650-5 77-1/8" 42-1/8" 42-3/4"

Pump Specifications Standard Equipment

Forged Steel Fluid End
Pump Size (Max. Plunger Diameter x Stroke) in. (mm)
Fabricated Steel Suction Manifold
SA-626-5 ...........2-3/4 x 6 (70x152) SA-640-5 .............4 x 6 (102x152)
Forged Steel Discharge Connection
SA-630-5..................3 x 6 (76x152) SA-644-5 .......4-1/2 x 6 (114x152)
Threaded Packing Glands
SA-634-5 ...........3-1/2 x 6 (89x152) SA-650-5 .............5 x 6 (127x152)
Tungsten Carbide Coated Plungers
Pressure Actuated Header Ring Packing
Rated BHP At 450 RPM (Kw)...................................................................500 (373)
"Mission" Service Master Valves
Urethane Valve Discs
Maximum Working Pressure: PSI (kPa) ...................................see table on back
Alloy Steel Valve Seats
SA-626-5 .............15,000 (103,421) SA-640-5...............8,000 (55,158)
SA-630-5 ...............13,000 (89,632) SA-644-5...............6,000 (41,369) Bolt On Style Gear Reducers
SA-634-5 .................1,000 (68,948) SA-650-5...............5,000 (34,474) 4.77:1 Standard Ratio
5.45:1 Optional Ratio
SA-626-5 ......................500 (3,447) SA-640-5....................500 (3,447) Oil Pressure Gauge
SA-630-5 ......................500 (3,447) SA-644-5....................150 (1,034) Bronze Latern Rings
SA-634-5 ......................500 (3,447) SA-650-5....................500 (3,447) Bronze Packing Followers
Crankcase Breather
Stroke Length, in. (mm) ...............6 (152) Rockide Plungers
Maximum Speed, rpm........................................................................................450 Tach Drive Connection
Maximum Plunger size, in. (mm) Thermometer
SA-626-5 .........................2-3/4 (70) SA-640-5...........................4 (102) Plunger Lubricator
SA-630-5 ...............................3 (76) SA-644-5.....................4-1/2 (114) Relief Valves
SA-634-5 .........................3-1/2 (89) SA-650-5...........................5 (127) Valve Service Kit
Center Gauge Connection
Oil Capacity: Gallons (L) Complete Unitization Services
Crankcase................................................................................................Dry Sump
Quick Maintenance Features
Weight: Pump Only On Wood Shipping Skids - Lbs. (Kg) Horizontal Design
SA-626-5 ...................5,300 (2,404) SA-640-5.................5,463 (2,477) Built-in Bearing Clearance
SA-630-5 ...................5,750 (2,608) SA-644-5.................6,160 (2,794) Large Power End Access Covers
SA-634-5 ...................5,400 (2,449) SA-650-5.................6,236 (2,829) Replaceable Gear Unit
Tapered Roller Bearings

SA-600 Series Performance Data (Volumes Indicated Are Displacement Of Incompressible Fluid) < Return To Specs

English Units
Plunger Area Gallon 100 RPM 150 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM 450 RPM
Dia. Inches Per
2 3/4 5.94 0.463 15,000 46.28 12,345 69.42 9,260 92.57 7,406 115.71 6,173 138.85 5,290 161.99 4,630 185.13 4,116 208.27
Brake Horsepower Required: 405 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
3 7.0686 0.5508 13,000 55.08 10,373 82.62 7,780 110.16 6,224 137.70 5,186 165.24 4,446 192.78 3,890 220.32 3,458 247.86
Brake Horsepower Required: 437 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
3 1/2 9.62 0.75 10,000 74.97 7,621 112.46 5,716 149.94 4,573 187.43 3,810 224.91 3,266 262.40 2,858 299.88 2,540 337.37
Brake Horsepower Required: 437 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
4 12.5664 0.9792 8,000 97.92 5,834 146.88 4,377 195.84 3,500 244.80 2,918 293.76 2,500 342.72 2,188 391.68 1,945 440.64
Brake Horsepower Required: 457 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
4 1/2 15.9044 1.2393 6,000 123.93 4,610 185.90 3,458 247.86 2,766 309.83 2,305 371.79 1,976 433.76 1,729 495.72 1,537 557.69
Brake Horsepower Required: 434 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
5 19.6350 1.5300 5,000 153.00 3,734 229.50 2,800 306.00 2,241 382.50 1,867 459.00 1,600 535.50 1,400 612.00 1,245 688.50
Brake Horsepower Required: 446 500 500 500 500 500 500 500

Metric Units
Plunger Area Liter 100 RPM 150 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM 450 RPM
Diameter Centi. Per
mm. Squared RPM kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min.
70 38.32 1.752 103,425 175.18 85,119 262.77 63,848 350.36 51,064 437.95 42,563 525.54 36,475 613.13 31,924 700.72 28,380 788.31
Kilowatts Required: 302 373 373 373 373 373 373 373
76 45.60 2.085 89,635 208.48 71,522 312.72 53,643 416.96 42,914 521.19 35,757 625.43 30,655 729.67 26,822 833.91 23,843 938.15
Kilowatts Required: 326 373 373 373 373 373 373 373
89 62.07 2.84 68,950 283.76 52,547 425.64 39,412 567.52 31,531 709.40 26,270 851.28 22,519 993.17 19,706 1,135.05 17,513 1,276.93
Kilowatts Required: 326 373 373 373 373 373 373 373
102 81.07 3.706 55,160 370.63 40,225 555.94 30,179 741.25 24,133 926.57 20,120 1,111.88 17,238 1,297.20 15,086 1,482.51 13,411 1,667.82
Kilowatts Required: 341 373 373 373 373 373 373 373
114 102.61 4.691 41,370 469.08 31,786 703.61 23,843 938.15 19,072 1,172.69 15,893 1,407.23 13,625 1,641.76 11,921 1,876.30 10,598 2,110.84
Kilowatts Required: 324 373 373 373 373 373 373 373
127 126.68 5.791 34,475 579.11 25,746 868.66 19,306 1,158.21 15,452 1,447.76 12,873 1,737.32 11,032 2,026.87 9,653 2,316.42 8,584 2,605.97
Kilowatts Required: 333 373 373 373 373 373 373 373

** Horsepower and Kilowatts required are based on 90% mechanical efficiency and 100% volumetric efficiency.

Intermittent Duty Ratings: These ratings are for intermittent service. Pressures as shown may be utilized for a period not to exceed
30 minutes followed by an equal period at no load, but not to exceed 3 hours in a 24 hour period.

Pressure Limitations, Caution: When pump is equipped with pistons and liners, pressures in excess of 5,000 psi (34,475 kPa)
should not be exceeded except for emergencies or intermittent duty of short duration.

Charge Pump: A suction system charge pump is recommended for best operation. The charge pump should be capable of delivering
1-1/2 time the maximum discharge flow rate of the reciprocationg pump.

National Oilwell is a leading manufacturer Copyright 1999 by National Oilwell, L.P. All Rights
of reciprocating plunger pumps, Mission Reserved. NATIONAL OILWELL, NATIONAL, and OILWELL
are registered trademarks of NATIONAL OILWELL, L.P.
centrifugal pumps, and Fluid King Fluid Houston, Texas, USA. All other trademarks used are
End replacement parts. We also offer a registered to their respective companies. The information and
Sales/Technical Information: complete set of solutions to your fluid data in this brochure, including but not limited to pictures,
photographs, charts, diagrams, drawings, lists, written
transfer challenges. comments, and specifications, are accurate to the best of our
USA Tollfree: 1 (800) 800-4110
knowledge and belief, but are intended for general
For more information, contact National information only. Applications suggested for the materials and
Internet: Oilwell directly at the Headquarters in other information are described only to help readers make
Houston, Texas. All National Oilwell their own evaluations and decisions, and are neither
guarantees nor are they to be construed as express or
products are available throughout the U.S. implied warranties of suitability for these or other applications.
and around the world from service centers, National Oilwell makes no warranty, either express or implied,
authorized distributors, and representatives. beyond that stipulated in National Oilwells Standard Terms
and Conditions of Sale which are available upon request.
Triplex Intermittent Duty 6K500

NATIONAL-OILWELL Intermittent Duty

Pumps are appropriate for high-pressure,
high horsepower, operations. This includes
applications such as reverse circulation, well
killing, acidizing, cementing, sand fracturing,
and horizontal directional drilling.

Performance Data >

Field Connections in. (mm) Dimensions

Discharge Connection Size Suction Connection Size Length Width Height
2" Fig. 1502 Female Union Half 6" Grooved Standard Pipe 78" 51" 35"

Pump Specifications: Standard Equipment

Pressure Lubricated Power End
Pump Size:
Forged Steel Fluid End
(Max. Plunger Diameter X Stroke) in. (mm) ......................4.5" X 6" (114.3 X 152) Colmonoy Coated Plungers
Adjustable Lip Type Packing
Rated BHP (KW) At 450 RPM..................................................................555 (388)
Wing Guided Style Valves
Stroke Length in. (mm) ...............................................................................6" (152) Replaceable Resilient Valve Insert
Alloy Steel Valve Seats
Oil Capacity: Gallons (L)
Crankcase................................................................................................Dry Sump Accessories
Bolt on Style Gear Reducer
Maximum Working Pressure: 5.28:1 Standard Ratio
With 3 1/2" Plungers PSI (kPa) ..............................................10,000 (66.808) 4.77:1 Optional Ratio
Packing Lubricator
With 4" Plungers PSI (kPa) ....................................................10,000 (66.808)
Oil Pressure Gauge
With 4 1/2" Plungers PSI (kPa) ................................................6,000 (41.369) Tachometer Drive Connection
Alternate Plunger Materials
Weight: Dry Pounds. (Kg)................................................................6,090 (30,177) Valve Service Kit
Relief Valve
Complete Pump Unitization

Intermittent Service - 6K500 Stroke Triplex Pump < Return To Specs

English Units
Plunger Plgr.Area Max GPM/ 100 RPM 150 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM 450 RPM

3 1/2 9.621 10000 0.7497 10000 1.785 7621 2.678 5716 3.570 4573 4.463 3810 5.355 3266 6.248 2858 7.140 2540 8.033
Brake Input Horsepower 485 555 555 555 555 555 555 555

4 12.566 10000 0.9792 10000 2.331 5834 3.497 4377 4.663 3500 5.829 2918 6.994 2500 8.160 2188 9.326 1945 10.491
Brake Input Horsepower 507 555 555 555 555 555 555 555

4 1/2 15.904 6000 1.2393 6000 2.951 4610 4.426 3458 5.901 2766 7.377 2305 8.852 1976 10.328 1729 11.803 1537 13.278
Brake Input Horsepower 482 555 555 555 555 555 555 555

* Ratings are for intermittent service. Operations at maximum conditions should not exceed 3 hours per day

Metric Units
Plunger Plunger Max. L/Min. 100 RPM 150 RPM 200 RPM 250 RPM 300 RPM 350 RPM 400 RPM 450 RPM
Dia. Area Press. Per
mm Sq. cm. kPa RPM kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa L/Min. kPa. L/Min.

89 62.08 68,948 3.31 68,948 331.0 52,545 496.5 39,410 662.0 31,530 827.5 26,269 993.0 22,518 1158.5 19,705 1324.0 17,513 1489.5
Kilowatts Required 362 414 414 414 414 414 414 414

102 81.08 68,948 4.32 68,948 432.0 40,224 648.0 30,178 864.0 24,132 1080.0 20,119 1296.0 17,237 1512.0 15,086 1728.0 13,410 1944.0
Kilowatts Required 378 414 414 414 414 414 414 414

114 102.61 41,369 5.47 41,369 547.0 31,785 820.5 23,842 1094.0 19,071 1367.5 15,892 1641.0 13,624 1914.5 11,921 2188.0 10,597 2461.5
Kilowatts Required 359 414 414 414 414 414 414 414

* Ratings are for intermittent service. Operations at maximum conditions should not exceed 3 hours per day

National Oilwell is a leading manufacturer Copyright 1999 by National Oilwell, L.P. All Rights
of reciprocating plunger pumps, Mission Reserved. NATIONAL OILWELL, NATIONAL, and OILWELL
are registered trademarks of NATIONAL OILWELL, L.P.
centrifugal pumps, and Fluid King fluid Houston, Texas, USA. All other trademarks used are
end replacement parts. We also offer a registered to their respective companies. The information and
Sales/Technical Information: complete set of solutions to your fluid data in this brochure, including but not limited to pictures,
photographs, charts, diagrams, drawings, lists, written
transfer challenges. comments, and specifications, are accurate to the best of our
USA Tollfree: 1 (800) 800-4110
knowledge and belief, but are intended for general
For more information, contact National information only. Applications suggested for the materials and
Internet: Oilwell directly at the Headquarters in other information are described only to help readers make
Houston, Texas. All National Oilwell their own evaluations and decisions, and are neither
guarantees nor are they to be construed as express or
products are available throughout the U.S. implied warranties of suitability for these or other applications.
and around the world from service centers, National Oilwell makes no warranty, either express or implied,
authorized distributors, and representatives. beyond that stipulated in National Oilwells Standard Terms
and Conditions of Sale which are available upon request.
Double Acting

Duplex Pumps


Double Acting Duplex Pumps

Duplex Piston Pump 612-P
Max liner bore in inches
Stroke length (in.)
Piston style pump

This NOI Duplex Pump provides

superior service for most crude oil
pipeline pumping applications.

Performance Data >

Field Connections in. (mm) Dimensions Pump w/ Sub-Base

Discharge Connection Size Suction Connection Size Length Width Height
4" ANSI-400 FNPT 6" ANSI-300 FNPT 11' - 1 1/2" 4' - 10 1/8" 3'- 10.0"

Pump Specifications: Standard Equipment

Cast Iron Fluid End
Pump Size (Piston Diameter x Stroke) in. (mm)....................6 x12 (152.4 x 304.8)
Chrome Iron Liners
Gear Ratio....................................................................................................5.06 : 1 Chrome Plated Piston Rods
Rated BHP At 70 RPM (kw) ..................................................................140 (104.4) Slush Type Valve
Rated Rod Load, pounds (Kg) .........................................................15,021 (6,676) Replaceable Urethane Valve Discs
Alloy Steel Valve Seats
Maximum Working Pressure: PSI (kPa) ..........................................765 (5,270.9)
Relief Valves
Pinion Shaft Extension: in. (mm) Valve Service Kit
Diameter .............................................................................................3.628 (92.15) Complete Unitization Services
Length.........................................................................................................10 (254)
Keyway (Width x Depth) ...................................................7/8 x 5/16 (22.23 x 7.94) Quick Maintenance Features
Horizontal Design
Built-in Bearing Clearance
Oil Capacity: Gallons (L)
Large Power End Access Covers
Crankcase: ..............................................................................................16 (60.57) Replaceable Gear Unit
Tapered Roller Bearings
Weight: Pump Mounted on Sub-Base: ........................................10,290 (4667.46)

< Return To Specs
612-P Performance Data (Volumes Indicated are Displacement of Incompressible Fluid)
English Units
Maximum Displacement
Piston Working
Size in. Pressure PSI Gallons per rev. Pump Speed Pump Speed Pump Speed Pump Speed Pump Speed
30 RPM 40 RPM 50 RPM 60 RPM 70 RPM
5" 765 3.79 115 150 190 225 265
5 1/2" 625 4.65 140 185 230 280 325
6" 520 5.60 170 225 280 335 390
Brake Horsepower Required 60 80 100 120 140

Metric Units
Maximum Displacement
Piston Working
Size (mm) Pressure kPa Leters per rev. Pump Speed Pump Speed Pump Speed Pump Speed Pump Speed
30 RPM 40 RPM 50 RPM 60 RPM 70 RPM
127 5274.52 14.35 2921 3810 4826 5715 6731
139.7 4309.25 17.60 3556 4699 5842 7112 8255
152.4 3585.30 21.20 4318 5715 7112 8509 9906
Kilowatts Required 1524 2032 2540 3048 3556

National Oilwell is a leading manufacturer Copyright 1999 by National Oilwell, L.P. All Rights
of reciprocating plunger pumps, Mission Reserved. NATIONAL OILWELL, NATIONAL, and OILWELL
are registered trademarks of NATIONAL OILWELL, L.P.
centrifugal pumps, and Fluid King fluid Houston, Texas, USA. All other trademarks used are
end replacement parts. We also offer a registered to their respective companies. The information and
Sales/Technical Information: complete set of solutions to your fluid data in this brochure, including but not limited to pictures,
photographs, charts, diagrams, drawings, lists, written
transfer challenges. comments, and specifications, are accurate to the best of our
USA Tollfree: 1 (800) 800-4110
knowledge and belief, but are intended for general information
For more information, contact National only. Applications suggested for the materials and other
Internet: Oilwell directly at the Headquarters in information are described only to help readers make their
Houston, Texas. All National Oilwell own evaluations and decisions, and are neither guarantees
nor are they to be construed as express or implied warranties
products are available throughout the U.S. of suitability for these or other applications. National Oilwell
and around the world from service centers, makes no warranty, either express or implied, beyond that
authorized distributors, and representatives. stipulated in National Oilwells Standard Terms and
Conditions of Sale which are available upon request.

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