What Is Annotated Bibliography?: Summer Learning Program For Students at Risk For EBD.39, 2016

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ESN 823

What is annotated bibliography?

It is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents. Each citation is followed by a

brief(usually about 150 words) descriptive and evaluative paragraph, the annotation. The purpose
of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy and quality of the scores

Annotated bibliography of Article 1

Songtian,z., Gregory J., Rayann M. (2009). Education and treatment for children. Effects of a
summer learning program for students at risk for EBD.39, 2016.

The purpose of this assessment was to examine the usefulness and capability of a learning
program for students at risk for emotional and behavioral disorders. The authors used quasi
experimental design with pre and post assessments for both the treatment and comparison group.
Participants were fourth grade students below proficient on the state standardized literacy
assessment and had social emotional/behavioral disorders. Students at risk for emotional and
behavioral disorders present extensive challenges in social emotional learning and academic
outcomes. Most students with EBD can benefit from social emotional learning interventions.
Learning programs should integrate academic instruction with enrichment activities, such as
physical, recreational, cultural and youth development activities Researchers have documented
the benefit of social emotional learning such as increased motivation, social competency, and
academic improvement.

Annotated bibliography of Article 2

Corey P., Kimberly J.(2009) Education and treatment of children. Schema based strategy
instruction and the mathematical problem solving performance of two students with emotional
and behavioral disorders. 39, 2016

The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of schema instruction on the mathematical
problem solving of students with emotional or behavioral disorders (EBD). The participants were
two fourth grade students identified with EBD. The instruction parcel consisted of schema
instruction, strategy instruction on problem solving heuristics (i.e. understand the problem, make
plan, carry out the plan, check), and the use of reinforcement for task completion. The study used
single case experimental design. Improvement was reputable from baseline to intervention with
some increased variability in performance, which is a common occurrence in academic
performance of students with EBD. Problem solving for students with EBD is an emerging
writing with few studies to date. This research adds to this writing base by demonstrating effects
of schema instruction on the mathematic problem solving performance for students with EBD
Teachers in search of instructional strategies, institutions that prepare pre service teachers and
future researchers examining the implementation of academic interventions in mathematics may
consider the application of schema instruction to improve the problem solving performance of
students with disabilities

Annotated bibliography of Article 3

Joseph B., Corey D. (2008) Effective teaching strategies. Evidence based teaching strategies for
students with EBD

Students with emotional and behavioral disorders struggle in school, perhaps more so than any
other group of students. Whereas it is commonly recognized that these children and adolescents
have severe social skills deficits, which impede development of meaningful relationships with
peers and teachers, it is also true that students with EBD evidence significant academic
deficiencies .By the time these students reach high school, they are performing almost 3.5 grade
levels below their peers, with less than one third of students with EBD functioning at or above
grade level in any academic area

. In general, the authors divided academic interventions into three primary categories: (a) peer-
mediated interventions (e.g., cross-age tutoring, class wide peer tutoring), in which the students
peers were responsible for providing instruction; (b) self mediated interventions (e.g., self
monitoring, self-evaluation), in which the responsibility for implementing an intervention rested
with the students themselves; and (c) teacher mediated interventions (e.g., story mapping,
mnemonics) wherein the teacher provided the academic instruction to the students. The purpose
of this manuscript was to provide teachers a condensed summary of teaching strategies that have
demonstrated efficacy in educating some of the most challenging students in todays schools.


Peer mediated interventions

Class wide peer tutoring (CWPT) Entire class simultaneously participates in tutoring dyads.
During each tutoring session, students can participate as both tutor and tutee, or they can
participate as either the tutor or tutee.

Cooperative learning Small teams composed of students with different levels of ability use a
variety of learning activities to improve the teams understanding of a subject. Each member of a
team is responsible not only for learning what is taught but also for helping teammates learn.
Cross-age tutoring older students are matched with younger students to deliver instruction.
Tutors are typically at least 2 years older than the tutees. There do not need to be large
differences in skill levels between the tutor and tutee.

Peer tutoring Students who need remedial support are paired with select tutors (perhaps
highly skilled peers, peers also in need of remedial work, or cross-age tutors). Each member of
the dyad may receive and provide tutoring in the same content area, or tutors can provide
instruction in a content area in which they are highly skilled.

Peer-assisted learning strategies teachers identify children who require help on specific skills
and the most appropriate children to help them learn those skills. Pairs are changed regularly, and
over time, as students work on a variety of skills, all students have the opportunity to be
coaches and players.

Peer assessment Peers are used to assess the products or outcomes of learning of other students
of similar status.

Peer modeling Students acting as peer models receive instruction in desired behaviors, and
then engage in these behaviors in front of students deficient in these areas. The teacher draws the
students attention to the peer model and identifies the desired behaviors the student should

Peers reinforcement Peers provide reinforcement for appropriate responses within the natural
environment. The purpose is to reinforce appropriate behaviors of students with disabilities by
their peers.

Teacher mediated interventions

Verbalize math problems a process wherein teachers ask students to say math problems aloud
before solving them

Structured academic tasks a process wherein teachers require students to complete specific
tasks in a sequential order

Modeling, rehearsal, and feedback a process wherein teachers model a skill, have the student
rehearse the skill, and provide direct feedback about the students performance

Teacher planning strategies a process wherein teachers are trained to use daily planning
procedures based on trend analysis and error analysis.
Adjusting task difficulty teachers adjusted difficulty of arithmetic tasks depending upon a
students success level and failure level.

Mnemonic instruction a memory-enhancing instructional strategy that involves teaching

students to link new information being taught to information they already know to help students
retain specific information.

Personalized system of instruction Teachers used written study objectives, division of the
course into small units of material, use of the written word, student self-pacing through the
curriculum, a high-mastery criteria for advancement to next unit of material, immediate feedback
for exams, and use of student tutors to improve spelling performance.

Incorporating student interest teachers considered student interest in development and content
of lesson.

What benefit do you derive in reading the above article as an EBD teacher?
1. Improving skills on the strategies to use when teaching learners with emotional and
behavioral disorders
2. Knowledge on how to handle EBD learners in a classroom situation

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