Reading Note From Chapter 6 To 8 of Act of Teaching

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Reading note from chapter 6 to 8 of Act of Teaching

Chapter 6- Planning Instruction

Pros and Cons of instructional planning
- Instructional planning is the process by which teachers decide (1) what to
teach, (2) how to teach it, and (3) how they will determine whether students
learned and were satisfied( Act of teaching)
- When a teacher have more subjects to teach, then teacher might have to
struggle with time, because time management will be more difficult to manage
for all of the class, which is a cons of instructional planning. However, if a
teacher make a plan for their lesson, then that could be benefit for teacher and
students as well, because teacher will always follow what they have to teach.
Planning is especially beneficial for new teachers
- Planning is good benefit for a new teacher, because freshman teacher will not
have any experience of teaching, which means they dont know how to make
effective classroom with good lesson. When a teacher make plan for what to
do teach, then they can have a back support, because in case they forget what
they were planning to teach, then can have a look to plan and carry on their
Deciding what to teach
- This is a very important part in teaching field, because a teacher always have
to have an idea of teaching about what subject or curriculum they are going to
teach. Teacher have to know that, what standard a school have or state have,
then teacher have to follow the standard which is provided, they have to teach
on their own way.
Instructional Objectives
- A teacher should always have to have instructional objectives when they make
units, lesson, because objectives will determine what lesson students will learn
and will be able to do in their life.
Six levels of cognitive complexity (Act of teaching, pg. 177-)
1. Knowledge
2. Comprehension
3. Application
4. Analysis
5. Synthesis
6. Evaluation
Affective domain into five levels of complexity. (Act of teaching, pg. 177-178)
1. Receiving or attending
2. Responding
3. Valuing
4. Organization
5. Characterization
Seven levels of psychomotor domain. (Act of teaching, pg. 178-179)
1. Perception
2. Set
3. Guided response
4. Mechanism
5. Complex or over response
6. Adaptation
7. Origination
Writing Specific Objective
- While writing objective, teacher should be careful with it, because what they
write about what students are going to learn. Objectives tells that what will
students learn at the end of the class from the objectives, so teacher should be
careful with writing.
Preparing lesson plan
- Lesson plan will determine what and how some lesson will deliver by a
teaching in short time, and knowledge will students learn from the lesson.

Chapter 7: Four instructional alternatives: presentation, discussion, independent

study, and individualized instruction.

1. Presentations: teaching as telling and showing

- Presentation is something teaching by knowledgeable to less knowledgeable
one. Those who dont know about something will learn by someone who will
present their information by telling or showing.
Purpose and characteristics of teacher presentations
- Purpose of presentation is to give information to people about some fact, and
about their explanation.
There should be always good presentation, which means the presenter should have
always good preparation before present, and have to concise, have to make
effective. There should be time management as well, because listener will be bore
if time is too long, so presenter should be always care with what to speak, how to
speak, and how much.
2. Discussion: Learning through informative interaction
A teacher shouldnt have talk too much, because if teacher talk too much, then
class will be boring. Teacher should have talk approximately 70% of total time,
then after that there should be discussion time for students.
Discussion is a time where students or teacher share their ideas of opinion of
provided topic. And a discussion can bring many purposes, because there are so
many benefits of it, such as; students will be able to explore themselves, will be
able to share new ideas, be able to communicate with each other, etc.
3. Independent Study: Teaching as giving and guiding seat work and homework
Independent study is any work or assignment complete or done by a learner by
their own.
Independent study has also specific purpose of doing, such as; if a teacher assign
their students for independent study, that means, teacher want students to learn
some specific knowledge and skill of certain thing.
Teacher can make students to have independent study through various ways, such
as; assigning them to read individually, to research individually about something,
and specially giving students homework.

4. Individualized or differentiated instruction: Tailoring teaching

This instruction means responding something educationally to individuals. A
teacher shouldnt never expect that, a classroom will have only good and normal
students. Each classroom might have a special student, which means teacher
should have differentiated instruction for special students. If there is no
differentiated instruction of special students, then student might have struggle
with learning.
Purpose of differentiated instruction is clear, which is to make special students
understandable in lesson. Without differentiated instruction special student cant
understand everything which they supposed to learn.

Chapter 8: Four more instruction alternatives: cooperative learning, discovery learning,

constructivism, and direct instruction.

1. Cooperative Learning: teaching learners to like and care for one another
Cooperative learning is basically having small group and sharing ideas with each
other and supporting each other to get the best result of the their discussion. Team
work is very important part in group work, because if there is no team work then
cooperative leaners cant have effective result of their discussion.
Purpose of cooperative learning is to support each other in a learning way, and get
best result of learning. There will be team work, there will be specific task to do,
there will be some regulation which everyone should follow, and they will
motivate or encourage to each other to do work.
2. Discovering Learning: Figuring things out for yourself
Discovering learning is going out of the text book, and finding out the some facts
or information of something by yourself.
Purpose of discovering learning; teacher gives this kind of work to explore
students outside the class. When a student go outside the classroom then students
can learn much more real knowledge by themselves. They can build the skill, gain
knowledge, and many more things.
3. Constructivist Teaching and Learning: Problem solving under teacher guidance
This is a style of teaching or learning where teacher can make big picture for
students to understand their lesson.
Purpose of constructivist learning to make students more understandable and
usable, because sometime our teaching cannot be effective, but if we use this
learning style, then we can make our students to learn good things which they can
apply or use in their life.
4. Direct Instruction: Teaching in the most efficient and effective way
Direct instruction is similar with presentation, which means only teacher will talk
and will give information and knowledge to students.
Purpose of direct instruction is to help students to learn academic and
educationally knowledge of specific area. Such as; students will gain the
knowledge from the teacher by hearing or listening. But sometime teacher can
assign student to do direct instruction by themselves. Teacher can give students
some topic and ask them to discover first then present.


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