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Salem Avenue Elementary School/CFIP

Group: Fourth Grade Date: March 21, 2017

Aspirational Goals: Materials Needed:

1. Reading on Grade Level 1. Macbook
2. Meet Grade Level Standards & Complete an Established 2. Cornerstone Data
Career Pathway
3. Appropriate Technology
4. Healthy, Informed, and Productive Citizens

1. Review Cornerstone Data
- Student results were analyzed
- Strength and weaknesses of student performance were
- Implications for instruction
Increase reading skills for difficult problems
Continue to instruct the four operations of
2. Complete Cornerstone Data Analysis/Looking at Student Work

1. We discussed the cornerstone percent of student who were
2. Completed LASW protocol
3. Shared some upcoming events and dates: Parcc Parade, Club
Salem, ISDO day
4. The team discussed concerns about recess policy. Teachers are
looking for a way to hold students accountable if they cant take
away recess. They are looking for another way provide
consequences while respecting the policy.

Next steps:
Teachers will adjust instruction based on the feedback in the
LASW protocol

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