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Entry Point Reading Note from chapter 4-5

Chapter 4: Viewing the whole curriculum

There are five major view for whole curriculum

1. The nature of knowledge: the nature of knowledge is something reasonable which
gain to human. Human being gain knowledge throughout many ways, such as;
from observing something, or experiencing something which has reason to learn.
- The Biblical concept of knowledge: this biblical concept of knowledge has
very big picture of knowledge, because it doesnt only talks about personal
knowledge or some specific knowledge, but it talks about whole creation,
about God, about signal creation of God, and about emotional, physical.
2. A biblical view of the child:
- The nature of humanity: this is very interesting, because we are talking about
nature of humanity. We all are created in the image of the God, and we all
have the nature and character of the God, some of we reflect in good way and
some of we reflect in bad way. We all are created in a unique way, which was
made by God. But we have forgot that we were created by God, so fallen in
sin. We did so much sin, that we never could pay for it. So Jesus came to earth
and die for us, so that we could have salvation in our life.
3. A question of method
- What and why? : I think everybody does have this question in their head, that
what and why? Because these are the major question in our life, what we want
to achieve in our life and why we want to achieve. These two questions help
us to set our destination, because to reach on our destination, we should have
to have what and why question with us.
4. The teachers role
- Teacher is the main or the strong foundation of the education field, because
without teacher students cant get quality education in their life. Teacher
always carry main responsibility in school about students and their life.
Students get knowledge from the teacher, what teachers give the information
of what.
5. Assessment
- Assessment is the one of the most important part where teacher can figure out
the knowledge of the understanding from the students. There are many ways
to give assessment to students, by exam, classwork, homework, and many
other ways. But without giving assessment to students its hard to find out
understanding of the students.
Chapter 5: Models of curriculum development

1. Integrity in curriculum development

- A big or complete curriculum is always bigger than just individual parts,
where we have subjects, activities, information, etc.
2. Curriculum models
- I think, every school should have to have a Christian curriculum, so that all of
the students can biblical worldview while learning normal schooling things,
because biblical worldview is very important for all of us. We have to know
that how we were made up, and who did, and how did we response, these are
all things every students have to learn.

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