April Cornerstone 2017

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é =) April 2017 Etstmnoones vant Pape modemscim 712.485.2903, Pongo 7124072070 — hn — a 2 4 - 6 di & ce tite | tte| FE] scx os S| es aoe Te | 9 10 i 12 az. 14 IS ae coer | | fae] ten | tare Cossie Price = ‘Boras’ | a wee, | CE) [Tose ee =] ee| = 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 tne = | | ee | [error Pres rear) 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 — Se smn Camere | ome Aas 26 Mary Kables JM Shetve, Jamie Cahoon, Teri Conn aS Minister's Musings In reading through Max Lucado’s book, He Chose the Nails, I came across a neat chapter and I ‘wanted to share it with you, God's Promise in the Empty Tomb ‘The official response of the Jewish leaders to the rumors of the resurrection. Of course they say he's live. They haveto. What else can they say? ‘The actual response of the Jewish leaders to the resurrection of Jesus. “A great number of the Jewish priests believed and obeyed.” (Acts 6:7) ‘The decision of the Jewish leaders about the church. “If their plan comes from human authority, it will fail. But if it's from God, you will not be able to stop them. (Acts 5:38-39). ‘The response of the church, “The number of followers was growing.” (Acts 6:1) ‘The official response of the Jewish leaders to the conversion of Saul. Good riddance to the former Pharisee, Won't be manths before he is in jail, and then what will he do? Write letters? What Saul, turned Paul, understood that his former colleagues didn't, “God gave [Jesus] as away to forgive sin.” (Romans 3:25) ‘The belief of French philosopher Voltaire. The Bible and Christianity would pass within a Inundred years. He died in 1778. The movement continues. ‘The pronouncement of Friedrich Nietzsche in 1882. "God is dead." The dawn of science, he believed, would be the doom of faith. Scfence has dawned; the movement continues. ‘The way a Communist dictionary defined the Bible. "It isa collection of fantastic legends ‘without any seientifie support.” Communism is diminishing, the movement continues. ‘The discovery made by every person who had tried to bury the faith. The same as the one made by those who tried to bury its Founder: he won't stay in the tomb, ‘The facts. The movement has never been stronger: more than 1 billion Catholics and nearly as many Protestants, ‘The question. How do we explain it? Jesus was a backwater peasant. He never wrote a book, he never held an office. He never journeyed more than two hundred miles from his hometown. Friends left him. One betrayed him, Those he helped forgot him. Prior to his death they abandoned him. But after his death they couldn't resist him. What made the difference? ‘The answer. His death and resurrection. For when he died, so did your sin. And when he rose, so id your hope. For when he rose, your grave was changed from a final residence to temporary housing, ‘The reason he did it. The fice in your mirror ‘The verdict after two millenniums, Herod was right: there is room for only one King. Paste Borex Events in our Church Life April 5— Group 3:16, Minden 6:00 — - Book Study 6:00— @ 0 April 9 — Sunday School Teacher Recognition April 11— MOPS 6-7:30 April 12- Good News Club, 45:00 - Board Meeting 7:00 April 13 - Maundy Thursday Service 6:30 April 16 - Easter Worship 7:00 & 1 - Breakfast 8:00-9:00 - Easter Egg Hunt — 9:00 - Sunday School sings at 10:00 April 19 — Group 3:16, Neola, 6-7:00 April 30 — Last Day of Sunday School ust a quick reminder about the parking lt loan and our budget. We have made 2 payment of 200n the parking lt loan in February. Payments are due quarterly. Our chicken dinner made enough money to ‘make the second paymentin May. If you have not yet donated tothe parking lot fund please prayerfully consider doing so, Because of our fantastic church auction, and faithful giving last year we started off the yearn better shape financially. in order to keep our improved and solid financlal footing, each member needs to very seriously, and prayerfully, consider thelr financial support to our church. Expenses have gone up here as they have everywhere, Have you considered your stewardship of God's resources and challenged yourself to lve more? ‘The Minden UCC Church Board Upcoming events for Sunday School Kids ‘April —Teacher recognition and 3" graders receive Bibles at 10 am worship service ‘april 16 —EASTER and te kids will be singing at the 10 am youth worship service April 30% last day of Sunday School July 30 August 3° - Vacation Bible Schoo! ‘Vacation Bible Schoo! willbe held at our church again this year from 6-7:30 pm. Any kids ages 35!" grade are invited to participate in VBS, Itisa lot of fun and we have a great curriculum picked out this year! Our church s responsible for providing snacks forthe kids. Ifyou would like to help by bringing cookles, leading Bible lesson or singing or assisting with crafts please let Tracy or Pastor Brian know. We are always looking for volunteers! 4 and 5® Grade Sunday School Teacher Sunday School Superintendent Contact Pastor Brian or Tracy if interested Each Wednesday during Lent March 29 - April 12 Snacks & Daycare provided 0 8 Sook Sti April 13, 2017 at 6:30 Minden United Church of Christ Easter Wosskip April Usher List ‘April 2, 2017 Kyle & Sara Amold, ‘Tressa & Sophie Driver ‘April 9.2017 Ast & Kris Brockhott ‘Apri 16,2017 (Charles Leaders, Lynn Peterson ‘April 23,2017 ‘Dana & Meridth Martens ‘April 30,2017 ‘Tom & Michelle Nelson May Usher List May 7.2017 Cazzoll & Karen Olsen, Walter Chambers, David Storobann May 14,2017 Dan & Peggy Manhart May 21, 2016 Dave Fischer & Mona McDonald May 28,2017 Jeff & Sherri Guerrero April Scripture Readings April 2—Brekiel37:1-14, Psalm 130, Romans 8:61, John 11:1-45 ‘April 9—Matthew 21:1-11, Psalm 118: 19.29, Isiah $0:4-9a, Psalm 31:9-16, Philippians 2:5-11, Matthew 26:14-27:66 or Matthew 27:1 1-54 April 16 ~ Acts 10:3443 or Jeremiah 31:1-6, Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24, Colossians 3:1-4 or ‘Aats 10:34-43, John 20:1-18 or Matthew 28:1-10 April 23 — Acts 2:14a, 22-32, Psalm 16,1 Peter 1:39, Yohn 20:19-31 April 30 — Acts 2:14a, 36-41, Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19, Peter 1:17-23, Lake 24:13-35, From,nagn on, darkness came over =i Raia - E Zell = ter completing this Easter ereeswad unscamble | the cited ltrs odor a sail word OH EE [aH Hp LH] es cue ie HES 8 a sma ebay oSeed Spa egsone ep Tae “tope the ie doen some Tipo torksotet” Acad Che coming sedate fund the grave mpc and ‘hestone led wey Tn varying ys ey ay rela dicey ~~ ‘wonder buceven ag {hey dy rend Sha the wel ad dik inchecighe What ey wer ooking a wastes iy ‘anew ceca, wid anew been ad ew et ant Ingstmblance of th gudenr, God walked sin inthe tpt ical noe eenng bt ft dan Easter’s dawn ‘hehe ei day che “GK Guster, Easter lifts the fog ‘Aen wood oo ay where he old view te Glen Ga Beige Sen Panda. At fae ws pletely shrouded in ely moming og, Bata the san the fog eramcanerretic ile | tochoc sl ua, Trice with i? Wee oly wha isbermeen the reat scaled chad dah, But Ear ia fg fms bch, ser sthe ime when we sxe compel the anche ges hat sti —Geage Meckeberg ‘Special dates “il Sunday ig Tee, Apa 2, 2017 ‘PleiPuson Sony ps9, 2017 ‘Holy Wesk, pil 15,2017 ‘Mandy Thar, A 13, 2017 Go Fay, Ap 14,2017 Hy Saaday. Api 13,2017, ‘eae Sunday, Ap 16,2017 ‘Adminisexve Profs Day, April 26,2017 By wha other nama dos the Bible ei he dis: ple wecal"Daabing Tha’? A Didyaus The Sec C The Twn DAzsdB VoLume a3, wuwaen 4 Subserbers can download these ‘ules from na meet www.Newslettertvewsletter.com Newsletter” ACTIVITIES PAGE JESUS |S RISEN! hon Js pls out Sore sled Fon te, they nee fa a Mak What you neo ‘pices of paper (brown, bi back, elm + Scstore de 1, Fold the brown paper in half shore side co shore side: Cualong the fold. On one half, draw and cutout large half-cirele (Che tora). On the other, draw and cue outa palm sized circle (he ston). 2, Ghiethe brown tom ‘onto the Blue paper 43, Guta black ile the inside ofthe comb) the same sie asthe brown scone and glueit onto the brown tomb, 4 Place the brown stone cover the back halle, thisis che entrance. Push the brad through one ‘eg so the stone ean rove from side co side. 5, Gatouta tos rom the yellow paper and gle it bythe ora, 6, Write "Jesus i risen!” atop the blue paper oot > NEW LIFE< ow did God work ehrough Jesus co give us new feat Easter? nto oe | 8 eat SE Et €D a voor | Ae He HE we In his met ("") he has CL flus new¢ > intoa ae through the mS ea SBtrom the 1 PETER 1:3, WIV ‘AIN E12} 1 Poop ap wos] IND sno wo a OAA Ab Rasrecna pag ana ond oy uae nad ay pocosrrs MINDEN UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Balance in Bank January 1,2017 Income: Envelopes & Loose Oftrins ‘Stnday Schoo! Hall Rental Coffe Howe Mizetneou: umerlaWeatinge “Tota nome Expenses: ‘ocwM Silos ‘Travel Expense Insuroe— Pastor ‘Anmity~Pstor Social Seurty Pastor Church Isurance Uses — Church Postage Coc Supplies copier ‘Worship Supplies Maintenance Chars Grounds Parsonage “Transfer o Parking Lt Pad Worship Soppies (Chistian Ba, Depetment Other: Cas for Cicken Dinner Miscetlaneos: ‘Toad Expenses Balance in Bank February 28,2017 Recsps and Expenses forthe Mouth of ebmary 4,091.00 so 12500 32000 40.16 v0.08 sias0 720 ess 686 seas 26148 11250 ‘2000 S 4683.59) 430060 seon.s 8 291238 THE CORNERSTONE. NON-PROPID ORG. U.S. Postage Return Service Requested Spirit! LOVE! FORGIVE! "Keep THE SPIRIT" My "BE YOURSELF" f gi x

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