Breeding Survey Book - Corrected

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CHAPTER 1 (An Overview of Breed Survey) 1-2

CHAPTER 2 (Technical Note) 3-14
2.1 Introduction 3
2.2 Data Entry, Data validation & Report Generation: 3
2.3 Sampling frame, Sample Selection and number of samples covered 5
Table 2.3.1 Number of sample villages covered 5
2.4 Field Survey 6
2.5 Schedules 6
2.6 Methodology 7
2.7 Breeds covered 7
Table 2.7 Breeds covered under Breed Survey 8
2.8 Shortcomings and corrective measures 9
2.9 Age- structure 10
CHAPTER 3 (Cattle) 15-18
3.1 Introduction 15
3.2 Cattle Exotic and Crossbred 15
Table 3.2: Breed wise estimated number of animals under Exotic and Crossbred Cattle 15
Graph 3.2 Percentage share of various breeds in Exotic/ Crossbred cattle 15
3.3 Cattle Indigenous 16
Table 3.3 Breed-wise estimated number of animals under Indigenous cattle 16
Graph 3.3 Percentage Contribution of Various major Indigenous Breeds 17
3.4: Indigenous Cattle : Pure & Graded Breeds 18
Graph 3.4 percentage share between pure and graded cattle 18
CHAPTER 4 (Buffaloes) 21-22
4. 1 Introduction 21
4.2 Breed Group of Buffalo 21
Graph 4.2 (A) Distribution of total buffaloes population 21
Table 4.2 Breed-wise estimated number of animals under Indigenous Buffaloes 21
Graph 4.2 (B) Percentage contribution various breeds of buffalo 22

o i
4.3 Buffalo: Indigenous & Graded Breeds 22
Graph 4.3 percentage share of pure & Graded breeds of buffalo 22
CHAPTER 5 (Sheep) 25-28
5.1 Introduction 25
Graph 5.1 Percentage share of Exotic/Crossbred, Indigenous and Non-descript 25
5.2 Exotic/Crossbred Sheep 25
Table: 5.2 Breed wise estimated Number of Exotic/Crossbred Sheep 25
Graph 5.2 percentage share of various Exotic/Crossbred sheep 26
5.3 Indigenous Sheep 26
Table 5.3 Breed wise estimated number of animals under indigenous sheep 26
Graph 5.3 Percentage share of Indigenous sheep including Non-descript Population 27
5.4 Sheep Indigenous: Pure & Graded Breeds 28
Graph 5.4 Percentage share of pure and Graded sheep 28
CHAPTER 6 (Goat) 31-33
6.1 Introduction 31
Graph 6.1(A) Percentage share of indigenous and Non-descript goat 31
Table: 6.1 Breed wise estimated number of indigenous animals under goat. 31
Graph 6.1(B): Percentage share of Indigenous goat including Non-descript population 32
6.2 Goat Indigenous: Pure & Graded Breeds 33
Graph 6.2 Percentage share of Pure and Graded Goat 33
CHAPTER 7 (Pig) 37-38
7.1 Introduction 37
Graph 7.1 Percentage share of Exotic, Crossbred, Indigenous and Non-descript Pigs 37
7.2 Exotic/Crossbred Pigs 37
Table 7.2 Breed wise estimated number of Exotic and Crossbred Pigs 37
Graph 7.2 percentage share of Exotic and Crossbred Pigs 38
7.3 Indigenous Pigs: 38
Table 7.3 Breed wise estimated number of Indigenous pig 38
Graph 7.3 percentage share of Indigenous Pigs including Non-descript 38
CHAPTER 8 (Horses & Ponies) 41
8.1 Introduction 41

o ii
Table 8.1 Breed wise estimated number of animals under Horses & Ponies 41
Graph 8.1 Percentage share of various breeds of Horses & Ponies 41
CHAPTER 9 (Mules & Donkeys) 46-46
9.1 Introduction 45
Table 9.1 Breeds wise estimated number of indigenous animal under Mules and Donkeys 45
Graph 9.1 Mules & Donkeys 45
9.2 Mules 45
Table 9.2 Estimated Number of Mules 45
9.3 Donkeys 46
Table 9.3 Estimated Number of Donkeys 46
Graph 9.3 Percentage share of indigenous Donkeys 46
CHAPTER 10 (Camels) 49
10.1 Introduction 49
Table 10.1 Breed wise estimated number of Indigenous animal under Camels. 49
Graph 10.1 Percentage share of indigenous camels including Non-descript 49
Annexure-I 51
(State wise details of Exotic/Crossbred and Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use) 53-104
Annexure-II 105
(State wise details of Indigenous Buffaloes by Age, Sex and Use) 107-131
Annexure-III 133
(State wise details of Exotic/Crossbred and Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use) 135-154
Annexure -IV 155
(State wise details of Indigenous Goats by Age, Sex and Use) 157-174
Annexure-V 175
(State wise Details of Exotic/Crossbred and Indigenous Pigs by Age, Sex and Use) 177-188
Annexure-VI 189
(State wise details of Horses & Ponies by Age, Sex and Use) 191-204
Annexure-VII 205
(State wise details of Mules & Donkey by Age, Sex and Use) 207-211
Annexure-VIII 213
(State wise Details of Indigenous Camels by Age, Sex and Use) 215-219

o iii
Ashok K. Angurana
^ fcPTR
f vft - 110001
^TE^T, ^
Government of India
TT R Ministry of Agriculture
*TRcT ^ ^
Secretary Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries
Government of India Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001

August 28, 2015


The Animal Husbandry and Livestock Sectors are integral part of agriculture and
rural economy of our country . The development in the sector is dependent upon how
the policies and programmes are evolved in line with the specific needs of the
livestock farmers. Though the Livestock Census conducted in the year 2012 captured
the total number of livestock available in the country, the census did not drill down to
providing a picture on the distribution of the number of animals in various breeds in
every livestock species.

Thus the concept of Breed Survey as a sample survey was evolved in order to
estimate the number of animals in various breeds of 13 livestock species across the
country . The Breed Survey, though separately conducted, was envisaged as part of
the overall activities under 19 Livestock Census 2012 and the estimates are derived
by disintegrating the figures of livestock census. Therefore, the Breed Survey results
provide useful insight into the results of Livestock Census as well by maintaining the
consistency in the reporting periods.

I am sure that the report will be highly useful in view of the current initiatives
and importance accorded for the development of indigenous breeds and their
protection . I understand that multiple exercises have been carried out in completing
the Breed Survey and publishing this report. Thanks are therefore due to the officials
and staff of the Animal Husbandry Departments of the participating States and UTs
without whose whole - hearted cooperation this Breed Survey could not have been
undertaken and completed , i would also like to congratulate Shri S,K, Das, Adviser
( Statistics) and his team of officers and staff in the Statistics Division of the
Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries for their untiring efforts in
bringing out this voluminous and useful publication.

I sincerely hope that the report will be useful to all stakeholders for planning
and policy making purposes as well as for research and academic uses. I also invite
critical comments and suggestions on this report in the interest of bringing out
improvements during the 2Q Livestock Census scheduled in 2017.

( Ashok K . Angurana )

E -mail : seeyahd@ nic .in

* Tei. : 91-11 23382608
* Fax ; 91- 11-23388006
HRtf TP? <J>T7

Tel. : 011 -25873773
Fax : 011 - 25873772
c| Hc 'UMfeM
Government of India ^ HTTl

Ministry of Agriculture
Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries
Behind State Bank of India ,
Delhi Milk Scheme Complex ,
Shadipur Depot, New Delhi - 110008


Domestic animals are raised for home use or profit, especially on a

farm is termed as Livestock. In Indian context, Cattle Buffaloes, SheepT
Goats and Pigs, Camel, Horses 8o Ponies, MuleT Donkeys, Yak & Mithun
constitute major livestock in terms of their population. Rearing of livestock
is for its economic value in terms of its products for nutritional supplements
such as milk, egg and meat. Livestock are also raised for other domestic use
such as ploughing, carting etc. All such activities are meant for domestic
use or profit. There are large numbers of breed available to these livestock
species having a distinctive appearance and typically having been developed
bv deliberate selection. In other words, breed are having common ancestors
and sharing certain traits that are not shared with other members of the
same species. Livestock census 2012 was conducted to count the species
wise livestock irrespective of their scientifically accepted breed. The National
Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources ( NBAGR ) has registered 143 breeds of
13 livestock species and the survey was conducted for all such registered
Breed Survey was undertaken on sample basis in order to work out
the number of animals in indigenous breeds of thirteen selected species of
livestock. The purpose of separation of Breed Survey from Livestock Census
is to minimise the work load and simplify the schedule of 19lh Livestock
Census. The Technical Committee constituted for \ 9lh Livestock Census
had recommended conducting this survey on 15% sample villages and
selected urban pockets so as to derive the proportion of the number of
animals belong to various breeds of every species. The methodology used in
the survey as well as various breeds covered including the breed codes etc.
arc illustrated in the report.

The survey was conducted with active participation of all States/ UTs,
KEGNICS Bengaluru, the agency selected for data entry and report
generation, has technical support for the report. The team of my Division
has rigorous monitoring & supervision to bring out the report. The report
contains twelve chapters including a Technical Note. These chapters gives
analytical view of the breed composition in each species indicating the
estimated number of animals based on the results of the survey. The
analyses were also made more interactive depicting graphical representation
of the derived results where ever possible. The details of age, sex distribution
of every breed separately for rural and urban areas for all thirteen species
are appended in annexure of the report.
New Delhi
August 2015

An Overview of Breed Survey

ivestock Census actually refers to the headcounts of livestock species in the country. The first livestock
census was launched in pre-independent era of 1919-20 by the erstwhile British Government. The main
purpose of the census was to ascertain the production of livestock and introduced taxation policies on
livestock. Nonetheless it was also important to have an idea on profitability of livestock rearing by the common
people. The census generated such results to take policy decisions on livestock sector. The 2nd livestock census
was also carried out across the country in 1924-25 on similar lines. The first livestock census was carried
out in post independent era in 1950-51 by the Government of India. The census results were the paramount
importance for the government to take policy decision in the sector but the census work was carried out by
the State Government by mobilizing resources from the states which results in inadequate attention and half-
hearted work in the census. The livestock census was carried out by the Directorate of Economics and Statistics
of respective state governments under overall supervision of Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Ministry of
Agriculture. Initially the census work was on matching-sharing basis. Due to the financial resource crunch of
different state governments, the work was not getting the appropriate attention and spill-over for larger time
frame for the census. Due to resource crunch, several State Governments even did not complete the census work
and results were prepared based on growth rate of the states or neighbouring states and projected population
for livestock were considered in previous censuses. The 16th Livestock Census was the last census carried out
by the Directorate of Economics and statistics of State Governments in one hand and Directorate of Economics
and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture on the other. Even several states did not complete the census and report
was generated considering the growth of livestock popul ation. The first livestock census conducted by the
Department of Animal Husbandry of respective state governments under the overall guidance and supervision
of Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India which
is the 17th livestock census. The livestock census work is being carried out by the state governments with 100%
funding from the centre and almost all state governments put some efforts for completion of the census. The
census was conducted on a pre-defined reference date on which the verification of the data previously collected
on livestock has to be re-visited and availability of livestock has to be confirmed but such rigid maintenance of
the reference date is not being followed in livestock censuses.

Livestock census is one of the major activities to frame policy in livestock sector. Livestock Census covers the
livestock species for overall development of the sector. It becomes essential for the policy maker to ascertain
the various breeds of livestock species so that the livestock species can be genetically upgraded for optimum
achievement for its product. For the first time the breeds of cattle and buffaloes were introduced in 17th livestock
census. The expansion of livestock breed for different species was considered in 18th livestock census. The
identification of the breeds for any livestock species was not systematically and scientifically adopted in 18th
livestock census. Even several breeds locally named were also found place in the list of breeds and the livestock
census continued to identify 218 breeds of livestock for the 15 species across the country. In order to properly
identify the livestock breeds, National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resource (NBAGR) has identified and registered
143 breeds of livestock species which have been considered in the breed survey under the ages of 19th Livestock
census. The breed survey was done on 15% sample basis and the survey results will be a multiplier factor to
generate the breed-wise population of livestock species across the country.

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

There are several merits and demerits of 18th and 19th livestock census. Some of the issues require attention of
the policy maker for using facts and figures of 18th livestock census and breed survey of 19th livestock census.
These issues are mentioned below:

There were 218 breeds of livestock species in 18th livestock census. The livestock breeds were defined as
the breeds having 80% similarity to the Pure breeds of livestock species will also be considered as the
Pure breeds of that species. If the similarity level less than 80% will be covered under graded indigenous
animals. All other animals of that species will be covered under non-descript. This definition has been
superseded by the breed survey of 19th livestock census. All scientifically accepted breeds i.e. 143 breeds
of livestock species were considered in the breed survey. The breed survey clearly defines for a particular
breed that the breed should be 100% identical to its description or phenotypic characteristics and will be
considered as Pure breed. The similarity level up to 50% of breed is also classified as the graded breed
of that species. If the similarity level is less than 50%, then the breeds will be counted against non-iden-
tified/Non-descript breeds of that particular species. Thus the comparison of breeds for 18th livestock
census and breeds survey of 19th livestock census to be used with a caution.
Several breeds of a particular species are condensed in the breed survey of 19th livestock census in com-
parison to its 18th livestock census. So there may be a misnomer in the breeds of certain species which
actually not appearing in the breed survey of 19th livestock census. A strict comparison of breeds of such
species cannot be resorted to.
18th livestock census has done the headcount of livestock breeds with enumerator from technical and
non-technical discipline but the breed survey of 19th livestock census was carried out separately on 15%
sample basis by veterinarians, para-veterinarians and persons from veterinary Science disciplines, so
identification of the breeds and reporting may be of a better quality. Thus the 19th livestock census en-
sures quality of the data for proper planning purposes.
In 18th Livestock Census headcounts of breeds of different species was carried out and the All India Report
of 18th Livestock Census was generated. In 19th Livestock Census, a separate survey was conducted on
15% sample of villages to estimate breed-wise livestock population. Thus the livestock population is an
estimated population of livestock species and its breeds presented in the present report.
The present report will consist of 10 chapters including the chapter an An overview of Breed Survey along with
19th Livestock Census. The 2nd chapter will mainly discuss on the technical aspects of the survey including the
coverage, sampling design, samples covered etc. It also cover the information on man power resources engaged
for collection of data and digitalization of the data to prepare the present report. The Chapters 3 to 10 will
have glimpses on the estimated number of animals in every species breed-wise derived from the Breed Survey
data. The report will further contain Annexures having details of state-wise breed-wise information, rural urban
combination and age and sex-wise information of various breeds of livestock species.


Technical Note

2.1 Introduction
Livestock statistics is a compilation of livestock population their products, utilities etc. in the country. Livestock
Census, on the other hand, conducted quinquennialy across the country. The census gives the headcounts of
animals in various species for both large ruminants and small ruminants. However, the 19th Livestock Census
2012 covered age specific composition including the uses of the animals under various categories. But the
census could not cover breed-wise statistics of each species. This was carried out as a separate survey namely
Breed Survey. The Breed Survey was undertaken on a sample of 15% villages across the country. The technical
committee constituted for 19th Livestock Census had recommended doing this exercise as a separate survey
keeping in mind the complexity of the process of identification of breeds as well as simplification of schedules of
19th Livestock Census.

The activities enlisted under Breed Survey are similar to that of Livestock Census. The State/UT declared nodal
officers for Livestock Census were acted as nodal officers for Breed Survey too. Previously, Breed Census was
carried out as a part of 18th Livestock Census on complete enumeration basis. This was a cumbersome process
and the enumerators identified for Livestock Census was not qualified and experienced enough to identify the
breeds. This difficulty was removed in the Breed Survey which was conducted with the help of veterinarians/

Breed survey was successfully completed with reference date of 31.07.2013 across the country on 15 % sample
villages where complete enumeration was done in all identified breeds in 13 selected species of animals. The
All India Training of trainers were organised in June, 2013 with the active participation of all States/UTs. The
States/UTs were further requested to train the enumerators identified for Breed Survey in every districts. The
sample selection processes were carried out centrally with the help of NIC team in Chhattisgarh. The survey was
done on 15% sample village basis except for the UTs namely, Puducherry, Chandigarh, Lakshadweep, Daman &
Diu, Dadra & NH. In Chandigarh, Lakshadweep and Daman Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli the survey was done on
complete enumeration basis covering all villages considering these UTs as smallest administrative units in terms
of number of villages. In Puducherry, 35% of the villages were covered under the survey.

The breeds in every species of animals are identified based on the identification particulars as per the guidelines
of NBAGR. The names of the registered breeds with breed codes and the breed track along with their phenotype
characteristics have been circulated among all States for field survey.

2.2 Data Entry, Data validation & Report Generation:

Karnataka State Electronics Development Corporation Limited (KEONICS), Bengaluru was entrusted for the data
entry, validation and report generation process. The software module developed to monitor incoming Breed
Survey Schedule from various states. This software module ensured only 15% randomly selected villages are
used for data entry. The schedules of uninhabited villages and had no livestock present were replaced by habited
villages, within the same tehsil, by the States/UTs using the online software developed by NIC, Chhattisgarh.

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Data Entry Module: Before designing the schedule, KEONICS had consulted the States/UTs on sample basis
to understand whether the Schedules were prepared as per the guidelines of Govt. of India. By observing the
Schedules from different States, the agency found that a standard static Data Entry Module cannot fulfil the
requirement. Hence the agency had developed Dynamically Driven State Specific Data Entry Module. By this
system it was able to generate data entry screen as per the State Schedule Design. The Software developed had
features to configure prominent species, breeds etc. specific to each State. With this, entering data under wrong
breeds was avoided. The Software also had features to accept unknown breed with alternate temporary code,
which was replaced later by correct breed code in consultation with the States/UTs. This helped avoiding data
getting dropped for wrong breed and no codes. The totalling errors were captured at the data entry stage itself
by highlighting the errors in red colour, which prompted the data entry operator to recheck the content entered
with documents leading to greater accuracy in the entered data. The Software developed has internal quality
checking mechanism where erroneous data is listed and checked to eliminate any errors committed by the data
entry operator.

Checklist Generation: Two types of checklist were generated.

1. Unknown Breed Checklist: During data entry, the agency observed that in some Schedules, breed
details were written without any breed code or name. The data entry module allowed these details to be
entered into data base with alternate breed code other than the listed breed code. Software generated an
Excel based checklist which was sent to respective States by e-mail. The correction made in Excel Sheets
and sent back to data processing centre by e-mail for carrying out necessary correction in the data base
directly using these excel sheets.

2. Logical and Total Error Checklist: Logical errors are like number of households having the specified
category of animals in a species that does not match with the columns of number of livestock of respective
breed type. These errors were captured through logic error checklist. This checklist also included the
totalling errors in male total, female total, breed total and species total columns.

Project Monitoring : The physical monitoring of the project was carried out using the weekly progress reports
which were received from the agency indicating Inventory of data received and pending from the States/UTs,
uninhabited villages, Data Entry Progress, Unknown Breed Checklist Sent and Receipt, Logical Error Checklist
Sent and receipt.

Methodology used for Estimation at Sub-district (Tehsil) Level: The methodology used for calculation of
breed totals is sample proportion method as explained under Section 2.6. The agency applied the estimation
procedure to arrive at the estimated figures for breed survey.

Method used to estimate Breed Survey Projection for Urban Area: Breed Survey mainly focused on rural areas
and there were minimal scope to get sample proportion ratio for urban area based on the schedules canvassed in
urban area. To overcome this situation the factor from rural sample proportion ratio and values corresponding to
urban towns from Livestock Census 2012 were used to estimate Breed Survey Projection for urban area.

Report Generation Module: The Software is designed to generate dynamic type of reports by selecting various
parameters on screen. The output can be stored as MS Excel, Word and PDF files.

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

2.3 Sampling frame, Sample Selection and number of samples covered

The sample villages are selected using Simple Random Sampling Without Replacement (SRSWOR) method. The
sampling frame is the census villages provided by ORGI as per census 2011. For the state of Kerala the sampling
frame was the list of wards covered under each village-panchayats. The sample selection process was carried
out in on-line mode with the help of software developed by NIC, Chhattisgarh. The software allowed the state
governments to draw their sample villages with the help of a user-id and password given to each States/UTs. The
software also provided an administration login to help the centre to monitor the selection of the samples. If any
of the selected village is depopulated then the software provided provision to draw substitute village on SRSWOR
method for that particular depopulated village. This facility was operated through administration at the centre.
The number of surveyed villages in each State/UT is given in the following table.

Table 2.3.1 Number of sample villages covered

Sl. No. Name of State/UT No. of Surveyed Villages
1 Uttar Pradesh 16,004
2 Madhya Pradesh 8,220
3 Odisha 7,650
4 Bihar 6,731
5 Rajasthan 6,671
6 Maharashtra 6,513
7 West Bengal 5,955
8 Jharkhand 4,887
9 Karnataka 4,374
10 Andhra Pradesh* 4,160
11 Assam 3,954
12 Himachal Pradesh 3,059
13 Chhattisgarh 3,031
14 Gujarat 2,732
15 Uttrakhand 2,497
16 Kerala 2,496
17 Tamil Nadu 2,438
18 Punjab 1,855
19 Haryana 1,018
20 Meghalaya 1,015
21 Jammu & Kashmir 990
22 Arunachal Pradesh 819
23 Manipur 382
24 Nagaland 224
25 Tripura 130
26 Mizoram 116
27 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 80
28 Sikkim 65

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Sl. No. Name of State/UT No. of Surveyed Villages

29 Goa 58
30 NCT Of Delhi 37
31 Puducherry 33
32 Daman & Diu 25
33 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 20
34 Chandigarh 12
35 Lakshadweep 10
Urban Schedules 313
Total Schedules 98,574
Including Telangana
The total number of samples surveyed under breed survey is 98,574. The sample selection process was done
according to the sampling method SRSWOR in each sub-district of a district.

2.4 Field Survey

The Field Survey was carried out in each selected sample as per the time schedules. Complete Enumeration was
done in each selected villages by counting the number of animals possessed by each Household/Enterprises
and Institutions according to the identified breeds under 13 selected species. The survey was carried out by the
State/UT governments by engaging enumerators/supervisors who are veterinarians/para-vets or the students
from veterinary background. This helped in identifying the breeds and reduced non-sampling errors. Nodal
officers were declared by each State/UT for breed survey who coordinated with the Centre for all activities under
Breed Survey.

2.5 Schedules
Schedule-1. House list schedule: The Schedule-1 was canvassed for recording the list of households, Household
Enterprises and Non household Enterprises existing in the selected sample village under enumeration. The
Schedule-1 as canvassed in 19th Livestock Census was used in Breed Survey to revisit the sample Village/
Panchayat/Wards/ Enumeration Blocks for recording the list of households, Household Enterprises and Non
household Enterprises and changes, if any. This list further helped the enumerators in canvassing the Schedule-3
for detailed enquiry on breeds of livestock species in every household having livestock.
Schedule-2. Village Profile: This schedule provides general profile of the Village/Ward and contains the
information on Number of Breed-wise Stray cattle and Dog. This information was collected mainly from the
Panchayat Revenue Officials/Gram Pradhan. In addition to it, Schedule-2 act as a summary schedule of Schedule-3
and all the entries were made as transfer entry of the column totals of Shedule-3.
Schedule-3. Household Schedule: This is the main schedule for collecting data on Breeds of various livestock
which was to be canvassed for every household having livestock. The Schedule was divided into two parts namely
Block A (Household/Household enterprises) and Block B (Non Household enterprises /Institution) consisting of
12 Blocks each. Information on number of livestock, Breed-wise in respect of various species were recorded by
their age, sex, utility etc. separately for (i) Households and Household Enterprises (ii) Non-household Enterprises
and Institutions.

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

2.6 Methodology
Sample design:
The sample design adopted in the survey is Stratified Random Sampling with each sub-district as single Stratum.
The first stage units are census villages in rural areas as per 2011 census. In the case of Kerala the panchayat
wards are considered as First Stage Units (FSU) in rural areas.
Selection of FSUs
From each Stratum (sub-district) 15% of villages are selected randomly in rural sector based on SRSWOR. The
selection process under Breed Survey is carried out in online mode through the software generated by National
Informatics Centre, Chhattisgarh in which login ID and password were given to each state in addition to the
admin login facility. In urban sector, the urban pockets which are identified by the States/UTs were surveyed
on complete enumeration basis. For any uninhabited villages selected in the sample, corresponding substitute
villages are also provided.
Second and third Stage Units
In Breed Survey, the second stage units are households and ultimate and third stage units are animals belong to
a particular breed.
Estimation procedure using Sample Proportion method
Sample proportion of each breed say p for the sub-district can be used as an estimate of population proportion of
the particular breed in that sub-district. The estimation is described as follows: Sample proportion,
Total number of animals in the Brerd in the selected category
Total number of animals in the selected category in all Breeds of same species

This sample ratio will be used for estimating the population proportion of animals in the particular category by
disintegrating into census figures of Livestock Census-2012 for every sub-district. The sub-district estimates will
further be added for arriving at district level estimates and similarly for State level estimates.

2.7 Breeds covered

The survey covered 143 breeds of 13 selected species. At first, species are given codes and subsequently these
codes have been extended to generate the codes for the breeds. The breeds which are registered by NBAGR were
considered in Breed Survey. All other local breeds have been covered under Non-descript category. Apart from
the pure breeds, the breed which have similar phenotypic characteristic of an identified breed is also considered
for the survey. These breeds are called graded breeds having more than 50% phenotype characteristic of an
identified breed. The names of the pure breeds covered under each species with species code are given in the
table 2.7

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Table 2.7 Breeds covered under Breed Survey

Sl. Livestock Species
Breed Name and Codes
No. Species Code
1 Cattle 01 ----
i) Exotic Jersey(010) Holstein Friesian(020)
ii) Indigenous Amritmahal (030), Bachaur (040), Bargur(050), Binjharpuri (060),
Dangi (070), Deoni (080), Gaolao (090), Ghumsuri(100), Gir(120),
Hallikar(130), Hariana(140), Kangayam(150), Kankrej (160),
Kenkatha (170), Khariar (180), Kherigarh(190), Khillar (200),
Kosali (210), Krishna Valley(220), Malnad Gidda (230), Malvi (240),
Mewati(250), Motu (260), Nagori(270), Nimari (280), Ongole (290),
Ponwar (300), Punganur (310), Pulikulum (320), Rathi (330),
Red Kandhari (340), Red Sindhi (350), Sahiwal (360), Siri (370),
Tharparkar (380), Umblacherry(390), Vechur (400)
iii) Non-descript Non-descript (99)
2 Buffalo 02 ----
i) Indigenous Bhadawari (010), Banni (020), Chilika(030), Jaffarabadi (040),
Kalahandi(050), Marathwadi(060), Mehsana(070), Murrah (080),
Nagpuri (090), Nili Ravi(100), Pandharpuri(110), Surti(120),
ii) Non-descript Non-descript (99)
3 Mithun 03 ----
i) Indigenous Mithun (010)
ii) Non-descript Non-descript (99)
4 Yak 04 ----
i) Indigenous Yak (010)
ii) Non-descript Non-descript (99)

5 Sheep 05 ----
i) Exotic Merino (010), Rambuillet(020), Corridale(030)
ii) Exotic/ Crossbred sheep (040)
iii) Indigenous Bhakarwal (050), Bellari (060), Balangir (070), Bonpala (080),
Changthangi (090), Chokala (100), Chottanagpuri (110),
Coimbatore (120), Deccani(130), Gaddi(140), Ganjam (150),
Garole(160), Gurez(170), Hassan(180), Jaisalmeri(190), Jalauni
(200), Karnah(210), Kashmir Merino (220), Kenguri (230),
Kilakarsal (240), Madras red(250), Magra (260), Malapura (270),
Mandya (280), Marwari(290), Mecheri (300), Muzzafarnagri
(310), Nellore (320), Nilgiri (330), Patanwadi (340), Poonchi
(350), Pugal (360), Ramnad White (370), Rampur Bushair
(380), , Shahbadi(390), Sonadi (400), Tibetan (410), Tiruchi
Black (420), Vembur (430)
iv) Non-descript Non-descript (99)

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

6 Goat 06 ----
i) Indigenous Attapadi Black (010), Barbari (020), Beetal(030), Berari (040),
Black Bengal (050), Changthangi (060), Chegu(070), Gaddi(080),
Ganjam (090), Gohilwadi (100), Jakhrana (110), Jamnapari (120),
Kani adu (130), Konkan Kanyal (140), Kutchi (150), Malabari (160),
Marwari (170), Mehsana (180), Osmanabadi (190), Sangamneri
(200), Sirohi (210), Surti (220), Zalawadi (230)
ii) Non-descript Non-descript (99)
7 Horse 07 ----
i) Indigenous Bhutia (010), Kathiawari (020), Manipuri (030), Marwari (040),
Spiti (050), Zanskari (060)
ii) Non-descript Non-descript (99)
8 Ponies 08 ----
i) Indigenous Bhutia (010), Kathiawari (020), Manipuri (030), Marwari (040),
Spiti (050), Zanskari (060)
ii) Non-descript Non-descript (99)
9 Mules 09 ----
10 Donkeys 10 ----
Italian (010), Desi/Spiti(020)
11 Camels 11 ----
i) Indigenous Bikaneri (010), Double Hump(020), Jaisalmeri(030),
Jalori(040),Kachchhi/Kutchi(050), Malvi(060), Marwari(070),
Mewari(080), Mewati(090)
ii) Non-descript Non-descript (99)
12 Pigs 12 ----
i) Exotic Landrace(010), Yorkshire(020), Hamsphire(030), Saddleback
(040), Australian Large Black (050), Duroc(060)
ii) Crossbred Crossbred Pigs(070)
iii) Indigenous Ghoongroo(080), Niang Megha(090)
iv) Non-descript Non-descript (99)
13 Rabbit 13 ----
i) Indigenous Angora (010), Broiler(020)
Note: The Breeds registered by NBAGR after 2013 have not been included in the reported. Hence the breeds of cattle namely Gangatiri and
Belahi are not covered in the present report but the numbers are included in the Non-descript category in their respective States.

2.8 Shortcomings and corrective measures

As per the instructions and the mandate, the survey was carried out in participation with all State/UT Governments.
The identification of the breed was a challenge faced during the survey operations though there were instructions
from NBAGR regarding phenotypic characteristic of each breed. Further, the breed survey was to be conducted
with the help of veterinary staff or para-veterinarians engaged by the States/UTs. However, based on the data
reported, the estimated numbers are derived against some of the breeds in States which fall in the non-breeding

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

tracts as well as geographically far from the breeding tract of the particular breed. For example, in case of Chilika
breed of Buffaloes, the estimates were generated based on the proportion of the breeds reported in the sample
in the State of Uttar Pradesh whereas the breeding tract is Odisha. Hence, the breed has been removed from
Uttar Pradesh and the number is appropriately adjusted under the breed Murrah and Non-Descript categories
as confirmed by the State. Similar adjustment was also done in case of Ghumsuri, Amritmahal in the States of
Meghalaya and Punjab respectively in consultation with the States.

The sheep Nilgiri was also reported in Uttar Pradesh and Haryana due to incorrect recording of breed code and
breed name. This error was eliminated by including the corresponding numbers under Non-descript category
of the sheep. Also, the sheep Nilgiri whose original breeding tract is the Niligiri district of Tamil Nadu where the
estimates are not generated due to non-availability of the breed in the sample. After a confirmation from the State,
it has been ascertained that the Nilgiri Sheep in Tamil Nadu is only 587 in nos. and due to minimal representation
of the breed in the State the breed did not appear in the sample. Another breed of goat namely Attapadi Black
whose breeding tract is Kerala whereas the data were reported in the State of Bihar. This discrepancy was also
removed in consultation with the State. The breed which are estimated very small in number and geographically
away from its home tract have been removed from the respective States and the numbers were included under
Non-Descript category of the respective species. Further, for the species Yak and Mithun no breed is registered
under NBAGR hence the estimate of these species are deleted from the current report. Similarly, in the case of
rabbit there is no breed registered by NBAGR and therefore the same also removed from the report.

2.9 Age- structure

The age structure of each category animals adopted during19th Livestock Census was considered as age structure
for Breed Survey too. The age structure for breed survey under each species is given in the Box 2.9

Box 2.9
Species Characteristics
Exotic and Cross bred Male Female
Cattle Up-to 1 year under 1 year,
Over 1 year 1 to 2 years
Used for Breeding Above 2 years.
Bullock cart/Farm operation In milk
Agriculture & breeding Dry
Others Not calved once

Indigenous Cattle Male Female

Up to 2 year under 1 year,
Over 2 year 1 to 3 years and
Used for Breeding above 3 years
Bullock cart/Farm operation In milk
Agriculture & breeding Dry
Others Not calved once

Buffaloes Male Female

up to2 year under 1 year,
Over 2 year 1 to 3 years and
Used for Breeding above 3 years
Bullock cart/Farm operation In milk
Agriculture & breeding Dry
Others Not calved once

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Sheep and Goat Male/Female

under 1 year
1 year and above
In addition for Female Goat , In milk, Dry Not calved once are also counted separately

Pig Male/Female
Under 6 months

Horses and Ponies/ Male/ Female

up to 3 years and
above 3 years
For male used for carts/carriage/sport

Donkeys/Mithun/ Male/ Female

Yak up to 3 years and
above 3 years

Mules up to 3 years and

above 3 years

Camel Male/ Female

Under 4 Years
4 years and above

A brief account of each species and their recognized breeds are illustrated in succeeding chapters



3.1 Introduction
Cattle in the country are one of the major contributors in the livestock population. As per 19th Livestock census
37.28 % of the livestock population belong to cattle. The main categories under cattle population are Exotic/
Crossbred and Indigenous/Non-descript. As per the definition adopted in Breed Survey, the animals which have
their origin in other countries are described as exotic animals. The most important exotic dairy cattle breeds in
India are Jersey and Holstein Friesian (HF). Animals which are produced by crossing Indigenous animals with
Exotic breeds or Indigenous animals which have Exotic inheritance are described as Crossbred animals. In Breed
Survey, animals fall under these broad categories are further bifurcated in the respective breeds as recognised

3.2 Cattle Exotic and Crossbred

The Exotic and Crossbred Category is one of the high yielding categories of animals in cattle. As per 19th Livestock
Census the Exotic and Crossbred animals contributes nearly 21% of the total cattle population. In the Breed
Survey, the breeds namely Jersey, Crossbred Jersey, Holstein Friesian (HF) and Crossbred HF are considered
under Exotic and Crossbred category. The following table shows the breed-wise number of animals.

Table 3.2: Breed wise estimated number of animals under Exotic and Crossbred cattle
SL. No. Breed Name No. of Animals
1 Jersey
Pure 6,75,647
Crossbred 2,29,54,211
Total Jersey 2,36,29,858
2 Holstein Friesian
Pure 6,43,859
Crossbred 1,54,58,093
Total Holstein Friesian 1,61,01,952
Total number of Exotic and Crossbred cattle 3,97,31,810

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

The Graph above shows that the Crossbred Jersey has the highest share with 57.77% as compared to 38.91% of
crossbred Holstein Friesian. The pure Exotic category has a share with 1.70% in Jersey and 1.62% in Holstein

3.3 Cattle Indigenous

Animals which belongs to Descript (identified)/Non-descript (non-identified) breeds of indigenous origin are
considered as indigenous animals. As per 19th Livestock Census over 79% of the cattle population are indigenous.
These indigenous populations are divided into 37 recognized breeds in the Breed Survey. Besides the Pure
breeds, Breed Survey also considered estimation of total number of animals in specific breeds which have more
than 50% phenotypic characteristics of a particular breed under the definition of graded breed of that particular
indigenous breed. The following table shows the number of animals in various indigenous breeds.

Table 3.3 Breed-wise estimated number of animals under Indigenous cattle

Sl. Pure Graded Total share with
Breed Name
No. (no.) (no.) (no.) respect to
1 Hariana 16,39,181 46,40,782 62,79,963 4.15
2 Gir 13,80,208 37,32,786 51,12,994 3.38
3 Sahiwal 10,92,459 37,89,835 48,82,294 3.23
4 Kankrej 19,45,094 10,83,185 30,28,279 2.00
5 Kosali 24,31,859 377 24,32,236 1.61
6 Khillar 11,02,359 9,11,993 20,14,352 1.33
7 Hallikar 12,11,242 5,96,690 18,07,932 1.20
8 Malvi 11,58,172 5,52,293 17,10,465 1.13
9 Bachaur 7,41,432 8,05,056 15,46,488 1.02
10 Rathi 8,65,921 3,71,588 12,37,509 0.82
11 Malnad Gidda 8,99,091 1,50,452 10,49,543 0.69
12 Tharparkar 1,97,291 5,35,182 7,32,473 0.48
13 Kenkatha 3,93,291 2,77,109 6,70,400 0.44
14 Ongole 1,15,905 5,18,621 6,34,526 0.42
15 Red Sindhi 59,642 4,97,744 5,57,386 0.37
16 Motu 4,69,320 67,438 5,36,758 0.36
17 Nagori 3,73,224 1,35,474 5,08,698 0.34
18 Red Kandhari 2,35,058 2,22,982 4,58,040 0.30
19 Nimari 3,41,828 1,11,805 4,53,633 0.30
20 Khariar 2,90,015 93,809 3,83,824 0.25
21 Deoni 1,51,236 2,00,364 3,51,600 0.23
22 Gaolao 1,21,538 2,01,145 3,22,683 0.21
23 Amritmahal 1,05,343 1,23,720 2,29,063 0.15

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Sl. Pure Graded Total share with
Breed Name
No. (no.) (no.) (no.) respect to
24 Kherigarh 75,116 1,24,135 1,99,251 0.13
25 Dangi 1,19,373 74,407 1,93,780 0.13
26 Kangayam 80,620 1,12,825 1,93,445 0.13
27 Binjharpuri 79,428 31,129 1,10,557 0.07
28 Ghumsuri 58,855 24,959 83,814 0.06
29 Umblacherry 39,050 33,460 72,510 0.05
30 Mewati 14,773 18,167 32,940 0.02
31 Ponwar 20,067 7,900 27,967 0.02
32 Siri 12,171 5,578 17,749 0.01
33 Bargur 14,154 2,153 16,307 0.01
34 Krishna Valley 3,462 10,919 14,381 0.01
35 Pulikulum 7,352 2,733 10,085 0.01
36 Punganur 2,772 56 2,828 0.00
37 Vechur 1,065 1,414 2,479 0.00
Indigenous Breed Cattle 17,84,8967 20,07,0265 3,79,19,232 25.06
Non-Descript --- --- 11,32,53,063 74.92
Total Indigenous Cattle 17,84,8967 20,07,0265 15,11,72,295 ---

The highest contribution is from Non-Descript category of animals which is 74.9% of the total Indigenous
cattle. Out of the remaining 25.1%, 4.2 % contribution is from Hariana Breed following which Gir and Sahiwal
contribute over 3% each of total indigenous cattle. Besides, Kankrej breed contributes 2% of indigenous cattle,
other breeds such as Kosali, Khillar, Hallikar, Malvi and Bachaur are also contributed over 1% each of the total
indigenous cattle. The Graph 3.3 shows the percentage contribution of top ten breeds in terms of their number in
the indigenous cattle based on the estimation. All other recognised breeds of cattle contribute less than 1% each
of the total indigenous cattle.

Graph 3.3 : Percentage contribution of various major Indigenous Breeds including Non-descript:

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

3.4: Indigenous Cattle : Pure & Graded breeds

The Graph 3.4 gives a picture on the percentage share of 37 (Pure and graded) breeds excluding Non-descript
category. Among the individual breeds it shows that only 18 breeds are having their pure breeds more than 60%
in number. In all other breeds major contributions is from graded breeds.

State-wise details showing the breed wise number of animals according to Age, Sex and Uses are placed at



4. 1 Introduction
Buffaloes in the country are third major contributors in the livestock population especially second largest
contributors in the production of milk. As per 19th Livestock census, 21.23% of the livestock population are
buffaloes. Buffaloes are indigenous animals having thirteen breeds besides Non-descript in the country these 13
breeds are recognised by NBAGR and considered for Breed Survey.

4.2 Breed group of Buffalo

The following diagram shows the distribution of indigenous buffaloes under three major categories i.e. Pure,
graded and non-descript. Out of total buffaloes, 17.05 % are pure breeds, 39.58 % are graded and remaining
43.37 % are in Non-Descript category.

The following table shows the number of animals in various breeds of buffaloes.

Table 4.2 Breed-wise estimated number of animals under Indigenous Buffaloes

Sl Name of the Pure Graded Total no. of Percentage share
No. Breed (no.) (no.) Animals with respect to total
1 Murrah 1,16,86,198 3,65,68,676 4,82,54,874 44.39
2 Surti 18,86,280 20,06,614 38,92,894 3.58
3 Mehsana 26,76,699 9,48,426 36,25,125 3.33
4 Jaffarabadi 5,71,077 12,00,421 17,71,498 1.63
5 Bhadawari 5,83,599 11,70,188 17,53,787 1.61
6 Nili Ravi 1,29,411 5,47,834 6,77,245 0.62
7 Pandharpuri 2,87,751 1,95,987 4,83,738 0.45
8 Banni 2,39,572 1,42,550 3,82,122 0.35
9 Marathwadi 2,78,502 98,093 3,76,595 0.35
10 Nagpuri 73,584 1,17,410 1,90,994 0.18
11 Kalahandi 1,15,213 26,802 1,42,015 0.13
12 Toda 3,003 2,533 5,536 0.01

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Sl Name of the Pure Graded Total no. of Percentage share

No. Breed (no.) (no.) Animals with respect to total
13 Chilika 2,599 787 3,386 0.00
Total Indigenous Breed 1,85,33,488 4,30,26,321 6,15,59,809 56.63
Non-descript - - 4,71,42,313 43.37
Total Buffaloes 1,85,33,185 4,30,23,385 10,87,02,122 ---

The Graph 4.2(B) shows the distribution of various major indigenous breeds of buffalo in the country. The Murrah
breed of buffalo contributes 44.39% of the total buffalo population followed by Non-Descript category which
contributes 43.37%. Among the other breeds, Surti and Mehsana have percentage contribution of 3.58% and
3.33% respectively whereas the Jaffarabadi and Bhadawari breeds, contribute 1.63% and 1.61% respectively. All
other recognised breed individually has less than 1% contribution in their breed spectrum.

4.3 Buffalo: Indigenous & Graded breeds

The Graph 4.3 gives a picture on the percentage share of pure and graded breeds excluding Non-descript category.
Among the individual breeds it shows that only 5 breeds namely Mehsana, Banni, Marathwadi, Kalahandi and
Chilika are having their Pure breeds more than 60% in number. In all other breeds major contributions is from
graded breeds.

State-wise details showing the breed wise number of animals according to Age, Sex and Uses are placed at



5.1 Introduction
Sheep are one of the major livestock species under the small ruminant category of animals. As per 19th Livestock
census 12.71% of the livestock population are sheep. Sheep are of two types; (ii) Exotic/Crossbred and (ii)
Indigenous sheep. The distribution of Exotic/crossbred, Indgenious and Non-descript breeds of sheep are given
in following diagram.

5.2 Exotic/Crossbred Sheep

The Exotic category of sheep is divided into three categories i.e. Merino, Rambouillet and Corridale breeds besides
crossbred as per NBAGR record. The Crossbred sheep which is the major contributors having a percentage
contribution of 87.70% of the total animals as shown in the Graph 5.2. Among the other pure exotic breeds,
Rambouillet is having a share of 7.16%. The other breeds namely Merino and Corridale are contributing 4.27%
and 0.87% respectively.

Table: 5.2 Breed wise estimated number of Exotic/Crossbred Sheep

Percentage share with

Sl.No. Name of the Breed No. of Animals
respect to total
1 Exotic Sheep
Rambouillet 2,70,902 7.16
Merino 1,61,582 4.27
Corridale 32,763 0.87
Total Exotic Sheep 4,65,247 12.30
2 Total Crossbred Sheep 33,15,844 87.70
Total Exotic/Crossbred Sheep 37,81,091 ---

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

5.3 Indigenous Sheep

The total indigenous sheep are categorised under 38 recognised breeds as per NBAGR guidelines. The number of
animals under each of the indigenous breed is given in the Table 5.3.

Table 5.3 Breed wise estimated number of animals under indigenous sheep
Percentage share
Sl. Pure Graded Total
Name of the Breeds with respect to
No. (no.) (no.) (no.)
1 Nellore 69,42,182 48,03,685 1,17,45,867 19.17
2 Deccani 37,23,406 24,98,128 62,21,534 10.15
3 Marwari 30,74,952 10,33,012 41,07,964 6.70
4 Bellari 16,73,154 6,52,349 23,25,503 3.79
5 Jaisalmeri 10,18,880 7,70,132 17,89,012 2.92
6 Mecheri 12,12,225 2,17,509 14,29,734 2.33
7 Hassan 7,03,012 1,57,660 8,60,672 1.40
8 Ramand White 7,10,028 1,41,147 8,51,175 1.39
9 Patanwadi 4,72,997 2,90,366 7,63,363 1.25
10 Kenguri 2,43,023 4,33,947 6,76,970 1.10
11 Magra 5,07,915 46,652 5,54,567 0.90
12 Chottanagpuri 5,16,692 3,709 5,20,401 0.85
13 Mandya 2,44,468 2,29,613 4,74,081 0.77
14 Gaddi 2,95,010 1,48,078 4,43,088 0.72
15 Madras Red 3,11,533 1,26,017 4,37,550 0.71
16 Chokala 2,61,514 1,24,962 3,86,476 0.63
17 Malapura 2,45,251 94,052 3,39,303 0.55
18 Balangir 2,48,986 59,581 3,08,567 0.50
19 Bonpala 2,31,860 1,057 2,32,917 0.38
20 Sonadi 1,57,694 59,338 2,17,032 0.35
21 Muzzafarnagri 99,328 84,532 1,83,860 0.30

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Percentage share
Sl. Pure Graded Total
Name of the Breeds with respect to
No. (no.) (no.) (no.)
22 Jalauni 86,072 96,465 1,82,537 0.30
23 Garole 1,65,531 0 1,65,531 0.27
24 Pugal 99,579 42,026 1,41,605 0.23
25 Kilakarsal 37,114 74,276 1,11,390 0.18
26 Shahbadi 71,278 35,559 1,06,837 0.17
27 Bhakarwal 82,334 20,131 1,02,465 0.17
28 Ganjam 87,597 13,145 1,00,742 0.16
29 Changthangi 65,115 34 65,149 0.11
30 Tiruchi Black 47,493 14,887 62,380 0.10
31 Rampur bushair 23,600 27,409 51,009 0.08
32 Kashmir Merino 37,418 7,451 44,869 0.07
33 Coimbator 28,725 12,429 41,154 0.07
34 Vembur 34,086 5,578 39,664 0.06
35 Gurez 17,207 0 17,207 0.03
36 Poonchi 2,643 4,393 7,036 0.01
37 Karnah 2,946 87 3,033 0.00
Total Indigenous Breeds 2,37,82,848 1,23,29,396 3,61,12,244 58.92
Non-Descript - - 2,51,75,854 41.08
Total Indigenous Sheep 2,37,82,848 1,23,29,396 6,12,88,098 ---
Note: The breed Nilgiri has estimated nil in number.

The Graph 5.3 shows the percentage distribution of various indigenous breeds of sheep population. It is observed
that among the indigenous breeds, Nellore breed contribute highest in the category with 19.17% following which
the breeds namely Deccani, Marwari, Bellari, Jaisalmeri and Mecheri contribute a major share as shown in the
following diagram. There are 27 indigenous breeds whose contribution is less than 1% share in total indigenous

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

5.4 Sheep Indigenous: Pure & Graded Breeds

The Graph 5.4 shows the percentage share of Pure and graded breeds of sheep. Among 37 indigenous breeds of
sheep (excluding non-descript) 27 breeds are having their Pure breeds more than 60% in number. In all other
breeds major contributions is from graded breeds.

State-wise details showing the breed wise number of animals according to Age, Sex and Uses are placed at



6.1 Introduction
Goats are prime important species in the small ruminants and second largest species in livestock category and
contribute in the production of milk after cattle and buffaloes. As per 19th Livestock census, 26.40% of the
livestock population are Goats. Out of 135.04 millions of Indigenous Goats (Including Non-descript), 26.97% are
pure breed, 11.77% are graded breeds and remaining 61.26% are non-descript breeds. The distribution of goats
under these categories is given in the following diagram.

There are 23 indigenous breeds of goats in the country besides its Non-Descript animals as recognised by NBAGR.
The names of indigenous breeds of goats and their population are given along with the percentage share under
the following table:

Table: 6.1 Breed wise estimated number of indigenous animals under goat

Name of the Pure Graded Total
Sl. No. share with
Breeds (no.) (no.) (no.)
respect to total
1 Black Bengal 17,408,780 3,242,544 20,651,324 15.28
2 Marwari 5,347,830 1,834,690 7,182,520 5.31
3 Barbari 2,194,443 4,087,269 6,281,712 4.65
4 Jamnapari 1,599,366 2,313,879 3,913,245 2.89
5 Sirohi 1,822,729 1,254,625 3,077,354 2.28
6 Osmanabadi 2,481,020 584,817 3,065,837 2.27
7 Jakhrana 989,578 457,077 1,446,655 1.07
8 Kani Adu 696,219 360,619 1,056,838 0.78
9 Malabari 569,531 446,668 1,016,199 0.75
10 Beetal 379,314 335,668 714,982 0.53
11 Gaddi 363,872 253,290 617,162 0.46

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Name of the Pure Graded Total
Sl. No. share with
Breeds (no.) (no.) (no.)
respect to total
12 Mehsana 521,898 89,906 611,804 0.45
13 Zalawadi 390,800 141,638 532,438 0.39
14 Kutchi 380,723 62,652 443,375 0.33
15 Ganjam 317,063 96,859 413,922 0.31
16 Surti 270,834 135,653 406,487 0.30
17 Gohilwadi 168,917 94,941 263,858 0.20
18 Changthangi 196,210 9 196,219 0.15
19 Berari 120,936 71,639 192,575 0.14
20 Sangamneri 162,834 22,408 185,242 0.14
21 Chegu 36,149 1,533 37,682 0.03
22 Konkan Kanya 27,039 6,375 33,414 0.02
23 Attapadi Black 10,238 11,401 21,639 0.02
Total Indigenous Breeds 36,456,323 15,906,160 52,362,483 38.74
Non-Descript - - 8,28,10,610 61.26
Total Indigenous Goat 36,456,323 15,906,160 135,173,093 ---

The Graph 6.1 (B) shows the percentage distribution of various indigenous breeds of Goats population. It is
observed that among the indigenous breeds, Black Bengal breed contribute highest in the category with 15.28%
followed by Marwari, Barbari, Jamnapari, sirohi, osmanabadi and Jakhrana contribute a major share as shown in
the following diagram. All other breeds have less than 1% contribution in their individual indigenous categories.

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

6.2 Goat Indigenous: Pure & Graded Breeds

The Graph 6.2 gives a picture on the percentage share of pure and graded breeds excluding Non-descript category.
Among the individual breeds it shows that there are 16 breeds namely Black Bengal, Marwari, Osmanabadi,
Jakhrana, Kani Adu, Mehsana, Zalawadi, Kutchi, Ganjam, Surti, Gohilwadi, Changthangi, Berari, Sangamneri, chegu
and Konkan Kanya having its pure breed more than 60% in number. In all other breeds major contributions is
from graded breeds.

State-wise details showing the breed wise number of animals according to Age, Sex and Uses are placed at



7.1 Introduction
As per 19th Livestock census 2.01 % of the livestock population are contributed by Pigs. Pigs are divided into
four main categories like Exotic, Crossbred pigs, Indigenous pigs and Non-descript. The share of pig population
among exotic, crossbred, indigenous and non-descript category is depicted on the diagram below:

7.2 Exotic/Crossbred Pigs

The exotic breeds of pigs are divided into 6 breeds besides the crossbred pigs as per the Table 7.2. The graph 7.2
also shows the percentage distribution of various exotic and crossbred pigs with respect to total number of exotic/
crossbred pigs. The exotic breeds like Duroc, Australian Large Black and Saddleback have their insignificant
share in total exotic/crossbred pigs.

Table 7.2: Breed wise estimated number of Exotic and Crossbred Pigs

Sl. Total Percentage share with

Breed Name of the Pigs
No. (No.) respect to total
1 Exotic Pig
Yorkshire 1,75,933 7.16
Landrace 30,063 1.22
Hampshire 29,165 1.19
Duroc 3,323 0.14
Australian Large Black 876 0.04
Saddleback 500 0.02
Total Exotic Breeds 2,39,860 9.77
2 Total Crossbred Breeds 22,16,529 90.24
Total Pigs 24,56,389 ---
Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

7.3 Indigenous Pigs:

The total Indigenous pigs are categorised into 2 (excluding non-descript) breeds as per NBAGR guidelines. The
number of animals under each of the indigenous breed of Pig is given in the Table 7.3. The graph 7.3 also shows
the percentage distribution of all the indigenous breeds.

Table 7.3 Breed wise estimated number of Indigenous pig

Sl. Total animals Percentage share with

Name of the Breed
No. (No.) respect to total
1 Ghoongroo 1,84,307 2.35
2 Niang Megha 1,27,292 1.62
Total Indigenous Breeds 3,11,599 3.97
Non-descript 75,25,707 96.03
Total Indigenous Pig 78,37,306 ---

State-wise details showing the breed wise number of animals according to Age, Sex and Uses are placed at
Horses & Ponies

Horses & Ponies

8.1 Introduction
As per 19th Livestock census 0.12 % of the livestock population are contributed by Horses & Ponies. In 19th
Livestock Census, the animals were reported in one category under Horses & Ponies. However, in breed survey,
all the recognized breeds of Horses and Ponies have been separately counted and estimated number of animals
in each recognized breed is given in the table below.

Table 8.1 Breed wise estimated number of animals under Horses & Ponies
Sl. No. of No. of Percentage share
Name of the Breed Total
No. Horses Ponies with respect to total
1 Kathiawari 57,112 6,018 63,130 10.11
2 Marwari 38,696 3,479 42,175 6.75
3 Zanskari 9,702 79 9,781 1.57
4 Bhutia 4,908 280 5,188 0.83
5 Spiti 1010 479 1,489 0.24
6 Manipuri 171 306 477 0.08
Total Breeds 1,11,599 10,641 1,22,240 19.58
Non-descript 3,89,087 1,13,405 5,02,492 80.43
Total Horses & Ponies 5,00,686 1,24,046 6,24,732 ---

In Breed Survey, the six recognized breeds of Horses as well as Ponies were considered besides non-descript.
From the above table it is seen that the 3 breeds of this species are reported in negligible numbers. As per
definition, ponies and horses are both equines but generally identified according to the variation in their heights
and best wisdom of the enumerators. The horses and ponies are to be considered in their respective breeds for
academic interest and the figures are shown against their respective breeds. Most of these breeds are identified
under Horses than in Ponies as evident from the graph shown below.

State-wise details showing the breed wise number of animals according to Age, Sex and Uses are placed at
Mules & Donkeys

Mules & Donkeys

9.1 Introduction
As per 19th Livestock census 0.10% of the livestock population are contributed by Mules and Donkeys taken
together. The mule population is estimated based on the single breed of mule origin whereas the donkey
population is divided into two breeds namely Italian and Desi/Spiti. The following table and diagram shows the
total number of animals in each of the breeds of mule and donkeys and their percentage share.

Table 9.1: Breeds wise estimated number of indigenous animal under Mules and Donkeys

Percentage Share with

Sl. No. Name of Breed No. of animals
respect to their total
1 Mules 1,96,378 -
Total Mules Breeds 1,96,378 38.12
1 Italian 27,580 8.65
2 Desi/Spiti 2,91,207 91.35
Total Donkey Breeds 3,18,787 61.88
Totals Mules and Donkey 5,15,165 ---

9.2 Mules
The mules are considered under single breed in Breed Survey. As per 19th Livestock Census only 0.04 % of the
livestock population is contributed by mules. The estimates of mule population according to their age composition
are given in the following table.

Table 9.2 : Estimated number of Mules

Category Mules (no.)
v Under 3 years 47,948
v3 years and above 1,48,430
TOTAL 1,96,378

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

9.3 Donkeys
There are mainly two breeds, viz Italian and Desi/Spiti, which are recognized by NBAGR, were considered under
Breed Survey. The age-sex distribution of the breeds of donkeys is shown in the Table 9.3. The percentage share
of these breeds of donkeys is depicted in the diagram Graph 9.3.

Table 9.3 Estimated Number of Donkeys

Category Italian (no.) Desi/Spiti (no.) Total (no.)
v Male 16,046 1,70,163 1,86,209
v Female 11,534 1,21,044 1,32,578
Total (Male + Female) 27,580 2,91,207 3,18,787

State wise details showing the breed wise number of animals according to Age, Sex and Uses are placed at


10.1 Introduction
As per 19th Livestock census 0.08 % of the livestock population are contributed by Camels. The camels are
categorised under 9 breeds of indigenous origin besides those of non-descript breeds. As per NBAGR records,
Double humps, Mewari, Mewati and Jalori are extinct breeds. The table below shows the estimated number of
camel population in each of these indigenous breeds.

Table 10.1 Breed wise estimated number of Indigenous animal under Camels

Percentage share with

Sl. No. Name of the Breed No. of Camels
respect to total
1 Bikaneri 1,55,058 38.74
2 Jaisalmeri 1,09,476 27.35
3 Kachchhi/Kutchi 20,653 5.16
4 Marwari 1,073 0.27
5 Malvi 1,062 0.27
6 Jalori 3 -
Total Breeds 2,87,325 71.79
Non-descript 1,12,949 28.22
Total Camels 4,00,274 ---
Note: The breeds such as Double Hump, Mewari and Mewati have estimated nil in number.

The percentage share of each of the breeds of camel is shown in the Graph 10.1 below. The Bikaneri breed of
camel has the highest contribution of 38.74% among the total camel population followed by Jaisalmeri of 27.35%
and Kachchhi/Kutchi of 5.16%. The Non-descript camel contributes 28.22% and other breeds namely Jalori have
minor share in the total camel population.

State-wise details showing the breed wise number of animals according to Age, Sex and Uses are placed at

Annexure - I
State wise details Exotic/Crossbred and
Indigenous Cattle by age, sex and use
Breed Survey 2012
Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Exotic/Crossbred Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Jersey - Exotic
Male Female

State/ Union Over 1 & 1/2 Years Over 2 & 1/2 Years Total
Territory 1 to 2 Male +
Upto 1
Used for Used for Total Under 1 & Total Female
& 1/2 Used for Not
Agriculture Bullock Male year 1/2 Female
Years breeding Others In milk Dry calved Others
& breeding cart / Farm years
only once
only operation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
& NICOBAR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ISLANDS Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rural 3,202 157 358 177 22 3,916 3,939 2,645 9,962 2,120 642 71 19,379 23,295
Urban 133 0 5 5 0 143 283 137 745 244 30 0 1,439 1,582
Total 3,335 157 363 182 22 4,059 4,222 2,782 10,707 2,364 672 71 20,818 24,877
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ARUNACHAL Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Rural 10 2 0 0 0 12 24 19 60 3 40 0 146 158

ASSAM Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 3 3

Total 10 2 0 0 0 12 24 19 62 3 41 0 149 161

Rural 2,328 264 99 20 352 3,063 2,815 1,690 4,558 2,487 1,598 68 13,216 16,279

BIHAR Urban 459 12 21 70 24 586 886 478 1,641 760 419 4 4,188 4,774

Total 2,787 276 120 90 376 3,649 3,701 2,168 6,199 3,247 2,017 72 17,404 21,053
Rural 1 0 0 0 0 1 7 4 41 18 1 0 71 72
CHANDIGARH Urban 14 0 0 0 0 14 16 6 129 23 8 0 182 196
Total 15 0 0 0 0 15 23 10 170 41 9 0 253 268
Rural 1,098 144 553 72 11 1,878 670 519 1,944 876 518 13 4,540 6,418

CHHATTISGARH Urban 361 10 20 21 26 438 522 247 1,858 443 155 0 3,225 3,663

Total 1,459 154 573 93 37 2,316 1,192 766 3,802 1,319 673 13 7,765 10,081
Rural 8 2 9 0 2 21 10 15 18 5 0 0 48 69
Urban 4 1 2 0 0 7 10 17 17 7 0 0 51 58
Total 12 3 11 0 2 28 20 32 35 12 0 0 99 127
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DAMAN & DIU Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
GOA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rural 3,596 123 1,295 740 18 5,772 7,375 7,686 13,260 5,352 2,018 101 35,792 41,564
GUJARAT Urban 45 1 9 0 0 55 74 52 156 39 14 0 335 390
Total 3,641 124 1,304 740 18 5,827 7,449 7,738 13,416 5,391 2,032 101 36,127 41,954
Rural 914 64 639 16 14 1,647 1,314 987 2,939 706 56 0 6,002 7,649

HARYANA Urban 73 0 8 0 0 81 101 46 266 53 0 0 466 547

Total 987 64 647 16 14 1,728 1,415 1,033 3,205 759 56 0 6,468 8,196

Rural 1,144 19 1,400 133 79 2,775 2,802 1,978 7,418 1,185 257 6 13,646 16,421
Urban 2 0 0 1 1 4 16 7 40 0 0 0 63 67
Total 1,146 19 1,400 134 80 2,779 2,818 1,985 7,458 1,185 257 6 13,709 16,488

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Exotic/Crossbred Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Jersey - Exotic
Male Female

State/ Union Over 1 & 1/2 Years Over 2 & 1/2 Years Total
Territory 1 to 2 Male +
Upto 1
Used for Used for Total Under 1 & Total Female
& 1/2 Used for Not
Agriculture Bullock Male year 1/2 Female
Years breeding Others In milk Dry calved Others
& breeding cart / Farm years
only once
only operation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 672 162 289 120 0 1,243 681 487 1,928 233 352 9 3,690 4,933
Urban 10 0 1 0 0 11 4 6 32 10 0 0 52 63
Total 682 162 290 120 0 1,254 685 493 1,960 243 352 9 3,742 4,996
Rural 880 207 266 45 3 1,401 928 516 1,872 393 171 113 3,993 5,394
JHARKHAND Urban 279 5 1 3 0 288 255 123 1,019 135 32 4 1,568 1,856
Total 1,159 212 267 48 3 1,689 1,183 639 2,891 528 203 117 5,561 7,250
Rural 52 0 0 2 0 54 268 263 434 28 5 0 998 1,052
KARNATAKA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 7 0 0 0 10 10
Total 52 0 0 2 0 54 270 264 441 28 5 0 1,008 1,062
Rural 660 33 0 27 14 734 787 762 1,356 404 15 0 3,324 4,058
KERALA Urban 32 3 0 2 0 37 30 36 46 8 0 0 120 157
Total 692 36 0 29 14 771 817 798 1,402 412 15 0 3,444 4,215
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

LAKSHADWEEP Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Rural 4,159 490 734 91 4 5,478 5,276 3,609 9,792 3,621 654 45 22,997 28,475
Urban 335 35 29 1 1 401 557 322 1,219 380 70 0 2,548 2,949
Total 4,494 525 763 92 5 5,879 5,833 3,931 11,011 4,001 724 45 25,545 31,424

Rural 1,520 189 985 297 13 3,004 2,895 1,891 5,464 2,366 286 33 12,935 15,939

MAHARASHTRA Urban 95 105 172 22 15 409 309 200 1,137 147 31 3 1,827 2,236

Total 1,615 294 1,157 319 28 3,413 3,204 2,091 6,601 2,513 317 36 14,762 18,175
Rural 226 123 0 6 0 355 601 328 448 37 165 0 1,579 1,934
MANIPUR Urban 67 0 0 0 0 67 84 39 312 21 0 0 456 523

Total 293 123 0 6 0 422 685 367 760 58 165 0 2,035 2,457

Rural 36 0 18 0 0 54 48 36 70 4 4 0 162 216

MEGHALAYA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 36 0 18 0 0 54 48 36 70 4 4 0 162 216

Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

MIZORAM Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

NAGALAND Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Rural 833 0 0 8 4 845 474 121 1,097 174 51 0 1,917 2,762

NCT OF DELHI Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 0 128 47 0 0 209 209

Total 833 0 0 8 4 845 508 121 1,225 221 51 0 2,126 2,971

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Exotic/Crossbred Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Jersey - Exotic
Male Female

State/ Union Over 1 & 1/2 Years Over 2 & 1/2 Years Total
Territory 1 to 2 Male +
Upto 1
Used for Used for Total Under 1 & Total Female
& 1/2 Used for Not
Agriculture Bullock Male year 1/2 Female
Years breeding Others In milk Dry calved Others
& breeding cart / Farm years
only once
only operation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 22 0 0 0 0 22 34 43 113 27 20 0 237 259

ODISHA Urban 5 0 0 0 0 5 12 1 16 17 9 0 55 60

Total 27 0 0 0 0 27 46 44 129 44 29 0 292 319

Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

PUDUCHERRY Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Rural 2,073 150 1,871 160 13 4,267 3,551 3,382 8,720 2,395 339 181 18,568 22,835

PUNJAB Urban 87 6 20 27 0 140 107 66 284 96 4 4 561 701

Total 2,160 156 1,891 187 13 4,407 3,658 3,448 9,004 2,491 343 185 19,129 23,536

Rural 6,680 463 1,763 158 82 9,146 10,587 6,261 19,786 6,779 2,517 216 46,146 55,292

RAJASTHAN Urban 1,976 128 355 31 13 2,503 5,676 1,685 12,122 2,859 245 3 22,590 25,093

Total 8,656 591 2,118 189 95 11,649 16,263 7,946 31,908 9,638 2,762 219 68,736 80,385

Rural 6 0 0 0 0 6 43 20 45 5 3 0 116 122

SIKKIM Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 6 0 0 0 0 6 43 20 45 5 3 0 116 122

Rural 5,097 997 3,407 226 187 9,914 9,360 6,392 23,383 4,795 3,105 839 47,874 57,788

TAMIL NADU Urban 962 154 413 68 42 1,639 1,357 1,084 3,456 563 552 118 7,130 8,769

Total 6,059 1,151 3,820 294 229 11,553 10,717 7,476 26,839 5,358 3,657 957 55,004 66,557

Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TRIPURA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rural 28,439 1,576 15,554 1,283 560 47,412 43,726 29,725 91,370 26,125 7,867 1,314 2,00,127 2,47,539
Urban 3,155 133 721 308 33 4,350 6,075 3,152 13,575 3,290 1,011 386 27,489 31,839
Total 31,594 1,709 16,275 1,591 593 51,762 49,801 32,877 1,04,945 29,415 8,878 1,700 2,27,616 2,79,378

Rural 831 40 410 6 0 1,287 1,379 946 2,463 1,064 336 0 6,188 7,475

UTTARAKHAND Urban 44 0 19 0 0 63 74 40 147 72 7 0 340 403

Total 875 40 429 6 0 1,350 1,453 986 2,610 1,136 343 0 6,528 7,878

Rural 3,547 99 527 104 12 4,289 3,614 3,465 5,118 3,316 1,369 14 16,896 21,185

WEST BENGAL Urban 21 2 0 0 0 23 103 45 60 40 45 0 293 316

Total 3,568 101 527 104 12 4,312 3,717 3,510 5,178 3,356 1,414 14 17,189 21,501

Rural 68,034 5,304 30,177 3,691 1,390 1,08,596 1,03,208 73,790 2,13,659 64,518 22,389 3,023 4,80,587 5,89,183

All India
Urban 8,159 595 1,796 559 155 11,264 16,587 7,790 38,414 9,254 2,633 522 75,200 86,464

Total 76,193 5,899 31,973 4,250 1,545 1,19,860 1,19,795 81,580 2,52,073 73,772 25,022 3,545 5,55,787 6,75,647

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Exotic/Crossbred Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012

Jersey - Crossbred
Male Female
Over 1 & 1/2 Years Over 2 & 1/2 Years
State/ Union Total
Area Used for + Cross
Territory Used Used for Male +
Upto 1 & Bullock Total Under 1 1 to 2 & Total bred
for Agricul Not Female
1/2 Years cart / Male year 1/2 years In milk Female
bree ture Others Dry calved Others
ding & bree once
only ding only
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
ANDAMAN Rural 1,818 271 412 83 49 2,633 2,532 1,569 3,825 1,961 425 37 10,349 12,982 12,982
& NICOBAR Urban 53 2 0 0 1 56 84 59 164 64 2 13 386 442 442
ISLANDS Total 1,871 273 412 83 50 2,689 2,616 1,628 3,989 2,025 427 50 10,735 13,424 13,424
Rural 1,96,045 10,300 1,08,460 7,419 2,045 3,24,269 3,38,781 2,04,648 6,38,316 1,79,387 63,396 8,555 14,33,083 17,57,352 17,80,647
Urban 6,498 628 2,406 162 160 9,854 11,450 6,647 25,413 7,508 2,331 730 54,079 63,933 65,515
Total 2,02,543 10,928 1,10,866 7,581 2,205 3,34,123 3,50,231 2,11,295 6,63,729 1,86,895 65,727 9,285 14,87,162 18,21,285 18,46,162
Rural 967 263 258 183 22 1,693 1,016 632 1,594 861 313 127 4,543 6,236 6,236
Urban 183 94 15 20 17 329 256 114 421 223 189 113 1,316 1,645 1,645
Total 1,150 357 273 203 39 2,022 1,272 746 2,015 1,084 502 240 5,859 7,881 7,881
Rural 47,501 6,848 9,887 2,280 1,079 67,595 80,112 49,405 96,222 41,287 12,375 1,341 2,80,742 3,48,337 3,48,495
ASSAM Urban 3,553 265 122 102 152 4,194 5,786 3,970 10,825 4,236 1,144 109 26,070 30,264 30,267
Total 51,054 7,113 10,009 2,382 1,231 71,789 85,898 53,375 1,07,047 45,523 13,519 1,450 3,06,812 3,78,601 3,78,762
Rural 1,73,824 12,275 34,814 10,261 29,250 2,60,424 3,01,413 2,06,418 5,55,543 2,91,246 1,80,762 18,643 15,54,025 18,14,449 18,30,728
BIHAR Urban 13,293 1,345 1,036 631 1,622 17,927 27,834 16,493 56,020 21,070 12,739 1,620 1,35,776 1,53,703 1,58,477
Total 1,87,117 13,620 35,850 10,892 30,872 2,78,351 3,29,247 2,22,911 6,11,563 3,12,316 1,93,501 20,263 16,89,801 19,68,152 19,89,205
Rural 4 0 0 0 0 4 35 9 64 39 5 0 152 156 228
CHANDIGARH Urban 31 20 0 0 43 94 79 16 195 49 50 24 413 507 703
Total 35 20 0 0 43 98 114 25 259 88 55 24 565 663 931
Rural 15,591 1,279 13,123 851 239 31,083 12,432 11,379 25,198 16,348 10,298 770 76,425 1,07,508 1,13,926
CHHATTISGARH Urban 4,065 449 1,027 290 88 5,919 4,577 2,466 9,128 3,664 2,044 137 22,016 27,935 31,598
Total 19,656 1,728 14,150 1,141 327 37,002 17,009 13,845 34,326 20,012 12,342 907 98,441 1,35,443 1,45,524
Rural 13 5 20 11 7 56 18 21 38 14 2 0 93 149 218
Urban 8 2 7 1 0 18 18 24 34 21 6 2 105 123 181
Total 21 7 27 12 7 74 36 45 72 35 8 2 198 272 399
Rural 8 0 2 1 0 11 15 9 35 8 0 0 67 78 78
DAMAN & DIU Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 8 0 2 1 0 11 15 9 35 8 0 0 67 78 78
Rural 1,053 224 213 48 28 1,566 2,145 2,394 5,594 1,671 390 47 12,241 13,807 13,807
GOA Urban 129 15 4 2 0 150 163 157 505 176 52 0 1,053 1,203 1,203
Total 1,182 239 217 50 28 1,716 2,308 2,551 6,099 1,847 442 47 13,294 15,010 15,010
Rural 25,559 5,071 18,655 3,341 3,109 55,735 55,442 61,142 1,28,396 40,696 13,862 4,542 3,04,080 3,59,815 4,01,379
GUJARAT Urban 972 249 299 196 178 1,894 1,264 1,240 3,512 939 204 59 7,218 9,112 9,502
Total 26,531 5,320 18,954 3,537 3,287 57,629 56,706 62,382 1,31,908 41,635 14,066 4,601 3,11,298 3,68,927 4,10,881
Rural 11,396 1,024 5,742 774 1,545 20,481 17,115 14,083 32,467 13,801 4,049 2,653 84,168 1,04,649 1,12,298
HARYANA Urban 2,725 584 261 96 599 4,265 2,851 3,323 6,083 4,136 1,059 1,531 18,983 23,248 23,795
Total 14,121 1,608 6,003 870 2,144 24,746 19,966 17,406 38,550 17,937 5,108 4,184 1,03,151 1,27,897 1,36,093
Rural 69,662 2,219 73,059 2,121 3,848 1,50,909 1,46,396 1,12,710 3,82,417 1,03,554 23,317 2,830 7,71,224 9,22,133 9,38,554
HIMACHAL Urban 869 10 209 3 112 1,203 1,876 1,409 5,185 1,498 264 21 10,253 11,456 11,523
Total 70,531 2,229 73,268 2,124 3,960 1,52,112 1,48,272 1,14,119 3,87,602 1,05,052 23,581 2,851 7,81,477 9,33,589 9,50,077

Rural 1,80,239 10,478 70,077 21,437 1,980 2,84,211 2,01,204 1,31,728 4,37,659 90,452 29,492 1,260 8,91,795 11,76,006 11,80,939
Urban 17,048 585 2,302 604 590 21,129 17,000 12,291 40,598 4,913 2,129 37 76,968 98,097 98,160
Total 1,97,287 11,063 72,379 22,041 2,570 3,05,340 2,18,204 1,44,019 4,78,257 95,365 31,621 1,297 9,68,763 12,74,103 12,79,099

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Exotic/Crossbred Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012

Jersey - Crossbred
Male Female
Over 1 & 1/2 Years Over 2 & 1/2 Years
State/ Union Total
Area Used for + Cross
Territory Used Used for Male +
Upto 1 & Bullock Total Under 1 1 to 2 & Total bred
for Agricul Not Female
1/2 Years cart / Male year 1/2 years In milk Female
bree ture Others Dry calved Others
ding & bree once
only ding only
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 11,560 2,282 9,169 2,129 543 25,683 16,996 11,881 38,820 10,433 4,732 1,102 83,964 1,09,647 1,15,041

JHARKHAND Urban 4,958 624 837 271 168 6,858 9,359 6,919 29,824 4,852 2,184 177 53,315 60,173 62,029

Total 16,518 2,906 10,006 2,400 711 32,541 26,355 18,800 68,644 15,285 6,916 1,279 1,37,279 1,69,820 1,77,070

Rural 81,416 3,346 16,335 1,325 994 1,03,416 2,19,227 1,45,150 4,89,217 1,67,552 34,669 3,868 10,59,683 11,63,099 11,64,151

KARNATAKA Urban 3,753 331 880 202 619 5,785 10,292 6,236 24,703 6,938 1,569 852 50,590 56,375 56,385

Total 85,169 3,677 17,215 1,527 1,613 1,09,201 2,29,519 1,51,386 5,13,920 1,74,490 36,238 4,720 11,10,273 12,19,474 12,20,536

Rural 79,204 2,000 1,819 513 3,284 86,820 1,62,847 1,27,554 2,78,757 80,433 8,750 6,750 6,65,091 7,51,911 7,55,969

KERALA Urban 4,817 127 43 23 172 5,182 11,940 8,998 23,537 4,765 622 367 50,229 55,411 55,568

Total 84,021 2,127 1,862 536 3,456 92,002 1,74,787 1,36,552 3,02,294 85,198 9,372 7,117 7,15,320 8,07,322 8,11,537

Rural 90 40 0 0 3 133 119 99 152 125 78 4 577 710 710

LAKSHADWEEP Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 90 40 0 0 3 133 119 99 152 125 78 4 577 710 710

Rural 84,619 8,004 21,838 4,882 1,485 1,20,828 1,14,504 82,222 1,99,857 80,035 19,131 3,895 4,99,644 6,20,472 6,48,947
Urban 6,358 510 1,326 311 259 8,764 9,920 6,861 18,771 6,529 1,284 538 43,903 52,667 55,616
Total 90,977 8,514 23,164 5,193 1,744 1,29,592 1,24,424 89,083 2,18,628 86,564 20,415 4,433 5,43,547 6,73,139 7,04,563

Rural 1,18,993 17,114 87,338 9,999 2,807 2,36,251 1,75,526 1,41,594 3,76,233 1,80,210 24,929 9,898 9,08,390 11,44,641 11,60,580

MAHARASHTRA Urban 6,189 1,507 3,973 1,195 589 13,453 8,950 6,728 21,942 7,437 2,116 727 47,900 61,353 63,589

Total 1,25,182 18,621 91,311 11,194 3,396 2,49,704 1,84,476 1,48,322 3,98,175 1,87,647 27,045 10,625 9,56,290 12,05,994 12,24,169

Rural 2,643 828 1,337 690 205 5,703 3,114 2,475 5,864 1,769 997 378 14,597 20,300 22,234

MANIPUR Urban 596 133 277 22 12 1,040 962 584 1,899 399 103 5 3,952 4,992 5,515

Total 3,239 961 1,614 712 217 6,743 4,076 3,059 7,763 2,168 1,100 383 18,549 25,292 27,749

Rural 2,219 2,544 569 1,111 312 6,755 1,769 3,048 9,749 2,432 566 305 17,869 24,624 24,840

MEGHALAYA Urban 6 5 1 0 1 13 18 14 130 44 4 0 210 223 223

Total 2,225 2,549 570 1,111 313 6,768 1,787 3,062 9,879 2,476 570 305 18,079 24,847 25,063

Rural 176 106 52 65 3 402 277 165 701 198 133 116 1,590 1,992 1,992

MIZORAM Urban 257 29 10 64 15 375 549 155 1,052 366 226 33 2,381 2,756 2,756

Total 433 135 62 129 18 777 826 320 1,753 564 359 149 3,971 4,748 4,748

Rural 13,519 7,645 8,453 4,215 1,093 34,925 13,028 10,979 23,562 7,219 7,218 1,508 63,514 98,439 98,439

NAGALAND Urban 3,064 842 414 237 181 4,738 2,270 1,923 3,934 1,343 1,033 438 10,941 15,679 15,679

Total 16,583 8,487 8,867 4,452 1,274 39,663 15,298 12,902 27,496 8,562 8,251 1,946 74,455 1,14,118 1,14,118

Rural 2,624 196 75 77 171 3,143 4,012 1,753 7,048 2,527 731 400 16,471 19,614 22,376

NCT OF DELHI Urban 60 8 940 3 1 1,012 57 31 311 4 2 9 414 1,426 1,635

Total 2,684 204 1,015 80 172 4,155 4,069 1,784 7,359 2,531 733 409 16,885 21,040 24,011

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Exotic/Crossbred Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012

Jersey - Crossbred
Male Female
Over 1 & 1/2 Years Over 2 & 1/2 Years
State/ Union Total
Area Used for + Cross
Territory Used Used for Male +
Upto 1 & Bullock Total Under 1 1 to 2 & Total bred
for Agricul Not Female
1/2 Years cart / Male year 1/2 years In milk Female
bree ture Others Dry calved Others
ding & bree once
only ding only
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 1,63,158 4,060 1,15,889 2,377 961 2,86,445 2,08,549 1,71,253 3,18,843 1,52,225 35,983 2,796 8,89,649 11,76,094 11,76,353

ODISHA Urban 12,934 464 2,296 103 70 15,867 17,543 10,017 38,584 13,648 2,964 153 82,909 98,776 98,836

Total 1,76,092 4,524 1,18,185 2,480 1,031 3,02,312 2,26,092 1,81,270 3,57,427 1,65,873 38,947 2,949 9,72,558 12,74,870 12,75,189

Rural 4,593 304 729 141 65 5,832 8,835 6,888 16,202 7,858 851 366 41,000 46,832 46,832

PUDUCHERRY Urban 1,060 94 75 44 3 1,276 1,774 1,264 3,890 1,254 158 38 8,378 9,654 9,654

Total 5,653 398 804 185 68 7,108 10,609 8,152 20,092 9,112 1,009 404 49,378 56,486 56,486

Rural 17,834 1,847 13,101 2,547 1,551 36,880 43,815 41,241 1,08,253 35,528 6,636 2,152 2,37,625 2,74,505 2,97,340

PUNJAB Urban 935 712 295 123 333 2,398 1,772 1,375 4,636 1,771 365 1,445 11,364 13,762 14,463

Total 18,769 2,559 13,396 2,670 1,884 39,278 45,587 42,616 1,12,889 37,299 7,001 3,597 2,48,989 2,88,267 3,11,803

Rural 56,696 4,733 12,532 3,047 2,798 79,806 1,03,391 63,234 1,87,169 60,776 17,346 3,714 4,35,630 5,15,436 5,70,728

RAJASTHAN Urban 3,967 416 514 430 298 5,625 7,363 3,482 16,055 4,376 1,792 381 33,449 39,074 64,167

Total 60,663 5,149 13,046 3,477 3,096 85,431 1,10,754 66,716 2,03,224 65,152 19,138 4,095 4,69,079 5,54,510 6,34,895

Rural 17,071 1,575 15,570 2,778 277 37,271 19,426 11,516 34,170 15,685 4,321 1,950 87,068 1,24,339 1,24,461

SIKKIM Urban 123 19 14 10 12 178 107 122 353 90 45 13 730 908 908

Total 17,194 1,594 15,584 2,788 289 37,449 19,533 11,638 34,523 15,775 4,366 1,963 87,798 1,25,247 1,25,369

Rural 3,96,002 45,591 1,08,744 20,571 14,731 5,85,639 7,27,908 5,74,921 14,13,816 4,92,539 1,53,868 38,590 34,01,642 39,87,281 40,45,069

TAMIL NADU Urban 39,969 7,834 12,474 3,548 2,650 66,475 82,930 67,511 1,70,659 52,663 21,068 8,024 4,02,855 4,69,330 4,78,099

Total 4,35,971 53,425 1,21,218 24,119 17,381 6,52,114 8,10,838 6,42,432 15,84,475 5,45,202 1,74,936 46,614 38,04,497 44,56,611 45,23,168

Rural 15,978 3,475 4,996 3,388 1,367 29,204 19,762 17,995 21,447 13,649 7,426 1,328 81,607 1,10,811 1,10,811

TRIPURA Urban 1,358 45 43 14 29 1,489 2,937 2,235 4,252 1,859 623 19 11,925 13,414 13,414

Total 17,336 3,520 5,039 3,402 1,396 30,693 22,699 20,230 25,699 15,508 8,049 1,347 93,532 1,24,225 1,24,225

Rural 1,88,944 17,681 84,081 16,778 16,104 3,23,588 3,37,859 2,29,399 5,87,998 2,32,969 70,315 17,090 14,75,630 17,99,218 20,46,757
Urban 17,693 1,608 4,324 950 611 25,186 32,040 16,984 67,197 18,653 6,631 1,548 1,43,053 1,68,239 2,00,078
Total 2,06,637 19,289 88,405 17,728 16,715 3,48,774 3,69,899 2,46,383 6,55,195 2,51,622 76,946 18,638 16,18,683 19,67,457 22,46,835

Rural 27,372 1,585 18,840 1,128 131 49,056 54,833 34,242 1,02,353 28,968 7,876 1,158 2,29,430 2,78,486 2,85,961

UTTARAKHAND Urban 1,985 79 363 40 15 2,482 3,343 1,959 9,317 2,056 316 137 17,128 19,610 20,013

Total 29,357 1,664 19,203 1,168 146 51,538 58,176 36,201 1,11,670 31,024 8,192 1,295 2,46,558 2,98,096 3,05,974

Rural 3,48,223 14,722 78,382 7,881 2,445 4,51,653 4,16,219 4,19,345 5,94,132 3,12,551 1,31,804 8,850 18,82,901 23,34,554 23,55,739

WEST BENGAL Urban 25,206 1,472 1,443 453 408 28,982 27,804 21,911 56,485 18,791 7,643 443 1,33,077 1,62,059 1,62,375

Total 3,73,429 16,194 79,825 8,334 2,853 4,80,635 4,44,023 4,41,256 6,50,617 3,31,342 1,39,447 9,293 20,15,978 24,96,613 25,18,114

Rural 23,56,614 1,89,935 9,34,571 1,34,452 94,531 37,10,103 38,10,672 28,93,101 71,21,711 26,67,006 8,77,046 1,47,023 1,75,16,559 2,12,26,662 2,18,15,845

All India Urban 1,84,715 21,107 38,230 10,150 10,008 2,64,210 3,05,168 2,13,518 6,55,614 1,96,335 72,961 19,743 14,63,339 17,27,549 18,14,013

Total 25,41,329 2,11,042 9,72,801 1,44,602 1,04,539 39,74,313 41,15,840 31,06,619 77,77,325 28,63,341 9,50,007 1,66,766 1,89,79,898 2,29,54,211 2,36,29,858

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Exotic/Crossbred Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Holstein Friesian - Exotic
Male Female

State/ Union Over 1 & 1/2 Years Over 2 & 1/2 Years Total
Territory 1 to 2 Male +
Upto 1
Used for Used for Total Under & Total Female
& 1/2 Used for Not
Agriculture Bullock Male 1 year 1/2 In Female
Years breeding Others Dry calved Others
& breeding cart / Farm years milk
only once
only operation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
& NICOBAR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ISLANDS Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rural 952 135 101 0 0 1,188 1,727 1,094 2,830 783 297 8 6,739 7,927
Urban 16 0 0 0 0 16 2 0 31 0 0 0 33 49
Total 968 135 101 0 0 1,204 1,729 1,094 2,861 783 297 8 6,772 7,976
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ARUNACHAL Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

ASSAM Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Rural 1,112 9 17 2 1 1,141 1,029 568 1,881 1,117 785 148 5,528 6,669

BIHAR Urban 141 0 0 0 124 265 172 87 415 133 182 26 1,015 1,280

Total 1,253 9 17 2 125 1,406 1,201 655 2,296 1,250 967 174 6,543 7,949
Rural 15 0 0 0 0 15 55 34 171 56 2 0 318 333
CHANDIGARH Urban 148 0 0 0 0 148 126 57 529 70 16 0 798 946
Total 163 0 0 0 0 163 181 91 700 126 18 0 1,116 1,279
Rural 134 6 70 0 0 210 396 84 937 153 51 0 1,621 1,831

CHHATTISGARH Urban 159 1 0 0 0 160 162 138 503 216 7 0 1,026 1,186

Total 293 7 70 0 0 370 558 222 1,440 369 58 0 2,647 3,017

Rural 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 3 4
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 3 3
Total 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 2 2 0 0 6 7
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DAMAN & DIU Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
GOA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rural 3,442 439 402 1,038 39 5,360 10,037 10,756 20,003 7,504 2,758 4 51,062 56,422
GUJARAT Urban 90 10 3 0 0 103 129 224 316 71 20 0 760 863
Total 3,532 449 405 1,038 39 5,463 10,166 10,980 20,319 7,575 2,778 4 51,822 57,285
Rural 10,062 326 2,474 205 198 13,265 14,988 11,012 29,365 9,384 1,723 176 66,648 79,913

HARYANA Urban 1,082 23 39 2 0 1,146 1,263 611 2,732 922 527 29 6,084 7,230

Total 11,144 349 2,513 207 198 14,411 16,251 11,623 32,097 10,306 2,250 205 72,732 87,143
Rural 32 0 6 0 25 63 128 104 505 71 27 19 854 917
HIMACHAL Urban 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 5 0 0 0 6 7
Total 33 0 6 0 25 64 129 104 510 71 27 19 860 924

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Exotic/Crossbred Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Holstein Friesian - Exotic
Male Female

State/ Union Over 1 & 1/2 Years Over 2 & 1/2 Years Total
Territory 1 to 2 Male +
Upto 1
Used for Used for Total Under & Total Female
& 1/2 Used for Not
Agriculture Bullock Male 1 year 1/2 In Female
Years breeding Others Dry calved Others
& breeding cart / Farm years milk
only once
only operation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 0 92 0 0 0 92 49 632 0 0 0 0 681 773
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 63 0 0 0 0 68 68
Total 0 92 0 0 0 92 54 695 0 0 0 0 749 841
Rural 440 2 90 12 6 550 482 292 764 201 89 4 1,832 2,382
JHARKHAND Urban 193 0 2 1 0 196 565 279 791 62 16 0 1,713 1,909
Total 633 2 92 13 6 746 1,047 571 1,555 263 105 4 3,545 4,291
Rural 50 0 0 0 0 50 138 111 226 44 8 0 527 577
KARNATAKA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1
Total 50 0 0 0 0 50 138 111 227 44 8 0 528 578
Rural 214 0 0 0 61 275 665 363 1,003 251 71 55 2,408 2,683
KERALA Urban 6 0 0 0 1 7 20 13 22 8 0 0 63 70
Total 220 0 0 0 62 282 685 376 1,025 259 71 55 2,471 2,753

Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

LAKSHADWEEP Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Rural 710 44 17 0 1 772 856 540 1,643 530 101 1 3,671 4,443
Urban 52 0 0 0 0 52 59 19 132 43 19 3 275 327
Total 762 44 17 0 1 824 915 559 1,775 573 120 4 3,946 4,770

Rural 813 89 280 198 27 1,407 2,494 4,008 8,250 3,478 175 41 18,446 19,853

MAHARASHTRA Urban 17 0 5 12 2 36 80 74 321 116 2 2 595 631

Total 830 89 285 210 29 1,443 2,574 4,082 8,571 3,594 177 43 19,041 20,484

Rural 322 170 24 89 115 720 296 175 480 21 38 2 1,012 1,732

MANIPUR Urban 43 0 0 53 2 98 143 191 559 16 5 0 914 1,012

Total 365 170 24 142 117 818 439 366 1,039 37 43 2 1,926 2,744

Rural 47 0 0 0 41 88 63 0 450 0 0 0 513 601

MEGHALAYA Urban 1 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 7 0 0 0 7 10

Total 48 0 0 0 43 91 63 0 457 0 0 0 520 611

Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

MIZORAM Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

NAGALAND Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Rural 2,704 87 0 4 4 2,799 1,727 973 5,636 740 147 0 9,223 12,022

NCT OF DELHI Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 85 107 0 0 0 210 210

Total 2,704 87 0 4 4 2,799 1,745 1,058 5,743 740 147 0 9,433 12,232

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Exotic/Crossbred Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Holstein Friesian - Exotic
Male Female

State/ Union Over 1 & 1/2 Years Over 2 & 1/2 Years Total
Territory 1 to 2 Male +
Upto 1
Used for Used for Total Under & Total Female
& 1/2 Used for Not
Agriculture Bullock Male 1 year 1/2 In Female
Years breeding Others Dry calved Others
& breeding cart / Farm years milk
only once
only operation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 15 0 0 0 23 23

ODISHA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 4 0 0 0 6 6

Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 19 0 0 0 29 29

Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

PUDUCHERRY Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Rural 12,346 485 5,677 576 15 19,099 24,333 23,723 60,436 17,206 1,887 416 1,28,001 1,47,100

PUNJAB Urban 579 347 98 32 0 1,056 1,097 652 2,606 1,085 217 9 5,666 6,722

Total 12,925 832 5,775 608 15 20,155 25,430 24,375 63,042 18,291 2,104 425 1,33,667 1,53,822

Rural 7,426 398 800 192 130 8,946 12,538 6,872 22,076 7,585 2,788 295 52,154 61,100

RAJASTHAN Urban 1,464 455 51 16 238 2,224 4,828 2,478 7,046 1,466 885 1,345 18,048 20,272

Total 8,890 853 851 208 368 11,170 17,366 9,350 29,122 9,051 3,673 1,640 70,202 81,372

Rural 13 0 0 0 0 13 14 0 23 0 0 0 37 50

SIKKIM Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 13 0 0 0 0 13 14 0 23 0 0 0 37 50

Rural 1,636 674 302 122 35 2,769 2,296 2,110 5,978 2,005 933 127 13,449 16,218

TAMIL NADU Urban 225 96 28 4 10 363 303 253 655 209 83 24 1,527 1,890

Total 1,861 770 330 126 45 3,132 2,599 2,363 6,633 2,214 1,016 151 14,976 18,108

Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TRIPURA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Rural 15,964 684 7,827 1,134 1,309 26,918 26,448 17,610 51,433 14,941 4,876 1,749 1,17,057 1,43,975
Urban 1,568 90 322 86 14 2,080 3,191 1,728 7,458 1,591 727 33 14,728 16,808
Total 17,532 774 8,149 1,220 1,323 28,998 29,639 19,338 58,891 16,532 5,603 1,782 1,31,785 1,60,783

Rural 842 38 208 5 0 1,093 1,381 968 2,597 1,112 411 0 6,469 7,562

UTTARAKHAND Urban 47 0 9 0 0 56 106 56 214 82 10 0 468 524

Total 889 38 217 5 0 1,149 1,487 1,024 2,811 1,194 421 0 6,937 8,086

Rural 978 20 127 22 9 1,156 1,314 978 1,414 915 509 17 5,147 6,303

WEST BENGAL Urban 13 0 0 0 0 13 2 23 10 374 0 0 409 422

Total 991 20 127 22 9 1,169 1,316 1,001 1,424 1,289 509 17 5,556 6,725

Rural 60,255 3,698 18,422 3,599 2,016 87,990 1,03,459 83,011 2,18,117 68,098 17,676 3,062 4,93,423 5,81,413

All India
Urban 5,845 1,022 557 206 393 8,023 12,274 7,032 24,465 6,465 2,716 1,471 54,423 62,446

Total 66,100 4,720 18,979 3,805 2,409 96,013 1,15,733 90,043 2,42,582 74,563 20,392 4,533 5,47,846 6,43,859

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Exotic/Crossbred Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012

Holstein Friesian - Crossbred

Male Female
Over 1 & 1/2 Years Over 2 & 1/2 Years
State/ Union Total
Area Used for + Cross
Territory Upto 1 Used Used for Male +
Bullock Total Under 1 to 2 & Total bred
& 1/2 for Agricul Not Female
cart / Male 1 year 1/2 years In milk Female
Years bree ture Others Dry calved Others
ding & bree once
only ding only
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
ANDAMAN Rural 374 7 42 58 34 515 573 224 647 561 68 26 2,099 2,614 2,614
& NICOBAR Urban 9 0 0 0 0 9 21 4 29 3 0 9 66 75 75
ISLANDS Total 383 7 42 58 34 524 594 228 676 564 68 35 2,165 2,689 2,689
Rural 39,940 3,835 16,794 1,702 1,162 63,433 1,04,805 60,554 2,21,609 55,485 17,149 3,686 4,63,288 5,26,721 5,34,648
Urban 826 362 548 99 101 1,936 2,814 2,060 7,274 1,546 516 446 14,656 16,592 16,641
Total 40,766 4,197 17,342 1,801 1,263 65,369 1,07,619 62,614 2,28,883 57,031 17,665 4,132 4,77,944 5,43,313 5,51,289
Rural 1,682 1,011 549 381 912 4,535 963 1,328 1,794 906 243 597 5,831 10,366 10,366
Urban 474 204 65 17 28 788 627 424 2,211 355 558 16 4,191 4,979 4,979
Total 2,156 1,215 614 398 940 5,323 1,590 1,752 4,005 1,261 801 613 10,022 15,345 15,345
Rural 2,652 225 638 416 211 4,142 2,003 1,494 3,228 1,121 787 467 9,100 13,242 13,242
ASSAM Urban 299 48 15 10 17 389 759 624 1,811 166 138 11 3,509 3,898 3,898
Total 2,951 273 653 426 228 4,531 2,762 2,118 5,039 1,287 925 478 12,609 17,140 17,140
Rural 1,22,986 11,070 21,300 5,547 22,226 1,83,129 2,22,665 1,55,017 4,29,375 2,22,833 1,34,710 13,100 11,77,700 13,60,829 13,67,498
BIHAR Urban 9,041 1,010 848 507 1,363 12,769 22,550 12,516 42,540 16,114 9,442 1,208 1,04,370 1,17,139 1,18,419
Total 1,32,027 12,080 22,148 6,054 23,589 1,95,898 2,45,215 1,67,533 4,71,915 2,38,947 1,44,152 14,308 12,82,070 14,77,968 14,85,917
Rural 29 2 42 1 0 74 248 156 577 232 12 0 1,225 1,299 1,632
CHANDIGARH Urban 308 33 15 4 30 390 602 281 1,969 371 89 17 3,329 3,719 4,665
Total 337 35 57 5 30 464 850 437 2,546 603 101 17 4,554 5,018 6,297
Rural 3,088 359 4,802 45 122 8,416 2,721 2,029 4,512 2,907 2,240 441 14,850 23,266 25,097
CHHATTISGARH Urban 795 140 484 17 47 1,483 1,061 458 2,119 647 436 148 4,869 6,352 7,538
Total 3,883 499 5,286 62 169 9,899 3,782 2,487 6,631 3,554 2,676 589 19,719 29,618 32,635
Rural 25 3 18 17 0 63 19 14 59 5 3 0 100 163 167
Urban 13 1 5 1 0 20 19 16 55 7 12 2 111 131 134
Total 38 4 23 18 0 83 38 30 114 12 15 2 211 294 301
Rural 13 2 1 1 0 17 5 12 17 9 3 0 46 63 63
DAMAN & DIU Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 13 2 1 1 0 17 5 12 17 9 3 0 46 63 63
Rural 85 13 13 15 4 130 292 248 1,329 309 24 8 2,210 2,340 2,340
GOA Urban 8 0 1 1 0 10 23 12 99 29 3 0 166 176 176
Total 93 13 14 16 4 140 315 260 1,428 338 27 8 2,376 2,516 2,516
Rural 80,843 8,431 23,478 5,449 2,321 1,20,522 2,43,853 2,76,977 5,53,598 1,72,986 53,616 7,516 13,08,546 14,29,068 14,85,490
GUJARAT Urban 2,273 254 250 165 159 3,101 4,955 4,492 12,967 3,046 826 82 26,368 29,469 30,332
Total 83,116 8,685 23,728 5,614 2,480 1,23,623 2,48,808 2,81,469 5,66,565 1,76,032 54,442 7,598 13,34,914 14,58,537 15,15,822
Rural 76,901 2,475 22,756 4,826 2,777 1,09,735 1,27,304 1,00,314 2,48,741 94,764 17,065 4,473 5,92,661 7,02,396 7,82,309
HARYANA Urban 7,649 400 380 94 736 9,259 13,650 5,762 30,051 9,193 1,214 1,342 61,212 70,471 77,701
Total 84,550 2,875 23,136 4,920 3,513 1,18,994 1,40,954 1,06,076 2,78,792 1,03,957 18,279 5,815 6,53,873 7,72,867 8,60,010
Rural 2,157 246 501 422 329 3,655 5,182 3,838 15,351 3,199 633 404 28,607 32,262 33,179
HIMACHAL Urban 29 2 0 1 20 52 109 56 379 56 7 6 613 665 672
Total 2,186 248 501 423 349 3,707 5,291 3,894 15,730 3,255 640 410 29,220 32,927 33,851

Rural 19,934 1,987 6,355 3,874 551 32,701 31,524 21,147 61,629 14,792 3,324 704 1,33,120 1,65,821 1,66,594
Urban 3,088 175 448 145 378 4,234 4,441 2,168 10,709 1,923 430 21 19,692 23,926 23,994
Total 23,022 2,162 6,803 4,019 929 36,935 35,965 23,315 72,338 16,715 3,754 725 1,52,812 1,89,747 1,90,588

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Exotic/Crossbred Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012

Holstein Friesian - Crossbred

Male Female
Over 1 & 1/2 Years Over 2 & 1/2 Years
State/ Union Total
Area Used for + Cross
Territory Upto 1 Used Used for Male +
Bullock Total Under 1 to 2 & Total bred
& 1/2 for Agricul Not Female
cart / Male 1 year 1/2 years In milk Female
Years bree ture Others Dry calved Others
ding & bree once
only ding only
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 4,724 1,177 4,337 1,108 309 11,655 7,125 4,446 14,832 4,629 1,550 667 33,249 44,904 47,286

JHARKHAND Urban 3,247 225 334 237 136 4,179 5,356 2,992 13,466 2,917 897 101 25,729 29,908 31,817

Total 7,971 1,402 4,671 1,345 445 15,834 12,481 7,438 28,298 7,546 2,447 768 58,978 74,812 79,103

Rural 71,367 2,737 15,686 1,131 614 91,535 2,81,479 1,93,274 7,50,538 2,43,676 50,017 3,617 15,22,601 16,14,136 16,14,713

KARNATAKA Urban 2,992 293 799 158 100 4,342 12,984 8,942 39,241 9,632 1,851 275 72,925 77,267 77,268

Total 74,359 3,030 16,485 1,289 714 95,877 2,94,463 2,02,216 7,89,779 2,53,308 51,868 3,892 15,95,526 16,91,403 16,91,981

Rural 37,907 1,005 819 212 888 40,831 84,710 75,738 1,55,649 43,011 5,111 3,288 3,67,507 4,08,338 4,11,021

KERALA Urban 2,180 63 27 12 39 2,321 5,849 4,790 13,051 2,481 304 158 26,633 28,954 29,024

Total 40,087 1,068 846 224 927 43,152 90,559 80,528 1,68,700 45,492 5,415 3,446 3,94,140 4,37,292 4,40,045

Rural 26 0 0 0 2 28 28 20 24 18 12 2 104 132 132

LAKSHADWEEP Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 26 0 0 0 2 28 28 20 24 18 12 2 104 132 132

Rural 14,862 1,692 4,190 1,031 523 22,298 22,615 15,904 42,467 14,442 4,781 1,382 1,01,591 1,23,889 1,28,332
Urban 933 47 191 41 79 1,291 1,475 921 2,874 869 198 127 6,464 7,755 8,082
Total 15,795 1,739 4,381 1,072 602 23,589 24,090 16,825 45,341 15,311 4,979 1,509 1,08,055 1,31,644 1,36,414

Rural 1,01,698 6,833 65,106 7,782 2,009 1,83,428 3,64,221 3,44,393 10,06,455 3,90,828 48,036 11,923 21,65,856 23,49,284 23,69,137

MAHARASHTRA Urban 2,392 331 2,268 419 468 5,878 7,877 8,078 24,857 8,482 1,553 215 51,062 56,940 57,571

Total 1,04,090 7,164 67,374 8,201 2,477 1,89,306 3,72,098 3,52,471 10,31,312 3,99,310 49,589 12,138 22,16,918 24,06,224 24,26,708

Rural 994 371 435 490 176 2,466 1,287 1,634 2,268 837 447 256 6,729 9,195 10,927

MANIPUR Urban 555 177 185 13 8 938 672 816 1,852 271 66 4 3,681 4,619 5,631

Total 1,549 548 620 503 184 3,404 1,959 2,450 4,120 1,108 513 260 10,410 13,814 16,558

Rural 964 373 188 155 111 1,791 1,061 1,378 4,152 500 552 88 7,731 9,522 10,123

MEGHALAYA Urban 4 2 0 0 0 6 7 4 20 11 3 0 45 51 61

Total 968 375 188 155 111 1,797 1,068 1,382 4,172 511 555 88 7,776 9,573 10,184

Rural 519 188 80 105 2 894 525 376 1,153 318 185 23 2,580 3,474 3,474

MIZORAM Urban 534 57 7 45 12 655 450 279 1,191 291 202 6 2,419 3,074 3,074

Total 1,053 245 87 150 14 1,549 975 655 2,344 609 387 29 4,999 6,548 6,548

Rural 1,161 786 1,848 1,822 520 6,137 1,208 1,112 2,428 783 1,522 855 7,908 14,045 14,045

NAGALAND Urban 36 53 56 84 77 306 33 84 83 14 141 128 483 789 789

Total 1,197 839 1,904 1,906 597 6,443 1,241 1,196 2,511 797 1,663 983 8,391 14,834 14,834

Rural 2,645 60 61 33 116 2,915 4,912 2,865 9,757 1,970 472 347 20,323 23,238 35,260

NCT OF DELHI Urban 42 5 671 2 1 721 215 465 78 20 1 6 785 1,506 1,716

Total 2,687 65 732 35 117 3,636 5,127 3,330 9,835 1,990 473 353 21,108 24,744 36,976

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Exotic/Crossbred Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012

Holstein Friesian - Crossbred

Male Female
Over 1 & 1/2 Years Over 2 & 1/2 Years
State/ Union Total
Area Used for + Cross
Territory Upto 1 Used Used for Male +
Bullock Total Under 1 to 2 & Total bred
& 1/2 for Agricul Not Female
cart / Male 1 year 1/2 years In milk Female
Years bree ture Others Dry calved Others
ding & bree once
only ding only
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 829 879 13,642 151 451 15,952 895 712 1,235 661 2,629 1,155 7,287 23,239 23,262

ODISHA Urban 709 245 409 21 44 1,428 1,098 734 2,166 1,070 720 100 5,888 7,316 7,322

Total 1,538 1,124 14,051 172 495 17,380 1,993 1,446 3,401 1,731 3,349 1,255 13,175 30,555 30,584

Rural 37 52 82 2 16 189 61 59 207 103 4 182 616 805 805

PUDUCHERRY Urban 8 0 41 6 1 56 10 3 41 18 0 25 97 153 153

Total 45 52 123 8 17 245 71 62 248 121 4 207 713 958 958

Rural 81,561 5,158 67,632 10,786 1,881 1,67,018 2,34,850 2,41,490 6,33,384 2,02,560 27,275 4,033 13,43,592 15,10,610 16,57,710

PUNJAB Urban 5,663 1,430 1,766 531 580 9,970 11,117 9,642 40,134 15,004 1,611 916 78,424 88,394 95,116

Total 87,224 6,588 69,398 11,317 2,461 1,76,988 2,45,967 2,51,132 6,73,518 2,17,564 28,886 4,949 14,22,016 15,99,004 17,52,826

Rural 99,188 4,783 12,664 2,660 2,561 1,21,856 1,97,504 1,22,635 3,56,624 1,13,652 32,760 3,363 8,26,538 9,48,394 10,09,494

RAJASTHAN Urban 6,315 956 535 338 318 8,462 12,042 6,513 33,515 8,225 1,410 244 61,949 70,411 90,683

Total 1,05,503 5,739 13,199 2,998 2,879 1,30,318 2,09,546 1,29,148 3,90,139 1,21,877 34,170 3,607 8,88,487 10,18,805 11,00,177

Rural 36 13 1 674 60 784 66 67 86 75 21 0 315 1,099 1,149

SIKKIM Urban 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1

Total 36 13 1 675 60 785 66 67 86 75 21 0 315 1,100 1,150

Rural 1,28,944 16,132 33,621 6,098 6,712 1,91,507 2,76,089 2,30,850 5,91,953 2,00,274 63,274 22,082 13,84,522 15,76,029 15,92,247

TAMIL NADU Urban 18,611 3,273 4,178 1,217 1,263 28,542 40,487 32,787 93,085 26,945 11,169 4,174 2,08,647 2,37,189 2,39,079

Total 1,47,555 19,405 37,799 7,315 7,975 2,20,049 3,16,576 2,63,637 6,85,038 2,27,219 74,443 26,256 15,93,169 18,13,218 18,31,326

Rural 737 650 411 250 364 2,412 1,234 1,203 801 451 1,400 314 5,403 7,815 7,815

TRIPURA Urban 169 8 3 2 8 190 286 198 266 104 20 3 877 1,067 1,067

Total 906 658 414 252 372 2,602 1,520 1,401 1,067 555 1,420 317 6,280 8,882 8,882

Rural 1,14,442 9,461 53,843 5,653 4,259 1,87,658 2,04,631 1,38,490 3,58,373 1,37,065 41,583 9,052 8,89,194 10,76,852 12,20,827
Urban 10,044 1,006 2,470 479 365 14,364 18,068 10,193 37,462 10,280 3,421 757 80,181 94,545 1,11,353
Total 1,24,486 10,467 56,313 6,132 4,624 2,02,022 2,22,699 1,48,683 3,95,835 1,47,345 45,004 9,809 9,69,375 11,71,397 13,32,180

Rural 20,421 740 3,190 496 219 25,066 31,006 23,742 62,490 21,579 6,266 647 1,45,730 1,70,796 1,78,358

UTTARAKHAND Urban 1,317 18 135 29 13 1,512 2,476 1,428 5,716 1,289 205 110 11,224 12,736 13,260

Total 21,738 758 3,325 525 232 26,578 33,482 25,170 68,206 22,868 6,471 757 1,56,954 1,83,532 1,91,618

Rural 38,542 2,148 8,124 1,404 1,135 51,353 43,773 42,010 67,268 32,363 14,181 2,570 2,02,165 2,53,518 2,59,821

WEST BENGAL Urban 2,220 265 94 62 81 2,722 3,439 2,327 6,651 2,041 668 214 15,340 18,062 18,484

Total 40,762 2,413 8,218 1,466 1,216 54,075 47,212 44,337 73,919 34,404 14,849 2,784 2,17,505 2,71,580 2,78,305

Rural 10,72,313 84,904 3,83,249 64,797 53,577 16,58,840 25,01,437 20,65,750 56,04,610 19,79,904 5,31,955 97,268 1,27,80,924 1,44,39,764 1,50,21,177

All India Urban 82,783 11,083 17,228 4,758 6,472 1,22,324 1,75,572 1,20,069 4,27,962 1,23,420 38,111 10,871 8,96,005 10,18,329 10,80,775

Total 11,55,096 95,987 4,00,477 69,555 60,049 17,81,164 26,77,009 21,85,819 60,32,572 21,03,324 5,70,066 1,08,139 1,36,76,929 1,54,58,093 1,61,01,952

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Amritmahal - Pure
Male Female
State/ Union Over 2 Years Over 3 Years
Area Male +
Upto Female
Used for Used for Total Under 1 to 3 Total
2 Used for Not
Agriculture Bullock Male 1 year years In Female
Years breeding Others Dry calved Others
& breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 4,358 586 66,011 494 333 71,782 5,394 4,513 10,568 8,608 1,823 255 31,161 1,02,943
KARNATAKA Urban 58 30 1,713 11 1 1,813 104 82 263 104 21 0 574 2,387
Total 4,416 616 67,724 505 334 73,595 5,498 4,595 10,831 8,712 1,844 255 31,735 1,05,330
Rural 0 0 0 1 12 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13
KERALA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 1 12 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13
Rural 4,358 586 66,011 495 345 71,795 5,394 4,513 10,568 8,608 1,823 255 31,161 1,02,956
All India Urban 58 30 1,713 11 1 1,813 104 82 263 104 21 0 574 2,387
Total 4,416 616 67,724 506 346 73,608 5,498 4,595 10,831 8,712 1,844 255 31,735 1,05,343

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Amritmahal - Graded
Male Female

Over 2 Years Over 3 Years

Total Total
State/ Union Used for
Area Used Used for Pure +
Territory Male +
Upto 2 for Bullock Total Under 1 to 3 Total Graded
Agricul Not Female
Years bree cart / Male 1 year years Female
ture Others In milk Dry calved Others
ding & bree once
only ding only
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 8,472 718 45,793 589 163 55,735 12,046 9,555 23,204 16,793 3,303 375 65,276 1,21,011 2,23,954

KARNATAKA Urban 201 4 923 14 0 1,142 370 238 620 210 26 0 1,464 2,606 4,993

Total 8,673 722 46,716 603 163 56,877 12,416 9,793 23,824 17,003 3,329 375 66,740 1,23,617 2,28,947

Rural 15 0 6 0 0 21 11 9 13 18 26 0 77 98 111

KERALA Urban 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 5 5

Total 16 0 6 0 0 22 11 9 13 22 26 0 81 103 116

Rural 8,487 718 45,799 589 163 55,756 12,057 9,564 23,217 16,811 3,329 375 65,353 1,21,109 2,24,065

All India Urban 202 4 923 14 0 1,143 370 238 620 214 26 0 1,468 2,611 4,998

Total 8,689 722 46,722 603 163 56,899 12,427 9,802 23,837 17,025 3,355 375 66,821 1,23,720 2,29,063

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Bachaur - Pure
Male Female

State/ Union Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total

Territory Male +
Used for Used for Total Under 1 to 3 Total Female
2 Used for Not
Agriculture Bullock Male 1 year years Female
Years breeding Others In milk Dry calved Others
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 21,034 2,767 16,863 3,140 13,716 57,520 22,497 40,344 40,533 21,354 18,679 4,873 1,48,280 2,05,800
BIHAR Urban 159 39 170 32 37 437 331 184 635 243 175 1 1,569 2,006
Total 21,193 2,806 17,033 3,172 13,753 57,957 22,828 40,528 41,168 21,597 18,854 4,874 1,49,849 2,07,806
Rural 47,194 7,930 1,71,755 23,415 4,919 2,55,213 58,641 47,744 91,523 46,231 24,303 3,129 2,71,571 5,26,784
JHARKHAND Urban 769 38 940 108 20 1,875 1,072 878 1,942 718 348 9 4,967 6,842
Total 47,963 7,968 1,72,695 23,523 4,939 2,57,088 59,713 48,622 93,465 46,949 24,651 3,138 2,76,538 5,33,626
Rural 68,228 10,697 1,88,618 26,555 18,635 3,12,733 81,138 88,088 1,32,056 67,585 42,982 8,002 4,19,851 7,32,584
All India Urban 928 77 1,110 140 57 2,312 1,403 1,062 2,577 961 523 10 6,536 8,848
Total 69,156 10,774 1,89,728 26,695 18,692 3,15,045 82,541 89,150 1,34,633 68,546 43,505 8,012 4,26,387 7,41,432

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Bachaur - Graded
Male Female

Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total

State/ Union Total Pure +
Area Used for
Territory Used Used for Male + Graded
Upto 2 Bullock Total Under 1 1 to 3 Total
for Agricul Not Female
Years cart / Male year years Female
bree ture Others In milk Dry calved Others
ding & bree once
only ding only
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 51,120 4,857 29,130 4,273 49,239 1,38,619 64,475 44,423 95,771 64,217 38,039 5,836 3,12,761 4,51,380 6,57,180

BIHAR Urban 2,413 55 780 13 192 3,453 1,942 1,254 4,826 2,208 1,782 25 12,037 15,490 17,496

Total 53,533 4,912 29,910 4,286 49,431 1,42,072 66,417 45,677 1,00,597 66,425 39,821 5,861 3,24,798 4,66,870 6,74,676

Rural 30,489 5,829 1,16,382 13,658 1,163 1,67,521 29,148 28,529 55,081 36,223 11,780 1,657 1,62,418 3,29,939 8,56,723

JHARKHAND Urban 734 94 2,059 172 21 3,080 961 899 1,820 1,130 299 58 5,167 8,247 15,089

Total 31,223 5,923 1,18,441 13,830 1,184 1,70,601 30,109 29,428 56,901 37,353 12,079 1,715 1,67,585 3,38,186 8,71,812

Rural 81,609 10,686 1,45,512 17,931 50,402 3,06,140 93,623 72,952 1,50,852 1,00,440 49,819 7,493 4,75,179 7,81,319 15,13,903

All India Urban 3,147 149 2,839 185 213 6,533 2,903 2,153 6,646 3,338 2,081 83 17,204 23,737 32,585

Total 84,756 10,835 1,48,351 18,116 50,615 3,12,673 96,526 75,105 1,57,498 1,03,778 51,900 7,576 4,92,383 8,05,056 15,46,488

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Bargur - Pure
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male 1 year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 1,186 531 545 146 7 2,415 1,215 3,642 4,968 753 214 42 10,834 13,249
TAMILNADU Urban 315 93 50 40 2 500 40 130 166 52 15 2 405 905
Total 1,501 624 595 186 9 2,915 1,255 3,772 5,134 805 229 44 11,239 14,154
Rural 1,186 531 545 146 7 2,415 1,215 3,642 4,968 753 214 42 10,834 13,249
All India Urban 315 93 50 40 2 500 40 130 166 52 15 2 405 905
Total 1,501 624 595 186 9 2,915 1,255 3,772 5,134 805 229 44 11,239 14,154

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Bargur - Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total Total
State/ Union
Area Used for Male + Pure +
Territory Upto 2 Used for Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
Bullock Female Graded
Years breeding Agricul ture & Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
cart / Farm
only breeding only once
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 576 1 766 134 3 1,480 44 19 121 4 333 11 532 2,012 15,261
TAMILNADU Urban 7 0 91 20 0 118 1 0 0 0 22 0 23 141 1,046
Total 583 1 857 154 3 1,598 45 19 121 4 355 11 555 2,153 16,307
Rural 576 1 766 134 3 1,480 44 19 121 4 333 11 532 2,012 15,261
All India Urban 7 0 91 20 0 118 1 0 0 0 22 0 23 141 1,046
Total 583 1 857 154 3 1,598 45 19 121 4 355 11 555 2,153 16,307

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Binjharpuri - Pure
Male Female
State/ Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
Union Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male 1 year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 7,095 268 33,666 763 2 41,794 6,727 7,009 11,562 8,554 1,580 63 35,495 77,289
ODISHA Urban 261 0 387 2 0 650 274 366 418 424 7 0 1,489 2,139
Total 7,356 268 34,053 765 2 42,444 7,001 7,375 11,980 8,978 1,587 63 36,984 79,428
Rural 7,095 268 33,666 763 2 41,794 6,727 7,009 11,562 8,554 1,580 63 35,495 77,289
All India Urban 261 0 387 2 0 650 274 366 418 424 7 0 1,489 2,139
Total 7,356 268 34,053 765 2 42,444 7,001 7,375 11,980 8,978 1,587 63 36,984 79,428

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Binjharpuri - Graded
Male Female
State/ Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total Total
Union Area Used for Used for Male + Pure +
Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
Territory Agricul ture Bullock Female Graded
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 3,351 246 9,984 369 0 13,950 2,944 3,265 5,016 3,609 771 0 15,605 29,555 1,06,844
ODISHA Urban 180 0 59 0 0 239 342 196 463 255 79 0 1,335 1,574 3,713
Total 3,531 246 10,043 369 0 14,189 3,286 3,461 5,479 3,864 850 0 16,940 31,129 1,10,557
Rural 3,351 246 9,984 369 0 13,950 2,944 3,265 5,016 3,609 771 0 15,605 29,555 1,06,844
All India Urban 180 0 59 0 0 239 342 196 463 255 79 0 1,335 1,574 3,713
Total 3,531 246 10,043 369 0 14,189 3,286 3,461 5,479 3,864 850 0 16,940 31,129 1,10,557

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Dangi - Pure
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male 1 year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DAMAN & DIU Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rural 2,272 2,071 28,557 2,769 86 35,755 2,758 3,003 6,410 3,371 703 375 16,620 52,375
GUJARAT Urban 157 27 154 1 0 339 117 189 735 160 16 0 1,217 1,556
Total 2,429 2,098 28,711 2,770 86 36,094 2,875 3,192 7,145 3,531 719 375 17,837 53,931
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
KERALA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rural 3,758 892 37,166 655 35 42,506 4,210 3,399 7,850 5,927 626 233 22,245 64,751
MAHARASHTRA Urban 30 5 240 6 0 281 63 31 214 76 26 0 410 691
Total 3,788 897 37,406 661 35 42,787 4,273 3,430 8,064 6,003 652 233 22,655 65,442
Rural 6,030 2,963 65,723 3,424 121 78,261 6,968 6,402 14,260 9,298 1,329 608 38,865 1,17,126
All India Urban 187 32 394 7 0 620 180 220 949 236 42 0 1,627 2,247
Total 6,217 2,995 66,117 3,431 121 78,881 7,148 6,622 15,209 9,534 1,371 608 40,492 1,19,373

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Dangi- Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total Total
State/ Union
Area Used for Used for Male + Pure +
Territory Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
Agricul ture Bullock Female Graded
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 17 0 38 3 5 63 29 34 67 22 20 0 172 235 235
DAMAN & DIU Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 17 0 38 3 5 63 29 34 67 22 20 0 172 235 235
Rural 2,809 496 12,995 4,158 157 20,615 1,975 3,278 4,074 3,435 947 218 13,927 34,542 86,917
GUJARAT Urban 7 8 19 3 1 38 17 91 279 44 26 3 460 498 2,054
Total 2,816 504 13,014 4,161 158 20,653 1,992 3,369 4,353 3,479 973 221 14,387 35,040 88,971
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 16 16 16
KERALA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 16 16 16
Rural 2,405 374 17,565 574 478 21,396 2,593 2,468 5,328 4,878 1,611 126 17,004 38,400 1,03,151
MAHARASHTRA Urban 50 6 148 12 0 216 69 47 282 74 27 1 500 716 1,407
Total 2,455 380 17,713 586 478 21,612 2,662 2,515 5,610 4,952 1,638 127 17,504 39,116 1,04,558
Rural 5,231 870 30,598 4,735 640 42,074 4,597 5,780 9,485 8,335 2,578 344 31,119 73,193 1,90,319
All India Urban 57 14 167 15 1 254 86 138 561 118 53 4 960 1,214 3,461
Total 5,288 884 30,765 4,750 641 42,328 4,683 5,918 10,046 8,453 2,631 348 32,079 74,407 1,93,780

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Deoni - Pure
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male 1 year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 2,899 645 10,447 462 341 14,794 3,539 3,057 6,274 1,980 741 172 15,763 30,557
Urban 9 0 30 0 0 39 1 0 13 1 0 0 15 54
Total 2,908 645 10,477 462 341 14,833 3,540 3,057 6,287 1,981 741 172 15,778 30,611
Rural 3,824 488 24,449 284 2 29,047 4,699 2,326 7,586 3,298 565 1 18,475 47,522
KARNATAKA Urban 75 11 807 7 1 901 224 55 313 87 11 1 691 1,592
Total 3,899 499 25,256 291 3 29,948 4,923 2,381 7,899 3,385 576 2 19,166 49,114
Rural 8,649 552 19,205 1,234 75 29,715 8,299 5,235 14,390 8,583 1,622 37 38,166 67,881
MAHARASHTRA Urban 152 20 214 37 0 423 210 148 390 199 51 13 1,011 1,434
Total 8,801 572 19,419 1,271 75 30,138 8,509 5,383 14,780 8,782 1,673 50 39,177 69,315
Rural 66 23 185 0 0 274 110 36 288 128 12 0 574 848
RAJASTHAN Urban 39 11 0 0 0 50 43 17 141 38 6 0 245 295
Total 105 34 185 0 0 324 153 53 429 166 18 0 819 1,143
Rural 121 8 389 0 0 518 145 31 215 144 0 0 535 1,053
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 121 8 389 0 0 518 145 31 215 144 0 0 535 1,053
Rural 15,559 1,716 54,675 1,980 418 74,348 16,792 10,685 28,753 14,133 2,940 210 73,513 1,47,861
All India Urban 275 42 1,051 44 1 1,413 478 220 857 325 68 14 1,962 3,375
Total 15,834 1,758 55,726 2,024 419 75,761 17,270 10,905 29,610 14,458 3,008 224 75,475 1,51,236
Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Deoni - Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total Total
State/ Union
Area Used for Used for Male + Pure +
Territory Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
Agricul ture Bullock Female Graded
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 6,639 2,817 21,652 1,101 106 32,315 8,060 6,291 17,157 5,604 2,431 235 39,778 72,093 1,02,650
Urban 60 29 98 0 2 189 106 34 244 147 13 0 544 733 787
Total 6,699 2,846 21,750 1,101 108 32,504 8,166 6,325 17,401 5,751 2,444 235 40,322 72,826 1,03,437
Rural 4,516 423 31,160 554 49 36,702 5,882 3,719 9,791 3,562 1,036 51 24,041 60,743 1,08,265
KARNATAKA Urban 83 14 584 20 0 701 177 84 279 69 23 4 636 1,337 2,929
Total 4,599 437 31,744 574 49 37,403 6,059 3,803 10,070 3,631 1,059 55 24,677 62,080 1,11,194
Rural 5,841 383 21,683 863 0 28,770 5,882 4,069 10,251 5,992 695 524 27,413 56,183 1,24,064
MAHARASHTRA Urban 98 1 326 21 0 446 152 58 282 148 25 0 665 1,111 2,545
Total 5,939 384 22,009 884 0 29,216 6,034 4,127 10,533 6,140 720 524 28,078 57,294 1,26,609
Rural 909 0 61 0 0 970 497 41 3,021 85 9 0 3,653 4,623 5,471
RAJASTHAN Urban 92 0 0 0 0 92 43 14 239 12 0 0 308 400 695
Total 1,001 0 61 0 0 1,062 540 55 3,260 97 9 0 3,961 5,023 6,166
Rural 361 10 898 0 0 1,269 405 243 622 538 64 0 1,872 3,141 4,194
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 361 10 898 0 0 1,269 405 243 622 538 64 0 1,872 3,141 4,194
Rural 18,266 3,633 75,454 2,518 155 1,00,026 20,726 14,363 40,842 15,781 4,235 810 96,757 1,96,783 3,44,644
All India Urban 333 44 1,008 41 2 1,428 478 190 1,044 376 61 4 2,153 3,581 6,956
Total 18,599 3,677 76,462 2,559 157 1,01,454 21,204 14,553 41,886 16,157 4,296 814 98,910 2,00,364 3,51,600

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Gaolao - Pure
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male 1 year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 7,323 883 32,267 2,306 472 43,251 6,544 6,557 9,739 9,394 1,642 502 34,378 77,629
Urban 18 0 28 0 0 46 23 14 39 16 1 0 93 139
Total 7,341 883 32,295 2,306 472 43,297 6,567 6,571 9,778 9,410 1,643 502 34,471 77,768
Rural 3,825 555 14,500 369 85 19,334 4,266 4,094 7,469 6,849 639 18 23,335 42,669
MAHARASHTRA Urban 84 8 279 4 0 375 146 70 323 152 33 2 726 1,101
Total 3,909 563 14,779 373 85 19,709 4,412 4,164 7,792 7,001 672 20 24,061 43,770
Rural 11,148 1,438 46,767 2,675 557 62,585 10,810 10,651 17,208 16,243 2,281 520 57,713 1,20,298
All India Urban 102 8 307 4 0 421 169 84 362 168 34 2 819 1,240
Total 11,250 1,446 47,074 2,679 557 63,006 10,979 10,735 17,570 16,411 2,315 522 58,532 1,21,538

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Gaolao - Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total Total
State/ Union
Area Used for Used for Male + Pure +
Territory Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
Agricul ture Bullock Female Graded
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 7,778 408 50,444 259 392 59,281 7,564 8,941 10,528 9,873 1,125 433 38,464 97,745 1,75,374
Urban 88 0 455 0 43 586 150 100 251 100 16 188 805 1,391 1,530
Total 7,866 408 50,899 259 435 59,867 7,714 9,041 10,779 9,973 1,141 621 39,269 99,136 1,76,904
Rural 11,328 1,212 33,018 1,265 96 46,919 9,492 8,924 16,532 15,627 1,199 426 52,200 99,119 1,41,788
MAHARASHTRA Urban 303 46 709 38 4 1,100 386 216 752 373 46 17 1,790 2,890 3,991
Total 11,631 1,258 33,727 1,303 100 48,019 9,878 9,140 17,284 16,000 1,245 443 53,990 1,02,009 1,45,779
Rural 19,106 1,620 83,462 1,524 488 1,06,200 17,056 17,865 27,060 25,500 2,324 859 90,664 1,96,864 3,17,162
All India Urban 391 46 1,164 38 47 1,686 536 316 1,003 473 62 205 2,595 4,281 5,521
Total 19,497 1,666 84,626 1,562 535 1,07,886 17,592 18,181 28,063 25,973 2,386 1,064 93,259 2,01,145 3,22,683

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Ghumsuri - Pure
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male 1 year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 5,858 529 27,145 1,082 0 34,614 4,769 4,593 7,944 5,460 693 20 23,479 58,093
ODISHA Urban 101 3 122 11 0 237 99 78 201 137 10 0 525 762
Total 5,959 532 27,267 1,093 0 34,851 4,868 4,671 8,145 5,597 703 20 24,004 58,855
Rural 5,858 529 27,145 1,082 0 34,614 4,769 4,593 7,944 5,460 693 20 23,479 58,093
All India Urban 101 3 122 11 0 237 99 78 201 137 10 0 525 762
Total 5,959 532 27,267 1,093 0 34,851 4,868 4,671 8,145 5,597 703 20 24,004 58,855

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Ghumsuri - Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total Total
State/ Union
Area Used for Used for Male + Pure +
Territory Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
Agricul ture Bullock Female Graded
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 2,066 118 13,053 242 0 15,479 1,801 1,737 3,050 2,001 101 0 8,690 24,169 82,262
ODISHA Urban 92 0 175 0 0 267 138 93 210 79 3 0 523 790 1,552
Total 2,158 118 13,228 242 0 15,746 1,939 1,830 3,260 2,080 104 0 9,213 24,959 83,814
Rural 2,066 118 13,053 242 0 15,479 1,801 1,737 3,050 2,001 101 0 8,690 24,169 82,262
All India Urban 92 0 175 0 0 267 138 93 210 79 3 0 523 790 1,552
Total 2,158 118 13,228 242 0 15,746 1,939 1,830 3,260 2,080 104 0 9,213 24,959 83,814

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Gir - Pure
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union Male +
Area Upto Used for Used for
Territory Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Female
2 Agriculture Bullock In
breeding Others Male year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 299 0 0 0 0 299 312 296 872 57 0 0 1,537 1,836
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 299 0 0 0 0 299 312 296 872 57 0 0 1,537 1,836
Rural 46 0 0 1 0 47 26 21 61 23 49 0 180 227
BIHAR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 46 0 0 1 0 47 26 21 61 23 49 0 180 227
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CHHATTISGARH Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rural 0 13 0 0 0 13 22 6 44 9 12 0 93 106
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 5 1 2 0 15 15
Total 0 13 0 0 0 13 29 6 49 10 14 0 108 121
Rural 12 0 0 0 0 12 5 0 12 25 0 0 42 54
DAMAN & DIU Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 12 0 0 0 0 12 5 0 12 25 0 0 42 54
Rural 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 4
GOA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 4
Rural 45,102 14,082 1,86,321 5,497 2,111 2,53,113 61,907 1,35,698 1,85,790 67,319 19,739 4,422 4,74,875 7,27,988
GUJARAT Urban 5,239 1,872 2,653 164 266 10,194 10,247 8,140 25,349 8,491 3,223 445 55,895 66,089
Total 50,341 15,954 1,88,974 5,661 2,377 2,63,307 72,154 1,43,838 2,11,139 75,810 22,962 4,867 5,30,770 7,94,077
Rural 9 5 0 0 0 14 9 53 88 19 0 0 169 183
KERALA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 21 21
Total 9 5 0 0 0 14 30 53 88 19 0 0 190 204
Rural 8,522 1,759 45,964 595 277 57,117 10,457 6,372 19,513 10,983 1,710 322 49,357 1,06,474
Urban 415 92 996 12 2 1,517 2,303 261 1,078 462 59 7 4,170 5,687
Total 8,937 1,851 46,960 607 279 58,634 12,760 6,633 20,591 11,445 1,769 329 53,527 1,12,161
Rural 7,414 1,910 31,879 688 214 42,105 9,440 7,421 18,283 12,806 1,103 502 49,555 91,660
MAHARASHTRA Urban 169 32 442 91 23 757 412 263 1,250 286 14 11 2,236 2,993
Total 7,583 1,942 32,321 779 237 42,862 9,852 7,684 19,533 13,092 1,117 513 51,791 94,653
Rural 40 0 3,940 92 0 4,072 66 45 63 22 0 0 196 4,268
ODISHA Urban 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
Total 40 0 3,947 92 0 4,079 66 45 63 22 0 0 196 4,275
Rural 5 2 28 0 0 35 8 6 28 29 2 0 73 108
PUNJAB Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 5 2 28 0 0 35 8 6 28 29 2 0 73 108
Rural 34,396 3,094 28,881 785 655 67,811 50,068 34,957 91,663 53,978 11,988 703 2,43,357 3,11,168
RAJASTHAN Urban 1,672 120 280 36 43 2,151 3,223 2,033 6,871 2,886 681 22 15,716 17,867
Total 36,068 3,214 29,161 821 698 69,962 53,291 36,990 98,534 56,864 12,669 725 2,59,073 3,29,035
Rural 33 0 78 1 0 112 103 83 130 33 0 0 349 461
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 33 0 78 1 0 112 103 83 130 33 0 0 349 461
Rural 7,500 564 5,133 257 15 13,469 7,192 6,483 6,397 4,418 3,372 129 27,991 41,460
Urban 212 0 23 0 0 235 252 277 487 184 97 0 1,297 1,532
Total 7,712 564 5,156 257 15 13,704 7,444 6,760 6,884 4,602 3,469 129 29,288 42,992
Rural 1,03,380 21,429 3,02,224 7,916 3,272 4,38,221 1,39,615 1,91,441 3,22,944 1,49,721 37,977 6,078 8,47,776 12,85,997
All India Urban 7,707 2,116 4,401 303 334 14,861 16,465 10,974 35,040 12,310 4,076 485 79,350 94,211
Total 1,11,087 23,545 3,06,625 8,219 3,606 4,53,082 1,56,080 2,02,415 3,57,984 1,62,031 42,053 6,563 9,27,126 13,80,208
Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Gir - Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total Total
State/ Union
Area Used for Used for Male + Pure +
Territory Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
Agricul ture Bullock Female Graded
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 129 16 1,386 0 0 1,531 554 269 893 269 175 0 2,160 3,691 5,527
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 3 13 0 0 23 23 23
Total 129 16 1,386 0 0 1,531 555 275 896 282 175 0 2,183 3,714 5,550
Rural 293 41 187 28 49 598 524 262 881 587 363 20 2,637 3,235 3,462
BIHAR Urban 20 0 0 2 0 22 16 23 40 22 13 0 114 136 136
Total 313 41 187 30 49 620 540 285 921 609 376 20 2,751 3,371 3,598
Rural 42,587 3,836 1,11,234 3,238 923 1,61,818 23,691 29,876 18,735 16,550 15,259 808 1,04,919 2,66,737 2,66,737
CHHATTISGARH Urban 2,540 170 2,436 148 85 5,379 2,120 1,842 1,723 1,633 828 51 8,197 13,576 13,576
Total 45,127 4,006 1,13,670 3,386 1,008 1,67,197 25,811 31,718 20,458 18,183 16,087 859 1,13,116 2,80,313 2,80,313
Rural 0 13 0 0 0 13 0 3 13 0 0 0 16 29 135
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 16
Total 0 13 0 0 0 13 0 3 14 0 0 0 17 30 151
Rural 1 0 10 0 0 11 6 3 30 9 0 0 48 59 113
DAMAN & DIU Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1 0 10 0 0 11 6 3 30 9 0 0 48 59 113
Rural 8 0 0 0 0 8 5 0 22 2 0 0 29 37 41
GOA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1
Total 8 0 0 0 0 8 5 0 23 2 0 0 30 38 42
Rural 66,624 13,759 2,02,453 8,500 4,015 2,95,351 1,30,397 3,15,536 4,05,050 1,43,756 37,863 3,134 10,35,736 13,31,087 20,59,075
GUJARAT Urban 9,163 1,369 3,651 365 1,102 15,650 17,967 13,262 42,284 16,774 4,199 713 95,199 1,10,849 1,76,938
Total 75,787 15,128 2,06,104 8,865 5,117 3,11,001 1,48,364 3,28,798 4,47,334 1,60,530 42,062 3,847 11,30,935 14,41,936 22,36,013
Rural 41 0 0 0 0 41 130 89 52 5 6 0 282 323 506
KERALA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 6 6 27
Total 41 0 0 0 0 41 133 89 55 5 6 0 288 329 533
Rural 19,019 2,839 26,727 1,057 408 50,050 27,039 19,068 43,804 23,376 6,190 1,281 1,20,758 1,70,808 2,77,282
Urban 864 105 438 5 5 1,417 1,313 747 2,157 987 135 21 5,360 6,777 12,464
Total 19,883 2,944 27,165 1,062 413 51,467 28,352 19,815 45,961 24,363 6,325 1,302 1,26,118 1,77,585 2,89,746
Rural 5,760 1,281 28,372 663 106 36,182 5,554 4,741 11,077 6,631 926 181 29,110 65,292 1,56,952
MAHARASHTRA Urban 184 156 593 9 159 1,101 311 280 910 291 64 1 1,857 2,958 5,951
Total 5,944 1,437 28,965 672 265 37,283 5,865 5,021 11,987 6,922 990 182 30,967 68,250 1,62,903
Rural 244 0 7,143 41 0 7,428 144 61 47 103 32 0 387 7,815 12,083
ODISHA Urban 3 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 2 8 1 0 12 15 22
Total 247 0 7,143 41 0 7,431 145 61 49 111 33 0 399 7,830 12,105
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 108
PUNJAB Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 108
Rural 48,108 3,448 28,167 1,798 695 82,216 73,747 51,562 1,20,566 71,388 17,649 1,252 3,36,164 4,18,380 7,29,548
RAJASTHAN Urban 3,254 122 211 38 24 3,649 4,645 2,917 8,933 4,278 1,087 240 22,100 25,749 43,616
Total 51,362 3,570 28,378 1,836 719 85,865 78,392 54,479 1,29,499 75,666 18,736 1,492 3,58,264 4,44,129 7,73,164
Rural 212 71 280 11 0 574 812 609 1,409 773 156 3 3,762 4,336 4,797
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 6 32 10 0 0 58 58 58
Total 212 71 280 11 0 574 822 615 1,441 783 156 3 3,820 4,394 4,855
Rural 2,33,754 7,684 1,40,552 5,442 1,003 3,88,435 2,44,137 2,19,275 2,13,667 1,23,263 69,675 4,146 8,74,163 12,62,598 13,04,058
WEST BENGAL Urban 6,555 398 1,480 223 13 8,669 7,865 6,944 8,887 3,772 1,939 134 29,541 38,210 39,742
Total 2,40,309 8,082 1,42,032 5,665 1,016 3,97,104 2,52,002 2,26,219 2,22,554 1,27,035 71,614 4,280 9,03,704 13,00,808 13,43,800
Rural 4,16,780 32,988 5,46,511 20,778 7,199 10,24,256 5,06,740 6,41,354 8,16,246 3,86,712 1,48,294 10,825 25,10,171 35,34,427 48,20,424
All India Urban 22,583 2,320 8,809 790 1,388 35,890 34,252 26,027 64,976 27,788 8,266 1,160 1,62,469 1,98,359 2,92,570
Total 4,39,363 35,308 5,55,320 21,568 8,587 10,60,146 5,40,992 6,67,381 8,81,222 4,14,500 1,56,560 11,985 26,72,640 37,32,786 51,12,994

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Hallikar - Pure
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male 1 year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 4,036 738 40,227 1,859 15 46,875 3,187 2,519 6,199 2,175 1,104 12 15,196 62,071
Urban 8 0 61 20 7 96 14 5 33 10 0 0 62 158
Total 4,044 738 40,288 1,879 22 46,971 3,201 2,524 6,232 2,185 1,104 12 15,258 62,229
Rural 69,492 4,694 3,43,775 7,919 987 4,26,867 92,894 95,965 2,03,258 1,79,708 1,29,132 3,362 7,04,319 11,31,186
KARNATAKA Urban 805 92 6,572 216 34 7,719 1,334 1,608 4,232 1,742 1,036 19 9,971 17,690
Total 70,297 4,786 3,50,347 8,135 1,021 4,34,586 94,228 97,573 2,07,490 1,81,450 1,30,168 3,381 7,14,290 11,48,876
Rural 41 0 18 3 28 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90
KERALA Urban 2 0 1 0 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
Total 43 0 19 3 30 95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 95
Rural 0 0 0 34 0 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 34
PUDUCHERRY Urban 0 0 0 8 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
Total 0 0 0 42 0 42 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 42
Rural 73,569 5,432 3,84,020 9,815 1,030 4,73,866 96,081 98,484 2,09,457 1,81,883 1,30,236 3,374 7,19,515 11,93,381
All India Urban 815 92 6,634 244 43 7,828 1,348 1,613 4,265 1,752 1,036 19 10,033 17,861
74,384 5,524 3,90,654 10,059 1,073 4,81,694 97,429 1,00,097 2,13,722 1,83,635 1,31,272 3,393 7,29,548 12,11,242
Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Hallikar - Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total Total
State/ Union
Area Used for Used for Male + Pure +
Territory Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
Agricul ture Bullock Female Graded
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 3,626 454 22,493 501 16 27,090 3,486 3,380 6,220 4,892 822 3 18,803 45,893 1,07,964
Urban 1 0 38 2 0 41 3 0 34 0 0 0 37 78 236
Total 3,627 454 22,531 503 16 27,131 3,489 3,380 6,254 4,892 822 3 18,840 45,971 1,08,200

Rural 33,989 2,502 2,11,232 4,674 704 2,53,101 45,895 39,904 96,088 72,029 25,158 4,724 2,83,798 5,36,899 16,68,085

KARNATAKA Urban 667 69 5,790 102 16 6,644 1,405 977 3,053 1,257 267 57 7,016 13,660 31,350

Total 34,656 2,571 2,17,022 4,776 720 2,59,745 47,300 40,881 99,141 73,286 25,425 4,781 2,90,814 5,50,559 16,99,435

Rural 48 0 0 2 0 50 0 83 25 0 0 0 108 158 248

KERALA Urban 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 7

Total 50 0 0 2 0 52 0 83 25 0 0 0 108 160 255

Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 34

PUDUCHERRY Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8

Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 42

Rural 37,663 2,956 2,33,725 5,177 720 2,80,241 49,381 43,367 1,02,333 76,921 25,980 4,727 3,02,709 5,82,950 17,76,331

All India Urban 670 69 5,828 104 16 6,687 1,408 977 3,087 1,257 267 57 7,053 13,740 31,601

Total 38,333 3,025 2,39,553 5,281 736 2,86,928 50,789 44,344 1,05,420 78,178 26,247 4,784 3,09,762 5,96,690 18,07,932

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Hariana - Pure
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 5,945 345 2,997 571 3,884 13,742 6,693 4,928 12,016 5,593 3,659 337 33,226 46,968
BIHAR Urban 243 0 37 2 6 288 459 380 1,130 573 670 13 3,225 3,513
Total 6,188 345 3,034 573 3,890 14,030 7,152 5,308 13,146 6,166 4,329 350 36,451 50,481
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CHANDIGARH Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rural 641 0 9,320 79 0 10,040 521 404 254 131 332 59 1,701 11,741
CHHATTISGARH Urban 18 0 170 0 0 188 13 6 10 6 4 2 41 229
Total 659 0 9,490 79 0 10,228 534 410 264 137 336 61 1,742 11,970
Rural 28,504 1,032 60,547 1,314 1,989 93,386 23,856 19,678 45,173 24,257 2,185 1,450 1,16,599 2,09,985
HARYANA Urban 4,909 163 805 24 1,475 7,376 2,858 2,420 5,816 8,894 449 726 21,163 28,539
Total 33,413 1,195 61,352 1,338 3,464 1,00,762 26,714 22,098 50,989 33,151 2,634 2,176 1,37,762 2,38,524
Rural 220 28 9,385 22 1,076 10,731 139 101 313 96 9 0 658 11,389
Urban 0 0 56 0 0 56 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56
Total 220 28 9,441 22 1,076 10,787 139 101 313 96 9 0 658 11,445
Rural 1,821 977 19,301 1,004 185 23,288 2,285 1,737 3,803 2,122 1,084 896 11,927 35,215
JHARKHAND Urban 37 2 21 3 14 77 43 55 100 31 41 0 270 347
Total 1,858 979 19,322 1,007 199 23,365 2,328 1,792 3,903 2,153 1,125 896 12,197 35,562
Rural 2,575 967 10,174 400 78 14,194 3,903 2,600 6,000 3,845 990 148 17,486 31,680
Urban 197 21 433 8 9 668 342 141 516 222 91 0 1,312 1,980
Total 2,772 988 10,607 408 87 14,862 4,245 2,741 6,516 4,067 1,081 148 18,798 33,660
Rural 237 19 15 7 4 282 530 852 1,171 307 85 0 2,945 3,227
NCT OF DELHI Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 55 2 131 1 0 0 189 189
Total 237 19 15 7 4 282 585 854 1,302 308 85 0 3,134 3,416
Rural 945 0 290 19 0 1,254 573 625 752 541 121 0 2,612 3,866
ODISHA Urban 26 0 3 0 0 29 10 14 14 6 0 0 44 73
Total 971 0 293 19 0 1,283 583 639 766 547 121 0 2,656 3,939
Rural 6,047 771 53,556 926 490 61,790 4,111 3,955 9,993 5,731 1,259 231 25,280 87,070
PUNJAB Urban 1,205 173 1,277 121 11 2,787 971 797 1,553 2,148 498 275 6,242 9,029
Total 7,252 944 54,833 1,047 501 64,577 5,082 4,752 11,546 7,879 1,757 506 31,522 96,099
Rural 26,000 1,232 5,448 523 116 33,319 39,307 25,110 76,567 33,821 8,162 971 1,83,938 2,17,257
RAJASTHAN Urban 1,326 52 125 34 20 1,557 2,268 1,852 5,149 1,976 388 135 11,768 13,325
Total 27,326 1,284 5,573 557 136 34,876 41,575 26,962 81,716 35,797 8,550 1,106 1,95,706 2,30,582
Rural 96,206 5,798 1,40,980 7,164 4,455 2,54,603 1,41,593 89,618 2,62,358 88,542 26,482 5,968 6,14,561 8,69,164
Urban 5,655 208 1,723 510 101 8,197 8,269 5,126 17,326 4,652 1,994 199 37,566 45,763
Total 1,01,861 6,006 1,42,703 7,674 4,556 2,62,800 1,49,862 94,744 2,79,684 93,194 28,476 6,167 6,52,127 9,14,927
Rural 813 127 2,912 282 0 4,134 643 730 1,745 1,100 131 0 4,349 8,483
UTTARAKHAND Urban 1 1 4 1 0 7 5 4 18 3 0 0 30 37
Total 814 128 2,916 283 0 4,141 648 734 1,763 1,103 131 0 4,379 8,520
Rural 6 0 0 50 0 56 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56
WEST BENGAL Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 6 0 0 50 0 56 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56
Rural 1,69,960 11,296 3,14,925 12,361 12,277 5,20,819 2,24,154 1,50,338 4,20,145 1,66,086 44,499 10,060 10,15,282 15,36,101
All India Urban 13,617 620 4,654 703 1,636 21,230 15,293 10,797 31,763 18,512 4,135 1,350 81,850 1,03,080
Total 1,83,577 11,916 3,19,579 13,064 13,913 5,42,049 2,39,447 1,61,135 4,51,908 1,84,598 48,634 11,410 10,97,132 16,39,181

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Hariana - Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union Pure +
Area Used for Used for Male +
Territory Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Graded
Agricul ture Bullock Female
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 27,716 2,408 14,990 2,407 12,996 60,517 37,950 1,01,417 55,189 36,398 18,814 2,950 2,52,718 3,13,235 3,60,203
BIHAR Urban 337 4 85 10 78 514 833 515 903 549 458 6 3,264 3,778 7,291
Total 28,053 2,412 15,075 2,417 13,074 61,031 38,783 1,01,932 56,092 36,947 19,272 2,956 2,55,982 3,17,013 3,67,494
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1
CHANDIGARH Urban 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 2 1 0 0 6 7 7
Total 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 3 1 0 0 7 8 8
Rural 11,914 711 35,154 4,156 1,248 53,183 8,456 9,418 13,745 13,508 7,216 1,047 53,390 1,06,573 1,18,314
CHHATTISGARH Urban 500 36 1,145 198 70 1,949 571 396 1,062 614 316 52 3,011 4,960 5,189
Total 12,414 747 36,299 4,354 1,318 55,132 9,027 9,814 14,807 14,122 7,532 1,099 56,401 1,11,533 1,23,503
Rural 17,450 674 47,288 838 1,112 67,362 20,950 18,834 37,810 20,349 3,469 4,361 1,05,773 1,73,135 3,83,120
HARYANA Urban 1,636 75 597 18 248 2,574 2,248 1,670 4,482 3,304 589 1,675 13,968 16,542 45,081
Total 19,086 749 47,885 856 1,360 69,936 23,198 20,504 42,292 23,653 4,058 6,036 1,19,741 1,89,677 4,28,201
Rural 912 90 21,643 173 621 23,439 360 355 786 610 148 0 2,259 25,698 37,087
Urban 18 15 39 0 9 81 9 8 6 43 0 0 66 147 203
Total 930 105 21,682 173 630 23,520 369 363 792 653 148 0 2,325 25,845 37,290
Rural 3,616 1,378 8,732 1,030 122 14,878 3,668 2,682 6,567 2,258 1,336 114 16,625 31,503 66,718
JHARKHAND Urban 176 40 49 13 0 278 91 101 374 53 30 0 649 927 1,274
Total 3,792 1,418 8,781 1,043 122 15,156 3,759 2,783 6,941 2,311 1,366 114 17,274 32,430 67,992
Rural 18,671 2,851 50,283 1,910 219 73,934 24,679 17,109 36,511 18,449 4,490 566 1,01,804 1,75,738 2,07,418
Urban 1,375 177 1,270 20 8 2,850 2,439 1,331 3,875 1,111 319 39 9,114 11,964 13,944
Total 20,046 3,028 51,553 1,930 227 76,784 27,118 18,440 40,386 19,560 4,809 605 1,10,918 1,87,702 2,21,362
Rural 443 0 0 10 4 457 1,427 1,268 4,685 1,334 56 105 8,875 9,332 12,559
NCT OF DELHI Urban 2 0 0 0 0 2 55 10 74 22 0 0 161 163 352
Total 445 0 0 10 4 459 1,482 1,278 4,759 1,356 56 105 9,036 9,495 12,911
Rural 20,776 1,036 72,395 628 19 94,854 14,531 15,898 16,377 11,258 3,858 494 62,416 1,57,270 1,61,136
ODISHA Urban 250 7 564 8 0 829 299 257 307 123 34 0 1,020 1,849 1,922
Total 21,026 1,043 72,959 636 19 95,683 14,830 16,155 16,684 11,381 3,892 494 63,436 1,59,119 1,63,058
Rural 4,658 754 39,411 809 1,061 46,693 6,230 6,082 12,285 7,340 1,070 650 33,657 80,350 1,67,420
PUNJAB Urban 765 394 741 55 25 1,980 725 846 1,192 2,328 214 258 5,563 7,543 16,572
Total 5,423 1,148 40,152 864 1,086 48,673 6,955 6,928 13,477 9,668 1,284 908 39,220 87,893 1,83,992
Rural 21,032 583 9,909 360 122 32,006 38,518 26,669 70,492 26,398 8,073 210 1,70,360 2,02,366 4,19,623
RAJASTHAN Urban 972 35 110 8 9 1,134 1,972 1,401 4,216 1,263 319 78 9,249 10,383 23,708
Total 22,004 618 10,019 368 131 33,140 40,490 28,070 74,708 27,661 8,392 288 1,79,609 2,12,749 4,43,331
Rural 3,13,159 18,320 5,15,963 13,842 17,652 8,78,936 5,36,079 3,34,941 9,37,415 3,54,029 1,08,911 21,450 22,92,825 31,71,761 40,40,925
Urban 13,458 953 5,247 923 424 21,005 23,890 13,984 43,414 13,715 4,695 796 1,00,494 1,21,499 1,67,262
Total 3,26,617 19,273 5,21,210 14,765 18,076 8,99,941 5,59,969 3,48,925 9,80,829 3,67,744 1,13,606 22,246 23,93,319 32,93,260 42,08,187
Rural 1,311 53 4,426 230 8 6,028 1,479 1,117 3,335 1,400 315 21 7,667 13,695 22,178
UTTARAKHAND Urban 26 7 13 0 0 46 43 37 107 54 4 12 257 303 340
Total 1,337 60 4,439 230 8 6,074 1,522 1,154 3,442 1,454 319 33 7,924 13,998 22,518
Rural 11 0 37 0 0 48 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 57 113
Urban 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3 3
Total 12 0 38 0 0 50 0 0 10 0 0 0 10 60 116
Rural 4,41,669 28,858 8,20,231 26,393 35,184 13,52,335 6,94,327 5,35,790 11,95,207 4,93,331 1,57,756 31,968 31,08,379 44,60,714 59,96,815
All India Urban 19,516 1,743 9,861 1,254 871 33,245 33,177 20,557 60,015 23,180 6,978 2,916 1,46,823 1,80,068 2,83,148
Total 4,61,185 30,601 8,30,092 27,647 36,055 13,85,580 7,27,504 5,56,347 12,55,222 5,16,511 1,64,734 34,884 32,55,202 46,40,782 62,79,963

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Kangayam - Pure
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male 1 year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 229 10 110 275 72 696 39 0 52 2 0 0 93 789
KERALA Urban 9 0 1 1 1 12 1 0 3 0 0 0 4 16
Total 238 10 111 276 73 708 40 0 55 2 0 0 97 805
Rural 0 0 305 0 0 305 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 305
PUDUCHERRY Urban 0 0 24 1 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25
Total 0 0 329 1 0 330 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 330
Rural 6,849 3,347 12,723 1,636 440 24,995 6,546 7,465 17,582 7,861 2,078 1,009 42,541 67,536
TAMIL NADU Urban 1,617 540 1,251 157 67 3,632 1,529 1,679 3,163 1,370 520 56 8,317 11,949
Total 8,466 3,887 13,974 1,793 507 28,627 8,075 9,144 20,745 9,231 2,598 1,065 50,858 79,485
Rural 7,078 3,357 13,138 1,911 512 25,996 6,585 7,465 17,634 7,863 2,078 1,009 42,634 68,630
All India Urban 1,626 540 1,276 159 68 3,669 1,530 1,679 3,166 1,370 520 56 8,321 11,990
Total 8,704 3,897 14,414 2,070 580 29,665 8,115 9,144 20,800 9,233 2,598 1,065 50,955 80,620

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Kangayam - Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union Pure +
Area Used for Used for Male +
Territory Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Graded
Agricul ture Bullock Female
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 108 0 23 17 117 265 63 8 75 13 0 8 167 432 1,221
KERALA Urban 0 0 1 1 1 3 10 0 11 1 0 3 25 28 44
Total 108 0 24 18 118 268 73 8 86 14 0 11 192 460 1,265
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 305
PUDUCHERRY Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 330
Rural 9,864 2,400 14,833 2,410 915 30,422 16,665 12,304 25,798 11,872 5,206 1,793 73,638 1,04,060 1,71,596
TAMIL NADU Urban 914 140 1,666 231 89 3,040 1,551 731 1,850 646 457 30 5,265 8,305 20,254
Total 10,778 2,540 16,499 2,641 1,004 33,462 18,216 13,035 27,648 12,518 5,663 1,823 78,903 1,12,365 1,91,850
Rural 9,972 2,400 14,856 2,427 1,032 30,687 16,728 12,312 25,873 11,885 5,206 1,801 73,805 1,04,492 1,73,122
All India Urban 914 140 1,667 232 90 3,043 1,561 731 1,861 647 457 33 5,290 8,333 20,323
Total 10,886 2,540 16,523 2,659 1,122 33,730 18,289 13,043 27,734 12,532 5,663 1,834 79,095 1,12,825 1,93,445

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Kankrej - Pure
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 4 0 0 0 0 4 16 10 40 0 0 0 66 70
BIHAR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 4 0 0 0 0 4 16 10 40 0 0 0 66 70
Rural 0 0 27 0 0 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27
DAMAN & DIU Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 27 0 0 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27
Rural 1,09,237 24,887 2,95,017 32,205 4,024 4,65,370 1,60,294 1,82,503 3,66,769 1,78,726 41,925 4,224 9,34,441 13,99,811
GUJARAT Urban 7,144 1,838 3,703 2,267 151 15,103 14,392 12,559 34,607 12,253 3,362 252 77,425 92,528
Total 1,16,381 26,725 2,98,720 34,472 4,175 4,80,473 1,74,686 1,95,062 4,01,376 1,90,979 45,287 4,476 10,11,866 14,92,339
Rural 100 50 421 0 0 571 71 92 118 94 10 0 385 956
MAHARASHTRA Urban 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 5 3 0 0 9 11
Total 100 51 422 0 0 573 71 93 123 97 10 0 394 967
Rural 47,342 4,743 22,107 2,330 1,442 77,964 76,194 56,130 1,34,635 78,085 17,262 1,318 3,63,624 4,41,588
RAJASTHAN Urban 926 51 261 48 3 1,289 1,839 1,265 3,797 1,665 242 6 8,814 10,103
Total 48,268 4,794 22,368 2,378 1,445 79,253 78,033 57,395 1,38,432 79,750 17,504 1,324 3,72,438 4,51,691
Rural 1,56,683 29,680 3,17,572 34,535 5,466 5,43,936 2,36,575 2,38,735 5,01,562 2,56,905 59,197 5,542 12,98,516 18,42,452
All India Urban 8,070 1,890 3,965 2,315 154 16,394 16,231 13,825 38,409 13,921 3,604 258 86,248 1,02,642
Total 1,64,753 31,570 3,21,537 36,850 5,620 5,60,330 2,52,806 2,52,560 5,39,971 2,70,826 62,801 5,800 13,84,764 19,45,094

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Kankrej - Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union Pure +
Area Used for Used for Male +
Territory Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Graded
Agricul ture Bullock Female
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 8 0 0 3 0 11 0 8 3 15 4 0 30 41 111
BIHAR Urban 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 2 0 0 5 6 6
Total 9 0 0 3 0 12 0 10 4 17 4 0 35 47 117
Rural 1 0 105 1 0 107 1 0 2 1 0 0 4 111 138
DAMAN & DIU Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1 0 105 1 0 107 1 0 2 1 0 0 4 111 138
Rural 53,690 11,589 1,86,617 15,303 1,998 2,69,197 81,899 82,210 1,79,737 86,153 22,588 2,670 4,55,257 7,24,454 21,24,265
GUJARAT Urban 4,258 372 3,095 695 65 8,485 5,871 7,151 12,774 5,998 2,102 31 33,927 42,412 1,34,940
Total 57,948 11,961 1,89,712 15,998 2,063 2,77,682 87,770 89,361 1,92,511 92,151 24,690 2,701 4,89,184 7,66,866 22,59,205
Rural 36 0 0 0 0 36 10 4 36 8 0 42 100 136 1,092
MAHARASHTRA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 4 15
Total 36 0 0 0 0 36 10 4 40 8 0 42 104 140 1,107
Rural 35,241 3,307 33,613 1,743 590 74,494 48,465 41,489 86,778 44,488 10,847 673 2,32,740 3,07,234 7,48,822
RAJASTHAN Urban 1,043 228 188 18 10 1,487 1,534 1,124 3,060 1,295 287 0 7,300 8,787 18,890
Total 36,284 3,535 33,801 1,761 600 75,981 49,999 42,613 89,838 45,783 11,134 673 2,40,040 3,16,021 7,67,712
Rural 88,976 14,896 2,20,335 17,050 2,588 3,43,845 1,30,375 1,23,711 2,66,556 1,30,665 33,439 3,385 6,88,131 10,31,976 28,74,428
All India Urban 5,302 600 3,283 713 75 9,973 7,405 8,277 15,839 7,295 2,389 31 41,236 51,209 1,53,851
94,278 15,496 2,23,618 17,763 2,663 3,53,818 1,37,780 1,31,988 2,82,395 1,37,960 35,828 3,416 7,29,367 10,83,185 30,28,279

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Kenkatha - Pure
Male Female
State/ Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
Union Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male 1 year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 4,491 725 28,369 814 169 34,568 6,001 2,984 9,159 5,398 960 428 24,930 59,498
Urban 231 58 602 12 0 903 404 126 525 158 102 103 1,418 2,321
Total 4,722 783 28,971 826 169 35,471 6,405 3,110 9,684 5,556 1,062 531 26,348 61,819
Rural 21,120 3,524 49,009 1,111 3,943 78,707 67,926 28,513 96,394 32,108 14,943 3,612 2,43,496 3,22,203
Urban 738 53 226 50 65 1,132 2,580 1,014 3,425 656 408 54 8,137 9,269
Total 21,858 3,577 49,235 1,161 4,008 79,839 70,506 29,527 99,819 32,764 15,351 3,666 2,51,633 3,31,472
Rural 25,611 4,249 77,378 1,925 4,112 1,13,275 73,927 31,497 1,05,553 37,506 15,903 4,040 2,68,426 3,81,701
All India Urban 969 111 828 62 65 2,035 2,984 1,140 3,950 814 510 157 9,555 11,590
Total 26,580 4,360 78,206 1,987 4,177 1,15,310 76,911 32,637 1,09,503 38,320 16,413 4,197 2,77,981 3,93,291

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Kenkatha - Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union Pure +
Area Used for Used for Male +
Territory Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Graded
Agriculture Bullock Female
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 3,202 760 10,906 834 116 15,818 3,724 2,636 5,756 3,612 724 254 16,706 32,524 92,022
Urban 82 1 21 4 0 108 81 61 132 68 67 0 409 517 2,838
Total 3,284 761 10,927 838 116 15,926 3,805 2,697 5,888 3,680 791 254 17,115 33,041 94,860
Rural 17,172 1,494 23,085 1,750 1,095 44,596 54,318 17,700 82,522 29,277 6,578 1,504 1,91,899 2,36,495 5,58,698
Urban 633 37 117 84 22 893 1,889 699 3,005 777 221 89 6,680 7,573 16,842
Total 17,805 1,531 23,202 1,834 1,117 45,489 56,207 18,399 85,527 30,054 6,799 1,593 1,98,579 2,44,068 5,75,540
Rural 20,374 2,254 33,991 2,584 1,211 60,414 58,042 20,336 88,278 32,889 7,302 1,758 2,08,605 2,69,019 6,50,720
All India Urban 715 38 138 88 22 1,001 1,970 760 3,137 845 288 89 7,089 8,090 19,680
Total 21,089 2,292 34,129 2,672 1,233 61,415 60,012 21,096 91,415 33,734 7,590 1,847 2,15,694 2,77,109 6,70,400

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Khariar - Pure
Male Female
State/ Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
Union Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male 1 year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 22,171 2,120 1,50,078 6,942 270 1,81,581 25,301 16,372 36,797 21,747 4,220 775 1,05,212 2,86,793
ODISHA Urban 355 13 460 49 0 877 494 268 1,168 381 28 6 2,345 3,222
Total 22,526 2,133 1,50,538 6,991 270 1,82,458 25,795 16,640 37,965 22,128 4,248 781 1,07,557 2,90,015
Rural 22,171 2,120 1,50,078 6,942 270 1,81,581 25,301 16,372 36,797 21,747 4,220 775 1,05,212 2,86,793
All India Urban 355 13 460 49 0 877 494 268 1,168 381 28 6 2,345 3,222
Total 22,526 2,133 1,50,538 6,991 270 1,82,458 25,795 16,640 37,965 22,128 4,248 781 1,07,557 2,90,015

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Khariar - Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union Pure +
Area Used for Used for Male +
Territory Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Graded
Agricul ture Bullock Female
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 7,628 561 50,947 1,206 198 60,540 6,990 5,368 10,671 7,231 1,332 77 31,669 92,209 3,79,002
ODISHA Urban 178 0 375 0 0 553 153 123 589 169 13 0 1,047 1,600 4,822
Total 7,806 561 51,322 1,206 198 61,093 7,143 5,491 11,260 7,400 1,345 77 32,716 93,809 3,83,824
Rural 7,628 561 50,947 1,206 198 60,540 6,990 5,368 10,671 7,231 1,332 77 31,669 92,209 3,79,002
All India Urban 178 0 375 0 0 553 153 123 589 169 13 0 1,047 1,600 4,822
Total 7,806 561 51,322 1,206 198 61,093 7,143 5,491 11,260 7,400 1,345 77 32,716 93,809 3,83,824

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Kherigarh - Pure
Male Female
State/ Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
Union Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male 1 year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PUNJAB Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rural 8,648 508 15,395 921 814 26,286 10,027 7,628 17,586 9,917 2,755 536 48,449 74,735
Urban 43 0 17 0 0 60 61 46 150 56 8 0 321 381
Total 8,691 508 15,412 921 814 26,346 10,088 7,674 17,736 9,973 2,763 536 48,770 75,116
Rural 8,648 508 15,395 921 814 26,286 10,027 7,628 17,586 9,917 2,755 536 48,449 74,735
All India Urban 43 0 17 0 0 60 61 46 150 56 8 0 321 381
Total 8,691 508 15,412 921 814 26,346 10,088 7,674 17,736 9,973 2,763 536 48,770 75,116

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Kherigarh - Graded
Male Female Total
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total Pure +
State/ Union
Area Used for Used for Male + Graded
Territory Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
Agricul ture Bullock Female
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 27 0 0 0 48 48 48
PUNJAB Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 12 0 0 0 13 13 13
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 39 0 0 0 61 61 61
Rural 10,144 757 35,311 968 588 47,768 18,344 10,043 26,148 15,520 4,498 938 75,491 1,23,259 1,97,994
Urban 82 0 44 0 0 126 169 106 273 106 34 1 689 815 1,196
PRADESH Total 10,226 757 35,355 968 588 47,894 18,513 10,149 26,421 15,626 4,532 939 76,180 1,24,074 1,99,190
Rural 10,144 757 35,311 968 588 47,768 18,344 10,064 26,175 15,520 4,498 938 75,539 1,23,307 1,98,042
All India Urban 82 0 44 0 0 126 169 107 285 106 34 1 702 828 1,209
Total 10,226 757 35,355 968 588 47,894 18,513 10,171 26,460 15,626 4,532 939 76,241 1,24,135 1,99,251

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Khillar - Pure
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
GOA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
Rural 15,293 1,713 1,18,145 2,310 83 1,37,544 14,680 11,686 31,776 17,337 4,474 328 80,281 2,17,825
KARNATAKA Urban 564 117 3,943 92 2 4,718 477 405 1,158 492 131 1 2,664 7,382
Total 15,857 1,830 1,22,088 2,402 85 1,42,262 15,157 12,091 32,934 17,829 4,605 329 82,945 2,25,207
Rural 65,053 8,868 3,84,383 21,856 4,925 4,85,085 60,875 55,710 1,44,684 96,575 12,156 3,771 3,73,771 8,58,856
MAHARASHTRA Urban 1,380 277 5,715 696 191 8,259 1,581 1,558 4,116 2,126 279 160 9,820 18,079
Total 66,433 9,145 3,90,098 22,552 5,116 4,93,344 62,456 57,268 1,48,800 98,701 12,435 3,931 3,83,591 8,76,935
Rural 9 0 59 12 10 90 27 13 48 36 0 0 124 214
PUNJAB Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 9 0 59 12 10 90 27 13 48 36 0 0 124 214
Rural 80,355 10,581 5,02,587 24,181 5,018 6,22,722 75,582 67,409 1,76,508 1,13,948 16,630 4,099 4,54,176 10,76,898
All India Urban 1,944 394 9,658 788 193 12,977 2,058 1,963 5,274 2,618 410 161 12,484 25,461
Total 82,299 10,975 5,12,245 24,969 5,211 6,35,699 77,640 69,372 1,81,782 1,16,566 17,040 4,260 4,66,660 11,02,359

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Khillar - Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union Pure +
Area Used for Used for Male +
Territory Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Graded
Agricul ture Bullock Female
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
GOA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
Rural 36,208 3,454 2,04,207 5,708 911 2,50,488 45,653 31,705 87,847 44,459 13,938 658 2,24,260 4,74,748 6,92,573
KARNATAKA Urban 1,677 125 7,594 369 10 9,775 1,886 1,578 4,426 2,126 607 7 10,630 20,405 27,787
Total 37,885 3,579 2,11,801 6,077 921 2,60,263 47,539 33,283 92,273 46,585 14,545 665 2,34,890 4,95,153 7,20,360
Rural 25,750 3,794 2,26,462 12,382 1,933 2,70,321 24,650 20,328 53,793 32,568 5,291 1,075 1,37,705 4,08,026 12,66,882
MAHARASHTRA Urban 581 254 2,603 331 30 3,799 716 603 1,944 891 244 31 4,429 8,228 26,307
Total 26,331 4,048 2,29,065 12,713 1,963 2,74,120 25,366 20,931 55,737 33,459 5,535 1,106 1,42,134 4,16,254 12,93,189
Rural 97 44 299 1 0 441 15 6 55 69 0 0 145 586 800
PUNJAB Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 97 44 299 1 0 441 15 6 55 69 0 0 145 586 800
Rural 62,055 7,292 4,30,968 18,091 2,844 5,21,250 70,318 52,039 1,41,695 77,096 19,229 1,733 3,62,110 8,83,360 19,60,258
All India Urban 2,258 379 10,197 700 40 13,574 2,602 2,181 6,370 3,017 851 38 15,059 28,633 54,094
Total 64,313 7,671 4,41,165 18,791 2,884 5,34,824 72,920 54,220 1,48,065 80,113 20,080 1,771 3,77,169 9,11,993 20,14,352

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Kosali - Pure
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 2,74,522 20,895 7,64,668 46,942 12,304 11,19,331 1,78,269 2,01,416 3,08,011 3,51,356 1,54,398 16,340 12,09,790 23,29,121
CHHATTISGARH Urban 14,622 1,056 15,986 1,232 444 33,340 11,781 10,650 22,359 16,512 6,687 1,314 69,303 1,02,643
Total 2,89,144 21,951 7,80,654 48,174 12,748 11,52,671 1,90,050 2,12,066 3,30,370 3,67,868 1,61,085 17,654 12,79,093 24,31,764
Rural 23 0 0 7 0 30 24 0 40 0 0 0 64 94
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1
Total 23 0 0 7 0 30 24 0 41 0 0 0 65 95
Rural 2,74,545 20,895 7,64,668 46,949 12,304 11,19,361 1,78,293 2,01,416 3,08,051 3,51,356 1,54,398 16,340 12,09,854 23,29,215
All India Urban 14,622 1,056 15,986 1,232 444 33,340 11,781 10,650 22,360 16,512 6,687 1,314 69,304 1,02,644
Total 2,89,167 21,951 7,80,654 48,181 12,748 11,52,701 1,90,074 2,12,066 3,30,411 3,67,868 1,61,085 17,654 12,79,158 24,31,859

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Kosali - Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union Pure +
Area Used for Used for Male +
Territory Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Graded
Agriculture Bullock Female
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23,29,121

CHHATTISGARH Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,02,643

Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24,31,764

Rural 104 0 0 30 0 134 12 78 129 10 0 0 229 363 457

Urban 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 8 0 0 0 11 14 15
Total 107 0 0 30 0 137 12 81 137 10 0 0 240 377 472

Rural 104 0 0 30 0 134 12 78 129 10 0 0 229 363 23,29,578

All India Urban 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 8 0 0 0 11 14 1,02,658

Total 107 0 0 30 0 137 12 81 137 10 0 0 240 377 24,32,236

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Krishna Valley - Pure
Male Female
State/ Union Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
Territory Upto Used for Used for Male +
Used for Total Under 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male 1 year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 613 118 0 24 0 755 409 495 936 549 219 0 2,608 3,363
KARNATAKA Urban 16 8 0 0 0 24 11 15 32 14 3 0 75 99
Total 629 126 0 24 0 779 420 510 968 563 222 0 2,683 3,462
Rural 613 118 0 24 0 755 409 495 936 549 219 0 2,608 3,363
All India Urban 16 8 0 0 0 24 11 15 32 14 3 0 75 99
Total 629 126 0 24 0 779 420 510 968 563 222 0 2,683 3,462

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Krishna Valley - Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union Pure +
Area Used for Used for Male +
Territory Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Graded
Agricul ture Bullock Female
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 1,341 652 2,462 82 0 4,537 1,273 1,186 2,134 1,126 224 0 5,943 10,480 13,843

KARNATAKA Urban 51 16 122 4 0 193 42 37 120 42 5 0 246 439 538

Total 1,392 668 2,584 86 0 4,730 1,315 1,223 2,254 1,168 229 0 6,189 10,919 14,381

Rural 1,341 652 2,462 82 0 4,537 1,273 1,186 2,134 1,126 224 0 5,943 10,480 13,843

All India Urban 51 16 122 4 0 193 42 37 120 42 5 0 246 439 538

Total 1,392 668 2,584 86 0 4,730 1,315 1,223 2,254 1,168 229 0 6,189 10,919 14,381

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Malnad Gidda - Pure
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rural 89,371 16,396 1,20,123 7,597 8,243 2,41,730 1,20,040 1,23,117 2,07,839 1,49,156 33,528 4,832 6,38,512 8,80,242
KARNATAKA Urban 1,897 184 1,593 198 37 3,909 2,733 2,529 5,077 2,713 647 38 13,737 17,646
Total 91,268 16,580 1,21,716 7,795 8,280 2,45,639 1,22,773 1,25,646 2,12,916 1,51,869 34,175 4,870 6,52,249 8,97,888
Rural 184 0 0 0 15 199 190 309 285 193 23 4 1,004 1,203
KERALA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 184 0 0 0 15 199 190 309 285 193 23 4 1,004 1,203
Rural 89,555 16,396 1,20,123 7,597 8,258 2,41,929 1,20,230 1,23,426 2,08,124 1,49,349 33,551 4,836 6,39,516 8,81,445
All India Urban 1,897 184 1,593 198 37 3,909 2,733 2,529 5,077 2,713 647 38 13,737 17,646
Total 91,452 16,580 1,21,716 7,795 8,295 2,45,838 1,22,963 1,25,955 2,13,201 1,52,062 34,198 4,874 6,53,253 8,99,091
Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Malnad Gidda - Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union Pure +
Area Used for Used for Male +
Territory Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Graded
Agricul ture Bullock Female
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 269 0 1,042 72 0 1,383 130 189 167 31 54 0 571 1,954 1,954
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 269 0 1,042 72 0 1,383 130 189 167 31 54 0 571 1,954 1,954
Rural 12,488 2,123 21,910 742 275 37,538 20,700 18,008 35,253 22,055 5,239 1,680 1,02,935 1,40,473 10,20,715
KARNATAKA Urban 543 220 619 59 1 1,442 986 965 2,025 1,164 390 3 5,533 6,975 24,621
Total 13,031 2,343 22,529 801 276 38,980 21,686 18,973 37,278 23,219 5,629 1,683 1,08,468 1,47,448 10,45,336
Rural 121 0 0 0 0 121 140 214 334 201 22 16 927 1,048 2,251
KERALA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 2 2
Total 121 0 0 0 0 121 140 215 334 202 22 16 929 1,050 2,253
Rural 12,878 2,123 22,952 814 275 39,042 20,970 18,411 35,754 22,287 5,315 1,696 1,04,433 1,43,475 10,24,920
All India Urban 543 220 619 59 1 1,442 986 966 2,025 1,165 390 3 5,535 6,977 24,623
Total 13,421 2,343 23,571 873 276 40,484 21,956 19,377 37,779 23,452 5,705 1,699 1,09,968 1,50,452 10,49,543

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Malvi - Pure
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 60,118 8,190 1,55,403 9,853 5,440 2,39,004 76,881 59,147 1,38,525 87,385 18,995 7,335 3,88,268 6,27,272
Urban 3,066 270 3,827 207 63 7,433 31,371 2,724 8,348 4,183 937 254 47,817 55,250
Total 63,184 8,460 1,59,230 10,060 5,503 2,46,437 1,08,252 61,871 1,46,873 91,568 19,932 7,589 4,36,085 6,82,522
Rural 0 0 0 38 0 38 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 47
MAHARASHTRA Urban 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
Total 0 0 0 42 0 42 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 51
Rural 39,513 5,030 1,46,481 10,279 1,505 2,02,808 50,823 34,864 87,647 73,883 18,699 1,770 2,67,686 4,70,494
RAJASTHAN Urban 686 57 252 19 9 1,023 780 514 1,738 927 98 25 4,082 5,105
Total 40,199 5,087 1,46,733 10,298 1,514 2,03,831 51,603 35,378 89,385 74,810 18,797 1,795 2,71,768 4,75,599
Rural 99,631 13,220 3,01,884 20,170 6,945 4,41,850 1,27,704 94,011 2,26,181 1,61,268 37,694 9,105 6,55,963 10,97,813
All India Urban 3,752 327 4,079 230 72 8,460 32,151 3,238 10,086 5,110 1,035 279 51,899 60,359
Total 1,03,383 13,547 3,05,963 20,400 7,017 4,50,310 1,59,855 97,249 2,36,267 1,66,378 38,729 9,384 7,07,862 11,58,172

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Malvi - Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total Total
State/ Union
Area Used for Used for Male + Pure +
Territory Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
Agricul ture Bullock Female Graded
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 34,889 5,735 68,402 4,403 998 1,14,427 49,025 35,481 84,458 44,057 12,791 2,870 2,28,682 3,43,109 9,70,381
Urban 1,647 156 1,303 78 8 3,192 2,579 1,610 4,683 1,866 546 101 11,385 14,577 69,827
Total 36,536 5,891 69,705 4,481 1,006 1,17,619 51,604 37,091 89,141 45,923 13,337 2,971 2,40,067 3,57,686 10,40,208
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47
MAHARASHTRA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 51
Rural 17,889 2,056 56,831 5,291 634 82,701 22,015 11,906 39,307 27,006 8,433 1,007 1,09,674 1,92,375 6,62,869
RAJASTHAN Urban 280 6 178 33 3 500 365 173 704 383 85 22 1,732 2,232 7,337
Total 18,169 2,062 57,009 5,324 637 83,201 22,380 12,079 40,011 27,389 8,518 1,029 1,11,406 1,94,607 6,70,206
Rural 52,778 7,791 1,25,233 9,694 1,632 1,97,128 71,040 47,387 1,23,765 71,063 21,224 3,877 3,38,356 5,35,484 16,33,297
All India Urban 1,927 162 1,481 111 11 3,692 2,944 1,783 5,387 2,249 631 123 13,117 16,809 77,168
Total 54,705 7,953 1,26,714 9,805 1,643 2,00,820 73,984 49,170 1,29,152 73,312 21,855 4,000 3,51,473 5,52,293 17,10,465

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Mewati - Pure
Male Female
State/ Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
Union Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male 1 year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 1,146 15 1,980 315 0 3,456 2,103 1,578 5,033 1,976 260 4 10,954 14,410
Urban 16 0 26 0 0 42 71 43 156 41 10 0 321 363
Total 1,162 15 2,006 315 0 3,498 2,174 1,621 5,189 2,017 270 4 11,275 14,773
Rural 1,146 15 1,980 315 0 3,456 2,103 1,578 5,033 1,976 260 4 10,954 14,410
All India Urban 16 0 26 0 0 42 71 43 156 41 10 0 321 363
Total 1,162 15 2,006 315 0 3,498 2,174 1,621 5,189 2,017 270 4 11,275 14,773

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Mewati - Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union Pure +
Area Used for Used for Male +
Territory Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Graded
Agricul ture Bullock Female
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 2,269 354 3,048 209 181 6,061 2,141 2,280 3,763 2,924 532 336 11,976 18,037 32,447
Urban 20 0 3 0 0 23 28 18 39 20 2 0 107 130 493
Total 2,289 354 3,051 209 181 6,084 2,169 2,298 3,802 2,944 534 336 12,083 18,167 32,940
Rural 2,269 354 3,048 209 181 6,061 2,141 2,280 3,763 2,924 532 336 11,976 18,037 32,447
All India Urban 20 0 3 0 0 23 28 18 39 20 2 0 107 130 493
Total 2,289 354 3,051 209 181 6,084 2,169 2,298 3,802 2,944 534 336 12,083 18,167 32,940

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Motu - Pure
Male Female
State/ Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
Union Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male 1 year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 39,012 5,232 1,90,177 16,420 7,064 2,57,905 34,207 39,541 43,419 67,195 18,346 4,420 2,07,128 4,65,033
ODISHA Urban 456 12 1,089 60 1 1,618 374 436 803 590 178 1 2,382 4,000
Total 39,468 5,244 1,91,266 16,480 7,065 2,59,523 34,581 39,977 44,222 67,785 18,524 4,421 2,09,510 4,69,033
Rural 34 0 83 8 0 125 37 8 82 13 20 0 160 285
Urban 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2
Total 34 0 84 8 0 126 37 8 83 13 20 0 161 287
Rural 39,046 5,232 1,90,260 16,428 7,064 2,58,030 34,244 39,549 43,501 67,208 18,366 4,420 2,07,288 4,65,318
All India Urban 456 12 1,090 60 1 1,619 374 436 804 590 178 1 2,383 4,002
Total 39,502 5,244 1,91,350 16,488 7,065 2,59,649 34,618 39,985 44,305 67,798 18,544 4,421 2,09,671 4,69,320

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Motu - Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union Pure +
Area Used for Used for Male +
Territory Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Graded
Agricul ture Bullock Female
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 4,205 796 26,795 2,638 443 34,877 7,133 4,916 7,124 8,164 2,699 471 30,507 65,384 5,30,417
ODISHA Urban 67 1 324 2 0 394 66 41 104 88 18 0 317 711 4,711
Total 4,272 797 27,119 2,640 443 35,271 7,199 4,957 7,228 8,252 2,717 471 30,824 66,095 5,35,128
Rural 209 29 0 8 0 246 220 185 361 248 80 0 1,094 1,340 1,625
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 3 3 5
PRADESH Total 209 29 0 8 0 246 221 185 362 249 80 0 1,097 1,343 1,630
Rural 4,414 825 26,795 2,646 443 35,123 7,353 5,101 7,485 8,412 2,779 471 31,601 66,724 5,32,042
All India Urban 67 1 324 2 0 394 67 41 105 89 18 0 320 714 4,716
Total 4,481 826 27,119 2,648 443 35,517 7,420 5,142 7,590 8,501 2,797 471 31,921 67,438 5,36,758

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Nagori - Pure
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male 1 year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 178 0 2,824 72 46 3,120 70 75 145 138 0 0 428 3,548
PUNJAB Urban 4 0 1 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 6
Total 182 0 2,825 72 46 3,125 70 75 146 138 0 0 429 3,554
Rural 38,800 2,508 10,926 2,283 2,297 56,814 58,551 39,140 1,04,382 76,543 14,125 1,594 2,94,335 3,51,149
RAJASTHAN Urban 1,886 251 534 88 164 2,923 2,811 2,088 5,814 4,178 655 52 15,598 18,521
Total 40,686 2,759 11,460 2,371 2,461 59,737 61,362 41,228 1,10,196 80,721 14,780 1,646 3,09,933 3,69,670
Rural 38,978 2,508 13,750 2,355 2,343 59,934 58,621 39,215 1,04,527 76,681 14,125 1,594 2,94,763 3,54,697
All India Urban 1,890 251 535 88 164 2,928 2,811 2,088 5,815 4,178 655 52 15,599 18,527
Total 40,868 2,759 14,285 2,443 2,507 62,862 61,432 41,303 1,10,342 80,859 14,780 1,646 3,10,362 3,73,224

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Nagori - Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union Pure +
Area Used for Used for Male +
Territory Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Graded
Agricul ture Bullock Female
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 132 0 806 57 27 1,022 192 180 352 179 11 0 914 1,936 5,484
PUNJAB Urban 11 0 1 0 0 12 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 15 21
Total 143 0 807 57 27 1,034 192 180 355 179 11 0 917 1,951 5,505
Rural 14,366 817 7,187 369 250 22,989 20,831 13,578 38,484 26,204 5,217 677 1,04,991 1,27,980 4,79,129
RAJASTHAN Urban 674 44 125 66 0 909 786 719 2,076 660 279 114 4,634 5,543 24,064
Total 15,040 861 7,312 435 250 23,898 21,617 14,297 40,560 26,864 5,496 791 1,09,625 1,33,523 5,03,193
Rural 14,498 817 7,993 426 277 24,011 21,023 13,758 38,836 26,383 5,228 677 1,05,905 1,29,916 4,84,613
All India Urban 685 44 126 66 0 921 786 719 2,079 660 279 114 4,637 5,558 24,085
Total 15,183 861 8,119 492 277 24,932 21,809 14,477 40,915 27,043 5,507 791 1,10,542 1,35,474 5,08,698

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Nimari - Pure
Male Female
State/ Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
Union Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male 1 year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 28,553 1,092 1,62,184 2,119 541 1,94,489 26,180 23,094 45,398 39,271 4,906 1,404 1,40,253 3,34,742
Urban 775 30 2,076 190 13 3,084 860 564 1,412 1,036 101 29 4,002 7,086
Total 29,328 1,122 1,64,260 2,309 554 1,97,573 27,040 23,658 46,810 40,307 5,007 1,433 1,44,255 3,41,828
Rural 28,553 1,092 1,62,184 2,119 541 1,94,489 26,180 23,094 45,398 39,271 4,906 1,404 1,40,253 3,34,742
All India Urban 775 30 2,076 190 13 3,084 860 564 1,412 1,036 101 29 4,002 7,086
Total 29,328 1,122 1,64,260 2,309 554 1,97,573 27,040 23,658 46,810 40,307 5,007 1,433 1,44,255 3,41,828

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Nimari - Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union Pure +
Area Used for Used for Male +
Territory Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Graded
Agricul ture Bullock Female
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 8,788 518 54,200 625 157 64,288 8,845 6,726 14,859 12,574 1,240 307 44,551 1,08,839 4,43,581
Urban 268 52 904 11 0 1,235 382 326 686 272 49 16 1,731 2,966 10,052
Total 9,056 570 55,104 636 157 65,523 9,227 7,052 15,545 12,846 1,289 323 46,282 1,11,805 4,53,633
Rural 8,788 518 54,200 625 157 64,288 8,845 6,726 14,859 12,574 1,240 307 44,551 1,08,839 4,43,581
All India Urban 268 52 904 11 0 1,235 382 326 686 272 49 16 1,731 2,966 10,052
Total 9,056 570 55,104 636 157 65,523 9,227 7,052 15,545 12,846 1,289 323 46,282 1,11,805 4,53,633

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Ongole - Pure
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 8,663 1,665 50,561 2,980 37 63,906 9,527 7,781 17,500 7,015 3,124 174 45,121 1,09,027
Urban 24 5 572 53 0 654 154 82 304 26 34 1 601 1,255
Total 8,687 1,670 51,133 3,033 37 64,560 9,681 7,863 17,804 7,041 3,158 175 45,722 1,10,282
Rural 75 32 670 16 8 801 32 86 146 101 30 1 396 1,197
CHHATTISGARH Urban 2 1 17 0 0 20 1 2 5 2 0 0 10 30
Total 77 33 687 16 8 821 33 88 151 103 30 1 406 1,227
Rural 78 0 1,423 2,846 2 4,349 0 11 0 26 3 0 40 4,389
ODISHA Urban 0 0 4 2 0 6 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 7
Total 78 0 1,427 2,848 2 4,355 0 11 0 27 3 0 41 4,396
Rural 8,816 1,697 52,654 5,842 47 69,056 9,559 7,878 17,646 7,142 3,157 175 45,557 1,14,613
All India Urban 26 6 593 55 0 680 155 84 309 29 34 1 612 1,292
Total 8,842 1,703 53,247 5,897 47 69,736 9,714 7,962 17,955 7,171 3,191 176 46,169 1,15,905
Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Ongole- Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union Pure +
Area Used for Used for Male +
Territory Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Graded
Agricul ture Bullock Female
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 48,552 8,837 1,74,368 7,759 864 2,40,380 53,280 37,932 80,026 34,770 13,311 2,034 2,21,353 4,61,733 5,70,760
Urban 956 55 856 70 66 2,003 1,321 774 2,013 606 244 26 4,984 6,987 8,242
Total 49,508 8,892 1,75,224 7,829 930 2,42,383 54,601 38,706 82,039 35,376 13,555 2,060 2,26,337 4,68,720 5,79,002
Rural 5,176 249 25,450 1,853 484 33,212 2,484 2,520 2,195 2,827 1,601 557 12,184 45,396 46,593
CHHATTISGARH Urban 268 8 478 52 19 825 193 111 137 74 39 25 579 1,404 1,434
Total 5,444 257 25,928 1,905 503 34,037 2,677 2,631 2,332 2,901 1,640 582 12,763 46,800 48,027
Rural 116 0 2,320 196 0 2,632 110 104 125 77 25 14 455 3,087 7,476
ODISHA Urban 0 0 11 0 0 11 0 1 0 1 1 0 3 14 21
Total 116 0 2,331 196 0 2,643 110 105 125 78 26 14 458 3,101 7,497
Rural 53,844 9,086 2,02,138 9,808 1,348 2,76,224 55,874 40,556 82,346 37,674 14,937 2,605 2,33,992 5,10,216 6,24,829
All India Urban 1,224 63 1,345 122 85 2,839 1,514 886 2,150 681 284 51 5,566 8,405 9,697
Total 55,068 9,149 2,03,483 9,930 1,433 2,79,063 57,388 41,442 84,496 38,355 15,221 2,656 2,39,558 5,18,621 6,34,526

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Ponwar - Pure
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 2,788 61 2,421 156 0 5,426 2,710 2,850 4,697 3,339 750 182 14,528 19,954
Urban 13 0 15 0 0 28 26 15 26 16 2 0 85 113
Total 2,801 61 2,436 156 0 5,454 2,736 2,865 4,723 3,355 752 182 14,613 20,067
Rural 2,788 61 2,421 156 0 5,426 2,710 2,850 4,697 3,339 750 182 14,528 19,954
All India Urban 13 0 15 0 0 28 26 15 26 16 2 0 85 113
Total 2,801 61 2,436 156 0 5,454 2,736 2,865 4,723 3,355 752 182 14,613 20,067

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Ponwar - Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union Pure +
Area Used for Used for Male +
Territory Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Graded
Agricul ture Bullock Female
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 650 51 691 20 0 1,412 1,338 1,086 2,343 829 202 600 6,398 7,810 27,764
Urban 3 0 0 0 0 3 32 10 27 10 0 8 87 90 203
Total 653 51 691 20 0 1,415 1,370 1,096 2,370 839 202 608 6,485 7,900 27,967
Rural 650 51 691 20 0 1,412 1,338 1,086 2,343 829 202 600 6,398 7,810 27,764
All India Urban 3 0 0 0 0 3 32 10 27 10 0 8 87 90 203
Total 653 51 691 20 0 1,415 1,370 1,096 2,370 839 202 608 6,485 7,900 27,967

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Pulikulum - Pure
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 400 25 1,783 89 738 3,035 416 160 1,414 1,106 241 0 3,337 6,372
TAMILNADU Urban 50 0 156 19 53 278 207 31 444 13 7 0 702 980
Total 450 25 1,939 108 791 3,313 623 191 1,858 1,119 248 0 4,039 7,352
Rural 400 25 1,783 89 738 3,035 416 160 1,414 1,106 241 0 3,337 6,372
All India Urban 50 0 156 19 53 278 207 31 444 13 7 0 702 980
Total 450 25 1,939 108 791 3,313 623 191 1,858 1,119 248 0 4,039 7,352

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Pulikulum - Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union Pure +
Area Used for Used for Male +
Territory Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Graded
Agricul ture Bullock Female
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 519 204 47 11 103 884 535 306 119 572 228 0 1,760 2,644 9,016
TAMILNADU Urban 14 3 24 0 14 55 13 5 16 0 0 0 34 89 1,069
Total 533 207 71 11 117 939 548 311 135 572 228 0 1,794 2,733 10,085
Rural 519 204 47 11 103 884 535 306 119 572 228 0 1,760 2,644 9,016
All India Urban 14 3 24 0 14 55 13 5 16 0 0 0 34 89 1,069
Total 533 207 71 11 117 939 548 311 135 572 228 0 1,794 2,733 10,085

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Punganur - Pure
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 373 77 421 52 0 923 391 333 873 204 48 0 1,849 2,772
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 373 77 421 52 0 923 391 333 873 204 48 0 1,849 2,772
Rural 373 77 421 52 0 923 391 333 873 204 48 0 1,849 2,772
All India Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 373 77 421 52 0 923 391 333 873 204 48 0 1,849 2,772
Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Punganur - Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union Pure +
Area Used for Used for Male +
Territory Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Graded
Agricul ture Bullock Female
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 42 0 0 0 56 56 2,828
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 42 0 0 0 56 56 2,828
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 42 0 0 0 56 56 2,828
All India Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 42 0 0 0 56 56 2,828

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Rathi - Pure
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 552 76 1,579 24 0 2,231 468 554 1,094 611 47 0 2,774 5,005
PUNJAB Urban 31 3 11 0 0 45 26 112 123 682 31 0 974 1,019
Total 583 79 1,590 24 0 2,276 494 666 1,217 1,293 78 0 3,748 6,024
Rural 93,367 9,965 22,172 3,004 3,050 1,31,558 1,50,287 1,14,522 2,54,336 1,32,792 32,270 3,896 6,88,103 8,19,661
RAJASTHAN Urban 4,635 458 774 76 28 5,971 8,283 5,535 14,275 4,173 1,311 681 34,258 40,229
Total 98,002 10,423 22,946 3,080 3,078 1,37,529 1,58,570 1,20,057 2,68,611 1,36,965 33,581 4,577 7,22,361 8,59,890
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 7 7
UTTARAKHAND Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 7 7
Rural 93,919 10,041 23,751 3,028 3,050 1,33,789 1,50,755 1,15,076 2,55,430 1,33,410 32,317 3,896 6,90,884 8,24,673
All India Urban 4,666 461 785 76 28 6,016 8,309 5,647 14,398 4,855 1,342 681 35,232 41,248
Total 98,585 10,502 24,536 3,104 3,078 1,39,805 1,59,064 1,20,723 2,69,828 1,38,265 33,659 4,577 7,26,116 8,65,921

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Rathi - Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union Pure +
Area Used for Used for Male +
Territory Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Graded
Agricul ture Bullock Female
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 607 54 5,359 56 0 6,076 1,174 1,251 2,540 1,357 267 6 6,595 12,671 17,676
PUNJAB Urban 29 1 38 0 0 68 70 31 200 38 25 0 364 432 1,451
Total 636 55 5,397 56 0 6,144 1,244 1,282 2,740 1,395 292 6 6,959 13,103 19,127
Rural 32,854 1,818 15,724 694 806 51,896 64,772 51,549 1,09,982 45,679 15,828 3,130 2,90,940 3,42,836 11,62,497
RAJASTHAN Urban 1,734 48 256 38 498 2,574 2,713 2,141 5,416 1,995 627 102 12,994 15,568 55,797
Total 34,588 1,866 15,980 732 1,304 54,470 67,485 53,690 1,15,398 47,674 16,455 3,232 3,03,934 3,58,404 12,18,294
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 9 40 15 11 0 81 81 88
UTTARAKHAND Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 9 40 15 11 0 81 81 88
Rural 33,461 1,872 21,083 750 806 57,972 65,952 52,809 1,12,562 47,051 16,106 3,136 2,97,616 3,55,588 11,80,261
All India Urban 1,763 49 294 38 498 2,642 2,783 2,172 5,616 2,033 652 102 13,358 16,000 57,248
Total 35,224 1,921 21,377 788 1,304 60,614 68,735 54,981 1,18,178 49,084 16,758 3,238 3,10,974 3,71,588 12,37,509

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Red Kandhari - Pure
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 23,921 2,115 98,933 1,773 453 1,27,195 20,031 16,461 37,460 23,900 2,742 356 1,00,950 2,28,145
MAHARASHTRA Urban 536 148 2,157 72 32 2,945 560 486 1,196 386 67 1 2,696 5,641
Total 24,457 2,263 1,01,090 1,845 485 1,30,140 20,591 16,947 38,656 24,286 2,809 357 1,03,646 2,33,786
Rural 49 0 895 0 0 944 24 36 183 41 44 0 328 1,272
RAJASTHAN Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 49 0 895 0 0 944 24 36 183 41 44 0 328 1,272
Rural 23,970 2,115 99,828 1,773 453 1,28,139 20,055 16,497 37,643 23,941 2,786 356 1,01,278 2,29,417
All India Urban 536 148 2,157 72 32 2,945 560 486 1,196 386 67 1 2,696 5,641
Total 24,506 2,263 1,01,985 1,845 485 1,31,084 20,615 16,983 38,839 24,327 2,853 357 1,03,974 2,35,058

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Red Kandhari - Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union Pure +
Area Used for Used for Male +
Territory Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Graded
Agricul ture Bullock Female
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 19,537 1,590 1,10,847 1,462 122 1,33,558 17,868 11,595 31,765 18,587 3,081 429 83,325 2,16,883 4,45,028
MAHARASHTRA Urban 529 73 2,451 70 78 3,201 638 354 1,196 527 92 91 2,898 6,099 11,740
Total 20,066 1,663 1,13,298 1,532 200 1,36,759 18,506 11,949 32,961 19,114 3,173 520 86,223 2,22,982 4,56,768
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,272
RAJASTHAN Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,272
Rural 19,537 1,590 1,10,847 1,462 122 1,33,558 17,868 11,595 31,765 18,587 3,081 429 83,325 2,16,883 4,46,300
All India Urban 529 73 2,451 70 78 3,201 638 354 1,196 527 92 91 2,898 6,099 11,740
Total 20,066 1,663 1,13,298 1,532 200 1,36,759 18,506 11,949 32,961 19,114 3,173 520 86,223 2,22,982 4,58,040

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Red Sindhi - Pure
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 2,087 216 846 141 238 3,528 1,611 1,694 3,527 1,257 1,555 702 10,346 13,874
BIHAR Urban 12 0 5 0 0 17 24 23 52 13 1 0 113 130
Total 2,099 216 851 141 238 3,545 1,635 1,717 3,579 1,270 1,556 702 10,459 14,004
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CHHATTISGARH Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
GOA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rural 13 0 737 0 0 750 28 32 89 7 9 0 165 915
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 13 0 737 0 0 750 28 32 89 7 9 0 165 915
Rural 619 52 732 94 0 1,497 584 705 1,177 864 216 15 3,561 5,058
JHARKHAND Urban 45 0 80 0 0 125 22 55 76 35 27 0 215 340
Total 664 52 812 94 0 1,622 606 760 1,253 899 243 15 3,776 5,398
Rural 56 0 0 0 0 56 37 62 62 60 12 4 237 293
KERALA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 9 3 0 4 0 19 19
Total 56 0 0 0 0 56 40 71 65 60 16 4 256 312
Rural 994 82 9,944 901 68 11,989 1,043 1,228 1,439 1,750 377 218 6,055 18,044
ODISHA Urban 11 0 0 0 0 11 9 13 18 5 2 0 47 58
Total 1,005 82 9,944 901 68 12,000 1,052 1,241 1,457 1,755 379 218 6,102 18,102
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PUNJAB Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rural 612 36 980 8 0 1,636 1,143 951 2,197 1,303 145 53 5,792 7,428
TAMIL NADU Urban 73 5 28 0 0 106 103 129 221 195 6 0 654 760
Total 685 41 1,008 8 0 1,742 1,246 1,080 2,418 1,498 151 53 6,446 8,188
Rural 885 62 1,404 39 553 2,943 1,114 770 1,488 506 123 24 4,025 6,968
Urban 15 1 10 0 1 27 14 8 24 7 5 0 58 85
Total 900 63 1,414 39 554 2,970 1,128 778 1,512 513 128 24 4,083 7,053
Rural 918 57 649 14 11 1,649 895 709 1,497 660 156 5 3,922 5,571
UTTARAKHAND Urban 11 7 0 0 0 18 20 9 40 12 0 0 81 99
Total 929 64 649 14 11 1,667 915 718 1,537 672 156 5 4,003 5,670
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
WEST BENGAL Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rural 6,184 505 15,292 1,197 870 24,048 6,455 6,151 11,476 6,407 2,593 1,021 34,103 58,151
All India Urban 167 13 123 0 1 304 195 246 434 267 45 0 1,187 1,491
Total 6,351 518 15,415 1,197 871 24,352 6,650 6,397 11,910 6,674 2,638 1,021 35,290 59,642

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Red Sindhi- Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union Pure +
Area Used for Used for Male +
Territory Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Graded
Agricul ture Bullock Female
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 16,112 1,700 26,956 4,602 6,547 55,917 22,190 18,778 33,580 20,006 11,997 1,483 1,08,034 1,63,951 1,77,825
BIHAR Urban 238 9 32 0 39 318 332 282 678 363 151 1 1,807 2,125 2,255
Total 16,350 1,709 26,988 4,602 6,586 56,235 22,522 19,060 34,258 20,369 12,148 1,484 1,09,841 1,66,076 1,80,080
Rural 3,814 332 11,840 295 187 16,468 2,890 2,730 2,134 1,720 1,582 155 11,211 27,679 27,679
CHHATTISGARH Urban 117 16 248 2 9 392 118 103 109 54 40 5 429 821 821
Total 3,931 348 12,088 297 196 16,860 3,008 2,833 2,243 1,774 1,622 160 11,640 28,500 28,500
Rural 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 30 71 11 3 0 115 117 117
GOA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 5 5 5
Total 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 31 75 11 3 0 120 122 122
Rural 547 9 2,733 67 1 3,357 541 401 1,471 465 55 12 2,945 6,302 7,217
Urban 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 7 4 0 0 11 12 12
Total 547 9 2,734 67 1 3,358 541 401 1,478 469 55 12 2,956 6,314 7,229
Rural 2,441 490 6,608 640 298 10,477 3,315 2,799 5,850 2,217 896 138 15,215 25,692 30,750
JHARKHAND Urban 18 0 3 13 0 34 451 226 851 56 81 0 1,665 1,699 2,039
Total 2,459 490 6,611 653 298 10,511 3,766 3,025 6,701 2,273 977 138 16,880 27,391 32,789
Rural 117 0 0 0 0 117 120 188 238 109 2 0 657 774 1,067
KERALA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 20 5 1 0 0 30 30 49
Total 117 0 0 0 0 117 124 208 243 110 2 0 687 804 1,116
Rural 16,460 348 43,364 382 52 60,606 13,111 12,917 14,309 8,166 3,232 1,637 53,372 1,13,978 1,32,022
ODISHA Urban 225 8 106 4 0 343 253 202 294 115 70 0 934 1,277 1,335
Total 16,685 356 43,470 386 52 60,949 13,364 13,119 14,603 8,281 3,302 1,637 54,306 1,15,255 1,33,357
Rural 18 0 0 0 0 18 5 26 50 22 0 2 105 123 123
PUNJAB Urban 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 5 2 0 0 8 9 9
Total 19 0 0 0 0 19 5 27 55 24 0 2 113 132 132
Rural 10,046 851 2,888 235 149 14,169 16,425 12,552 31,193 10,186 3,629 1,300 75,285 89,454 96,882
TAMIL NADU Urban 411 36 356 13 48 864 1,555 1,144 2,283 805 230 17 6,034 6,898 7,658
Total 10,457 887 3,244 248 197 15,033 17,980 13,696 33,476 10,991 3,859 1,317 81,319 96,352 1,04,540
Rural 2,170 302 1,837 61 983 5,353 4,687 2,810 6,343 2,540 434 85 16,899 22,252 29,220
Urban 35 1 6 0 3 45 69 44 120 38 11 0 282 327 412
Total 2,205 303 1,843 61 986 5,398 4,756 2,854 6,463 2,578 445 85 17,181 22,579 29,632
Rural 3,809 162 3,293 182 27 7,473 6,586 4,969 9,072 3,369 1,121 100 25,217 32,690 38,261
UTTARAKHAND Urban 106 3 2 0 0 111 161 147 274 82 10 13 687 798 897
Total 3,915 165 3,295 182 27 7,584 6,747 5,116 9,346 3,451 1,131 113 25,904 33,488 39,158
Rural 97 0 0 1 0 98 116 144 256 96 21 0 633 731 731
WEST BENGAL Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 97 0 0 1 0 98 116 144 256 96 21 0 633 731 731
Rural 55,633 4,194 99,519 6,465 8,244 1,74,055 69,986 58,344 1,04,567 48,907 22,972 4,912 3,09,688 4,83,743 5,41,894
All India Urban 1,151 73 754 32 99 2,109 2,943 2,170 4,630 1,520 593 36 11,892 14,001 15,492
Total 56,784 4,267 1,00,273 6,497 8,343 1,76,164 72,929 60,514 1,09,197 50,427 23,565 4,948 3,21,580 4,97,744 5,57,386

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Sahiwal - Pure
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ANDHRA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rural 9,846 594 5,029 597 12,699 28,765 15,813 24,513 26,182 14,590 11,691 1,635 94,424 1,23,189
BIHAR Urban 460 0 26 2 82 570 866 918 2,054 1,317 1,666 5 6,826 7,396
Total 10,306 594 5,055 599 12,781 29,335 16,679 25,431 28,236 15,907 13,357 1,640 1,01,250 1,30,585
Rural 10 0 0 0 0 10 7 9 0 0 2 0 18 28
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 10 0 0 0 0 10 7 9 0 0 2 0 18 28
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
GOA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rural 2,328 151 929 14 8 3,430 2,515 2,472 4,865 2,085 459 75 12,471 15,901
HARYANA Urban 125 20 4 0 0 149 216 152 410 174 35 13 1,000 1,149
Total 2,453 171 933 14 8 3,579 2,731 2,624 5,275 2,259 494 88 13,471 17,050
Rural 9 0 0 0 0 9 22 21 76 22 0 0 141 150
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 9 0 0 0 0 9 22 21 76 22 0 0 141 150
Rural 31 0 1,173 0 0 1,204 193 93 90 154 0 0 530 1,734
Urban 0 0 5 0 0 5 1 1 1 4 0 0 7 12
Total 31 0 1,178 0 0 1,209 194 94 91 158 0 0 537 1,746
Rural 2,098 497 4,055 508 111 7,269 2,876 2,109 4,603 2,508 972 21 13,089 20,358
Urban 99 1 61 2 1 164 149 155 329 108 22 0 763 927
Total 2,197 498 4,116 510 112 7,433 3,025 2,264 4,932 2,616 994 21 13,852 21,285
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 4 4
KERALA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 4 4
Rural 4,492 664 4,331 268 18 9,773 4,570 3,256 7,065 3,701 1,043 158 19,793 29,566
Urban 209 12 64 3 0 288 300 133 386 168 22 3 1,012 1,300
Total 4,701 676 4,395 271 18 10,061 4,870 3,389 7,451 3,869 1,065 161 20,805 30,866
Rural 95 11 504 24 0 634 147 99 401 252 23 0 922 1,556
Urban 0 0 13 0 0 13 1 1 7 4 0 0 13 26
Total 95 11 517 24 0 647 148 100 408 256 23 0 935 1,582
Rural 281 19 1 22 8 331 136 268 351 63 10 0 828 1,159
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 5 5
Total 281 19 1 22 8 331 138 268 354 63 10 0 833 1,164
Rural 48 0 0 10 0 58 35 20 43 0 0 0 98 156
ODISHA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 48 0 0 10 0 58 35 20 43 0 0 0 98 156
Rural 821 26 1,221 18 75 2,161 1,193 1,203 2,636 907 252 103 6,294 8,455
PUNJAB Urban 43 1 5 0 11 60 41 23 144 48 37 3 296 356
Total 864 27 1,226 18 86 2,221 1,234 1,226 2,780 955 289 106 6,590 8,811
Rural 134 0 0 0 0 134 128 145 239 185 120 0 817 951
Urban 4 0 0 0 0 4 2 4 6 3 2 0 17 21
Total 138 0 0 0 0 138 130 149 245 188 122 0 834 972
Rural 75,845 5,602 96,815 3,413 4,421 1,86,096 1,39,468 92,744 2,15,403 99,265 21,943 7,811 5,76,634 7,62,730
UTTAR Urban 3,055 196 488 393 111 4,243 9,173 2,586 13,857 2,594 1,737 251 30,198 34,441
Total 78,900 5,798 97,303 3,806 4,532 1,90,339 1,48,641 95,330 2,29,260 1,01,859 23,680 8,062 6,06,832 7,97,171
Rural 859 136 2,151 28 6 3,180 932 864 1,773 705 233 227 4,734 7,914
Urban 46 5 1 0 0 52 6 8 89 6 0 0 109 161
Total 905 141 2,152 28 6 3,232 938 872 1,862 711 233 227 4,843 8,075
Rural 13,274 507 5,372 193 8 19,354 12,880 13,083 14,009 7,153 3,728 73 50,926 70,280
Urban 289 0 55 0 0 344 549 594 649 290 108 0 2,190 2,534
Total 13,563 507 5,427 193 8 19,698 13,429 13,677 14,658 7,443 3,836 73 53,116 72,814
Rural 1,10,171 8,207 1,21,581 5,095 17,354 2,62,408 1,80,918 1,40,899 2,77,737 1,31,590 40,476 10,103 7,81,723 10,44,131
All India Urban 4,330 235 722 400 205 5,892 11,306 4,575 17,935 4,716 3,629 275 42,436 48,328
Total 1,14,501 8,442 1,22,303 5,495 17,559 2,68,300 1,92,224 1,45,474 2,95,672 1,36,306 44,105 10,378 8,24,159 10,92,459

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Sahiwal - Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union Exotic +
Area Used for Used for Male +
Territory Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Cross bred
Agricul ture Bullock Female
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 277 0 3,186 5 0 3,468 147 56 401 105 19 0 728 4,196 4,196
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 0 0 0 38 38 38
Total 277 0 3,186 5 0 3,468 147 56 439 105 19 0 766 4,234 4,234
Rural 54,868 3,877 20,756 3,987 29,107 1,12,595 79,761 65,593 1,24,454 72,196 48,536 5,845 3,96,385 5,08,980 6,32,169
BIHAR Urban 1,142 165 260 23 648 2,238 2,966 1,666 4,024 1,766 1,167 19 11,608 13,846 21,242
Total 56,010 4,042 21,016 4,010 29,755 1,14,833 82,727 67,259 1,28,478 73,962 49,703 5,864 4,07,993 5,22,826 6,53,411
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 30
CHANDIGARH Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 1 0 0 6 6 6
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 1 0 0 8 8 36
Rural 47,116 3,988 92,562 3,356 858 1,47,880 25,603 35,988 28,790 27,577 20,011 2,573 1,40,542 2,88,422 2,88,422
CHHATTISGARH Urban 2,715 193 1,725 120 14 4,767 2,087 2,021 2,556 1,729 992 59 9,444 14,211 14,211
Total 49,831 4,181 94,287 3,476 872 1,52,647 27,690 38,009 31,346 29,306 21,003 2,632 1,49,986 3,02,633 3,02,633
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 10 10 10
GOA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 10 10 10
Rural 5,451 1,547 2,483 76 461 10,018 7,223 5,913 12,720 6,267 1,175 541 33,839 43,857 59,758
HARYANA Urban 401 64 27 0 145 637 756 441 1,613 656 123 132 3,721 4,358 5,507
Total 5,852 1,611 2,510 76 606 10,655 7,979 6,354 14,333 6,923 1,298 673 37,560 48,215 65,265
Rural 60 11 57 1 1 130 156 112 377 165 17 15 842 972 1,122
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 60 11 57 1 1 130 156 112 377 165 17 15 842 972 1,122
Rural 389 34 1,419 2,122 0 3,964 679 372 1,331 620 354 0 3,356 7,320 9,054
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12
Total 389 34 1,419 2,122 0 3,964 679 372 1,331 620 354 0 3,356 7,320 9,066
Rural 3,520 513 9,501 820 1,047 15,401 4,678 3,802 7,294 3,845 1,172 219 21,010 36,411 56,769
JHARKHAND Urban 133 3 25 24 0 185 70 114 385 82 13 0 664 849 1,776
Total 3,653 516 9,526 844 1,047 15,586 4,748 3,916 7,679 3,927 1,185 219 21,674 37,260 58,545
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 10 0 0 0 0 27 27 31
KERALA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 10 0 0 0 0 28 28 32
Rural 14,020 1,689 25,986 708 764 43,167 16,694 13,200 20,560 12,033 2,672 750 65,909 1,09,076 1,38,642
Urban 589 54 521 11 8 1,183 816 598 1,040 654 133 38 3,279 4,462 5,762
Total 14,609 1,743 26,507 719 772 44,350 17,510 13,798 21,600 12,687 2,805 788 69,188 1,13,538 1,44,404
Rural 622 65 176 162 282 1,307 484 602 702 519 16 10 2,333 3,640 5,196
MAHARASHTRA Urban 6 0 5 0 0 11 8 1 20 3 0 0 32 43 69
Total 628 65 181 162 282 1,318 492 603 722 522 16 10 2,365 3,683 5,265
Rural 90 0 0 0 0 90 239 143 550 145 15 966 2,058 2,148 3,307
NCT OF DELHI Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 10 3 0 0 24 24 29
Total 90 0 0 0 0 90 250 143 560 148 15 966 2,082 2,172 3,336
Rural 37 0 0 0 0 37 28 4 0 0 0 0 32 69 225
ODISHA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 37 0 0 0 0 37 28 4 0 0 0 0 32 69 225
Rural 2,030 272 7,944 149 333 10,728 3,091 2,916 8,232 3,691 597 22 18,549 29,277 37,732
PUNJAB Urban 92 3 32 1 22 150 157 291 649 444 114 2 1,657 1,807 2,163
Total 2,122 275 7,976 150 355 10,878 3,248 3,207 8,881 4,135 711 24 20,206 31,084 39,895
Rural 0 0 0 6 0 6 74 56 186 142 60 0 518 524 1,475
RAJASTHAN Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 16 2 1 0 25 25 46
Total 0 0 0 6 0 6 76 60 202 144 61 0 543 549 1,521
Rural 1,55,265 9,473 1,62,792 4,120 8,297 3,39,947 3,10,049 1,96,841 5,17,096 1,99,878 50,629 11,543 12,86,036 16,25,983 23,88,713
Urban 4,893 193 1,264 402 100 6,852 13,386 6,168 24,409 5,687 2,200 200 52,050 58,902 93,343
Total 1,60,158 9,666 1,64,056 4,522 8,397 3,46,799 3,23,435 2,03,009 5,41,505 2,05,565 52,829 11,743 13,38,086 16,84,885 24,82,056
Rural 3,589 79 4,589 236 6 8,499 5,953 4,504 9,907 3,602 1,242 53 25,261 33,760 41,674
UTTARAKHAND Urban 51 4 25 0 0 80 96 89 224 51 4 11 475 555 716
Total 3,640 83 4,614 236 6 8,579 6,049 4,593 10,131 3,653 1,246 64 25,736 34,315 42,390
Rural 1,62,099 9,205 1,34,981 6,410 804 3,13,499 1,64,177 1,66,443 1,72,392 1,02,935 49,470 2,670 6,58,087 9,71,586 10,41,866
WEST BENGAL Urban 2,926 118 731 14 4 3,793 5,177 4,977 5,939 3,067 1,434 61 20,655 24,448 26,982
Total 1,65,025 9,323 1,35,712 6,424 808 3,17,292 1,69,354 1,71,420 1,78,331 1,06,002 50,904 2,731 6,78,742 9,96,034 10,68,848
Rural 4,49,433 30,753 4,66,432 22,158 41,960 10,10,736 6,19,053 4,96,555 9,05,004 4,33,720 1,75,985 25,207 26,55,524 36,66,260 47,10,391
All India Urban 12,948 797 4,615 595 941 19,896 25,533 16,371 40,927 14,145 6,181 522 1,03,679 1,23,575 1,71,903
Total 4,62,381 31,550 4,71,047 22,753 42,901 10,30,632 6,44,586 5,12,926 9,45,931 4,47,865 1,82,166 25,729 27,59,203 37,89,835 48,82,294

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Siri - Pure
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 41 0 24 0 191 256 48 138 109 66 0 0 361 617
MEGHALAYA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 41 0 24 0 191 256 48 138 109 66 0 0 361 617
Rural 1,570 66 2,091 56 121 3,904 1,987 1,398 2,264 1,505 187 7 7,348 11,252
SIKKIM Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 2
Total 1,570 66 2,091 56 121 3,904 1,988 1,398 2,265 1,505 187 7 7,350 11,254
Rural 28 22 20 6 0 76 18 33 87 55 15 0 208 284
Urban 1 1 0 0 0 2 1 1 8 3 1 0 14 16
Total 29 23 20 6 0 78 19 34 95 58 16 0 222 300
Rural 1,639 88 2,135 62 312 4,236 2,053 1,569 2,460 1,626 202 7 7,917 12,153
All India Urban 1 1 0 0 0 2 2 1 9 3 1 0 16 18
Total 1,640 89 2,135 62 312 4,238 2,055 1,570 2,469 1,629 203 7 7,933 12,171

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Siri - Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union Pure +
Area Used for Used for Male +
Territory Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Graded
Agricul ture Bullock Female
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 0 0 0 0 399 399 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 399 1,016
MEGHALAYA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 399 399 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 399 1,016
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,252
SIKKIM Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,254
Rural 757 127 740 412 0 2,036 692 471 1,102 578 292 8 3,143 5,179 5,463
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16
Total 757 127 740 412 0 2,036 692 471 1,102 578 292 8 3,143 5,179 5,479
Rural 757 127 740 412 399 2,435 692 471 1,102 578 292 8 3,143 5,578 17,731
All India Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18
Total 757 127 740 412 399 2,435 692 471 1,102 578 292 8 3,143 5,578 17,749

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Tharparkar - Pure
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male 1 year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 72 0 1,937 0 0 2,009 9 16 66 35 6 0 132 2,141
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 72 0 1,937 0 0 2,009 9 16 66 35 6 0 132 2,141
Rural 604 35 207 6 491 1,343 288 339 679 441 439 40 2,226 3,569
BIHAR Urban 11 0 0 0 0 11 0 8 17 4 6 0 35 46
Total 615 35 207 6 491 1,354 288 347 696 445 445 40 2,261 3,615
Rural 31 10 403 0 2 446 22 13 5 0 8 0 48 494
CHHATTISGARH Urban 1 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
Total 32 10 409 0 2 453 22 13 5 0 8 0 48 501
Rural 55 15 126 1 19 216 57 108 100 69 27 31 392 608
HARYANA Urban 3 8 0 0 0 11 5 18 13 31 11 0 78 89
Total 58 23 126 1 19 227 62 126 113 100 38 31 470 697
Rural 124 70 177 125 0 496 159 90 325 126 74 0 774 1,270
JHARKHAND Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 7 1 0 0 11 11
Total 124 70 177 125 0 496 161 91 332 127 74 0 785 1,281
Rural 547 431 645 92 53 1,768 945 556 993 567 495 111 3,667 5,435
Urban 16 4 5 2 0 27 38 19 49 19 31 0 156 183
Total 563 435 650 94 53 1,795 983 575 1,042 586 526 111 3,823 5,618
Rural 15 2 0 0 0 17 9 24 35 17 0 0 85 102
MAHARASHTRA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 15 2 0 0 0 17 9 24 35 17 0 0 85 102
Rural 7 2 807 10 0 826 8 13 33 23 0 0 77 903
PUNJAB Urban 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
Total 7 2 810 10 0 829 8 13 33 23 0 0 77 906
Rural 16,856 2,493 2,362 355 311 22,377 20,857 15,714 39,671 24,673 5,899 822 1,07,636 1,30,013
RAJASTHAN Urban 265 25 21 2 0 313 351 318 1,037 283 37 0 2,026 2,339
Total 17,121 2,518 2,383 357 311 22,690 21,208 16,032 40,708 24,956 5,936 822 1,09,662 1,32,352
Rural 4,797 351 5,739 227 347 11,461 9,100 5,029 12,680 6,939 1,845 1,166 36,759 48,220
UTTAR PRADESH Urban 196 28 53 5 5 287 433 223 629 213 71 2 1,571 1,858
Total 4,993 379 5,792 232 352 11,748 9,533 5,252 13,309 7,152 1,916 1,168 38,330 50,078
Rural 23,108 3,409 12,403 816 1,223 40,959 31,454 21,902 54,587 32,890 8,793 2,170 1,51,796 1,92,755
All India Urban 492 65 88 9 5 659 829 587 1,752 551 156 2 3,877 4,536
Total 23,600 3,474 12,491 825 1,228 41,618 32,283 22,489 56,339 33,441 8,949 2,172 1,55,673 1,97,291

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Tharparkar - Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union Pure +
Area Used for Used for Male +
Territory Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Graded
Agricul ture Bullock Female
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 0 26 147 0 0 173 0 0 18 0 0 0 18 191 2,332
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 26 147 0 0 173 0 0 18 0 0 0 18 191 2,332
Rural 3,539 238 2,423 117 1,084 7,401 5,348 5,178 8,301 5,253 2,642 12 26,734 34,135 37,704
BIHAR Urban 24 0 0 0 11 35 28 46 78 27 10 0 189 224 270
Total 3,563 238 2,423 117 1,095 7,436 5,376 5,224 8,379 5,280 2,652 12 26,923 34,359 37,974
Rural 3,921 430 9,212 603 133 14,299 2,694 2,658 1,329 1,469 1,463 881 10,494 24,793 25,287
CHHATTISGARH Urban 287 7 232 39 42 607 217 193 116 62 84 5 677 1,284 1,291
Total 4,208 437 9,444 642 175 14,906 2,911 2,851 1,445 1,531 1,547 886 11,171 26,077 26,578
Rural 269 19 91 9 0 388 446 359 695 305 90 0 1,895 2,283 2,891
HARYANA Urban 31 2 0 0 0 33 33 19 52 32 1 0 137 170 259
Total 300 21 91 9 0 421 479 378 747 337 91 0 2,032 2,453 3,150
Rural 1,453 354 1,012 822 14 3,655 1,025 884 1,277 854 875 0 4,915 8,570 9,840
JHARKHAND Urban 10 2 24 5 0 41 10 15 18 4 4 0 51 92 103
Total 1,463 356 1,036 827 14 3,696 1,035 899 1,295 858 879 0 4,966 8,662 9,943
Rural 1,680 177 1,997 88 70 4,012 1,940 1,376 2,294 1,312 164 112 7,198 11,210 16,645
Urban 17 0 2 0 0 19 74 24 104 19 5 0 226 245 428
Total 1,697 177 1,999 88 70 4,031 2,014 1,400 2,398 1,331 169 112 7,424 11,455 17,073
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 102
MAHARASHTRA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 102
Rural 29 0 6 13 0 48 268 142 335 97 28 3 873 921 1,824
PUNJAB Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 2 21 0 1 0 36 36 39
Total 29 0 6 13 0 48 280 144 356 97 29 3 909 957 1,863
Rural 42,378 5,954 5,457 2,048 1,963 57,800 61,748 42,594 1,06,119 59,009 14,707 3,208 2,87,385 3,45,185 4,75,198
RAJASTHAN Urban 952 234 23 3 26 1,238 1,511 1,122 3,803 951 125 52 7,564 8,802 11,141
Total 43,330 6,188 5,480 2,051 1,989 59,038 63,259 43,716 1,09,922 59,960 14,832 3,260 2,94,949 3,53,987 4,86,339
Rural 8,511 938 12,744 539 954 23,686 17,616 8,433 27,582 10,435 2,590 1,417 68,073 91,759 1,39,979
Urban 585 78 168 18 17 866 1,507 482 1,712 438 217 60 4,416 5,282 7,140
Total 9,096 1,016 12,912 557 971 24,552 19,123 8,915 29,294 10,873 2,807 1,477 72,489 97,041 1,47,119
Rural 61,780 8,136 33,089 4,239 4,218 1,11,462 91,085 61,624 1,47,950 78,734 22,559 5,633 4,07,585 5,19,047 7,11,802
All India Urban 1,906 323 449 65 96 2,839 3,392 1,903 5,904 1,533 447 117 13,296 16,135 20,671
Total 63,686 8,459 33,538 4,304 4,314 1,14,301 94,477 63,527 1,53,854 80,267 23,006 5,750 4,20,881 5,35,182 7,32,473

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Umbla Cherry - Pure
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
KERALA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rural 13 0 0 1 0 14 0 0 10 5 0 0 15 29
PUDUCHERRY Urban 8 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
Total 21 0 0 1 0 22 0 0 10 5 0 0 15 37
Rural 3,635 524 4,738 291 217 9,405 3,564 6,754 6,515 6,459 1,192 149 24,633 34,038
TAMIL NADU Urban 400 62 348 7 8 825 597 1,271 1,364 806 65 47 4,150 4,975
Total 4,035 586 5,086 298 225 10,230 4,161 8,025 7,879 7,265 1,257 196 28,783 39,013
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
WEST BENGAL Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rural 3,648 524 4,738 292 217 9,419 3,564 6,754 6,525 6,464 1,192 149 24,648 34,067
All India Urban 408 62 348 7 8 833 597 1,271 1,364 806 65 47 4,150 4,983
Total 4,056 586 5,086 299 225 10,252 4,161 8,025 7,889 7,270 1,257 196 28,798 39,050

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Umbla Cherry - Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union Pure +
Area Used for Used for Male +
Territory Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Graded
Agricul ture Bullock Female
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 5 0 0 0 10 10 10
KERALA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 5 0 0 0 10 10 10
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29
PUDUCHERRY Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37
Rural 2,720 684 2,907 789 120 7,220 5,287 6,097 6,910 3,732 1,323 499 23,848 31,068 65,106
TAMIL NADU Urban 152 21 68 83 12 336 364 285 402 166 15 151 1,383 1,719 6,694
Total 2,872 705 2,975 872 132 7,556 5,651 6,382 7,312 3,898 1,338 650 25,231 32,787 71,800
Rural 108 0 0 1 0 109 121 205 169 45 14 0 554 663 663
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 108 0 0 1 0 109 121 205 169 45 14 0 554 663 663
Rural 2,828 684 2,907 790 120 7,329 5,413 6,302 7,084 3,777 1,337 499 24,412 31,741 65,808
All India Urban 152 21 68 83 12 336 364 285 402 166 15 151 1,383 1,719 6,702
Total 2,980 705 2,975 873 132 7,665 5,777 6,587 7,486 3,943 1,352 650 25,795 33,460 72,510

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Vechur - Pure
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 46 0 1 0 0 47 284 228 364 117 0 0 993 1,040
KERALA Urban 6 0 0 0 0 6 3 3 13 0 0 0 19 25
Total 52 0 1 0 0 53 287 231 377 117 0 0 1,012 1,065
Rural 46 0 1 0 0 47 284 228 364 117 0 0 993 1,040
All India Urban 6 0 0 0 0 6 3 3 13 0 0 0 19 25
Total 52 0 1 0 0 53 287 231 377 117 0 0 1,012 1,065

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Vechur - Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union Pure +
Area Used for Used for Male +
Territory Upto 2 Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Graded
Agricul ture Bullock Female
Years breeding Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 232 0 0 0 0 232 280 287 386 176 22 6 1,157 1,389 2,429
KERALA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 8 2 1 0 25 25 50
Total 232 0 0 0 0 232 287 294 394 178 23 6 1,182 1,414 2,479
Rural 232 0 0 0 0 232 280 287 386 176 22 6 1,157 1,389 2,429
All India Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 8 2 1 0 25 25 50
Total 232 0 0 0 0 232 287 294 394 178 23 6 1,182 1,414 2,479

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Cattle - Non Descript
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock Total Male In Female
breeding Others year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 2,676 945 8,241 1,139 204 13,205 3,265 2,789 4,626 4,151 927 210 15,968 29,173
& NICOBAR Urban 43 3 0 0 0 46 75 48 97 59 4 10 293 339
Total 2,719 948 8,241 1,139 204 13,251 3,340 2,837 4,723 4,210 931 220 16,261 29,512
Rural 4,95,797 1,37,768 23,07,620 1,58,995 22,447 31,22,627 6,65,688 5,54,991 11,33,482 5,69,461 2,22,367 48,858 31,94,847 63,17,474
Urban 5,727 1,552 16,343 2,186 1,206 27,014 8,898 6,144 18,494 9,639 2,057 1,234 46,466 73,480
Total 5,01,524 1,39,320 23,23,963 1,61,181 23,653 31,49,641 6,74,586 5,61,135 11,51,976 5,79,100 2,24,424 50,092 32,41,313 63,90,954
Rural 60,055 19,626 77,755 21,376 10,360 1,89,172 55,510 57,904 64,783 36,788 22,870 5,517 2,43,372 4,32,544
ARUNACHAL Urban 1,002 350 390 595 349 2,686 1,036 1,112 1,626 781 722 25 5,302 7,988
Total 61,057 19,976 78,145 21,971 10,709 1,91,858 56,546 59,016 66,409 37,569 23,592 5,542 2,48,674 4,40,532
Rural 10,47,386 2,01,727 25,63,440 3,11,830 65,307 41,89,690 12,09,745 11,00,942 17,80,119 10,98,366 3,75,474 60,863 56,25,509 98,15,199
ASSAM Urban 11,853 1,571 10,371 2,145 781 26,721 15,610 13,822 23,033 12,293 4,080 944 69,782 96,503
Total 10,59,239 2,03,298 25,73,811 3,13,975 66,088 42,16,411 12,25,355 11,14,764 18,03,152 11,10,659 3,79,554 61,807 56,95,291 99,11,702
Rural 6,88,191 89,558 4,41,823 1,01,823 8,21,032 21,42,427 8,40,706 6,86,696 12,90,024 8,67,378 6,30,562 2,51,193 45,66,559 67,08,986
BIHAR Urban 12,053 1,330 4,704 1,116 7,709 26,912 19,774 14,800 33,433 17,997 14,248 2,901 1,03,153 1,30,065
Total 7,00,244 90,888 4,46,527 1,02,939 8,28,741 21,69,339 8,60,480 7,01,496 13,23,457 8,85,375 6,44,810 2,54,094 46,69,712 68,39,051
Rural 25 16 52 2 0 95 28 27 98 70 10 0 233 328
CHANDIGARH Urban 118 2 47 2 156 325 85 103 390 313 59 115 1,065 1,390
Total 143 18 99 4 156 420 113 130 488 383 69 115 1,298 1,718
Rural 6,31,133 74,289 21,91,278 1,56,885 41,417 30,95,002 4,80,675 5,17,462 6,94,670 8,97,841 4,09,276 57,553 30,57,477 61,52,479
CHHATTISGARH Urban 31,480 2,759 43,866 4,480 1,851 84,436 28,425 25,093 43,988 39,475 16,883 4,612 1,58,476 2,42,912
Total 6,62,613 77,048 22,35,144 1,61,365 43,268 31,79,438 5,09,100 5,42,555 7,38,658 9,37,316 4,26,159 62,165 32,15,953 63,95,391
Rural 2,417 465 20,336 861 220 24,299 2,441 2,688 4,541 2,208 539 341 12,758 37,057
Urban 313 3 1,633 91 4 2,044 857 222 512 224 98 5 1,918 3,962
Total 2,730 468 21,969 952 224 26,343 3,298 2,910 5,053 2,432 637 346 14,676 41,019
Rural 87 49 458 113 25 732 63 76 280 121 17 25 582 1,314
DAMAN & DIU Urban 4 0 11 2 10 27 7 6 14 9 0 92 128 155
Total 91 49 469 115 35 759 70 82 294 130 17 117 710 1,469
Rural 3,453 1,733 9,221 1,627 340 16,374 4,045 3,975 7,600 4,656 638 236 21,150 37,524
GOA Urban 256 71 120 52 16 515 318 301 680 340 81 18 1,738 2,253
Total 3,709 1,804 9,341 1,679 356 16,889 4,363 4,276 8,280 4,996 719 254 22,888 39,777
Rural 2,26,254 67,929 11,37,339 1,29,735 41,641 16,02,898 2,84,887 3,67,221 5,76,793 3,18,729 1,08,767 42,957 16,99,354 33,02,252
GUJARAT Urban 12,122 1,953 14,366 2,195 2,013 32,649 18,323 18,119 69,596 21,906 7,217 2,999 1,38,160 1,70,809
Total 2,38,376 69,882 11,51,705 1,31,930 43,654 16,35,547 3,03,210 3,85,340 6,46,389 3,40,635 1,15,984 45,956 18,37,514 34,73,061
Rural 22,571 3,568 82,450 1,188 5,902 1,15,679 25,735 26,486 42,048 28,183 6,537 16,001 1,44,990 2,60,669
HARYANA Urban 4,178 1,090 2,288 96 2,338 9,990 4,533 8,482 5,698 12,903 5,402 7,720 44,738 54,728
Total 26,749 4,658 84,738 1,284 8,240 1,25,669 30,268 34,968 47,746 41,086 11,939 23,721 1,89,728 3,15,397
Rural 83,310 4,725 3,92,650 35,755 13,851 5,30,291 1,00,451 89,139 2,34,104 1,32,464 26,513 3,850 5,86,521 11,16,812
Urban 154 7 864 3 88 1,116 239 245 703 517 40 18 1,762 2,878
Total 83,464 4,732 3,93,514 35,758 13,939 5,31,407 1,00,690 89,384 2,34,807 1,32,981 26,553 3,868 5,88,283 11,19,690
Rural 1,26,434 21,792 2,52,908 69,995 7,191 4,78,320 1,84,476 1,28,418 3,22,245 1,52,241 37,018 5,453 8,29,851 13,08,171
Urban 1,498 114 1,379 75 19 3,085 1,864 902 3,897 1,406 215 33 8,317 11,402
Total 1,27,932 21,906 2,54,287 70,070 7,210 4,81,405 1,86,340 1,29,320 3,26,142 1,53,647 37,233 5,486 8,38,168 13,19,573
Rural 6,07,467 1,20,230 28,08,133 3,68,161 47,771 39,51,762 6,19,184 6,58,425 11,12,860 6,34,397 3,20,414 45,090 33,90,370 73,42,132
JHARKHAND Urban 9,281 1,143 14,726 2,777 289 28,216 10,505 11,818 26,709 8,886 4,279 284 62,481 90,697
Total 6,16,748 1,21,373 28,22,859 3,70,938 48,060 39,79,978 6,29,689 6,70,243 11,39,569 6,43,283 3,24,693 45,374 34,52,851 74,32,829

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Cattle - Non Descript
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock Total Male In Female
breeding Others year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 2,02,913 16,861 9,00,402 17,944 8,576 11,46,696 3,09,105 2,31,231 5,32,160 3,66,838 83,422 14,430 15,37,186 26,83,882
KARNATAKA Urban 7,204 848 29,893 1,370 1,056 40,371 11,958 9,315 22,216 12,736 3,030 806 60,061 1,00,432
Total 2,10,117 17,709 9,30,295 19,314 9,632 11,87,067 3,21,063 2,40,546 5,54,376 3,79,574 86,452 15,236 15,97,247 27,84,314
Rural 7,401 883 1,234 193 589 10,300 11,084 14,207 18,480 9,846 1,694 1,791 57,102 67,402
KERALA Urban 126 31 8 5 18 188 272 323 500 218 19 48 1,380 1,568
Total 7,527 914 1,242 198 607 10,488 11,356 14,530 18,980 10,064 1,713 1,839 58,482 68,970
Rural 258 7 5 0 1 271 217 187 251 770 535 26 1,986 2,257
LAKSHADWEEP Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 258 7 5 0 1 271 217 187 251 770 535 26 1,986 2,257
Rural 15,15,753 2,51,872 47,13,909 3,27,883 72,796 68,82,213 18,81,184 15,06,342 28,78,105 20,68,407 4,01,059 1,08,054 88,43,151 1,57,25,364
Urban 55,280 5,925 68,933 6,845 1,735 1,38,718 1,78,180 56,406 1,29,559 76,526 13,889 4,557 4,59,117 5,97,835
Total 15,71,033 2,57,797 47,82,842 3,34,728 74,531 70,20,931 20,59,364 15,62,748 30,07,664 21,44,933 4,14,948 1,12,611 93,02,268 1,63,23,199
Rural 8,24,931 1,13,516 41,61,530 2,28,419 48,346 53,76,742 7,61,507 6,19,413 12,87,990 10,69,063 1,49,499 51,422 39,38,894 93,15,636
MAHARASHTRA Urban 18,725 5,135 61,051 5,793 3,772 94,476 23,501 18,110 51,664 25,953 4,765 2,894 1,26,887 2,21,363
Total 8,43,656 1,18,651 42,22,581 2,34,212 52,118 54,71,218 7,85,008 6,37,523 13,39,654 10,95,016 1,54,264 54,316 40,65,781 95,36,999
Rural 28,222 13,557 22,060 11,779 1,670 77,288 23,468 26,324 37,533 17,319 9,780 2,823 1,17,247 1,94,535
MANIPUR Urban 2,895 740 3,549 1,164 96 8,444 3,599 3,905 5,687 1,595 969 802 16,557 25,001
Total 31,117 14,297 25,609 12,943 1,766 85,732 27,067 30,229 43,220 18,914 10,749 3,625 1,33,804 2,19,536
Rural 77,779 86,268 37,848 64,874 79,088 3,45,857 77,720 1,01,956 1,71,031 89,350 50,787 21,473 5,12,317 8,58,174
MEGHALAYA Urban 161 182 13 1 274 631 197 143 333 135 123 1 932 1,563
Total 77,940 86,450 37,861 64,875 79,362 3,46,488 77,917 1,02,099 1,71,364 89,485 50,910 21,474 5,13,249 8,59,737
Rural 3,363 1,111 2,341 892 371 8,078 2,415 2,290 4,074 2,527 1,905 168 13,379 21,457
MIZORAM Urban 166 56 116 106 10 454 230 177 498 278 161 22 1,366 1,820
Total 3,529 1,167 2,457 998 381 8,532 2,645 2,467 4,572 2,805 2,066 190 14,745 23,277
Rural 13,047 8,543 10,746 5,028 2,399 39,763 12,436 12,422 16,676 8,982 8,470 1,812 60,798 1,00,561
NAGALAND Urban 632 338 328 302 195 1,795 540 1,496 888 374 271 97 3,666 5,461
Total 13,679 8,881 11,074 5,330 2,594 41,558 12,976 13,918 17,564 9,356 8,741 1,909 64,464 1,06,022
Rural 931 316 56 67 404 1,774 1,643 987 2,438 1,101 497 412 7,078 8,852
NCT OF DELHI Urban 32 8 2 0 10 52 39 69 91 58 16 22 295 347
Total 963 324 58 67 414 1,826 1,682 1,056 2,529 1,159 513 434 7,373 9,199
Rural 10,01,950 1,02,081 33,46,241 1,04,857 51,398 46,06,527 8,25,492 8,17,835 11,91,714 9,86,792 2,28,447 47,593 40,97,873 87,04,400
ODISHA Urban 25,506 1,381 33,619 936 823 62,265 25,382 22,094 39,176 25,422 6,481 714 1,19,269 1,81,534
Total 10,27,456 1,03,462 33,79,860 1,05,793 52,221 46,68,792 8,50,874 8,39,929 12,30,890 10,12,214 2,34,928 48,307 42,17,142 88,85,934
Rural 115 17 222 6 184 544 194 184 361 223 40 32 1,034 1,578
PUDUCHERRY Urban 38 1 2 4 2 47 98 62 199 46 6 7 418 465
Total 153 18 224 10 186 591 292 246 560 269 46 39 1,452 2,043
Rural 4,898 3,388 38,914 1,154 2,208 50,562 7,180 8,555 17,249 14,838 3,130 772 51,724 1,02,286
PUNJAB Urban 473 342 638 74 1,087 2,614 608 574 1,410 1,613 646 1,851 6,702 9,316
Total 5,371 3,730 39,552 1,228 3,295 53,176 7,788 9,129 18,659 16,451 3,776 2,623 58,426 1,11,602
Rural 6,73,770 71,346 10,61,232 1,07,674 47,049 19,61,071 9,00,282 6,77,925 15,92,603 10,81,041 2,72,090 32,831 45,56,772 65,17,843
RAJASTHAN Urban 24,297 2,014 5,512 1,312 3,061 36,196 29,914 24,105 66,076 34,263 7,048 2,747 1,64,153 2,00,349
Total 6,98,067 73,360 10,66,744 1,08,986 50,110 19,97,267 9,30,196 7,02,030 16,58,679 11,15,304 2,79,138 35,578 47,20,925 67,18,192
Rural 156 174 293 481 34 1,138 277 198 391 135 312 224 1,537 2,675
SIKKIM Urban 3 0 0 0 0 3 4 1 7 0 1 3 16 19
Total 159 174 293 481 34 1,141 281 199 398 135 313 227 1,553 2,694

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Cattle - Non Descript
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock Total Male In Female
breeding Others year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 2,01,128 51,703 2,91,032 31,290 20,435 5,95,588 2,52,339 2,49,579 4,72,205 2,37,139 93,781 35,810 13,40,853 19,36,441
TAMIL NADU Urban 11,686 4,522 15,878 1,591 1,864 35,541 16,342 17,454 36,661 13,346 6,979 2,202 92,984 1,28,525
Total 2,12,814 56,225 3,06,910 32,881 22,299 6,31,129 2,68,681 2,67,033 5,08,866 2,50,485 1,00,760 38,012 14,33,837 20,64,966
Rural 99,170 37,996 1,17,912 43,670 11,539 3,10,287 99,092 1,09,033 1,28,775 94,167 50,183 7,617 4,88,867 7,99,154
TRIPURA Urban 1,685 92 586 106 37 2,506 2,961 3,043 4,407 2,396 1,102 118 14,027 16,533
Total 1,00,855 38,088 1,18,498 43,776 11,576 3,12,793 1,02,053 1,12,076 1,33,182 96,563 51,285 7,735 5,02,894 8,15,687
Rural 7,89,923 49,275 13,25,014 60,777 51,196 22,76,185 13,41,421 8,39,231 22,67,585 10,10,477 2,54,328 68,576 57,81,618 80,57,803
Urban 21,566 1,622 10,172 1,322 1,143 35,825 39,714 24,279 70,012 27,592 7,318 1,727 1,70,642 2,06,467
Total 8,11,489 50,897 13,35,186 62,099 52,339 23,12,010 13,81,135 8,63,510 23,37,597 10,38,069 2,61,646 70,303 59,52,260 82,64,270
Rural 1,00,739 15,229 4,50,989 19,429 2,660 5,89,046 1,80,241 1,23,835 3,14,018 1,51,115 29,149 5,012 8,03,370 13,92,416
UTTARAKHAND Urban 966 46 1,749 19 24 2,804 1,745 1,306 4,363 1,335 275 63 9,087 11,891
Total 1,01,705 15,275 4,52,738 19,448 2,684 5,91,850 1,81,986 1,25,141 3,18,381 1,52,450 29,424 5,075 8,12,457 14,04,307
Rural 15,99,717 86,518 21,72,092 1,08,249 27,188 39,93,764 13,88,620 15,62,340 20,70,006 14,54,447 5,64,441 52,349 70,92,203 1,10,85,967
WEST BENGAL Urban 24,662 3,158 11,602 1,362 630 41,414 33,921 32,701 61,525 30,074 11,558 1,023 1,70,802 2,12,216
Total 16,24,379 89,676 21,83,694 1,09,611 27,818 40,35,178 14,22,541 15,95,041 21,31,531 14,84,521 5,75,999 53,372 72,63,005 1,12,98,183
Rural 1,11,43,420 16,55,081 3,09,47,776 24,94,151 15,05,839 4,77,46,267 1,25,52,816 1,11,01,313 2,02,71,918 1,34,11,631 43,65,478 9,91,374 6,26,94,530 11,04,40,797
All India Urban 2,86,185 38,389 3,54,759 38,127 32,666 7,50,126 4,79,754 3,16,780 7,24,142 3,80,708 1,20,042 40,714 20,62,140 28,12,266
Total 1,14,29,605 16,93,470 3,13,02,535 25,32,278 15,38,505 4,84,96,393 1,30,32,570 1,14,18,093 2,09,96,060 1,37,92,339 44,85,520 10,32,088 6,47,56,670 11,32,53,063

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Annexure - II
State wise details of Indigenous Buffalo
by age, sex and use
Breed Survey 2012
Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of BUFFALO by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Banni - Pure
Male Female
State/ Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
Union Area Male +
Territory Upto Used for Used for
Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Female
2 Agriculture Bullock In
Male year years calved Others Female
Years breeding & breeding cart / Farm Others milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 19,446 4,177 364 43 295 24,325 39,810 37,916 90,616 35,026 6,252 121 2,09,741 2,34,066
GUJARAT Urban 451 158 0 0 4 613 973 879 2,329 511 93 108 4,893 5,506
Total 19,897 4,335 364 43 299 24,938 40,783 38,795 92,945 35,537 6,345 229 2,14,634 2,39,572
Rural 19,446 4,177 364 43 295 24,325 39,810 37,916 90,616 35,026 6,252 121 2,09,741 2,34,066
All India Urban 451 158 0 0 4 613 973 879 2,329 511 93 108 4,893 5,506
Total 19,897 4,335 364 43 299 24,938 40,783 38,795 92,945 35,537 6,345 229 2,14,634 2,39,572

Statewise Details of BUFFALO by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Banni - Graded
Male Female
State/ Union Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total Pure +
Area Male +
Territory Graded
Upto 2 Used for Used for Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Female
Years bree Agriculture Bullock Male year years
Others In milk Dry calved Others Female
ding & breeding cart / Farm
only only operation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Rural 7,438 1,700 1,630 395 58 11,221 22,985 26,875 52,675 19,203 4,117 282 1,26,137 1,37,358 3,71,424

GUJARAT Urban 172 58 0 5 1 236 802 704 2,667 657 120 6 4,956 5,192 10,698

Total 7,610 1,758 1,630 400 59 11,457 23,787 27,579 55,342 19,860 4,237 288 1,31,093 1,42,550 3,82,122

Rural 7,438 1,700 1,630 395 58 11,221 22,985 26,875 52,675 19,203 4,117 282 1,26,137 1,37,358 3,71,424

All India Urban 172 58 0 5 1 236 802 704 2,667 657 120 6 4,956 5,192 10,698

Total 7,610 1,758 1,630 400 59 11,457 23,787 27,579 55,342 19,860 4,237 288 1,31,093 1,42,550 3,82,122

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of BUFFALO by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Bhadawari - Pure
Male Female

State/ Union Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total

Area Male +
Territory Upto Used for Used for Total Under 1 to 3 Total Female
2 Used for Not
Agriculture Bullock Male 1 year years In
Years breeding Others Dry calved Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 1,944 11 7 50 327 2,339 4,231 1,572 8,117 2,842 1,630 52 18,444 20,783
BIHAR Urban 57 0 0 0 32 89 83 30 186 51 83 0 433 522
Total 2,001 11 7 50 359 2,428 4,314 1,602 8,303 2,893 1,713 52 18,877 21,305
Rural 434 0 253 0 0 687 541 674 923 323 24 0 2,485 3,172
HARYANA Urban 43 0 37 0 0 80 59 70 120 28 1 0 278 358
Total 477 0 290 0 0 767 600 744 1,043 351 25 0 2,763 3,530
Rural 162 21 0 0 21 204 503 690 2,181 540 19 2 3,935 4,139
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 26 9 0 0 40 40
Total 162 21 0 0 21 204 504 694 2,207 549 19 2 3,975 4,179
Rural 1,379 220 255 317 51 2,222 2,458 1,246 4,061 1,448 460 228 9,901 12,123
Urban 56 1 3 2 0 62 82 40 228 39 9 0 398 460
Total 1,435 221 258 319 51 2,284 2,540 1,286 4,289 1,487 469 228 10,299 12,583
Rural 85 6 5 0 0 96 73 109 188 44 24 0 438 534
PUNJAB Urban 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 7 0 2 0 11 13
Total 87 6 5 0 0 98 73 111 195 44 26 0 449 547
Rural 75 15 0 0 0 90 59 71 260 62 25 0 477 567
RAJASTHAN Urban 31 9 0 0 0 40 45 44 207 38 25 0 359 399
Total 106 24 0 0 0 130 104 115 467 100 50 0 836 966
Rural 55,524 4,624 19,191 5,302 4,143 88,784 1,00,003 76,858 1,62,711 58,638 23,849 4,424 4,26,483 5,15,267
Urban 1,980 114 327 100 56 2,577 3,149 1,681 12,339 1,306 625 32 19,132 21,709
Total 57,504 4,738 19,518 5,402 4,199 91,361 1,03,152 78,539 1,75,050 59,944 24,474 4,456 4,45,615 5,36,976
Rural 396 0 41 13 0 450 552 392 1,246 543 225 0 2,958 3,408
UTTARAKHAND Urban 10 0 0 0 0 10 20 4 54 17 0 0 95 105
Total 406 0 41 13 0 460 572 396 1,300 560 225 0 3,053 3,513
Rural 59,999 4,897 19,752 5,682 4,542 94,872 1,08,420 81,612 1,79,687 64,440 26,256 4,706 4,65,121 5,59,993
All India Urban 2,179 124 367 102 88 2,860 3,439 1,875 13,167 1,488 745 32 20,746 23,606
Total 62,178 5,021 20,119 5,784 4,630 97,732 1,11,859 83,487 1,92,854 65,928 27,001 4,738 4,85,867 5,83,599

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of BUFFALO by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012

Bhadawari- Graded
Male Female
State/ Union Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total Pure +
Territory Male + Graded
Upto 2 Used for Used for Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Female
Years bree Agriculture Bullock Male year years
Others In milk Dry calved Others Female
ding & breeding cart / Farm
only only operation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Rural 541 0 0 0 0 541 1,126 608 1,795 796 403 505 5,233 5,774 26,557

BIHAR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 4 2 0 0 11 11 533

Total 541 0 0 0 0 541 1,128 611 1,799 798 403 505 5,244 5,785 27,090

Rural 2,069 302 578 227 0 3,176 2,954 3,293 6,552 2,284 293 0 15,376 18,552 21,724

HARYANA Urban 161 19 40 23 0 243 289 228 561 174 2 0 1,254 1,497 1,855

Total 2,230 321 618 250 0 3,419 3,243 3,521 7,113 2,458 295 0 16,630 20,049 23,579

Rural 450 39 2 0 85 576 1,182 1,285 3,161 1,008 168 98 6,902 7,478 11,617
Urban 1 2 0 0 0 3 1 1 14 2 0 0 18 21 61
Total 451 41 2 0 85 579 1,183 1,286 3,175 1,010 168 98 6,920 7,499 11,678

Rural 6,738 934 244 134 47 8,097 13,344 8,177 22,473 10,295 3,140 109 57,538 65,635 77,758
Urban 387 33 15 3 0 438 691 441 1,559 456 179 1 3,327 3,765 4,225
Total 7,125 967 259 137 47 8,535 14,035 8,618 24,032 10,751 3,319 110 60,865 69,400 81,983

Rural 96 0 0 0 0 96 223 273 631 342 79 3 1,551 1,647 2,181

PUNJAB Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 6 30 16 4 0 60 60 73

Total 96 0 0 0 0 96 227 279 661 358 83 3 1,611 1,707 2,254

Rural 131 7 48 0 0 186 177 250 372 262 37 26 1,124 1,310 1,877

RAJASTHAN Urban 28 4 0 0 0 32 39 43 169 30 21 0 302 334 733

Total 159 11 48 0 0 218 216 293 541 292 58 26 1,426 1,644 2,610

Rural 1,12,588 7,029 35,794 5,985 3,059 1,64,455 1,97,880 1,32,569 3,50,898 1,08,623 45,271 5,741 8,40,982 10,05,437 15,20,704
Urban 4,231 396 773 302 167 5,869 7,218 4,610 18,809 2,876 1,730 195 35,438 41,307 63,016
Total 1,16,819 7,425 36,567 6,287 3,226 1,70,324 2,05,098 1,37,179 3,69,707 1,11,499 47,001 5,936 8,76,420 10,46,744 15,83,720

Rural 1,940 88 180 111 148 2,467 2,537 2,439 6,438 2,130 522 12 14,078 16,545 19,953

UTTARAKHAND Urban 121 0 2 0 0 123 105 106 398 80 3 0 692 815 920

Total 2,061 88 182 111 148 2,590 2,642 2,545 6,836 2,210 525 12 14,770 17,360 20,873

Rural 1,24,553 8,399 36,846 6,457 3,339 1,79,594 2,19,423 1,48,894 3,92,320 1,25,740 49,913 6,494 9,42,784 11,22,378 16,82,371

All India Urban 4,929 454 830 328 167 6,708 8,349 5,438 21,544 3,636 1,939 196 41,102 47,810 71,416

Total 1,29,482 8,853 37,676 6,785 3,506 1,86,302 2,27,772 1,54,332 4,13,864 1,29,376 51,852 6,690 9,83,886 11,70,188 17,53,787

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of BUFFALO by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Chilika - Pure
Male Female

State/ Union Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total

Area Male +
Territory Upto Used for Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Total Female
2 Used for Not
Agriculture Bullock Male year years In Female
Years breeding & breeding cart / Farm
Dry calved Others
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 184 25 443 123 0 775 353 310 599 444 78 0 1,784 2,559
ODISHA Urban 4 0 10 1 0 15 5 3 10 6 1 0 25 40
Total 188 25 453 124 0 790 358 313 609 450 79 0 1,809 2,599
Rural 184 25 443 123 0 775 353 310 599 444 78 0 1,784 2,559
All India Urban 4 0 10 1 0 15 5 3 10 6 1 0 25 40
Total 188 25 453 124 0 790 358 313 609 450 79 0 1,809 2,599

Statewise Details of BUFFALO by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Chilika - Graded
Male Female
State/ Union Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total Pure +
Territory Male + Graded
Upto 2 Used for Used for Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Female
Years bree Agricul ture Bullock Male year years
Others In milk Dry calved Others Female
ding & breeding cart / Farm
only only operation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Rural 126 0 32 20 0 178 113 117 173 116 84 3 606 784 3,343

ODISHA Urban 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 3 43

Total 127 0 32 20 0 179 113 117 173 116 86 3 608 787 3,386

Rural 126 0 32 20 0 178 113 117 173 116 84 3 606 784 3,343

All India Urban 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 3 43

Total 127 0 32 20 0 179 113 117 173 116 86 3 608 787 3,386

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of BUFFALO by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Jaffarabadi - Pure
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 172 10 1 6 0 189 229 111 873 202 114 7 1,536 1,725
Urban 6 1 0 0 0 7 15 0 61 5 1 0 82 89
Total 178 11 1 6 0 196 244 111 934 207 115 7 1,618 1,814
Rural 1,929 19 0 0 41 1,989 1,744 576 1,984 1,018 830 233 6,385 8,374
BIHAR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 2
Total 1,929 19 0 0 41 1,989 1,744 576 1,986 1,018 830 233 6,387 8,376
Rural 14 29 0 56 3 102 68 49 324 66 60 0 567 669
Urban 4 1 0 1 0 6 17 3 105 20 4 0 149 155
Total 18 30 0 57 3 108 85 52 429 86 64 0 716 824
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
GOA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rural 23,575 4,974 202 36 161 28,948 76,747 68,591 1,52,005 62,678 18,119 2,337 3,80,477 4,09,425
GUJARAT Urban 1,493 658 6 2 1 2,160 3,918 3,121 10,680 3,673 1,433 148 22,973 25,133
Total 25,068 5,632 208 38 162 31,108 80,665 71,712 1,62,685 66,351 19,552 2,485 4,03,450 4,34,558
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 50 7 7 0 96 96
HARYANA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 2
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 52 7 7 0 98 98
Rural 95 0 237 30 7 369 78 96 191 68 33 0 466 835
JHARKHAND Urban 3 0 5 0 0 8 1 5 8 0 0 0 14 22
Total 98 0 242 30 7 377 79 101 199 68 33 0 480 857
Rural 36 0 0 0 0 36 32 17 2 0 2 0 53 89
KERALA Urban 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
Total 39 0 0 0 0 39 32 17 2 0 2 0 53 92
Rural 405 28 0 0 0 433 451 311 1,001 465 116 0 2,344 2,777
Urban 17 3 0 0 0 20 17 13 72 13 7 0 122 142
Total 422 31 0 0 0 453 468 324 1,073 478 123 0 2,466 2,919
Rural 4,755 913 54 67 25 5,814 9,135 6,975 22,883 9,597 1,066 875 50,531 56,345
MAHARASHTRA Urban 361 110 51 4 0 526 817 531 4,455 635 82 29 6,549 7,075
Total 5,116 1,023 105 71 25 6,340 9,952 7,506 27,338 10,232 1,148 904 57,080 63,420
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ODISHA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rural 127 78 0 0 0 205 151 144 213 184 70 0 762 967
RAJASTHAN Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 2
Total 127 78 0 0 0 205 152 144 214 184 70 0 764 969
Rural 4,905 77 3,350 1,049 38 9,419 10,526 5,558 16,577 4,859 1,256 325 39,101 48,520
Urban 144 1 77 18 2 242 388 133 7,701 133 33 0 8,388 8,630
Total 5,049 78 3,427 1,067 40 9,661 10,914 5,691 24,278 4,992 1,289 325 47,489 57,150
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
UTTARAKHAND Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rural 36,013 6,128 3,844 1,244 275 47,504 99,161 82,460 1,96,103 79,144 21,673 3,777 4,82,318 5,29,822
All India Urban 2,031 774 139 25 3 2,972 5,174 3,806 23,087 4,479 1,560 177 38,283 41,255
Total 38,044 6,902 3,983 1,269 278 50,476 1,04,335 86,266 2,19,190 83,623 23,233 3,954 5,20,601 5,71,077

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Cattle by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Jaffarabadi - Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union Pure +
Area Used for Used for Used for Male +
Territory Upto 2 Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Graded
bree Agricul ture Bullock Female
Years Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
ding & breeding cart / Farm
only only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 1,367 21 123 6 0 1,517 2,479 1,873 5,126 1,477 315 1 11,271 12,788 14,513
Urban 35 0 0 0 0 35 89 44 254 37 0 0 424 459 548
Total 1,402 21 123 6 0 1,552 2,568 1,917 5,380 1,514 315 1 11,695 13,247 15,061
Rural 1,149 20 126 23 66 1,384 3,028 2,709 6,191 3,057 1,838 48 16,871 18,255 26,629
BIHAR Urban 8 0 0 0 1 9 282 196 820 293 135 0 1,726 1,735 1,737
Total 1,157 20 126 23 67 1,393 3,310 2,905 7,011 3,350 1,973 48 18,597 19,990 28,366
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 669
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 155
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 824
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 0 0 0 38 38 38
GOA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 20 20 20
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 58 0 0 0 58 58 58
Rural 42,063 5,296 194 99 83 47,735 1,57,201 1,65,028 3,55,395 1,52,006 42,853 2,616 8,75,099 9,22,834 13,32,259
GUJARAT Urban 3,179 486 13 0 0 3,678 9,082 6,998 25,147 7,720 2,336 31 51,314 54,992 80,125
Total 45,242 5,782 207 99 83 51,413 1,66,283 1,72,026 3,80,542 1,59,726 45,189 2,647 9,26,413 9,77,826 14,12,384
Rural 17 0 0 29 0 46 8 7 30 20 0 0 65 111 207
HARYANA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Total 17 0 0 29 0 46 8 7 30 20 0 0 65 111 209
Rural 37 0 0 45 0 82 90 8 57 26 2 0 183 265 1,100
JHARKHAND Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22
Total 37 0 0 45 0 82 90 8 57 26 2 0 183 265 1,122
Rural 108 0 0 0 56 164 49 79 3 16 0 0 147 311 400
KERALA Urban 3 0 0 0 1 4 5 1 1 0 0 0 7 11 14
Total 111 0 0 0 57 168 54 80 4 16 0 0 154 322 414
Rural 3,838 323 2,040 814 0 7,015 5,904 4,273 9,588 6,598 1,210 101 27,674 34,689 37,466
Urban 148 10 20 28 0 206 198 123 473 116 11 0 921 1,127 1,269
Total 3,986 333 2,060 842 0 7,221 6,102 4,396 10,061 6,714 1,221 101 28,595 35,816 38,735
Rural 4,236 697 91 40 5 5,069 8,847 6,419 22,416 10,362 1,540 288 49,872 54,941 1,11,286
MAHARASHTRA Urban 167 84 119 14 0 384 550 369 2,660 578 65 0 4,222 4,606 11,681
Total 4,403 781 210 54 5 5,453 9,397 6,788 25,076 10,940 1,605 288 54,094 59,547 1,22,967
Rural 0 0 56 0 0 56 30 32 38 52 0 0 152 208 208
ODISHA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 56 0 0 56 30 32 38 52 0 0 152 208 208
Rural 2,101 129 8 0 0 2,238 2,939 2,925 6,768 2,995 1,132 175 16,934 19,172 20,139
RAJASTHAN Urban 9 0 0 0 0 9 12 17 26 20 5 0 80 89 91
Total 2,110 129 8 0 0 2,247 2,951 2,942 6,794 3,015 1,137 175 17,014 19,261 20,230
Rural 8,401 486 7,225 878 411 17,401 12,788 9,435 20,879 9,206 1,936 122 54,366 71,767 1,20,287
Urban 168 6 39 10 43 266 285 180 911 149 56 3 1,584 1,850 10,480
Total 8,569 492 7,264 888 454 17,667 13,073 9,615 21,790 9,355 1,992 125 55,950 73,617 1,30,767
Rural 21 0 0 0 0 21 17 14 41 39 13 0 124 145 145
UTTARAKHAND Urban 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 2 0 0 7 8 8
Total 22 0 0 0 0 22 18 15 44 41 13 0 131 153 153
Rural 63,338 6,972 9,863 1,934 621 82,728 1,93,380 1,92,802 4,26,570 1,85,854 50,839 3,351 10,52,796 11,35,524 16,65,346
All India Urban 3,718 586 191 52 45 4,592 10,504 7,929 30,315 8,915 2,608 34 60,305 64,897 1,06,152
Total 67,056 7,558 10,054 1,986 666 87,320 2,03,884 2,00,731 4,56,885 1,94,769 53,447 3,385 11,13,101 12,00,421 17,71,498

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of BUFFALO by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Kalahandi - Pure
Male Female

State/ Union Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total

Area Male +
Territory Upto Used for Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Total Female
2 Used for Not
Agriculture Bullock Male year years In Female
Years breeding & breeding cart / Farm
Dry calved Others
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 8,439 1,079 43,119 4,467 312 57,416 11,282 9,754 18,766 14,056 1,958 595 56,411 1,13,827
ODISHA Urban 178 3 277 20 0 478 203 127 322 206 50 0 908 1,386
Total 8,617 1,082 43,396 4,487 312 57,894 11,485 9,881 19,088 14,262 2,008 595 57,319 1,15,213
Rural 8,439 1,079 43,119 4,467 312 57,416 11,282 9,754 18,766 14,056 1,958 595 56,411 1,13,827
All India Urban 178 3 277 20 0 478 203 127 322 206 50 0 908 1,386
Total 8,617 1,082 43,396 4,487 312 57,894 11,485 9,881 19,088 14,262 2,008 595 57,319 1,15,213

Statewise Details of BUFFALO by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Kalahandi - Graded
Male Female
State/ Union Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total Pure +
Territory Male + Graded
Upto 2 Used for Used for Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Female
Years bree Agricul ture Bullock Male year years Female
Others In milk Dry calved Others
ding & breeding cart / Farm
only only operation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Rural 2,336 374 8,254 502 0 11,466 2,775 2,873 4,913 3,770 632 16 14,979 26,445 1,40,272

ODISHA Urban 55 0 11 0 0 66 59 55 62 49 66 0 291 357 1,743

Total 2,391 374 8,265 502 0 11,532 2,834 2,928 4,975 3,819 698 16 15,270 26,802 1,42,015

Rural 2,336 374 8,254 502 0 11,466 2,775 2,873 4,913 3,770 632 16 14,979 26,445 1,40,272

All India Urban 55 0 11 0 0 66 59 55 62 49 66 0 291 357 1,743

Total 2,391 374 8,265 502 0 11,532 2,834 2,928 4,975 3,819 698 16 15,270 26,802 1,42,015

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of BUFFALO by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Marathwadi - Pure
Male Female

State/ Union Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total

Area Male +
Territory Upto Used for Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Total Female
2 Used for Not
Agriculture Bullock Male year years In Female
Years breeding & breeding cart / Farm
Dry calved Others
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 26,851 1,725 127 128 6 28,837 49,282 35,148 92,522 49,945 7,582 870 2,35,349 2,64,186
MAHARASHTRA Urban 1,184 212 132 50 0 1,578 2,412 1,721 6,145 2,138 321 1 12,738 14,316
Total 28,035 1,937 259 178 6 30,415 51,694 36,869 98,667 52,083 7,903 871 2,48,087 2,78,502
Rural 26,851 1,725 127 128 6 28,837 49,282 35,148 92,522 49,945 7,582 870 2,35,349 2,64,186
All India Urban 1,184 212 132 50 0 1,578 2,412 1,721 6,145 2,138 321 1 12,738 14,316
Total 28,035 1,937 259 178 6 30,415 51,694 36,869 98,667 52,083 7,903 871 2,48,087 2,78,502

Statewise Details of BUFFALO by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012

Marathwadi - Graded
Male Female
State/ Union Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total Pure +
Territory Male + Graded
Upto 2 Used for Used for Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Total Female
Years bree Agricul ture Bullock Male year years Female
Others In milk Dry calved Others
ding & breeding cart / Farm
only only operation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Rural 8,483 634 68 68 27 9,280 17,294 11,430 33,175 18,542 2,634 227 83,302 92,582 3,56,768

MAHARASHTRA Urban 370 60 5 16 0 451 910 576 2,380 924 270 0 5,060 5,511 19,827

Total 8,853 694 73 84 27 9,731 18,204 12,006 35,555 19,466 2,904 227 88,362 98,093 3,76,595

Rural 8,483 634 68 68 27 9,280 17,294 11,430 33,175 18,542 2,634 227 83,302 92,582 3,56,768

All India Urban 370 60 5 16 0 451 910 576 2,380 924 270 0 5,060 5,511 19,827

Total 8,853 694 73 84 27 9,731 18,204 12,006 35,555 19,466 2,904 227 88,362 98,093 3,76,595

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of BUFFALO by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Mehsana - Pure
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breeding Others Male year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 388 4 0 0 0 392 678 314 2,016 369 31 18 3,426 3,818
Urban 25 0 0 0 0 25 3 1 11 0 5 0 20 45
Total 413 4 0 0 0 417 681 315 2,027 369 36 18 3,446 3,863
Rural 45 0 0 2 0 47 330 549 1,067 420 43 0 2,409 2,456
BIHAR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 45 0 0 2 0 47 330 549 1,067 420 43 0 2,409 2,456
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CHHATTISGARH Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

DADRA & Rural 181 106 1,099 84 39 1,509 148 314 232 81 32 67 874 2,383
NAGAR Urban 50 4 3 2 0 59 37 20 75 25 2 10 169 228
HAVELI Total 231 110 1,102 86 39 1,568 185 334 307 106 34 77 1,043 2,611
Rural 4 0 0 0 0 4 5 2 36 39 0 0 82 86
DAMAN & DIU Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 4 0 0 0 0 4 5 2 36 39 0 0 82 86
Rural 1,51,353 23,318 5,911 3,300 2,436 1,86,318 4,33,288 5,44,358 8,88,587 3,97,129 1,06,921 12,658 23,82,941 25,69,259
GUJARAT Urban 6,104 1,005 71 50 69 7,299 13,134 14,627 41,147 12,298 2,977 400 84,583 91,882
Total 1,57,457 24,323 5,982 3,350 2,505 1,93,617 4,46,422 5,58,985 9,29,734 4,09,427 1,09,898 13,058 24,67,524 26,61,141
Rural 20 0 0 2 0 22 7 41 6 31 2 3 90 112
HARYANA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
Total 20 0 0 2 0 22 7 42 6 31 2 3 91 113
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
KARNATAKA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rural 120 0 0 25 437 582 15 0 0 0 0 3 18 600
KERALA Urban 5 0 0 0 23 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28
Total 125 0 0 25 460 610 15 0 0 0 0 3 18 628
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 27 8 0 0 52 52
MAHARASHTRA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 27 8 0 0 52 52
Rural 0 0 0 9 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9
ODISHA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 9 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9
Rural 22 0 10 0 0 32 91 77 319 111 0 0 598 630
PUNJAB Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 2
Total 22 0 10 0 0 32 91 77 321 111 0 0 600 632
Rural 833 10 63 174 0 1,080 736 643 2,185 334 0 0 3,898 4,978
Urban 24 1 1 2 0 28 19 21 47 15 0 0 102 130
Total 857 11 64 176 0 1,108 755 664 2,232 349 0 0 4,000 5,108
Rural 1,52,966 23,438 7,083 3,596 2,912 1,89,995 4,35,315 5,46,298 8,94,475 3,98,522 1,07,029 12,749 23,94,388 25,84,383
All India Urban 6,208 1,010 75 54 92 7,439 13,193 14,670 41,282 12,338 2,984 410 84,877 92,316
Total 1,59,174 24,448 7,158 3,650 3,004 1,97,434 4,48,508 5,60,968 9,35,757 4,10,860 1,10,013 13,159 24,79,265 26,76,699

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of BUFFALO by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Mehsana - Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union Pure +
Area Used for Used for Used for Male +
Territory Upto 2 Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Graded
bree Agricul ture Bullock Female
Years Others Male year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
ding & breeding cart / Farm
only only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 57 2 84 6 0 149 343 147 632 34 22 0 1,178 1,327 5,145
Urban 1 0 0 0 0 1 10 0 16 2 0 0 28 29 74
Total 58 2 84 6 0 150 353 147 648 36 22 0 1,206 1,356 5,219
Rural 2,594 86 157 63 177 3,077 3,544 2,879 7,781 3,437 2,539 13 20,193 23,270 25,726
BIHAR Urban 37 5 0 0 0 42 182 142 292 99 100 0 815 857 857
Total 2,631 91 157 63 177 3,119 3,726 3,021 8,073 3,536 2,639 13 21,008 24,127 26,583
Rural 92 0 3,649 130 0 3,871 132 73 229 98 67 23 622 4,493 4,493
CHHATTISGARH Urban 8 0 117 2 0 127 4 3 11 4 2 0 24 151 151
Total 100 0 3,766 132 0 3,998 136 76 240 102 69 23 646 4,644 4,644

DADRA & Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,383

NAGAR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 228
HAVELI Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,611
Rural 4 0 0 0 0 4 10 19 28 3 53 0 113 117 203
DAMAN & DIU Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 4 0 0 0 0 4 10 19 28 3 53 0 113 117 203
Rural 43,349 4,764 650 168 618 49,549 1,54,673 1,61,477 2,80,663 1,34,100 36,002 8,602 7,75,517 8,25,066 33,94,325
GUJARAT Urban 3,488 707 44 3 23 4,265 7,712 6,946 29,798 8,057 2,297 365 55,175 59,440 1,51,322
Total 46,837 5,471 694 171 641 53,814 1,62,385 1,68,423 3,10,461 1,42,157 38,299 8,967 8,30,692 8,84,506 35,45,647
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 18 7 0 45 45 157
HARYANA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 18 7 0 45 45 158
Rural 82 0 0 0 0 82 854 400 2,039 187 7 0 3,487 3,569 3,569
KARNATAKA Urban 2 0 0 0 0 2 34 9 93 2 0 0 138 140 140
Total 84 0 0 0 0 84 888 409 2,132 189 7 0 3,625 3,709 3,709
Rural 467 60 136 0 25 688 28 109 55 17 0 8 217 905 1,505
KERALA Urban 83 2 0 0 2 87 5 1 0 0 0 0 6 93 121
Total 550 62 136 0 27 775 33 110 55 17 0 8 223 998 1,626
Rural 7 0 0 0 0 7 43 19 156 42 11 0 271 278 330
MAHARASHTRA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1
Total 7 0 0 0 0 7 43 19 157 42 11 0 272 279 331
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 16 19 0 0 0 50 50 59
ODISHA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 16 19 0 0 0 50 50 59
Rural 2,053 63 116 38 0 2,270 4,033 4,003 8,070 3,181 18 54 19,359 21,629 22,259
PUNJAB Urban 70 0 0 0 0 70 135 89 230 106 0 0 560 630 632
Total 2,123 63 116 38 0 2,340 4,168 4,092 8,300 3,287 18 54 19,919 22,259 22,891
Rural 882 5 37 200 0 1,124 1,055 1,064 2,165 767 15 0 5,066 6,190 11,168
Urban 22 0 0 2 0 24 22 31 42 27 0 0 122 146 276
Total 904 5 37 202 0 1,148 1,077 1,095 2,207 794 15 0 5,188 6,336 11,444
Rural 49,587 4,980 4,829 605 820 60,821 1,64,730 1,70,226 3,01,837 1,41,884 38,741 8,700 8,26,118 8,86,939 34,71,322
All India Urban 3,711 714 161 7 25 4,618 8,104 7,221 30,483 8,297 2,399 365 56,869 61,487 1,53,803
Total 53,298 5,694 4,990 612 845 65,439 1,72,834 1,77,447 3,32,320 1,50,181 41,140 9,065 8,82,987 9,48,426 36,25,125

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of BUFFALO by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Murrah - Pure

Male Female

State/ Union Over 2 Years Over 3 Years

Area Total
Territory Upto Used for Used for Male + Female
Used for Under 1 Total
2 Agriculture Bullock Total Male 1 to 3 years In Not calved
breeding Others year Dry Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk once
only operation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
& NICOBAR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rural 24,210 2,335 1,195 415 43 28,198 46,452 37,487 91,608 30,785 12,425 1,465 2,20,222 2,48,420
Urban 1,249 190 0 1 0 1,440 2,854 2,000 7,142 1,694 614 0 14,304 15,744
Total 25,459 2,525 1,195 416 43 29,638 49,306 39,487 98,750 32,479 13,039 1,465 2,34,526 2,64,164
Rural 124 6 218 0 0 348 119 135 228 63 0 0 545 893
ASSAM Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 124 6 218 0 0 348 119 135 228 63 0 0 545 893
Rural 38,247 2,843 3,774 2,314 4,229 51,407 65,026 50,611 1,24,386 64,856 49,500 3,459 3,57,838 4,09,245
BIHAR Urban 1,752 60 39 3 92 1,946 2,973 2,728 7,340 3,312 3,768 98 20,219 22,165
Total 39,999 2,903 3,813 2,317 4,321 53,353 67,999 53,339 1,31,726 68,168 53,268 3,557 3,78,057 4,31,410
Rural 57 5 0 0 0 62 212 127 635 171 19 0 1,164 1,226
CHANDIGARH Urban 111 16 0 0 0 127 232 125 1,132 170 71 0 1,730 1,857
Total 168 21 0 0 0 189 444 252 1,767 341 90 0 2,894 3,083
Rural 2,288 369 14,986 157 2 17,802 2,204 1,665 4,367 2,521 1,740 233 12,730 30,532
CHHATTISGARH Urban 609 179 399 1 0 1,188 820 364 2,868 754 172 51 5,029 6,217
Total 2,897 548 15,385 158 2 18,990 3,024 2,029 7,235 3,275 1,912 284 17,759 36,749
Rural 3 0 0 0 0 3 4 9 23 8 0 0 44 47
GOA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 4
Total 3 0 0 0 0 3 4 9 27 8 0 0 48 51
Rural 3,23,299 6,755 20,826 9,184 1,033 3,61,097 4,23,189 4,43,138 7,20,345 2,55,979 43,019 1,895 18,87,565 22,48,662
HARYANA Urban 24,187 590 459 473 80 25,789 30,961 18,974 60,926 17,258 1,747 45 1,29,911 1,55,700
Total 3,47,486 7,345 21,285 9,657 1,113 3,86,886 4,54,150 4,62,112 7,81,271 2,73,237 44,766 1,940 20,17,476 24,04,362
Rural 630 81 0 0 28 739 1,754 1,310 5,222 918 94 21 9,319 10,058
Urban 11 0 0 0 0 11 18 13 48 4 0 0 83 94
Total 641 81 0 0 28 750 1,772 1,323 5,270 922 94 21 9,402 10,152
Rural 682 218 89 78 0 1,067 1,360 498 2,086 719 230 4 4,897 5,964
Urban 0 0 3 0 0 3 2 0 5 0 0 0 7 10
Total 682 218 92 78 0 1,070 1,362 498 2,091 719 230 4 4,904 5,974
Rural 10,274 2,561 48,359 6,303 431 67,928 15,859 12,150 26,728 11,579 4,799 291 71,406 1,39,334
JHARKHAND Urban 1,546 248 77 33 16 1,920 2,185 1,174 9,571 976 594 0 14,500 16,420
Total 11,820 2,809 48,436 6,336 447 69,848 18,044 13,324 36,299 12,555 5,393 291 85,906 1,55,754
Rural 4,545 315 2,605 42 25 7,532 9,345 6,981 21,044 7,956 1,534 30 46,890 54,422
KARNATAKA Urban 223 16 3 7 0 249 500 402 1,479 428 37 0 2,846 3,095
Total 4,768 331 2,608 49 25 7,781 9,845 7,383 22,523 8,384 1,571 30 49,736 57,517
Rural 15,145 112 449 125 4,034 19,865 1,781 2,809 2,044 495 74 23 7,226 27,091
KERALA Urban 1,193 20 24 4 404 1,645 155 208 405 34 6 1 809 2,454
Total 16,338 132 473 129 4,438 21,510 1,936 3,017 2,449 529 80 24 8,035 29,545
Rural 33,696 6,263 1,039 209 205 41,412 65,184 36,868 1,21,893 39,802 7,850 1,937 2,73,534 3,14,946
Urban 1,401 266 19 7 2 1,695 2,630 1,324 5,797 1,359 225 50 11,385 13,080
Total 35,097 6,529 1,058 216 207 43,107 67,814 38,192 1,27,690 41,161 8,075 1,987 2,84,919 3,28,026

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of BUFFALO by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Murrah - Pure

Male Female

State/ Union Over 2 Years Over 3 Years

Area Total
Territory Upto Used for Used for Male + Female
Used for Under 1 Total
2 Agriculture Bullock Total Male 1 to 3 years In Not calved
breeding Others year Dry Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk once
only operation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Rural 22,989 4,281 972 518 89 28,849 53,151 46,132 1,48,425 66,926 8,604 3,306 3,26,544 3,55,393
MAHARASHTRA Urban 1,378 836 260 209 22 2,705 3,356 2,785 32,704 4,078 872 94 43,889 46,594
Total 24,367 5,117 1,232 727 111 31,554 56,507 48,917 1,81,129 71,004 9,476 3,400 3,70,433 4,01,987
Rural 1,346 116 19 0 9 1,490 6,037 2,181 11,676 2,126 192 0 22,212 23,702
NCT OF DELHI Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 190 0 930 43 0 0 1,163 1,163
Total 1,346 116 19 0 9 1,490 6,227 2,181 12,606 2,169 192 0 23,375 24,865
Rural 335 15 765 409 0 1,524 349 443 638 372 4 7 1,813 3,337
ODISHA Urban 0 0 17 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17
Total 335 15 782 409 0 1,541 349 443 638 372 4 7 1,813 3,354
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PUDUCHERRY Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rural 79,876 3,064 4,726 3,894 289 91,849 1,33,545 1,42,136 2,68,326 99,993 13,800 2,433 6,60,233 7,52,082
PUNJAB Urban 4,351 178 46 51 10 4,636 6,894 5,082 18,085 5,420 345 58 35,884 40,520
Total 84,227 3,242 4,772 3,945 299 96,485 1,40,439 1,47,218 2,86,411 1,05,413 14,145 2,491 6,96,117 7,92,602
Rural 2,04,219 15,154 4,497 3,158 1,850 2,28,878 3,83,750 2,67,507 6,55,218 2,45,614 67,707 7,752 16,27,548 18,56,426
RAJASTHAN Urban 6,059 657 310 119 35 7,180 12,241 6,652 26,430 7,129 1,876 131 54,459 61,639
Total 2,10,278 15,811 4,807 3,277 1,885 2,36,058 3,95,991 2,74,159 6,81,648 2,52,743 69,583 7,883 16,82,007 19,18,065
Rural 2,110 418 110 72 120 2,830 3,453 3,768 9,884 3,391 1,344 226 22,066 24,896
TAMIL NADU Urban 519 191 91 29 15 845 960 1,066 3,604 927 415 17 6,989 7,834
Total 2,629 609 201 101 135 3,675 4,413 4,834 13,488 4,318 1,759 243 29,055 32,730
Rural 5,04,287 24,564 1,72,192 37,431 11,744 7,50,218 8,18,914 6,21,459 15,13,533 4,48,295 1,54,829 31,775 35,88,805 43,39,023
Urban 28,355 1,692 5,708 3,055 581 39,391 40,688 27,809 1,22,315 21,518 9,922 1,189 2,23,441 2,62,832
Total 5,32,642 26,256 1,77,900 40,486 12,325 7,89,609 8,59,602 6,49,268 16,35,848 4,69,813 1,64,751 32,964 38,12,246 46,01,855
Rural 4,553 231 2,164 296 57 7,301 6,066 4,764 12,409 3,651 1,361 0 28,251 35,552
UTTARAKHAND Urban 122 3 31 1 0 157 257 73 624 115 24 0 1,093 1,250
Total 4,675 234 2,195 297 57 7,458 6,323 4,837 13,033 3,766 1,385 0 29,344 36,802
Rural 9,549 889 42,903 958 52 54,351 9,731 8,118 24,628 7,416 2,492 62 52,447 1,06,798
WEST BENGAL Urban 2,495 62 352 19 0 2,928 4,425 4,317 22,362 4,211 1,217 0 36,532 39,460
Total 12,044 951 43,255 977 52 57,279 14,156 12,435 46,990 11,627 3,709 62 88,979 1,46,258
Rural 12,82,464 70,595 3,21,888 65,563 24,240 17,64,750 20,47,485 16,90,296 37,65,346 12,93,636 3,71,617 54,919 92,23,299 1,09,88,049
All India Urban 75,561 5,204 7,838 4,012 1,257 93,872 1,12,341 75,096 3,23,771 69,430 21,905 1,734 6,04,277 6,98,149
Total 13,58,025 75,799 3,29,726 69,575 25,497 18,58,622 21,59,826 17,65,392 40,89,117 13,63,066 3,93,522 56,653 98,27,576 1,16,86,198

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of BUFFALO by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Murrah - Graded

Male Female

Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total

State/ Union Total
Area Pure + Graded
Territory Male +
Upto 2 Used for Used for Total
Used for Female
Agriculture Bullock Total Male Under 1 year 1 to 3 years Not calved
Years breeding Others In milk Dry Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm once
only operation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Rural 11 0 0 0 0 11 5 0 5 20 0 0 30 41 41
& NICOBAR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 11 0 0 0 0 11 5 0 5 20 0 0 30 41 41
Rural 5,29,991 26,555 25,528 4,253 830 5,87,157 9,56,806 7,05,327 17,11,618 5,75,061 2,25,276 44,096 42,18,184 48,05,341 50,53,761
Urban 15,207 722 296 100 0 16,325 32,474 16,733 70,021 14,842 6,226 1,144 1,41,440 1,57,765 1,73,509
Total 5,45,198 27,277 25,824 4,353 830 6,03,482 9,89,280 7,22,060 17,81,639 5,89,903 2,31,502 45,240 43,59,624 49,63,106 52,27,270
Rural 85 96 163 1 0 345 93 94 138 176 8 0 509 854 1,747
ASSAM Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 85 96 163 1 0 345 93 94 138 176 8 0 509 854 1,747
Rural 1,60,103 8,423 7,077 3,685 11,968 1,91,256 4,01,038 2,37,987 5,74,933 2,95,689 2,06,057 20,797 17,36,501 19,27,757 23,37,002
BIHAR Urban 6,334 508 229 226 462 7,759 9,596 7,534 21,264 8,036 5,884 712 53,026 60,785 82,950
Total 1,66,437 8,931 7,306 3,911 12,430 1,99,015 4,10,634 2,45,521 5,96,197 3,03,725 2,11,941 21,509 17,89,527 19,88,542 24,19,952
Rural 147 14 3 0 0 164 418 217 1,072 310 16 0 2,033 2,197 3,423
CHANDIGARH Urban 285 43 8 0 0 336 440 210 1,887 308 61 0 2,906 3,242 5,099
Total 432 57 11 0 0 500 858 427 2,959 618 77 0 4,939 5,439 8,522
Rural 18,122 1,772 52,957 1,220 909 74,980 15,836 13,579 26,564 18,059 14,663 1,646 90,347 1,65,327 1,95,859
CHHATTISGARH Urban 3,157 573 1,626 37 113 5,506 3,462 2,053 9,216 3,223 1,499 236 19,689 25,195 31,412
Total 21,279 2,345 54,583 1,257 1,022 80,486 19,298 15,632 35,780 21,282 16,162 1,882 1,10,036 1,90,522 2,27,271
Rural 40 33 134 0 0 207 37 52 430 95 98 0 712 919 966
GOA Urban 1 5 41 0 0 47 2 5 161 35 62 0 265 312 316
Total 41 38 175 0 0 254 39 57 591 130 160 0 977 1,231 1,282
Rural 3,06,260 7,207 31,973 19,165 1,477 3,66,082 4,67,272 4,50,264 7,99,760 3,12,239 62,617 4,115 20,96,267 24,62,349 47,11,011
HARYANA Urban 18,478 533 595 701 176 20,483 29,737 15,160 57,027 19,928 2,018 81 1,23,951 1,44,434 3,00,134
Total 3,24,738 7,740 32,568 19,866 1,653 3,86,565 4,97,009 4,65,424 8,56,787 3,32,167 64,635 4,196 22,20,218 26,06,783 50,11,145
Rural 21,491 851 90 2 1,127 23,561 48,838 46,841 1,17,602 34,813 8,165 1,074 2,57,333 2,80,894 2,90,952
Urban 304 7 0 0 30 341 782 703 1,816 553 104 3 3,961 4,302 4,396
Total 21,795 858 90 2 1,157 23,902 49,620 47,544 1,19,418 35,366 8,269 1,077 2,61,294 2,85,196 2,95,348
Rural 10,807 2,534 2,426 1,541 224 17,532 31,974 19,650 60,765 22,206 4,082 191 1,38,868 1,56,400 1,62,364
Urban 98 14 3 2 0 117 356 149 769 277 32 0 1,583 1,700 1,710
Total 10,905 2,548 2,429 1,543 224 17,649 32,330 19,799 61,534 22,483 4,114 191 1,40,451 1,58,100 1,64,074
Rural 6,549 1,281 23,842 6,010 258 37,940 9,548 6,947 17,245 7,368 3,465 97 44,670 82,610 2,21,944
JHARKHAND Urban 446 54 301 93 0 894 893 524 2,557 414 264 0 4,652 5,546 21,966
Total 6,995 1,335 24,143 6,103 258 38,834 10,441 7,471 19,802 7,782 3,729 97 49,322 88,156 2,43,910
Rural 20,798 1,291 1,534 162 137 23,922 52,481 33,997 94,443 39,983 11,104 457 2,32,465 2,56,387 3,10,809
KARNATAKA Urban 887 104 58 11 3 1,063 2,329 1,473 5,226 1,423 436 41 10,928 11,991 15,086
Total 21,685 1,395 1,592 173 140 24,985 54,810 35,470 99,669 41,406 11,540 498 2,43,393 2,68,378 3,25,895
Rural 21,541 273 465 11 2,181 24,471 3,917 6,552 3,065 1,116 134 73 14,857 39,328 66,419
KERALA Urban 1,199 28 1 2 173 1,403 229 311 285 70 12 27 934 2,337 4,791
Total 22,740 301 466 13 2,354 25,874 4,146 6,863 3,350 1,186 146 100 15,791 41,665 71,210
Rural 1,20,144 12,358 8,215 641 1,231 1,42,589 2,15,055 1,45,749 3,89,760 1,30,805 29,658 8,990 9,20,017 10,62,606 13,77,552
Urban 5,957 593 230 89 29 6,898 10,489 6,093 25,010 5,362 1,118 476 48,548 55,446 68,526
Total 1,26,101 12,951 8,445 730 1,260 1,49,487 2,25,544 1,51,842 4,14,770 1,36,167 30,776 9,466 9,68,565 11,18,052 14,46,078

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of BUFFALO by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Murrah - Graded

Male Female

Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total

State/ Union Total
Area Pure + Graded
Territory Male +
Upto 2 Used for Used for Total
Used for Female
Agriculture Bullock Total Male Under 1 year 1 to 3 years Not calved
Years breeding Others In milk Dry Others Female
& breeding cart / Farm once
only operation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Rural 33,321 5,337 2,287 990 116 42,051 87,284 76,568 2,27,489 92,651 13,251 2,372 4,99,615 5,41,666 8,97,059
MAHARASHTRA Urban 1,733 564 168 133 19 2,617 5,148 3,685 25,890 5,207 595 186 40,711 43,328 89,922
Total 35,054 5,901 2,455 1,123 135 44,668 92,432 80,253 2,53,379 97,858 13,846 2,558 5,40,326 5,84,994 9,86,981
Rural 14,102 259 72 330 69 14,832 22,065 11,532 55,426 8,501 1,105 380 99,009 1,13,841 1,37,543
NCT OF DELHI Urban 16 0 0 0 0 16 183 251 162 8 0 0 604 620 1,783
Total 14,118 259 72 330 69 14,848 22,248 11,783 55,588 8,509 1,105 380 99,613 1,14,461 1,39,326
Rural 932 168 1,679 99 0 2,878 1,182 975 3,005 1,362 210 1 6,735 9,613 12,950
ODISHA Urban 56 3 16 0 0 75 91 72 164 74 4 0 405 480 497
Total 988 171 1,695 99 0 2,953 1,273 1,047 3,169 1,436 214 1 7,140 10,093 13,447
Rural 2 0 0 0 0 2 12 13 34 12 7 0 78 80 80
PUDUCHERRY Urban 10 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 30 0 3 0 33 43 43
Total 12 0 0 0 0 12 12 13 64 12 10 0 111 123 123
Rural 2,72,779 9,364 16,014 20,113 1,163 3,19,433 5,37,060 5,91,859 11,90,928 4,51,054 59,063 6,502 28,36,466 31,55,899 39,07,981
PUNJAB Urban 12,113 689 315 525 30 13,672 24,646 17,914 89,441 20,903 1,205 226 1,54,335 1,68,007 2,08,527
Total 2,84,892 10,053 16,329 20,638 1,193 3,33,105 5,61,706 6,09,773 12,80,369 4,71,957 60,268 6,728 29,90,801 33,23,906 41,16,508
Rural 4,70,758 19,215 8,175 3,371 3,182 5,04,701 9,52,350 6,45,557 15,52,031 5,65,976 1,72,155 16,869 39,04,938 44,09,639 62,66,065
RAJASTHAN Urban 13,040 430 423 289 33 14,215 25,436 14,727 48,968 14,025 3,213 275 1,06,644 1,20,859 1,82,498
Total 4,83,798 19,645 8,598 3,660 3,215 5,18,916 9,77,786 6,60,284 16,00,999 5,80,001 1,75,368 17,144 40,11,582 45,30,498 64,48,563
Rural 27,832 4,896 1,200 536 787 35,251 60,230 59,159 1,16,924 50,507 15,197 2,223 3,04,240 3,39,491 3,64,387
TAMIL NADU Urban 5,312 1,156 228 217 76 6,989 11,318 10,052 23,613 9,041 2,133 267 56,424 63,413 71,247
Total 33,144 6,052 1,428 753 863 42,240 71,548 69,211 1,40,537 59,548 17,330 2,490 3,60,664 4,02,904 4,35,634
Rural 16,12,406 72,591 5,22,815 87,829 51,116 23,46,757 27,84,422 22,44,757 51,89,872 15,91,212 5,36,321 1,39,098 1,24,85,682 1,48,32,439 1,91,71,462
Urban 70,064 4,473 15,364 6,424 1,744 98,069 1,23,859 83,520 2,79,761 62,153 24,834 4,362 5,78,489 6,76,558 9,39,390
Total 16,82,470 77,064 5,38,179 94,253 52,860 24,44,826 29,08,281 23,28,277 54,69,633 16,53,365 5,61,155 1,43,460 1,30,64,171 1,55,08,997 2,01,10,852
Rural 37,411 2,302 9,225 1,537 76 50,551 55,215 45,588 1,23,825 41,769 11,060 274 2,77,731 3,28,282 3,63,834
UTTARAKHAND Urban 1,539 27 391 18 9 1,984 2,114 1,366 6,660 1,419 203 87 11,849 13,833 15,083
Total 38,950 2,329 9,616 1,555 85 52,535 57,329 46,954 1,30,485 43,188 11,263 361 2,89,580 3,42,115 3,78,917
Rural 2,670 208 15,410 295 33 18,616 3,200 2,600 5,650 2,728 912 11 15,101 33,717 1,40,515
WEST BENGAL Urban 39 0 107 0 0 146 43 33 454 123 4 0 657 803 40,263
Total 2,709 208 15,517 295 33 18,762 3,243 2,633 6,104 2,851 916 11 15,758 34,520 1,80,778
Rural 36,88,302 1,77,028 7,31,284 1,51,791 76,884 48,25,289 67,06,338 53,45,864 1,22,62,584 42,43,712 13,74,624 2,49,266 3,01,82,388 3,50,07,677 4,59,95,726
All India Urban 1,56,275 10,526 20,400 8,867 2,897 1,98,965 2,83,627 1,82,568 6,70,382 1,67,424 49,910 8,123 13,62,034 15,60,999 22,59,148
Total 38,44,577 1,87,554 7,51,684 1,60,658 79,781 50,24,254 69,89,965 55,28,432 1,29,32,966 44,11,136 14,24,534 2,57,389 3,15,44,422 3,65,68,676 4,82,54,874

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of BUFFALO by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Nagpuri - Pure
Male Female

State/ Union Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total

Area Male +
Territory Upto Used for Used for Used for
Total Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total Female
2 bree Agriculture Bullock In
Male year years calved Others Female
Years ding & breeding cart / Farm Others milk
only only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 223 9 0 27 0 259 127 145 499 142 65 0 978 1,237
Urban 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 6 0 0 0 6 8
Total 225 9 0 27 0 261 127 145 505 142 65 0 984 1,245
Rural 233 15 18 0 0 266 193 161 466 406 184 0 1,410 1,676
BIHAR Urban 4 0 0 0 0 4 8 9 17 10 4 0 48 52
Total 237 15 18 0 0 270 201 170 483 416 188 0 1,458 1,728
Rural 46 1 28 6 0 81 46 6 49 12 11 0 124 205
CHHATTISGARH Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 46 1 28 6 0 81 46 6 49 12 11 0 124 205
Rural 17 0 0 0 54 71 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 73
KERALA Urban 1 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 4
Total 18 0 0 0 56 74 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 77
Rural 1,225 103 1,296 88 0 2,712 2,195 1,434 2,598 1,732 196 6 8,161 10,873
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 2
Total 1,225 103 1,296 88 0 2,712 2,195 1,434 2,600 1,732 196 6 8,163 10,875
Rural 3,386 926 145 36 0 4,493 8,116 8,539 19,089 12,197 982 23 48,946 53,439
MAHARASHTRA Urban 337 97 29 0 0 463 879 863 2,816 708 261 25 5,552 6,015
Total 3,723 1,023 174 36 0 4,956 8,995 9,402 21,905 12,905 1,243 48 54,498 59,454
Rural 5,130 1,054 1,487 157 54 7,882 10,677 10,285 22,701 14,491 1,438 29 59,621 67,503
All India Urban 344 97 29 0 2 472 887 872 2,841 719 265 25 5,609 6,081
Total 5,474 1,151 1,516 157 56 8,354 11,564 11,157 25,542 15,210 1,703 54 65,230 73,584

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of BUFFALO by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Nagpuri - Graded
Male Female
State/ Union Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total Pure +
Territory Male + Graded
Upto 2 Used for Used for Used for Total Under 1 to 3 Not Total Female
Years bree Agricul ture Bullock Male 1 year years
Others In milk Dry calved Others Female
ding & breeding cart / Farm
only only operation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Rural 1,811 245 0 0 6 2,062 1,815 1,379 4,383 1,437 79 0 9,093 11,155 12,392
Urban 147 4 0 0 0 151 2 112 802 41 13 0 970 1,121 1,129
Total 1,958 249 0 0 6 2,213 1,817 1,491 5,185 1,478 92 0 10,063 12,276 13,521

Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,676

BIHAR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52

Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,728

Rural 2,051 121 4,410 662 279 7,523 1,522 1,481 3,226 2,944 1,316 103 10,592 18,115 18,320

CHHATTISGARH Urban 281 17 81 12 0 391 174 142 864 406 92 8 1,686 2,077 2,077

Total 2,332 138 4,491 674 279 7,914 1,696 1,623 4,090 3,350 1,408 111 12,278 20,192 20,397

Rural 12 0 0 0 25 37 8 0 15 26 0 8 57 94 167

KERALA Urban 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 6

Total 12 0 0 0 27 39 8 0 15 26 0 8 57 96 173

Rural 1,355 180 549 28 8 2,120 1,694 1,310 3,045 1,262 455 34 7,800 9,920 20,793
Urban 23 2 0 0 0 25 29 24 70 13 3 0 139 164 166
Total 1,378 182 549 28 8 2,145 1,723 1,334 3,115 1,275 458 34 7,939 10,084 20,959

Rural 5,567 1,131 572 78 155 7,503 11,001 9,894 23,445 14,916 1,987 347 61,590 69,093 1,22,532

MAHARASHTRA Urban 427 155 5 0 11 598 960 655 2,551 673 231 1 5,071 5,669 11,684

Total 5,994 1,286 577 78 166 8,101 11,961 10,549 25,996 15,589 2,218 348 66,661 74,762 1,34,216

Rural 10,796 1,677 5,531 768 473 19,245 16,040 14,064 34,114 20,585 3,837 492 89,132 1,08,377 1,75,880

All India Urban 878 178 86 12 13 1,167 1,165 933 4,287 1,133 339 9 7,866 9,033 15,114

Total 11,674 1,855 5,617 780 486 20,412 17,205 14,997 38,401 21,718 4,176 501 96,998 1,17,410 1,90,994

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of BUFFALO by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Nili Ravi - Pure
Male Female

State/ Union Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total

Area Male +
Territory Upto Used for Used for Used for
Total Under 1 to 3 Not Total Female
2 bree Agriculture Bullock In
Others Male 1 year years Dry calved Others Female
Years ding & breeding cart / Farm milk
only only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 68 0 0 0 33 101 61 51 185 53 88 16 454 555
BIHAR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 68 0 0 0 33 101 61 51 185 53 88 16 454 555
Rural 6 1 0 0 0 7 28 17 117 24 3 0 189 196
CHANDIGARH Urban 13 3 0 0 0 16 31 17 208 23 12 0 291 307
Total 19 4 0 0 0 23 59 34 325 47 15 0 480 503
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CHHATTISGARH Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rural 4,826 30 752 377 61 6,046 5,564 5,385 12,263 4,964 727 11 28,914 34,960
HARYANA Urban 294 1 7 1 0 303 347 154 828 177 11 0 1,517 1,820
Total 5,120 31 759 378 61 6,349 5,911 5,539 13,091 5,141 738 11 30,431 36,780
Rural 81 14 0 0 7 102 104 62 512 88 0 1 767 869
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 2
Total 81 14 0 0 7 102 104 62 513 89 0 1 769 871
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 0 96 22 0 0 155 155
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 0 96 22 0 0 155 155
Rural 163 0 14 0 36 213 125 34 135 36 0 0 330 543
NCT OF DELHI Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 163 0 14 0 36 213 125 34 135 36 0 0 330 543
Rural 6,579 513 702 913 20 8,727 11,642 11,870 31,174 10,756 1,583 30 67,055 75,782
PUNJAB Urban 178 3 8 7 0 196 380 266 1,535 356 13 0 2,550 2,746
Total 6,757 516 710 920 20 8,923 12,022 12,136 32,709 11,112 1,596 30 69,605 78,528
Rural 894 20 117 30 55 1,116 1,033 941 1,574 553 33 0 4,134 5,250
Urban 48 1 0 2 0 51 49 24 109 21 3 0 206 257
Total 942 21 117 32 55 1,167 1,082 965 1,683 574 36 0 4,340 5,507
Rural 701 44 597 23 0 1,365 945 713 1,791 617 415 0 4,481 5,846
UTTARAKHAND Urban 10 0 2 0 0 12 28 12 53 16 2 0 111 123
Total 711 44 599 23 0 1,377 973 725 1,844 633 417 0 4,592 5,969
Rural 13,318 622 2,182 1,343 212 17,677 19,539 19,073 47,847 17,113 2,849 58 1,06,479 1,24,156
All India Urban 543 8 17 10 0 578 835 473 2,734 594 41 0 4,677 5,255
Total 13,861 630 2,199 1,353 212 18,255 20,374 19,546 50,581 17,707 2,890 58 1,11,156 1,29,411

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of BUFFALO by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Nili Ravi - Graded
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total Total
State/ Union
Area Used for Used for Used for Male + Pure +
Territory Upto 2 Total Under 1 to 3 Not Total
bree Agricul ture Bullock Female Graded
Years Others Male 1 year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
ding & breeding cart / Farm
only only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 121 0 0 0 0 121 125 114 254 272 149 0 914 1,035 1,590
BIHAR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 2 2
Total 121 0 0 0 0 121 125 115 254 273 149 0 916 1,037 1,592
Rural 6 1 0 0 0 7 33 17 80 22 0 0 152 159 355
CHANDIGARH Urban 13 3 0 0 0 16 36 16 143 22 3 0 220 236 543
Total 19 4 0 0 0 23 69 33 223 44 3 0 372 395 898
Rural 131 8 1,449 33 1 1,622 117 81 241 147 125 0 711 2,333 2,333
CHHATTISGARH Urban 1 0 15 0 0 16 0 0 110 19 0 0 129 145 145
Total 132 8 1,464 33 1 1,638 117 81 351 166 125 0 840 2,478 2,478
Rural 8,289 331 608 367 13 9,608 13,018 13,412 27,020 11,193 2,265 13 66,921 76,529 1,11,489
HARYANA Urban 412 22 4 8 3 449 681 385 1,542 614 42 0 3,264 3,713 5,533
Total 8,701 353 612 375 16 10,057 13,699 13,797 28,562 11,807 2,307 13 70,185 80,242 1,17,022
Rural 2,271 49 1 0 13 2,334 5,384 4,525 12,602 3,593 740 37 26,881 29,215 30,084
Urban 15 0 0 0 0 15 91 66 182 44 1 0 384 399 401
Total 2,286 49 1 0 13 2,349 5,475 4,591 12,784 3,637 741 37 27,265 29,614 30,485
Rural 186 86 6 7 0 285 335 427 1,331 473 50 0 2,616 2,901 3,056
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 16 2 0 0 19 19 19
Total 186 86 6 7 0 285 336 427 1,347 475 50 0 2,635 2,920 3,075
Rural 50 232 0 0 27 309 98 74 148 29 0 0 349 658 1,201
NCT OF DELHI Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 50 232 0 0 27 309 98 74 148 29 0 0 349 658 1,201
Rural 31,183 1,777 3,076 4,711 113 40,860 65,622 75,388 1,47,128 61,669 10,340 998 3,61,145 4,02,005 4,77,787
PUNJAB Urban 897 58 46 86 1 1,088 2,330 1,741 6,861 2,070 220 20 13,242 14,330 17,076
Total 32,080 1,835 3,122 4,797 114 41,948 67,952 77,129 1,53,989 63,739 10,560 1,018 3,74,387 4,16,335 4,94,863
Rural 954 70 588 27 20 1,659 1,609 1,573 2,010 892 190 113 6,387 8,046 13,296
UTTAR PRADESH Urban 20 1 1 0 0 22 25 14 47 9 16 0 111 133 390
Total 974 71 589 27 20 1,681 1,634 1,587 2,057 901 206 113 6,498 8,179 13,686
Rural 668 27 512 35 0 1,242 907 820 1,827 675 258 0 4,487 5,729 11,575
UTTARAKHAND Urban 21 0 57 0 0 78 34 29 79 24 3 0 169 247 370
Total 689 27 569 35 0 1,320 941 849 1,906 699 261 0 4,656 5,976 11,945
Rural 43,859 2,581 6,240 5,180 187 58,047 87,248 96,431 1,92,641 78,965 14,117 1,161 4,70,563 5,28,610 6,52,766
All India Urban 1,379 84 123 94 4 1,684 3,198 2,252 8,980 2,805 285 20 17,540 19,224 24,479
Total 45,238 2,665 6,363 5,274 191 59,731 90,446 98,683 2,01,621 81,770 14,402 1,181 4,88,103 5,47,834 6,77,245

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of BUFFALO by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Pandharpuri - Pure
Male Female

State/ Union Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total

Area Male +
Territory Upto Used for Used for Total Under 1 to 3 Total Female
2 Used for Not
Agriculture Bullock Male 1 year years In
Years breeding & breeding cart / Farm Others Dry calved Others Female
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
GOA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rural 187 0 0 4 0 191 790 435 2,108 801 77 0 4,211 4,402
KARNATAKA Urban 9 0 0 0 0 9 54 24 193 46 3 0 320 329
Total 196 0 0 4 0 200 844 459 2,301 847 80 0 4,531 4,731
Rural 18,260 1,819 1,121 435 40 21,675 46,494 40,387 1,06,705 49,347 6,358 671 2,49,962 2,71,637
MAHARASHTRA Urban 954 231 72 72 7 1,336 1,537 1,421 4,823 1,926 332 8 10,047 11,383
Total 19,214 2,050 1,193 507 47 23,011 48,031 41,808 1,11,528 51,273 6,690 679 2,60,009 2,83,020
Rural 18,447 1,819 1,121 439 40 21,866 47,284 40,822 1,08,813 50,148 6,435 671 2,54,173 2,76,039
All India Urban 963 231 72 72 7 1,345 1,591 1,445 5,016 1,972 335 8 10,367 11,712
Total 19,410 2,050 1,193 511 47 23,211 48,875 42,267 1,13,829 52,120 6,770 679 2,64,540 2,87,751

Statewise Details of BUFFALO by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Pandharpuri - Graded
Male Female
State/ Union Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total Pure +
Territory Male + Graded
Upto 2 Used for Used for Used for Total Under 1 to 3 Not Total Female
Years bree Agricul ture Bullock Others Male 1 year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
ding & breeding cart / Farm
only only operation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Rural 23 0 0 0 0 23 0 13 16 22 0 0 51 74 74

GOA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 2

Total 23 0 0 0 0 23 0 13 18 22 0 0 53 76 76

Rural 836 33 0 0 1 870 1,846 1,457 4,964 1,861 338 7 10,473 11,343 15,745

KARNATAKA Urban 50 11 0 0 0 61 127 124 439 122 18 8 838 899 1,228

Total 886 44 0 0 1 931 1,973 1,581 5,403 1,983 356 15 11,311 12,242 16,973

Rural 11,114 1,462 792 341 61 13,770 31,097 25,891 69,272 31,116 4,678 894 1,62,948 1,76,718 4,48,355

MAHARASHTRA Urban 515 93 17 8 0 633 1,184 1,004 2,798 1,071 257 4 6,318 6,951 18,334

Total 11,629 1,555 809 349 61 14,403 32,281 26,895 72,070 32,187 4,935 898 1,69,266 1,83,669 4,66,689

Rural 11,973 1,495 792 341 62 14,663 32,943 27,361 74,252 32,999 5,016 901 1,73,472 1,88,135 4,64,174

All India Urban 565 104 17 8 0 694 1,311 1,128 3,239 1,193 275 12 7,158 7,852 19,564

Total 12,538 1,599 809 349 62 15,357 34,254 28,489 77,491 34,192 5,291 913 1,80,630 1,95,987 4,83,738

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of BUFFALO by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Surti - Pure
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Total Under 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock In Female
breed Others Male 1 year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
ing only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 8,156 149 46 51 1,664 10,066 11,115 8,604 21,039 11,162 7,414 257 59,591 69,657
BIHAR Urban 312 0 3 0 79 394 360 585 817 457 314 0 2,533 2,927
Total 8,468 149 49 51 1,743 10,460 11,475 9,189 21,856 11,619 7,728 257 62,124 72,584
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CHHATTISGARH Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rural 14 9 86 0 0 109 9 20 5 3 4 0 41 150
DADRA & Urban 4 0 0 0 0 4 2 1 1 1 0 0 5 9
Total 18 9 86 0 0 113 11 21 6 4 4 0 46 159
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DAMAN & DIU Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rural 48,322 4,303 14,909 2,996 1,246 71,776 2,69,823 1,73,013 2,61,363 1,12,327 35,950 3,015 8,55,491 9,27,267
GUJARAT Urban 2,779 412 53 46 6 3,296 4,458 4,286 14,900 3,940 1,511 31 29,126 32,422
Total 51,101 4,715 14,962 3,042 1,252 75,072 2,74,281 1,77,299 2,76,263 1,16,267 37,461 3,046 8,84,617 9,59,689
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 20 14 14 0 0 54 54
HARYANA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 4 4
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 20 15 16 0 0 58 58
Rural 3,900 1,075 6,776 3,233 122 15,106 5,832 4,299 9,554 6,364 2,309 362 28,720 43,826
JHARKHAND Urban 189 8 6 4 0 207 241 301 555 117 31 0 1,245 1,452
Total 4,089 1,083 6,782 3,237 122 15,313 6,073 4,600 10,109 6,481 2,340 362 29,965 45,278
Rural 20,871 802 3,243 124 25 25,065 45,482 30,108 1,03,116 42,167 7,563 244 2,28,680 2,53,745
KARNATAKA Urban 633 57 46 2 0 738 1,485 988 3,620 1,240 225 2 7,560 8,298
Total 21,504 859 3,289 126 25 25,803 46,967 31,096 1,06,736 43,407 7,788 246 2,36,240 2,62,043
Rural 1,401 17 51 76 442 1,987 162 131 118 22 0 4 437 2,424
KERALA Urban 86 0 0 0 48 134 3 6 3 0 0 0 12 146
Total 1,487 17 51 76 490 2,121 165 137 121 22 0 4 449 2,570
Rural 2,524 374 238 128 0 3,264 5,542 4,882 15,222 6,642 874 94 33,256 36,520
MAHARASHTRA Urban 123 16 3 28 0 170 261 203 2,234 355 25 0 3,078 3,248
Total 2,647 390 241 156 0 3,434 5,803 5,085 17,456 6,997 899 94 36,334 39,768
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 43 17 122 39 0 0 221 221
NCT OF DELHI Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 43 17 122 39 0 0 221 221
Rural 46,747 2,731 1,859 971 442 52,750 1,01,406 65,626 1,67,042 81,768 19,931 2,657 4,38,430 4,91,180
RAJASTHAN Urban 1,054 46 49 7 3 1,159 2,261 1,354 5,530 1,487 218 20 10,870 12,029
Total 47,801 2,777 1,908 978 445 53,909 1,03,667 66,980 1,72,572 83,255 20,149 2,677 4,49,300 5,03,209
Rural 47 0 0 0 0 47 173 82 153 18 0 0 426 473
Urban 3 0 0 0 0 3 13 5 11 1 0 0 30 33
Total 50 0 0 0 0 50 186 87 164 19 0 0 456 506
Rural 29 0 0 0 0 29 8 33 59 64 0 0 164 193
UTTARAKHAND Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 2
Total 29 0 0 0 0 29 8 33 60 65 0 0 166 195
Rural 1,32,011 9,460 27,208 7,579 3,941 1,80,199 4,39,601 2,86,835 5,77,807 2,60,590 74,045 6,633 16,45,511 18,25,710
All India Urban 5,183 539 160 87 136 6,105 9,085 7,729 27,673 7,601 2,324 53 54,465 60,570
Total 1,37,194 9,999 27,368 7,666 4,077 1,86,304 4,48,686 2,94,564 6,05,480 2,68,191 76,369 6,686 16,99,976 18,86,280

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of BUFFALO by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Surti - Graded
Male Female
State/ Union Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total Pure +
Area Male +
Territory Graded
Upto 2 Used for Used for Used for Total Under 1 to 3 Not Total Female
Years bree Agricul ture Bullock Male 1 year years
Others In milk Dry calved Others Female
ding & breeding cart / Farm
only only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 1,750 28 61 27 7 1,873 3,875 2,793 6,666 3,906 2,364 67 19,671 21,544 91,201
BIHAR Urban 22 0 0 0 0 22 48 33 130 213 41 0 465 487 3,414
Total 1,772 28 61 27 7 1,895 3,923 2,826 6,796 4,119 2,405 67 20,136 22,031 94,615
Rural 1,824 153 23,425 373 49 25,824 1,906 1,696 3,352 2,584 1,338 243 11,119 36,943 36,943
CHHATTISGARH Urban 101 3 662 7 17 790 147 107 261 171 61 54 801 1,591 1,591
Total 1,925 156 24,087 380 66 26,614 2,053 1,803 3,613 2,755 1,399 297 11,920 38,534 38,534
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 150
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 159
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 7 2 0 0 12 12 12
DAMAN & DIU Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 7 2 0 0 12 12 12
Rural 47,003 6,571 6,030 1,992 1,268 62,864 1,65,969 1,66,832 2,74,308 1,10,787 35,897 3,259 7,57,052 8,19,916 17,47,183
GUJARAT Urban 3,395 358 20 19 10 3,802 6,723 7,958 23,951 6,146 1,458 229 46,465 50,267 82,689
Total 50,398 6,929 6,050 2,011 1,278 66,666 1,72,692 1,74,790 2,98,259 1,16,933 37,355 3,488 8,03,517 8,70,183 18,29,872
Rural 58 0 0 0 0 58 80 121 130 81 12 0 424 482 536
HARYANA Urban 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 4 68 0 0 76 77 81
Total 59 0 0 0 0 59 82 123 134 149 12 0 500 559 617
Rural 1,054 218 1,711 328 2 3,313 1,272 864 2,376 1,274 369 14 6,169 9,482 53,308
JHARKHAND Urban 98 15 3 15 0 131 39 20 101 236 11 0 407 538 1,990
Total 1,152 233 1,714 343 2 3,444 1,311 884 2,477 1,510 380 14 6,576 10,020 55,298
Rural 44,908 2,959 4,531 550 512 53,460 1,06,307 64,724 2,14,464 89,770 21,923 1,028 4,98,216 5,51,676 8,05,421
KARNATAKA Urban 2,237 233 91 21 0 2,582 5,510 3,019 12,055 3,736 917 39 25,276 27,858 36,156
Total 47,145 3,192 4,622 571 512 56,042 1,11,817 67,743 2,26,519 93,506 22,840 1,067 5,23,492 5,79,534 8,41,577
Rural 1,732 86 273 0 310 2,401 79 219 97 94 8 6 503 2,904 5,328
KERALA Urban 143 6 0 0 45 194 4 9 8 2 0 0 23 217 363
Total 1,875 92 273 0 355 2,595 83 228 105 96 8 6 526 3,121 5,691
Rural 5,736 744 1,084 595 64 8,223 11,913 10,268 36,735 13,034 1,730 183 73,863 82,086 1,18,606
MAHARASHTRA Urban 187 40 13 2 4 246 509 404 2,916 607 89 1 4,526 4,772 8,020
Total 5,923 784 1,097 597 68 8,469 12,422 10,672 39,651 13,641 1,819 184 78,389 86,858 1,26,626
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 40 40 261
NCT OF DELHI Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 40 40 261
Rural 40,927 1,765 1,214 339 596 44,841 78,321 48,033 1,28,409 56,292 17,403 2,249 3,30,707 3,75,548 8,66,728
RAJASTHAN Urban 1,641 48 29 1 23 1,742 2,469 1,497 4,816 2,008 615 154 11,559 13,301 25,330
Total 42,568 1,813 1,243 340 619 46,583 80,790 49,530 1,33,225 58,300 18,018 2,403 3,42,266 3,88,849 8,92,058
Rural 97 5 140 7 0 249 274 387 662 213 88 7 1,631 1,880 2,353
Urban 5 0 1 1 0 7 4 28 73 7 3 0 115 122 155
Total 102 5 141 8 0 256 278 415 735 220 91 7 1,746 2,002 2,508
Rural 595 5 256 10 0 866 780 454 1,719 781 121 0 3,855 4,721 4,914
UTTARAKHAND Urban 13 0 4 0 0 17 19 13 76 25 0 0 133 150 152
Total 608 5 260 10 0 883 799 467 1,795 806 121 0 3,988 4,871 5,066
Rural 1,45,684 12,534 38,725 4,221 2,808 2,03,972 3,70,778 2,96,392 6,68,965 2,78,818 81,253 7,056 17,03,262 19,07,234 37,32,944
All India Urban 7,843 703 823 66 99 9,534 15,474 13,090 44,391 13,219 3,195 477 89,846 99,380 1,59,950
Total 1,53,527 13,237 39,548 4,287 2,907 2,13,506 3,86,252 3,09,482 7,13,356 2,92,037 84,448 7,533 17,93,108 20,06,614 38,92,894

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of BUFFALO by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Toda - Pure
Male Female

State/ Union Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total

Area Male +
Territory Upto Used for Used for Total Under 1 to 3 Total Female
2 Used for Not
Agriculture Bullock Male 1 year years In
Years breeding & breeding Others Dry calved Others Female
cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ODISHA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rural 212 187 8 39 60 506 509 578 686 412 19 18 2,222 2,728
TAMIL NADU Urban 17 16 2 10 24 69 45 42 73 42 1 3 206 275
Total 229 203 10 49 84 575 554 620 759 454 20 21 2,428 3,003
Rural 212 187 8 39 60 506 509 578 686 412 19 18 2,222 2,728
All India Urban 17 16 2 10 24 69 45 42 73 42 1 3 206 275
Total 229 203 10 49 84 575 554 620 759 454 20 21 2,428 3,003

Statewise Details of BUFFALO by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Toda - Graded
Male Female
State/ Union Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total Pure +
Territory Male + Graded
Upto 2 Used for Used for Used for Total Under 1 to 3 Not Total Female
Years bree Agriculture Bullock Others Male 1 year years In milk Dry calved Others Female
ding & breeding cart / Farm
only only operation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Rural 0 0 0 1 0 1 6 13 6 9 8 0 42 43 43

ODISHA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 0 0 0 1 0 1 6 13 6 9 8 0 42 43 43

Rural 615 91 26 0 6 738 382 363 480 222 5 9 1,461 2,199 4,927

TAMIL NADU Urban 79 10 7 0 0 96 36 41 87 30 0 1 195 291 566

Total 694 101 33 0 6 834 418 404 567 252 5 10 1,656 2,490 5,493

Rural 615 91 26 1 6 739 388 376 486 231 13 9 1,503 2,242 4,970

All India Urban 79 10 7 0 0 96 36 41 87 30 0 1 195 291 566

Total 694 101 33 1 6 835 424 417 573 261 13 10 1,698 2,533 5,536

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Buffalo by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Buffalo - Non Descript
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock Total Male In Female
breeding Others year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 662 154 2,393 718 97 4,024 760 686 1,079 1,005 139 68 3,737 7,761
& NICOBAR Urban 4 0 0 0 1 5 13 22 16 4 1 0 56 61
Total 666 154 2,393 718 98 4,029 773 708 1,095 1,009 140 68 3,793 7,822
Rural 5,15,329 40,566 99,913 23,460 11,627 6,90,895 9,61,731 6,88,254 17,77,361 6,94,693 2,62,221 92,246 44,76,506 51,67,401
Urban 16,360 2,291 1,456 779 843 21,729 30,111 19,450 87,431 22,102 8,835 4,660 1,72,589 1,94,318
Total 5,31,689 42,857 1,01,369 24,239 12,470 7,12,624 9,91,842 7,07,704 18,64,792 7,16,795 2,71,056 96,906 46,49,095 53,61,719
Rural 557 254 1,025 433 328 2,597 1,473 434 629 513 269 55 3,373 5,970
ARUNACHAL Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 557 254 1,025 433 328 2,597 1,473 434 629 513 269 55 3,373 5,970
Rural 43,660 10,363 90,848 21,526 3,833 1,70,230 57,079 48,734 82,578 52,811 16,436 4,070 2,61,708 4,31,938
ASSAM Urban 129 79 201 76 12 497 212 158 424 181 17 91 1,083 1,580
Total 43,789 10,442 91,049 21,602 3,845 1,70,727 57,291 48,892 83,002 52,992 16,453 4,161 2,62,791 4,33,518
Rural 4,40,388 40,058 80,405 28,943 95,046 6,84,840 12,16,927 4,98,267 12,33,204 6,46,362 4,77,492 1,01,795 41,74,047 48,58,887
BIHAR Urban 10,478 1,087 1,529 674 3,096 16,864 15,748 13,226 32,495 14,378 11,563 4,146 91,556 1,08,420
Total 4,50,866 41,145 81,934 29,617 98,142 7,01,704 12,32,675 5,11,493 12,65,699 6,60,740 4,89,055 1,05,941 42,65,603 49,67,307
Rural 99 4 0 0 2 105 285 255 915 312 8 9 1,784 1,889
CHANDIGARH Urban 191 9 0 18 8 226 312 252 1,618 294 23 0 2,499 2,725
Total 290 13 0 18 10 331 597 507 2,533 606 31 9 4,283 4,614
Rural 77,947 13,499 5,03,635 29,079 8,624 6,32,784 71,248 63,411 1,17,006 98,220 56,166 9,745 4,15,796 10,48,580
CHHATTISGARH Urban 6,152 720 9,352 921 440 17,585 5,187 4,252 11,347 6,566 2,900 812 31,064 48,649
Total 84,099 14,219 5,12,987 30,000 9,064 6,50,369 76,435 67,663 1,28,353 1,04,786 59,066 10,557 4,46,860 10,97,229
Rural 44 31 119 0 1 195 38 51 91 20 1 0 201 396
Urban 13 2 1 1 0 17 11 4 31 7 2 0 55 72
Total 57 33 120 1 1 212 49 55 122 27 3 0 256 468
Rural 35 14 0 5 0 54 24 36 80 13 0 1 154 208
DAMAN & DIU Urban 0 0 0 4 0 4 1 0 2 0 0 0 3 7
Total 35 14 0 9 0 58 25 36 82 13 0 1 157 215
Rural 2,491 971 1,325 689 193 5,669 3,959 3,677 9,046 3,166 689 122 20,659 26,328
GOA Urban 418 104 120 91 22 755 569 547 1,629 499 49 6 3,299 4,054
Total 2,909 1,075 1,445 780 215 6,424 4,528 4,224 10,675 3,665 738 128 23,958 30,382
Rural 2,13,377 27,859 38,821 15,609 16,703 3,12,369 5,66,877 5,48,978 9,84,922 4,62,601 1,50,228 77,678 27,91,284 31,03,653
GUJARAT Urban 9,402 1,799 651 702 2,767 15,321 16,108 15,178 42,877 15,929 5,808 675 96,575 1,11,896
Total 2,22,779 29,658 39,472 16,311 19,470 3,27,690 5,82,985 5,64,156 10,27,799 4,78,530 1,56,036 78,353 28,87,859 32,15,549
Rural 1,06,678 2,217 11,483 10,946 4,458 1,35,782 1,50,712 1,42,133 2,90,329 1,29,706 24,864 3,591 7,41,335 8,77,117
HARYANA Urban 6,721 415 229 231 335 7,931 9,520 5,205 24,455 7,263 945 146 47,534 55,465
Total 1,13,399 2,632 11,712 11,177 4,793 1,43,713 1,60,232 1,47,338 3,14,784 1,36,969 25,809 3,737 7,88,869 9,32,582
Rural 27,395 2,507 249 310 1,449 31,910 56,579 60,772 1,51,865 57,547 14,013 1,988 3,42,764 3,74,674
Urban 328 30 3 0 18 379 606 549 1,631 512 135 19 3,452 3,831
Total 27,723 2,537 252 310 1,467 32,289 57,185 61,321 1,53,496 58,059 14,148 2,007 3,46,216 3,78,505
Rural 39,885 7,993 7,294 3,639 466 59,277 1,05,689 79,004 2,11,733 89,387 12,885 2,546 5,01,244 5,60,521
Urban 831 80 148 9 2 1,070 2,261 1,340 4,660 1,840 127 21 10,249 11,319
Total 40,716 8,073 7,442 3,648 468 60,347 1,07,950 80,344 2,16,393 91,227 13,012 2,567 5,11,493 5,71,840
Rural 63,801 15,216 3,08,545 45,295 6,425 4,39,282 78,297 69,346 1,49,880 80,124 34,369 8,076 4,20,092 8,59,374
JHARKHAND Urban 1,921 362 1,453 511 147 4,394 3,688 2,969 11,128 2,932 852 275 21,844 26,238
Total 65,722 15,578 3,09,998 45,806 6,572 4,43,676 81,985 72,315 1,61,008 83,056 35,221 8,351 4,41,936 8,85,612

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Buffalo by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Buffalo - Non Descript
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock Total Male In Female
breeding Others year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 1,88,335 12,396 26,108 3,833 3,248 2,33,920 3,93,661 2,55,732 7,85,746 3,95,423 95,167 11,689 19,37,418 21,71,338
KARNATAKA Urban 8,070 1,001 952 257 348 10,628 20,504 13,205 44,032 17,698 3,997 949 1,00,385 1,11,013
Total 1,96,405 13,397 27,060 4,090 3,596 2,44,548 4,14,165 2,68,937 8,29,778 4,13,121 99,164 12,638 20,37,803 22,82,351
Rural 11,593 1,176 1,174 553 1,592 16,088 1,604 1,984 566 463 246 332 5,195 21,283
KERALA Urban 1,061 68 65 11 86 1,291 179 161 156 49 15 21 581 1,872
Total 12,654 1,244 1,239 564 1,678 17,379 1,783 2,145 722 512 261 353 5,776 23,155
Rural 7,48,101 1,01,388 1,31,719 29,130 22,603 10,32,941 11,89,381 8,63,234 20,29,475 9,73,092 2,10,294 62,804 53,28,280 63,61,221
Urban 27,018 2,954 2,870 1,095 798 34,735 44,630 28,711 89,755 31,870 6,596 2,716 2,04,278 2,39,013
Total 7,75,119 1,04,342 1,34,589 30,225 23,401 10,67,676 12,34,011 8,91,945 21,19,230 10,04,962 2,16,890 65,520 55,32,558 66,00,234
Rural 2,14,114 31,971 1,17,340 19,511 3,535 3,86,471 4,91,499 4,44,330 11,30,834 5,86,316 88,806 26,802 27,68,587 31,55,058
MAHARASHTRA Urban 11,648 4,334 1,409 1,900 385 19,676 26,143 22,109 1,21,222 28,944 5,231 1,604 2,05,253 2,24,929
Total 2,25,762 36,305 1,18,749 21,411 3,920 4,06,147 5,17,642 4,66,439 12,52,056 6,15,260 94,037 28,406 29,73,840 33,79,987
Rural 8,530 3,543 6,333 8,131 784 27,321 7,571 7,635 11,055 5,405 4,722 1,092 37,480 64,801
MANIPUR Urban 276 131 174 87 13 681 242 217 348 66 14 0 887 1,568
Total 8,806 3,674 6,507 8,218 797 28,002 7,813 7,852 11,403 5,471 4,736 1,092 38,367 66,369
Rural 2,032 2,415 3,395 5,001 1,617 14,460 1,503 1,749 2,080 1,140 716 411 7,599 22,059
MEGHALAYA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 2,032 2,415 3,395 5,001 1,617 14,460 1,503 1,749 2,080 1,140 716 411 7,599 22,059
Rural 598 147 363 476 26 1,610 553 666 391 811 517 31 2,969 4,579
MIZORAM Urban 68 16 43 51 0 178 88 58 99 116 56 0 417 595
Total 666 163 406 527 26 1,788 641 724 490 927 573 31 3,386 5,174
Rural 4,125 2,595 4,658 2,817 701 14,896 4,001 3,114 4,140 1,947 2,162 582 15,946 30,842
NAGALAND Urban 331 95 76 279 28 809 267 278 262 92 81 89 1,069 1,878
Total 4,456 2,690 4,734 3,096 729 15,705 4,268 3,392 4,402 2,039 2,243 671 17,015 32,720
Rural 1,530 162 462 153 891 3,198 1,113 1,880 9,420 1,135 719 972 15,239 18,437
NCT OF DELHI Urban 316 29 22 16 4 387 186 259 2,064 3 13 5 2,530 2,917
Total 1,846 191 484 169 895 3,585 1,299 2,139 11,484 1,138 732 977 17,769 21,354
Rural 47,386 12,376 1,80,837 12,025 2,727 2,55,351 54,350 49,640 91,134 72,573 16,767 5,172 2,89,636 5,44,987
ODISHA Urban 2,164 300 2,238 200 47 4,949 3,463 2,039 7,416 3,185 964 145 17,212 22,161
Total 49,550 12,676 1,83,075 12,225 2,774 2,60,300 57,813 51,679 98,550 75,758 17,731 5,317 3,06,848 5,67,148
Rural 36 9 8 0 0 53 50 35 75 24 0 0 184 237
PUDUCHERRY Urban 120 21 1 1 4 147 204 263 813 321 0 1 1,602 1,749
Total 156 30 9 1 4 200 254 298 888 345 0 1 1,786 1,986
Rural 40,240 2,171 2,420 3,080 839 48,750 80,395 99,032 1,89,144 71,168 10,737 7,124 4,57,600 5,06,350
PUNJAB Urban 1,406 281 91 112 34 1,924 2,761 1,823 7,914 2,004 295 147 14,944 16,868
Total 41,646 2,452 2,511 3,192 873 50,674 83,156 1,00,855 1,97,058 73,172 11,032 7,271 4,72,544 5,23,218
Rural 6,05,541 47,399 21,228 13,115 11,339 6,98,622 10,36,292 7,69,166 17,93,223 8,76,296 2,62,057 29,442 47,66,476 54,65,098
RAJASTHAN Urban 15,530 926 946 517 469 18,388 27,530 18,416 57,875 20,017 4,769 541 1,29,148 1,47,536
Total 6,21,071 48,325 22,174 13,632 11,808 7,17,010 10,63,822 7,87,582 18,51,098 8,96,313 2,66,826 29,983 48,95,624 56,12,634
Rural 117 14 1 8 0 140 125 126 167 111 14 1 544 684
SIKKIM Urban 4 0 0 0 0 4 3 0 4 8 0 0 15 19
Total 121 14 1 8 0 144 128 126 171 119 14 1 559 703
Rural 27,968 7,252 4,769 2,455 2,479 44,923 45,863 45,953 93,044 42,006 12,603 6,518 2,45,987 2,90,910
TAMIL NADU Urban 4,238 1,373 1,000 782 640 8,033 6,926 6,566 16,170 6,407 3,088 1,204 40,361 48,394
Total 32,206 8,625 5,769 3,237 3,119 52,956 52,789 52,519 1,09,214 48,413 15,691 7,722 2,86,348 3,39,304

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Buffalo by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Buffalo - Non Descript
Male Female
Over 2 Years Over 3 Years Total
State/ Union
Area Upto Used for Used for Male +
Territory Used for Under 1 1 to 3 Not Total
2 Agriculture Bullock Total Male In Female
breeding Others year years Dry calved Others Female
Years & breeding cart / Farm milk
only once
only operation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rural 1,436 489 1,307 816 184 4,232 1,187 1,287 1,622 1,514 638 176 6,424 10,656
TRIPURA Urban 21 10 18 3 4 56 18 17 27 22 10 0 94 150
Total 1,457 499 1,325 819 188 4,288 1,205 1,304 1,649 1,536 648 176 6,518 10,806
Rural 9,58,491 51,053 2,53,898 43,548 31,110 13,38,100 15,57,341 13,10,973 26,81,097 10,69,310 3,41,487 1,38,442 70,98,650 84,36,750
UTTAR PRADESH Urban 35,351 2,180 6,299 2,367 1,550 47,747 56,944 34,677 1,51,331 30,808 11,084 3,016 2,87,860 3,35,607
Total 9,93,842 53,233 2,60,197 45,915 32,660 13,85,847 16,14,285 13,45,650 28,32,428 11,00,118 3,52,571 1,41,458 73,86,510 87,72,357
Rural 36,651 4,491 4,039 1,023 201 46,405 86,277 76,750 2,42,295 88,455 17,984 3,300 5,15,061 5,61,466
UTTARAKHAND Urban 795 79 166 27 3 1,070 1,100 890 4,817 1,113 201 164 8,285 9,355
Total 37,446 4,570 4,205 1,050 204 47,475 87,377 77,640 2,47,112 89,568 18,185 3,464 5,23,346 5,70,821
Rural 24,945 6,374 2,24,126 5,873 1,345 2,62,663 25,426 20,274 47,198 22,103 9,379 894 1,25,274 3,87,937
WEST BENGAL Urban 2,207 595 1,326 178 49 4,355 2,893 1,637 16,634 2,484 612 49 24,309 28,664
Total 27,152 6,969 2,25,452 6,051 1,394 2,67,018 28,319 21,911 63,832 24,587 9,991 943 1,49,583 4,16,601
Rural 44,54,117 4,49,127 21,30,240 3,32,200 2,34,473 76,00,157 82,49,870 61,57,598 1,41,23,424 65,25,772 21,24,795 5,97,774 3,77,79,233 4,53,79,390
All India Urban 1,63,572 21,371 32,839 11,900 12,153 2,41,835 2,78,428 1,94,478 7,40,683 2,17,714 68,283 21,502 15,21,088 17,62,923
Total 46,17,689 4,70,498 21,63,079 3,44,100 2,46,626 78,41,992 85,28,298 63,52,076 1,48,64,107 67,43,486 21,93,078 6,19,276 3,93,00,321 4,71,42,313

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Annexure - III
State wise details of Exotic/Crossbred and
Indigenous Sheep by age, sex and use
Breed Survey 2012
Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Exotic/Crossbred Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Corridale - Exotic
Male Female
State/ Union
Area Total
Male + Female
Under 1 year 1 year & above Total Male Under 1 year 1 year & above Total Female

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rural 1,140 889 2,029 1,104 2,708 3,812 5,841
ANDHRA PRADESH Urban 92 89 181 64 130 194 375
Total 1,232 978 2,210 1,168 2,838 4,006 6,216
Rural 16 24 40 63 513 576 616
HARYANA Urban 0 0 0 0 2 2 2
Total 16 24 40 63 515 578 618
Rural 488 751 1,239 561 926 1,487 2,726
JAMMU & KASHMIR Urban 0 0 0 3 5 8 8
Total 488 751 1,239 564 931 1,495 2,734
Rural 0 0 0 10 25 35 35
MADHYA PRADESH Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 10 25 35 35
Rural 390 540 930 1,085 3,276 4,361 5,291
PUNJAB Urban 81 2 83 0 0 0 83
Total 471 542 1,013 1,085 3,276 4,361 5,374
Rural 2,268 1,974 4,242 3,150 7,248 10,398 14,640
TAMIL NADU Urban 359 411 770 465 1,379 1,844 2,614
Total 2,627 2,385 5,012 3,615 8,627 12,242 17,254
Rural 183 222 405 0 127 127 532
WEST BENGAL Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 183 222 405 0 127 127 532
Rural 4,485 4,400 8,885 5,973 14,823 20,796 29,681
All India Urban 532 502 1,034 532 1,516 2,048 3,082
Total 5,017 4,902 9,919 6,505 16,339 22,844 32,763

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Exotic/Crossbred Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Merino - Exotic
Male Female
State/ Union
Area Total
Male + Female
Under 1 year 1 year & above Total Male Under 1 year 1 year & above Total Female

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rural 80 106 186 158 446 604 790
HARYANA Urban 1 1 2 0 0 0 2
Total 81 107 188 158 446 604 792
Rural 165 998 1,163 201 1,154 1,355 2,518
HIMACHAL PRADESH Urban 0 2 2 0 0 0 2
Total 165 1,000 1,165 201 1,154 1,355 2,520
Rural 20 9 29 249 707 956 985
MADHYA PRADESH Urban 7 2 9 164 151 315 324
Total 27 11 38 413 858 1,271 1,309
Rural 0 0 0 4,727 2,144 6,871 6,871
MAHARASHTRA Urban 0 0 0 133 31 164 164
Total 0 0 0 4,860 2,175 7,035 7,035
Rural 471 337 808 530 1,943 2,473 3,281
PUNJAB Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 471 337 808 530 1,943 2,473 3,281
Rural 13,666 10,084 23,750 3,378 22,853 26,231 49,981
RAJASTHAN Urban 180 205 385 71 359 430 815
Total 13,846 10,289 24,135 3,449 23,212 26,661 50,796
Rural 13,118 16,780 29,898 16,585 35,903 52,488 82,386
TAMIL NADU Urban 345 422 767 556 739 1,295 2,062
Total 13,463 17,202 30,665 17,141 36,642 53,783 84,448
Rural 216 317 533 291 597 888 1,421
UTTAR PRADESH Urban 15 6 21 17 54 71 92
Total 231 323 554 308 651 959 1,513
Rural 536 704 1,240 876 3,361 4,237 5,477
UTTARAKHAND Urban 0 4 4 0 1 1 5
Total 536 708 1,244 876 3,362 4,238 5,482
Rural 1,180 636 1,816 1,080 1,311 2,391 4,207
WEST BENGAL Urban 58 34 92 49 58 107 199
Total 1,238 670 1,908 1,129 1,369 2,498 4,406
Rural 29,452 29,971 59,423 28,075 70,419 98,494 1,57,917
All India Urban 606 676 1,282 990 1,393 2,383 3,665
Total 30,058 30,647 60,705 29,065 71,812 1,00,877 1,61,582

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Exotic/Crossbred Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Rambouillet - Exotic
State/ Union Male Female
Area Total
Male + Female
Under 1 year 1 year & above Total Male Under 1 year 1 year & above Total Female

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rural 1,677 1,825 3,502 910 2,289 3,199 6,701
ANDHRA PRADESH Urban 6 58 64 21 40 61 125
Total 1,683 1,883 3,566 931 2,329 3,260 6,826
Rural 0 1 1 0 0 0 1
GOA Urban 0 11 11 0 10 10 21
Total 0 12 12 0 10 10 22
Rural 64 54 118 157 514 671 789
HARYANA Urban 3 1 4 0 3 3 7
Total 67 55 122 157 517 674 796
Rural 172 723 895 200 554 754 1,649
HIMACHAL PRADESH Urban 7 1 8 16 19 35 43
Total 179 724 903 216 573 789 1,692
Rural 1,17,521 7,715 1,25,236 14,127 73,418 87,545 2,12,781
JAMMU & KASHMIR Urban 19 59 78 42 249 291 369
Total 1,17,540 7,774 1,25,314 14,169 73,667 87,836 2,13,150
Rural 1,100 2,431 3,531 1,323 2,594 3,917 7,448
KARNATAKA Urban 68 236 304 56 246 302 606
Total 1,168 2,667 3,835 1,379 2,840 4,219 8,054
Rural 0 86 86 11 79 90 176
KERALA Urban 0 8 8 2 5 7 15
Total 0 94 94 13 84 97 191
Rural 210 271 481 0 0 0 481
MADHYA PRADESH Urban 66 67 133 0 0 0 133
Total 276 338 614 0 0 0 614
Rural 2,801 541 3,342 0 6,902 6,902 10,244
MAHARASHTRA Urban 380 84 464 0 113 113 577
Total 3,181 625 3,806 0 7,015 7,015 10,821
Rural 0 82 82 0 0 0 82
PUDUCHERRY Urban 0 61 61 0 0 0 61
Total 0 143 143 0 0 0 143
Rural 11 11 22 15 46 61 83
PUNJAB Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 11 11 22 15 46 61 83
Rural 942 453 1,395 0 1 1 1,396
RAJASTHAN Urban 42 28 70 0 0 0 70
Total 984 481 1,465 0 1 1 1,466
Rural 0 14,878 14,878 0 0 0 14,878
TAMIL NADU Urban 0 1,413 1,413 0 0 0 1,413
Total 0 16,291 16,291 0 0 0 16,291
Rural 155 46 201 182 386 568 769
UTTAR PRADESH Urban 0 0 0 5 21 26 26
Total 155 46 201 187 407 594 795
Rural 929 635 1,564 2,181 6,211 8,392 9,956
UTTARAKHAND Urban 2 0 2 0 0 0 2
Total 931 635 1,566 2,181 6,211 8,392 9,958
Rural 1,25,582 29,752 1,55,334 19,106 92,994 1,12,100 2,67,434
All India Urban 593 2,027 2,620 142 706 848 3,468
Total 1,26,175 31,779 1,57,954 19,248 93,700 1,12,948 2,70,902
Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Exotic/Crossbred Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Crossbred Sheep
State/ Union Male Female
Area Total
Male + Female
Under 1 year 1 year & above Total Male Under 1 year 1 year & above Total Female

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rural 5,801 4,617 10,418 10,584 15,967 26,551 36,969
ANDHRA PRADESH Urban 609 475 1,084 579 1,665 2,244 3,328
Total 6,410 5,092 11,502 11,163 17,632 28,795 40,297
Rural 248 309 557 303 461 764 1,321
ARUNACHAL PRADESH Urban 8 6 14 4 2 6 20
Total 256 315 571 307 463 770 1,341
Rural 2,625 1,797 4,422 1,897 2,747 4,644 9,066
ASSAM Urban 105 58 163 117 141 258 421
Total 2,730 1,855 4,585 2,014 2,888 4,902 9,487
Rural 2,088 2,033 4,121 1,811 3,063 4,874 8,995
BIHAR Urban 70 32 102 25 24 49 151
Total 2,158 2,065 4,223 1,836 3,087 4,923 9,146
Rural 0 2 2 1 0 1 3
CHANDIGARH Urban 1 0 1 1 0 1 2
Total 1 2 3 2 0 2 5
Rural 373 415 788 470 467 937 1,725
CHHATTISGARH Urban 21 20 41 7 30 37 78
Total 394 435 829 477 497 974 1,803
Rural 10 7 17 11 9 20 37
DADRA & NAGAR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 10 7 17 11 9 20 37
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
GOA Urban 1 0 1 1 0 1 2
Total 1 0 1 1 0 1 2
Rural 5,468 5,672 11,140 5,214 8,574 13,788 24,928
GUJARAT Urban 281 304 585 225 346 571 1,156
Total 5,749 5,976 11,725 5,439 8,920 14,359 26,084
Rural 9,340 4,985 14,325 8,995 23,398 32,393 46,718
HARYANA Urban 332 530 862 502 1,412 1,914 2,776
Total 9,672 5,515 15,187 9,497 24,810 34,307 49,494
Rural 32,881 51,811 84,692 55,289 1,60,747 2,16,036 3,00,728
HIMACHAL PRADESH Urban 35 58 93 49 109 158 251
Total 32,916 51,869 84,785 55,338 1,60,856 2,16,194 3,00,979
Rural 2,69,140 2,88,223 5,57,363 4,67,857 9,86,127 14,53,984 20,11,347
JAMMU & KASHMIR Urban 10,560 23,482 34,042 14,924 39,266 54,190 88,232
Total 2,79,700 3,11,705 5,91,405 4,82,781 10,25,393 15,08,174 20,99,579
Rural 1,752 1,873 3,625 2,022 2,548 4,570 8,195
JHARKHAND Urban 54 60 114 18 53 71 185
Total 1,806 1,933 3,739 2,040 2,601 4,641 8,380
Rural 4,597 3,997 8,594 5,776 15,745 21,521 30,115
KARNATAKA Urban 356 731 1,087 334 690 1,024 2,111
Total 4,953 4,728 9,681 6,110 16,435 22,545 32,226
Rural 73 43 116 52 55 107 223
KERALA Urban 8 1 9 2 22 24 33
Total 81 44 125 54 77 131 256
Rural 2,027 1,781 3,808 2,566 5,255 7,821 11,629
MADHYA PRADESH Urban 60 76 136 79 97 176 312
Total 2,087 1,857 3,944 2,645 5,352 7,997 11,941
Rural 7,038 7,281 14,319 12,201 24,450 36,651 50,970
MAHARASHTRA Urban 391 895 1,286 443 1,067 1,510 2,796
Total 7,429 8,176 15,605 12,644 25,517 38,161 53,766

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Exotic/Crossbred Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Crossbred Sheep
State/ Union Male Female
Area Total
Male + Female
Under 1 year 1 year & above Total Male Under 1 year 1 year & above Total Female

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rural 990 969 1,959 894 1,083 1,977 3,936
MANIPUR Urban 3 2 5 7 1 8 13
Total 993 971 1,964 901 1,084 1,985 3,949
Rural 134 101 235 182 180 362 597
MEGHALAYA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 134 101 235 182 180 362 597
Rural 74 140 214 65 233 298 512
MIZORAM Urban 4 23 27 10 34 44 71
Total 78 163 241 75 267 342 583
Rural 192 237 429 180 189 369 798
NAGALAND Urban 34 33 67 33 33 66 133
Total 226 270 496 213 222 435 931
Rural 96 121 217 102 213 315 532
NCT OF DELHI Urban 109 5 114 4 4 8 122
Total 205 126 331 106 217 323 654
Rural 2,538 2,186 4,724 1,777 3,601 5,378 10,102
ODISHA Urban 99 118 217 103 184 287 504
Total 2,637 2,304 4,941 1,880 3,785 5,665 10,606
Rural 52 44 96 90 446 536 632
PUDUCHERRY Urban 12 0 12 4 53 57 69
Total 64 44 108 94 499 593 701
Rural 2,426 2,892 5,318 4,383 9,596 13,979 19,297
PUNJAB Urban 124 407 531 376 665 1,041 1,572
Total 2,550 3,299 5,849 4,759 10,261 15,020 20,869
Rural 6,035 3,424 9,459 15,879 12,369 28,248 37,707
RAJASTHAN Urban 124 163 287 315 490 805 1,092
Total 6,159 3,587 9,746 16,194 12,859 29,053 38,799
Rural 215 339 554 162 367 529 1,083
SIKKIM Urban 1 2 3 0 1 1 4
Total 216 341 557 162 368 530 1,087
Rural 60,629 52,432 1,13,061 76,768 1,59,935 2,36,703 3,49,764
TAMIL NADU Urban 6,043 5,735 11,778 6,069 12,678 18,747 30,525
Total 66,672 58,167 1,24,839 82,837 1,72,613 2,55,450 3,80,289
Rural 32 35 67 32 34 66 133
TRIPURA Urban 20 45 65 38 41 79 144
Total 52 80 132 70 75 145 277
Rural 19,100 13,976 33,076 15,970 26,008 41,978 75,054
UTTAR PRADESH Urban 946 1,058 2,004 1,044 1,669 2,713 4,717
Total 20,046 15,034 35,080 17,014 27,677 44,691 79,771
Rural 12,820 14,009 26,829 20,628 64,453 85,081 1,11,910
UTTARAKHAND Urban 19 56 75 15 67 82 157
Total 12,839 14,065 26,904 20,643 64,520 85,163 1,12,067
Rural 5,048 4,331 9,379 4,673 5,520 10,193 19,572
WEST BENGAL Urban 76 49 125 48 96 144 269
Total 5,124 4,380 9,504 4,721 5,616 10,337 19,841
Rural 4,53,842 4,70,082 9,23,924 7,16,834 15,33,840 22,50,674 31,74,598
All India Urban 20,506 34,424 54,930 25,376 60,940 86,316 1,41,246
Total 4,74,348 5,04,506 9,78,854 7,42,210 15,94,780 23,36,990 33,15,844
Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Balangir - Pure Balangir - Graded
State/ Male Female
Pure +
Union Area Total Total
Under 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Territory Male + Male +
1 year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 37,843 49,623 87,466 49,718 1,07,437 1,57,155 2,44,621 8,611 12,266 20,877 12,036 26,346 38,382 59,259 3,03,880
ODISHA Urban 505 663 1,168 576 1,088 1,664 2,832 59 75 134 56 132 188 322 3,154
Total 38,348 50,286 88,634 50,294 1,08,525 1,58,819 2,47,453 8,670 12,341 21,011 12,092 26,478 38,570 59,581 3,07,034
Rural 173 266 439 326 721 1,047 1,486 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,486
Urban 11 8 19 12 16 28 47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47
Total 184 274 458 338 737 1,075 1,533 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,533
Rural 38,016 49,889 87,905 50,044 1,08,158 1,58,202 2,46,107 8,611 12,266 20,877 12,036 26,346 38,382 59,259 3,05,366
All India Urban 516 671 1,187 588 1,104 1,692 2,879 59 75 134 56 132 188 322 3,201
Total 38,532 50,560 89,092 50,632 1,09,262 1,59,894 2,48,986 8,670 12,341 21,011 12,092 26,478 38,570 59,581 3,08,567

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Bellari - Pure Bellari - Graded Total
State/ Male Female Pure +
Union Area Total Total
Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Territory Male + Male +
year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 37,625 30,992 68,617 73,892 1,90,778 2,64,670 3,33,287 18,243 14,419 32,662 36,439 1,21,602 1,58,041 1,90,703 5,23,990
Urban 289 424 713 578 627 1,205 1,918 57 26 83 97 394 491 574 2,492
PRADESH Total 37,914 31,416 69,330 74,470 1,91,405 2,65,875 3,35,205 18,300 14,445 32,745 36,536 1,21,996 1,58,532 1,91,277 5,26,482
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 555 0 555 0 1,245 1,245 1,800 1,800
BIHAR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 555 0 555 0 1,245 1,245 1,800 1,800
Rural 1,30,537 95,809 2,26,346 2,65,027 8,14,395 10,79,422 13,05,768 45,282 51,854 97,136 1,00,323 2,54,688 3,55,011 4,52,147 17,57,915
Urban 5,399 4,548 9,947 6,025 16,209 22,234 32,181 869 1,276 2,145 961 3,591 4,552 6,697 38,878
TAKA Total 1,35,936 1,00,357 2,36,293 2,71,052 8,30,604 11,01,656 13,37,949 46,151 53,130 99,281 1,01,284 2,58,279 3,59,563 4,58,844 17,96,793
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 24 49 80 297 377 426 426
PUNJAB Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 24 49 80 299 379 428 428
Rural 1,68,162 1,26,801 2,94,963 3,38,919 10,05,173 13,44,092 16,39,055 64,105 66,297 1,30,402 1,36,842 3,77,832 5,14,674 6,45,076 22,84,131
All India Urban 5,688 4,972 10,660 6,603 16,836 23,439 34,099 926 1,302 2,228 1,058 3,987 5,045 7,273 41,372
Total 1,73,850 1,31,773 3,05,623 3,45,522 10,22,009 13,67,531 16,73,154 65,031 67,599 1,32,630 1,37,900 3,81,819 5,19,719 6,52,349 23,25,503
Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Bhakarwal - Pure Bhakarwal - Graded
State/ Male Female
Pure +
Union Area Total Total
Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Territory Male + Male +
year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
ANDHRA Rural 4,326 1,268 5,594 4,045 29,187 33,232 38,826 967 608 1,575 996 2,834 3,830 5,405 44,231
Urban 761 126 887 321 1,370 1,691 2,578 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,578
Total 5,087 1,394 6,481 4,366 30,557 34,923 41,404 967 608 1,575 996 2,834 3,830 5,405 46,809
Rural 57 68 125 74 51 125 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 250
BIHAR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 57 68 125 74 51 125 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 250
Rural 869 526 1,395 2,012 6,687 8,699 10,094 253 104 357 278 1,112 1,390 1,747 11,841
HARYANA Urban 49 32 81 92 191 283 364 9 2 11 10 22 32 43 407
Total 918 558 1,476 2,104 6,878 8,982 10,458 262 106 368 288 1,134 1,422 1,790 12,248
Rural 2,882 3,717 6,599 5,464 12,304 17,768 24,367 1,024 1,391 2,415 3,139 6,103 9,242 11,657 36,024
Urban 52 34 86 34 88 122 208 15 37 52 25 58 83 135 343
KASHMIR Total 2,934 3,751 6,685 5,498 12,392 17,890 24,575 1,039 1,428 2,467 3,164 6,161 9,325 11,792 36,367
Rural 722 759 1,481 885 3,037 3,922 5,403 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,403
PUNJAB Urban 15 40 55 27 157 184 239 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 239
Total 737 799 1,536 912 3,194 4,106 5,642 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,642
Rural 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 126 111 237 164 743 907 1,144 1,147
Urban 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Total 0 0 0 0 5 5 5 126 111 237 164 743 907 1,144 1,149
Rural 8,856 6,338 15,194 12,480 51,269 63,749 78,943 2,370 2,214 4,584 4,577 10,792 15,369 19,953 98,896
All India Urban 877 232 1,109 474 1,808 2,282 3,391 24 39 63 35 80 115 178 3,569
Total 9,733 6,570 16,303 12,954 53,077 66,031 82,334 2,394 2,253 4,647 4,612 10,872 15,484 20,131 1,02,465
Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Bonpala - Pure Bonpala - Graded
State/ Male Female
Pure +
Union Area Total Total
Under 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Territory Male + Male +
1 year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 64 30 94 88 291 379 473 19 10 29 16 42 58 87 560
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 64 30 94 88 291 379 473 19 10 29 16 42 58 87 560
Rural 278 326 604 312 615 927 1,531 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,531
SIKKIM Urban 2 2 4 2 1 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
Total 280 328 608 314 616 930 1,538 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,538
Rural 46,595 40,685 87,280 56,258 80,477 1,36,735 2,24,015 221 239 460 199 311 510 970 2,24,985
Urban 1,001 1,175 2,176 1,383 2,275 3,658 5,834 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,834
Total 47,596 41,860 89,456 57,641 82,752 1,40,393 2,29,849 221 239 460 199 311 510 970 2,30,819
Rural 46,937 41,041 87,978 56,658 81,383 1,38,041 2,26,019 240 249 489 215 353 568 1,057 2,27,076
All India Urban 1,003 1,177 2,180 1,385 2,276 3,661 5,841 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,841
Total 47,940 42,218 90,158 58,043 83,659 1,41,702 2,31,860 240 249 489 215 353 568 1,057 2,32,917

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Changthangi - Pure Changthangi - Graded
State/ Male Female
Pure +
Union Area Total Total
Under 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Territory Male + Male +
1 year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 8,319 18,088 26,407 10,694 27,727 38,421 64,828 5 14 19 9 6 15 34 64,862
Urban 35 46 81 56 150 206 287 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 287
Total 8,354 18,134 26,488 10,750 27,877 38,627 65,115 5 14 19 9 6 15 34 65,149
Rural 8,319 18,088 26,407 10,694 27,727 38,421 64,828 5 14 19 9 6 15 34 64,862
All India Urban 35 46 81 56 150 206 287 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 287
Total 8,354 18,134 26,488 10,750 27,877 38,627 65,115 5 14 19 9 6 15 34 65,149

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Chokala - Pure Chokala - Graded
State/ Male Female
Pure +
Union Area Total Total
Under 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Territory Male + Male +
1 year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 306 305 611 490 1,259 1,749 2,360 1,897 1,139 3,036 2,597 8,293 10,890 13,926 16,286
HARYANA Urban 9 9 18 10 30 40 58 30 28 58 22 56 78 136 194
Total 315 314 629 500 1,289 1,789 2,418 1,927 1,167 3,094 2,619 8,349 10,968 14,062 16,480
Rural 1,180 820 2,000 1,313 3,603 4,916 6,916 502 262 764 715 2,038 2,753 3,517 10,433
PUNJAB Urban 20 22 42 45 95 140 182 8 5 13 23 50 73 86 268
Total 1,200 842 2,042 1,358 3,698 5,056 7,098 510 267 777 738 2,088 2,826 3,603 10,701
Rural 34,567 17,712 52,279 53,640 1,43,599 1,97,239 2,49,518 12,615 8,123 20,738 22,147 61,098 83,245 1,03,983 3,53,501
Urban 355 314 669 426 1,385 1,811 2,480 152 180 332 249 823 1,072 1,404 3,884
Total 34,922 18,026 52,948 54,066 1,44,984 1,99,050 2,51,998 12,767 8,303 21,070 22,396 61,921 84,317 1,05,387 3,57,385
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 184 259 67 1,438 1,505 1,764 1,764
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 40 48 9 89 98 146 146
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83 224 307 76 1,527 1,603 1,910 1,910
Rural 36,053 18,837 54,890 55,443 1,48,461 2,03,904 2,58,794 15,089 9,708 24,797 25,526 72,867 98,393 1,23,190 3,81,984
All India Urban 384 345 729 481 1,510 1,991 2,720 198 253 451 303 1,018 1,321 1,772 4,492
Total 36,437 19,182 55,619 55,924 1,49,971 2,05,895 2,61,514 15,287 9,961 25,248 25,829 73,885 99,714 1,24,962 3,86,476

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Chottanagpuri - Pure Chottanagpuri - Graded
State/ Male Female
Pure +
Union Area Total Total
Under 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Territory Male + Male +
1 year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 107 62 169 113 125 238 407 407
BIHAR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 107 62 169 113 125 238 407 407
Rural 32,979 40,951 73,930 38,891 83,561 1,22,452 1,96,382 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,96,382
Urban 231 328 559 458 493 951 1,510 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,510
Total 33,210 41,279 74,489 39,349 84,054 1,23,403 1,97,892 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,97,892
Rural 62,393 60,245 1,22,638 77,587 1,17,054 1,94,641 3,17,279 744 670 1,414 702 1,177 1,879 3,293 3,20,572
Urban 289 297 586 417 518 935 1,521 2 2 4 2 3 5 9 1,530
Total 62,682 60,542 1,23,224 78,004 1,17,572 1,95,576 3,18,800 746 672 1,418 704 1,180 1,884 3,302 3,22,102
Rural 95,372 1,01,196 1,96,568 1,16,478 2,00,615 3,17,093 5,13,661 851 732 1,583 815 1,302 2,117 3,700 5,17,361
All India Urban 520 625 1,145 875 1,011 1,886 3,031 2 2 4 2 3 5 9 3,040
Total 95,892 1,01,821 1,97,713 1,17,353 2,01,626 3,18,979 5,16,692 853 734 1,587 817 1,305 2,122 3,709 5,20,401

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Coimbator - Pure Coimbator - Graded
State/ Male Female
Pure +
Union Area Total Total
Under 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Territory Male + Male +
1 year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 6 11 17 9 8 17 34 10 261 271 0 0 0 271 305
KERALA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 6 11 17 9 8 17 34 10 261 271 0 0 0 271 305
Rural 2,368 2,593 4,961 4,252 15,552 19,804 24,765 1,032 1,707 2,739 2,052 5,865 7,917 10,656 35,421
Urban 478 361 839 675 2,412 3,087 3,926 151 202 353 290 859 1,149 1,502 5,428
Total 2,846 2,954 5,800 4,927 17,964 22,891 28,691 1,183 1,909 3,092 2,342 6,724 9,066 12,158 40,849
Rural 2,374 2,604 4,978 4,261 15,560 19,821 24,799 1,042 1,968 3,010 2,052 5,865 7,917 10,927 35,726
All India Urban 478 361 839 675 2,412 3,087 3,926 151 202 353 290 859 1,149 1,502 5,428
Total 2,852 2,965 5,817 4,936 17,972 22,908 28,725 1,193 2,170 3,363 2,342 6,724 9,066 12,429 41,154

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Deccani - Pure Deccani - Graded
State/ Male Female
Pure +
Union Area Total Total
Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Territory Male + Male +
year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 2,10,988 1,66,111 3,77,099 4,60,653 11,77,227 16,37,880 20,14,979 1,42,390 1,01,459 2,43,849 3,04,339 8,87,634 11,91,973 14,35,822 34,50,801
Urban 3,496 3,243 6,739 4,393 14,530 18,923 25,662 4,581 5,153 9,734 8,482 20,803 29,285 39,019 64,681
Total 2,14,484 1,69,354 3,83,838 4,65,046 11,91,757 16,56,803 20,40,641 1,46,971 1,06,612 2,53,583 3,12,821 9,08,437 12,21,258 14,74,841 35,15,482
Rural 70,913 58,376 1,29,289 1,56,138 4,96,236 6,52,374 7,81,663 1,02,047 67,902 1,69,949 2,01,617 6,02,348 8,03,965 9,73,914 17,55,577
Urban 3,216 2,162 5,378 4,622 17,374 21,996 27,374 2,600 2,029 4,629 3,472 12,449 15,921 20,550 47,924
Total 74,129 60,538 1,34,667 1,60,760 5,13,610 6,74,370 8,09,037 1,04,647 69,931 1,74,578 2,05,089 6,14,797 8,19,886 9,94,464 18,03,501
Rural 86,805 56,448 1,43,253 1,74,052 5,41,316 7,15,368 8,58,621 3,197 2,705 5,902 5,352 17,168 22,520 28,422 8,87,043
Urban 1,674 1,546 3,220 2,923 8,964 11,887 15,107 42 10 52 57 292 349 401 15,508
Total 88,479 57,994 1,46,473 1,76,975 5,50,280 7,27,255 8,73,728 3,239 2,715 5,954 5,409 17,460 22,869 28,823 9,02,551
Rural 3,68,706 2,80,935 6,49,641 7,90,843 22,14,779 30,05,622 36,55,263 2,47,634 1,72,066 4,19,700 5,11,308 15,07,150 20,18,458 24,38,158 60,93,421
All India Urban 8,386 6,951 15,337 11,938 40,868 52,806 68,143 7,223 7,192 14,415 12,011 33,544 45,555 59,970 1,28,113
Total 3,77,092 2,87,886 6,64,978 8,02,781 22,55,647 30,58,428 37,23,406 2,54,857 1,79,258 4,34,115 5,23,319 15,40,694 20,64,013 24,98,128 62,21,534

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Gaddi - Pure Gaddi - Graded
State/ Union Male Female
Pure +
Area Total Total
Territory Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Male + Male +
year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 30 49 79 75 201 276 355 148 66 214 136 528 664 878 1,233
HARYANA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2
Total 30 49 79 75 201 276 355 148 66 214 137 529 666 880 1,235
Rural 20,568 29,352 49,920 37,019 86,628 1,23,647 1,73,567 9,963 14,657 24,620 17,902 46,170 64,072 88,692 2,62,259
Urban 15 8 23 8 6 14 37 5 5 10 7 10 17 27 64
Total 20,583 29,360 49,943 37,027 86,634 1,23,661 1,73,604 9,968 14,662 24,630 17,909 46,180 64,089 88,719 2,62,323
Rural 9,722 13,139 22,861 21,133 47,902 69,035 91,896 1,441 1,512 2,953 4,005 8,473 12,478 15,431 1,07,327
Urban 30 77 107 30 161 191 298 6 5 11 8 37 45 56 354
Total 9,752 13,216 22,968 21,163 48,063 69,226 92,194 1,447 1,517 2,964 4,013 8,510 12,523 15,487 1,07,681
Rural 750 816 1,566 1,274 2,995 4,269 5,835 551 699 1,250 1,248 3,418 4,666 5,916 11,751
PUNJAB Urban 6 34 40 9 38 47 87 4 8 12 7 78 85 97 184
Total 756 850 1,606 1,283 3,033 4,316 5,922 555 707 1,262 1,255 3,496 4,751 6,013 11,935
Rural 37 113 150 128 320 448 598 12 68 80 13 71 84 164 762
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 37 113 150 128 320 448 598 12 68 80 13 71 84 164 762
Rural 1,503 2,113 3,616 4,470 14,249 18,719 22,335 4,911 4,563 9,474 9,650 17,662 27,312 36,786 59,121
Urban 0 1 1 0 1 1 2 2 7 9 7 13 20 29 31
Total 1,503 2,114 3,617 4,470 14,250 18,720 22,337 4,913 4,570 9,483 9,657 17,675 27,332 36,815 59,152
Rural 32,610 45,582 78,192 64,099 1,52,295 2,16,394 2,94,586 17,026 21,565 38,591 32,954 76,322 1,09,276 1,47,867 4,42,453
All India Urban 51 120 171 47 206 253 424 17 25 42 30 139 169 211 635
Total 32,661 45,702 78,363 64,146 1,52,501 2,16,647 2,95,010 17,043 21,590 38,633 32,984 76,461 1,09,445 1,48,078 4,43,088

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Ganjam - Pure Ganjam - Graded
State/ Union Male Female
Pure +
Area Total Total
Territory Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Male + Male +
year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 11,617 12,929 24,546 16,503 42,996 59,499 84,045 1,529 2,142 3,671 2,869 6,320 9,189 12,860 96,905
ODISHA Urban 669 705 1,374 802 1,376 2,178 3,552 37 38 75 90 120 210 285 3,837
Total 12,286 13,634 25,920 17,305 44,372 61,677 87,597 1,566 2,180 3,746 2,959 6,440 9,399 13,145 1,00,742
Rural 11,617 12,929 24,546 16,503 42,996 59,499 84,045 1,529 2,142 3,671 2,869 6,320 9,189 12,860 96,905
All India Urban 669 705 1,374 802 1,376 2,178 3,552 37 38 75 90 120 210 285 3,837
Total 12,286 13,634 25,920 17,305 44,372 61,677 87,597 1,566 2,180 3,746 2,959 6,440 9,399 13,145 1,00,742

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Garole - Pure Garole - Graded
State/ Union Male Female
Pure +
Area Total Total
Territory Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Male + Male +
year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 29,819 30,815 60,634 43,004 61,610 1,04,614 1,65,248 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,65,248
Urban 51 62 113 54 116 170 283 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 283
Total 29,870 30,877 60,747 43,058 61,726 1,04,784 1,65,531 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,65,531
Rural 29,819 30,815 60,634 43,004 61,610 1,04,614 1,65,248 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,65,248
All India Urban 51 62 113 54 116 170 283 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 283
Total 29,870 30,877 60,747 43,058 61,726 1,04,784 1,65,531 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,65,531

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Gurez - Pure Gurez - Graded
State/ Union Male Female
Pure +
Area Total Total
Territory Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Male + Male +
year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 2,760 3,757 6,517 3,482 7,208 10,690 17,207 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17,207
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 2,760 3,757 6,517 3,482 7,208 10,690 17,207 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17,207
Rural 2,760 3,757 6,517 3,482 7,208 10,690 17,207 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17,207
All India Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 2,760 3,757 6,517 3,482 7,208 10,690 17,207 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17,207

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Hassan - Pure Hassan - Graded
State/ Union Male Female
Pure +
Area Total Total
Territory Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Male + Male +
year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 88,911 1,00,858 1,89,769 1,52,203 3,51,956 5,04,159 6,93,928 17,888 15,563 33,451 31,955 90,903 1,22,858 1,56,309 8,50,237
Urban 1,405 2,115 3,520 1,513 4,051 5,564 9,084 170 220 390 253 708 961 1,351 10,435
Total 90,316 1,02,973 1,93,289 1,53,716 3,56,007 5,09,723 7,03,012 18,058 15,783 33,841 32,208 91,611 1,23,819 1,57,660 8,60,672
Rural 88,911 1,00,858 1,89,769 1,52,203 3,51,956 5,04,159 6,93,928 17,888 15,563 33,451 31,955 90,903 1,22,858 1,56,309 8,50,237
All India Urban 1,405 2,115 3,520 1,513 4,051 5,564 9,084 170 220 390 253 708 961 1,351 10,435
Total 90,316 1,02,973 1,93,289 1,53,716 3,56,007 5,09,723 7,03,012 18,058 15,783 33,841 32,208 91,611 1,23,819 1,57,660 8,60,672

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Jaisalmeri - Pure Jaisalmeri - Graded
State/ Male Female
Pure +
Union Area Total Total
Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Territory Male + Male +
year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 385 226 611 746 2,084 2,830 3,441 115 135 250 272 2,016 2,288 2,538 5,979
HARYANA Urban 38 24 62 82 136 218 280 16 13 29 46 162 208 237 517
Total 423 250 673 828 2,220 3,048 3,721 131 148 279 318 2,178 2,496 2,775 6,496
Rural 122 166 288 118 372 490 778 242 341 583 296 401 697 1,280 2,058
Urban 0 2 2 0 2 2 4 6 6 12 12 16 28 40 44
Total 122 168 290 118 374 492 782 248 347 595 308 417 725 1,320 2,102
Rural 51 33 84 0 0 0 84 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 84
PUNJAB Urban 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Total 52 33 85 0 0 0 85 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 85
Rural 1,32,043 1,03,639 2,35,682 1,97,427 5,39,834 7,37,261 9,72,943 99,663 80,586 1,80,249 1,62,796 3,59,464 5,22,260 7,02,509 16,75,452
Urban 163 310 473 152 512 664 1,137 133 297 430 173 569 742 1,172 2,309
Total 1,32,206 1,03,949 2,36,155 1,97,579 5,40,346 7,37,925 9,74,080 99,796 80,883 1,80,679 1,62,969 3,60,033 5,23,002 7,03,681 16,77,761
Rural 6,293 7,762 14,055 7,833 18,316 26,149 40,204 10,055 11,437 21,492 12,590 27,693 40,283 61,775 1,01,979
Urban 1 7 8 0 0 0 8 50 111 161 142 278 420 581 589
Total 6,294 7,769 14,063 7,833 18,316 26,149 40,212 10,105 11,548 21,653 12,732 27,971 40,703 62,356 1,02,568
Rural 1,38,894 1,11,826 2,50,720 2,06,124 5,60,606 7,66,730 10,17,450 1,10,075 92,499 2,02,574 1,75,954 3,89,574 5,65,528 7,68,102 17,85,552
All India Urban 203 343 546 234 650 884 1,430 205 427 632 373 1,025 1,398 2,030 3,460
Total 1,39,097 1,12,169 2,51,266 2,06,358 5,61,256 7,67,614 10,18,880 1,10,280 92,926 2,03,206 1,76,327 3,90,599 5,66,926 7,70,132 17,89,012

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Jalauni - Pure Jalauni - Graded
State/ Union Male Female
Pure +
Area Total Total
Territory Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Male + Male +
year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 11,593 15,494 27,087 15,841 42,183 58,024 85,111 14,267 17,227 31,494 19,841 44,553 64,394 95,888 1,80,999
Urban 174 260 434 158 369 527 961 57 78 135 127 315 442 577 1,538
Total 11,767 15,754 27,521 15,999 42,552 58,551 86,072 14,324 17,305 31,629 19,968 44,868 64,836 96,465 1,82,537
Rural 11,593 15,494 27,087 15,841 42,183 58,024 85,111 14,267 17,227 31,494 19,841 44,553 64,394 95,888 1,80,999
All India Urban 174 260 434 158 369 527 961 57 78 135 127 315 442 577 1,538
Total 11,767 15,754 27,521 15,999 42,552 58,551 86,072 14,324 17,305 31,629 19,968 44,868 64,836 96,465 1,82,537

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Karnah - Pure Karnah - Graded
State/ Union Male Female
Pure +
Area Total Total
Territory Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Male + Male +
year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 425 269 694 702 1,550 2,252 2,946 9 7 16 13 58 71 87 3,033
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 425 269 694 702 1,550 2,252 2,946 9 7 16 13 58 71 87 3,033
Rural 425 269 694 702 1,550 2,252 2,946 9 7 16 13 58 71 87 3,033
All India Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 425 269 694 702 1,550 2,252 2,946 9 7 16 13 58 71 87 3,033

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Kashmir Merino - Pure Kashmir Merino - Graded
State/ Male Female
Pure +
Union Area Total Total
Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Territory Male + Male +
year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 7,885 5,153 13,038 6,990 15,340 22,330 35,368 731 1,338 2,069 990 2,586 3,576 5,645 41,013
Urban 251 483 734 363 849 1,212 1,946 41 29 70 36 42 78 148 2,094
Total 8,136 5,636 13,772 7,353 16,189 23,542 37,314 772 1,367 2,139 1,026 2,628 3,654 5,793 43,107
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 24 37 38 62 100 137 137
PUNJAB Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 24 37 38 62 100 137 137
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 222 253 475 345 682 1,027 1,502 1,502
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 6 3 10 13 19 19
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 225 256 481 348 692 1,040 1,521 1,521
Rural 0 104 104 0 0 0 104 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 104
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 104 104 0 0 0 104 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 104
Rural 7,885 5,257 13,142 6,990 15,340 22,330 35,472 966 1,615 2,581 1,373 3,330 4,703 7,284 42,756
All India Urban 251 483 734 363 849 1,212 1,946 44 32 76 39 52 91 167 2,113
Total 8,136 5,740 13,876 7,353 16,189 23,542 37,418 1,010 1,647 2,657 1,412 3,382 4,794 7,451 44,869

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Kenguri - Pure Kenguri - Graded
State/ Male Female
Pure +
Union Area Total Total
Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Territory Male + Male +
year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 26,068 16,976 43,044 52,337 1,42,302 1,94,639 2,37,683 41,049 24,976 66,025 87,405 2,71,688 3,59,093 4,25,118 6,62,801
Urban 652 533 1,185 1,152 2,973 4,125 5,310 626 672 1,298 1,582 4,336 5,918 7,216 12,526
Total 26,720 17,509 44,229 53,489 1,45,275 1,98,764 2,42,993 41,675 25,648 67,323 88,987 2,76,024 3,65,011 4,32,334 6,75,327
Rural 0 0 0 0 30 30 30 290 77 367 333 899 1,232 1,599 1,629
PUNJAB Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 2 6 8 14 14
Total 0 0 0 0 30 30 30 296 77 373 335 905 1,240 1,613 1,643
Rural 26,068 16,976 43,044 52,337 1,42,332 1,94,669 2,37,713 41,339 25,053 66,392 87,738 2,72,587 3,60,325 4,26,717 6,64,430
All India Urban 652 533 1,185 1,152 2,973 4,125 5,310 632 672 1,304 1,584 4,342 5,926 7,230 12,540
Total 26,720 17,509 44,229 53,489 1,45,305 1,98,794 2,43,023 41,971 25,725 67,696 89,322 2,76,929 3,66,251 4,33,947 6,76,970

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Kilakarsal - Pure Kilakarsal - Graded
State/ Male Female
Pure +
Union Area Total Total
Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Territory Male + Male +
year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 3,886 5,039 8,925 5,975 17,979 23,954 32,879 9,900 8,793 18,693 13,566 37,247 50,813 69,506 1,02,385
Urban 692 1,070 1,762 409 2,064 2,473 4,235 635 1,511 2,146 729 1,895 2,624 4,770 9,005
Total 4,578 6,109 10,687 6,384 20,043 26,427 37,114 10,535 10,304 20,839 14,295 39,142 53,437 74,276 1,11,390
Rural 3,886 5,039 8,925 5,975 17,979 23,954 32,879 9,900 8,793 18,693 13,566 37,247 50,813 69,506 1,02,385
All India Urban 692 1,070 1,762 409 2,064 2,473 4,235 635 1,511 2,146 729 1,895 2,624 4,770 9,005
Total 4,578 6,109 10,687 6,384 20,043 26,427 37,114 10,535 10,304 20,839 14,295 39,142 53,437 74,276 1,11,390

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Madras red - Pure Madras red - Graded
State/ Male Female
Pure +
Union Area Total Total
Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Territory Male + Male +
year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 55 72 54 173 227 299 299
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 6 2 1 3 9 9
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 58 78 56 174 230 308 308
Rural 37,634 36,369 74,003 64,292 1,59,923 2,24,215 2,98,218 16,772 13,482 30,254 27,938 60,829 88,767 1,19,021 4,17,239
Urban 1,873 2,179 4,052 2,865 6,398 9,263 13,315 695 830 1,525 1,538 3,625 5,163 6,688 20,003
Total 39,507 38,548 78,055 67,157 1,66,321 2,33,478 3,11,533 17,467 14,312 31,779 29,476 64,454 93,930 1,25,709 4,37,242
Rural 37,634 36,369 74,003 64,292 1,59,923 2,24,215 2,98,218 16,789 13,537 30,326 27,992 61,002 88,994 1,19,320 4,17,538
All India Urban 1,873 2,179 4,052 2,865 6,398 9,263 13,315 698 833 1,531 1,540 3,626 5,166 6,697 20,012
Total 39,507 38,548 78,055 67,157 1,66,321 2,33,478 3,11,533 17,487 14,370 31,857 29,532 64,628 94,160 1,26,017 4,37,550

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Magra - Pure Magra - Graded
State/ Male Female
Pure +
Union Area Total Total
Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Territory Male + Male +
year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 131 68 199 335 1,317 1,652 1,851 310 238 548 654 1,826 2,480 3,028 4,879
HARYANA Urban 2 1 3 13 79 92 95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 95
Total 133 69 202 348 1,396 1,744 1,946 310 238 548 654 1,826 2,480 3,028 4,974
Rural 756 291 1,047 781 1,690 2,471 3,518 522 409 931 869 2,327 3,196 4,127 7,645
PUNJAB Urban 14 6 20 27 46 73 93 11 10 21 32 71 103 124 217
Total 770 297 1,067 808 1,736 2,544 3,611 533 419 952 901 2,398 3,299 4,251 7,862
Rural 68,299 68,270 1,36,569 1,07,111 2,49,949 3,57,060 4,93,629 3,706 2,915 6,621 6,251 12,981 19,232 25,853 5,19,482
Urban 760 740 1,500 1,525 2,998 4,523 6,023 15 9 24 5 15 20 44 6,067
Total 69,059 69,010 1,38,069 1,08,636 2,52,947 3,61,583 4,99,652 3,721 2,924 6,645 6,256 12,996 19,252 25,897 5,25,549
Rural 1,022 457 1,479 182 833 1,015 2,494 2,063 2,395 4,458 2,891 6,097 8,988 13,446 15,940
Urban 43 57 100 35 77 112 212 0 0 0 7 23 30 30 242
Total 1,065 514 1,579 217 910 1,127 2,706 2,063 2,395 4,458 2,898 6,120 9,018 13,476 16,182
Rural 70,208 69,086 1,39,294 1,08,409 2,53,789 3,62,198 5,01,492 6,601 5,957 12,558 10,665 23,231 33,896 46,454 5,47,946
All India Urban 819 804 1,623 1,600 3,200 4,800 6,423 26 19 45 44 109 153 198 6,621
Total 71,027 69,890 1,40,917 1,10,009 2,56,989 3,66,998 5,07,915 6,627 5,976 12,603 10,709 23,340 34,049 46,652 5,54,567

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Malapura - Pure Malapura - Graded
State/ Male Female
Pure +
Union Area Total Total
Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Territory Male + Male +
year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 30,192 17,678 47,870 52,212 1,42,983 1,95,195 2,43,065 13,254 8,343 21,597 20,691 50,509 71,200 92,797 3,35,862
Urban 242 267 509 393 1,284 1,677 2,186 228 178 406 259 590 849 1,255 3,441
Total 30,434 17,945 48,379 52,605 1,44,267 1,96,872 2,45,251 13,482 8,521 22,003 20,950 51,099 72,049 94,052 3,39,303
Rural 30,192 17,678 47,870 52,212 1,42,983 1,95,195 2,43,065 13,254 8,343 21,597 20,691 50,509 71,200 92,797 3,35,862
All India Urban 242 267 509 393 1,284 1,677 2,186 228 178 406 259 590 849 1,255 3,441
Total 30,434 17,945 48,379 52,605 1,44,267 1,96,872 2,45,251 13,482 8,521 22,003 20,950 51,099 72,049 94,052 3,39,303

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Mandya - Pure Mandya - Graded
State/ Male Female
Pure +
Union Area Total Total
Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Territory Male + Male +
year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 30,070 42,384 72,454 52,426 1,14,622 1,67,048 2,39,502 29,459 31,843 61,302 46,975 1,16,274 1,63,249 2,24,551 4,64,053
Urban 826 1,488 2,314 838 1,814 2,652 4,966 575 1,111 1,686 1,140 2,236 3,376 5,062 10,028
Total 30,896 43,872 74,768 53,264 1,16,436 1,69,700 2,44,468 30,034 32,954 62,988 48,115 1,18,510 1,66,625 2,29,613 4,74,081
Rural 30,070 42,384 72,454 52,426 1,14,622 1,67,048 2,39,502 29,459 31,843 61,302 46,975 1,16,274 1,63,249 2,24,551 4,64,053
All India Urban 826 1,488 2,314 838 1,814 2,652 4,966 575 1,111 1,686 1,140 2,236 3,376 5,062 10,028
Total 30,896 43,872 74,768 53,264 1,16,436 1,69,700 2,44,468 30,034 32,954 62,988 48,115 1,18,510 1,66,625 2,29,613 4,74,081

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Marwari - Pure Marwari - Graded
State/ Male Female
Pure +
Union Area Total Total
Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Territory Male + Male +
year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 830 831 1,661 1,304 2,217 3,521 5,182 5,184
BIHAR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 55 119 120 90 210 329 329
Total 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 894 886 1,780 1,424 2,307 3,731 5,511 5,513
Rural 60,289 70,753 1,31,042 1,36,654 3,23,318 4,59,972 5,91,014 16,192 19,527 35,719 35,459 91,461 1,26,920 1,62,639 7,53,653
GUJARAT Urban 1,253 1,884 3,137 2,426 7,965 10,391 13,528 868 1,189 2,057 1,223 2,976 4,199 6,256 19,784
Total 61,542 72,637 1,34,179 1,39,080 3,31,283 4,70,363 6,04,542 17,060 20,716 37,776 36,682 94,437 1,31,119 1,68,895 7,73,437
Rural 64 70 134 91 197 288 422 24 55 79 117 301 418 497 919
HARYANA Urban 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 0 0 0 1 3 4 4 8
Total 65 71 136 92 198 290 426 24 55 79 118 304 422 501 927
Rural 701 545 1,246 1,616 4,262 5,878 7,124 53 53 106 169 364 533 639 7,763
PUNJAB Urban 92 102 194 131 392 523 717 13 26 39 13 40 53 92 809
Total 793 647 1,440 1,747 4,654 6,401 7,841 66 79 145 182 404 586 731 8,572
Rural 3,12,097 1,96,843 5,08,940 5,28,808 13,99,215 19,28,023 24,36,963 1,11,870 76,452 1,88,322 1,79,036 4,81,107 6,60,143 8,48,465 32,85,428
Urban 2,995 2,997 5,992 4,935 13,143 18,078 24,070 996 1,370 2,366 1,352 4,563 5,915 8,281 32,351
Total 3,15,092 1,99,840 5,14,932 5,33,743 14,12,358 19,46,101 24,61,033 1,12,866 77,822 1,90,688 1,80,388 4,85,670 6,66,058 8,56,746 33,17,779
Rural 172 334 506 263 268 531 1,037 126 44 170 153 305 458 628 1,665
Urban 11 29 40 8 23 31 71 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 71
Total 183 363 546 271 291 562 1,108 126 44 170 153 305 458 628 1,736
Rural 3,73,323 2,68,545 6,41,868 6,67,433 17,27,261 23,94,694 30,36,562 1,29,095 96,962 2,26,057 2,16,238 5,75,755 7,91,993 10,18,050 40,54,612
All India Urban 4,352 5,013 9,365 7,501 21,524 29,025 38,390 1,941 2,640 4,581 2,709 7,672 10,381 14,962 53,352
Total 3,77,675 2,73,558 6,51,233 6,74,934 17,48,785 24,23,719 30,74,952 1,31,036 99,602 2,30,638 2,18,947 5,83,427 8,02,374 10,33,012 41,07,964

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Mercheri - Pure Mercheri - Graded
State/ Male Female
Pure +
Union Area Total Total
Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Territory Male + Male +
year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
ANDAMAN Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
& Urban 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Total 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Rural 1,37,889 1,26,406 2,64,295 2,42,124 5,84,091 8,26,215 10,90,510 35,064 22,223 57,287 45,286 91,765 1,37,051 1,94,338 12,84,848
Urban 18,059 16,919 34,978 25,256 61,480 86,736 1,21,714 4,579 3,566 8,145 5,902 9,124 15,026 23,171 1,44,885
Total 1,55,948 1,43,325 2,99,273 2,67,380 6,45,571 9,12,951 12,12,224 39,643 25,789 65,432 51,188 1,00,889 1,52,077 2,17,509 14,29,733
Rural 1,37,889 1,26,406 2,64,295 2,42,124 5,84,091 8,26,215 10,90,510 35,064 22,223 57,287 45,286 91,765 1,37,051 1,94,338 12,84,848
All India Urban 18,059 16,919 34,978 25,256 61,481 86,737 1,21,715 4,579 3,566 8,145 5,902 9,124 15,026 23,171 1,44,886
Total 1,55,948 1,43,325 2,99,273 2,67,380 6,45,572 9,12,952 12,12,225 39,643 25,789 65,432 51,188 1,00,889 1,52,077 2,17,509 14,29,734

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Muzzafarnagri - Pure Muzzafarnagri - Graded
State/ Male Female
Pure +
Union Area Total Total
Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Territory Male + Male +
year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 142 80 222 221 548 769 991 991
HARYANA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 7 5 7 12 19 19
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 145 84 229 226 555 781 1,010 1,010
Rural 14,067 17,819 31,886 19,143 41,688 60,831 92,717 10,541 12,975 23,516 16,112 37,310 53,422 76,938 1,69,655
Urban 1,022 1,069 2,091 1,084 1,785 2,869 4,960 302 320 622 273 562 835 1,457 6,417
Total 15,089 18,888 33,977 20,227 43,473 63,700 97,677 10,843 13,295 24,138 16,385 37,872 54,257 78,395 1,76,072
Rural 60 400 460 294 875 1,169 1,629 617 1,260 1,877 1,044 2,197 3,241 5,118 6,747
Urban 0 9 9 2 11 13 22 0 5 5 0 4 4 9 31
Total 60 409 469 296 886 1,182 1,651 617 1,265 1,882 1,044 2,201 3,245 5,127 6,778
Rural 14,127 18,219 32,346 19,437 42,563 62,000 94,346 11,300 14,315 25,615 17,377 40,055 57,432 83,047 1,77,393
All India Urban 1,022 1,078 2,100 1,086 1,796 2,882 4,982 305 329 634 278 573 851 1,485 6,467
Total 15,149 19,297 34,446 20,523 44,359 64,882 99,328 11,605 14,644 26,249 17,655 40,628 58,283 84,532 1,83,860

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Nellore - Pure Nellore - Graded
State/ Male Female
Pure +
Union Area Total Total
Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Territory Male + Male +
year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 7,85,087 5,31,846 13,16,933 14,27,473 41,37,209 55,64,682 68,81,615 5,34,894 3,57,999 8,92,893 10,54,456 27,90,585 38,45,041 47,37,934 1,16,19,549
Urban 9,334 11,989 21,323 11,284 26,744 38,028 59,351 7,313 4,795 12,108 15,202 37,808 53,010 65,118 1,24,469
Total 7,94,421 5,43,835 13,38,256 14,38,757 41,63,953 56,02,710 69,40,966 5,42,207 3,62,794 9,05,001 10,69,658 28,28,393 38,98,051 48,03,052 1,17,44,018

Rural 136 69 205 291 653 944 1,149 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,149

HARYANA Urban 9 2 11 13 43 56 67 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 67

Total 145 71 216 304 696 1,000 1,216 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,216

Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 44 119 98 416 514 633 633

Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 44 119 98 416 514 633 633

Rural 7,85,223 5,31,915 13,17,138 14,27,764 41,37,862 55,65,626 68,82,764 5,34,969 3,58,043 8,93,012 10,54,554 27,91,001 38,45,555 47,38,567 1,16,21,331

All India Urban 9,343 11,991 21,334 11,297 26,787 38,084 59,418 7,313 4,795 12,108 15,202 37,808 53,010 65,118 1,24,536

Total 7,94,566 5,43,906 13,38,472 14,39,061 41,64,649 56,03,710 69,42,182 5,42,282 3,62,838 9,05,120 10,69,756 28,28,809 38,98,565 48,03,685 1,17,45,867

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Patanwadi - Pure Patanwadi - Graded
State/ Male Female
Pure +
Union Area Total Total
Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Territory Male + Male +
year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 42,032 53,853 95,885 82,326 2,73,747 3,56,073 4,51,958 22,592 26,434 49,026 48,399 1,79,779 2,28,178 2,77,204 7,29,162

GUJARAT Urban 3,096 5,846 8,942 3,555 8,542 12,097 21,039 1,671 3,029 4,700 2,306 6,156 8,462 13,162 34,201

Total 45,128 59,699 1,04,827 85,881 2,82,289 3,68,170 4,72,997 24,263 29,463 53,726 50,705 1,85,935 2,36,640 2,90,366 7,63,363

Rural 42,032 53,853 95,885 82,326 2,73,747 3,56,073 4,51,958 22,592 26,434 49,026 48,399 1,79,779 2,28,178 2,77,204 7,29,162

All India Urban 3,096 5,846 8,942 3,555 8,542 12,097 21,039 1,671 3,029 4,700 2,306 6,156 8,462 13,162 34,201

Total 45,128 59,699 1,04,827 85,881 2,82,289 3,68,170 4,72,997 24,263 29,463 53,726 50,705 1,85,935 2,36,640 2,90,366 7,63,363

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Poonchi - Pure Poonchi - Graded Total
State/ Male Female Pure +
Union Area Total Total
Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Territory Male + Male +
year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 396 380 776 502 1,362 1,864 2,640 683 708 1,391 1,075 1,913 2,988 4,379 7,019
Urban 2 1 3 0 0 0 3 3 3 6 3 5 8 14 17
Total 398 381 779 502 1,362 1,864 2,643 686 711 1,397 1,078 1,918 2,996 4,393 7,036

Rural 396 380 776 502 1,362 1,864 2,640 683 708 1,391 1,075 1,913 2,988 4,379 7,019

All India Urban 2 1 3 0 0 0 3 3 3 6 3 5 8 14 17

Total 398 381 779 502 1,362 1,864 2,643 686 711 1,397 1,078 1,918 2,996 4,393 7,036

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Pugal - Pure Pugal - Graded
State/ Male Female
Pure +
Union Area Total Total
Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Territory Male + Male +
year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 12,747 10,225 22,972 19,471 56,440 75,911 98,883 6,535 4,793 11,328 8,860 21,731 30,591 41,919 1,40,802
Urban 59 101 160 127 409 536 696 16 17 33 26 48 74 107 803
Total 12,806 10,326 23,132 19,598 56,849 76,447 99,579 6,551 4,810 11,361 8,886 21,779 30,665 42,026 1,41,605
Rural 12,747 10,225 22,972 19,471 56,440 75,911 98,883 6,535 4,793 11,328 8,860 21,731 30,591 41,919 1,40,802
All India Urban 59 101 160 127 409 536 696 16 17 33 26 48 74 107 803
Total 12,806 10,326 23,132 19,598 56,849 76,447 99,579 6,551 4,810 11,361 8,886 21,779 30,665 42,026 1,41,605

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Ramnad White - Pure Ramnad White - Graded
State/ Male Female
Pure +
Union Area Total Total
Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Territory Male + Male +
year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 1,960 1,308 3,268 4,270 11,981 16,251 19,519 1,580 299 1,879 1,496 1,992 3,488 5,367 24,886
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1,960 1,308 3,268 4,270 11,981 16,251 19,519 1,580 299 1,879 1,496 1,992 3,488 5,367 24,886
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 121 16 137 24 45 69 206 206
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 121 16 137 24 45 69 206 206
Rural 1,20,837 98,400 2,19,237 1,47,888 3,06,401 4,54,289 6,73,526 19,387 23,612 42,999 29,239 56,582 85,821 1,28,820 8,02,346
Urban 3,166 2,859 6,025 3,428 7,530 10,958 16,983 1,755 1,584 3,339 1,207 2,208 3,415 6,754 23,737
Total 1,24,003 1,01,259 2,25,262 1,51,316 3,13,931 4,65,247 6,90,509 21,142 25,196 46,338 30,446 58,790 89,236 1,35,574 8,26,083
Rural 1,22,797 99,708 2,22,505 1,52,158 3,18,382 4,70,540 6,93,045 21,088 23,927 45,015 30,759 58,619 89,378 1,34,393 8,27,438
All India Urban 3,166 2,859 6,025 3,428 7,530 10,958 16,983 1,755 1,584 3,339 1,207 2,208 3,415 6,754 23,737
Total 1,25,963 1,02,567 2,28,530 1,55,586 3,25,912 4,81,498 7,10,028 22,843 25,511 48,354 31,966 60,827 92,793 1,41,147 8,51,175

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Rampur Bushair - Pure Rampur Bushair - Graded
State/ Male Female
Pure +
Union Area Total Total
Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Territory Male + Male +
year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 1,604 3,441 5,045 3,860 9,378 13,238 18,283 2,480 3,678 6,158 3,511 12,127 15,638 21,796 40,079
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1,604 3,441 5,045 3,860 9,378 13,238 18,283 2,480 3,678 6,158 3,511 12,127 15,638 21,796 40,079
Rural 612 685 1,297 546 1,603 2,149 3,446 515 706 1,221 969 2,504 3,473 4,694 8,140
Urban 4 15 19 1 6 7 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26
Total 616 700 1,316 547 1,609 2,156 3,472 515 706 1,221 969 2,504 3,473 4,694 8,166
Rural 281 471 752 340 739 1,079 1,831 345 229 574 120 225 345 919 2,750
Urban 0 6 6 2 6 8 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14
Total 281 477 758 342 745 1,087 1,845 345 229 574 120 225 345 919 2,764
Rural 2,497 4,597 7,094 4,746 11,720 16,466 23,560 3,340 4,613 7,953 4,600 14,856 19,456 27,409 50,969
All India Urban 4 21 25 3 12 15 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40
Total 2,501 4,618 7,119 4,749 11,732 16,481 23,600 3,340 4,613 7,953 4,600 14,856 19,456 27,409 51,009

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Shahbadi - Pure Shahbadi - Graded
State/ Male Female
Pure +
Union Area Total Total
Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Territory Male + Male +
year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 7,406 9,421 16,827 10,521 16,816 27,337 44,164 4,674 7,429 12,103 7,282 15,584 22,866 34,969 79,133
BIHAR Urban 20 30 50 18 32 50 100 59 93 152 92 148 240 392 492
Total 7,426 9,451 16,877 10,539 16,848 27,387 44,264 4,733 7,522 12,255 7,374 15,732 23,106 35,361 79,625
Rural 1,951 2,835 4,786 2,490 5,822 8,312 13,098 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,098
Urban 4 3 7 4 12 16 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23
Total 1,955 2,838 4,793 2,494 5,834 8,328 13,121 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,121
Rural 3,209 3,889 7,098 2,651 4,045 6,696 13,794 0 142 142 0 56 56 198 13,992
Urban 11 25 36 15 48 63 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 99
Total 3,220 3,914 7,134 2,666 4,093 6,759 13,893 0 142 142 0 56 56 198 14,091
Rural 12,566 16,145 28,711 15,662 26,683 42,345 71,056 4,674 7,571 12,245 7,282 15,640 22,922 35,167 1,06,223
All India Urban 35 58 93 37 92 129 222 59 93 152 92 148 240 392 614
Total 12,601 16,203 28,804 15,699 26,775 42,474 71,278 4,733 7,664 12,397 7,374 15,788 23,162 35,559 1,06,837

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Sonadi - Pure Sonadi - Graded
State/ Male Female
Pure +
Union Area Total Total
Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Territory Male + Male +
year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 17,307 14,078 31,385 29,897 95,143 1,25,040 1,56,425 7,424 6,012 13,436 12,984 32,066 45,050 58,486 2,14,911
Urban 152 159 311 194 764 958 1,269 94 66 160 165 527 692 852 2,121
Total 17,459 14,237 31,696 30,091 95,907 1,25,998 1,57,694 7,518 6,078 13,596 13,149 32,593 45,742 59,338 2,17,032
Rural 17,307 14,078 31,385 29,897 95,143 1,25,040 1,56,425 7,424 6,012 13,436 12,984 32,066 45,050 58,486 2,14,911
All India Urban 152 159 311 194 764 958 1,269 94 66 160 165 527 692 852 2,121
Total 17,459 14,237 31,696 30,091 95,907 1,25,998 1,57,694 7,518 6,078 13,596 13,149 32,593 45,742 59,338 2,17,032

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Tiruchi Black - Pure Tiruchi Black - Graded
State/ Male Female
Pure +
Union Area Total Total
Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Territory Male + Male +
year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 7,884 9,190 17,074 8,652 20,176 28,828 45,902 1,188 1,838 3,026 4,538 6,391 10,929 13,955 59,857
Urban 253 359 612 374 605 979 1,591 58 172 230 216 486 702 932 2,523
Total 8,137 9,549 17,686 9,026 20,781 29,807 47,493 1,246 2,010 3,256 4,754 6,877 11,631 14,887 62,380
Rural 7,884 9,190 17,074 8,652 20,176 28,828 45,902 1,188 1,838 3,026 4,538 6,391 10,929 13,955 59,857
All India Urban 253 359 612 374 605 979 1,591 58 172 230 216 486 702 932 2,523
Total 8,137 9,549 17,686 9,026 20,781 29,807 47,493 1,246 2,010 3,256 4,754 6,877 11,631 14,887 62,380

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Vembur - Pure Venbur - Graded
State/ Male Female
Pure +
Union Area Total Total
Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 1 year Total Under 1 1 year & Total Under 1 year & Total Graded
Territory Male + Male +
year above Male year & above Female year above Male 1 year above Female
Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Rural 5,085 5,431 10,516 7,482 12,719 20,201 30,717 210 607 817 409 4,161 4,570 5,387 36,104
Urban 396 589 985 836 1,548 2,384 3,369 8 74 82 16 93 109 191 3,560
Total 5,481 6,020 11,501 8,318 14,267 22,585 34,086 218 681 899 425 4,254 4,679 5,578 39,664
Rural 5,085 5,431 10,516 7,482 12,719 20,201 30,717 210 607 817 409 4,161 4,570 5,387 36,104
All India Urban 396 589 985 836 1,548 2,384 3,369 8 74 82 16 93 109 191 3,560
Total 5,481 6,020 11,501 8,318 14,267 22,585 34,086 218 681 899 425 4,254 4,679 5,578 39,664

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Non Descript Sheep
State/ Union Male Female
Area Total
Male + Female
Under 1 year 1 year & above Total Male Under 1 year 1 year & above Total Female

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Urban 0 2 2 0 0 0 2
Total 0 2 2 0 0 0 2
Rural 12,34,775 9,53,814 21,88,589 22,59,948 58,99,105 81,59,053 1,03,47,642
ANDHRA PRADESH Urban 15,115 21,731 36,846 30,243 69,836 1,00,079 1,36,925
Total 12,49,890 9,75,545 22,25,435 22,90,191 59,68,941 82,59,132 1,04,84,567
Rural 1,984 2,961 4,945 2,651 4,561 7,212 12,157
ARUNACHAL PRADESH Urban 12 9 21 17 13 30 51
Total 1,996 2,970 4,966 2,668 4,574 7,242 12,208
Rural 97,141 97,494 1,94,635 1,16,659 1,92,801 3,09,460 5,04,095
ASSAM Urban 1,006 967 1,973 1,022 1,490 2,512 4,485
Total 98,147 98,461 1,96,608 1,17,681 1,94,291 3,11,972 5,08,580
Rural 23,055 29,971 53,026 28,216 52,273 80,489 1,33,515
BIHAR Urban 227 567 794 451 966 1,417 2,211
Total 23,282 30,538 53,820 28,667 53,239 81,906 1,35,726
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CHANDIGARH Urban 3 26 29 3 29 32 61
Total 3 26 29 3 29 32 61
Rural 26,252 29,790 56,042 34,889 71,407 1,06,296 1,62,338
CHHATTISGARH Urban 378 671 1,049 868 2,165 3,033 4,082
Total 26,630 30,461 57,091 35,757 73,572 1,09,329 1,66,420
Rural 27 45 72 8 7 15 87
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 27 45 72 8 7 15 87
Rural 0 1 1 0 0 0 1
DAMAN & DIU Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 1 1 0 0 0 1
Rural 16,152 18,778 34,930 28,742 70,229 98,971 1,33,901
GUJARAT Urban 1,139 2,915 4,054 2,109 4,802 6,911 10,965
Total 17,291 21,693 38,984 30,851 75,031 1,05,882 1,44,866
Rural 31,908 22,016 53,924 54,670 1,49,998 2,04,668 2,58,592
HARYANA Urban 1,008 849 1,857 1,708 4,174 5,882 7,739
Total 32,916 22,865 55,781 56,378 1,54,172 2,10,550 2,66,331
Rural 22,066 35,902 57,968 36,659 1,02,474 1,39,133 1,97,101
HIMACHAL PRADESH Urban 24 32 56 30 91 121 177
Total 22,090 35,934 58,024 36,689 1,02,565 1,39,254 1,97,278
Rural 93,254 1,34,415 2,27,669 1,74,333 3,79,463 5,53,796 7,81,465
JAMMU & KASHMIR Urban 1,351 3,765 5,116 1,883 5,978 7,861 12,977
Total 94,605 1,38,180 2,32,785 1,76,216 3,85,441 5,61,657 7,94,442
Rural 60,031 80,565 1,40,596 71,309 1,49,972 2,21,281 3,61,877
JHARKHAND Urban 286 433 719 264 672 936 1,655
Total 60,317 80,998 1,41,315 71,573 1,50,644 2,22,217 3,63,532
Rural 4,05,188 3,56,880 7,62,068 7,79,339 22,70,284 30,49,623 38,11,691
KARNATAKA Urban 15,558 16,389 31,947 22,517 66,952 89,469 1,21,416
Total 4,20,746 3,73,269 7,94,015 8,01,856 23,37,236 31,39,092 39,33,107
Rural 52 324 376 79 218 297 673
KERALA Urban 1 9 10 5 6 11 21
Total 53 333 386 84 224 308 694
Rural 44,402 43,009 87,411 62,459 1,35,415 1,97,874 2,85,285
MADHYA PRADESH Urban 1,029 1,307 2,336 1,597 3,734 5,331 7,667
Total 45,431 44,316 89,747 64,056 1,39,149 2,03,205 2,92,952

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Sheep by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Non Descript Sheep
State/ Union Male Female
Area Total
Male + Female
Under 1 year 1 year & above Total Male Under 1 year 1 year & above Total Female

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rural 1,75,209 1,48,697 3,23,906 3,36,960 9,17,967 12,54,927 15,78,833
MAHARASHTRA Urban 3,914 4,971 8,885 5,057 13,433 18,490 27,375
Total 1,79,123 1,53,668 3,32,791 3,42,017 9,31,400 12,73,417 16,06,208
Rural 1,558 2,311 3,869 1,370 2,275 3,645 7,514
MANIPUR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1,558 2,311 3,869 1,370 2,275 3,645 7,514
Rural 3,702 3,463 7,165 4,848 7,479 12,327 19,492
MEGHALAYA Urban 1 2 3 2 2 4 7
Total 3,703 3,465 7,168 4,850 7,481 12,331 19,499
Rural 13 8 21 14 17 31 52
MIZORAM Urban 4 4 8 1 6 7 15
Total 17 12 29 15 23 38 67
Rural 703 814 1,517 657 720 1,377 2,894
NAGALAND Urban 2 3 5 3 5 8 13
Total 705 817 1,522 660 725 1,385 2,907
Rural 65 52 117 33 45 78 195
NCT OF DELHI Urban 21 27 48 14 21 35 83
Total 86 79 165 47 66 113 278
Rural 1,54,806 2,40,751 3,95,557 2,25,610 5,23,918 7,49,528 11,45,085
ODISHA Urban 3,093 3,377 6,470 3,668 7,524 11,192 17,662
Total 1,57,899 2,44,128 4,02,027 2,29,278 5,31,442 7,60,720 11,62,747
Rural 18 31 49 40 147 187 236
PUDUCHERRY Urban 0 3 3 0 4 4 7
Total 18 34 52 40 151 191 243
Rural 5,858 5,243 11,101 10,129 28,862 38,991 50,092
PUNJAB Urban 343 430 773 266 791 1,057 1,830
Total 6,201 5,673 11,874 10,395 29,653 40,048 51,922
Rural 3,12,866 2,21,797 5,34,663 5,25,167 13,32,090 18,57,257 23,91,920
RAJASTHAN Urban 2,478 2,952 5,430 3,542 10,775 14,317 19,747
Total 3,15,344 2,24,749 5,40,093 5,28,709 13,42,865 18,71,574 24,11,667
Rural 9 0 9 0 0 0 9
SIKKIM Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 9 0 9 0 0 0 9
Rural 1,76,118 1,95,726 3,71,844 2,72,508 6,26,223 8,98,731 12,70,575
TAMIL NADU Urban 10,416 15,105 25,521 13,946 31,015 44,961 70,482
Total 1,86,534 2,10,831 3,97,365 2,86,454 6,57,238 9,43,692 13,41,057
Rural 455 449 904 483 905 1,388 2,292
TRIPURA Urban 96 85 181 138 222 360 541
Total 551 534 1,085 621 1,127 1,748 2,833
Rural 1,23,400 1,45,105 2,68,505 1,68,358 3,24,362 4,92,720 7,61,225
UTTAR PRADESH Urban 3,356 3,536 6,892 3,318 5,370 8,688 15,580
Total 1,26,756 1,48,641 2,75,397 1,71,676 3,29,732 5,01,408 7,76,805
Rural 20,132 27,590 47,722 32,615 91,662 1,24,277 1,71,999
UTTARAKHAND Urban 33 85 118 25 309 334 452
Total 20,165 27,675 47,840 32,640 91,971 1,24,611 1,72,451
Rural 62,421 62,623 1,25,044 76,943 1,14,802 1,91,745 3,16,789
WEST BENGAL Urban 342 333 675 489 840 1,329 2,004
Total 62,763 62,956 1,25,719 77,432 1,15,642 1,93,074 3,18,793
Rural 30,93,620 28,60,625 59,54,245 53,05,696 1,34,49,681 1,87,55,377 2,47,09,622
All India Urban 61,236 80,585 1,41,821 93,186 2,31,225 3,24,411 4,66,232
Total 31,54,856 29,41,210 60,96,066 53,98,882 1,36,80,906 1,90,79,788 2,51,75,854
Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Annexure - IV
State wise details of Indigenous Goats by
age, sex and use
Breed Survey 2012
Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Goats by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Attapadi Black - Pure Attapadi Black - Graded
Male Female Male Female
State/ Union Total Pure +
Area 1 year & above 1 year & above
Territory Total Male + Graded
1 year 1 year
Under Total Under Total Male + Under Total Under Total Female
& Not & Not
1 year Male 1 year In Female 1 year Male 1 year In
above Dry Calved Female above Dry Calved Female
Milk Milk
once once

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Rural 5 18 23 24 22 68 0 114 137 307 187 494 717 1,463 322 248 2,750 3,244 3,381

GUJARAT Urban 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 4 4 8 8 13 3 0 24 32 33

Total 5 18 23 24 22 69 0 115 138 311 191 502 725 1,476 325 248 2,774 3,276 3,414

Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 16 22 44 106 66 0 216 238 238

HARYANA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 4 4 4

Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 16 22 45 108 67 0 220 242 242

Rural 1,434 1,241 2,675 2,250 2,546 1,632 316 6,744 9,419 971 848 1,819 1,308 1,565 723 298 3,894 5,713 15,132

KERALA Urban 24 19 43 49 66 9 6 130 173 26 36 62 48 59 15 6 128 190 363

Total 1,458 1,260 2,718 2,299 2,612 1,641 322 6,874 9,592 997 884 1,881 1,356 1,624 738 304 4,022 5,903 15,495

Rural 42 25 67 129 180 76 55 440 507 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 507

PUNJAB Urban 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Total 42 25 67 129 181 76 55 441 508 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 508

Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 147 122 269 369 641 539 110 1,659 1,928 1,928

RAJASTHAN Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 6 10 16 18 2 46 52 52

Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 151 124 275 379 657 557 112 1,705 1,980 1,980

Rural 1,481 1,284 2,765 2,403 2,748 1,776 371 7,298 10,063 1,431 1,173 2,604 2,438 3,775 1,650 656 8,519 11,123 21,186

All India Urban 24 19 43 49 67 10 6 132 175 34 42 76 67 90 37 8 202 278 453

Total 1,505 1,303 2,808 2,452 2,815 1,786 377 7,430 10,238 1,465 1,215 2,680 2,505 3,865 1,687 664 8,721 11,401 21,639

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Goats by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Barbari - Pure Barbari - Graded
Male Female Male Female Total
State/ Union Total Pure +
Area 1 year & above Total 1 year & above
Territory 1 year 1 year Male + Graded
Under Total Under Not Total Male + Under Total Under Not Total Female
& &
1 year Male 1 year In Dry Calved Female Female 1 year above Male 1 year
Dry Calved Female
above Milk Milk
once once
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Rural 6,048 6,589 12,637 4,365 6,387 2,982 2,998 16,732 29,369 6,528 7,124 13,652 7,603 8,391 5,818 4,865 26,677 40,329 69,698
BIHAR Urban 86 48 134 148 219 116 48 531 665 234 154 388 260 387 166 216 1,029 1,417 2,082
Total 6,134 6,637 12,771 4,513 6,606 3,098 3,046 17,263 30,034 6,762 7,278 14,040 7,863 8,778 5,984 5,081 27,706 41,746 71,780
Rural 734 832 1,566 571 852 1,085 663 3,171 4,737 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,737
CHHATTISGARH Urban 13 18 31 10 17 39 15 81 112 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 112
Total 747 850 1,597 581 869 1,124 678 3,252 4,849 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,849
Rural 1,279 1,074 2,353 1,936 4,078 2,339 196 8,549 10,902 4,081 1,971 6,052 4,776 8,860 5,894 816 20,346 26,398 37,300
HARYANA Urban 71 42 113 109 244 111 31 495 608 109 85 194 163 375 180 25 743 937 1,545
Total 1,350 1,116 2,466 2,045 4,322 2,450 227 9,044 11,510 4,190 2,056 6,246 4,939 9,235 6,074 841 21,089 27,335 38,845
Rural 98 332 430 204 233 496 96 1,029 1,459 275 192 467 314 511 482 164 1,471 1,938 3,397
Urban 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 2 3 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 3 4 7
Total 98 333 431 205 234 496 96 1,031 1,462 276 192 468 315 512 483 164 1,474 1,942 3,404
Rural 131 340 471 57 62 108 41 268 739 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 739
JHARKHAND Urban 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
Total 132 342 474 57 62 108 41 268 742 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 742
Rural 100 19 119 199 194 96 0 489 608 0 0 0 0 8 24 0 32 32 640
KERALA Urban 8 1 9 7 13 4 0 24 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33
Total 108 20 128 206 207 100 0 513 641 0 0 0 0 8 24 0 32 32 673
Rural 11,230 7,367 18,597 14,563 21,992 15,324 2,436 54,315 72,912 11,335 7,911 19,246 15,394 23,083 14,445 4,203 57,125 76,371 1,49,283
Urban 870 772 1,642 1,055 1,696 961 105 3,817 5,459 780 782 1,562 948 1,670 913 308 3,839 5,401 10,860
Total 12,100 8,139 20,239 15,618 23,688 16,285 2,541 58,132 78,371 12,115 8,693 20,808 16,342 24,753 15,358 4,511 60,964 81,772 1,60,143
Rural 492 303 795 586 1,232 508 89 2,415 3,210 440 420 860 411 826 616 151 2,004 2,864 6,074
MAHARASHTRA Urban 276 337 613 124 146 61 26 357 970 5 7 12 3 17 17 0 37 49 1,019
Total 768 640 1,408 710 1,378 569 115 2,772 4,180 445 427 872 414 843 633 151 2,041 2,913 7,093
Rural 1,855 1,585 3,440 3,351 6,977 3,028 406 13,762 17,202 475 460 935 431 1,083 608 11 2,133 3,068 20,270
PUNJAB Urban 107 131 238 148 246 80 10 484 722 85 245 330 34 84 80 0 198 528 1,250
Total 1,962 1,716 3,678 3,499 7,223 3,108 416 14,246 17,924 560 705 1,265 465 1,167 688 11 2,331 3,596 21,520
Rural 16,739 5,393 22,132 22,516 34,796 33,295 9,393 1,00,000 1,22,132 5,371 3,673 9,044 7,864 10,919 10,380 2,608 31,771 40,815 1,62,947
RAJASTHAN Urban 366 170 536 439 881 335 37 1,692 2,228 256 261 517 417 585 307 46 1,355 1,872 4,100
Total 17,105 5,563 22,668 22,955 35,677 33,630 9,430 1,01,692 1,24,360 5,627 3,934 9,561 8,281 11,504 10,687 2,654 33,126 42,687 1,67,047
Rural 2,47,849 2,37,506 4,85,355 3,25,480 4,82,135 2,61,571 1,50,758 12,19,944 17,05,299 5,35,609 4,66,195 10,01,804 7,52,413 9,70,832 5,59,624 2,78,760 25,61,629 35,63,433 52,68,732
Urban 31,399 39,624 71,023 34,498 59,593 23,303 13,659 1,31,053 2,02,076 45,246 54,283 99,529 58,672 87,955 40,734 19,607 2,06,968 3,06,497 5,08,573
Total 2,79,248 2,77,130 5,56,378 3,59,978 5,41,728 2,84,874 1,64,417 13,50,997 19,07,375 5,80,855 5,20,478 11,01,333 8,11,085 10,58,787 6,00,358 2,98,367 27,68,597 38,69,930 57,77,305
Rural 1,023 1,315 2,338 1,245 1,762 1,843 273 5,123 7,461 1,748 2,255 4,003 1,992 3,192 3,713 846 9,743 13,746 21,207
UTTARAKHAND Urban 86 193 279 99 141 94 73 407 686 199 473 672 139 357 303 99 898 1,570 2,256
Total 1,109 1,508 2,617 1,344 1,903 1,937 346 5,530 8,147 1,947 2,728 4,675 2,131 3,549 4,016 945 10,641 15,316 23,463
Rural 1,515 571 2,086 1,198 990 564 10 2,762 4,848 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,848
WEST BENGAL Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1,515 571 2,086 1,198 990 564 10 2,762 4,848 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,848
Rural 2,89,093 2,63,226 5,52,319 3,76,271 5,61,690 3,23,239 1,67,359 14,28,559 19,80,878 5,65,862 4,90,201 10,56,063 7,91,198 10,27,705 6,01,604 2,92,424 27,12,931 37,68,994 57,49,872
All India Urban 33,283 41,339 74,622 36,638 63,197 25,104 14,004 1,38,943 2,13,565 46,915 56,290 1,03,205 60,637 91,431 42,701 20,301 2,15,070 3,18,275 5,31,840
Total 3,22,376 3,04,565 6,26,941 4,12,909 6,24,887 3,48,343 1,81,363 15,67,502 21,94,443 6,12,777 5,46,491 11,59,268 8,51,835 11,19,136 6,44,305 3,12,725 29,28,001 40,87,269 62,81,712

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Goats by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Beetal - Pure Beetal - Graded

Male Female Male Female

State/ Union 1 year & above 1 year & above Total Pure +
Area Total Male + Graded
Territory 1 year 1 year
Under Total Under Not Total Male + Under Total Under Not Total Female
& &
1 year Male 1 year In Dry Calved Female Female 1 year Male 1 year In
Dry Calved Female
above Milk above Milk
once once

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Rural 1,290 1,634 2,924 1,392 1,301 792 21 3,506 6,430 9,420 7,221 16,641 9,538 12,750 9,763 4,218 36,269 52,910 59,340
ASSAM Urban 23 12 35 22 61 2 0 85 120 204 145 349 205 229 97 127 658 1,007 1,127
Total 1,313 1,646 2,959 1,414 1,362 794 21 3,591 6,550 9,624 7,366 16,990 9,743 12,979 9,860 4,345 36,927 53,917 60,467
Rural 5,519 3,603 9,122 4,906 6,438 5,205 3,507 20,056 29,178 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29,178
BIHAR Urban 83 40 123 79 132 77 84 372 495 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 495
Total 5,602 3,643 9,245 4,985 6,570 5,282 3,591 20,428 29,673 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29,673
Rural 0 0 0 1 6 1 0 8 8 1 2 3 2 6 1 0 9 12 20
CHANDIGARH Urban 0 0 0 11 33 4 0 48 48 7 18 25 16 33 4 0 53 78 126
Total 0 0 0 12 39 5 0 56 56 8 20 28 18 39 5 0 62 90 146
Rural 3,587 1,618 5,205 5,785 10,142 6,262 1,006 23,195 28,400 5,798 2,682 8,480 10,239 16,012 10,647 1,888 38,786 47,266 75,666
HARYANA Urban 166 94 260 286 486 416 48 1,236 1,496 224 198 422 353 593 431 63 1,440 1,862 3,358
Total 3,753 1,712 5,465 6,071 10,628 6,678 1,054 24,431 29,896 6,022 2,880 8,902 10,592 16,605 11,078 1,951 40,226 49,128 79,024
Rural 1,032 1,194 2,226 1,563 2,254 1,304 141 5,262 7,488 8,129 7,716 15,845 9,123 13,439 10,718 1,681 34,961 50,806 58,294
Urban 0 3 3 3 5 1 0 9 12 34 26 60 44 68 48 4 164 224 236
Total 1,032 1,197 2,229 1,566 2,259 1,305 141 5,271 7,500 8,163 7,742 15,905 9,167 13,507 10,766 1,685 35,125 51,030 58,530
Rural 5,490 4,709 10,199 9,602 18,455 14,343 1,685 44,085 54,284 7,281 6,208 13,489 11,158 16,459 12,929 3,176 43,722 57,211 1,11,495
Urban 56 38 94 91 157 91 26 365 459 19 8 27 30 77 13 2 122 149 608
Total 5,546 4,747 10,293 9,693 18,612 14,434 1,711 44,450 54,743 7,300 6,216 13,516 11,188 16,536 12,942 3,178 43,844 57,360 1,12,103
Rural 7,178 8,105 15,283 8,608 10,477 9,290 2,604 30,979 46,262 1,337 972 2,309 1,519 1,954 1,424 356 5,253 7,562 53,824
JHARKHAND Urban 98 84 182 109 258 128 13 508 690 36 89 125 70 68 137 84 359 484 1,174
Total 7,276 8,189 15,465 8,717 10,735 9,418 2,617 31,487 46,952 1,373 1,061 2,434 1,589 2,022 1,561 440 5,612 8,046 54,998
Rural 176 212 388 200 224 84 0 508 896 122 88 210 199 188 135 0 522 732 1,628
KERALA Urban 3 11 14 2 7 2 0 11 25 1 2 3 5 3 3 0 11 14 39
Total 179 223 402 202 231 86 0 519 921 123 90 213 204 191 138 0 533 746 1,667
Rural 30 37 67 42 36 19 15 112 179 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 179
MANIPUR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 30 37 67 42 36 19 15 112 179 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 179
Rural 10 87 97 0 162 67 15 244 341 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 341
MEGHALAYA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 10 87 97 0 162 67 15 244 341 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 341
Rural 271 609 880 289 323 479 138 1,229 2,109 1,171 1,191 2,362 1,774 794 911 553 4,032 6,394 8,503
ODISHA Urban 4 8 12 5 7 4 8 24 36 30 15 45 44 30 32 48 154 199 235
Total 275 617 892 294 330 483 146 1,253 2,145 1,201 1,206 2,407 1,818 824 943 601 4,186 6,593 8,738
Rural 21,173 16,166 37,339 31,984 60,682 36,982 5,242 1,34,890 1,72,229 4,666 3,057 7,723 6,833 11,094 7,436 922 26,285 34,008 2,06,237
PUNJAB Urban 1,538 1,621 3,159 1,717 3,562 1,845 273 7,397 10,556 202 191 393 256 577 227 49 1,109 1,502 12,058
Total 22,711 17,787 40,498 33,701 64,244 38,827 5,515 1,42,287 1,82,785 4,868 3,248 8,116 7,089 11,671 7,663 971 27,394 35,510 2,18,295
Rural 1,793 2,018 3,811 2,374 3,354 1,954 388 8,070 11,881 8,322 5,856 14,178 12,222 17,012 10,197 4,048 43,479 57,657 69,538
Urban 670 1,337 2,007 748 954 428 344 2,474 4,481 765 1,176 1,941 928 1,128 513 340 2,909 4,850 9,331
Total 2,463 3,355 5,818 3,122 4,308 2,382 732 10,544 16,362 9,087 7,032 16,119 13,150 18,140 10,710 4,388 46,388 62,507 78,869
Rural 205 551 756 112 198 50 0 360 1,116 2,212 2,047 4,259 2,126 2,021 1,508 804 6,459 10,718 11,834
WEST BENGAL Urban 16 56 72 13 7 3 0 23 95 3 7 10 1 8 4 0 13 23 118
Total 221 607 828 125 205 53 0 383 1,211 2,215 2,054 4,269 2,127 2,029 1,512 804 6,472 10,741 11,952
Rural 47,754 40,543 88,297 66,858 1,14,052 76,832 14,762 2,72,504 3,60,801 48,459 37,040 85,499 64,733 91,729 65,669 17,646 2,39,777 3,25,276 6,86,077
All India Urban 2,657 3,304 5,961 3,086 5,669 3,001 796 12,552 18,513 1,525 1,875 3,400 1,952 2,814 1,509 717 6,992 10,392 28,905
Total 50,411 43,847 94,258 69,944 1,19,721 79,833 15,558 2,85,056 3,79,314 49,984 38,915 88,899 66,685 94,543 67,178 18,363 2,46,769 3,35,668 7,14,982

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Goats by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Berari - Pure Berari - Graded

Male Female Male Female

State/ Union Total Pure +
Area 1 year & above 1 year & above
Territory Total Male + Graded
1 year 1 year
Under Total Under Total Male + Under Total Under Total Female
& Not & Not
1 year Male 1 year In Female Female 1 year Male 1 year In
above Dry Calved above Dry Calved Female
Milk Milk
once once

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Rural 16,016 8,852 24,868 22,258 30,374 26,905 3,150 82,687 1,07,555 10,317 5,448 15,765 12,237 16,218 13,746 610 42,811 58,576 1,66,131

MAHARASHTRA Urban 1,089 906 1,995 1,244 2,489 1,918 249 5,900 7,895 1,158 1,315 2,473 1,518 2,221 1,4 39 53 5,231 7,704 15,599

Total 17,105 9,758 26,863 23,502 32,863 28,823 3,399 88,587 1,15,450 11,475 6,763 18,238 13,755 18,439 15,185 663 48,042 66,280 1,81,730

Rural 7 12 19 0 22 45 123 190 209 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 209

PUNJAB Urban 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2

Total 7 12 19 0 24 45 123 192 211 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 211

Rural 763 728 1,491 755 1,395 527 154 2,831 4,322 705 689 1,394 695 1,355 731 135 2,916 4,310 8,632
Urban 190 193 383 200 234 91 45 570 953 224 191 415 105 348 155 26 634 1,049 2,002
Total 953 921 1,874 955 1,629 618 199 3,401 5,275 929 880 1,809 800 1,703 886 161 3,550 5,359 10,634

Rural 16,786 9,592 26,378 23,013 31,791 27,477 3,427 85,708 1,12,086 11,022 6,137 17,159 12,932 17,573 14,477 745 45,727 62,886 1,74,972

All India Urban 1,279 1,099 2,378 1,444 2,725 2,009 294 6,472 8,850 1,382 1,506 2,888 1,623 2,569 1,594 79 5,865 8,753 17,603

Total 18,065 10,691 28,756 24,457 34,516 29,486 3,721 92,180 1,20,936 12,404 7,643 20,047 14,555 20,142 16,071 824 51,592 71,639 1,92,575

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Goats by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Black Bengal - Pure Black Bengal - Graded
Male Female Male Female Total
State/ Union Total
1 year & above Total 1 year & above Pure +
Area 1 year 1 year Male +
Territory Under Total Under Not Total Male + Under Total Under Not Total Graded
& In & In Female
1 year Male 1 year Dry Calved Female Female 1 year Male 1 year Dry Calved Female
above Milk above Milk
once once
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
ANDAMAN Rural 163 872 1,035 134 316 154 280 884 1,919 273 305 578 219 293 299 82 893 1,471 3,390
& NICOBAR Urban 75 336 411 49 62 75 22 208 619 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 619
ISLANDS Total 238 1,208 1,446 183 378 229 302 1,092 2,538 273 305 578 219 293 299 82 893 1,471 4,009
Rural 43 25 68 98 190 30 14 332 400 307 123 430 297 264 138 94 793 1,223 1,623
Urban 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Total 44 25 69 98 190 30 14 332 401 307 123 430 297 264 138 94 793 1,223 1,624
Rural 11,718 11,347 23,065 10,660 13,811 12,531 3,591 40,593 63,658 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 63,658
ASSAM Urban 47 45 92 51 101 39 41 232 324 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 324
Total 11,765 11,392 23,157 10,711 13,912 12,570 3,632 40,825 63,982 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 63,982
Rural 3,99,861 2,44,138 6,43,999 4,48,060 5,16,292 3,64,766 2,42,068 15,71,186 22,15,185 3,72,164 2,32,229 6,04,393 4,16,321 6,77,948 3,54,105 2,26,111 16,74,485 22,78,878 44,94,063
BIHAR Urban 20,602 13,568 34,170 23,062 25,940 18,355 12,724 80,081 1,14,251 21,514 11,982 33,496 20,255 26,246 15,772 11,374 73,647 1,07,143 2,21,394
Total 4,20,463 2,57,706 6,78,169 4,71,122 5,42,232 3,83,121 2,54,792 16,51,267 23,29,436 3,93,678 2,44,211 6,37,889 4,36,576 7,04,194 3,69,877 2,37,485 17,48,132 23,86,021 47,15,457
Rural 1,694 1,760 3,454 1,734 1,787 2,158 1,191 6,870 10,324 5 5 10 0 0 27 0 27 37 10,361
Urban 52 64 116 32 38 62 32 164 280 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 281
Total 1,746 1,824 3,570 1,766 1,825 2,220 1,223 7,034 10,604 5 5 10 0 0 28 0 28 38 10,642
Rural 453 948 1,401 1,116 641 2,407 150 4,314 5,715 454 254 708 564 1,007 505 92 2,168 2,876 8,591
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 7 11 5 0 23 26 26
Total 453 948 1,401 1,116 641 2,407 150 4,314 5,715 457 254 711 571 1,018 510 92 2,191 2,902 8,617
Rural 130 141 271 160 735 155 0 1,050 1,321 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,321
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 130 141 271 160 735 155 0 1,050 1,321 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,321
Rural 3,84,466 4,10,190 7,94,656 4,52,253 5,96,333 3,80,589 1,94,696 16,23,871 24,18,527 42,364 49,428 91,792 52,220 69,942 46,153 20,475 1,88,790 2,80,582 26,99,109
JHARKHAND Urban 13,451 12,532 25,983 14,973 19,871 10,405 5,195 50,444 76,427 2,114 2,258 4,372 2,204 3,444 1,064 623 7,335 11,707 88,134
Total 3,97,917 4,22,722 8,20,639 4,67,226 6,16,204 3,90,994 1,99,891 16,74,315 24,94,954 44,478 51,686 96,164 54,424 73,386 47,217 21,098 1,96,125 2,92,289 27,87,243
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 713 507 1,220 683 588 267 127 1,665 2,885 2,885
MANIPUR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 713 507 1,220 683 588 267 127 1,665 2,885 2,885
Rural 449 422 871 271 261 242 49 823 1,694 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,694
MEGHALAYA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 449 422 871 271 261 242 49 823 1,694 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,694
Rural 526 492 1,018 568 559 611 445 2,183 3,201 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,201
MIZORAM Urban 137 77 214 138 94 123 75 430 644 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 644
Total 663 569 1,232 706 653 734 520 2,613 3,845 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,845
Rural 2,215 2,164 4,379 1,958 2,283 1,765 1,142 7,148 11,527 43 47 90 49 24 37 56 166 256 11,783
NAGALAND Urban 239 199 438 179 200 122 62 563 1,001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,001
Total 2,454 2,363 4,817 2,137 2,483 1,887 1,204 7,711 12,528 43 47 90 49 24 37 56 166 256 12,784
Rural 1,77,368 2,39,540 4,16,908 1,99,634 2,23,313 2,31,390 93,020 7,47,357 11,64,265 91,861 1,05,748 1,97,609 80,952 85,059 95,702 24,294 2,86,007 4,83,616 16,47,881
ODISHA Urban 4,597 4,803 9,400 5,944 7,431 4,378 1,479 19,232 28,632 1,293 1,005 2,298 1,392 1,248 1,251 166 4,057 6,355 34,987
Total 1,81,965 2,44,343 4,26,308 2,05,578 2,30,744 2,35,768 94,499 7,66,589 11,92,897 93,154 1,06,753 1,99,907 82,344 86,307 96,953 24,460 2,90,064 4,89,971 16,82,868
Rural 190 75 265 513 901 381 213 2,008 2,273 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,273
PUNJAB Urban 2 0 2 2 16 3 5 26 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28
Total 192 75 267 515 917 384 218 2,034 2,301 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,301
Rural 1,14,244 78,212 1,92,456 1,29,402 1,11,916 1,02,849 60,242 4,04,409 5,96,865 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,96,865
TRIPURA Urban 2,133 1,025 3,158 2,886 2,392 2,387 1,123 8,788 11,946 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,946
Total 1,16,377 79,237 1,95,614 1,32,288 1,14,308 1,05,236 61,365 4,13,197 6,08,811 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,08,811
Rural 1,543 1,231 2,774 1,362 1,903 899 305 4,469 7,243 1,429 1,899 3,328 2,010 2,177 2,208 252 6,647 9,975 17,218
Urban 80 24 104 75 142 22 4 243 347 95 102 197 100 127 50 11 288 485 832
Total 1,623 1,255 2,878 1,437 2,045 921 309 4,712 7,590 1,524 2,001 3,525 2,110 2,304 2,258 263 6,935 10,460 18,050
Rural 21,09,228 18,48,679 39,57,907 21,01,950 20,07,474 15,85,297 6,75,649 63,70,370 1,03,28,277 11,636 9,807 21,443 10,959 12,005 7,175 3,010 33,149 54,592 1,03,82,869
Urban 62,328 57,898 1,20,226 74,960 79,225 47,330 20,145 2,21,660 3,41,886 79 68 147 87 93 96 13 289 436 3,42,322
Total 21,71,556 19,06,577 40,78,133 21,76,910 20,86,699 16,32,627 6,95,794 65,92,030 1,06,70,163 11,715 9,875 21,590 11,046 12,098 7,271 3,023 33,438 55,028 1,07,25,191
Rural 32,04,291 28,40,236 60,44,527 33,49,873 34,78,715 26,86,224 12,73,055 1,07,87,867 1,68,32,394 5,21,249 4,00,352 9,21,601 5,64,274 8,49,307 5,06,616 2,74,593 21,94,790 31,16,391 1,99,48,785
All India Urban 1,03,744 90,571 1,94,315 1,22,351 1,35,512 83,301 40,907 3,82,071 5,76,386 25,098 15,415 40,513 24,045 31,169 18,239 12,187 85,640 1,26,153 7,02,539
Total 33,08,035 29,30,807 62,38,842 34,72,224 36,14,227 27,69,525 13,13,962 1,11,69,938 1,74,08,780 5,46,347 4,15,767 9,62,114 5,88,319 8,80,476 5,24,855 2,86,780 22,80,430 32,42,544 2,06,51,324
Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana
Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Goats by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Changthangi - Pure Changthangi - Graded

Male Female Male Female Total

State/ Union Total Pure +
Area 1 year & above Total 1 year & above
Territory Male + Graded
1 year 1 year
Under Total Under Not Total Male + Under Total Under Not Total Female
& &
1 year Male 1 year In Dry Calved Female Female 1 year Male 1 year In Dry Calved Female
above Milk above Milk
once once

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Rural 17,448 49,764 67,212 43,702 52,078 27,932 5,252 1,28,964 1,96,176 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,96,176
Urban 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
Total 17,448 49,764 67,212 43,703 52,080 27,932 5,252 1,28,967 1,96,179 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,96,179

Rural 0 0 0 11 19 0 0 30 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30

PUNJAB Urban 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Total 0 0 0 11 20 0 0 31 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31

Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 8 8 8

UTTARAKHAND Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1

Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 9 9 9

Rural 17,448 49,764 67,212 43,713 52,097 27,932 5,252 1,28,994 1,96,206 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 8 8 1,96,214

All India Urban 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 5

Total 17,448 49,764 67,212 43,714 52,100 27,932 5,252 1,28,998 1,96,210 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 9 9 1,96,219

Statewise Details of Goats by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Chegu - Pure Chegu - Graded

Male Female Male Female

Total Pure +
Union Area 1 year & above 1 year & above
Total Male + Graded
1 year 1 year
Territory Under Total Under Total Male + Under Total Under Total Female
& Not & Not
1 year Male 1 year In Female Female 1 year Male 1 year In Female
above Dry Calved above Dry Calved
Milk Milk
once once

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Rural 113 16 129 265 148 124 188 725 854 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 854

BIHAR Urban 12 1 13 21 20 5 8 54 67 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 67

Total 125 17 142 286 168 129 196 779 921 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 921

Rural 2,096 1,843 3,939 4,460 8,092 4,585 1,555 18,692 22,631 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22,631

GUJARAT Urban 1,132 1,232 2,364 1,632 2,487 536 244 4,899 7,263 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,263

Total 3,228 3,075 6,303 6,092 10,579 5,121 1,799 23,591 29,894 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29,894

Rural 408 869 1,277 764 1,087 609 165 2,625 3,902 89 399 488 149 508 245 143 1,045 1,533 5,435
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 408 869 1,277 764 1,087 609 165 2,625 3,902 89 399 488 149 508 245 143 1,045 1,533 5,435

Rural 202 430 632 235 515 50 0 800 1,432 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,432

Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 202 430 632 235 515 50 0 800 1,432 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,432

Rural 2,819 3,158 5,977 5,724 9,842 5,368 1,908 22,842 28,819 89 399 488 149 508 245 143 1,045 1,533 30,352

All India Urban 1,144 1,233 2,377 1,653 2,507 541 252 4,953 7,330 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,330

Total 3,963 4,391 8,354 7,377 12,349 5,909 2,160 27,795 36,149 89 399 488 149 508 245 143 1,045 1,533 37,682

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Goats by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Gaddi - Pure Gaddi - Graded
Male Female Male Female Total
State/ Union Total
1 year & above Total 1 year & above Pure +
Area 1 year 1 year Male +
Territory Under Total Under Not Total Male + Under Total Under Not Total Graded
& In & In Female
1 year Male 1 year Dry Calved Female Female 1 year Male 1 year Dry Calved Female
above Milk above Milk
once once
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 378 149 527 122 440 256 254 1,072 1,599 1,599
BIHAR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 378 149 527 122 440 256 254 1,072 1,599 1,599
Rural 23,977 34,568 58,545 39,755 52,919 80,456 19,249 1,92,379 2,50,924 17,659 21,415 39,074 22,958 32,951 47,377 8,057 1,11,343 1,50,417 4,01,341
Urban 10 25 35 26 28 84 0 138 173 41 19 60 46 56 42 15 159 219 392
Total 23,987 34,593 58,580 39,781 52,947 80,540 19,249 1,92,517 2,51,097 17,700 21,434 39,134 23,004 33,007 47,419 8,072 1,11,502 1,50,636 4,01,733
Rural 6,395 8,617 15,012 11,270 16,705 22,124 5,752 55,851 70,863 2,903 2,772 5,675 2,698 6,397 7,108 573 16,776 22,451 93,314
Urban 15 13 28 35 51 29 5 120 148 3 5 8 8 15 9 0 32 40 188
Total 6,410 8,630 15,040 11,305 16,756 22,153 5,757 55,971 71,011 2,906 2,777 5,683 2,706 6,412 7,117 573 16,808 22,491 93,502
Rural 350 261 611 438 285 886 45 1,654 2,265 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,265
PUNJAB Urban 0 1 1 0 2 1 0 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
Total 350 262 612 438 287 887 45 1,657 2,269 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,269
Rural 54 0 54 101 146 33 0 280 334 31 23 54 83 121 57 18 279 333 667
Urban 4 0 4 5 5 1 0 11 15 8 4 12 6 30 4 0 40 52 67
Total 58 0 58 106 151 34 0 291 349 39 27 66 89 151 61 18 319 385 734
Rural 3,249 5,144 8,393 5,328 7,047 12,247 5,841 30,463 38,856 8,523 11,004 19,527 12,789 21,603 19,205 4,242 57,839 77,366 1,16,222
UTTARAKHAND Urban 22 81 103 30 72 40 45 187 290 40 128 168 26 133 200 3 362 530 820
Total 3,271 5,225 8,496 5,358 7,119 12,287 5,886 30,650 39,146 8,563 11,132 19,695 12,815 21,736 19,405 4,245 58,201 77,896 1,17,042
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 91 33 124 44 99 16 0 159 283 283
WEST BENGAL Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 91 33 124 44 99 16 0 159 283 283
Rural 34,025 48,590 82,615 56,892 77,102 1,15,746 30,887 2,80,627 3,63,242 29,585 35,396 64,981 38,694 61,611 74,019 13,144 1,87,468 2,52,449 6,15,691
All India Urban 51 120 171 96 158 155 50 459 630 92 156 248 86 234 255 18 593 841 1,471
Total 34,076 48,710 82,786 56,988 77,260 1,15,901 30,937 2,81,086 3,63,872 29,677 35,552 65,229 38,780 61,845 74,274 13,162 1,88,061 2,53,290 6,17,162

Statewise Details of Goats by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Ganjam - Pure Ganjam - Graded

Male Female Male Female Total

State/ Union Total Pure +
Area 1 year & above Total 1 year & above
Territory 1 year 1 year Male + Graded
Under Total Under Total Male + Under Total Under Total Female
& Not & Not
1 year Male 1 year In Female 1 year Male 1 year In
above Dry Calved Female above Dry Calved Female
Milk Milk
once once

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Rural 390 122 512 371 494 198 43 1,106 1,618 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,618

MAHARASHTRA Urban 2 2 4 5 6 3 0 14 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18

Total 392 124 516 376 500 201 43 1,120 1,636 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,636

Rural 45,512 54,821 1,00,333 57,392 70,798 63,815 13,937 2,05,942 3,06,275 14,180 20,804 34,984 16,311 19,327 16,873 6,170 58,681 93,665 3,99,940

ODISHA Urban 1,122 1,356 2,478 1,769 1,976 2,194 735 6,674 9,152 283 386 669 398 436 625 153 1,612 2,281 11,433

Total 46,634 56,177 1,02,811 59,161 72,774 66,009 14,672 2,12,616 3,15,427 14,463 21,190 35,653 16,709 19,763 17,498 6,323 60,293 95,946 4,11,373

Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 107 62 169 96 229 268 45 638 807 807

Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 1 11 5 23 34 33 95 106 106
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 117 63 180 101 252 302 78 733 913 913

Rural 45,902 54,943 1,00,845 57,763 71,292 64,013 13,980 2,07,048 3,07,893 14,287 20,866 35,153 16,407 19,556 17,141 6,215 59,319 94,472 4,02,365

All India Urban 1,124 1,358 2,482 1,774 1,982 2,197 735 6,688 9,170 293 387 680 403 459 659 186 1,707 2,387 11,557

Total 47,026 56,301 1,03,327 59,537 73,274 66,210 14,715 2,13,736 3,17,063 14,580 21,253 35,833 16,810 20,015 17,800 6,401 61,026 96,859 4,13,922

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Goats by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Gohilwadi - Pure Gohilwadi - Graded
Male Female Male Female Total
State/ Total
1 year & above Total 1 year & above Pure +
Union Area 1 year 1 year Male +
Under Total Under Not Total Male + Under Total Under Not Total Graded
Territory & In & In Female
1 year Male 1 year Dry Calved Female Female 1 year Male 1 year Dry Calved Female
above Milk above Milk
once once
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Rural 11,133 9,322 20,455 25,597 62,622 31,940 9,166 1,29,325 1,49,780 7,333 5,745 13,078 14,319 33,934 17,802 4,832 70,887 83,965 2,33,745
GUJARAT Urban 2,248 1,704 3,952 2,895 7,035 3,197 2,058 15,185 19,137 857 709 1,566 1,305 2,246 1,649 1,233 6,433 7,999 27,136
Total 13,381 11,026 24,407 28,492 69,657 35,137 11,224 1,44,510 1,68,917 8,190 6,454 14,644 15,624 36,180 19,451 6,065 77,320 91,964 2,60,881
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 233 54 287 230 349 146 71 796 1,083 1,083
HARYANA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 7 7 2 0 16 20 20
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 237 54 291 237 356 148 71 812 1,103 1,103
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 352 105 457 324 620 288 80 1,312 1,769 1,769
PUNJAB Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 10 34 17 43 9 2 71 105 105
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 376 115 491 341 663 297 82 1,383 1,874 1,874
Rural 11,133 9,322 20,455 25,597 62,622 31,940 9,166 1,29,325 1,49,780 7,918 5,904 13,822 14,873 34,903 18,236 4,983 72,995 86,817 2,36,597
All India Urban 2,248 1,704 3,952 2,895 7,035 3,197 2,058 15,185 19,137 885 719 1,604 1,329 2,296 1,660 1,235 6,520 8,124 27,261
Total 13,381 11,026 24,407 28,492 69,657 35,137 11,224 1,44,510 1,68,917 8,803 6,623 15,426 16,202 37,199 19,896 6,218 79,515 94,941 2,63,858

Statewise Details of Goats by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Jakhrana - Pure Jakhrana - Graded
Male Female Male Female Total
State/ Union Total
1 year & above Total 1 year & above Pure +
Area 1 year 1 year Male +
Territory Under Total Under Not Total Male + Under Total Under Not Total Graded
& In & In Female
1 year Male 1 year Dry Calved Female Female 1 year Male 1 year Dry Calved Female
above Milk above Milk
once once
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Rural 291 341 632 568 530 86 220 1,404 2,036 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,036
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 291 341 632 568 530 86 220 1,404 2,036 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,036
Rural 932 855 1,787 941 1,252 792 795 3,780 5,567 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,567
BIHAR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 932 855 1,787 941 1,252 792 795 3,780 5,567 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,567
Rural 377 158 535 529 1,940 384 169 3,022 3,557 102 21 123 127 316 179 58 680 803 4,360
HARYANA Urban 7 0 7 20 102 6 0 128 135 1 0 1 3 6 2 0 11 12 147
Total 384 158 542 549 2,042 390 169 3,150 3,692 103 21 124 130 322 181 58 691 815 4,507
Rural 239 355 594 353 559 99 101 1,112 1,706 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,706
JHARKHAND Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 239 355 594 353 559 99 101 1,112 1,706 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,706
Rural 1,36,521 35,370 1,71,891 2,03,166 3,17,447 1,80,967 44,243 7,45,823 9,17,714 59,278 20,841 80,119 94,526 1,54,713 84,956 26,353 3,60,548 4,40,667 13,58,381
RAJASTHAN Urban 8,549 4,822 13,371 12,538 22,445 8,492 1,546 45,021 58,392 2,199 1,065 3,264 3,071 5,589 2,384 721 11,765 15,029 73,421
Total 1,45,070 40,192 1,85,262 2,15,704 3,39,892 1,89,459 45,789 7,90,844 9,76,106 61,477 21,906 83,383 97,597 1,60,302 87,340 27,074 3,72,313 4,55,696 14,31,802
Rural 54 195 249 7 62 85 11 165 414 81 71 152 81 179 46 43 349 501 915
Urban 6 30 36 0 7 13 1 21 57 9 11 20 9 24 7 5 45 65 122
Total 60 225 285 7 69 98 12 186 471 90 82 172 90 203 53 48 394 566 1,037
Rural 1,38,414 37,274 1,75,688 2,05,564 3,21,790 1,82,413 45,539 7,55,306 9,30,994 59,461 20,933 80,394 94,734 1,55,208 85,181 26,454 3,61,577 4,41,971 13,72,965
All India Urban 8,562 4,852 13,414 12,558 22,554 8,511 1,547 45,170 58,584 2,209 1,076 3,285 3,083 5,619 2,393 726 11,821 15,106 73,690
Total 1,46,976 42,126 1,89,102 2,18,122 3,44,344 1,90,924 47,086 8,00,476 9,89,578 61,670 22,009 83,679 97,817 1,60,827 87,574 27,180 3,73,398 4,57,077 14,46,655

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Goats by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Jamnapari - Pure Jamnapari - Graded

Male Female Male Female Total

State/ Union Total Pure +
Area 1 year & above Total 1 year & above
Territory 1 year 1 year Male + Graded
Under Total Under Not Total Male + Under Total Under Not Total Female
& In & In
1 year Male 1 year Dry Calved Female Female 1 year Male 1 year Dry Calved Female
above Milk above Milk
once once

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Rural 4,690 3,110 7,800 6,864 12,534 4,778 3,060 27,236 35,036 5,109 6,134 11,243 7,437 13,374 5,498 2,698 29,007 40,250 75,286
Urban 337 240 577 547 656 56 174 1,433 2,010 22 95 117 20 75 24 5 124 241 2,251
Total 5,027 3,350 8,377 7,411 13,190 4,834 3,234 28,669 37,046 5,131 6,229 11,360 7,457 13,449 5,522 2,703 29,131 40,491 77,537
Rural 9,086 7,418 16,504 8,944 11,118 6,464 5,988 32,514 49,018 53,353 41,724 95,077 58,746 66,831 48,401 30,844 2,04,822 2,99,899 3,48,917
BIHAR Urban 393 329 722 570 555 393 365 1,883 2,605 2,121 1,772 3,893 2,126 2,300 1,685 867 6,978 10,871 13,476
Total 9,479 7,747 17,226 9,514 11,673 6,857 6,353 34,397 51,623 55,474 43,496 98,970 60,872 69,131 50,086 31,711 2,11,800 3,10,770 3,62,393
Rural 44,254 49,276 93,530 46,765 44,108 53,677 31,548 1,76,098 2,69,628 2,064 2,681 4,745 3,069 3,244 4,147 1,868 12,328 17,073 2,86,701
CHHATTISGARH Urban 2,095 3,120 5,215 2,400 2,897 2,779 1,358 9,434 14,649 58 106 164 68 74 114 40 296 460 15,109
Total 46,349 52,396 98,745 49,165 47,005 56,456 32,906 1,85,532 2,84,277 2,122 2,787 4,909 3,137 3,318 4,261 1,908 12,624 17,533 3,01,810
Rural 46 37 83 58 172 45 22 297 380 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 380
GUJARAT Urban 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
Total 46 37 83 58 175 45 22 300 383 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 383
Rural 877 562 1,439 984 2,236 1,110 92 4,422 5,861 697 278 975 1,281 2,607 1,974 288 6,150 7,125 12,986
HARYANA Urban 90 50 140 82 238 84 0 404 544 195 76 271 268 758 419 13 1,458 1,729 2,273
Total 967 612 1,579 1,066 2,474 1,194 92 4,826 6,405 892 354 1,246 1,549 3,365 2,393 301 7,608 8,854 15,259
Rural 651 811 1,462 554 1,016 1,154 199 2,923 4,385 3,206 3,624 6,830 3,991 5,738 5,534 661 15,924 22,754 27,139
Urban 1 5 6 3 3 11 0 17 23 14 34 48 27 38 71 2 138 186 209
Total 652 816 1,468 557 1,019 1,165 199 2,940 4,408 3,220 3,658 6,878 4,018 5,776 5,605 663 16,062 22,940 27,348
Rural 589 579 1,168 862 1,218 751 260 3,091 4,259 637 1,240 1,877 745 963 2,892 241 4,841 6,718 10,977
JHARKHAND Urban 45 53 98 61 121 17 5 204 302 17 12 29 11 16 13 1 41 70 372
Total 634 632 1,266 923 1,339 768 265 3,295 4,561 654 1,252 1,906 756 979 2,905 242 4,882 6,788 11,349
Rural 3,343 2,778 6,121 6,104 9,264 5,131 1,696 22,195 28,316 1,642 1,945 3,587 3,763 6,770 3,322 947 14,802 18,389 46,705
KARNATAKA Urban 394 485 879 680 1,179 401 125 2,385 3,264 218 167 385 246 523 150 138 1,057 1,442 4,706
Total 3,737 3,263 7,000 6,784 10,443 5,532 1,821 24,580 31,580 1,860 2,112 3,972 4,009 7,293 3,472 1,085 15,859 19,831 51,411
Rural 4,726 2,476 7,202 9,181 8,798 3,308 933 22,220 29,422 7,252 2,801 10,053 12,649 11,466 5,610 1,392 31,117 41,170 70,592
KERALA Urban 206 199 405 399 403 134 19 955 1,360 471 221 692 669 661 247 75 1,652 2,344 3,704
Total 4,932 2,675 7,607 9,580 9,201 3,442 952 23,175 30,782 7,723 3,022 10,745 13,318 12,127 5,857 1,467 32,769 43,514 74,296
Rural 11,009 9,427 20,436 14,138 22,215 11,508 3,042 50,903 71,339 29,610 18,118 47,728 35,256 47,358 35,574 9,282 1,27,470 1,75,198 2,46,537
Urban 821 968 1,789 1,008 1,679 689 308 3,684 5,473 1,804 1,522 3,326 2,181 3,041 1,809 714 7,745 11,071 16,544
Total 11,830 10,395 22,225 15,146 23,894 12,197 3,350 54,587 76,812 31,414 19,640 51,054 37,437 50,399 37,383 9,996 1,35,215 1,86,269 2,63,081
Rural 1,725 557 2,282 1,928 3,106 2,079 260 7,373 9,655 549 318 867 737 853 707 23 2,320 3,187 12,842
MAHARASHTRA Urban 200 155 355 155 253 144 19 571 926 69 46 115 74 125 53 7 259 374 1,300
Total 1,925 712 2,637 2,083 3,359 2,223 279 7,944 10,581 618 364 982 811 978 760 30 2,579 3,561 14,142
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 8 44 32 38 14 0 84 128 128
NAGALAND Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 7 23 7 5 18 0 30 53 53
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52 15 67 39 43 32 0 114 181 181
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 986 687 1,673 1,387 1,644 614 233 3,878 5,551 5,551
NCT OF DELHI Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 0 33 27 15 0 0 42 75 75
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,019 687 1,706 1,414 1,659 614 233 3,920 5,626 5,626
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 31 78 14 22 87 0 123 201 201
ODISHA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 31 78 14 22 87 0 123 201 201

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Goats by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Jamnapari - Pure Jamnapari - Graded

Male Female Male Female Total

State/ Union Total Pure +
Area 1 year & above Total 1 year & above
Territory 1 year 1 year Male + Graded
Under Total Under Not Total Male + Under Total Under Not Total Female
& In & In
1 year Male 1 year Dry Calved Female Female 1 year Male 1 year Dry Calved Female
above Milk above Milk
once once

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 5 13 4 5 0 14 23 36 36
PUDUCHERRY Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 4 4 4
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 5 13 6 5 0 16 27 40 40
Rural 35 90 125 112 188 120 40 460 585 103 239 342 219 605 289 0 1,113 1,455 2,040
PUNJAB Urban 1 1 2 3 6 4 0 13 15 11 47 58 38 114 22 0 174 232 247
Total 36 91 127 115 194 124 40 473 600 114 286 400 257 719 311 0 1,287 1,687 2,287
Rural 27,674 10,621 38,295 29,392 45,301 31,325 6,222 1,12,240 1,50,535 13,918 7,299 21,217 19,519 27,135 22,613 5,666 74,933 96,150 2,46,685
RAJASTHAN Urban 2,008 711 2,719 1,015 2,117 865 69 4,066 6,785 426 391 817 601 1,043 395 88 2,127 2,944 9,729
Total 29,682 11,332 41,014 30,407 47,418 32,190 6,291 1,16,306 1,57,320 14,344 7,690 22,034 20,120 28,178 23,008 5,754 77,060 99,094 2,56,414
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 71 106 99 45 13 11 168 274 274
SIKKIM Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 71 106 99 45 13 11 168 274 274
Rural 1,11,166 93,209 2,04,375 1,46,353 2,09,207 1,28,433 53,822 5,37,815 7,42,190 1,79,960 1,77,911 3,57,871 2,65,190 3,65,015 2,20,664 84,800 9,35,669 12,93,540 20,35,730
Urban 12,959 14,054 27,013 13,285 38,995 8,626 6,502 67,408 94,421 14,952 21,351 36,303 20,237 63,894 14,178 7,166 1,05,475 1,41,778 2,36,199
Total 1,24,125 1,07,263 2,31,388 1,59,638 2,48,202 1,37,059 60,324 6,05,223 8,36,611 1,94,912 1,99,262 3,94,174 2,85,427 4,28,909 2,34,842 91,966 10,41,144 14,35,318 22,71,929
Rural 619 861 1,480 751 1,257 964 474 3,446 4,926 1,335 1,963 3,298 1,841 2,502 2,618 737 7,698 10,996 15,922
UTTARAKHAND Urban 20 113 133 40 52 51 4 147 280 89 341 430 92 230 213 45 580 1,010 1,290
Total 639 974 1,613 791 1,309 1,015 478 3,593 5,206 1,424 2,304 3,728 1,933 2,732 2,831 782 8,278 12,006 17,212
Rural 11,496 13,293 24,789 9,990 11,858 8,330 3,400 33,578 58,367 21,068 19,855 40,923 18,322 17,732 14,435 7,100 57,589 98,512 1,56,879
WEST BENGAL Urban 530 366 896 566 726 435 181 1,908 2,804 67 78 145 95 101 40 8 244 389 3,193
Total 12,026 13,659 25,685 10,556 12,584 8,765 3,581 35,486 61,171 21,135 19,933 41,068 18,417 17,833 14,475 7,108 57,833 98,901 1,60,072
Rural 2,31,986 1,95,105 4,27,091 2,82,980 3,83,596 2,59,177 1,11,058 10,36,811 14,63,902 3,21,615 2,86,932 6,08,547 4,34,301 5,73,947 3,75,006 1,46,805 15,30,059 21,38,606 36,02,508
All India Urban 20,100 20,849 40,949 20,814 49,883 14,689 9,129 94,515 1,35,464 20,583 26,266 46,849 26,789 73,013 19,451 9,171 1,28,424 1,75,273 3,10,737
Total 2,52,086 2,15,954 4,68,040 3,03,794 4,33,479 2,73,866 1,20,187 11,31,326 15,99,366 3,42,198 3,13,198 6,55,396 4,61,090 6,46,960 3,94,457 1,55,976 16,58,483 23,13,879 39,13,245

Statewise Details of Goats by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Kannaiadu - Pure Kannaiadu - Graded

Male Female Male Female

State/ Union Total Pure +
Area 1 year & above 1 year & above
Territory Total Male + Graded
1 year 1 year
Under Total Under Total Male + Under Total Under Total Female
& Not & Not
1 year Male 1 year In In
above Dry Calved Female Female 1 year above Male 1 year Dry Calved Female
Milk Milk
once once

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Rural 54 30 84 382 255 56 19 712 796 23 0 23 133 97 5 5 240 263 1,059

KERALA Urban 0 1 1 17 12 1 2 32 33 1 0 1 13 7 0 0 20 21 54

Total 54 31 85 399 267 57 21 744 829 24 0 24 146 104 5 5 260 284 1,113

Rural 94,944 91,855 1,86,799 1,32,129 1,62,940 84,213 47,382 4,26,664 6,13,463 50,211 47,740 97,951 71,679 74,590 41,730 22,685 2,10,684 3,08,635 9,22,098

TAMIL NADU Urban 11,584 14,441 26,025 16,231 23,452 11,003 5,216 55,902 81,927 7,409 7,920 15,329 12,041 14,317 5,709 4,304 36,371 51,700 1,33,627

Total 1,06,528 1,06,296 2,12,824 1,48,360 1,86,392 95,216 52,598 4,82,566 6,95,390 57,620 55,660 1,13,280 83,720 88,907 47,439 26,989 2,47,055 3,60,335 10,55,725

Rural 94,998 91,885 1,86,883 1,32,511 1,63,195 84,269 47,401 4,27,376 6,14,259 50,234 47,740 97,974 71,812 74,687 41,735 22,690 2,10,924 3,08,898 9,23,157

All India Urban 11,584 14,442 26,026 16,248 23,464 11,004 5,218 55,934 81,960 7,410 7,920 15,330 12,054 14,324 5,709 4,304 36,391 51,721 1,33,681

Total 1,06,582 1,06,327 2,12,909 1,48,759 1,86,659 95,273 52,619 4,83,310 6,96,219 57,644 55,660 1,13,304 83,866 89,011 47,444 26,994 2,47,315 3,60,619 10,56,838

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Goats by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Konkan Kanyal - Pure Konkan Kanyal - Graded

Male Female Male Female Total

State/ Union Total Pure +
Area 1 year & above 1 year & above
Territory Total Male + Graded
1 year 1 year
Under Total Under Not Total Male + Under Total Under Not Total Female
& &
1 year Male 1 year In Dry Calved Female Female 1 year Male 1 year In Dry Calved Female
above Milk above Milk
once once

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Rural 3,591 2,361 5,952 4,198 6,906 7,177 718 18,999 24,951 910 401 1,311 1,148 1,568 1,042 311 4,069 5,380 30,331

MAHARASHTRA Urban 345 339 684 195 371 235 75 876 1,560 56 43 99 86 144 65 10 305 404 1,964

Total 3,936 2,700 6,636 4,393 7,277 7,412 793 19,875 26,511 966 444 1,410 1,234 1,712 1,107 321 4,374 5,784 32,295

Rural 36 130 166 113 94 73 3 283 449 192 71 263 48 233 0 0 281 544 993
Urban 9 38 47 8 10 12 2 32 79 20 5 25 3 19 0 0 22 47 126
Total 45 168 213 121 104 85 5 315 528 212 76 288 51 252 0 0 303 591 1,119

Rural 3,627 2,491 6,118 4,311 7,000 7,250 721 19,282 25,400 1,102 472 1,574 1,196 1,801 1,042 311 4,350 5,924 31,324

All India Urban 354 377 731 203 381 247 77 908 1,639 76 48 124 89 163 65 10 327 451 2,090

Total 3,981 2,868 6,849 4,514 7,381 7,497 798 20,190 27,039 1,178 520 1,698 1,285 1,964 1,107 321 4,677 6,375 33,414

Statewise Details of Goats by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Kutchi - Pure Kutchi - Graded

Male Female Male Female

1 year & above 1 year & above Total Pure +
Union Area Total Male +
1 year 1 year Graded
Territory Under Total Under Total Male + Under Total Under Total Female
& Not & Not
1 year Male 1 year In Female 1 year Male 1 year In
above Dry Calved Female above Dry Calved Female
Milk Milk
once once

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Rural 7 5 12 5 2 0 0 7 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19
Urban 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Total 7 6 13 5 2 0 0 7 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20

Rural 34,789 27,553 62,342 62,100 1,62,398 65,576 16,776 3,06,850 3,69,192 5,902 4,841 10,743 9,160 23,827 11,673 3,453 48,113 58,856 4,28,048

GUJARAT Urban 908 1,220 2,128 2,393 5,049 1,550 391 9,383 11,511 414 497 911 724 1,624 398 139 2,885 3,796 15,307

Total 35,697 28,773 64,470 64,493 1,67,447 67,126 17,167 3,16,233 3,80,703 6,316 5,338 11,654 9,884 25,451 12,071 3,592 50,998 62,652 4,43,355

Rural 34,796 27,558 62,354 62,105 1,62,400 65,576 16,776 3,06,857 3,69,211 5,902 4,841 10,743 9,160 23,827 11,673 3,453 48,113 58,856 4,28,067

All India Urban 908 1,221 2,129 2,393 5,049 1,550 391 9,383 11,512 414 497 911 724 1,624 398 139 2,885 3,796 15,308

Total 35,704 28,779 64,483 64,498 1,67,449 67,126 17,167 3,16,240 3,80,723 6,316 5,338 11,654 9,884 25,451 12,071 3,592 50,998 62,652 4,43,375

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Goats by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Malabari - Pure Malabari - Graded
Male Female Male Female Total
State/ Union Total
1 year & above Total 1 year & above Pure +
Area 1 year 1 year Male +
Territory Under Total Under Not Total Male + Under Total Under Not Total Graded
& In & In Female
1 year Male 1 year Dry Calved Female Female 1 year Male 1 year Dry Calved Female
above Milk above Milk
once once
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
ANDAMAN Rural 9 20 29 21 58 29 0 108 137 108 78 186 66 47 30 5 148 334 471
& NICOBAR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ISLANDS Total 9 20 29 21 58 29 0 108 137 108 78 186 66 47 30 5 148 334 471
Rural 86,278 32,289 1,18,567 1,66,301 1,47,345 62,283 10,492 3,86,421 5,04,988 71,990 26,371 98,361 1,38,878 1,18,578 54,212 9,980 3,21,648 4,20,009 9,24,997
KERALA Urban 7,163 3,462 10,625 13,405 14,551 3,845 721 32,522 43,147 4,609 2,271 6,880 8,074 7,944 2,634 576 19,228 26,108 69,255
Total 93,441 35,751 1,29,192 1,79,706 1,61,896 66,128 11,213 4,18,943 5,48,135 76,599 28,642 1,05,241 1,46,952 1,26,522 56,846 10,556 3,40,876 4,46,117 9,94,252
Rural 3,133 2,834 5,967 4,247 3,235 3,545 2,872 13,899 19,866 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19,866
LAKSHADWEEP Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 3,133 2,834 5,967 4,247 3,235 3,545 2,872 13,899 19,866 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19,866
Rural 8 0 8 3 2 2 1 8 16 59 8 67 65 80 0 0 145 212 228
PUDUCHERRY Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 2 0 0 4 5 5
Total 8 0 8 3 2 2 1 8 16 60 8 68 67 82 0 0 149 217 233
Rural 0 92 92 80 268 55 21 424 516 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 516
Urban 0 64 64 76 315 49 23 463 527 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 527
Total 0 156 156 156 583 104 44 887 1,043 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,043
Rural 67 57 124 76 68 28 38 210 334 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 334
WEST BENGAL Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 67 57 124 76 68 28 38 210 334 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 334
Rural 89,495 35,292 1,24,787 1,70,728 1,50,976 65,942 13,424 4,01,070 5,25,857 72,157 26,457 98,614 1,39,009 1,18,705 54,242 9,985 3,21,941 4,20,555 9,46,412
All India Urban 7,163 3,526 10,689 13,481 14,866 3,894 744 32,985 43,674 4,610 2,271 6,881 8,076 7,946 2,634 576 19,232 26,113 69,787
Total 96,658 38,818 1,35,476 1,84,209 1,65,842 69,836 14,168 4,34,055 5,69,531 76,767 28,728 1,05,495 1,47,085 1,26,651 56,876 10,561 3,41,173 4,46,668 10,16,199

Statewise Details of Goats by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Marwari - Pure Marwari - Graded
Male Female Male Female Total
State/ Union Total
1 year & above Total 1 year & above Pure +
Area 1 year 1 year Male +
Territory Under Total Under Not Total Male + Under Total Under Not Total Graded
& In & In Female
1 year Male 1 year Dry Calved Female Female 1 year Male 1 year Dry Calved Female
above Milk above Milk
once once
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Rural 544 336 880 637 614 262 137 1,650 2,530 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,530
JHARKHAND Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 544 336 880 637 614 262 137 1,650 2,530 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,530
Rural 7,13,229 3,58,912 10,72,141 9,79,972 16,83,066 11,69,438 3,01,824 41,34,300 52,06,441 2,43,641 1,24,439 3,68,080 3,40,962 5,87,034 3,88,033 1,00,362 14,16,391 17,84,471 69,90,912
RAJASTHAN Urban 20,252 18,180 38,432 25,693 52,626 16,843 4,311 99,473 1,37,905 7,169 5,195 12,364 9,221 19,094 7,789 1,751 37,855 50,219 1,88,124
Total 7,33,481 3,77,092 11,10,573 10,05,665 17,35,692 11,86,281 3,06,135 42,33,773 53,44,346 2,50,810 1,29,634 3,80,444 3,50,183 6,06,128 3,95,822 1,02,113 14,54,246 18,34,690 71,79,036
Rural 124 120 244 200 214 36 19 469 713 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 713
Urban 39 29 68 57 107 9 0 173 241 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 241
Total 163 149 312 257 321 45 19 642 954 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 954
Rural 7,13,897 3,59,368 10,73,265 9,80,809 16,83,894 11,69,736 3,01,980 41,36,419 52,09,684 2,43,641 1,24,439 3,68,080 3,40,962 5,87,034 3,88,033 1,00,362 14,16,391 17,84,471 69,94,155
All India Urban 20,291 18,209 38,500 25,750 52,733 16,852 4,311 99,646 1,38,146 7,169 5,195 12,364 9,221 19,094 7,789 1,751 37,855 50,219 1,88,365
Total 7,34,188 3,77,577 11,11,765 10,06,559 17,36,627 11,86,588 3,06,291 42,36,065 53,47,830 2,50,810 1,29,634 3,80,444 3,50,183 6,06,128 3,95,822 1,02,113 14,54,246 18,34,690 71,82,520

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Goats by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Mehsana - Pure Mehsana - Graded

Male Female Male Female

State/ Union 1 year & above 1 year & above Total Pure +
Area Total Male + Graded
Territory 1 year 1 year
Under Total Under Total Male + Under Total Under Total Female
& Not & Not
1 year Male 1 year In Female Female 1 year Male 1 year In
above Dry Calved above Dry Calved Female
Milk Milk
once once

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Rural 44,625 36,490 81,115 83,827 1,63,756 87,339 20,235 3,55,157 4,36,272 8,362 5,765 14,127 14,788 30,995 15,110 4,297 65,190 79,317 5,15,589

GUJARAT Urban 11,442 18,962 30,404 12,970 26,302 8,529 5,367 53,168 83,572 826 1,712 2,538 1,881 4,607 952 402 7,842 10,380 93,952

Total 56,067 55,452 1,11,519 96,797 1,90,058 95,868 25,602 4,08,325 5,19,844 9,188 7,477 16,665 16,669 35,602 16,062 4,699 73,032 89,697 6,09,541

Rural 238 377 615 268 412 27 182 889 1,504 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,504

JHARKHAND Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 238 377 615 268 412 27 182 889 1,504 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,504

Rural 42 67 109 60 98 11 0 169 278 36 16 52 26 26 0 0 52 104 382

Urban 45 46 91 57 115 9 0 181 272 39 11 50 25 30 0 0 55 105 377
Total 87 113 200 117 213 20 0 350 550 75 27 102 51 56 0 0 107 209 759

Rural 44,905 36,934 81,839 84,155 1,64,266 87,377 20,417 3,56,215 4,38,054 8,398 5,781 14,179 14,814 31,021 15,110 4,297 65,242 79,421 5,17,475

All India Urban 11,487 19,008 30,495 13,027 26,417 8,538 5,367 53,349 83,844 865 1,723 2,588 1,906 4,637 952 402 7,897 10,485 94,329

Total 56,392 55,942 1,12,334 97,182 1,90,683 95,915 25,784 4,09,564 5,21,898 9,263 7,504 16,767 16,720 35,658 16,062 4,699 73,139 89,906 6,11,804

Statewise Details of Goats by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Osmanabadi - Pure Osmanabadi - Graded

Male Female Male Female Total

State/ Union Total Pure +
Area 1 year & above Total 1 year & above
Territory Male + Graded
1 year 1 year
Under Total Under Total Male + Under Total Under Total Female
& Not & Not
1 year Male 1 year In In
above Dry Calved Female Female 1 year above Male 1 year Dry Calved Female
Milk Milk
once once

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Rural 27,390 24,153 51,543 47,780 90,178 37,399 15,747 1,91,104 2,42,647 25,297 18,050 43,347 43,014 68,545 28,181 11,287 1,51,027 1,94,374 4,37,021
Urban 1,552 1,250 2,802 2,454 4,496 974 1,004 8,928 11,730 597 542 1,139 743 1,479 455 125 2,802 3,941 15,671
Total 28,942 25,403 54,345 50,234 94,674 38,373 16,751 2,00,032 2,54,377 25,894 18,592 44,486 43,757 70,024 28,636 11,412 1,53,829 1,98,315 4,52,692

Rural 144 249 393 128 414 52 29 623 1,016 28 9 37 16 36 20 10 82 119 1,135

GUJARAT Urban 95 137 232 70 205 16 31 322 554 26 20 46 16 27 6 5 54 100 654

Total 239 386 625 198 619 68 60 945 1,570 54 29 83 32 63 26 15 136 219 1,789

Rural 31,535 15,954 47,489 49,222 86,963 46,282 11,180 1,93,647 2,41,136 24,388 16,032 40,420 40,760 65,458 40,903 9,935 1,57,056 1,97,476 4,38,612

KARNATAKA Urban 1,245 807 2,052 1,850 3,694 1,124 229 6,897 8,949 1,241 960 2,201 1,732 3,189 1,423 397 6,741 8,942 17,891

Total 32,780 16,761 49,541 51,072 90,657 47,406 11,409 2,00,544 2,50,085 25,629 16,992 42,621 42,492 68,647 42,326 10,332 1,63,797 2,06,418 4,56,503

Rural 3,06,192 1,07,833 4,14,025 3,89,776 6,34,509 3,85,800 56,896 14,66,981 18,81,006 27,490 12,644 40,134 35,235 54,044 33,809 3,876 1,26,964 1,67,098 20,48,104

MAHARASHTRA Urban 13,745 9,406 23,151 18,150 35,262 14,081 3,338 70,831 93,982 1,960 1,778 3,738 2,444 3,928 2,258 399 9,029 12,767 1,06,749

Total 3,19,937 1,17,239 4,37,176 4,07,926 6,69,771 3,99,881 60,234 15,37,812 19,74,988 29,450 14,422 43,872 37,679 57,972 36,067 4,275 1,35,993 1,79,865 21,54,853

Rural 3,65,261 1,48,189 5,13,450 4,86,906 8,12,064 4,69,533 83,852 18,52,355 23,65,805 77,203 46,735 1,23,938 1,19,025 1,88,083 1,02,913 25,108 4,35,129 5,59,067 29,24,872

All India Urban 16,637 11,600 28,237 22,524 43,657 16,195 4,602 86,978 1,15,215 3,824 3,300 7,124 4,935 8,623 4,142 926 18,626 25,750 1,40,965

Total 3,81,898 1,59,789 5,41,687 5,09,430 8,55,721 4,85,728 88,454 19,39,333 24,81,020 81,027 50,035 1,31,062 1,23,960 1,96,706 1,07,055 26,034 4,53,755 5,84,817 30,65,837

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Goats by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Sanganeri - Pure Sanganeri - Graded

Male Female Male Female Total

State/ Union Total Pure +
Area 1 year & above Total 1 year & above
Territory 1 year 1 year Male + Graded
Under Total Under Not Total Male + Under Total Under Not Total Female
& &
1 year Male 1 year In Dry Calved Female Female 1 year Male 1 year In
Dry Calved Female
above Milk above Milk
once once

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Rural 21,168 8,350 29,518 32,832 54,418 36,060 5,012 1,28,322 1,57,840 2,543 1,165 3,708 4,003 5,471 3,967 822 14,263 17,971 1,75,811
MAHARASHTRA Urban 649 573 1,222 1,059 1,843 699 171 3,772 4,994 543 766 1,309 812 1,433 676 207 3,128 4,437 9,431
Total 21,817 8,923 30,740 33,891 56,261 36,759 5,183 1,32,094 1,62,834 3,086 1,931 5,017 4,815 6,904 4,643 1,029 17,391 22,408 1,85,242
Rural 21,168 8,350 29,518 32,832 54,418 36,060 5,012 1,28,322 1,57,840 2,543 1,165 3,708 4,003 5,471 3,967 822 14,263 17,971 1,75,811
All India Urban 649 573 1,222 1,059 1,843 699 171 3,772 4,994 543 766 1,309 812 1,433 676 207 3,128 4,437 9,431
Total 21,817 8,923 30,740 33,891 56,261 36,759 5,183 1,32,094 1,62,834 3,086 1,931 5,017 4,815 6,904 4,643 1,029 17,391 22,408 1,85,242

Statewise Details of Goats by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Sirohi - Pure Sirohi - Graded
Male Female Male Female Total
State/ Union Total
1 year & above Total 1 year & above Pure +
Area 1 year 1 year Male +
Territory Under Total Under Not Total Male + Under 1 Total Under Not Total Graded
& In & In Female
1 year Male 1 year Dry Calved Female Female year Male 1 year Dry Calved Female
above Milk above Milk
once once
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Rural 23 8 31 53 31 25 12 121 152 318 118 436 171 314 350 179 1,014 1,450 1,602
BIHAR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 23 8 31 53 31 25 12 121 152 318 118 436 171 314 350 179 1,014 1,450 1,602
Rural 859 957 1,816 818 1,345 1,248 815 4,226 6,042 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 6,047
CHHATTISGARH Urban 20 29 49 17 13 31 20 81 130 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 130
Total 879 986 1,865 835 1,358 1,279 835 4,307 6,172 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 6,177
Rural 142 197 339 85 253 173 31 542 881 148 96 244 216 218 128 30 592 836 1,717
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 142 197 339 85 253 173 31 542 881 148 96 244 216 218 128 30 592 836 1,717
Rural 116 507 623 152 115 107 233 607 1,230 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,230
JHARKHAND Urban 2 1 3 4 2 1 0 7 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10
Total 118 508 626 156 117 108 233 614 1,240 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,240
Rural 419 550 969 693 1,279 607 72 2,651 3,620 588 778 1,366 1,058 1,269 814 224 3,365 4,731 8,351
KARNATAKA Urban 16 33 49 19 43 11 0 73 122 14 18 32 31 32 11 3 77 109 231
Total 435 583 1,018 712 1,322 618 72 2,724 3,742 602 796 1,398 1,089 1,301 825 227 3,442 4,840 8,582
Rural 68 150 218 140 219 68 16 443 661 26 25 51 58 93 0 11 162 213 874
KERALA Urban 8 20 28 7 11 1 1 20 48 1 0 1 2 4 0 0 6 7 55
Total 76 170 246 147 230 69 17 463 709 27 25 52 60 97 0 11 168 220 929
Rural 2,662 1,235 3,897 2,096 3,417 2,084 507 8,104 12,001 5,268 3,428 8,696 6,767 9,818 9,914 1,797 28,296 36,992 48,993
Urban 201 121 322 178 267 169 57 671 993 384 410 794 472 755 709 202 2,138 2,932 3,925
Total 2,863 1,356 4,219 2,274 3,684 2,253 564 8,775 12,994 5,652 3,838 9,490 7,239 10,573 10,623 1,999 30,434 39,924 52,918
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 102 0 102 102 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 102
MAHARASHTRA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
Total 0 0 0 0 0 106 0 106 106 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 106
Rural 13 63 76 0 0 0 0 0 76 1,469 1,733 3,202 1,330 973 1,146 404 3,853 7,055 7,131
ODISHA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 13 63 76 0 0 0 0 0 76 1,469 1,733 3,202 1,330 973 1,146 404 3,853 7,055 7,131
Rural 2,31,752 91,575 3,23,327 3,43,444 5,85,249 3,93,686 88,345 14,10,724 17,34,051 1,50,903 60,043 2,10,946 2,31,042 3,70,561 2,72,017 75,483 9,49,103 11,60,049 28,94,100
RAJASTHAN Urban 8,409 6,848 15,257 10,383 20,645 11,250 1,878 44,156 59,413 4,546 4,459 9,005 5,281 10,868 5,480 1,125 22,754 31,759 91,172
Total 2,40,161 98,423 3,38,584 3,53,827 6,05,894 4,04,936 90,223 14,54,880 17,93,464 1,55,449 64,502 2,19,951 2,36,323 3,81,429 2,77,497 76,608 9,71,857 11,91,808 29,85,272
Rural 590 426 1,016 518 662 441 0 1,621 2,637 606 714 1,320 1,416 1,358 1,759 598 5,131 6,451 9,088
Urban 5 10 15 14 21 25 0 60 75 11 10 21 62 76 23 1 162 183 258
Total 595 436 1,031 532 683 466 0 1,681 2,712 617 724 1,341 1,478 1,434 1,782 599 5,293 6,634 9,346
Rural 152 56 208 94 118 39 8 259 467 255 302 557 289 271 339 187 1,086 1,643 2,110
UTTARAKHAND Urban 1 8 9 3 2 0 0 5 14 18 70 88 11 22 29 60 122 210 224
Total 153 64 217 97 120 39 8 264 481 273 372 645 300 293 368 247 1,208 1,853 2,334
Rural 2,36,796 95,724 3,32,520 3,48,093 5,92,688 3,98,580 90,039 14,29,400 17,61,920 1,59,581 67,242 2,26,823 2,42,347 3,84,875 2,86,467 78,913 9,92,602 12,19,425 29,81,345
All India Urban 8,662 7,070 15,732 10,625 21,004 11,492 1,956 45,077 60,809 4,974 4,967 9,941 5,859 11,757 6,252 1,391 25,259 35,200 96,009
Total 2,45,458 1,02,794 3,48,252 3,58,718 6,13,692 4,10,072 91,995 14,74,477 18,22,729 1,64,555 72,209 2,36,764 2,48,206 3,96,632 2,92,719 80,304 10,17,861 12,54,625 30,77,354

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Goats by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Surti - Pure Surti - Graded

Male Female Male Female Total

State/ Union Total Pure +
Area 1 year & above Total 1 year & above
Territory 1 year 1 year Male + Graded
Under Total Under Not Total Male + Under Total Under Not Total Female
& In &
1 year Male 1 year Dry Calved Female Female 1 year Male 1 year In Dry Calved Female
above Milk above Milk
once once

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Rural 46 16 62 51 39 9 0 99 161 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 2 3 164

DAMAN & DIU Urban 3 3 6 3 0 1 0 4 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10

Total 49 19 68 54 39 10 0 103 171 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 2 3 174

Rural 31,293 27,510 58,803 37,371 68,913 38,249 16,898 1,61,431 2,20,234 13,732 12,660 26,392 19,311 36,766 17,877 8,071 82,025 1,08,417 3,28,651

GUJARAT Urban 4,984 8,995 13,979 6,582 9,633 3,116 2,049 21,380 35,359 2,670 4,994 7,664 3,598 6,306 1,686 1,597 13,187 20,851 56,210

Total 36,277 36,505 72,782 43,953 78,546 41,365 18,947 1,82,811 2,55,593 16,402 17,654 34,056 22,909 43,072 19,563 9,668 95,212 1,29,268 3,84,861

Rural 2,144 730 2,874 2,673 4,593 3,103 498 10,867 13,741 1,086 756 1,842 1,334 1,760 1,119 83 4,296 6,138 19,879

MAHARASHTRA Urban 104 233 337 219 468 137 40 864 1,201 34 15 49 44 94 35 22 195 244 1,445

Total 2,248 963 3,211 2,892 5,061 3,240 538 11,731 14,942 1,120 771 1,891 1,378 1,854 1,154 105 4,491 6,382 21,324

Rural 24 0 24 25 32 27 0 84 108 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 108

PUNJAB Urban 3 0 3 6 6 5 0 17 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20

Total 27 0 27 31 38 32 0 101 128 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 128

Rural 33,507 28,256 61,763 40,120 73,577 41,388 17,396 1,72,481 2,34,244 14,819 13,416 28,235 20,645 38,528 18,996 8,154 86,323 1,14,558 3,48,802

All India Urban 5,094 9,231 14,325 6,810 10,107 3,259 2,089 22,265 36,590 2,704 5,009 7,713 3,642 6,400 1,721 1,619 13,382 21,095 57,685

Total 38,601 37,487 76,088 46,930 83,684 44,647 19,485 1,94,746 2,70,834 17,523 18,425 35,948 24,287 44,928 20,717 9,773 99,705 1,35,653 4,06,487

Statewise Details of Goats by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Zalawadi - Pure Zalawadi - Graded

Male Female Male Female Total

Total Pure +
Union Area 1 year & above Total 1 year & above
Male + Graded
Territory 1 year 1 year
Under Total Under Total Male + Under Total Under Total Female
& Not & Not
1 year Male 1 year In Female Female 1 year Male 1 year In Female
above Dry Calved above Dry Calved
Milk Milk
once once

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Rural 11 7 18 8 4 0 0 12 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30
Urban 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Total 11 8 19 8 4 0 0 12 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31

Rural 27,725 22,722 50,447 56,103 1,34,353 69,753 21,051 2,81,260 3,31,707 12,709 7,617 20,326 22,202 46,747 26,084 5,755 1,00,788 1,21,114 4,52,821

GUJARAT Urban 6,218 9,379 15,597 9,414 21,629 8,955 3,467 43,465 59,062 1,947 1,992 3,939 3,177 8,234 3,521 1,653 16,585 20,524 79,586

Total 33,943 32,101 66,044 65,517 1,55,982 78,708 24,518 3,24,725 3,90,769 14,656 9,609 24,265 25,379 54,981 29,605 7,408 1,17,373 1,41,638 5,32,407

Rural 27,736 22,729 50,465 56,111 1,34,357 69,753 21,051 2,81,272 3,31,737 12,709 7,617 20,326 22,202 46,747 26,084 5,755 1,00,788 1,21,114 4,52,851

All India Urban 6,218 9,380 15,598 9,414 21,629 8,955 3,467 43,465 59,063 1,947 1,992 3,939 3,177 8,234 3,521 1,653 16,585 20,524 79,587

Total 33,954 32,109 66,063 65,525 1,55,986 78,708 24,518 3,24,737 3,90,800 14,656 9,609 24,265 25,379 54,981 29,605 7,408 1,17,373 1,41,638 5,32,438

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Goats by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Goats - Non Descript
Male Female
State/ Union 1 year & above Total
Territory Total Male +
Under 1 year 1 year & above Total Male Under 1 year Not Calved
In Milk Dry Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Rural 10,563 10,113 20,676 12,204 12,812 9,816 2,133 36,965 57,641
Urban 737 216 953 770 732 736 12 2,250 3,203
Total 11,300 10,329 21,629 12,974 13,544 10,552 2,145 39,215 60,844
Rural 10,93,838 9,22,433 20,16,271 17,51,503 26,30,285 13,12,165 6,03,452 62,97,405 83,13,676
ANDHRA PRADESH Urban 32,186 32,624 64,810 47,943 68,631 25,954 16,318 1,58,846 2,23,656
Total 11,26,024 9,55,057 20,81,081 17,99,446 26,98,916 13,38,119 6,19,770 64,56,251 85,37,332
Rural 62,919 58,441 1,21,360 63,071 55,767 32,351 22,113 1,73,302 2,94,662
Urban 2,195 2,551 4,746 1,735 2,070 1,123 1,202 6,130 10,876
Total 65,114 60,992 1,26,106 64,806 57,837 33,474 23,315 1,79,432 3,05,538
Rural 9,28,768 16,18,103 25,46,871 10,00,141 11,01,700 8,45,235 5,24,137 34,71,213 60,18,084
ASSAM Urban 16,915 10,847 27,762 15,451 19,470 12,066 5,828 52,815 80,577
Total 9,45,683 16,28,950 25,74,633 10,15,592 11,21,170 8,57,301 5,29,965 35,24,028 60,98,661
Rural 1,126,227 850,279 1,976,506 1,217,138 1,550,187 1,024,262 933,108 4,724,695 6,701,201
BIHAR Urban 37,029 20,793 57,822 45,108 54,807 28,962 22,711 151,588 209,410
Total 1,163,256 871,072 2,034,328 1,262,246 1,604,994 1,053,224 955,819 4,876,282 6,910,611
Rural 11 21 32 12 41 14 3 70 102
CHANDIGARH Urban 73 165 238 78 202 34 5 319 557
Total 84 186 270 90 243 48 8 389 659
Rural 3,82,042 4,21,842 8,03,884 4,87,604 5,13,313 6,63,364 3,28,215 19,92,496 27,96,380
CHHATTISGARH Urban 14,489 18,920 33,409 18,492 20,300 23,151 10,097 72,040 1,05,449
Total 3,96,531 4,40,762 8,37,293 5,06,096 5,33,613 6,86,515 3,38,312 20,64,536 29,01,829
Rural 753 633 1,386 622 665 470 180 1,937 3,323
Urban 155 124 279 125 292 111 43 571 850
Total 908 757 1,665 747 957 581 223 2,508 4,173
Rural 79 220 299 172 560 319 171 1,222 1,521
DAMAN & DIU Urban 55 53 108 58 88 29 26 201 309
Total 134 273 407 230 648 348 197 1,423 1,830
Rural 1,721 2,232 3,953 1,917 3,023 1,627 819 7,386 11,339
GOA Urban 174 257 431 260 468 391 69 1,188 1,619
Total 1,895 2,489 4,384 2,177 3,491 2,018 888 8,574 12,958
Rural 3,65,397 2,67,933 6,33,330 4,74,610 7,97,929 4,89,261 1,83,453 19,45,253 25,78,583
GUJARAT Urban 15,605 22,384 37,989 19,907 34,324 12,980 8,664 75,875 1,13,864
Total 3,81,002 2,90,317 6,71,319 4,94,517 8,32,253 5,02,241 1,92,117 20,21,128 26,92,447
Rural 27,284 13,821 41,105 42,905 72,227 46,969 7,894 1,69,995 2,11,100
HARYANA Urban 2,446 2,095 4,541 3,445 6,859 3,542 649 14,495 19,036
Total 29,730 15,916 45,646 46,350 79,086 50,511 8,543 1,84,490 2,30,136
Rural 75,120 1,04,628 1,79,748 94,761 1,22,357 1,74,359 38,939 4,30,416 6,10,164
HIMACHAL PRADESH Urban 306 325 631 414 588 806 104 1,912 2,543
Total 75,426 1,04,953 1,80,379 95,175 1,22,945 1,75,165 39,043 4,32,328 6,12,707

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Goats by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Goats - Non Descript
Male Female
State/ Union 1 year & above Total
Territory Total Male +
Under 1 year 1 year & above Total Male Under 1 year Not Calved
In Milk Dry Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Rural 1,87,794 1,97,313 3,85,107 3,02,220 4,77,476 3,32,837 83,293 11,95,826 15,80,933
JAMMU & KASHMIR Urban 4,464 5,431 9,895 5,958 10,770 4,856 951 22,535 32,430
Total 1,92,258 2,02,744 3,95,002 3,08,178 4,88,246 3,37,693 84,244 12,18,361 16,13,363
Rural 5,73,009 6,70,380 12,43,389 6,53,959 8,44,053 5,77,853 3,07,495 23,83,360 36,26,749
JHARKHAND Urban 12,453 15,103 27,556 17,973 23,366 15,076 9,417 65,832 93,388
Total 5,85,462 6,85,483 12,70,945 6,71,932 8,67,419 5,92,929 3,16,912 24,49,192 37,20,137
Rural 4,87,819 4,48,161 9,35,980 8,19,760 12,06,976 9,18,426 2,11,976 31,57,138 40,93,118
KARNATAKA Urban 23,618 23,055 46,673 38,416 56,318 36,473 8,653 1,39,860 1,86,533
Total 5,11,437 4,71,216 9,82,653 8,58,176 12,63,294 9,54,899 2,20,629 32,96,998 42,79,651
Rural 24,514 10,111 34,625 50,314 40,285 19,434 4,175 1,14,208 1,48,833
KERALA Urban 1,415 743 2,158 2,779 2,695 945 242 6,661 8,819
Total 25,929 10,854 36,783 53,093 42,980 20,379 4,417 1,20,869 1,57,652
Rural 4,295 3,901 8,196 5,184 4,825 4,838 3,588 18,435 26,631
LAKSHADWEEP Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 4,295 3,901 8,196 5,184 4,825 4,838 3,588 18,435 26,631
Rural 10,26,048 7,44,272 17,70,320 13,56,972 19,36,280 17,17,274 3,44,500 53,55,026 71,25,346
MADHYA PRADESH Urban 57,452 63,167 1,20,619 76,698 1,14,065 81,707 19,359 2,91,829 4,12,448
Total 10,83,500 8,07,439 18,90,939 14,33,670 20,50,345 17,98,981 3,63,859 56,46,855 75,37,794
Rural 8,18,623 4,13,675 12,32,298 11,19,322 16,68,247 12,75,278 2,15,805 42,78,652 55,10,950
MAHARASHTRA Urban 45,013 40,993 86,006 62,131 1,07,709 57,310 12,780 2,39,930 3,25,936
Total 8,63,636 4,54,668 13,18,304 11,81,453 17,75,956 13,32,588 2,28,585 45,18,582 58,36,886
Rural 10,871 12,154 23,025 10,889 11,651 5,795 4,247 32,582 55,607
MANIPUR Urban 964 696 1,660 1,491 995 355 1,986 4,827 6,487
Total 11,835 12,850 24,685 12,380 12,646 6,150 6,233 37,409 62,094
Rural 98,721 88,941 1,87,662 90,529 80,195 65,277 45,450 2,81,451 4,69,113
MEGHALAYA Urban 481 418 899 375 208 182 258 1,023 1,922
Total 99,202 89,359 1,88,561 90,904 80,403 65,459 45,708 2,82,474 4,71,035
Rural 2,920 3,613 6,533 2,883 2,607 2,756 2,137 10,383 16,916
MIZORAM Urban 276 281 557 307 176 251 154 888 1,445
Total 3,196 3,894 7,090 3,190 2,783 3,007 2,291 11,271 18,361
Rural 14,621 15,278 29,899 13,097 15,661 9,226 8,888 46,872 76,771
NAGALAND Urban 1,997 1,717 3,714 1,915 1,988 1,148 849 5,900 9,614
Total 16,618 16,995 33,613 15,012 17,649 10,374 9,737 52,772 86,385
Rural 2,502 4,620 7,122 2,747 4,614 2,212 2,349 11,922 19,044
NCT OF DELHI Urban 1,594 1,437 3,031 1,342 1,092 229 106 2,769 5,800
Total 4,096 6,057 10,153 4,089 5,706 2,441 2,455 14,691 24,844
Rural 7,21,964 7,74,837 14,96,801 7,81,648 8,73,766 8,75,682 2,75,311 28,06,407 43,03,208
ODISHA Urban 16,687 17,131 33,818 18,340 20,432 18,995 7,983 65,750 99,568
Total 7,38,651 7,91,968 15,30,619 7,99,988 8,94,198 8,94,677 2,83,294 28,72,157 44,02,776

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Goats by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Goats - Non Descript
Male Female
State/ Union 1 year & above Total
Territory Total Male +
Under 1 year 1 year & above Total Male Under 1 year Not Calved
In Milk Dry Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Rural 6,311 3,278 9,589 10,441 14,219 8,081 1,223 33,964 43,553
PUDUCHERRY Urban 1,610 1,148 2,758 2,894 3,393 1,937 142 8,366 11,124
Total 7,921 4,426 12,347 13,335 17,612 10,018 1,365 42,330 54,677
Rural 8,357 5,923 14,280 14,092 26,697 15,046 4,534 60,369 74,649
PUNJAB Urban 366 427 793 505 1,185 495 221 2,406 3,199
Total 8,723 6,350 15,073 14,597 27,882 15,541 4,755 62,775 77,848
Rural 12,28,910 5,52,100 17,81,010 18,14,963 29,54,778 22,40,945 5,81,808 75,92,494 93,73,504
RAJASTHAN Urban 35,043 30,334 65,377 45,296 99,311 48,453 12,447 2,05,507 2,70,884
Total 12,63,953 5,82,434 18,46,387 18,60,259 30,54,089 22,89,398 5,94,255 77,98,001 96,44,388
Rural 21,909 30,602 52,511 20,294 15,382 19,724 4,216 59,616 1,12,127
SIKKIM Urban 264 222 486 193 118 132 34 477 963
Total 22,173 30,824 52,997 20,487 15,500 19,856 4,250 60,093 1,13,090
Rural 9,26,721 8,22,839 17,49,560 14,08,261 17,06,781 10,11,718 4,59,590 45,86,350 63,35,910
TAMIL NADU Urban 1,25,954 1,06,407 2,32,361 1,73,668 2,08,393 93,393 43,891 5,19,345 7,51,706
Total 10,52,675 9,29,246 19,81,921 15,81,929 19,15,174 11,05,111 5,03,481 51,05,695 70,87,616
Rural 3 0 3 0 0 0 2,086 2,086 2,089
TRIPURA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 22 22
Total 3 0 3 0 0 0 2,108 2,108 2,111
Rural 10,75,288 8,38,544 19,13,832 14,91,586 17,99,931 13,17,043 4,25,573 50,34,133 69,47,965
UTTAR PRADESH Urban 73,389 76,761 1,50,150 89,745 1,30,746 69,515 24,802 3,14,808 4,64,958
Total 11,48,677 9,15,305 20,63,982 15,81,331 19,30,677 13,86,558 4,50,375 53,4 8,941 74,12,923
Rural 1,44,789 1,80,966 3,25,755 2,05,261 2,91,229 2,95,252 74,132 8,65,874 11,91,629
UTTARAKHAND Urban 1,972 3,508 5,480 1,864 3,790 3,537 1,053 10,244 15,724
Total 1,46,761 1,84,474 3,31,235 2,07,125 2,95,019 2,98,789 75,185 8,76,118 12,07,353
Rural 1,24,356 1,10,591 2,34,947 1,15,786 1,08,593 87,842 39,574 3,51,795 5,86,742
WEST BENGAL Urban 3,124 5,466 8,590 1,859 2,496 2,011 1,572 7,938 16,528
Total 1,27,480 1,16,057 2,43,537 1,17,645 1,11,089 89,853 41,146 3,59,733 6,03,270
Rural 11,585,067 10,202,798 21,787,865 15,436,868 20,945,112 15,402,751 5,746,567 57,531,298 79,319,163
All India Urban 530,501 505,799 1,036,300 697,535 998,077 546,885 212,650 2,455,147 3,491,447
Total 12,115,568 107,708,597 22,824,165 16,134,403 21,943,189 15,949,636 5,959,217 59,986,445 82,810,610
Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Annexure - V
State wise details of Exotic/Crossbred and
Indigenous Pigs by age, sex and use
Breed Survey 2012
Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Exotic/Crossbred Pigs by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Australian Large Black - Exotic
State/ Union Male Female Total
Territory Under 6 6 months & Total Under 6 6 months & Total Male +
months above Male months above Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rural 217 110 327 160 166 326 653
ASSAM Urban 7 2 9 1 4 5 14
Total 224 112 336 161 170 331 667
Rural 12 32 44 0 16 16 60
HARYANA Urban 0 2 2 0 0 0 2
Total 12 34 46 0 16 16 62
Rural 21 26 47 17 30 47 94
MADHYA PRADESH Urban 5 15 20 7 15 22 42
Total 26 41 67 24 45 69 136
Rural 3 0 3 4 4 8 11
UTTAR PRADESH Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 3 0 3 4 4 8 11
Rural 253 168 421 181 216 397 818
All India Urban 12 19 31 8 19 27 58
Total 265 187 452 189 235 424 876

Statewise Details of Exotic/Crossbred Pigs by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Duroc - Exotic
State/ Union Male Female Total
Territory Under 6 6 months & Total Under 6 6 months & Total Male +
months above Male months above Female Female

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rural 142 164 306 108 80 188 494
KARNATAKA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 142 164 306 108 80 188 494
Rural 319 455 774 335 339 674 1,448
KERALA Urban 3 8 11 8 5 13 24
Total 322 463 785 343 344 687 1,472
Rural 9 7 16 9 14 23 39
MADHYA PRADESH Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 9 7 16 9 14 23 39
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PUDUCHERRY Urban 0 0 0 9 0 9 9
Total 0 0 0 9 0 9 9
Rural 54 33 87 36 66 102 189
RAJASTHAN Urban 54 26 80 20 48 68 148
Total 108 59 167 56 114 170 337
Rural 0 0 0 613 0 613 613
TAMIL NADU Urban 0 0 0 359 0 359 359
Total 0 0 0 972 0 972 972
Rural 524 659 1,183 1,101 499 1,600 2,783
All India Urban 57 34 91 396 53 449 540
Total 581 693 1,274 1,497 552 2,049 3,323

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Exotic/Crossbred Pigs by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Hampshire - Exotic
State/ Union Male Female Total
Territory Under 6 6 months & Total Under 6 6 months & Total Male +
months above Male months above Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rural 1 3 4 2 12 14 18
ANDHRA PRADESH Urban 0 0 0 0 11 11 11
Total 1 3 4 2 23 25 29
Rural 1,764 1,243 3,007 1,570 1,697 3,267 6,274
ASSAM Urban 34 17 51 33 40 73 124
Total 1,798 1,260 3,058 1,603 1,737 3,340 6,398
Rural 912 912 1,824 1,007 1,126 2,133 3,957
BIHAR Urban 69 34 103 48 79 127 230
Total 981 946 1,927 1,055 1,205 2,260 4,187
Rural 12 14 26 15 39 54 80
CHHATTISGARH Urban 15 7 22 7 12 19 41
Total 27 21 48 22 51 73 121
Rural 31 12 43 0 9 9 52
KERALA Urban 3 0 3 0 0 0 3
Total 34 12 46 0 9 9 55
Rural 78 130 208 128 171 299 507
MANIPUR Urban 3 14 17 11 5 16 33
Total 81 144 225 139 176 315 540
Rural 3,831 3,448 7,279 3,590 3,886 7,476 14,755
NAGALAND Urban 586 601 1,187 486 610 1,096 2,283
Total 4,417 4,049 8,466 4,076 4,496 8,572 17,038
Rural 21 7 28 33 25 58 86
PUNJAB Urban 5 15 20 2 14 16 36
Total 26 22 48 35 39 74 122
Rural 28 40 68 41 71 112 180
RAJASTHAN Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 28 40 68 41 71 112 180
Rural 0 3 3 0 0 0 3
SIKKIM Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 3 3 0 0 0 3
Rural 78 141 219 119 91 210 429
UTTAR PRADESH Urban 36 18 54 3 6 9 63
Total 114 159 273 122 97 219 492
Rural 6,756 5,953 12,709 6,505 7,127 13,632 26,341
All India Urban 751 706 1,457 590 777 1,367 2,824
Total 7,507 6,659 14,166 7,095 7,904 14,999 29,165
Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Exotic/Crossbred Pigs by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Landrace - Exotic
State/ Union Male Female Total
Territory Under 6 6 months & Total Under 6 6 months & Total Male +
months above Male months above Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rural 1,041 946 1,987 1,323 1,334 2,657 4,644
ANDHRA PRADESH Urban 168 245 413 240 383 623 1,036
Total 1,209 1,191 2,400 1,563 1,717 3,280 5,680
Rural 33 42 75 0 40 40 115
ARUNACHAL PRADESH Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 33 42 75 0 40 40 115
Rural 67 32 99 264 98 362 461
BIHAR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 67 32 99 264 98 362 461
Rural 1,468 1,047 2,515 1,681 1,795 3,476 5,991
HARYANA Urban 222 323 545 145 233 378 923
Total 1,690 1,370 3,060 1,826 2,028 3,854 6,914
Rural 35 26 61 15 19 34 95
JHARKHAND Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 35 26 61 15 19 34 95
Rural 371 741 1,112 638 897 1,535 2,647
KARNATAKA Urban 1 7 8 9 21 30 38
Total 372 748 1,120 647 918 1,565 2,685
Rural 218 244 462 166 245 411 873
KERALA Urban 1 1 2 1 1 2 4
Total 219 245 464 167 246 413 877
Rural 94 614 708 52 885 937 1,645
MAHARASHTRA Urban 85 299 384 39 285 324 708
Total 179 913 1,092 91 1,170 1,261 2,353
Rural 70 32 102 37 14 51 153
PUNJAB Urban 18 16 34 10 0 10 44
Total 88 48 136 47 14 61 197
Rural 150 15 165 0 4 4 169
RAJASTHAN Urban 19 23 42 0 0 0 42
Total 169 38 207 0 4 4 211
Rural 0 69 69 0 80 80 149
TAMIL NADU Urban 0 18 18 0 31 31 49
Total 0 87 87 0 111 111 198
Rural 1,913 1,963 3,876 2,064 2,228 4,292 8,168
UTTAR PRADESH Urban 108 153 261 60 92 152 413
Total 2,021 2,116 4,137 2,124 2,320 4,444 8,581
Rural 0 13 13 0 16 16 29
UTTARAKHAND Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 13 13 0 16 16 29
Rural 537 241 778 534 343 877 1,655
WEST BENGAL Urban 0 7 7 3 2 5 12
Total 537 248 785 537 345 882 1,667
Rural 5,997 6,025 12,022 6,774 7,998 14,772 26,794
All India Urban 622 1,092 1,714 507 1,048 1,555 3,269
Total 6,619 7,117 13,736 7,281 9,046 16,327 30,063

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Exotic/Crossbred Pigs by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Saddleback - Exotic
State/ Union Male Female Total
Territory Under 6 6 months & Total Under 6 6 months & Total Male +
months above Male months above Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rural 0 21 21 17 14 31 52
CHHATTISGARH Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 21 21 17 14 31 52
Rural 5 62 67 25 115 140 207
KERALA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 5 62 67 25 115 140 207
Rural 3 18 21 3 20 23 44
MEGHALAYA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 3 18 21 3 20 23 44
Rural 34 18 52 71 49 120 172
UTTAR PRADESH Urban 14 0 14 8 3 11 25
Total 48 18 66 79 52 131 197
Rural 42 119 161 116 198 314 475
All India Urban 14 0 14 8 3 11 25
Total 56 119 175 124 201 325 500

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Exotic/Crossbred Pigs by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Yorkshire - Exotic
State/ Union Male Female Total
Territory Under 6 6 months & Total Under 6 6 months & Total Male +
months above Male months above Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rural 2,262 2,748 5,010 2,966 4,146 7,112 12,122
ANDHRA PRADESH Urban 637 607 1,244 723 909 1,632 2,876
Total 2,899 3,355 6,254 3,689 5,055 8,744 14,998
Rural 265 280 545 164 245 409 954
BIHAR Urban 63 91 154 73 160 233 387
Total 328 371 699 237 405 642 1,341
Rural 0 6 6 0 4 4 10
CHANDIGARH Urban 0 14 14 0 65 65 79
Total 0 20 20 0 69 69 89
Rural 675 853 1,528 1,065 1,233 2,298 3,826
GOA Urban 41 76 117 59 147 206 323
Total 716 929 1,645 1,124 1,380 2,504 4,149
Rural 1,635 1,087 2,722 2,108 1,948 4,056 6,778
HARYANA Urban 383 329 712 373 746 1,119 1,831
Total 2,018 1,416 3,434 2,481 2,694 5,175 8,609
Rural 66 134 200 80 66 146 346
HIMACHAL PRADESH Urban 4 25 29 8 34 42 71
Total 70 159 229 88 100 188 417
Rural 14 0 14 36 0 36 50
JAMMU & KASHMIR Urban 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
Total 14 0 14 37 0 37 51
Rural 81 130 211 82 130 212 423
JHARKHAND Urban 1 6 7 12 16 28 35
Total 82 136 218 94 146 240 458
Rural 1,485 2,176 3,661 1,772 2,630 4,402 8,063
KARNATAKA Urban 481 412 893 480 509 989 1,882
Total 1,966 2,588 4,554 2,252 3,139 5,391 9,945
Rural 3,400 4,582 7,982 4,372 6,396 10,768 18,750
KERALA Urban 33 183 216 30 219 249 465
Total 3,433 4,765 8,198 4,402 6,615 11,017 19,215
Rural 96 129 225 123 134 257 482
MADHYA PRADESH Urban 30 68 98 51 67 118 216
Total 126 197 323 174 201 375 698
Rural 1,694 1,645 3,339 2,110 2,411 4,521 7,860
MAHARASHTRA Urban 659 809 1,468 788 1,051 1,839 3,307
Total 2,353 2,454 4,807 2,898 3,462 6,360 11,167
Rural 110 51 161 134 142 276 437
MANIPUR Urban 22 10 32 32 18 50 82
Total 132 61 193 166 160 326 519
Rural 0 384 384 0 454 454 838
MEGHALAYA Urban 0 3 3 0 4 4 7
Total 0 387 387 0 458 458 845
Rural 5,182 4,610 9,792 4,290 4,718 9,008 18,800
NAGALAND Urban 1,035 1,175 2,210 902 753 1,655 3,865
Total 6,217 5,785 12,002 5,192 5,471 10,663 22,665

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Exotic/Crossbred Pigs by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Yorkshire - Exotic
State/ Union Male Female Total
Territory Under 6 6 months & Total Under 6 6 months & Total Male +
months above Male months above Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rural 165 115 280 221 160 381 661
ODISHA Urban 13 6 19 14 7 21 40
Total 178 121 299 235 167 402 701
Rural 1,333 1,331 2,664 1,557 1,501 3,058 5,722
PUNJAB Urban 262 368 630 310 425 735 1,365
Total 1,595 1,699 3,294 1,867 1,926 3,793 7,087
Rural 664 1,227 1,891 665 1,551 2,216 4,107
RAJASTHAN Urban 602 1,234 1,836 250 1,666 1,916 3,752
Total 1,266 2,461 3,727 915 3,217 4,132 7,859
Rural 941 1,021 1,962 556 631 1,187 3,149
SIKKIM Urban 19 18 37 9 12 21 58
Total 960 1,039 1,999 565 643 1,208 3,207
Rural 1,002 1,213 2,215 865 1,105 1,970 4,185
TAMIL NADU Urban 77 117 194 129 145 274 468
Total 1,079 1,330 2,409 994 1,250 2,244 4,653
Rural 0 15 15 0 11 11 26
TRIPURA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 15 15 0 11 11 26
Rural 8,632 10,697 19,329 8,566 11,359 19,925 39,254
UTTAR PRADESH Urban 1,943 1,977 3,920 1,516 1,766 3,282 7,202
Total 10,575 12,674 23,249 10,082 13,125 23,207 46,456
Rural 22 105 127 55 208 263 390
UTTARAKHAND Urban 22 42 64 60 60 120 184
Total 44 147 191 115 268 383 574
Rural 2,980 1,451 4,431 2,752 1,981 4,733 9,164
WEST BENGAL Urban 213 251 464 235 341 576 1,040
Total 3,193 1,702 4,895 2,987 2,322 5,309 10,204
Rural 32,704 35,990 68,694 34,539 43,164 77,703 1,46,397
All India Urban 6,540 7,821 14,361 6,055 9,120 15,175 29,536
Total 39,244 43,811 83,055 40,594 52,284 92,878 1,75,933

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Exotic/Crossbred Pigs by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Pigs - Crossbred
State/ Union Male Female Total
Territory Under 6 6 months & Total Under 6 6 months & Total Male +
months above Male months above Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rural 2,995 2,561 5,556 2,572 2,478 5,050 10,606
Urban 35 82 117 28 72 100 217
Total 3,030 2,643 5,673 2,600 2,550 5,150 10,823
Rural 903 764 1,667 1,375 1,582 2,957 4,624
ANDHRA PRADESH Urban 308 185 493 379 148 527 1,020
Total 1,211 949 2,160 1,754 1,730 3,484 5,644
Rural 10,036 9,168 19,204 6,675 6,593 13,268 32,472
ARUNACHAL PRADESH Urban 1,690 1,854 3,544 609 629 1,238 4,782
Total 11,726 11,022 22,748 7,284 7,222 14,506 37,254
Rural 1,68,080 1,58,458 3,26,538 1,36,950 1,35,647 2,72,597 5,99,135
ASSAM Urban 2,444 1,824 4,268 1,528 1,672 3,200 7,468
Total 1,70,524 1,60,282 3,30,806 1,38,478 1,37,319 2,75,797 6,06,603
Rural 4,105 3,464 7,569 3,425 3,514 6,939 14,508
BIHAR Urban 1,014 816 1,830 839 1,016 1,855 3,685
Total 5,119 4,280 9,399 4,264 4,530 8,794 18,193
Rural 1 0 1 0 0 0 1
CHANDIGARH Urban 8 0 8 11 0 11 19
Total 9 0 9 11 0 11 20
Rural 4,608 3,934 8,542 4,478 4,604 9,082 17,624
CHHATTISGARH Urban 1,047 999 2,046 1,079 1,221 2,300 4,346
Total 5,655 4,933 10,588 5,557 5,825 11,382 21,970
Rural 355 391 746 448 428 876 1,622
GOA Urban 41 47 88 28 69 97 185
Total 396 438 834 476 497 973 1,807
Rural 211 123 334 169 238 407 741
GUJARAT Urban 34 41 75 24 45 69 144
Total 245 164 409 193 283 476 885
Rural 6,523 4,539 11,062 7,843 7,934 15,777 26,839
HARYANA Urban 1,818 1,674 3,492 1,733 2,143 3,876 7,368
Total 8,341 6,213 14,554 9,576 10,077 19,653 34,207
Rural 249 476 725 200 357 557 1,282
HIMACHAL PRADESH Urban 63 52 115 72 57 129 244
Total 312 528 840 272 414 686 1,526
Rural 137 202 339 172 275 447 786
JAMMU & KASHMIR Urban 0 24 24 1 16 17 41
Total 137 226 363 173 291 464 827
Rural 10,146 9,638 19,784 8,351 8,472 16,823 36,607
JHARKHAND Urban 1,196 1,167 2,363 978 1,241 2,219 4,582
Total 11,342 10,805 22,147 9,329 9,713 19,042 41,189
Rural 6,073 6,316 12,389 6,113 8,525 14,638 27,027
KARNATAKA Urban 533 1,313 1,846 610 917 1,527 3,373
Total 6,606 7,629 14,235 6,723 9,442 16,165 30,400
Rural 5,608 5,368 10,976 5,737 9,249 14,986 25,962
KERALA Urban 682 444 1,126 1,204 699 1,903 3,029
Total 6,290 5,812 12,102 6,941 9,948 16,889 28,991
Rural 1,938 1,780 3,718 2,013 2,409 4,422 8,140
MADHYA PRADESH Urban 942 1,129 2,071 1,002 1,452 2,454 4,525
Total 2,880 2,909 5,789 3,015 3,861 6,876 12,665
Rural 3,024 2,659 5,683 3,454 3,936 7,390 13,073
MAHARASHTRA Urban 2,237 2,676 4,913 2,601 3,348 5,949 10,862
Total 5,261 5,335 10,596 6,055 7,284 13,339 23,935

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Exotic/Crossbred Pigs by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Pigs - Crossbred
State/ Union Male Female Total
Territory Under 6 6 months & Total Under 6 6 months & Total Male +
months above Male months above Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rural 38,539 38,507 77,046 36,806 34,452 71,258 1,48,304
MANIPUR Urban 8,392 6,640 15,032 9,105 9,046 18,151 33,183
Total 46,931 45,147 92,078 45,911 43,498 89,409 1,81,487
Rural 32,687 36,752 69,439 28,355 34,609 62,964 1,32,403
MEGHALAYA Urban 80 102 182 84 65 149 331
Total 32,767 36,854 69,621 28,439 34,674 63,113 1,32,734
Rural 34,972 29,314 64,286 26,774 26,615 53,389 1,17,675
MIZORAM Urban 27,705 23,199 50,904 22,324 22,049 44,373 95,277
Total 62,677 52,513 1,15,190 49,098 48,664 97,762 2,12,952
Rural 75,051 75,044 1,50,095 66,630 66,265 1,32,895 2,82,990
NAGALAND Urban 15,643 16,512 32,155 12,969 12,902 25,871 58,026
Total 90,694 91,556 1,82,250 79,599 79,167 1,58,766 3,41,016
Rural 823 1,074 1,897 600 932 1,532 3,429
NCT OF DELHI Urban 1,333 2,183 3,516 912 724 1,636 5,152
Total 2,156 3,257 5,413 1,512 1,656 3,168 8,581
Rural 1,013 601 1,614 713 624 1,337 2,951
ODISHA Urban 175 184 359 95 158 253 612
Total 1,188 785 1,973 808 782 1,590 3,563
Rural 17 13 30 3 34 37 67
PUDUCHERRY Urban 31 167 198 9 193 202 400
Total 48 180 228 12 227 239 467
Rural 2,167 1,894 4,061 1,794 2,758 4,552 8,613
PUNJAB Urban 365 534 899 304 534 838 1,737
Total 2,532 2,428 4,960 2,098 3,292 5,390 10,350
Rural 2,175 1,599 3,774 2,312 2,410 4,722 8,496
RAJASTHAN Urban 1,275 756 2,031 1,349 622 1,971 4,002
Total 3,450 2,355 5,805 3,661 3,032 6,693 12,498
Rural 7,093 9,732 16,825 3,031 3,728 6,759 23,584
SIKKIM Urban 217 198 415 132 115 247 662
Total 7,310 9,930 17,240 3,163 3,843 7,006 24,246
Rural 4,457 4,335 8,792 3,858 6,075 9,933 18,725
TAMIL NADU Urban 1,326 1,634 2,960 1,269 2,016 3,285 6,245
Total 5,783 5,969 11,752 5,127 8,091 13,218 24,970
Rural 57,761 53,117 1,10,878 51,305 49,138 1,00,443 2,11,321
TRIPURA Urban 550 580 1,130 552 614 1,166 2,296
Total 58,311 53,697 1,12,008 51,857 49,752 1,01,609 2,13,617
Rural 23,570 26,604 50,174 24,597 28,797 53,394 1,03,568
UTTAR PRADESH Urban 6,307 5,176 11,483 5,841 5,322 11,163 22,646
Total 29,877 31,780 61,657 30,438 34,119 64,557 1,26,214
Rural 891 865 1,756 768 969 1,737 3,493
UTTARAKHAND Urban 673 874 1,547 587 992 1,579 3,126
Total 1,564 1,739 3,303 1,355 1,961 3,316 6,619
Rural 12,710 8,401 21,111 8,825 6,271 15,096 36,207
WEST BENGAL Urban 1,202 819 2,021 1,061 987 2,048 4,069
Total 13,912 9,220 23,132 9,886 7,258 17,144 40,276
Rural 5,18,918 4,97,693 10,16,611 4,46,346 4,59,918 9,06,264 19,22,875
All India Urban 79,366 73,885 1,53,251 69,319 71,084 1,40,403 2,93,654
Total 5,98,284 5,71,578 11,69,862 5,15,665 5,31,002 10,46,667 22,16,529

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Pigs by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
State/ Union Male Female Total
Territory Under 6 6 months & Total Under 6 6 months & Total Male +
months above Male months above Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rural 2,230 2,539 4,769 1,850 2,887 4,737 9,506
BIHAR Urban 200 158 358 205 220 425 783
Total 2,430 2,697 5,127 2,055 3,107 5,162 10,289
Rural 426 394 820 432 671 1,103 1,923
HARYANA Urban 329 375 704 346 573 919 1,623
Total 755 769 1,524 778 1,244 2,022 3,546
Rural 1,301 966 2,267 1,341 1,118 2,459 4,726
JHARKHAND Urban 36 15 51 32 66 98 149
Total 1,337 981 2,318 1,373 1,184 2,557 4,875
Rural 61 55 116 62 73 135 251
MADHYA PRADESH Urban 84 71 155 93 81 174 329
Total 145 126 271 155 154 309 580
Rural 209 324 533 44 95 139 672
MEGHALAYA Urban 1 1 2 1 2 3 5
Total 210 325 535 45 97 142 677
Rural 87 184 271 478 446 924 1,195
ODISHA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 87 184 271 478 446 924 1,195
Rural 136 145 281 550 615 1,165 1,446
PUNJAB Urban 253 245 498 902 1,214 2,116 2,614
Total 389 390 779 1,452 1,829 3,281 4,060
Rural 353 533 886 683 789 1,472 2,358
RAJASTHAN Urban 400 343 743 623 375 998 1,741
Total 753 876 1,629 1,306 1,164 2,470 4,099
Rural 3,694 4,672 8,366 4,643 5,681 10,324 18,690
UTTAR PRADESH Urban 511 538 1,049 500 663 1,163 2,212
Total 4,205 5,210 9,415 5,143 6,344 11,487 20,902
Rural 35,140 27,040 62,180 35,375 30,261 65,636 1,27,816
WEST BENGAL Urban 1,477 1,243 2,720 1,676 1,872 3,548 6,268
Total 36,617 28,283 64,900 37,051 32,133 69,184 1,34,084
Rural 43,637 36,852 80,489 45,458 42,636 88,094 1,68,583
All India Urban 3,291 2,989 6,280 4,378 5,066 9,444 15,724
Total 46,928 39,841 86,769 49,836 47,702 97,538 1,84,307

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Pigs by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Niang Megha
State/ Union Male Female Total
Territory Under 6 6 months & Total Under 6 6 months & Total Male +
months above Male months above Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rural 2,337 2,307 4,644 2,234 2,333 4,567 9,211
BIHAR Urban 157 128 285 137 47 184 469
Total 2,494 2,435 4,929 2,371 2,380 4,751 9,680
Rural 1,889 1,612 3,501 2,046 2,262 4,308 7,809
JHARKHAND Urban 16 35 51 23 33 56 107
Total 1,905 1,647 3,552 2,069 2,295 4,364 7,916
Rural 29,488 29,056 58,544 25,197 24,445 49,642 1,08,186
MEGHALAYA Urban 2 13 15 5 12 17 32
Total 29,490 29,069 58,559 25,202 24,457 49,659 1,08,218
Rural 345 250 595 402 481 883 1,478
ODISHA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 345 250 595 402 481 883 1,478
Rural 34,059 33,225 67,284 29,879 29,521 59,400 1,26,684
All India Urban 175 176 351 165 92 257 608
Total 34,234 33,401 67,635 30,044 29,613 59,657 1,27,292

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Pigs by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Pigs - Non Descript
State/ Union Male Female Total
Territory Under 6 6 months & Total Under 6 6 months & Total Male +
months above Male months above Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rural 6,624 5,833 12,457 6,735 5,829 12,564 25,021
Urban 10 17 27 15 35 50 77
Total 6,634 5,850 12,484 6,750 5,864 12,614 25,098
Rural 59,024 55,481 1,14,505 88,279 1,10,672 1,98,951 3,13,456
ANDHRA PRADESH Urban 9,047 10,893 19,940 14,058 20,557 34,615 54,555
Total 68,071 66,374 1,34,445 1,02,337 1,31,229 2,33,566 3,68,011
Rural 78,813 76,633 1,55,446 79,226 75,032 1,54,258 3,09,704
ARUNACHAL PRADESH Urban 2,303 2,909 5,212 1,828 2,232 4,060 9,272
Total 81,116 79,542 1,60,658 81,054 77,264 1,58,318 3,18,976
Rural 2,80,622 2,43,716 5,24,338 2,45,883 2,42,654 4,88,537 10,12,875
ASSAM Urban 2,483 2,091 4,574 2,595 2,310 4,905 9,479
Total 2,83,105 2,45,807 5,28,912 2,48,478 2,44,964 4,93,442 10,22,354
Rural 2,21,937 1,03,240 3,25,177 1,16,320 1,35,885 2,52,205 5,77,382
BIHAR Urban 6,218 6,335 12,553 6,567 9,060 15,627 28,180
Total 2,28,155 1,09,575 3,37,730 1,22,887 1,44,945 2,67,832 6,05,562
Rural 4 0 4 0 0 0 4
CHANDIGARH Urban 0 12 12 2 8 10 22
Total 4 12 16 2 8 10 26
Rural 89,551 81,407 1,70,958 1,06,337 1,11,201 2,17,538 3,88,496
CHHATTISGARH Urban 5,748 5,386 11,134 7,907 9,379 17,286 28,420
Total 95,299 86,793 1,82,092 1,14,244 1,20,580 2,34,824 4,16,916
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DAMAN & DIU Urban 2 1 3 7 4 11 14
Total 2 1 3 7 4 11 14
Rural 7,293 7,815 15,108 7,737 9,129 16,866 31,974
GOA Urban 1,258 1,413 2,671 1,338 1,628 2,966 5,637
Total 8,551 9,228 17,779 9,075 10,757 19,832 37,611
Rural 377 632 1,009 467 515 982 1,991
GUJARAT Urban 281 366 647 342 414 756 1,403
Total 658 998 1,656 809 929 1,738 3,394
Rural 11,889 9,675 21,564 15,849 17,531 33,380 54,944
HARYANA Urban 3,555 3,368 6,923 5,355 6,385 11,740 18,663
Total 15,444 13,043 28,487 21,204 23,916 45,120 73,607
Rural 786 1,370 2,156 284 514 798 2,954
HIMACHAL PRADESH Urban 45 22 67 41 28 69 136
Total 831 1,392 2,223 325 542 867 3,090
Rural 437 363 800 339 335 674 1,474
JAMMU & KASHMIR Urban 17 17 34 9 26 35 69
Total 454 380 834 348 361 709 1,543
Rural 2,06,832 2,00,432 4,07,264 2,24,667 2,40,325 4,64,992 8,72,256
JHARKHAND Urban 7,195 7,261 14,456 9,255 11,867 21,122 35,578
Total 2,14,027 2,07,693 4,21,720 2,33,922 2,52,192 4,86,114 9,07,834
Rural 24,837 28,424 53,261 40,941 65,119 1,06,060 1,59,321
KARNATAKA Urban 16,202 17,736 33,938 24,207 43,808 68,015 1,01,953
Total 41,039 46,160 87,199 65,148 1,08,927 1,74,075 2,61,274
Rural 947 1,353 2,300 817 1,627 2,444 4,744
KERALA Urban 27 76 103 47 71 118 221
Total 974 1,429 2,403 864 1,698 2,562 4,965
Rural 27,115 23,688 50,803 31,804 36,687 68,491 1,19,294
MADHYA PRADESH Urban 8,647 10,587 19,234 9,174 13,433 22,607 41,841
Total 35,762 34,275 70,037 40,978 50,120 91,098 1,61,135
Rural 45,594 39,011 84,605 58,426 67,074 1,25,500 2,10,105
MAHARASHTRA Urban 14,730 17,753 32,483 17,810 27,903 45,713 78,196
Total 60,324 56,764 1,17,088 76,236 94,977 1,71,213 2,88,301

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Indigenous Pigs by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Pigs - Non Descript
State/ Union Male Female Total
Territory Under 6 6 months & Total Under 6 6 months & Total Male +
months above Male months above Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rural 22,230 24,089 46,319 21,146 19,781 40,927 87,246
MANIPUR Urban 1,686 1,626 3,312 2,055 2,056 4,111 7,423
Total 23,916 25,715 49,631 23,201 21,837 45,038 94,669
Rural 68,865 84,227 1,53,092 66,550 79,717 1,46,267 2,99,359
MEGHALAYA Urban 297 584 881 318 305 623 1,504
Total 69,162 84,811 1,53,973 66,868 80,022 1,46,890 3,00,863
Rural 6,351 7,182 13,533 6,466 7,156 13,622 27,155
MIZORAM Urban 1,254 1,256 2,510 1,160 1,461 2,621 5,131
Total 7,605 8,438 16,043 7,626 8,617 16,243 32,286
Rural 32,335 31,480 63,815 26,508 26,594 53,102 1,16,917
NAGALAND Urban 1,911 1,950 3,861 1,023 1,168 2,191 6,052
Total 34,246 33,430 67,676 27,531 27,762 55,293 1,22,969
Rural 19,183 10,628 29,811 18,474 10,509 28,983 58,794
NCT OF DELHI Urban 963 4,547 5,510 319 3,142 3,461 8,971
Total 20,146 15,175 35,321 18,793 13,651 32,444 67,765
Rural 57,306 53,342 1,10,648 73,020 71,393 1,44,413 2,55,061
ODISHA Urban 4,273 3,422 7,695 5,272 5,351 10,623 18,318
Total 61,579 56,764 1,18,343 78,292 76,744 1,55,036 2,73,379
Rural 65 69 134 78 116 194 328
PUDUCHERRY Urban 35 30 65 65 76 141 206
Total 100 99 199 143 192 335 534
Rural 1,869 1,711 3,580 1,423 1,629 3,052 6,632
PUNJAB Urban 1,155 1,640 2,795 402 576 978 3,773
Total 3,024 3,351 6,375 1,825 2,205 4,030 10,405
Rural 31,418 32,113 63,531 36,390 51,743 88,133 1,51,664
RAJASTHAN Urban 13,758 16,101 29,859 11,771 19,196 30,967 60,826
Total 45,176 48,214 93,390 48,161 70,939 1,19,100 2,12,490
Rural 662 937 1,599 408 440 848 2,447
SIKKIM Urban 3 1 4 0 0 0 4
Total 665 938 1,603 408 440 848 2,451
Rural 26,676 30,512 57,188 30,367 36,831 67,198 1,24,386
TAMIL NADU Urban 5,516 6,930 12,446 6,730 9,628 16,358 28,804
Total 32,192 37,442 69,634 37,097 46,459 83,556 1,53,190
Rural 38,206 36,190 74,396 37,175 36,036 73,211 1,47,607
TRIPURA Urban 223 288 511 268 505 773 1,284
Total 38,429 36,478 74,907 37,443 36,541 73,984 1,48,891
Rural 2,16,188 2,31,766 4,47,954 2,52,323 2,89,598 5,41,921 9,89,875
UTTAR PRADESH Urban 35,963 36,028 71,991 34,716 34,957 69,673 1,41,664
Total 2,52,151 2,67,794 5,19,945 2,87,039 3,24,555 6,11,594 11,31,539
Rural 1,313 1,894 3,207 1,379 1,997 3,376 6,583
UTTARAKHAND Urban 1,332 1,694 3,026 1,186 1,890 3,076 6,102
Total 2,645 3,588 6,233 2,565 3,887 6,452 12,685
Rural 1,07,202 92,939 2,00,141 1,23,087 1,21,055 2,44,142 4,44,283
WEST BENGAL Urban 4,221 3,378 7,599 5,005 4,993 9,998 17,597
Total 1,11,423 96,317 2,07,740 1,28,092 1,26,048 2,54,140 4,61,880
Rural 16,92,551 15,18,152 32,10,703 17,18,905 18,74,724 35,93,629 68,04,332
All India Urban 1,50,358 1,65,718 3,16,076 1,70,847 2,34,452 4,05,299 7,21,375
Total 18,42,909 16,83,870 35,26,779 18,89,752 21,09,176 39,98,928 75,25,707
Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Annexure - VI
State wise details of Horses & Ponies
by age, sex and use
Breed Survey 2012
Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Horses by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Male Female
State/ Union Total
Area 3 years & above
Territory Under 3 Under 3 3 years & Total Male +
Use for cart/ Used for Total Male
years years above Female Female
carriage sport
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rural 680 402 474 1,556 454 883 1,337 2,893
BIHAR Urban 42 15 5 62 13 41 54 116
Total 722 417 479 1,618 467 924 1,391 3,009
Rural 101 121 3 225 103 282 385 610
PUNJAB Urban 3 5 0 8 8 8 16 24
Total 104 126 3 233 111 290 401 634
Rural 229 331 0 560 102 568 670 1,230
UTTARAKHAND Urban 4 7 0 11 6 15 21 32
Total 233 338 0 571 108 583 691 1,262
Rural 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 3
WEST BENGAL Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 3
Rural 1,010 855 477 2,342 660 1,734 2,394 4,736
All India Urban 49 27 5 81 27 64 91 172
Total 1,059 882 482 2,423 687 1,798 2,485 4,908

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Horses by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Male Female
State/ Union Total
Area 3 years & above
Territory Under 3 Under 3 3 years & Total Male +
Use for cart/ Used for Total Male
years years above Female Female
carriage sport
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rural 156 25 71 252 180 421 601 853
BIHAR Urban 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 2
Total 156 25 71 252 182 421 603 855
Rural 932 690 316 1,938 1,296 3,897 5,193 7,131
GUJARAT Urban 172 134 37 343 117 383 500 843
Total 1,104 824 353 2,281 1,413 4,280 5,693 7,974
Rural 368 368 18 754 547 1,247 1,794 2,548
HARYANA Urban 104 86 7 197 67 209 276 473
Total 472 454 25 951 614 1,456 2,070 3,021
Rural 9 158 0 167 4 30 34 201
JHARKHAND Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 9 158 0 167 4 30 34 201
Rural 6 27 57 90 36 260 296 386
MADHYA PRADESH Urban 0 9 4 13 6 29 35 48
Total 6 36 61 103 42 289 331 434
Rural 661 1,460 717 2,838 351 739 1,090 3,928
MAHARASHTRA Urban 46 251 135 432 8 28 36 468
Total 707 1,711 852 3,270 359 767 1,126 4,396
Rural 0 0 0 0 6 45 51 51
NCT OF DELHI Urban 0 0 0 0 5 5 10 10
Total 0 0 0 0 11 50 61 61
Rural 128 210 0 338 115 292 407 745
PUNJAB Urban 25 36 0 61 7 51 58 119
Total 153 246 0 399 122 343 465 864
Rural 94 35 10 139 154 636 790 929
RAJASTHAN Urban 0 4 0 4 6 39 45 49
Total 94 39 10 143 160 675 835 978
Rural 3,403 13,416 1,362 18,181 3,341 11,548 14,889 33,070
UTTAR PRADESH Urban 453 1,861 75 2,389 444 1,342 1,786 4,175
Total 3,856 15,277 1,437 20,570 3,785 12,890 16,675 37,245
Rural 72 421 1 494 87 365 452 946
UTTARAKHAND Urban 21 47 0 68 14 55 69 137
Total 93 468 1 562 101 420 521 1,083
Rural 5,829 16,810 2,552 25,191 6,117 19,480 25,597 50,788
All India Urban 821 2,428 258 3,507 676 2,141 2,817 6,324
Total 6,650 19,238 2,810 28,698 6,793 21,621 28,414 57,112

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Horses by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Male Female
State/ Union Total
Area 3 years & above
Territory Under 3 Under 3 3 years & Total Male +
Use for cart/ Used for Total Male
years years above Female Female
carriage sport
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rural 9 29 0 38 8 17 25 63
MANIPUR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 9 29 0 38 8 17 25 63
Rural 35 0 0 35 24 49 73 108
RAJASTHAN Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 35 0 0 35 24 49 73 108
Rural 44 29 0 73 32 66 98 171
All India Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 44 29 0 73 32 66 98 171

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Horses by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Male Female
State/ Union Total
Area 3 years & above
Territory Under 3 Under 3 3 years & Total Male +
Use for cart/ Used for Total Male
years years above Female Female
carriage sport
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rural 15 2 44 61 65 128 193 254
BIHAR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 15 2 44 61 65 128 193 254
Rural 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 2
DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 2
Rural 155 142 118 415 263 698 961 1,376
GUJARAT Urban 33 27 16 76 24 129 153 229
Total 188 169 134 491 287 827 1,114 1,605
Rural 130 95 9 234 132 448 580 814
HARYANA Urban 23 99 1 123 19 58 77 200
Total 153 194 10 357 151 506 657 1,014
Rural 41 181 15 237 23 33 56 293
KARNATAKA Urban 2 7 0 9 0 1 1 10
Total 43 188 15 246 23 34 57 303
Rural 12 20 35 67 14 70 84 151
MADHYA PRADESH Urban 4 7 0 11 1 26 27 38
Total 16 27 35 78 15 96 111 189
Rural 107 157 101 365 11 50 61 426
MAHARASHTRA Urban 4 19 14 37 0 3 3 40
Total 111 176 115 402 11 53 64 466
Rural 1,942 2,276 347 4,565 2,321 6,552 8,873 13,438
PUNJAB Urban 212 568 20 800 242 828 1,070 1,870
Total 2,154 2,844 367 5,365 2,563 7,380 9,943 15,308
Rural 1,863 351 1,132 3,346 2,808 8,248 11,056 14,402
RAJASTHAN Urban 320 173 55 548 394 733 1,127 1,675
Total 2,183 524 1,187 3,894 3,202 8,981 12,183 16,077
Rural 336 805 247 1,388 395 1,373 1,768 3,156
UTTAR PRADESH Urban 35 90 12 137 34 151 185 322
Total 371 895 259 1,525 429 1,524 1,953 3,478
Rural 4,603 4,029 2,048 10,680 6,032 17,600 23,632 34,312
All India Urban 633 990 118 1,741 714 1,929 2,643 4,384
Total 5,236 5,019 2,166 12,421 6,746 19,529 26,275 38,696

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Horses by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Male Female
State/ Union Total
Area 3 years & above
Territory Under 3 Under 3 3 years & Total Male +
Use for cart/ Used for Total Male
years years above Female Female
carriage sport
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rural 73 587 0 660 35 315 350 1,010
HIMACHAL PRADESH Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 73 587 0 660 35 315 350 1,010
Rural 73 587 0 660 35 315 350 1,010
All India Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 73 587 0 660 35 315 350 1,010

Statewise Details of Horses by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Male Female
State/ Union Total
Area 3 years & above
Territory Under 3 Under 3 3 years & Total Male +
Use for cart/ Used for Total Male
years years above Female Female
carriage sport
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rural 1,573 4,548 57 6,178 770 2,653 3,423 9,601
JAMMU & KASHMIR Urban 8 52 0 60 11 30 41 101
Total 1,581 4,600 57 6,238 781 2,683 3,464 9,702
Rural 1,573 4,548 57 6,178 770 2,653 3,423 9,601
All India Urban 8 52 0 60 11 30 41 101
Total 1,581 4,600 57 6,238 781 2,683 3,464 9,702

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Horses by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Non Descript Horses
Male Female
State/ Union Total
Area 3 years & above
Territory Under 3 Under 3 3 years & Total Male +
Use for cart/ Used for Total Male
years years above Female Female
carriage sport
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rural 6 0 3 9 0 1 1 10
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 6 0 3 9 0 1 1 10
Rural 457 1,139 354 1,960 587 801 1,368 3,288
ANDHRA PRADESH Urban 311 186 748 1,245 283 274 557 1,802
Total 768 1,325 1,112 3,205 850 1,750 1,925 5,130
Rural 474 1,160 141 1,775 579 901 1,480 3,255
ARUNACHAL PRADESH Urban 3 4 0 7 1 4 5 12
Total 477 1,164 141 1,782 580 905 1,485 3,267
Rural 2,459 4,679 326 7,464 912 2,567 3,479 10,943
ASSAM Urban 1 12 0 13 0 1 1 14
Total 2,460 4,691 326 7,477 912 2,568 3,480 10,957
Rural 8,234 8,757 5,895 22,886 4,552 12,895 17,447 40,333
BIHAR Urban 466 1,013 140 1,619 239 670 909 2,528
Total 8,700 9,770 6,035 24,505 4,791 13,565 18,356 42,861
Rural 1 16 0 17 0 15 15 32
CHANDIGARH Urban 9 79 12 100 7 50 57 157
Total 10 95 12 117 7 65 72 189
Rural 341 613 327 1,281 176 583 759 2,040
CHHATTISGARH Urban 60 242 24 326 76 162 238 564
Total 401 855 351 1,607 252 745 997 2,614
Rural 0 5 0 5 0 0 0 5
DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI Urban 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 3
Total 0 5 3 8 0 0 0 8
Rural 1 5 3 9 2 7 9 18
DAMAN & DIU Urban 0 11 0 11 1 1 2 13
Total 1 16 3 20 3 8 11 31
Rural 3 5 1 9 2 6 8 17
GOA Urban 2 1 1 4 0 4 4 8
Total 5 6 2 13 2 10 12 25
Rural 801 1,495 944 3,240 694 1,723 2,417 5,657
GUJARAT Urban 207 1,025 292 1,524 178 676 854 2,378
Total 1,008 2,520 1,236 4,764 872 2,399 3,271 8,035
Rural 11,415 2,435 220 14,070 2,919 7,954 10,873 24,943
HARYANA Urban 286 637 31 954 357 1,147 1,504 2,458
Total 11,701 3,072 251 15,024 3,276 9,101 12,377 27,401
Rural 1,305 5,590 395 7,290 750 3,333 4,083 11,373
HIMACHAL PRADESH Urban 7 95 5 107 17 47 64 171
Total 1,312 5,685 400 7,397 767 3,380 4,147 11,544
Rural 8,326 28,058 1,972 38,356 6,312 22,250 28,562 66,918
JAMMU & KASHMIR Urban 328 1,096 54 1,478 144 667 811 2,289
Total 8,654 29,154 2,026 39,834 6,456 22,917 29,373 69,207
Rural 723 1,252 923 2,898 581 1,280 1,861 4,759
JHARKHAND Urban 17 72 29 118 13 22 35 153
Total 740 1,324 952 3,016 594 1,302 1,896 4,923

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Horses by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Non Descript Horses
Male Female
State/ Union Total
Area 3 years & above
Territory Under 3 Under 3 3 years & Total Male +
Use for cart/ Used for Total Male
years years above Female Female
carriage sport
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rural 1,355 2,659 950 4,964 997 2,683 3,680 8,644
KARNATAKA Urban 485 467 354 1,306 304 408 712 2,018
Total 1,840 3,126 1,304 6,270 1,301 3,091 4,392 10,662
Rural 59 15 20 94 26 22 48 142
KERALA Urban 14 1 29 44 7 6 13 57
Total 73 16 49 138 33 28 61 199
Rural 2,258 2,804 1,686 6,748 1,137 5,249 6,386 13,134
MADHYA PRADESH Urban 347 884 196 1,427 222 553 775 2,202
Total 2,605 3,688 1,882 8,175 1,359 5,802 7,161 15,336
Rural 4,843 7,502 2,495 14,840 3,229 6,342 9,571 24,411
MAHARASHTRA Urban 690 1,729 1,923 4,342 282 1,096 1,378 5,720
Total 5,533 9,231 4,418 19,182 3,511 7,438 10,949 30,131
Rural 97 229 163 489 140 207 347 836
MANIPUR Urban 0 7 14 21 7 7 14 35
Total 97 236 177 510 147 214 361 871
Rural 395 76 431 902 53 254 307 1,209
MEGHALAYA Urban 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 3
Total 395 76 434 905 53 254 307 1,212
Rural 94 182 8 284 48 126 174 458
MIZORAM Urban 3 15 0 18 4 20 24 42
Total 97 197 8 302 52 146 198 500
Rural 81 65 137 283 15 88 103 386
NAGALAND Urban 2 44 5 51 7 29 36 87
Total 83 109 142 334 22 117 139 473
Rural 231 277 23 531 149 482 631 1,162
NCT OF DELHI Urban 123 319 16 458 207 806 1,013 1,471
Total 354 596 39 989 356 1,288 1,644 2,633
Rural 908 78 932 1,918 27 1,387 1,414 3,332
ODISHA Urban 16 10 9 35 9 17 26 61
Total 924 88 941 1,953 36 1,404 1,440 3,393
Rural 3 2 3 8 1 12 13 21
PUDUCHERRY Urban 1 1 0 2 1 2 3 5
Total 4 3 3 10 2 14 16 26
Rural 1,252 3,166 578 4,996 1,806 4,305 6,111 11,107
PUNJAB Urban 118 588 135 841 124 386 510 1,351
Total 1,370 3,754 713 5,837 1,930 4,691 6,621 12,458
Rural 2,530 1,726 1,766 6,022 3,220 7,728 10,948 16,970
RAJASTHAN Urban 462 745 379 1,586 215 652 867 2,453
Total 2,992 2,471 2,145 7,608 3,435 8,378 11,813 19,423
Rural 65 206 13 284 46 181 227 511
SIKKIM Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 65 206 13 284 46 181 227 511
Rural 804 357 587 1,748 434 915 1,349 3,097
TAMIL NADU Urban 224 302 438 964 163 586 749 1,713
Total 1,026 655 1,025 2,706 597 1,486 2,083 4,810

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Horses by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Non Descript Horses
Male Female
State/ Union Total
Area 3 years & above
Territory Under 3 Under 3 3 years & Total Male +
Use for cart/ Used for Total Male
years years above Female Female
carriage sport
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rural 8 1 1 10 1 1 2 12
TRIPURA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 8 1 1 10 1 1 2 12
Rural 7,577 29,188 5,042 41,807 7,863 25,716 33,579 75,386
UTTAR PRADESH Urban 1,513 4,196 752 6,461 1,114 2,890 4,004 10,465
Total 9,090 33,384 5,794 48,268 8,977 28,606 37,583 85,971
Rural 2,074 4,396 689 7,159 548 2,541 3,089 10,248
UTTARAKHAND Urban 83 443 50 576 49 169 218 794
Total 2,157 4,839 739 7,735 597 2,710 3,307 11,042
Rural 276 1,183 158 1,617 128 356 484 2,101
WEST BENGAL Urban 36 152 673 861 89 171 260 1,121
Total 312 1,335 831 2,478 217 527 744 3,222
Rural 59,497 1,09,371 27,196 1,96,064 37,919 1,12,945 1,50,864 3,46,928
All India Urban 5,816 14,379 6,315 26,510 4,120 11,529 15,649 42,159
Total 65,313 1,23,750 33,511 2,22,574 42,039 1,24,474 1,66,513 3,89,087

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Ponies by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Male Female
State/ Union Total
Area 3 years & above
Territory Under 3 Under 3 3 years & Total Male +
Use for cart/ Used for Total Male
years years above Female Female
carriage sport
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rural 0 22 0 22 0 6 6 28
BIHAR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 22 0 22 0 6 6 28
Rural 1 2 0 3 0 1 1 4
ODISHA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1 2 0 3 0 1 1 4
Rural 0 12 4 16 0 25 25 41
PUNJAB Urban 0 1 3 4 0 1 1 5
Total 0 13 7 20 0 26 26 46
Rural 17 9 0 26 20 20 40 66
RAJASTHAN Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 17 9 0 26 20 20 40 66
Rural 14 7 1 22 0 3 3 25
TAMIL NADU Urban 2 5 3 10 0 1 1 11
Total 16 12 4 32 0 4 4 36
Rural 0 27 18 45 17 13 30 75
UTTAR PRADESH Urban 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1
Total 0 28 18 46 17 13 30 76
Rural 0 8 0 8 0 15 15 23
UTTARAKHAND Urban 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
Total 0 8 0 8 0 16 16 24
Rural 32 87 23 142 37 83 120 262
All India Urban 2 7 6 15 0 3 3 18
Total 34 94 29 157 37 86 123 280

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Ponies by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Male Female
State/ Union Total
Area 3 years & above
Territory Under 3 Under 3 3 years & Total Male +
Use for cart/ Used for Total Male
years years above Female Female
carriage sport
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rural 25 0 0 25 0 0 0 25
CHHATTISGARH Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 25 0 0 25 0 0 0 25
Rural 2 7 4 13 7 48 55 68
GUJARAT Urban 0 2 0 2 0 1 1 3
Total 2 9 4 15 7 49 56 71
Rural 65 86 3 154 50 158 208 362
HARYANA Urban 17 13 0 30 3 17 20 50
Total 82 99 3 184 53 175 228 412
Rural 7 235 0 242 1 14 15 257
JHARKHAND Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 7 235 0 242 1 14 15 257
Rural 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
MADHYA PRADESH Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
Rural 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 2
MAHARASHTRA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 2
Rural 0 12 0 12 0 52 52 64
PUNJAB Urban 0 5 0 5 0 4 4 9
Total 0 17 0 17 0 56 56 73
Rural 3 0 0 3 0 8 8 11
RAJASTHAN Urban 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2
Total 3 0 0 3 0 10 10 13
Rural 368 1,961 9 2,338 425 1,616 2,041 4,379
UTTAR PRADESH Urban 89 364 1 454 64 267 331 785
Total 457 2,325 10 2,792 489 1,883 2,372 5,164
Rural 470 2,301 16 2,787 486 1,896 2,382 5,169
All India Urban 106 384 1 491 67 291 358 849
Total 576 2,685 17 3,278 553 2,187 2,740 6,018

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Ponies by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Male Female
State/ Union Total
Area 3 years & above
Territory Under 3 Under 3 3 years & Total Male +
Use for cart/ Used for Total Male
years years above Female Female
carriage sport
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rural 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 2
ASSAM Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 2
Rural 2 9 6 17 2 82 84 101
MANIPUR Urban 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 4
Total 2 9 10 21 2 82 84 105
Rural 12 80 0 92 24 73 97 189
MIZORAM Urban 3 0 0 3 0 7 7 10
Total 15 80 0 95 24 80 104 199
Rural 15 89 6 110 26 156 182 292
All India Urban 3 0 4 7 0 7 7 14
Total 18 89 10 117 26 163 189 306

Statewise Details of Ponies by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Male Female
State/ Union Total
Area 3 years & above
Territory Under 3 Under 3 3 years & Total Male +
Use for cart/ Used for Total Male
years years above Female Female
carriage sport
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 14 14 14
GUJARAT Urban 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 6
Total 0 0 0 0 0 20 20 20
Rural 33 132 0 165 69 118 187 352
HARYANA Urban 7 12 0 19 9 21 30 49
Total 40 144 0 184 78 139 217 401
Rural 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 3
JAMMU & KASHMIR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 3
Rural 135 190 0 325 113 200 313 638
KARNATAKA Urban 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 2
Total 137 190 0 327 113 200 313 640
Rural 84 544 0 628 48 230 278 906
PUNJAB Urban 3 75 0 78 11 44 55 133
Total 87 619 0 706 59 274 333 1,039
Rural 0 10 0 10 0 2 2 12
RAJASTHAN Urban 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1
Total 0 11 0 11 0 2 2 13
Rural 70 563 5 638 102 417 519 1,157
UTTAR PRADESH Urban 17 98 0 115 30 61 91 206
Total 87 661 5 753 132 478 610 1,363
Rural 322 1,439 5 1,766 333 983 1,316 3,082
All India Urban 29 186 0 215 50 132 182 397
Total 351 1,625 5 1,981 383 1,115 1,498 3,479

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Ponies by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Male Female
State/ Union Total
Area 3 years & above
Territory Under 3 Under 3 3 years & Total Male +
Use for cart/ Used for Total Male
years years above Female Female
carriage sport
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 20 20 20
HARYANA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3
Total 0 0 0 0 0 23 23 23
Rural 35 153 0 188 62 205 267 455
HIMACHAL PRADESH Urban 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
Total 35 153 0 188 62 206 268 456
Rural 35 153 0 188 62 225 287 475
All India Urban 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 4
Total 35 153 0 188 62 229 291 479

Statewise Details of Ponies by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Male Female
State/ Union Total
Area 3 years & above
Territory Under 3 Under 3 3 years & Total Male +
Use for cart/ Used for Total Male
years years above Female Female
carriage sport
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
JAMMU & KASHMIR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
Rural 0 14 10 24 0 0 0 24
RAJASTHAN Urban 0 53 1 54 0 0 0 54
Total 0 67 11 78 0 0 0 78
Rural 0 14 10 24 0 1 1 25
All India Urban 0 53 1 54 0 0 0 54
Total 0 67 11 78 0 1 1 79

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Ponies by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Non Descript Ponies
Male Female
State/ Union Total
Area 3 years & above
Territory Under 3 Under 3 3 years & Total Male +
Use for cart/ Used for Total Male
years years above Female Female
carriage sport
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rural 3 13 7 23 4 22 26 49
ANDHRA PRADESH Urban 0 3 0 3 3 1 4 7
Total 3 16 7 26 7 23 30 56
Rural 127 266 37 430 105 221 326 756
ARUNACHAL PRADESH Urban 1 1 0 2 1 1 2 4
Total 128 267 37 432 106 222 328 760
Rural 463 1,488 115 2,066 346 782 1,128 3,194
ASSAM Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 463 1,488 115 2,066 346 782 1,128 3,194
Rural 234 190 212 636 143 647 790 1,426
BIHAR Urban 97 106 21 224 34 154 188 412
Total 331 296 233 860 177 801 978 1,838
Rural 34 119 49 202 47 72 119 321
CHHATTISGARH Urban 0 1 1 2 1 0 1 3
Total 34 120 50 204 48 72 120 324
Rural 71 114 69 254 86 81 167 421
GUJARAT Urban 39 63 6 108 23 7 30 138
Total 110 177 75 362 109 88 197 559
Rural 842 938 197 1,977 533 1,206 1,739 3,716
HARYANA Urban 37 241 27 305 69 293 362 667
Total 879 1,179 224 2,282 602 1,499 2,101 4,383
Rural 152 893 68 1,113 165 752 917 2,030
HIMACHAL PRADESH Urban 8 17 1 26 6 9 15 41
Total 160 910 69 1,139 171 761 932 2,071
Rural 9,566 28,596 2,713 40,875 7,079 15,879 22,958 63,833
JAMMU & KASHMIR Urban 219 1,248 3 1,470 55 222 277 1,747
Total 9,785 29,844 2,716 42,345 7,134 16,101 23,235 65,580
Rural 39 154 23 216 34 62 96 312
JHARKHAND Urban 3 6 1 10 0 3 3 13
Total 42 160 24 226 34 65 99 325
Rural 212 492 94 798 97 357 454 1,252
KARNATAKA Urban 19 46 18 83 3 33 36 119
Total 231 538 112 881 100 390 490 1,371
Rural 5 1 0 6 4 2 6 12
KERALA Urban 3 2 2 7 0 0 0 7
Total 8 3 2 13 4 2 6 19
Rural 478 714 228 1,420 253 834 1,087 2,507
MADHYA PRADESH Urban 41 215 24 280 10 46 56 336
Total 519 929 252 1,700 263 880 1,143 2,843
Rural 300 716 193 1,209 225 580 805 2,014
MAHARASHTRA Urban 42 122 35 199 23 56 79 278
Total 342 838 228 1,408 248 636 884 2,292
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 42 42 42
MANIPUR Urban 2 3 0 5 5 10 15 20
Total 2 3 0 5 5 52 57 62
Rural 190 483 29 702 123 277 400 1,102
MEGHALAYA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 190 483 29 702 123 277 400 1,102

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Ponies by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Non Descript Ponies
Male Female
State/ Union Total
Area 3 years & above
Territory Under 3 Under 3 3 years & Total Male +
Use for cart/ Used for Total Male
years years above Female Female
carriage sport
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rural 14 0 4 18 5 0 5 23
MIZORAM Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 14 0 4 18 5 0 5 23
Rural 1 2 0 3 2 2 4 7
PUDUCHERRY Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1 2 0 3 2 2 4 7
Rural 239 696 267 1,202 238 548 786 1,988
PUNJAB Urban 54 275 16 345 24 81 105 450
Total 293 971 283 1,547 262 629 891 2,438
Rural 145 119 110 374 172 306 478 852
RAJASTHAN Urban 23 58 29 110 21 37 58 168
Total 168 177 139 484 193 343 536 1,020
Rural 64 130 62 256 50 68 118 374
TAMIL NADU Urban 15 20 12 47 13 23 36 83
Total 79 150 74 303 63 91 154 457
Rural 1,448 6,421 1,595 9,464 1,583 5,309 6,892 16,356
UTTAR PRADESH Urban 248 682 433 1,363 200 632 832 2,195
Total 1,696 7,103 2,028 10,827 1,783 5,941 7,724 18,551
Rural 296 1,411 435 2,142 143 423 566 2,708
UTTARAKHAND Urban 5 140 11 156 45 38 83 239
Total 301 1,551 446 2,298 188 461 649 2,947
Rural 93 702 27 822 109 229 338 1,160
WEST BENGAL Urban 0 13 0 13 0 10 10 23
Total 93 715 27 835 109 239 348 1,183
Rural 15,016 44,658 6,534 66,208 11,546 28,701 40,247 1,06,455
All India Urban 856 3,262 640 4,758 536 1,656 2,192 6,950
Total 15,872 47,920 7,174 70,966 12,082 30,357 42,439 1,13,405
Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Annexure - VII
State wise details of Mules & Donkey
by age, sex and use
Breed Survey 2012
Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Mules by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
State/ Union
Territory Under 3 years 3 years & above Total Mules

1 2 3 4 5
Rural 123 144 267
ANDHRA PRADESH Urban 164 312 476
Total 287 456 743
Rural 270 64 334
Total 270 64 334
Rural 50 42 92
ASSAM Urban 0 0 0
Total 50 42 92
Rural 11,078 13,566 24,644
BIHAR Urban 145 275 420
Total 11,223 13,841 25,064
Rural 0 1 1
CHANDIGARH Urban 0 5 5
Total 0 6 6
Rural 428 1,130 1,558
CHHATTISGARH Urban 19 40 59
Total 447 1,170 1,617
Rural 56 72 128
GUJARAT Urban 11 20 31
Total 67 92 159
Rural 1,610 5,928 7,538
HARYANA Urban 268 1,203 1,471
Total 1,878 7,131 9,009
Rural 2,558 20,533 23,091
HIMACHAL PRADESH Urban 43 181 224
Total 2,601 20,714 23,315
Rural 6,630 29,660 36,290
JAMMU & KASHMIR Urban 35 183 218
Total 6,665 29,843 36,508
Rural 1,157 2,733 3,890
JHARKHAND Urban 0 0 0
Total 1,157 2,733 3,890
Rural 193 556 749
KARNATAKA Urban 0 13 13
Total 193 569 762
Rural 35 198 233
KERALA Urban 0 0 0
Total 35 198 233
Rural 2,563 3,499 6,062
MADHYA PRADESH Urban 283 644 927
Total 2,846 4,143 6,989
Rural 912 1,076 1,988
MAHARASHTRA Urban 3 14 17
Total 915 1,090 2,005
Rural 247 1 248
MANIPUR Urban 40 78 118
Total 287 79 366

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Mules by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
State/ Union
Territory Under 3 years 3 years & above Total Mules

1 2 3 4 5
Rural 126 52 178
MEGHALAYA Urban 0 0 0
Total 126 52 178
Rural 6 0 6
MIZORAM Urban 0 0 0
Total 6 0 6
Rural 493 624 1,117
NAGALAND Urban 0 0 0
Total 493 624 1,117
Rural 14 70 84
NCT OF DELHI Urban 24 28 52
Total 38 98 136
Rural 2,265 3,366 5,631
ODISHA Urban 1 1 2
Total 2,266 3,367 5,633
Rural 1,295 3,145 4,440
PUNJAB Urban 151 573 724
Total 1,446 3,718 5,164
Rural 915 1,824 2,739
RAJASTHAN Urban 138 498 636
Total 1,053 2,322 3,375
Rural 0 4 4
SIKKIM Urban 0 0 0
Total 0 4 4
Rural 0 2 2
TAMIL NADU Urban 0 0 0
Total 0 2 2
Rural 0 1 1
TRIPURA Urban 0 0 0
Total 0 1 1
Rural 9,823 25,305 35,128
UTTAR PRADESH Urban 1,628 5,904 7,532
Total 11,451 31,209 42,660
Rural 2,034 24,226 26,260
UTTARAKHAND Urban 84 553 637
Total 2,118 24,779 26,897
Rural 18 66 84
WEST BENGAL Urban 12 17 29
Total 30 83 113
Rural 44,899 1,37,888 1,82,787
All India Urban 3,049 10,542 13,591
Total 47,948 1,48,430 1,96,378

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Donkey by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
State/ Union Male Female Total
Territory Under 3 3 years & Total Under 3 3 years & Total Male +
months above Male years above Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rural 1 1 2 1 1 2 4
Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1 1 2 1 1 2 4
Rural 2,127 4,128 6,255 1,605 3,025 4,630 10,885
ANDHRA PRADESH Urban 265 317 582 379 490 869 1,451
Total 2,392 4,445 6,837 1,984 3,515 5,499 12,336
Rural 20 16 36 2 1 3 39
ARUNACHAL PRADESH Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 20 16 36 2 1 3 39
Rural 481 376 857 124 68 192 1,049
ASSAM Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 481 376 857 124 68 192 1,049
Rural 5,597 6,582 12,179 3,318 3,840 7,158 19,337
BIHAR Urban 535 708 1,243 163 478 641 1,884
Total 6,132 7,290 13,422 3,481 4,318 7,799 21,221
Rural 213 77 290 187 123 310 600
CHHATTISGARH Urban 6 23 29 10 41 51 80
Total 219 100 319 197 164 361 680
Rural 3,807 12,083 15,890 3,416 8,484 11,900 27,790
GUJARAT Urban 1,530 5,077 6,607 1,031 2,179 3,210 9,817
Total 5,337 17,160 22,497 4,447 10,663 15,110 37,607
Rural 482 865 1,347 204 624 828 2,175
HARYANA Urban 93 293 386 64 185 249 635
Total 575 1,158 1,733 268 809 1,077 2,810
Rural 786 3,460 4,246 565 2,369 2,934 7,180
HIMACHAL PRADESH Urban 2 30 32 8 35 43 75
Total 788 3,490 4,278 573 2,404 2,977 7,255
Rural 2,027 7,312 9,339 1,878 5,266 7,144 16,483
JAMMU & KASHMIR Urban 33 94 127 57 122 179 306
Total 2,060 7,406 9,466 1,935 5,388 7,323 16,789
Rural 176 62 238 56 10 66 304
JHARKHAND Urban 16 38 54 9 14 23 77
Total 192 100 292 65 24 89 381
Rural 2,835 5,200 8,035 2,423 4,462 6,885 14,920
KARNATAKA Urban 193 387 580 162 650 812 1,392
Total 3,028 5,587 8,615 2,585 5,112 7,697 16,312
Rural 157 44 201 92 114 206 407
KERALA Urban 69 19 88 4 5 9 97
Total 226 63 289 96 119 215 504
Rural 1,694 3,273 4,967 1,411 2,558 3,969 8,936
MADHYA PRADESH Urban 832 2,305 3,137 683 1,299 1,982 5,119
Total 2,526 5,578 8,104 2,094 3,857 5,951 14,055
Rural 2,887 7,958 10,845 2,369 5,869 8,238 19,083
MAHARASHTRA Urban 1,054 2,129 3,183 856 2,395 3,251 6,434
Total 3,941 10,087 14,028 3,225 8,264 11,489 25,517
Rural 75 51 126 0 0 0 126
MANIPUR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 75 51 126 0 0 0 126
Rural 133 184 317 4 0 4 321
MEGHALAYA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 133 184 317 4 0 4 321
Rural 15 5 20 7 12 19 39
NAGALAND Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 15 5 20 7 12 19 39

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Donkey by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
State/ Union Male Female Total
Territory Under 3 3 years & Total Under 3 3 years & Total Male +
months above Male years above Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rural 127 791 918 42 22 64 982
NCT OF DELHI Urban 20 23 43 27 35 62 105
Total 147 814 961 69 57 126 1,087
Rural 143 115 258 109 103 212 470
ODISHA Urban 10 15 25 7 21 28 53
Total 153 130 283 116 124 240 523
Rural 0 1 1 1 2 3 4
PUDUCHERRY Urban 1 1 2 2 7 9 11
Total 1 2 3 3 9 12 15
Rural 1,184 579 1,763 264 518 782 2,545
PUNJAB Urban 89 152 241 33 52 85 326
Total 1,273 731 2,004 297 570 867 2,871
Rural 12,422 23,196 35,618 9,302 21,307 30,609 66,227
RAJASTHAN Urban 1,070 3,203 4,273 660 1,458 2,118 6,391
Total 13,492 26,399 39,891 9,962 22,765 32,727 72,618
Rural 2,268 1,881 4,149 1,058 1,029 2,087 6,236
TAMIL NADU Urban 1,768 727 2,495 181 261 442 2,937
Total 4,036 2,608 6,644 1,239 1,290 2,529 9,173
Rural 7,272 14,955 22,227 5,107 9,644 14,751 36,978
UTTAR PRADESH Urban 1,617 3,795 5,412 1,188 2,183 3,371 8,783
Total 8,889 18,750 27,639 6,295 11,827 18,122 45,761
Rural 339 541 880 87 333 420 1,300
UTTARAKHAND Urban 89 88 177 9 19 28 205
Total 428 629 1,057 96 352 448 1,505
Rural 254 154 408 64 94 158 566
WEST BENGAL Urban 14 21 35 6 2 8 43
Total 268 175 443 70 96 166 609
Rural 47,522 93,890 1,41,412 33,696 69,878 1,03,574 2,44,986
All India Urban 9,306 19,445 28,751 5,539 11,931 17,470 46,221
Total 56,828 1,13,335 1,70,163 39,235 81,809 1,21,044 2,91,207
Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Donkey by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
State/ Union Male Female Total
Territory Under 3 3 years & Total Under 3 3 years & Total Male +
months above Male years above Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rural 0 330 330 163 542 705 1,035
ANDHRA PRADESH Urban 0 21 21 10 24 34 55
Total 0 351 351 173 566 739 1,090
Rural 85 69 154 0 0 0 154
BIHAR Urban 0 2 2 0 0 0 2
Total 85 71 156 0 0 0 156
Rural 86 72 158 212 508 720 878
GUJARAT Urban 54 13 67 121 161 282 349
Total 140 85 225 333 669 1,002 1,227
Rural 5 36 41 10 42 52 93
HARYANA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 5 36 41 10 42 52 93
Rural 9 57 66 12 16 28 94
HIMACHAL PRADESH Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 9 57 66 12 16 28 94
Rural 85 244 329 0 127 127 456
JAMMU & KASHMIR Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 85 244 329 0 127 127 456
Rural 73 164 237 45 148 193 430
MADHYA PRADESH Urban 83 218 301 46 84 130 431
Total 156 382 538 91 232 323 861
Rural 568 1,188 1,756 300 466 766 2,522
MAHARASHTRA Urban 338 375 713 155 228 383 1,096
Total 906 1,563 2,469 455 694 1,149 3,618
Rural 117 84 201 0 0 0 201
MEGHALAYA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 117 84 201 0 0 0 201
Rural 0 27 27 2 6 8 35
PUNJAB Urban 0 3 3 0 0 0 3
Total 0 30 30 2 6 8 38
Rural 1,652 3,004 4,656 1,341 2,607 3,948 8,604
RAJASTHAN Urban 43 134 177 28 41 69 246
Total 1,695 3,138 4,833 1,369 2,648 4,017 8,850
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TAMIL NADU Urban 1 5 6 1 3 4 10
Total 1 5 6 1 3 4 10
Rural 1,595 3,361 4,956 980 2,070 3,050 8,006
UTTAR PRADESH Urban 620 1,221 1,841 314 721 1,035 2,876
Total 2,215 4,582 6,797 1,294 2,791 4,085 10,882
Rural 0 4 4 0 0 0 4
UTTARAKHAND Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 4 4 0 0 0 4
Rural 4,275 8,640 12,915 3,065 6,532 9,597 22,512
All India Urban 1,139 1,992 3,131 675 1,262 1,937 5,068
Total 5,414 10,632 16,046 3,740 7,794 11,534 27,580

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana

Annexure - VIII
State wise details of Indigenous Camels
by age, sex and use
Breed Survey 2012
Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Camel by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
State/ Union Male Female Total
Territory Under 4 4 years & Total Under 4 4 years & Total Male +
years above Male years above Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rural 249 1,150 1,399 351 615 966 2,365
GUJARAT Urban 42 537 579 10 47 57 636
Total 291 1,687 1,978 361 662 1,023 3,001
Rural 532 2,263 2,795 961 5,229 6,190 8,985
HARYANA Urban 0 11 11 3 39 42 53
Total 532 2,274 2,806 964 5,268 6,232 9,038
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
NCT OF DELHI Urban 0 8 8 0 12 12 20
Total 0 8 8 0 12 12 20
Rural 41 95 136 20 120 140 276
PUNJAB Urban 12 13 25 6 0 6 31
Total 53 108 161 26 120 146 307
Rural 15,870 51,592 67,462 16,365 56,160 72,525 1,39,987
RAJASTHAN Urban 258 1,132 1,390 94 230 324 1,714
Total 16,128 52,724 68,852 16,459 56,390 72,849 1,41,701
Rural 115 483 598 26 65 91 689
UTTAR PRADESH Urban 100 119 219 4 79 83 302
Total 215 602 817 30 144 174 991
Rural 16,807 55,583 72,390 17,723 62,189 79,912 1,52,302
All India Urban 412 1,820 2,232 117 407 524 2,756
Total 17,219 57,403 74,622 17,840 62,596 80,436 1,55,058

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Camel by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
State/ Union Male Female Total
Territory Under 4 4 years & Total Under 4 4 years & Total Male +
years above Male years above Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rural 17 260 277 90 886 976 1,253
HARYANA Urban 0 5 5 0 8 8 13
Total 17 265 282 90 894 984 1,266
Rural 15,936 26,628 42,564 19,004 46,181 65,185 1,07,749
RAJASTHAN Urban 47 183 230 18 69 87 317
Total 15,983 26,811 42,794 19,022 46,250 65,272 1,08,066
Rural 5 89 94 2 13 15 109
UTTAR PRADESH Urban 12 23 35 0 0 0 35
Total 17 112 129 2 13 15 144
Rural 15,958 26,977 42,935 19,096 47,080 66,176 1,09,111
All India Urban 59 211 270 18 77 95 365
Total 16,017 27,188 43,205 19,114 47,157 66,271 1,09,476

Statewise Details of Camel by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
State/ Union Male Female Total
Territory Under 4 4 years & Total Under 4 4 years & Total Male +
years above Male years above Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rural 0 3 3 0 0 0 3
RAJASTHAN Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 3 3 0 0 0 3
Rural 0 3 3 0 0 0 3
All India Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 3 3 0 0 0 3

Statewise Details of Camel by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
State/ Union Male Female Total
Territory Under 4 4 years & Total Under 4 4 years & Total Male +
years above Male years above Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rural 2,069 8,107 10,176 2,463 6,006 8,469 18,645
GUJARAT Urban 231 966 1,197 346 418 764 1,961
Total 2,300 9,073 11,373 2,809 6,424 9,233 20,606
Rural 0 27 27 0 0 0 27
MAHARASHTRA Urban 0 20 20 0 0 0 20
Total 0 47 47 0 0 0 47
Rural 2,069 8,134 10,203 2,463 6,006 8,469 18,672
All India Urban 231 986 1,217 346 418 764 1,981
Total 2,300 9,120 11,420 2,809 6,424 9,233 20,653

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Camel by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
State/ Union Male Female Total
Territory Under 4 4 years & Total Under 4 4 years & Total Male +
years above Male years above Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rural 15 565 580 0 0 0 580
CHHATTISGARH Urban 19 26 45 18 2 20 65
Total 34 591 625 18 2 20 645
Rural 73 70 143 92 182 274 417
MADHYA PRADESH Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 73 70 143 92 182 274 417
Rural 88 635 723 92 182 274 997
All India Urban 19 26 45 18 2 20 65
Total 107 661 768 110 184 294 1,062

Statewise Details of Camel by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
State/ Union Male Female Total
Territory Under 4 4 years & Total Under 4 4 years & Total Male +
years above Male years above Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rural 158 0 158 0 0 0 158
ASSAM Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 158 0 158 0 0 0 158
Rural 34 163 197 105 226 331 528
HARYANA Urban 0 1 1 0 3 3 4
Total 34 164 198 105 229 334 532
Rural 0 4 4 0 0 0 4
MADHYA PRADESH Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 4 4 0 0 0 4
Rural 168 91 259 3 30 33 292
UTTAR PRADESH Urban 53 34 87 0 0 0 87
Total 221 125 346 3 30 33 379
Rural 360 258 618 108 256 364 982
All India Urban 53 35 88 0 3 3 91
Total 413 293 706 108 259 367 1,073

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Camel by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Non Descript Camel
State/ Union Male Female Total
Territory Under 4 4 years & Total Under 4 4 years & Total Male +
years above Male years above Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rural 21 19 40 44 10 54 94
ANDHRA PRADESH Urban 9 21 30 10 20 30 60
Total 30 40 70 54 30 84 154
Rural 3 0 3 19 23 42 45
ARUNACHAL PRADESH Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 3 0 3 19 23 42 45
Rural 94 255 349 211 8 219 568
ASSAM Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 94 255 349 211 8 219 568
Rural 3,482 4,774 8,256 159 144 303 8,559
BIHAR Urban 158 126 284 16 0 16 300
Total 3,640 4,900 8,540 175 144 319 8,859
Rural 0 1 1 0 0 0 1
GOA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 1 1 0 0 0 1
Rural 887 2,026 2,913 1,002 1,737 2,739 5,652
GUJARAT Urban 232 395 627 170 359 529 1,156
Total 1,119 2,421 3,540 1,172 2,096 3,268 6,808
Rural 406 1,863 2,269 706 4,971 5,677 7,946
HARYANA Urban 4 43 47 3 13 16 63
Total 410 1,906 2,316 709 4,984 5,693 8,009
Rural 95 53 148 17 3 20 168
HIMACHAL PRADESH Urban 9 0 9 0 0 0 9
Total 104 53 157 17 3 20 177
Rural 150 645 795 17 105 122 917
JAMMU & KASHMIR Urban 1 7 8 0 0 0 8
Total 151 652 803 17 105 122 925
Rural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
JHARKHAND Urban 0 2 2 0 1 1 3
Total 0 2 2 0 1 1 3
Rural 48 72 120 8 12 20 140
KARNATAKA Urban 4 3 7 1 3 4 11
Total 52 75 127 9 15 24 151
Rural 2 0 2 3 1 4 6
KERALA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 2 0 2 3 1 4 6
Rural 644 716 1,360 388 805 1,193 2,553
MADHYA PRADESH Urban 46 170 216 73 159 232 448
Total 690 886 1,576 461 964 1,425 3,001
Rural 24 22 46 15 28 43 89
MAHARASHTRA Urban 11 18 29 5 12 17 46
Total 35 40 75 20 40 60 135
Rural 7 0 7 0 0 0 7
MEGHALAYA Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 7 0 7 0 0 0 7
Rural 36 56 92 0 0 0 92
NAGALAND Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 36 56 92 0 0 0 92
Rural 14 1 15 0 0 0 15
NCT OF DELHI Urban 60 16 76 28 18 46 122
Total 74 17 91 28 18 46 137
Rural 342 463 805 3 3 6 811
ODISHA Urban 7 8 15 5 4 9 24
Total 349 471 820 8 7 15 835

Estimated Livestock Population Breed Wise Based on Breed Survey

Statewise Details of Camel by Age, Sex and Use - Breed Survey 2012
Non Descript Camel
State/ Union Male Female Total
Territory Under 4 4 years & Total Under 4 4 years & Total Male +
years above Male years above Female Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rural 71 136 207 34 104 138 345
PUNJAB Urban 15 12 27 14 0 14 41
Total 86 148 234 48 104 152 386
Rural 11,208 23,752 34,960 12,463 27,417 39,880 74,840
RAJASTHAN Urban 245 591 836 81 186 267 1,103
Total 11,453 24,343 35,796 12,544 27,603 40,147 75,943
Rural 4 7 11 1 2 3 14
TAMIL NADU Urban 2 1 3 0 2 2 5
Total 6 8 14 1 4 5 19
Rural 1,579 2,683 4,262 417 581 998 5,260
UTTAR PRADESH Urban 296 522 818 219 124 343 1,161
Total 1,875 3,205 5,080 636 705 1,341 6,421
Rural 99 148 247 4 14 18 265
WEST BENGAL Urban 0 1 1 0 1 1 2
Total 99 149 248 4 15 19 267
Rural 19,216 37,692 56,908 15,511 35,968 51,479 1,08,387
All India Urban 1,099 1,936 3,035 625 902 1,527 4,562
Total 20,315 39,628 59,943 16,136 36,870 53,006 1,12,949

Note : The figures of Andhra Pradesh include Telangana


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