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Date 8-3-2016 Student teacher Muna Hasan

Time (45 minutes) School The First Academy School

MCT Garnel Desravins Class 1D
Lesson Unit: weather and seasons No of students 26
unit/page Lesson: what is weather
Page: 262
Context of the lesson
This lesson is the first lesson in unit 7 which is weather.
Teaching goal
The aim of this lesson is to teach the students that scientist used different tools to measure
the weather.
Learning objectives
- Students will be able to Identify different tools used to measure and observe
trach weather.
Assumptions about prior learning
Students know what does weather mean?
Anticipated problems and possible solutions
Problem: might the data show not link it with my laptop.
Solution: I will explain it without PowerPoint.
Problem: maybe the sound of the video will not open.
Solution: I will draw what happen in the video.
Personal focus for this lesson
To make sure that the students able to know different tools that scientist used
to observe and trach weather.
Target language Teacher language
Weather station What does weather word mean?
Weather balloon. What is information is given in the weather
Predict report?
What other weather tools do scientist used to
predict weather?
Which weather tool records weather in the
Which weather tool records weather in the
Main tasks or activities: Materials:

1. Greet student (daily routine) +remind them 1. Report paper

2. Video
the rules of the class. 3. Presentation
2. Watch a video about weather report then ask 4. Assessment
5. Worksheets
them a question about it. 6. Student book.
3. I will ask the student to discuss with their
friends about weather report by using
weather report chart.
4. Differentiation activity for low -middle
5. Individual activity for all students.
6. Review the lesson by asking them a true or
false question.
Consider these grouping strategies: Consider where the children are working:
Group work - Working in the classroom.
Pair work
Planning Stages Within the 5-E Inquiry Model
Engage (10 minutes)
Questions for whole group discussion:
What does weather word mean? is what the air outside is like.
What types of weather? Windy cloudy sunny rainy cold hot snowy
Procedures: Student
I will show them video about the Student will watch the video to answer the questions.
weather report
Student will think to answer the questions
Then I will ask them question about
the video What did you see?
(dependent to the student answer).
Then I will ask them What does
weather word mean? is what
the air outside is like. And
What types of weather? Windy
cloudy sunny rainy cold
hot snowy.
The teacher will let the students to
see the video about weather
prediction. After that the teacher will
ask the students different questions.
Also, she will listen to their responded.
In addition, she will give students a
weather report and discuss with them.

Explore (30 minutes)

Activities (list) Driving Question
- Differentiation activity for low -middle- What is information is given in the weather report?
Time weather
high students. Talk about your weather report (dependent to the
Low: talk about the weather report student answer)
by using the word bank.
Middle: talk about the weather
report without any help.

Teacher Student
I will ask students talk about the
- Student will describe the weather report
weather report to know if the
understand the lesson or not.
for the teacher.

Low level (individual): I will give
them weather report paper and I will
ask them to talk about it by using
word bank to describe what happen.
Middle level (individual): I will
give them weather report paper and I
will ask them to talk about it without
any help.

Student Communication Product: The students will share their ideas.

Explain (30 minutes)

Content Media: PowerPoint
Teacher Student
I will ask them to say what they
learned from the activity. Student will answer the question.
Then I will show them pictures from Student will see the different tools that used to
the power point and I will explain measure the weather.
the different tools scientist used
to observe and track weather.
What other weather tools do
scientist used to predict
weather? Weather balloon-
weather station weather

Elaborate (10 minutes)

Activities: Teacher: Student:
Student book.
I will ask them to open - Students will answer the
page 262 and I will ask question.
them to complete their - Students will complete their
book with her. books.

Evaluate (10 minutes)

Knowledge Learning Objectives Assessment Instrument
Review the lesson by ask the Checklist for science class put tick during the class
question. (activity time)
Observe the students if they understand the lesson or
Walk around the class and ask them questions (how

Teacher Student
I will ask them question about the They will answer the questions.
For example,
- Which weather tool records
weather in the space? Weather
- Which weather tool records
weather in the sky? Weather
- Which weather tool records
weather in the land? Weather

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