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To evaluate students responses to a writing prompt, familiarize yourself with

the writing prompt and review the Five-Point Scoring Rubric found in each unit
section of this Teachers Manual (example provided below). Use the scoring
rubric and the sample student response provided to evaluate individual students
writing by assigning a point value of 15. Record the scores (doubled) on the
Unit Test Evaluation Form.

5-Point Rubric for Writing

5 4 3 2 1
writing is well- writing is focused writing is writing may stray writing is not
focused on the on the topic generally focused from the topic focused on the
topic most ideas are the topic ideas ideas may be topic
contains clear clear and logically are clear somewhat ideas are unclear
ideas logically organized; uses and logically unclear and unorganized;
organized; uses some transitions organized little organization no transitions
transitions voice is fairly transitions with some lapses; weak voice;
voice is engaging; suited somewhat weak transitions no sense of
engaging; well to purpose and voice comes somewhat weak audience or
suited to purpose audience through slight evidence purpose
and audience generally occasionally; may of voice; may word choice very
demonstrates demonstrates not suit purpose be poorly suited limited
varied, precise varied, precise word choice to audience or incomplete
word choice word choice or is somewhat purpose sentences; no
sentences are most sentences varied and many choice of words is variety
complete and are complete and sentences are limited shows many
varied varied complete incomplete serious errors
shows excellent shows very good shows fairly good sentences in writing
control of writing control of writing control of writing present; little conventions
conventions conventions conventions variety
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shows frequent
errors in writing

ELD Unit Test Teachers Manual xi

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