My Heroic Journey: Magical Weapons

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Anthony Rebollar
British Literature
15 January 2017

My Heroic Journey: Magical Weapons

As I completed my assignment of the strength assessment activity I have discovered

many strength skills that I did not know I had previously. In the assignment, I have discovered

five strengths that will most likely benefit me throughout my life.The top strength on my list

would be my skill of Innovation. I believe I received this skill at the stop of my list because of

my own personal ways of finishing assignments or duties in a creative way. The second strength

on my list is my own personal Integrity. I believe that I am recognized with this strength because

of my honesty with all of my friends and classmates, also including my cheerful personality

around everyone. My third strength that is on my list is my Self Motivation. I most likely

received this claim from the assessment because of my motivation of doing my very in my class

courses and also doing my very best everyday in life. My fourth strength on my list of skills

would be my Faith. I am recognized with this strength from the test assessment because of my

confidence in certain situations in life. An example of this would be me studying for a lengthy

test on a subject I am most experienced on and would most likely succeed in the test. My fifth

and last strength on my list is my resourcefulness. I like to think that I was selected to this

strength because of my capability of completing many of my assignments with quick ease with

the materials and techniques I learned from that class course. With all of these I discovered from

the online assessment, I can now have a clearer image on what strengths I should be focused on

to be successful later on in my life. However, the online test showed me another subject I was

shown, my weakness. In the assessment, it selected Balance as my main weakness of my


characteristic. I believe that this was chosen as my weakness because of my inconsistency of

organizing or scheduling many materials and activities I have to put up with daily. Hopefully in

the near future I will improve myself in balancing materials in my career and in life. With all of

this information I have gained from the assessment I would want to improve as much as possible

for my own sake and for the sake of everyone I am around with. I most definitely classified

Innovation as my magical weapon because of the effectiveness of its use I always use everyday

at home and in school. I will use my strength of Innovation as a way to improve my work ethics

and to improve my personality as well.

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