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I ran across this the other day on another site and I thought that a couple peop

le might find it helpful, so here we go:

1) First go Start/Run, and type in 'cmd' to bring up the Command Prompt.

2) Type 'CD \' and hit enter.
3) Type 'DIR *.dll /s /b > regdll.bat' and hit enter.
4) Type 'Notepad regdll.bat' and hit enter.
Now Notepad is going to bring up a list of your .dll files, nevermind that for a
5) Now type 'Path' and hit enter to see your current path. It will bring up some
thing like: Path=c:\Windows;c:\windows\Command
6) (supplement your Windows Version, ex: C:\WINNT, or C:\Windows) Now type: 'Pat
ram~\Accessories' and hit enter.
7) Verify again by typing 'Path' and hitting enter, and then type: 'C:\WINNT\Sys
tem32\Regsvr32.exe /s C:\' and hit enter again.
8) Now, go back to Notepad and if you have Win98 use the replace feature in Word
pad (CTRL + H) or notepad to search for 'C:\' and replace it with this: 'C:\Wind
ows\System\Regsvr32.exe /s C:\'
If you have Win2000, etc. use the replace command in note pad to search for 'C:\
' and replace it with this: 'C:\WINNT\System32\Regsvr32.exe /s C:\'
*Be sure to type the replace string exactly like above or it won't work*
9) Use "Replace All" to make the changes to the entire file.
10) When it finishes, save it, exit notepad or wordpad, and return to the Comman
d Prompt.
11) Type 'regdll' and press enter. If you followed the above steps correctly it
will now go through and re-register all your .dll files.

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