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Hello, and welcome to this material!

Let me start by saying that, although this material is intended to be quite short and very simple, it
isnt short of Wisdom and Mind-Altering tools with which one can bring Self-Improvement
into ones Life and with which one can learn how to Evolve.

As It turns out, this material is (in some sense) a Divine Gift. If youre reading this right now,
know that in it are Wisdom brought to you in this form, in this moment, by this mean because
youve been asking for it, searching for it, seeking it in all possible ways and forms, and you
have finally ---that is the part of you that is All of it---decided to bring it to yourself in ways that
cannot be denied, and ways that cannot be misunderstood by your mind.
What Im saying is that this is Your Wisdom brought to you by You through me.

Does that make sense?

Its okay if it doesnt yet. The reading of this materialthe working with it, in factwill bring
you the necessary clarity that will allow all of it---That is, All of It---to make sense to you. I
simply urge you to pay attention to the principles of Life this material is inviting you to consider
and explore.
SoAre You ready?


In the past couple of days (relatively to when Im writing this material), I started exploring some
of the most fundamental principles of Life, and I have managed to bring forth the answers to the
questions I had always wanted answers to in the form of Writing.
I took it upon myself to write a few blog-articles in which I tackled some of these questions.
Not only did I tackle these questions, in the simplest form that I could, I also brought forth some
of the answers that I had received (this seems to be the only term that fit, sorry).

In terms of understanding Life and the stuff of Life, the first thing that I thought I should
consider and have a pretty clear idea about was The Self.
I meanif youre going to seek answers about Life---must importantly, about Your Life and
Your Place in the process you call Life--- You need to have an understanding of that which you
are. It is in such that what follows came to be.
This is my answer---and, in some sense, your answer---to you:
You've got me all wrong
Indeed, this was the most important message that Neale Donald Walsch, author of the
"Conversations with God" book series, in which he and God were having a conversation, said
God wanted the whole world to know. If there is any message that God, the essence of Life, that
which that Life is truly and that which you call Divine wants the whole world to know, this
would be it.
But, why?
Well, it turns out that the mind works a certain way.
You have it, and it works that way for you.
I have it, and it works the same way for me.
That which you have that you call "the Mind" operates a certain way. It is that which that allows
you---being part of all that is (therefore, an expression of it all)---to experience the world from an
individual perspective. Without that mind, where the "ego" resides, you wouldn't be able to
experience that which you call "real" as you. You would be "you". Sure! But, you would
probably---I'd go even as to say you would certainly---also be me.
Not just me; but all of it.
You would be "me".
You would be your neighbor.
You would be the chair on which you're seated.
You'd be this phone in which you're reading this.
You'd be the computer in which you're reading this right now.
You would be all of it, and experience yourself---that is your "self"---as all of it...all the time.

Of course, you are always all of it---even as you're reading this right now, you're all of
it. You simply do not experience yourself as such. And, you do not experience yourself as such
because your "ego" stops you from experiencing yourself as such. Therefore, this "ego" is one of
the greatest gifts you've ever been given. The problem, however, is that you lose yourself so
much in the experience of the mind that you sometimes forget that you are not your mind. The
mind is not that which you are, but that which you have.
The interesting thing is that you're not your body either. (This was one of the earliest messages of
"Conversations with God").

So, as I was saying, the mind---which holds the "ego"---thinks itself separate from the All.
It does so by using this ego as a reference point from which to observe the rest of all that is. By
doing so, it imagines itself to be other than what the "All" is. For, how could it be that which
seems to be external to it?
What it does not understand, however, is that this was all part of the plan.
That much has been explored in the "Conversations with God" book series, but I am going to
quickly go over it here for those who have not read the books.

The All, from an absolute perspective, is One. All there is, is all there is. There is nothing
outside of that which it is because there can never be anything other than all there is. If there was
anything other than, or external to all there is, All there is wouldn't be all there is.
You're still following, right?
So, although All there is was all there was, and that there couldn't be anything other than, or
outside of all there is, All there is was not. That is because, in terms of existence---that is within
our limited perspective of "relativity---anything that is, is in relation to something else. In order
for something to be, there has to be something other than what it is. As stated in book 1 of
"Conversations with God" (and I think I'm simply paraphrasing here), "In the absence of that
which is not, that which is, is not". This to say that, even though All there is existed, in some
sense, and knew that it existed, in some sense, it was also meaningless, in some sense. For, how
could All that is be of any meaning if there was nothing other than what it is to assign that
meaning? Surely, assigning meaning to itself would be irrelevant. It would be pointless. Yet, this
was exactly what it did. All there was used itself, and gathered itself within itself as singular,
individuated little selves that could look back to all there was and see it for what it is.
In such, All there was could use these singular, individuated selves to assign meaning to itself
without creating a sense of...well...meaningless. But, in order to do that, it had to do something
even more spectacular. It had to allow these singular, individuate selves to forget they were ever
part of All there is. They had to forget being what they were looking at, or this whole experience
would have been meaningless. So, now, having forgotten being it all, they can look back at all
there is, study it all, investigate it all, try to make sense to all of it, and be in "Awe".

So, Why did it have to be that way?

I tell you the truth, it could have not been any other way. It is in the nature of All there is to
always be "All there is".
You could say, "Well, why did it have to create these versions within itself? Could it not have
created it all outside of it?"
To this I would respond "What outside?"
Do you suppose there is an outside to all there is? Do you not understand that, by definition, All
there is, is All?
All there is could not have created these little versions of itself outside of itself because that
would have defeated the purpose of being it All. Once there was something other than what All
of it is, All of it wouldn't be All of it. So, in order to keep its nature as All there is, All there is
had to create---and a creation is nothing but a varying expression of it all---these little selves
within. Therefore, it has created an environment in which these little selves can exist, and this
environment, they have called "Physical Universe". Thus, in being and existing in this "Physical
Universe", they have also acquired that which we now call "Body"...something with which they
could identify themselves in this "Physical Universe".
So, there it was!
Identity! This was the rise of the "ego". And, the Mind...another tool you have received with
which you can gather, analyze, and make sense to this experience you call "Physicality"
collaboration with the "Body", gave rise to the "Ego" that, in turn, allows you to not experience
yourself (your "self") as all of it.

Back to the Beginning

And, here we go again with "You've got me all wrong"!

This was all to show you why Neale said that the most important message that God---which is
the literary device that I'm using right now to express All there is---would have for the whole
world today would be "You've got me all wrong". And, of course, by getting God all wrong, you
have got yourself all wrong too. You do not understand that when you say "yourself", what
you're actually referring to is really your "Self"---which is truly the whole of God lost in the
illusion of that which you call "Physicality". The thing is, you experience this physicality from
the perspective of the "Mind", which only exists in the realm of the relative. Therefore, how can
you ever perceive it all?
All that you call experience (which is a term that is used to describe Life in the realm of the
relative) can only be so in terms of time. It goes from point A to point B. It goes from "here" to
"there". And, since "Space" and "Time" exist co-dependently, it moves from "Now" to "Then".
Therefore, you never experience it all at once.
You have got God all wrong because you...that is most of you, of course...think God to be
something other than what you are. You think God to be that which is up there, and you to be that
which is right down here. Yet, you are all of it.
It's like I told you earlier: In the absence of that which is not, that which is, is not.
You exist because that which you call God has created you in order to experience himself as
God exists because by the simple act of existing, you have created God.
Now, this is something that your religious leaders cannot accept. This is something they will not
take from you.
How dare you say that you have created God? How can you say such Blasphemy?
They would say all of these things because, in their thinking, the God who is the Alpha and the
Omega, the Beginning and the End, that which is All and All, does not reside in a Blasphemy.
He is everywhere, except in the blasphemy.
He is everywhere, except in that which is not pure.
He is everywhere, except in that which is not wise.
He is everywhere, except in that which is not good.
He is everywhere, except in Hell---especially in Hell, he is not.
No. This place is for the devil. And just like that, that which is all turn out to not be something.
Just like that, there is something that he is not. Just like that, there is something other than All.
Just like that, you turn God into a joke. For, the moment you assign one thing to Divinity and not
the other, you turn God into a joke; the moment you say that God is "this" and not "that", you
turn God into a joke; the moment you only see Divinity as him and not her, you only have half of
the story.
Divinity is in the good and the bad, the up and the down, the left and the right, here and there,
and certainly everywhere in-between.
I tell you this: God is a cup of tea.
The moment you realize that is the moment you have reached heaven...or, is it hell?
So, hear this one last time.
The most important message that Divinity would like to share with you regarding that which is
Life and the stuff of Life is this: You've got me all wrong!


The very message of this was that, not only do you have God all wrong, you also have yourself
all wrong too, In your creation of the Myth of God, you have also imagine a Self separate from
God. You imagine yourself---that is Your Self---to be other than what God is. In such, you also
stop yourself from experiencing Life in the greatest version and the grandest vision of it you
could hold.
Not only do you stop yourself from experiencing Life this way, you also stop yourself from
taking control of your own Evolution.
You wait.
You expect Evolution to be something that happens to you; while, in fact, Evolution is really
what you make of it. You refuse to Evolution as such because that would mean that whatever
happens next is on you.
Such a responsibility you cant take. Youd rather blame the process than to acknowledge youre
part of it. Youd rather blame the process than to assume responsibility for what you are, where
you are, and where you wish to be. But, I tell you this:


Having come to term with that, I also thought it important to explore the practicality of it all.
How can I use this understanding? How do I get practical with the knowing that I am part of it
all? How does that change anything, in fact?
So, in asking these questions, I did what I do best. I wrote another short blog-article in which I
could explore these questions and answers that might come alongand thus, in the simplest
terms and verbiage that I could.

I called it:


In truth, everything is changing.
Everything is in motion.
Everything there is, is always in the process of moving...passing from one point to another, from
one phase to another. Such is the way that Life is because Life is change. The absence of change
is the absence of Life.
This passing from one point to another, from one phase to another creates what we experience as
"Time", therefore, exists in co-relation with Life.
In fact, I am even tempted to say that Life is an expression of Time. (Or, should it be the other
way around?)
What all of this is basically saying is that change is always happening...and this is such, whether
you like it or not. You cannot stop change from happening in the same way you cannot stop Life
to be Life. You cannot stop change from happening because, as I said before, Change is Life,
and the absence of change is the absence of Life. (This, I have already been quite clear about).
So, what it comes down to can be summed up as a very simple question: What can you do?

The human species is characterized by a very simple need to take charge, to be in control.
We like to be in charge, to be the ones making the decisions, to be the ones choosing what's
what. The absence of such control causes us to feel being the "Victim" of some higher power,
some higher principle, some unknown force that we can't get rid of and that we have to comply
to. This creates what is sometimes referred to as "The Victimhood Mentality", in which the
"Mind" finds itself being the victim of the process of Life.
However, what the "Mind" seems to forget in all of this is that: It is part of the process.
Indeed, the Mind is part of the Process of Life. Therefore, the Mind is part of what Life truly is.
And, when the Mind realizes that it is part of what Life is, can it really say that it is the victim of
Life? Is this not the same as saying that it is the victim of its own process? Is this not like the
"Mind" is also victimizing itself?


Hold on a second!
We really should not get off track. We should not get off topic here. We should stay with the
idea...the original idea.
So, what is it?
It's about The Only Change That Matters.
I said that change is all there is, that change is always happening, that all of Life is about change,
and that you cannot stop change from happening because the act of resisting change is the act of
resisting Life. This is true even when you look to the smallest particle. There is always change.
So, this most be clear. Stopping change is impossible. However, even though it is impossible to
stop change, it does not necessarily make "you" a victim of change. This is because, truthfully,
you are part of the change.
You are not simply the result of what change is. You are what change is. In such---and here is the
key concept of this post---You Are The Only Change That Matters.
Let me say that again another way.
The Only Change That Matters is truly You.
It is You because You are experiencing all that You call Life from one reference point: You.
Should you start experiencing all of Life from a reference point other than you, you would
realize that you truly are not a victim.
What could you be a victim of? You?
What could be victimizing you? Your own process?

This is not a doctrine, by the way. This is not to say you have to take anything here as
absolute truth. This is but a suggestion...another way to look at what's happening.
What's happening is merely what's happening. It does not define what's true for you, nor does it
define how you should feel about what's happening. These guidelines (if guidelines they are) are
only yours to set. And this, you do as you please.
It is in this sense that The Only Change That Matters is You. The Only change that should define
your reality is the change you choose to be. The only question you need to ask yourself---that is
your "Self"--- in any given moment is: What kind of change do I wish to be now?
Answer this and you will have the answers to all of Life's most difficult questions.
Let me say that one more time for you.
Answer this simple question (at any given moment) and you will have the answers to all of Life's
most difficult questions. It's all about you. You just don't know how vast you are.
You are an integral part of the process you call Life. Once you realize that you are an integral
part of that process, you also realize that all of life is, in some sense, You.
It is only the limited perspective of the "Mind" as this single point in all this vast Universe that
you call "You" that sees what's happening as some form of victimization. Should you see all of it
from the perspective of All of it, you would not see yourself as a victim. You would see yourself
as a co-creator...a participant in the process of Life.
Because this is true, in some sense. As the reference point from which you experience all of it,
The Only Thing That Matters is The Only Change That Matters. And, that change is the change
you wish to produce. Therefore, what really makes all the differences is the Wisdom, the
Understanding with which you make these changes.
In such, always create change from a place of understanding.
Create it.
Do not React to it.
You can only do so when you truly understand, when you see things---that is when you "C"
things---as they truly are.
You have probably heard this before: Be The Change You Wish To See. This is good advice
because You can only experience it (all of it) from your own perspective. So, change it.
Change it and change your experience.
After all...It's Your experience, isn't it?


From The perspective of me writing this all, what it means is that there are two aspects of Life:
1) The change that is Happening
2) The change that Youre creating
The change that is Happening is the part of Life that is being created on a collective level. What
that means is that All of it is being created with the collaboration of all of it.
This is the Principle of All.
The change that youre creating is what youre doing on a personal level. As Im sure I said
before (and you, perhaps, have read elsewhere before) Whats happening is merely whats
happening. What it means is that it does not define how you should feel about it.
It is your feeling about something that defines what that something is. So, when you decide the
experience of whats happening to be that which you call Bad, it becomes thatto you.
If you would choose to see it otherwise and not call it bad, but instead, choose to see it as an
opportunity, such would be how you would experience it.
You have just created your own Reality.
Of course, you always do thatall the time, and about everything. You simply do not always
realize that youre doing so. In such, you come up with expressions like Life is a bitch, in
which you see yourself as being the victim of Life instead of its creator.
This is what some refer to as The Victimhood Mentality. So, the answer is to always see all of
Life as a Gift, to see every moment as Nowthe present moment.
Yesterday is History. Tomorrow is a mystery. But, TodayToday is a Gift. This is why it is called
The Present.

Having said that, I also understand that some of the answers that I have brought forth may not be
inviting to everyonemainly, because of my use of the word God.
Its true that some people are not necessarily comfortable with that term. So, in case youre one
of them, I have also expressed my thoughts on the subject.

As I said, my intention is to bring understanding.

First, to myself.
And then, to others.
So, I had also written another blog-article in which I have made an attempt in explaining the God
of my understanding. This blog-article, I had (rather humorously) given the title of:


"God is Dead"
I'm sure you've heard this expression before. Just like I'm sure you've heard that one before too:
"God is not Dead".
So, what I invite you to do here, in this little exploration, is to consider the latter expression. I
invite you to consider that "God is really not dead", and to explore the significations of such a
statement with me.
Can you do that?
So, let's do this.

If God is not dead, then, where is God?

I suppose this is the first question you'd like to ask.
If God is not dead, then, why in hell is the world the way it is? Why in hell is the world in the
state it is? Why the suffering? Why death? Why hunger? Why the war? And so much more...
If God is not dead, does that mean that God simply does not care about what's happening?
If God is not dead, does that mean that God simply cannot do anything to change things? Or, is it
that God simply refuse to do so? But, most importantly, is there really a God to be either dead or

In order to really appreciate and explore these questions (within the parameters of this article),
we must first define what is meant by God here. In order to give a proper answer to these
questions, we need to have a pretty good grasp of what is meant by God.

So, what do I mean by God?

First, let me say that when I use the word "God", I do not necessarily use it in the same way most
people do. When I say "God", I am not referring to some Supernatural entity that resides in
Heaven somewhere, someone who is deciding what's what in every moment of Life. When I say
"God", I am not referring to a bearded old man in Heaven who judges and controls everyone and
everything. When I say "God", I am certainly not referring to the idea that most people hold
about God.
If your idea of God is that of an Old man sitting in Heaven, king over all, ruler of the whole
Universe, and decider of your Life...someone who judges and punishes, says "yes" to some
prayers and "no" to others, someone who claims to be Love and loves you unconditionally---yet,
will send you to a place of Eternal fire, where you shall burn Eternally, if you choose not to
return that Love back and serve him, this is not what I mean by God.
If your idea of God is that of a being who knows it all, knows all that you're going to do, all that
you've done, and all that you're doing now...someone who knows all of Life, someone who gives
you choices---options, really---tells you that you have freewill, yet promises to punish you if you
choose wrong, we are not talking about the same God.

My Idea of God is that of Life.

When I say God, I am referring to what Life is and the Process of Life.
When I say God, I'm referring to All there is, All there was, and All there ever will be.
When I say God, I'm referring to you, me, the guy next door, the girl next door...All of us put
together; I'm referring to all the animals, the trees and rocks, the seas and everything.
So, what I mean by "God is not Dead" is that All of it isn't.
What I mean is that God is alive. And, if God is alive, it means that All of it is.
There's not one thing that isn't alive. There's not one flower, not one rock, not one particle of
existence that isn't alive.
Life is a process. (This is why we call that which is alive "A Living Being".)
And, if God is All of Life, it means that God too is a process.
God is the process of Life.
God is not just that which moves, but that which is moved.
God is not just the Creator, but also the Created.
Part of what is being said here has already been explored in the previous post. It's the same
In a sense, I am simply using different wording to express the same Truth.

Do you suppose there is one thing in all of Life that is not alive? Is it your thinking that any part
of the process of Life could be anything other than alive?
Do you imagine any part of Life to be "Dead"?

You see, All of Life is active...always. There's not a part of Life that is not active. Everything in
Life is always in motion. In fact, All of Life is Energy in motion. Therefore, All of Life is
Even the smallest particle of the Universe is active.
Nothing is static.
Everything is flowing.
(These are things that your scientists know). What you all seem to not know is that Life is
In your limited perspective of Life, you have assigned the term "Alive" to that which that can
breathe, that which that can eat, and that which that can grow. Anything short of that, you
consider not alive.
What you do not understand is that, without that which you consider "not alive" that which you
call "alive" wouldn't be. That which you call "Alive" is but an extension of what you consider
"not alive".
All of it is a process.
It is in the motion of All of it that that which you call "Alive" comes from. Life is All of it
expressed as All of it.
So, why do you consider some "Alive" and some "not alive"?
Separation is the reason you see some as being "Alive", and some as being "not alive". Yet, the
truth is right in your face. That which you consider "alive", you call a "Living Being". But, you
do not see that the term itself suggest a process.
It is not a "Live Be" (as that doesn't seem to make sense to you). It is a "Living Being"...a

Now, how does that answer our questions?

Since we know that God is not a supernatural entity in Heaven, but the process of Life itself---a
process that we're all a part of---the answers seem simple:
Because God is All of it, God is everywhere. Everything you're looking at, right now, is God.
Everything is an expression of Divinity. Everything is an expression of God. In such, there's
nothing you could look at that is not God. You are all God expressed in many forms. In such, the
world is the way it is, in the state it is because You all (as a collective) have not chosen for the
world to be any different. You have not chosen to agree on what, or how you want the world to
be. Therefore, you have expressed a world that is a reflection of all of you.
I tell you this: If all of you would decide to end hunger today, it would be so. If all of you would
decide to create peace now, it would be so. If all of you would decide (as a collective) to change
the way things are, things would be different.
Things are the way they are because this is the way that all of you have chosen to live.
You could end war today, if you really wanted to.
You could end hunger, if this was truly your goal.
So, it's not that God cannot change things; but that you don't want her to.
It's not that God do not care; but that you do not.
It is the choices of All of You (collectively and Individually) that create it all. Only when you
choose to change things that things will surely do change.
It's really, really up to you...!


As you can certainly see, I have brought it back to you again. Once more, You are the focus,
You are the main character. The story that is being written is Your story. And, the one doing the
writing is You.
As Life and part of Life, you have an integral part to play. You have to make choices that, not
only influence your life, but, influences All of Life.
This All of Life is what is termed God in these little explorations. So, you dont have to use
that term, if youre not comfortable with it.
Use whatever word, whatever term with which you feel more comfortable.
If it allows you to grasp the concept better, use it.
If it allows you to understand Reality better and with great ease, use it.
If it allows you to understand yourself---that is Your Self---better, and your relation to All of it,
use it.
Use whatever works for you, whatever brings you the greatest understanding, whatever brings
you the fullest experience of Life and the stuff of Life.
Use it to grow.
Use it to take control.
Use it to create and recreate yourself over and over againand always.
But most importantly, Use it to Evolve.

I hope this has been as insightful to you as it has been to me. I hope that I have brought you
the same understanding that I have brought myself and with the same ease that I have done for
myself, so that you can use the tools of Life the same way that I, too, will use the tools of Life to
create and re-create yourself.always. And, if you wish, you can always visit my blogs where I
have explored, and will be exploring the many secrets of Life, and the tools of Life that are
available to All of usalways. So, if you wish to explore with me, if you wish to converse with
me, even if youre simply curious about what I am saying there, I invite you to do so here:
And, respectfully, here:

Lets Activate Self-Evolution!

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