A Study On Communist Trade Unions in Madurai: Questionnaire

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1. Name :
2. Age :
3. Gender : (1) Male (2) Female
4. Educational Status : (1) Literate (2) Illiterate
5. Educational Qualification : (1) Primary (2) Secondary (3) Higher Secondary
a. a.Technical qualification if any

6. .Which idealogy of Communist party does your trade union belong to:
7. Length of service:
8. Are there are any polticians as leaders of your T.U:
9. Are you satisfied with your leader performance? :
10. Where do you live in?
a. Own House (2) Rental House
11. What type of house?
a. Hut (2) Tiled (3) Thatched (4) Group House (Govt. Scheme)
12. Number of working hours per day?
a. 4 hours (2) 6 hours (3) 8 hours (4) 10 hours
13. If industry is far away from your home, what is mode of travel?
a. By Walk (2) By Cycle (3) By Auto Rickshaw (4) Bus
14. Does your Union hold general body meetings periodically?:
15. What kind of Welfare measures provided by your employer?
a. Drinking Water (2) Toilets (3) Rest sheds
b. (4) Accident rescue measure (5) Medical facility (6) Transport
16. What is your Wage per day? `.....
17. Are you satisfied with prevailing wage rate? (1) Yes (2) No
18. If No, what is your expected wage? `.....
19. How many working days in a week?
a. 5 Days (2) 6 Days (3) 7 Days
20. What is your method of payment?
a. Daily (2) Weekly (3) Monthly
21. What is the main object of your union?
22. Has your union called for a strike for political reasons?
23. Whether you are a member of Self Help Groups? (1) Yes (2) No
24. If yes, what is the benefit that you are receiving from SHGs?
a. Loans (2) Part time employment (3) Profits / Dividends (4) Other
25. Whether you are aware of the Government Welfare Scheme? (1) Yes (2) No
26. Do you suggest any measures to meet the crises relating to economic reforms in Trade
union movement ?

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