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Engineering Structures 25 (2003) 15371549

Assessment of low-rise building with transfer beam under seismic

J.H. Li, R.K.L. Su , A.M. Chandler
Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, China

Received 28 October 2002; received in revised form 12 May 2003; accepted 16 May 2003


An overview of the structural performance of a transfer structure in Hong Kong under potential seismic actions is presented. A
hypothetical but realistic low-rise building model has been developed comprising a seven-storey reinforced concrete frame structure
with reinforced concrete transfer beams at first floor level. Structural design has been based on the British Standard BS8110 and
local practices. Parametric analyses of the momentcurvature relationship of each component have been conducted. By adopting
the displacement-based (DB) approach, various seismic assessment methodologies, including response spectrum analysis (RSA),
manual calculation, pushover analysis (POA) and equivalent static analysis (ESA) have been implemented. The deformations induced
by the predicted seismic actions in Hong Kong are compared with those arising from POA in terms of average lateral drift ratios
and maximum interstorey drift ratios arising in the building. Factors influencing the performance of this form of transfer structure
are highlighted and discussed. This paper also provides a general indication of seismic vulnerability of common low-rise transfer
structures in regions of low to moderate seismicity.
2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Earthquakes; Wind; Transfer structure; Low-rise buildings; Spectral displacement; Drift

1. Introduction design codes, have not been designed for seismic resist-
ance. The safety of those buildings is therefore as a mat-
Hong Kong, like other mega-cities including Singa- ter of concern under a potential earthquake with moder-
pore, Shanghai, Bangkok, London and New York, is not ate levels of design ground shaking. Seismic engineers
located at the high seismicity region. Transfer structures and researchers [13] pointed out that under cyclic earth-
are widely used, for both low-rise and high-rise build- quake loads, concentrated stresses and large lateral dis-
ings, to provide flexibility in different architectural placement demands may occur at locations in a structure
arrangements above and below the transfer structures. where there is significant change in lateral stiffness. For
Transfer structure can be defined as either flexural or this situation, seismic codes often require the use of
shear structures which transmit heavy loads from col- more elaborate methods of dynamic analysis together
umns or walls acting on its top and redistribute them to with more stringent detailing requirements for the trans-
the supporting columns or walls. Various forms of trans- fer structures, to ensure that the high levels of drift and
fer structures are introduced in high and low-rise build- ductility demands are sustainable without major damage
ings, examples being transfer plates (TP) or transfer gir- or collapse.
ders (TG) employed for high-rise residential and The China Academy of Building Research Institute,
commercial buildings, whilst transfer beams (TB) are CABRI [4] presented detailed design and construction
commonly used for low or medium-rise buildings. Exist- practices for transfer structures in high-rise commercial
ing buildings in Hong Kong, following the traditional and residential buildings in Hong Kong and the neigh-
bouring cities of Shenzhen, Guangzhou, along with Beij-
ing. More than 20 transfer structure buildings with dif-

Corresponding author. Fax: +852-2559-5337. ferent forms such as plates, beams, boxes and trusses
E-mail address: (R.K.L. Su). were reviewed. Various design procedures for transfer

0141-0296/03/$ - see front matter 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1538 J.H. Li et al. / Engineering Structures 25 (2003) 15371549

structures under seismic loads were suggested. Ng and 2. Structural details of the seven-storey TB
Liu [5] presented the seismic design procedure using building
both response spectrum and time-history analyses for the
design of a medium-rise building with TP in Beijing. 2.1. Overall structural layout
Tsang [6] conducted a comprehensive survey of TP
high-rise buildings in Hong Kong, which found that the A hypothetical but realistic two-dimensional seven-
thickness of those TP is ranging from 2 to 4 m. Further- storey reinforced concrete structure model (as shown in
more, the superstructure constructed above the TP level Fig. 1a) has been developed with reference to a local
was found to be typically 3050 storeys high, with an school building (Fig. 1b). This model consists of a low-
average of 40 storeys. The structural forms above and rise framed structure 28.9 m high and 23.7 m wide with
below the TP often consist of either shear walls or core a TB at its first floor. Base columns are assumed to be
wall plus mega-columns. Su et al. [3,7] have conducted fully fixed at ground level, with vertical span of 8.05
seismic assessment of a high-rise residential building m. Detailed arrangements of the columns and beams are
with transfer structure using various methods comprising shown in Fig. 1a. The design wind load is derived in
equivalent static analysis (ESA), response spectrum accordance with the Hong Kong Wind Design Code [10]
analysis (RSA) and pushover analysis (POA). Their for a 50 year return period. Static load analysis has been
results indicated that RSA provides the most reliable and conducted using the commercial program ETABS Ver-
accurate of all the seismic assessment methods. Based sion 7.22 [11]. It was found that the design is controlled
by the load combination of dead plus live loads and not
on the above-mentioned studies, it is found that most of
by wind load as would be the case of high-rise buildings
the seismic assessments of transfer structures in Hong
[3]. The distributions of bending moment and axial force
Kong and China have focused on high-rise buildings
for the building under such load combination are shown
with TP. No studies have been conducted to date on low-
in Fig. 2.
rise buildings with TB. Such structures are also a very
common arrangement in Hong Kong for schools and 2.2. RC details of columns and beams
shopping complexes in multi-storey podiums.
The aims of this paper are (i) to determine the most Based on the British Standard BS8110 [12], all col-
appropriate seismic assessment methodology for low- umns and beams have been designed and the results for
rise buildings with TB amongst various different typical members are given in Table 1. The reinforcement
approaches which can be undertaken within the concrete (RC) details of a typical base column in accord-
resources generally available in a design office, (ii) to ance with Hong Kong construction practice (which does
highlight and discuss factors influencing the response not require explicit consideration of seismic actions) are
behaviour of such transfer structures, and (iii) to provide shown in Fig. 3a. Each 6751600 mm rectangular col-
a general indication of their seismic vulnerability under umn is reinforced along the section by totally 28 num-
moderate levels of ground shaking. bers 40 mm diameter high tensile steel reinforcement
In the present study, particular emphasis has been (with yield strength of 460 MPa), which gives a longi-
placed on the potential development of the soft storey tudinal reinforcement ratio of approximately 3.3%. Note
effect. In conducting this displacement-based (DB) that the lateral concrete confinement of columns in Hong
assessment, the corresponding seismic displacement Kong, based on current design practice, is generally very
demands for the structure (built either on rock or deep low, as there is no provision for seismic detailing. A
soil sites) were determined based on the design response typical base column is confined by 10 mm diameter rec-
spectra of Lam et al. [8] and Chandler et al. [9]. The tangular links at a uniform spacing of 300 mm centres,
deformations induced by the predicted seismic actions which is equivalent to only 0.07% transverse reinforce-
in Hong Kong are compared with those arising from ment volumetric ratio. The external frame columns
POA in terms of the average lateral drift ratios and above the TB are 600900 mm rectangular columns
maximum interstorey drift ratios of the building. The reinforced by totally 12 numbers 32 mm diameter high
critical failure mechanism and most vulnerable regions tensile steel reinforcement, and confined by 10 mm
of the structure are thereby identified. Different load pat- diameter rectangular links at a uniform spacing of 300
terns for POA have been considered, and it is found that mm centres (as shown in Fig. 3b), which gives approxi-
the POA procedure is sufficient to assess the displace- mately 1.8% longitudinal reinforcement ratio and 0.04%
ment capacity of a low-rise building when more than one transverse reinforcement volumetric ratio. The RC
load pattern has been introduced for the analysis. details of columns are symmetric about their principal
geometric axes. Beams, however, have asymmetric RC
details about their principal geometric axes. The RC
details of the typical TB with label B2 at mid-span (see
Fig. 1a) is shown in Fig. 3c. TB B2 is reinforced by four
J.H. Li et al. / Engineering Structures 25 (2003) 15371549 1539

Fig. 1. Example transfer buildings: (a) idealized model, (b) local school building.

Fig. 2. Force distributions under the critical load combination: (a) moment distribution, (b) axial force distribution.

layers of totally 50 numbers high tensile steel reinforce- and ultimate moment capacities of the momentcurva-
ment with one additional layer of hanger bars at the top ture relationships under ultimate vertical (axial) loading
of beam with 5 numbers 20 mm diameter high tensile conditions. Fig. 3 shows example results for the base
steel. The total longitudinal reinforcement ratio of the column, typical external column and the TB at mid-span.
TB is approximately 1.6%. The idealized momentcurvature relationships (adopting
the procedure recommended by ATC-40, [14]) for the
columns and TB at ultimate axial loading, are shown in
3. Ductility capacity of columns and beams Fig. 3 and will be used for the subsequent POA. Five
points labelled A, B, C, D, and E are used to define the
3.1. Momentcurvature analyses momentcurvature response of the critical section of a
plastic hinge. The response begins from the unloaded
Extensive momentcurvature analyses for columns condition A, and is linear to an effective yield, B, fol-
and beams have been conducted using the computer pro- lowed by yielding (possibly with strain hardening) to
gram RESPONSE [13] under ultimate and working load- point C, followed by strength degradation to point D,
ing conditions. Table 2 summarizes the yield curvatures and then final collapse and loss of gravity load capacity

Table 1
Result of RC design for typical members

RC columns

Member Section B D Area (mm2) Ultimate axial force (MN) Ultimate Shear (MN) Reinf. req. Reinf. prov. % Link
moment (mm2) (mm2)

Base column 6751600 1,080,000 17 7.9 2 34,560 35,280 28(T40) 3.27 T10300
External typical column 600900 540,000 7 1.6 1 7200 9646 12(T32) 1.79 T10300
Internal typical column 600900 540,000 6 1.3 0.6 9000 8038 10(T32) 1.49 T10300

RC beams

Member Section B D Area (mm2) Ultimatea moment (MNm) Shear (MN) Reinf. req. (mm2) Reinf. prov. % Link

B1 17002100 357104 11 (top) 7 15,369 16,380 13(T40) 0.46 T10300 D.S.

B2 17002100 357104 36 (bottom) 0.5 57,837 57,960 50(T40) 1.62 T10300 D.S.
B3 600650 390,000 0.6 (bottom) 0.6 2861 3216 4(T32) 0.82 T10300 D.S.
1.4 (top) 0.6 8078 10,048 8(T40) 2.58 T10300 D.S.
B4 600650 390,000 0.05 (bottom) 196 233 1608 4(T25) 0.41 T10300 D.S.
J.H. Li et al. / Engineering Structures 25 (2003) 15371549

0.1 (top) 196 615 1608 4(T25) 0.41 T10300 D.S.

Note: D.S., double stirrup; S.S., Single stirrup. Material properties: concrete grade 40D (fcu = 40 MPa); modulus of elasticity EC = 24 GPa; highly deformed bar (fy = 460 MPa) is adopted for
all steels including longitudinal and transverse reinforcement.
The produced moment under ultimate load combination.
J.H. Li et al. / Engineering Structures 25 (2003) 15371549 1541

3.2. Manual calculation of ductility capacity

A manual checking procedure has been undertaken to

assess the limiting curvatures in the base column arising
at different stages of loading. At ultimate conditions, the
curvature of the critical cross-section in the column can
be determined in accordance with the depth of the neu-
tral axis and the dependable ultimate compressive strain
(ecu) of concrete, based on the following expression
ecu 0.004 1.4(rshfyheshu / fcc) (1)
where fyh, yield strength of the link reinforcement (460
MPa); eshu, limiting tensile strain of the link reinforce-
ment at the maximum stress condition (=0.06); fcc,
maximum compressive strength of the confined concrete
( 1.5fc or 1.5 34 MPa = 51 MPa);
rsh volumetric ratio of the link reinforcement (2)
4Abh / sDc 0.07%
Abh, area of a single 10 mm diameter link bar (79 mm2);
s, spacing of the link reinforcement (300 mm); Dc, diam-
eter of the confined concrete (area enclosed by the rec-
tangular link) ~1460 mm (Dp).
It is noted that the link reinforcement provided is used
to resist shear and torsion stresses in the columns as well
as to prevent preventing premature buckling of the main
reinforcing bars, when subjected to reversing inelastic
strains. Eqs. (1) and (2) provide an estimate of ecu as
0.0044, which is not significantly greater than the thres-
hold value of 0.004 for unconfined concrete. Thus, the
link reinforcement provides a very low level of con-
finement, which results in a negligible enhancement in
Fig. 3. Reinforcement details and idealized momentcurvature the ductility of the potential plastic hinge. Given from
relationships: (a) base column, (b) external column, and (c) TB. analysis that the neutral axis is positioned at 1120 mm
from the extreme compression fibre (0.7Dp), the ultimate
curvature (fu) is accordingly equal to 0.0044/(0.71.46
m), or 5.0 radian/1000 m (0.004 radian/m).
The incipient yield curvature (when first yielding
at point E. In particular, the abscissa at C corresponds to occurs) at the plastic hinge (fy) is expected to be asso-
the deformation at which significant strength degradation ciated with the compressive yielding of concrete, as
begins. Beyond this level of deformation, continued opposed to the tensile yielding of the reinforcement. The
resistance of lateral forces can no longer be guaranteed. incipient yield curvature may be expressed as:
For brittle components, this deformation is the same as fy ecc / (0.7Dp) (3)
the deformation at which yield strength is reached. For
ductile components, this deformation is larger than the where:
yield deformation. By comparing Tables 1 and 2, the ecc incipient yield strain of concrete fc / Ec (4)
results indicate that all the columns and beams under the
worst loading condition (dead and live load combination fc characteristic compressive strength 34 MPa
Ec tangential Youngs modulus 5000(fc)
with appropriate partial safety factor) have nearly
reached their characteristic strength moment. Therefore (5)
collapse is assumed once the deformation exceeds point 30,600 MPa [18]
C in the definition of member hinge properties employed
in the subsequent POA. Eqs. (4) and (5) give ecc=0.0012, which is then translated
to fy = 0.0012 / (0.7 1.6 m) = 1.07 radian / 100 m

Table 2
Summary of the momentcurvature analyses


Member (see Fig. 1) Load condition Effective (notional) yield Ultimate yield curvature fu Curvature ductility ratio fu /fy Ultimate moment capacity
curvature fy (radian/1000 m) (radian/1000 m) (MNm)

Base Ultimate axial load (=17 MN) 2.2 5.7 2.6 8.0
Exterior Ultimate axial load (=7 MN) 4.2 9.8 2.3 2.0
Interior Ultimate axial load (=7 MN) 3.8 9.1 2.4 1.7


Axial force Positive Negative Positive Negative Positive Negative Positive Negative

B2 0 2.7 13.8 7.1 22.5 2.6 1.6 37.3 3.6

B3 0 8.4 9.5 92.2 27.4 11.0 2.9 0.84 1.7
B4 0 6.0 6.0 76.7 76.7 12.8 12.8 0.2 0.2
J.H. Li et al. / Engineering Structures 25 (2003) 15371549

Note: The RC details of columns and beams are symmetric and asymmetric, respectively, about their principal geometric axes.
J.H. Li et al. / Engineering Structures 25 (2003) 15371549 1543

according to Eq. (3). In particular, for rectangular cross- by the lateral drift capacities of the base columns. Thus
sections, the initial yielding of the reinforcement (located the assessment of the ductility capacity of the low-rise
furthest away from the neutral axis) occurs at a curvature building has found to be more complicated whilst and
well below that of overall yielding of the entire cross- the simplified method derived in Ref. [3] for the TP
section, the latter indicating the formation of the plastic high-rise buildings cannot be adopted for the analysis of
hinge mechanism. It is estimated that the notional yield a low-rise transfer structure.
curvature (fy) is in the order of twice the incipient yield
curvature (fy) [19]. Thus, fy is taken to be approxi-
mately 2.1 radian/1000 m. 4. Seismic demands imposed on building
Note that the above assessment implies an extremely
low curvature ductility capacity of ~2.5 (i.e. 5.0 / 2.1). 4.1. Modified lateral stiffness of building
An alternative procedure to determine curvature ductility
based on research in New Zealand can be found in Wat- Determining the actual stiffness of reinforced concrete
son et al. [20] which was based on the original work of is not straightforward, as it depends on a number of fac-
Mander et al. [18]. However, a much higher curvature tors including the strain rate, aging, steel ratio and extent
ductility ratio of 8 was obtained. The discrepancies high- of cracks in concrete under tensile loads. Typical elastic
light the need to exercise caution when applying empiri- modulus of concrete can be determined either from
cal relationships, which can be based on very different codes of practice or from a uni-axial compressive test.
parameter ranges and assumptions. The effects of transient load application and aging may
The result from hand calculation is in good agreement increase the modulus by approximately 40% and 10%,
with the notional yield curvature fy (~2.56 radian/1000 respectively [12,21]. In addition, the elastic modulus of
m) obtained from the RESPONSE [13] analysis. This reinforced concrete may be slightly increased by 10
indicates that using RESPONSE to evaluate the curva- 20% due to the presence of reinforcement. It was pointed
ture ductility capacity of structural members is reason- out by Priestley [22] and Priestley and Kowalsky [19]
able. However, the approach for evaluating the ductility that section stiffness may not be considered as a funda-
capacity of the entire structural system of the low-rise mental section property. The stiffness of the section
building is different from a high-rise building [3]. It is would be altered by changes in axial load ratio or flex-
shown in the failure collapse mechanism (Fig. 4) that ural reinforcement content, due to the non-linear behav-
plastic hinges are formed not only at the base columns iour of the reinforced concrete and the reduction of the
but also at those columns which abut upon the TB. Fur- effective sectional area for cracked sections. The stiff-
thermore, the internal frame column abutting onto the ness of vertical members have therefore been modified
TB (labelled 1 in Fig. 4) is the first to reach its ultimate herein, under ultimate conditions, with the factors
capacity. In contrast, the base columns of the high-rise applied to the stiffness of columns and beams being 0.8
building [3,7] were found to yield and then reach their and 0.5, respectively. After the modifications, the stiff-
ultimate capacities, but the structural walls above the ness can be regarded as effective flexural rigidity (EFR).
transfer structure remained elastic and no plastic hinges These factors were derived according to design values
formed. For such kind of high-rise buildings [3], their presented in the above references, modified appropri-
ductility capacities are associated with the soft storey ately to allow for the relatively low levels of seismic
effect occurring at the base of the buildings. Hence, the displacement demand, as discussed in the following
ductility capacity of the whole system can be determined paragraphs. To take into account all the above contri-
butions, the elastic modulus of the RC structural mem-
bers has been increased by 3040% when compared with
the values stipulated in the design code [23].
By using the structural model with modified section
stiffness, free vibration dynamic analysis was carried
out. The vibration periods and cumulative effective mass
factors in the X-direction (see Fig. 2), for the first five
modes, are given in Table 3. It is noted that the funda-
mental vibration period of the building is 1.40 s. The
effective mass factors for the first and second modes are
equal to 75% and 17%, respectively. The accumulative
effective masses for the first and second modes contrib-
ute 93% of the total cumulative effective mass. Although
the second mode possesses around 20% of the accumu-
lative effective mass, it contributes only 5% of the forces
Fig. 4. Failure (collapse) mechanism by POA. by the square-root-of-the-sum-of-the-squares (SRSS) to
1544 J.H. Li et al. / Engineering Structures 25 (2003) 15371549

Table 3
Modal parameters from dynamic analysis

Mode Period Accumulative effective Percentage of effective

number (s) mass factors (%) mass factor (%)

1 1.40 74.69 74.7

2 0.43 91.83 17.2
3 0.25 99.17 7.3
4 0.16 99.94 0.8
5 0.10 99.99 0.05

the whole system, and furthermore leads to only a small

difference between the deflection profiles for first mode
only and those for all modes under the same loading (as
further discussed below). This result indicates that higher
mode effects in low-rise buildings are relatively insig-
nificant, in accordance with expectation.

4.2. Ductility and drift demand of the building

The displacement demand on a single-degree-of-free-

dom (SDOF) structure is simply the spectral displace-
ment (at the initial period, assuming notional 5% of criti-
cal damping). However, it is important to point out that
the displacement spectrum must account for the potential
effects of soil resonance, which is very sensitive to the
depth of the soil sediments and the impedance contrast
between the soil and bedrock. Such effects can be esti- Fig. 5. (a) Response spectral acceleration RSA (5% damping) for
mated by non-linear wave analysis of soil column (e.g., Hong Kong rock and soil sites (after Chandler et al. [9] and Lam et
al. [8]). (b) Response spectral displacement RSD (5% damping) for
using computer program SHAKE [24] or alternatively Hong Kong rock and soil sites (after Chandler et al. [9] and Lam et
by a new and simple manual procedure known as FASA al. [8]).
[25,26]). Existing empirical response spectrum models
which do not explicitly parameterise sediment depths
might not have fully accounted for the soil resonance ment factor can be based on artificially increasing the
effect, which is particularly detrimental to non-ductile viscous damping to emulate hysteretic energy absorption
structures (including transfer structures) as commonly [15]. Alternatively, empirical inelastic response spectra
found in low to moderate seismicity regions. have also been used in deriving suitable adjustment fac-
It is outside the scope of this paper to address seismic tors to account for inelastic behaviour [28]. However, it
hazard modelling or response spectrum modelling in was shown earlier in the paper that the capacity of the
detail. Nevertheless, acceleration response spectra and TB structure to respond in the inelastic range is very
displacement response spectra for rock and soil sites esti- limited. Thus the hysteretic energy dissipation associated
mated for 2500-year return period far- and near-field with the inelastic response is expected to be very small.
events affecting Hong Kong are shown in Fig. 5a,b, By using the model with modified section stiffness as
respectively [8,9,27]. The soil spectra employed herein well as assuming notional 5% viscous damping, a
were originally generated by Chandler et al. [9] based detailed RSA was implemented herein using the well-
on the typical Shau Kei Wan reclamation site on Hong known computer program package ETABS [11]. The
Kong Island with soil depth of 52 m. It is found that the elastic seismic displacement demand profiles have been
2500-year return period large magnitude far-field event determined (Fig. 6a). Comparisons of the results for
is the critical case affecting the considered structure (see mode one only with those for all modes, as previously
Fig. 5) on both rock and soil sites. Therefore only the mentioned, indicate that higher mode effects can be
corresponding displacement and drift results for the ignored when analysing the low-rise building. Hence,
building will be presented in the following sections. only the results for the fundamental mode have been dis-
A reduction factor is often used to allow for hysteretic played in Fig. 6a for comparison purposes. The
energy dissipation arising from the inelastic excursions maximum seismic roof displacement is 144 mm (far-
of the structure to the ultimate condition. This adjust- field earthquake affecting soil site) and gives an average
J.H. Li et al. / Engineering Structures 25 (2003) 15371549 1545

component damage, as well as the potential structural

damage [29]. The maximum interstorey drift ratios of
the building, founded on the bedrock and soil sites, are
shown in Fig. 6b. The maximum seismic interstorey drift
ratios occur in the 3rd and 4th storeys rather than at the
effective height or at TB level, and have values of 0.1%
and 0.8%, for bedrock and soil sites, respectively. These
maximum interstorey drift ratios are significantly higher
than the corresponding average lateral drift ratios, by the
same factor of 1.6 for both rock and soil sites. This may
due to the dynamic amplification.

5. Overall ductility and drift capacity of building

As an alternative to manual calculation described in

Section 3.2, the displacement capacity of building struc-
tures as a whole may be obtained by static POA [30
33]. POA is a simple tool for evaluating the behaviour
of structures responding in the inelastic range. Essen-
tially, a lumped mass SDOF system is created and under
lateral loading, the correct ratio of its mass and initial
stiffness is determined such that initial period of
vibration matches the fundamental natural period of
vibration of the original multi-degree-of-freedom
(MDOF) model. The initial natural period matching will
automatically result in the response displacement time-
histories at any point on the MDOF structure that are
proportional to that of the SDOF model, provided that
the response is governed by a single fundamental mode.
The linear and non-linear behaviours are sensitive to the
chosen pattern of lateral force. The force patterns
adopted may not give good estimates of dynamic inter-
Fig. 6. (a) Displacement profiles under different seismic loadings storey drift ratios over the entire height, since different
(from RSA). (b) Interstorey drift ratios under different seismic loadings load patterns may induce different localized yield mech-
(from RSA). anisms in a structure, and furthermore the demands will
depend on the frequency characteristics of the ground
building (roof) drift ratio of 1/200 (0.5%) (defined as the motion and hence determine which, if any, of those
ratio of roof displacement to the total building height h). localized mechanisms will be activated and amplified in
For the bedrock site, the corresponding maximum seis- an earthquake. Bearing in mind the above consider-
mic roof displacement is 27 mm with an average drift ations, three of the trial load patterns were found, based
ratio value of 1/1070 (0.1%). It is also found that at the on the outputs of roof displacement and maximum inter-
buildings effective height, taken according to [29] as storey drift ratio, to be critical and have been employed
0.75Hb (in which Hb is the total building height), the in the present case study in the POA.
displacement demands determined by RSA are 108 mm The first load pattern (P1) was determined by iteration
giving an effective drift ratio of 1/268 (0.4%) for the such that its shape is proportional to the deflected shape
soil site, and 20 mm with effective drift ratio of 1/1445 of the building throughout the elastic range of response.
(0.07%) for the bedrock site. The displacement at TB The second load pattern (P2) attempts to capture the soft
level is 16 mm and gives a drift ratio in the base columns storey effect and provides an essentially constant loading
of 1/500 (0.2%) for the soil site, and 4 mm with 1/2000 above the TB level, being linearly decreased to zero
(0.05%) for the bedrock site. However, besides these from the TB level to ground level. The third load pattern
values of average lateral drift ratio, it is important to (P3) attempts to capture the higher mode effects and is
ascertain what are the maximum values of interstorey proportional to the SRSS combination interstorey shear
drift ratio (ratio of interstorey drift displacement to sto- obtained from the RSA discussed above. The shapes of
rey height). This is because the maximum interstorey those three load patterns are shown in Fig. 7a.
drift ratio better reflects the onset of non-structural Program ETABS [11] with consideration of P-delta
1546 J.H. Li et al. / Engineering Structures 25 (2003) 15371549

effects has been used to implement the POA described

above. Fig. 4 shows the failure (collapse) mechanism, in
which label 1 refers to ultimate stage (beyond point C
in Fig. 3), and labels 2 and 3 stand for the status
immediately prior to collapse (just before or at point C
in Fig. 3). The POA again indicates that columns in the
levels above or below the TB may exceed their effective
yield capacities (and then reach their ultimate capacities)
before other parts of the structure reach yield capacity.
Hence, both levels are vulnerable to the development of
a soft storey, which is different from high-rise buildings
with structural walls above the transfer structures that
induce a soft storey only at the lower levels (below the
transfer structures).
The ultimate displacement capacities (du) at the roof
of the building have been calculated and the resulting
lateral capacity curves are shown in Fig. 7a. Labels I,
II, III and IV stand for different stages in the POA.
Label I refers to the stage of reduction of a small part
of the system stiffness due to initial concrete cracks aris-
ing in some structural members; label II implies the
initial formation of plastic hinges of some beams and
columns in order to cause the effective yielding of the
whole system. Label III refers to the status just prior
to collapse. The segment between labels II and III
indicates the ductility capacity of the building. Label
IV refers to the collapse of the building.
The lateral displacement response profiles at effective
(notional) yield and ultimate limit states are shown in
Fig. 7b, and the corresponding interstorey drift ratios are
shown in Fig. 7c. It is found that the ultimate roof dis-
placements, which are sensitive to different load pat-
terns, range from 204 to 220 mm. Those at effective
height range from 157 to 168 mm and at TB level range
from 23 to 34 mm. Load pattern P2 gives the smallest
ultimate roof displacement capacity, but gives the largest
displacement at TB level. Pattern P3 gives the smallest
value of 23 mm at TB level, which is in close agreement
with the value 22 mm predicted by hand calculation for
ultimate axial load. The displacement ductility capacity
for all load patterns is rather low and less than two. This
indicates that using only one load pattern to carry out
the POA is not sufficient to predict the critical case, and
hence at least two patterns (such as P2 and P3 described
above) are recommended.

6. Comparison of seismic displacement demand

with capacity

The comparison of the maximum interstorey drift

Fig. 7. (a) Lateral capacity curves (from POA). (b) Displacement pro- demand and capacity over the entire height of the build-
files (from POA). (c) Interstorey drift ratios (from POA). ing is an effective way to identify any local distortional
effect and hence determine any local exceedance of drift
limit at particular levels. The RSA reveals that a rela-
tively high seismic interstorey drift demand occurs at the
J.H. Li et al. / Engineering Structures 25 (2003) 15371549 1547

3rd and 4th storeys rather than at TB level, roof level, case, equal to 0.07V), n is the total number of storeys,
or at effective height. The maximum lateral displacement wi is the weight at a particular level and hi is the height
demand at TB level as determined by RSA with 5% of a particular level above the base. At each floor, the
damping ratio is 16 mm (Fig. 6a) corresponding to a force Fi is located at the mass centre.
2500-year return period, far-field earthquake at the soil The lateral displacement demand profile by the ESA
site. The corresponding ultimate displacement capacity has been superimposed shown in Fig. 6a, and the corre-
from POA is 23 mm (Fig. 7b), which agrees well with sponding demand on interstorey drift ratio is shown in
the value of 22 mm estimated by using manual calcu- Fig. 6b. It is observed that both the displacement and
lation. When comparing the maximum expected seismic drift ratio profiles match reasonably closely those by
displacement demand with capacity, a safety margin of RSA. It is, however, found that the displacement value
1.4 can be found. Also the same safety margin of 1.4 is determined by ESA is significantly overestimated by
attained when comparing the lateral displacement 161% at the roof level when compared with those by
demands with the ultimate displacement capacities at RSA with damping ratio of 5%. Furthermore, the drift
both roof level and effective height. Hence, the building ratio predicted by the ESA overestimates by 158% the
has a relative low probability of collapse in the form of values given by RSA with damping ratio of 5%. The
a soft storey failure under seismic action in Hong Kong. results reveal that the ESA, although matching the over-
It is found that all the displacement shapes from POA all displacement patterns from dynamic RSA, tends to
are similar to those predicted by RSA. This result overestimate the deformations and internal forces when
matches the finding of Krawinkler and Seneviratna [31] analysing low-rise buildings.
who highlighted the fact that the deflection profiles
obtained by POA and by dynamic analysis are closely
correlated for low-rise structures. The results clearly
8. Conclusions
reveal that the POA described above can produce
reliable results for situations where higher mode effects
are minor and the soft storey effects are slight. This paper has provided, for the first time in Hong
Kong, a rigorous and comprehensive structural seismic
assessment of a typical low-rise transfer structure
7. Equivalent static lateral load analysis (ESA) designed to local codes and practices.
The major conclusions of this study are as follows:
Following the procedure described in the United
States building code UBC [34], ESA for the building 1. Design of a low-rise building in Hong Kong is con-
has been carried out. To take into account the stiffness trolled by dead and live loads rather than wind force,
contributions of the non-structural components, the fun- which is different from high-rise buildings. Therefore
damental period of structure is decreased by 30% [35] it is not appropriate when assessing the capacity of
and gives Tn = 0.98 s. The period is found to be consist- low-rise buildings to simply compare the seismic dis-
ent with that estimated from the empirical formula of placement demand with that from the design wind
frame structures given in the UBC code (Tn = load.
0.0731h 3 / 4, h = 28.9 m) which predicts Tn = 0.91 s. The 2. Caution should be exercised when assessing the cur-
modal mass Me (=2074 tonnes) of the building is vature ductility capacity of member sections used in
assumed to be 85% of the actual mass of the building. HK buildings. Empirical-based equations or computer
Referring to Fig. 5a, the spectral acceleration RSA for programs (e.g., RESPONSE adopted in the present
soil site at period Tn is found to be 2.78 m/s2. The base paper) for calculating those capacities should be care-
shear determined by the formula V = M e RSA is equal fully checked before their application. Also, it is com-
to 5.8 MN. The distribution of the equivalent static lat- plicated to evaluate the ductility capacity of low-rise
eral shear at each floor can be accomplished by the codi- buildings by hand calculation, but the simplified
fied expressions: method derived by Su et al. [3] for high-rise TP build-

n ings is not suitable for low-rise buildings.
V Ft Fi (6) 3. Structural seismic assessment for Transfer Structures
i1 in Hong Kong requires specific account to be taken
Ft 0.07TnV0.25V (7) of the acute lack of ductility arising in columns sup-
porting the TB as well as the frame columns above
wihi TB level. The failure mechanism (see Fig. 4) shows
Fi (VFt) (8)

that the short spanned beams, which are not controlled
wihi by gravity load, connecting between columns are
prone to form plastic hinges, and may therefore reach
where Ft is the lateral force applied at the roof (in this their ultimate capacity or even collapse under lateral
1548 J.H. Li et al. / Engineering Structures 25 (2003) 15371549

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