Gruha Yogas

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Sanyasa yogas

Sanyasa yogas in Hindu astrology are the planetary situations or combinations in certain nativities
(horoscopes) indicating Sanyasa. Sanyasa yogas are also known as Pravrajya yogas. They are
auspicious yogas.

True Sanyasa yogas are very rare.

Sanyasa yoga arises when four or more strong planets combine in one house or sign, the nature or
kind of Sanyasa adopted depends upon the strongest planet in that particular group of planets. If
the Sun be the strongest planet the person of high morals and intallectual prowess will choose
severe and difficult practices in remote places; if it be the Moon, then in seclusion more in the study
of scriptures; if it be Mercury, one who is easily influenced by philosophy of others; if it be Mars, one
who chooses to wear red-coloured clothes and who struggles to control his temper; if it be Jupiter,
one who has complete control over his senses and sense - organs; if it be Venus, a wandering
mendicant, and if the strongest planet be Saturn it makes one adopt exceedingly severe practices.
The involvement of the lord of the 10th house in this conjunction of four or more planets is the
stronger indicator of Sanyasa. If those four or more planets happen to conjoin in a kendra or in a
trikona, then the person attains Moksha but if they conjoin in the 8th house there will be
Yogabhrashta i.e. there will be break in yoga-operation, and fall from the final state of emancipation.
If strongest of the conjoining planets is combust then there will be no sanyasa and if it is defeated in
planetary warfare one returns to worldly life after taking sanyasa. Sanyasa is also indicated when the
Moon in a drekkena of Saturn is aspected by Mars and Saturn or is in a navamsa of Mars aspected
by Saturn. A person takes to sanyasa if the dispositor of the Moon is aspected by Saturn and not by
any other planet or if aspected by all planets occupying a single house or sign or if Jupiter is in the
9th house and Saturn aspects the lagna (Ascendant), the Moon and Jupiter, such a person will write
on Sastras and found a school of philosophy, and in case Saturn not aspected by any planet is in the
9th house then one born a king will take to sanyasa. [4]

Sanyasa yoga Implications of

Sanyasa yogas formed by benefic planets in dignity bless a person with an evolutionary elevation of
the total personality and sublimation of primeval urges. When four or more planets combine in one
house Sanyasa yoga does arise, (Buddha had at the time of his birth five planets situated in the 10th
house which included a weak Saturn occupying its sign of debilitation), or when the Ascendant lord
is aspected by Saturn alone or Saturn aspects a weak lagna lord or when the Moon in a drekkena of
Saturn occupies a navamsa of Mars or Saturn and is aspected by Saturn in which situation
according to Phaladeepika if the lord of lagna aspects a weak Moon the sanyasi will lead a very
miserable life but if there be a Raja yoga obtaining he will be venerated by rulers of the world. If the
Sanyasa yoga is afflicted by malefic influences then the person with that Sanyasa yoga will take up
sanyasa but prove a shame to that order being vulnerable to baser instincts and lowly conduct and

Benefic planets in the 3rd or 6th house from Arudha Lagna gives rise to Sadhu Yoga which makes
the native a saintly person undertaking pious activities. Research has also found that Parijata
yoga can also act as Parivraja Yoga sometimes.
Four planets conjoining in the 10th house from the lagna or four planets aspecting the 10th house or
if the lord of the lagna and the lord of the 10th join with any three planets anywhere, give sanyasa but
if Saturn joins, there will be no sanyasa. And, in case the Moon and Jupiter join Mercury and Mars in
the 10th or in Pisces sign, then Moksha becomes assured.[6] If more than one planet is powerful out
of four there will be no sanyasa yoga, when two planets are powerful then one takes sanyasa of the
kind indicated by the more powerful one only to discard it to take up sanyasa of the kind indicated by
the less powerful. One of the four or more planets conjoining must be very strong to confer sanyasa
but if the sanyasa causing planet is combust or if it is defeated in Grahayuddha (planetary warfare)
and aspected by other planets there will be no sanyasa but the person will worship sanyasis i.e.
those who have taken up sanyasa.[7]

Sanyasa yogas their significance

Sanyasa yogas compel a person to give up all wealth and material possessions; he then becomes a
mendicant and begs for alms. These yogas are a class apart, they are Shubha-yogas (auspicious
yogas) and are not ava-yogas (evil yogas) indicating poverty. They compel a person to renounce the
world and seek the Ultimate Truth. Raja yogas obtaining along with Sanyasa yogas make a person a
world-renowned Dikshita and may be a pious ruler who is widely worshipped. A weak Saturn casting
its aspect on the weak lord of the Ascendant generally makes one take to the path of renunciation. If
the lord of the bhava in which the Sanyasa yoga occurs is associated with Rahu or combines with
Gulika in a cruel amsa, or if benefics do not aspect the said lord, then that Sanyasa yoga will be
defunct.[8] Chengiz Khan, the mighty Mongol warrior, was born at 1.30 A.M on 16/09/1186 A.D.with
six planets combining in one sign and house i.e. in Virgo in the 3rd house from the lagna which
grouping included a strong Uchhabhilashi Saturn, he did not take to the path of renunciation. He was
a ruthless warrior and a wandering conqueror as foretold by Saravali for this conjunction and a
powerful ruler as ordained by Laghu Jataka Sarwaswa vide Verse 537 which states that if all planets
are in the 12th from the Moon and aspect the 6th house from the Moon then a Raja yoga is caused
and the person lives for 68 years; Chengiz Khan lived for 68 years.[9]

Varahamihira states that if the Lagna falls in an even sign, and the three natural benefics along with
Mars are all powerful to do good then a woman becomes a famous Vedantin, and if the 7th house is
tenanted by a cruel planet and the 9th by mild benefics then she will embrace the kind of Sanyasa as
is indicated by the planet occupying the 9th house. In a Capricorn Lagna nativity that had Rahu in
the 5th, Mars in the 6th, Saturn in the 7th, the Sun and the Moon in the 8th, Venus and Mercury in
the 9th, Jupiter and Ketu in the 11th despite a powerful Bhagya Yoga obtaining and all three natural
benefics being placed ahead of the Sun and the Moon the lady did not receive Diksha because
Saturn did not aspect the Moon or its dispositor, and Mars did not aspect the 9th house.[10]

Jataka Bharanam reiterates that if Jupiter is either in the 5th house or in the Lagna and the Moon is
situated in the 10th house then the person will be a Tapasavi i.e. the one who has conquered his
senses and who possesses the finest of intelligence, is persevering, hardworking and successful.
This is a yoga of a very high order and gives excellent results provided both Jupiter and the Moon
gain favourable vargas and nakshatras.[11] The significant factor in this yoga-formation is the lord of
the sign of exaltation for Devaguru (Jupiter) occupying the all-important Karmasthana (house of
Saraswati yoga given rise to by the three natural benefic planets,
namely, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter co-operating with each other is an auspicious yoga which is not
rare in occurrence but when its participants are not strong merges with other yogas. [1] The person
born in Saraswati yoga besides being a very learned intelligent orator also becomes very fortunate,
rich and famous.[2]

This yoga is named after Saraswati, meaning the region abounding in pools and lakes, celestial or
oracular voice, speech or the power of speech, learning and wisdom, who is the deity identified with
education and knowledge.[3]

Constitution and results

Saraswati yoga in Hindu astrology is caused if Jupiter, Venus and Mercury occupy Lagna, 2nd, 4th,
5th, 7th, 9th, 10th either jointly or severally, Jupiter being in its own, exaltation or friendly sign, then
the person becomes a poet, famous, learned in all sciences, skilled, rich, praised by all, and is
blessed with a good wife and children.[4]

Basic principles governing results

The results of Saraswati yoga basically depend upon the sign rising in the lagna and upon the
bhavas owned and the signs occupied by the three yoga-causing natural benefics. Mars, Saturn, the
Sun and the Moon in close proximity of the Sun (within the range of 72 degrees either side of the
Sun), and Mercury associated with the malefics are treated as malefic planets. Venus, Jupiter, the
full Moon and unafflicted Mercury are treated as benefic planets. Even though Mercury, Venus and
Jupiter are not naisargika (natural) mutual friends, they become temporal friends by being in the 2nd,
3rd, 4th, 12th, 11th and 10th from each other and consequently co-operate with each other to confer
good results. Any house that contains its lord, or from whom there are in the 5th, 9th, 2nd, 4th, 7th
and 10th benefic planets and is not influenced by malefic planets gets strengthened. If the lord of the
lagna is very strong, is in the varga of benefic planets, is exalted, is with a friendly planet, is in the
navamsa belonging to itself, is associated with a benefic, is the lord of a kendra then one has best
affluence, fame, wealth, grains and prosperity. Which ever be the house occupied by a planet if the
lord of the sign is badly placed that house suffers. If Jupiter is located in a kendra and if the lord of
the lagna is strong and occupies Parvatamsa the native is happy with wife, sons, friends and wealth;
if Venus is in Devalokamsa and the lord of the lagna is in Gopuramsa and the lagna is aspected by a
benfic the native is happy in middle and old age, and the good situation of the lagna, the 10th house
and the Sun leads to good name and fame in life. When a person has no malefic planet in the
kendras, in the trikonas and in the 8th house, and both the lagna-lord and Jupiter occupy the kendras
then that person lives a life of hundred years free from disease. Even a single planet in its exaltation
sign aspected by its friend makes one a wealthy ruler.[5]

In a Gemini lagna born nativity the conjunction of Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in the 5th house from
the lagna will give rise to Saraswati yoga; the 4th and the 5th bhavas deal with education and the
latter also deals with divine knowledge; good academic achievements are assured if the 5th house
and its lord are strong very strong.[6]Mercury, the lagna-lord, promotes the indications of the bhavas
owned by other two planets and the bhava it occupies. The 5th house subjected to many benefic
influences makes one intelligent and honest.[7] Moreover, the conjunction of the lord of the lagna and
of the 4th house with the lords of the 5th, the 7th and the 10th occurring in a trikona from the lagna-
kendra is a Raja yoga. When lords of the kendras and the trikonas establish a mutual relationship a
Raja yoga is produced. But, for any Raja yoga to produce more effective results the yoga-causing
planets must form an immediate relationship with the lagna which is possible by occupying or
aspecting the lagna or by associating with the lagna-lord but without being afflicted by malefic or by
the lords of the trika-bhavas.[8]

A mutual aspectual relationship between the lords of the lagna and 5th house has also been deemed
to have given rise to the Saraswati yoga which yoga signifies great intellectual capability. [9]

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