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DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO T.B.C. : B-CRHE-O-PAPA ‘Test Booklet Series sees: il Serial TEST BOOKLET GENERAL ABILITY TEST Time Allowed : Two Hours Maximum Marks : 100 4, 6. 7. 8 10. INSTRUCTIONS IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION, YOU SHOULD CHECK THAT THIS TEST BOOKLET DOES NOT HAVE ANY UNPRINTED OR TORN OR MISSING PAGES OR ITEMS, ETC. IF SO, GET IT REPLACED BY A COMPLETE TEST BOOKLET. Please note that it is the candidate's responsibility to encode and fill in the Roll Number and Test Booklet Series Code A, B, C or D carefully and without any omission or discrepancy at the appropriate places in the OMR. Answer Sheet. Any omission/diserepancy will render the Answer Sheet liable for rejection. You have to enter your Roll Number on the ‘Test Booklet in the Box provided alongside. DO NOT write anything else on the Test Booklet. ‘This Test Booklet contains 120 items (questions). Each item is printed both in Hindi and English, except for Questions relating to English Language which are in English only. Each item comprises four responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case, you feel that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best: In any ease, choose ONLY ONE response for each item. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See directions in the Answer Sheet. All items carry equal marks. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer Sheet the response to various items in the Test Booklet, you have to fill in some particulars in the Answer Sheet as per instructions sent to you with your Admission Certificate. After you have completed filling in all your responses on the Answer Sheet and the examination has conchided, you should hand over to the Invigilator only the Answer Sheet. You are permitted to take away with you the Test Booklet. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end. Penalty for wrong answers : ‘THERE WILL BE PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS MARKED BY THE CANDIDATE. (‘There are four alternatives for the answer to every question. For each question which has a penalty for which @ wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one-third (0:38) of the marks assigned to that {question wil bo dedueted as penally. “o (ii) Ifa candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if one of the given answers happens to be correct and there will be same penalty as above to that question, if it has a penalty. Git) If a question is left blank, iec., no answer is given by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question. DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO Sar; Sea a eS Sa Fe Gera Hwa GSH TE B-CRHE-O-PAPA (1-A) Directions : The following ten (10) items (items 1 to 10) are on English Language; therefore, these items do not have Hindi Version. 1. What is the indication out of the sentence = ‘Tgave him a piece of my mind’? (a) Appreciation (>) Warning (©) Greeting (@)Scolding 2 What is the meaning of the expression : ‘Blue blood’? (a) Polluted industrial waste water (b) Sap of teak wood (©) Anaristocrat (2) Acostly object 8, ‘He was hoist by his own petard’ refers to (a) He had problems as a result of his own plans to hurt others (b) He was high up on the pole (© He would usually run away from trouble (@) He was indifferent to his surroundings 4, What is a Ballad? (a) Anovel (b) Ahistorical narration (©) A popular story or folktale in verse (@ Musical comedy 5. Plagiarism means (a) There was an epidemic of plague in the area (b) _ Itis a sort of political philosophy (©) It indicates a happy community spirit like in playing Holi (@) It is presenting the work of someone else as one’s own B-CRHE-O-PAPA 7. (2-A) Rivalry between the two clans has become water under the bridge means (a) The rivalry continues (b) thas become a thing of the past (©) It connects the two clans (@) Ibis not forgotten Consider the sentence ‘The teacher gave’ me the book’. Yes 28! 8 4 5 6 where the words are numbered for convenience of reference. Consider also the insertion of a single word ‘only’ into this sentence to indicate a desired emphasis. Where shall this word be inserted if the emphasis is to be (On the recipient Gi) On the uniqueness of the item given (ii) On the giver respectively (only one at a time) ? @ @ i) o @ Gai) © @ Gi) @ @ ii) Between 3-4; (ii) After 6; Between 2-3 Between 3-4; (ii) Between 5-6; Before 1 Between 4-5; (ii) Between 3-4; After 1 Between 2-3; (ii) Between 4-5; Between 1-2 ‘What is the meaning of the term ‘didactic’? (a) Intended to be inspirational (b) ‘Teaching a moral lesson (©) Received as comical (4) Sharing an informative experience Areder : Freestar za (10) veri (sere 1 # 10) wight si aber OE sre: ge weaPeT wr eA saga a8 fear wa @ | 1, What is the indication out of the sentence : ‘Tgave him a piece of my mind’? (a) Appreciation () Warning (©) Greeting (@) . Scolding 2 What is the meaning of the expression ‘Blue blood" ? (a) Polluted industrial waste water (b) Sap of teak wood (© Anaristocrat (a) A costly object 3. ‘He was hoist by his own petard’ refers to (a) He had problems as a result of his own plans to hurt others (b) He was high up on the pole (©) He would usually run away from trouble (@) He was indifferent to his surroundings 4. What is a Ballad? (a) Anovel (b) A historical narration (© A popular story or folktale in verse (@) Musical comedy 5. Plagiarism means (a) There was an epidemic of plague in the area (b) _ Itis a sort of political philosophy (©) It indicates a happy community spirit like in playing Holi (@) It is presenting the work of someone else as one’s own B-CRHE-O-PAPA, i (3-A) Rivalry between the two clans has become water under the bridge means (a) The rivalry continues (b) Ithas become a thing of the past (©) Iteonnects the two clans (@) Its not forgotten Consider the sentence : “The teacher gave me the book’. eeea Op 4), 62, 6 where the words are numbered for convenience of reference. Consider also the ‘insertion of a single word ‘only’ into this sentence to indicate a desired emphasis. Where shall this word be inserted if the emphasis is to be @ On the recipient Gi) On the uniqueness of the item given (ii) On the giver respectively (only one at a time) ? (a) @ Between 3-4; (ii) After 6; (iii) Between 2-3 (>) @ Between 3-4; (ii) Between 5-6; (iii) Before 1 © @ Gi) Between 4-5; (ii) Between 3-4; After 1 @ @ Gi) Between 2-3; (ii) Between 4-5; Between 1-2 What is the meaning of the term ‘didactic’? (a) Intended to be inspirational (6) ‘Teaching a moral lesson (©) Received as comical (@) Sharing an informative experience 9% Consider the statement : “The message of peace and brotherhood permeated the address by the Chief Guest.’ Which of the following is meant by ‘permeate’ in this statement ? (a) To advocate (b) To spread all over (©) Toanchor and stabilize (@) Toleave a permanent impression 10. Arrange the following to form a grammatically correct sentence : 1. Binstein was 2, although a great scientist 8. weak in Arithmetic 4, right from his school days Select the correct answer using the codes given below : (a) 4,1,3and2 (b) 2,1,3and4 (© 4,3, 1and2 (@) 2,3,1and4 11. What is the chronological sequence of the following events ? 1. First Battle of Panipat Vietnam War French Revolution First Gulf War World War I Select the correct answer using the codes given below : (a) 1,5,8,2and4 (b) 3,1,5,4and2 (© 3,1,4,5and2 @ 1,8,5,2and4 12. A branch of scholarship that flourished in Europe, particularly from the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries, and was devoted to the appreciation, chronicling and classification of historic and non-organic relies, monuments and old texts refers to (a) Archaeology (b) History (c) Architecture (@ — Antiquarianism 13. Which of the following statements are correct in respect of ‘Stridhana’ ? 1. Various types of movable property gifted to a woman on various occasions during her lifetime. 2. Various types of movable property gifted to a woman at the time of her first marriage. 3. On the woman's death, this wealth could be inherited by her children and husband. 4. On the woman's death, this wealth could be inherited by her natural legally adopted children, with none of the sons-inlaw, having any claim on any part thereof. Select the correct answer using the codes given below : (a) 2and3 only (b) 2and4only (© Land 4only (@ Land 3 only B-CRHE-O-PAPA (4-A) 9. Consider the statement : ‘The message of peace and brotherhood permeated the address by the Chief Guest.’ Which of the following is, meant by ‘permeate’ in this statement ? (a) To advocate (b) To spread all over (© Toanchor and stabilize (@ Toleave a permanent impression 10. Arrange the following to form a grammatically correct sentence : 1. Binstein was 2, although a great scientist 8. weak in Arithmetic 4. right from his school days Select the correct answer using the codes given below : (@) 4,1,8and2 () 2,1,Sand4 © 4,3,1and2 @ = 2,8,1and4 a, Rraferfisr wearsit ar arenas aT 8? 1 ahaa a wom ay 2. Ranma ag 3. Sere wif 4 wm are ae 5. yen fier aq re fee me ee ar var ae wa Se GAT: @ 1,5,3,29K4 (b) 3,1,5,43mR 2 © 31,4532 @ 1,3,5,29R 4 B-CRHE-O-PAPA, 12, Fagen oft eH wren, ot ate H, fase: wed a sored wae ae setae ott at Crea sk sais qe, eres sik sree yest & aqdte-facdaa, sftere-ces ott afar at anita of, fra fates at 8 2 quarafeart ‘wfeere eae quran fa) (b) © @ (5- 13. ‘Gh & at 7 frafafad sent Ha ea wee? 1. fafta van Ft aa araf ow ef aT ae Sherara 4 fafa saath we sae Sart d oss 2, fafa ver ft aa anf at oe ai aT sae sem fare & aaa sien eaeg a aid 2 3. A ya, ae wr ae da otk ‘afer at farce # fret aan 8 4. cht yee, ae or sah Fafis arch ae dart at faced 4 fer ae @, site wa & feet fi ame ses a Fa ‘fatto oft arg eran set Bt AeA | AA Ree ae a wan a ad ae BPC (a) Fact 2 ait 3 (b) Fat 2 aie 4 (@ amisin @ Farias A) 14, What is the number of States and Union | 18. What is Know India Programme (KIP)? ‘Territories in India ? (a) A programme for children aged 12 — 15 (a) 29and6 years from rural areas to make them aware of different aspects of India 28 and 7 eal cies () A programme that facilitates visits of © 29and7 rural teachers to different parts of the @ = 28and6 coum. (©) An out-each programme of the Ministry of External Affairs to build closer ties with India’s neighbourhood 15. Which of the following is not true of the (@) A programme for diaspora youth to veeoms promote awareness mong thom about (a) UNESCO declared 39 places in the different aspects of India Western Ghats as ‘World Heritage Sites’ in 2012 (b) It is one of the eight hottest hotspots of | 19+ What is the perimeter of the figure shown biological diversity in the world peow * (© It has two reserves and_ thirteen national parks io D (@) ONGC surveys have recently found} 10 F huge oil reserves ci HH a @ 16. Ayodhya is located at the bank of which AS=10em, Ji=1ee, Fs 5 . myer’ AB = x, CD =x+1, EF =x+2,GH=x+3, (@) Falgu BC = DE=FG=HI=y (©) Ganga (@) 44em (© Sarayu (>) 48cm (@) Yamuna © Stem @) 58cm 17. The Khilafat Committee accepted Mahatma Gandhi's suggestion for a non-violent | 20, Special Economie Zones (SEZ) are developed non-cooperation protest against the to Government tn its meeting at (a) Generate additional economie activity (a) Bombay throughout the country (b) Nagpur (b) Beautify suburban areas (© Allahabad (© Upgrade the facilities in the countryside (@) Promote investment from domestic and foreign sources @) ~~ Kanpur B-CRHE-O-PAPA (6-A) 14, sia H fe aoa atk Ge Tae & 7 29 aft 6 283i 7 29 3it 7 283i 6 (a) (b) © @ 15, Wier ore & ait a Reafefad 4 8 ahaa at wee? (a) UNESCO ¥ 2012 4 afveft me % 39 eaett at ‘farza fared carer” Sifter farar we fea % tefafeem at sie wa eaeaetl (ete eizeniz) FS we wai dt afr ot da way ae oe san & wa @ # oncc sdant # fama aa Fraa are ae & ) © @ spite fara adh % ae ut srafeaa @ 2 (@) FY &) i © Fe @ a 17. faerd sad 3 one Rea ea oe doa Gem a ugen wh %, aan & feg afters oraeetin fate 3% Gara Bt eee flea a? (a) wag (b) ara © Fare @ FAR B-CRHE-O-PAPA (7- 18, “ANG Bt ar wraw’ (KIP) FAT a? uniter aif % 12 - 15 af ang & wat fem, $8 oa & fata vega & at # “sore a8} Bq aresoe ‘aotior fareeat 3 Qe & fatter wt a wer Bl Geet wa Bd rs wna & vate ae & are Fmet Beare wan & fore fade tare ar ver arisen faeui F a8 ania garit & fare, ara fata veaett & fava 9 orresa ag Ra aries yA cai ag areepfe ar aera fame 2 > A B f) (b) ) @ 10 AJ= 10cm, JI= 12m, AB=x,CD=x+1,EF =x+2,GH=x+3, BC=DE=FG=HI=y @ >) © @ 44cm 48 em 54cm 58cm . fate onl; ait (Sez) wi fare fere, facet ‘fee 82 f@) tw F ofatte snfle afefaty sca aul & fee ) sete Bat & gate & fer, (©) tet f glans a saa we & fee @ wea ae feet ata @ Rae a dads few A) 21. 22, B-CRHE-O-PAPA Which of the following statements reflect the distinctive features about 6" century BCE Ganas or Sanghas ? 1. The ancient Indian Ganas were oligarchies. 2 The ancient Indian Ganas were non-monarchical states. 3. Magadha, Kosala, Vatsa and Avanti were the most powerful States of that era. 4, The procedures of the Buddhist monastic order (Sangha) were patterned on the Sangha politics. Select the correct answer using the codes given below : (@) (b) 1,2 and 3 only 1,2, 3and 4 (©) 1,2and4only (a) 8and 4 only What is the chronological sequence of the following developments ? 1. Decline in the export of Indian cotton 2, Cotton boom in India 3. Civil War in America Select the correct answer using the codes given below = (a) 1,8and2 (bo) 2,8and1 (© 1,2and3 (@) 2,1and3 (8- 23, 25. A) Which of the following are the typical differences between the private insurance programmes and the social insurance programmes ? 1. Adequacy versus Equity 2, Voluntary versus Mandatory Participation 3. Contractual versus Statutory Rights 4, Funding Select the correct answer using the codes given below : (a) 1,2and 3 only ()1,2and 4 only © Sand 4only @ 1,2,3and4 ‘Unbalanced’ Growth is hypothesized when (a) Expansion can take —_— place simultaneously on several growth routes () Supply of labour is fixed (©) Supply of capital is unlimited (a) Active sectors need to, and do energize sluggish sectors Which of the following are incorporated in the Government approved National Telecom Policy, 2012? 1. Broadband for all with a minimum download speed of two megabits per second 2. India’s rural tele-density to be improved from 39% to 70% in the next five years 3. Roaming charges shall be scrapped Select the correct answer using the codes given below : (a) land 2only (b) Land 3 only (©) 2and3only (@) 1,2and3 a1. frafefad seri i a aa, ost eared BCE & voit ar dal & faire afreanit a vfetatea waa? 1 wredia aed ar areata 1 2, arta reetia ar tearastte aer 3. FTE, wae, ace can afd Sa aT watfires attract asa & | 4. ig ne oem (aa) A arifafiet de crite a afte tia et af 1 AS fee me ae a weir a wet oe BPE: ‘Fae 1,233 ) 1,2,33h 4 (© Fat 1,294 Fae 3 ait 4 (@) @ 22, Prafeifiea wemaal ar arene en 8? 1, area are & fata 9 gre 2 ane Haare scare Hts 3, ation Hye ae fra feu 1e qe ar a a BA Se GAG @ 1,332 () 2,331 © 1,233 @ 2,133 B-CRHE-O-PAPA (a= 23, 25. A) Pefafar ta aa fot (edz) str erat cen arnfses et arse & ate wed fate B 2 1. water are are 2. fen eam afd seunftar 3. Hfaqrere aarm aifaftrs aftr 4 Fretat fra faq me ge ar sei a at ge GPA: (@) %aa 1,23! 3 () at 1,299 4 ( Saat sai 4 @ 12,334 ‘sight dafg va sraaferd ee 8, a @ van, fafae defy anit a area a aa (>) aA yf Raa a © fh A af aif a (a) afr Baal % fee raza eran 2 fe & ig 13 daai a Granta ward sit 3 se fearsa wart & frafataa 3 a aaa, ae ge opie asia qian “iff, 2012 4 afafare & 2 1. @ Anfeea wfa ate A gan srsacits TAR & ara, ah & few wisds 2 ot wa at Fo ama & anf queaaea (BBR) som @ aaa Bl 710% FET 3. Ofer sent at ame fen ore fe fee ne ee ar wel a aA Se BAIT: (a) Faet ait 2 ) Fat 13ik 3 () Baa 23m 3 @ 1,23%3 26. Which of the following is one of the Millennium Development Goals fixed by the UNO? (a) Halving extreme poverty and halting the spread of HIV/AIDS (b) Develop a new variety of foodgrains which can ensure bumper crops (© To ensure that population does not increase in the least developed countries (d) Develop procedures towards adequate and timely forewarning on hurricanes and tsunamis 27. The term ‘Carbon footprint’ means (a) A region which is rich in coal mines (b) The amount of reduction in the emission of CO, by a country (© The use of Carbon in manufacturing industries (@) The amount of greenhouse gases produced by our day-to-day activities 28, Amongst the following, who is the latest recipient of the ‘Bharat Ratna’ award ? (a) Sachin Tendulkar (b) Atal Bihari Vajpayee (©) Amartya Sen (@) APJ. Abdul Kalam 29. ‘Green Revolution’ in India was expeditiously feasible in zones of (a) High rainfall (b) Moderate rainfall (©) Assured irrigation (@) Higher population density B-CRHE-O-PAPA 31. 32. (10-A) What is Apartheid ? (a) An international organization of peace (b) A medical term (© Atrade charter (@) A policy of racial segregation ‘Transportation plays a great role in any economy. Which of the following modes of transportation has the highest elasticity ? (a) Air (b). Rail (©) Road (@) Water How does an expansionary monetary policy affect the rate of interest and level of income ? (a) Raises the level of income but lowers the rate of interest (b) Raises the rate of interest but lowers the level of income (©) Raises both, the rate of interest and the level of income (@) Lowers both, the rate of interest and the level of income In a medium-size township, the trend of annual immigration is an addition of 20% of the population as it was at the beginning; also 15% of the population as it was at the beginning is estimated to relocate elsewhere every year. If the current population is 80000, what. is the likely population three years hence? (a) 90000 () 91200 (©) 92000 (@ 92610 26. Prafefad 4 a ata wm, UNO ara Pad fee mma reeeg Feare cet FB Use? (a) sieifees fdaar = wer ae ster eT ait HIV/AIDS & ware faa eT (>) arava At af fares Rafter wer at rE wad ghiffaa at (©) ae gfifgera eon RR seqan ferent Sait # orcien 4 ag @ wiset ver gaftat & faa ¥ vate ok we Ke sae Bt aret sieert Pref ac 27, rds efi? we an aa aftswra B 2? (@) was, Hae AM arts ae (bo) fare Ga art CO, & seas FA ag ait Alar (© faftator senvit # ceria oar eit @ er tert 3 feasant a sa afvrersa tat ft wat 23. frafefsr Fa Sd we geen aT ifr arearnat ata 2 2 (a) afaa age (b) see faert arstett © ard ay @ Uta. eR mem 29. una 4 afta wife’ fea Ba Hi vita A area of 2 va ast at b) Heqae aet are (© Ffgaa fereng art @) Fan sre was aT @ B-CRHE-O-PAPA 31. 32, (11-A) ‘a-tig (aards) war 2 2 (@) wie ar um sania art (>) Fafiscen arareft seq © ararahes aeors (a) wordt agerns ht ow fee feet ff oetorean H ukaea ws ag fier fern @ | user & frafafsa wert Fa Pract cits sar 3? @ ay ) ta © we @ wa Apts Ay aie af fea ware @ wat ze Ter ara eR wT rf at BP @ We oH wert * aq a a a wert >) a ae vad 8 weg a eR aT werd & (©) a | ae Sra eK St HI age @) Ba aa a aN Set aT sere & feet nen.oran & seen 4, aff savare a ugha ofits sree 7 20% at Ye ar AG, wa GS oH 2 A wis eer Ha 15% fel ae ears eet ax see oie aA STE 1 af adam sree 80000 8, at aa a dt at ward Safes Sareea ear er 2 (@) 90000 (&) 91200 © 92000 (d) 92610 34. ‘The Problem of Rupee’ was whose DSc | 88. Under the Constitution of India, which of the Thesis ? following statements are correct ? (a) Sri Aurobindo 1, The Constitution is supreme. (b) Dr. Rajendra Prasad 2, ‘There is a clear division of powers (© Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru between the Union andthe (a) Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Biate Govern 3. Amendments to the Constitution have 85. What is the correct sequence of tributaries of to follow the prescribed procedure. ghia iver Gone om Weel tone 4, The Union Parliament and the State (a) Yamuna, Ghaghara, Son, Gandak and Legislatures are sovereign Kos yy Ghehava, ¥ Gantt! Todland 5. The Preamble to the Constitution ed ee eenan rent cannot be invoked to determine Sea the ambit of Fundamental Rights. (©) Yamuna, Ghaghara, Gandak, Son, and Kosi Select the correct answer using the codes (@) Ghaghara, Yamuna, Kosi, Gandak and given below : oa (a) 1,2,3,4and5 36. There are two circles of radii r, and ry () 2,3.and4only (ry cm’, The difference of their (@ 1,2.and3 only circumferences is 22 em. What is the sum of the diameters of the two circles ? 39. When the Government ownership in Public (a) 175m Sector Undertakings is diluted, it is called () 22cm (a) Privatization © 285m (b) Public-Private Partnership a (©) Disinvestment 87, Numbers aj, ay ay ay ays ayy are in (a) Deflation arithmetic progression and A, +0, +015 +045 + ayy + 0), = 226. 1*85*%10* Sis * a0 * Soa 40. ‘The Right to Free and Compulsory Education The value of Act, 2009 provides for education to every child Apt ay tay tay + ast Ayy tOyy is in the age group (a) 525 (a) 5-18 years ) 725 (b) 8-16 years © 850 () 7-15 years (900 @ 6 - 14years B-CRHE-O-PAPA (12-A) el 34, wieae ste ed? freee De at Thee m2 (a) aft afer () Si. Tag Tae (© 4. saree Fee (@) Sf, five sraeat “35. tm ad ft were feat an fer a at At itt wal oepeH aT 8? (a) aaa, are, aia, view oft ete (b) SRI, FT, ise, wrat ait ay (© 3aM, urea, vex, ae sik ate @) aad, aT, wah, tise ait a 36.1, Sr, Femi GC, cry A BE 1 as GA vr Br 829 om? & | aA aR a GE ge oe 018 S ont or er 2 (a) 175cem ) 2m © 285 em (@) 35cm BT. a, yy gy yy gy ny gy AME BATA A HS A a, 4.5 + aj9 + 04g + gg + ag = 225% | aptaytastaytas+ a? (a) 525 (b) 725 (850 (@) 900 gg + ayy TAA FAT B-CRHE-O-PAPA 39, 40. (13-A) Una & after & orita, Perfetad wert TS ad ad 8? 1, Afar wate 2 1 2 ae aa wa want & de oft a ere farsa 2 | 3. Bfaera & dsieat & fag fafea offer ar SAAT HA Bay 2 1 4. da A dag am usg feared avy a | 5. ae after A off at fuita ea & fey dfaurr $1 séfirer ar sacle adi ‘fora ST aaa | 8 fae me ge a sein ax we see GAC: (@) 1,2,3,43i5 (b) Fae 233i 4 © Fae 143i 5 @) %aa 1,23% 3 wa adate aa % saat fo acert cafe an fee aren @, ch gt aan Hed 2 (a) Fsfaer (o) arate Rh wetter (©) fafras @ ses Rare wd sified Ren a1 afer afifem, 2009 fare ong af & sede aet & fore fren ar ‘sada HUT 2? @ 5-139 (b) 8-169 @ 71-1538 @ 6-1ae AL. If the Prime Minister of India is a member of | 45, the Rajya Sabha (a) He can make statements only in the Rajya Sabha () He has to become a member of the Lok Sabha within six months (©) He will not be able to speak on the budget in the Lok Sabha (@ He will not be able to vote in his favour in the event of a no-confidence motion 42. Which one of the following formed the basic premise for developing the Indian Constitution ? (a) ‘The Government of India Act, 1935 () The US. Constitution (©) The British Constitution (@)_ ‘The UN Charter 43, The Malimath Committee (2003) looked at ways to reform the (a) Educational System in India (b) Criminal Justice System in India (©) Copyright Laws in India (@) Public-Private Partnership in India 46. 44. What are the disadvantages of Provident Fund Scheme ? 1. Money is inadequate for risks occurring arly in working life. 2, Inflation erodes the real value of savings. 3. It generates forced saving that can be Select the correct answer using the codes given below : (a) Land 2only (b) and 3 only (©) and 3 only (@) 1,2and3 B-CRHE-O-PAPA used to finance national development plans. (14-A) Besides resistance to pests, what are the other prospects for which plants have been genetically engineered ? 1. Toenable them to withstand drought 2, To increase the nutritive value of the produce ‘To enable them to grow and do photosynthesis in spaceships and space stations 4, Toinerease their shelf life Select the correct answer using the codes given below : (a) 1,2and3 only (b) 8.and 4 only (© 1,2and 4only (@) 1,2,8and4 Consider the following items 1. Consumer goods and services 2. Gross private domestic investment 3. Goods and services produced by the Government 4, Net income from abroad Which of the above items are included in GNP? (a) 1,2and 8 only (b) 1,2and 4only (© Band 4only (@) 1,2,8and4 a. a ana eur A ose a ar aaa’, a | 45. Hest & saftde So oera, Uh seat ga (a) eae Wea oT 4 A aes 3 cae ard @ firs fam det a) orgafired: (bo) 38 oe HET ore cas eer wT AEA ‘Wife fen 1a 8 2 arn ©) ae ates an ase al eT os eset @) afaara wea A feafa Fae ot oar 2 SH aes yee ST SAT wa wat @ ore . ; 3. ¥€ stateart ca site eat For 42, fafefad 3 a atch ww ae qe arate & Te WaT aeeTI HEY FH AN SAAT ‘ert areca ifs Reefer 2 (q) reg mre fom (rare site yfem | SRA ert ong (@ew cree) at age tae), 1935 fA feo ag a rin a ah ae GARE: >) USs.# afer © fn ater (a) Fae 1,233 @) UN Sera (o) Fa ast 4 43. omfema afifs (2003) 3 fra gen % fee © Faa1,23K 4 sata x fra fer 2 : ne (@) ane fare serch a aac (by SRA # aif are worreft (o) ana # sfefercatrenr fafty (@) ara 4 ardatie- fast arte 46, frafefiad at oe fran fife: 44, fares RY ator A enftat er & 2 1, saiter aegd gen Bard arent ster Sr ree 8 Sea) gar ft (te) sh te 2. BHR, TH SABRE TS 3, BEER ge geniea aegd an Bard wt ath a 3. ge afar aaa ae 8 freer sein 4, Rape ia ar anda faara atest & farea & fee sade wai #8 fe GNP & enftre fen er ‘fea ST Ta 2 | 2? fF Rene ge wr aT ae BA eT TAA: poet cones @ Faw 1,29K3 ) Far ising (o) Fam 1,23 4 @ Fae 23s (© Fawsains ons @ 1,2,33m4 B-CRHE-O-PAPA (15-A) 47. Which of the following statements best describes the content of the theory of distribution ? (a) The distribution of income among different individuals in the economy (b) The distribution of income between the Centre and the State Governments (©) The principle of just distribution of wealth and income (@) The distribution of income between the ‘owners of factor resources 48, The demand for a factor of production is said to be derived demand because 1. Ibis a function of the profitability of an enterprise 2, It depends on the supply of ‘complementary factors 3, It stems from the demand for the final product 4. It arises out of means being scarce in relation to wants Which of the above reasons is/are correct ? (a) Lonly (b) Bonly (©) 2and 4 only @ 1,2,3and4 B-CRHE-O-PAPA (16-A) ‘Whenever countries set up a Free Trade Area, they abolish all restrictions on trade among themselves and (a) They establish a common external tariff on imports from outside countries (b) They abolish all restrictions on imports from outside countries (©) They abolish all restrictions on imports from other Free Trade Areas (@ Each country maintains its own set of tariffs and quotas on imports from outside countries Which of the following are the functions of Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) ? 1 To ensure expeditious clearance of the proposals for foreign investment 2 To review periodically the implementation of the proposals cleared by the Board 3. To undertake all other activities for promoting and facilitating FDI as considered necessary from time to time 4, To interact with the FIPC being constituted separately by _the Ministry of Industry Select the correct answer using the codes given below : (a) 1,2and3only (b) 1,2and4only ( 1,2,8and4 (@ 3and4only 47, frafefad ari # & atm, fran % fret A sadeg @ adie os & afta Hea 2? (a) aderaer # fafa safeat & ate sre van fara & FR wr we wa & de oe a feat (© Gof ten arr & aaraeina fear ar Fee @ sen dane % cattet & de ora ar ‘Faeeor sere & ares A ain wt gers Fit ser aT 2, waif 1. ae feet sem ft arse ar Herre 2. Fey ore A a we Re 3, we otf searg A Hi B sea eet 4. 7 Hawai & aha aeet & sehr Sra sera Aha sede oro 4a stead ae BE 2 (a) Fai b) Fats (©) Fae 2a 4 @ 12,334 B-CRHE-O-PAPA (17-A) 49, a of da ahd ye ara a eafr &, a art dha oman ot aft aftardt et aaret ax aie a af ei a a aa oa KH adams are sears ean a Bd F a ae ai a aA ae saat x a wfeareit et aura at BIZ a ora ge om aii aaa aa ore Hanh weer er aaa a IS wee Oa, areal Qatt 8 AA aret sara sre. meee aon Ber TSA ET, wane (@ (b) © @ fast fan dada até ripp) & Prefered ord fa ata ad #2 1. feat Fader & fare weatet t sfir Frearett (frerta) gfitaa eT 2, a gr Prema (faeer) fare me wearat 3 erierr ar statis Gade eT 3. FDI & dah aa grim & fac RT STAT BAG AY aT aH ‘BeareReTT ET 4, Seer area ger are @ fea fae oT FIPC® ara saiteifiear eT ofa fee ne Ee ar aT ax BAI TT TPA, ae 123% 3 Bae 1,230 4 1,2, 33K 4 jae 3 at 4 (@) (b) © @ 51. 52. B-CRHE-O-PAPA ‘The term ‘Dear Money’ refers to (a) Low rate of interest on housing loans (b) Value of money at the recession stage (©) High rate of interest (@) Savings gained due to decrease in rate of interest on housing loans A certain sequence of integers is constructed as follows : Consider 0 and 1 as the first two numbers. ‘The next, ie. the third number is constructed by their sums, ie. 1. This process of constructing the next number by the sum of the last two constructed numbers continues. Taking these numbers 0, 1, 1 as the first, second and third numbers in the sequence, what will be the 7" and 10" numbers, respectively ? (a) Gand 30 () Tand 33 (@ Sand34 (@) 10 and39 ‘The Rangarajan Committee on disinvestment of shares in Public Sector Enterprises suggested that 1. The percentage of equity to be divested should be no more than 49% for industries explicitly reserved for the public sector and it should be either 7A% or 100% for others. 2, Year-wise targets of disinvestment should be maintained. ‘Which of the above statements is/are correct ? (a) Lonly (>) 2only (©) Both 1and2 (@) Neither 1 nor 2 54, (18-A) The Parliament can make any law for whole or any part of India for implementing international treaties (a) With the consent of all the States (b) With the consent of majority of the States (©) With the consent of the States concerned (@) Without the consent of any State In the study of pollution, SPM refers to (a) Sulphur Phosphorus Matter (>) Sulphur Particulate Matter (©) Solid Particulate Matter (@) Suspended Particulate Matter Which of the following industries were first established during the British Rule in India ? (a) Cotton ‘Textile Industry; and Jute Industry (b) Jute Industry; and Iron and Steel Industry (©) Cotton Textile Industry; and Chemical Industry (@) Jute Industry; and Chemical Industry Bi. Wl apr wee fine fee we 2? (a) aera aeoit ae Fy ease ®) Fa A sae A a aS © arg @ sada ait mara A a A ah & PRT IA TIT 52, ue fiftrd orem & quis wt Preafatad ot ‘afta fara re @ a afifie, 0 sit aren ft at dem Be Set & area, saiq 1 3 ome area, cteatt Fen afta A mE | fact at afer Hensit & aimee 3 amet den & aefes fee or A ae uipear ord tech @ 1 afe 3 0, 1, 1 Hea ge agen 4 vec, gad sit dat wert %, ah Tai ott 10et emt sae: eH ehh 2 (a) 63it 30 () 73h 33 (@ ait 34 @ 103% 39 ardafie aaa % sani a sent & fafiae a ‘eres fifa 3 gare, FR 1, #8 (aren) A ge A aA ach ‘wfewan, wea: adatie aan & fee amnfirt seivit & fare 49% & aftr veh ari area, ot ora & fare at tt 74% 100% BFA ste | 2, fafa ar afar cer wae var ST santa, | wade ser Fa ahaa aah 8 2 @) aa1 (b) Hae 2 @ 13 2a @ aha B-CRHE-O-PAPA 34. tae, sata dite % amie ag aept sae ar et Fah er ere a FRY a aa t ant eal A ae a egies ea A went a raft adi A ae @ @) (b) © (@) Reet fase A aeafe & fear gam & ser i, sp fd fafee ae 8 7 FeR HERE Fee emt wifégee fet ‘aifers wfgaete Hex wards uifigae et (@) (b) © @ area H fafesr ares & ahem Preferfiaa seitett aaa, eden eanfta we a? (a) a sea sein, gen Tee seit (bo) Tea sem; aan te sk ges ser (© al aaa se; er care ser (a) Tear sei; sen Tar Sele (19-A) 57. 58. B-CRHE-O-PAPA Which of the following are the roles of the Finance Commission in India? 1. ‘The distribution of money collected through taxes 2, Evaluation of Centrally schemes sponsored 3. Evolve principles based on which funds are allotted among States 4, To develop Five Year Plans Select the correct answer using the codes given below : (a) Land 4 only (b) Land 3 only (and 4only (@) 2and 3 only Which of the following statements are correct. regarding the International Monetary Fund (IMF)? 1. India is a founder member of the IMF. 2, India's quota in the IMF is more than 4 percent. 3. Finance Minister is ex-officio on the IMF. represented 4. IMF conducts regular review of India’s ‘economic status under Article IV. Select the correct answer using the codes given below (a) 1,2and 3 only (b) 1,8and4only (© 2and 4 only @ 1,2,3and4 59. (20-A) {A firm is purchasing two items, both on credit ‘on the same day. The credit term offered for the first item is 2 5h. 1/20, net 30; and the credit term offered for the second item is 3/5, 2/15, net 30. The declared purchase cost of item 1 is € 60,000 and that of item 2 is & 1,40,000. If both credits can be settled on the 14" day, what will be the total amount to be paid out ? (a) © 197,200 (b) & 1,97,500 (©) © 1,96,600 (@& 1,98,400 What was the position held by Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, before he became the Vice-President of India ? (a) Ambassador to the U.S.A. (b) Chairman, U.G.C. (©) Chairman, Planning Commission (@) Ambassador to the Soviet Union 67. Prafeftaa #8 staat, ana H fam anit Ht ‘aftrerd & 2 1, wat grr ore ag erat ar ea 2. eg grt oeifia ase at yea 3.3 fagidt at faefaa wen fire ore We Use & ara Pitta ar omraea Bhat ® 4, Faadia dharit a fafa eer Are feu 1 qe ar aT ae AA TR GPU: (@) Fae iat 4 (b) Fat 1 33 (© Faa2aie4 @ Fast s siaieia agi as (ME) & sere & frafeter wert 4a a8 at B2 1. NRG IMF ar Hears aaa 2 | 2 IMP 4 ana a Star 4 sftea a afte a1 3. IMPS fra at ver wfafafinca axa @.1 4. IMP, 3428 IVS ae, ara ft anti feafe a Rafi gain aa 8 1 a Ree me ge ar weil a we SR SAIC Fae 1,23 3 hae 133i 4 Faw 23K 4 12,33 4 fa) (b) © @ B-CRHE-O-PAPA (21 59. ag Set a agai A, dat A A sen ate wm @ fer at oh 2 cect ag & form otter fear ra gu Fras (tke BH) 25/10, 1/20, frac 302; ot aad arg & fee otter far var oa Fins (BaBe zi) 9/5, 2/15, Fat 30 @ | aeq 1A ifs wa ATTA = 60,0002 site weg 2 Al eifia wa PTA & 1,40,000 8 | ae Sri ser 144 fea aarti fase st aera %, at aprara oft si areft er afr ae Set 2 (a) & 1,97,200 © 1,97,500 (© = 1,96,600 (@ & 1,98,400 urd & sagt = S wa si a. TeRpO BMT oThes e AT AT? US.A.4 TT U.G.C. #1 see ahr ara ar ater sim da age @ (b) © @ A) B-CRHE-O-PAPA There are 20 girls and 30 boys in a class, and their respective average marks are found to be 55 and 58. The average marks of the entire class are (a) 565 () 566 © 567 (@) 568 Consider an industry with the following features : = Budgeted monthly fixed cost = € 2,20,000 ‘+ Normal monthly output = 12000 per standard labour hour * Standard variable overhead rate = & 25 per labour hour What would be the total factory overhead rate? (a) & 40-33 per labour hour (b) 41-67 per labour hour (©) © 42-67 per labour hour (d) © 48-33 per labour hour Acid rain is due to (a) Sulphur dioxide pollution (b) Carbon monoxide pollution (c) Pesticide pollution (@) Dust particles in the atmosphere DNA fingerprinting is a technique used for the detection of (a) Alzheimer’s disease (b) Disputed parentage @ ADS (@)_ Yellow fever (22-A) ‘There are four identically sized and shaped balls in a box, with only its top open. Each ball is of a different colour, these being : Green, Red, White and Blue, only one ball of each colour. Without looking into the box, one ball is randomly picked out and its colour is noted; then it is returned to the box. What are the chances that, in two successive draws, one may get the white ball and the red ball — in whichever order ? (@) 116 ) v8 @ WA @ 12 Consider the following programmes : 1. Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme 2, Micro Finance Programme 3. National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme 4. Cluster Development Programme What is common in the above programmes ? (a) They are related to improving agriculture (b) They are programmes related to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (© They are programmes to improve large seale industries (@) They are programmes to improve the traditional cottage industries SPAM in a system (e-mail) is (a) A message distributed indiscriminately (b) A search engine (©) Anactivity of the user (@) A command initiated by the sender o1. feet sen # 20 aefiat ait 30 Tse @, aie ae shea sie aaa: 55 ote 58% 1 yf sar & aia opr sited sar @ 2 @ (b) © @ 565 566 56-7 568 62. Frrafertiad afterarit arét feet sett oe frat fare: «ame A a mites fhe cima = € 2,20,000 © arma miftes Jere = 12000 sfe Ara oH war 2 are uftadi softer a = & 25 sa am det Sere A get safer a aa ah? (a) ) © @ = 40-33 ofa aH Het = 41.67 wfa a eer & 42-67 wet aH Fer = 43:33 3fa 9H Ser oecta auf farat apreot att @ 2 () Fem sRateaES TENT ) aida aiiaengs age (© deere age (@) ara # ae aor DNA siife-om (fenfifén) dedi a ori ‘eats cigar & form fare arat 8 2 (a) STATE (Alzheimer’s) TT (b) Faenfea Serer, (© AIDS (a) ia sat (act Graz) B-CRHE-O-PAPA, (23- 65, FAM an sik aren A an A, Sar SHA aa we aga 48 | eke Ae fate ora, ame: w, oe, ae te ow Sat we A Hig 81 far tiga #28, ww ie agfeena: are frac 1g oft gaa in az wer & ae 3a dge ff are wa fe 1 a softre Franferdl wa aig afte ws crete &, fret vt sepa 4, Pare ont ft ae daa a? @) &) © @ V6 1s V4 V2 Prafafad arian 1 fran fife : 1, Fer wag Yh sua ator (Sie fares ‘Sften aferct em) 2. yee fan aria (aresht piste si) 3. Ta faftatn sfaerataee aria Gara tataata aitateteata stm) 4. amg ferme orien (weet tacmiz sia) aes ariset 9 staat acer fear @ 2 (a) a BS gan 8 arate F >) 4 ae, ag sik nem sant a arate arian & © & at tm & sch & gue % fee aren & a mate eck siti & gan & far arden & firet da ($41) 4 eta (SPAM) Ht Ata 8? (a) siemejy Fate Fe ar ag dear ) was (A) SH (© sratreat Ft ow afafate @) 3s ger wey fear var at Tae (amis) @ 67. A) 70. B-CRHE-O-PAPA, A cylindrical closed tank contains 36r cubic metres of water, and is filled to half of its capacity. When the cylindrical tank is placed upright on its circular base on level ground, the height of the water in the tank is 4 metres, But when this tank is placed on its side on level ground, what will be the height of the surface of the water above the ground ? (a) 9 metres (b) 6 metres (©) 3 metres (@) Lmetre Data regarding inventory of a particular item of usage in the production activities of an organization are : the quantity in stock is 1500 units and the value of this stock is = 1,27,500. (This works out to an average unit cost of & 85.) During the ensuing year X, an additional 800 units are purchased at a unit cost of & 95. Consumption in production processes during the year X has been 600 units. Working by the First-In-First-Out basis, the value of the residual inventory of the item at the end of the year X will be (a) 1,00,000 (b) = 1,02,500 (©) © 1,05,000 - @ = 1,07,500 Consider the following statements about All India Radio 1. It is governed by the Prasar Bharati Board, 2, Tt was so named in 1936. It does not provide DTH services. 4, FM Rainbow and FM Gold are its subsidiary channels. Which of the above statements are correct ? (a) 1,2and 3 only () Band 4only (© 1,2and4only (@) 1,2,8and4 i. 73. (24-A) The famous ‘Giri’ approach in Industrial Relations in India espouses the cause of (a) Adjudication (b) Compulsory Collective Bargaining (©) Conciliation (@) Arbitration In a race, the first four winners are to be awarded points. Each winner's points must be 5 more than that of the next position winner. ‘Total sum of the points to be awarded is 50. What will be the points for the third position winner ? @ 30 (b) 20 > 10 @ 5 Which of the following trends in FDI inflows are correct ? 1. In 2003 — 04, the FDI Equity inflow percentage growth was negative. 2, From 2004 ~ 05 to 2007 - 08, the FDI inflows were very high and positive. 8. In 2008 ~ 09, the FDI inflows were positive, but had decreased relative to the previous year. Select the correct answer using the codes given below (a) Land 3 only ) 1,2and3 (© and 3 only (@) Land 2only 68, fret aerren az AF 36m aa thet ae a, ait ae sref amar ft ont wa 2 | aerran A at ana yh wwe aareR aren ast Rear ara 8, taht A et a Sa 4 tie er 2) afer oe ge et aT ama af gee od OE TT oe, Ae wr serges At Sarg a arf 2 ower eater (© 3x @_ 1a feat dear 4 sees ft ofatatiedt 4 seein # a areht Fret fafinee areq A area aaah aries 3a yan & : tim Hart 1500 se # ot 3a wie ar ea & 1,27,5008 | (saa aft wang shea arma & 85 freer ® 1) arom ad Xx dem, & 95 A sfa gar ams 7 300 ofefen gareat wed ort % | sere wisi Hx ae & dhe 600 vareat gaye a ae E UR TaH eA TAH F STU HK HE ET TT, at x& sia # ya aq A wate area a Ea war tT 2 (a) 1,00,000 (b)& 1,02,500 (© = 1,05,000 @ © 1,07,500 (a) () 70. 1 2. Fae aM 19364 fea TT | 3. DTH Rant ser ae weet | 4. FM tal ot PM vies ga% aera Brat @ sade sari Fa ate ad f 2 (a) Fae 1,233 (b) Hae 3 te 4 (©) ¥aa 1,234 @ 12,334 B-CRHE-O-PAPA, (25 nm. 72. 73. A) und 4 shelf caret f sfig fate same feat Seva a ania ee 2? (a) rao (>) sifted arate aera {c) WATE (@) frarer fet ate a, vem an faci a oie ser feu art @ | ete faster & ais gem dt are & em & fan & sat a5 afte a ore % | Sea Ter fee aM art tat ar ‘arpa 508 | fiat car & faster & fare faa ia ahh 2 (a) 30 (b) 20 © 10 @ 5 ror sivate & freer #8 ath waft wha? 1. 2003-04 4, FDI $feaét (aren) siaate af scorer oft 1 2 2004-05 & 2007-08 TH FDI siaaie agg Sa oft wares & | 3. 2008-09 #, FDI sivate errs &, Pq froat ad ft ater ae 21 a fea me ge ar sei a a eR GPA (a) Far isis >) 1233 @ saa2ats @) saa 132 74, In raising an object to a given height by means of an inclined plane, as compared with raising the object vertically, there is a reduction in (a) Force to be applied (b) Work required (©) Distance covered (@) Friction force 75. The mean and standard deviation of a set of 16 non-zero positive numbers in an observation are 26 and 3-5 respectively. The mean and standard deviation of another set of 24 non-zero positive numbers without changing the circumstances of both sets of observations, are 29 and 3, respectively. The mean and standard deviation of their combined set of observations will respectively be (a) 278and 321 (b) 262 and 3:32 (© 278 and 332 (2) 262 and 3-21 76. A sinusoidal transverse wave is travelling on astring. Any point on the string moves in (a) SHM with the same angular frequency as that of the wave (b) SHM with a different frequeney than that of the wave (©) Uniform circular motion with the same angular speed as that of the wave (@) Uniform circular motion with a different, angular speed than that of the wave 77. The devices that work with computer systems as soon as they are connected are described as (a) Hot Swapping (b) Bay Swap (© Plug-N-Play (@) USB Swapping B-CRHE-O-PAPA (26 78. Which one of the following software applications would be the most. appropriate for performing numerical and_ statistical calculations ? (a) Database (b) Spreadsheet (©) Graphies package (@) Document processor 79. Consider the following statements on Global Positioning System (GPS) : 1. GPS allows accurate time-stamping on ATM transactions. 2. GPS relies on a set of satellites for transferring signals worldwide. Which of the above statements is/are correct ? (@) Lonly () 2only (©) Both Land 2 (@ Neither 1 nor 2 80. Consider the following statements Cellular technology évolves in stages called Generation (G), where 1. A Generation represents the number of subscribers; higher Generation has more subscribers. 2 2G technology has two standards CDMA and GSM. 3. 2G technology has CDMA standard and 3G has GSM standard. Which of the above statements is/are correct ? (a) 1and3 only (b) only © 3only (@) 2only -A) 74, Pech ay ah Seahen sa Al gern A, seh aq at fee sraa cet ar sei ae ws At mg Sarg ae sar #, foo wa cis Hanh att 8 2 (a) we ar are aa F (b) artfara art © wae he @ wi aa # feat dem 4 16 yen wares demsil oH ayers & Hey otk are fewer we: 26 aie 35 @ | od yen ears desi & ws set age & are atk ae face, ahi & deri Sh uffeufeet at acct far, sam: 29 afk 3 #1 we eafaa wea & meq ait are frre wre: ea eA? (@) 278aik 321 () 2623h 3.32 © 278th 332 @ 26239 3-21 76. tH Soreaghta er wi Re oy TT aT HR | ay TH fig fa THR? @) wr Ft sia angi & aa ate omaha areft SHIM (aret ara fa) (>) win ft angie & fia ongft arch SHM (aeat ara aft) © wa A sha ae & aa sete are are wreara aefia aft @ ae A she area & fire sre are arch wae gata nf 77, St aferat (Saree) wt, ot fet weaeeds HF 38 @ dame A ont, ari at andi &, fee wa F afta fear ara 8 2 @ Oo) © (@) USB ITI (afi) B-CRHE-O-PAPA, 78. frafefas 4 a aaa ww ahead agen (thereat) dere att wiferbta afar froare % fore watts sages em 2 (a) stag daa (Serta) (bo) Stexfie (©) sree (ifiaa) Aa (@) wera danftrr (stagiie sttax) 79. Esc eer Peaien wort (retreat aifSrerfear fereea) (GPs) % fava # frafefiaa wert a fran sifirg 1. GPS@ ATM deaaerdt @ aerd ama ifr aumes 2. GPS Hadi & farsa ara & fare saad & we aye om Pat ae 2 sage seri a a ahaa ae 88 2 (@) %aa1 (b) Hat 2 © 13k 2a @ aaiahe . Frafefar sei ow fer Ae: Bogen sent seit a fasta eet @, Brera Wet @ wet %, wet 1g tid sothmeit Ht den a Fela Tre con te Figs sone et 1 2. 2G shetfirft # coma ait Gsm @ are ae 3. 2G stetfrét ¥ CDMA Hm sik 3G GSM AMS @a @ | sede wei a ahaa aft 88 2 (a) Far 1ak3 (b) Fat 1 (© ¥aa3 (@) Fac 2 (27-A) 81. B-CRHE-O-PAPA LAN, WAN and MAN are computer networks covering different areas. Their first alphabets L, W and M respectively stand for (a) Local, World and Middle (b) Long, Wireless and Metropolitan (©) Local, Wide and Metropolitan (4) Least, Wireless and Maximum A rectangular garden is to be twice as long as its width. If 360 m of fencing including gates will totally enclose this garden, what is the length of the garden ? (@) 120m (>) 130m © Mom @ 150m ‘The ‘Cloud Computing’ technology refers to (a) Asset of algorithms that solves problems using fuzzy logic (b) Many computers that_—=— are. interconnected through _—_ wireless networks and satellites (© A distributed computer architecture that provides software, infrastructure and platforms just as required by applications/users (@)_ A futuristic technology that will use clouds to perform computing 84. 87. (28-A) Consider the following Nano-technology : statements for 1. It is the technology of creating materials and devices atom-by-atom. 2. Physical properties change at the nanometer scale. 3. Chemical properties change at the nanometer scale. Which of the above statements are correct ? (@) 1and2only (b) Land 3 only (© 2and3 only @ 1,2and3 ‘The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) used in the CERN project is a particle accelerator located on the border between @ () Spain and France France and Germany (©) Spain and Switzerland (@) France and Switzerland ‘The method of communication in whic transmission take place in botl directions, but happens only in one directior at a time, is called (a) Duplex (b) Half Duplex (©) Full Duplex @ Simplex ‘A collection of programs that controls how th computer system runs and _processe information is called (a) Compiler (b) Operating System (© Linker (@) Assembler BI. LAN, WAN a MAN faftia at at sreariea wel aa aregt area (Aceh) Bee we sat L, wait Maem: frre fire @ 2 (a) Gites, acd ait free &) aie, arate sk Bgsiferert (© diwe, ates oth Apert @) see, arta ait Afr g2, a ararHR sa Al orang geet charg & opt oF @ 1 aE 60 m Ft ars, arstt afea, wm A gC tod a a, dso A wrarg ea 2? (a) 120m () 130m © Mom @ 150m ‘eras emai’ sheesh a Fabre a & 2 () aerate (eaten) ar UE ae at ere wh (oat cif) ar win ae ‘arenall er TaTaTA ata a () ae erage oh aa orem ott sah ween © area, at wa Spaketedet a $e sree @ am @ ciein, aonisaer ent ser eam ww sRreargge stele ot amafén frond 8g FarsgE aI var Bef B-CRHE-O-PAPA @ (29- 84. Staten & fare Peiffer sert x fae fifa : 1 we Taare wat ak afd a fanfare & 1 2, wifes amerit After ta ae eee ware | 3. carats aoe 8 After Oa wee ame safe wail da aa ad Ee (@) Fae 1a 2 ) Fae sk 3 (© Faa 2a 3 @ 1,23%3 85. CERN feisnt 4 sam gad 24 Sue (LHC) wp ao cam 2 | ae feed Cait & sre Sto wafer & 7 @ Bratt wie () wie a wT () Br otk fracas (a) ie ak Feaerets dan Al ag vai, fred det femnsit # Fawr Baa @, fg ww aoa i ww fee a een 2, wa aera 2? () 2 (eRe) () ai a © we (@) Grae (freee) wR wae dea, ot ae Peifta arat 2 fe apo wore Sa were & ste aan a er veoh @, Far Hee & ? (a) Spee (Farge) (b) waters da (aifstfea farce) (o) were (free) (a) Brsiaes (sere) A) ‘SMPS is the acronym for {a) Store Mode Power Supply (b) Single Mode Power Supply (©) Switch Mode Power Supply (a) Start Mode Power Supply 89. USB is the acronym for (a) Uniform Service Broadcasting () Unique Solution Bus (© Universal Serial Bus (@)__ Universal Service Broadcasting Ina chess tournament, each of the six players will play with every other player exaetly once. What is the number of matches that will be played during the tournament ? (a) 10 ) 15 © 20 @ 25 91. The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 (MLB. Act) provides for how many weeks’ wages during the maternity period ? (a) 11 weeks ) 12weeks (©) 18 weeks (@) 14weeks B-CRHE-O-PAPA, (30-A) Which of the following are the instruments of providing social security in India ? 1. Income Tax 2. Employees’ Provident Fund 3. General Sales Tax 4 LIC 5. National Pension Scheme 6. Postal Provident Fund Select the correct answer using the codes given below : (a) 1,2,S3and4 (b) 2,3,4and5 (© 24,5 and6 @ 3,4,5and6 A man buys apples at a certain price per dozen and sells them at 8 times that price per hundred. What percentage does he gain or lose ? (a) 4% profit (b) 6% profit (© 4% loss (@) 6% loss . 88. SMPS fara ufanff are (Geta) ® 2 92, frafefsa Ha aaa, ane A arenes gear (a) eh tts stat aeons yen Fa ara F? (b) ferret tig viet wears (©) fra sts sie wang 1 @) eae ais via wrens 2. aafard ufeer far 3. arr fas ae 89. USB fara aftanf eq (Umit) 2? 4. LIC (a) afi afda steer 5. este ie ahr (>) aie wieag ae (©) afade aac = ceed eee eee 8 Feo a ae ar we ae (@) 12,334 90, xata A ew Ge-sfrctfne H, oe fan A] gy 05 gates a sete farcrd we gat feerst & ara aera: Ww an Gar | Gash & dhe Ga aA © 24,536 ard fat Ft ae et ahhh 2 @ 3,4,53i6 @ 10 &) 15 © 20 @ 2% 93, 31 aafh um fiftra wht oh fa wae ater @ ot sa oe Hira Ht 8 TH af fe 91. waft sefier sftfian, 1961 (MB. saftey) F ‘dest fing Gat Fa ter 2 1 3a fed shee sat ret & ates feat ee A RA Tw ay et eh? rN 8? (@) sear @ 113 ©) 12a oes (© 135 © 4% @ ace @ exe B-CRHE-O-PAPA (31-A) OO — 94. For which time intervals, is the percentage rise of population the same for the following data? Period Population 1970 40,000 1980 50,000 1990 60,000 2000 72,000 2010 80,000 @ (b) ) @ 1970 — 80 and 1980 - 90 1980 ~ 90 and 1990 ~ 2000 2000 ~ 2010 and 1990 ~ 2000 1980 — 90 and 2000 - 2010 95. Four quantities are such that their arithmetic mean (A.M,) is the same as the A.M. of the first three quantities. The fourth quantity is (a) Sum of the first three quantities (b) A.M. of the first three quantities (c) (Sum of the first three quantities)/4 (@) (Sum of the first three quantities)/2 If the difference of two numbers is greater than the sum of the numbers, then (a) Both the numbers are negative (b) Exactly one of the numbers is negative (©) At least one of the numbers is negative (@). None of the above 97. A palindrome is a number which reads the same from left as well as from right, for example, 23732, What is the number of palindromes between 10 and 1010? (a) 101 (b) 100 © 99 @ 90 B-CRHE-O-PAPA, 98, 100. (32-A) In writing all the integers from 1 to 300, how many times is the digit 1 used ? (a) 160 (b) 140 (© 120 @ 110 Consider the sequential integers 27 to 93, both included in the sequence. The arithmetic average of these numbers will be (a) 615 (by 61 © 605 @ 60 Consider the following statements in respect of Atal Pension Yojan: 1. Beneficiary must be in the age group of 18 to 40 years. 2. Beneficiary will receive the pension only after he attains the age of 60 years. 8. After the death of a beneficiary, his spouse continues to receive the pension. 4, No nominee of the beneficiary is permitted. ‘Which of the above statements are correct ? (a) Band 4 only () 1,8and4only (© 1,2and 3 only (a) 1,2,8and4 94, Prafefad steel % feu, fea araraci F| 98. 128 300 g% at quis fees § sis 1a crea Ht sfea gfe sar 8? ‘fara an fier orem 8? rat waeT (a) 160 1970 40,000 (b) 140 1980 50,000 (c) 120 1990 60,000 (d) 110 2000 72,000 2010 80,000 (a) 1970 - 80.37% 1980 - 90 . digi ‘ _ 7 99. 278 937%, aA FT fre (b) 1980 ~ 90 34% 1990 - 2000 Tat, agate quis & Ren APE | (© 2000 - 2010 34% 1990 - 2000 ‘Gera St BAR are eT eT? (a) 1980 — 90 3 2000 - 2010 @ 615 95. an uftrat teh € firran ama area (A.M,) set (b) 61 2. vem dis fra ar aera Trea (AM) 2 | © 605 ‘ateh aftr ar @ 2 (a) sem ta att at a (b) sem te afta ar ware HTT (A.M) (©) (sem te aftr ar are) (a) (wen Ata afta ar attra) /2 . tam doo & fava i fated ert 96, a 2 emt a ome aH Komal & ama |“ on are i Sate t a 1. erm 198 sad & orgat He ee (a) Gri demd aoe & safe | Co) ware: ae HB ee ere eo & 2, emul at sais Goad A ang pi a (©) Saha 8 adam we sem aoe sauet &t tae oe eft 1 @ see 9a are aH 3. feet anni A aq @ oa & sa . sae wfaaadht vel ot er Pret ett | on. fer Reh atom oh are oe ae, BA] a ah se ait org af BI ate 8, ara wel art, sere fre aa792 | on 21 so ote 10108 ste Ae Sem wT] sake maha aa ah? te (a) Fae sate es (o) Fae 133i ° an © Fae 1,23i3 © @ 90 @ 12,834 B-CRHE-O-PAPA (33-A) ——<$—$<—<—<— 101. Walking at 3/4" of his usual speed, a man | 105. In an office, 40% of the employees are men reaches his office 20 minutes late. What is the and the rest women. Half of the employees time taken by him to reach the office at his are tall and half short. If 10% of the usual speed ? employees are men and short, and 40 employees are women and tall, the number (a) 80 minutes of tall men employees is (>) 70 minutes (@ 60 (©) 60 minutes a (@) 50 minutes @ 40 102. Consider the following statements regarding @ 30 the Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana 1. It is applicable for all bank account holders up to the age of 60 years. ere 106. Which of the following were the main aspects 3. Ibis an accident insurance cover. of the Gandhi-Irwin Pact of 1931? 4, ‘The insurance covers death and 1 a a Suspension of the Civil Disobedience permanent disability due to accident. Movement i 1¢ above statements 2 Neen ee ee eee ree 2, To take part in the then forthcoming (a) Land 2only Simla Conference (b) Band 4only 3. Pay taxes for the period of the Civil (© 2and3only Disobedience Movement (@) 1and4 only 4, Release of Political Prisoners Select the correct answer using the codes 108. A and Brun a 1 km race. A gives B a start of given Below. 60 m and still beats him by 15 seconds. If A runs at 8 km/h, what is the speed of B? (a) Land 3 only (a) #4 km/h (b) 2and3only (b) 5-4knv/h (©) Land 4 only © 64km/h (a) 2and 4 only @) 7-4 km/h 104. Ina race of 1 km, A can beat B by 40 m and B can beat C by 50 m. With how much distance | 497, Which of the following is not an absolute can A beat C in a 0-5 km race? measure of dispersion ? @) 42m (a) Range ) 43m ® © 44m © ‘Mean Deviation Quartile Deviation @ 45m (d) Coefficient of Variation B-CRHE-O-PAPA (34-A) 101. i safes ae array art i 3/4 are B ae at ot raters # 20 fire facia & ves 2 | ag arch amet ara aera araieta ae 4 feo ana a 8? (a) 80 fire (o) 70 fare © 60 fre (a) 50 fare Sa Hat aren ier ata & fara 4 freaferfan aerit r fran Fife 1 me 60 ah awe A oy} mh ae arar-areni & form ary 2 | 2, we we Stee ser qe 2 | 3. 4a we gem sar wan 81 4 72 ain, den a @ ra ok ert franmat a star aren wer at 8 1 safe aur fa ata ad Be (@) Fae 13it 2 () Faas ait 4 @ Faw 2aits (@) Far 1aik 4 ASN Bikm A Ay 8 arr ass 1 BAT AS A % 50m aM orem ate @, fet Hh A, Bat 15 tas & eT eat 2 | ae A, 8 kmh Ht TA dea 2, fi BA ae Te? (a) (b) 103. 4-4 km/h 5-4 km/h (© 6-4 km/h @) 74m km #t fret dg #, A, Bat 40 ma sk B,C Fi 50 ma BI aeM a1 O5kmA Be FA, Oa fret ft ara B wer weRAT 8? (a) 42m ) 43m © 44m (@) 45m 104. B-CRHE-O-PAPA 105. feet ara #, 40m afar gee @ otk ay feed € | ora aetard aq Hara & afk ae ag HG #1 aR 10% anfert yeu & ait aq Hae @, oft 40 wierd afgerd & otk we F aah @, dae tare gee here M den ene? @ 60 &) 50 @ 40 @ 30 . Frafafad FS eA, 1931 % aieh-gfar anata % sy yee, a2 1. afta sag atidter #1 afta eT 2. Fea ea aa fren ates Foam ar 3. afer area aridtert At orate & att ar ea eT 4. Tonite feat A afte re feu me Ge ar eT a BAL Se SAAR Saat 1sit 3 faa 23 3 aa ait 4 Sat 23k 4 (a) (b) © @ 107. Fefefad 4 8 sta, vate ft Pte ae wee? a req fase wade frac ‘fers goa (a) (b) © @ (35-A) 108. A provisions shop-owner is found to mix 25 kg of rice worth © 32/kg and 20 kg of rice worth & S5/kg and the mixed rice is sold at 15% profit. What is the selling price of the mixed rice? (a) © 35-40/kg (b) & 38:33/kg (© & 36-50/kg @ 37-42 109. The original lay of a rectangular plot ABCD on open ground is 80 m long along AB, and 60 m wide along BC. Concreted pathways are intended to be laid on the inside of the plot all around the sides. The pathways along BC and DA are each 4 m wide. The pathways along AB and DC will mutually be of equal widths such that the un-concreted internal plot will measure three-fourth of the original area of the plot ABCD. What will be the width of each of these pathways along AB and DC ? (@) (b) © @ 3m 4m 5m 6m 110. At a dinner party, every two guests used a bowl of rice between them, every three guests used a bow! of dal among them and every four guests used a bow! of curd among them. There are altogether 65 bowls. What is the number of guests present at the party ? (@) 90 (b) 80 © 70 @ 60 B-CRHE-O-PAPA 111, Social Security may provide cash benefits t persons faced with 1. Sickness and disability 2. Unemployment 3. Crop failure 4. Loss of the marital partner Select the correct answer using the codes given below : (a) 1,2and8 only (b) 1,2and4only (©) Band 4only @ 1,2,3and4 112. If 5 men and 9 women can finish a piece of work in 19 days, 3 men and 6 women will do the same work in (a) 12days (b) 13 days (© 14days @ 15 days 118. If the radius of a circle is reduced by 50%, its area will be reduced by (@) 30% ) 50% © 60% @) 75% 114. Employees State Insurance Act, 1948 covers factors like 1. Factories and establishments with 10 or more employees. 2. Provision of comprehensive medical care to employees and their families. 3. Provision of cash benefits during sickness and maternity. 4. Monthly payments in case of death or disablement. Which of the above statements are correct ? (@) 1,2and3 only () 1,2and 4 only (© 3.and4only @ 1,2,8and4 (36-A) 108. 4 wT WaT fa alg Pec SHIEK F aakg AM 25 kg Bae BI F 35/kg ATM 20 kg araet fren a ga fafa rae BY 15% TTA TT Seah ey, Pits sae A er 2 @ (b) © 35-40/kg 38-33/kg © 36-50/kg & 87-4/kg 109. Ga Aer Hw sraTHR YEAS ABCD +t AST 110. ar Um aan ote wet an fant aa et ar ata aver Here ot wer & 1 wel Fe fart 65 sat #1 ae ube sofa cafafiet 36eion aa? (a) 90 (b) 80 () 70 (d) 60 B-CRHE-O-PAPA, 111, ararises wen, fara feafeet er amar ae aA cafteat at tag HErIaT Ter a Te 8? 1. tend sik Rarer 2 Rand 3. Feet fewer 4. afar oott ft ah 8 faq me ee a vein a we eR GPC: (@) Fae 1,233 (>) Fam 129K 4 @ Faw asis @ 12,334 af 5 goa oft 9 frat fat ard = 19 fei We wee Z, a 3 ger sit 6 feaai aa ae vai fer fei Bog wet 2 (a) 12 fea (b) 13 ( afer @ 15 fr cafe fart qa A fen #1 50% ver fea oe, at aa Sapa feat sft az wre 7 (a) 30% ) 50% © 60% @ 15% adert asa din afafiag, 1948 7 frefertad aor aftafera & + 1 10% aft what aa exer ar 112, 113, 114, 2, afew se ater a cares 3. Sard car sgl & dea vee aH aT aaa | 4. WG sear Rewer wh RA te ar safe geri Ha ata at £2 (a) Fam 129K 3 ) Faw 1,23 4 © Fassia @ 1,2,33R4 (37-A) 115. Consider the following statements regarding the Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana 1. It is applicable to all adults above the age group of 18 years. 2. The premium is deducted from the account holder's bank account through ‘auto debit facility’. 3. The life insurance worth is decided by the account holder and he has to pay the annual premium accordingly. 4. The life insurance amount is given to the family after the death of the subseriber. Which of the above statements are correct ? (@) Land 3only (b) Land 4only (©) 2and4only (@ 2and3only 116. In an examination paper where maximum marks are 500, A got 10% marks less than B, B got 25% marks more than C, and C got 20% ‘marks less than D. If A got 360 marks, what marks did D get ? (a) 65% (b) 70% © 15% @) 80% B-CRHE-O-PAPA Directions : Each of the next four (04) items consists of two statements, one labelled as the ‘Statement (1)’ and the other as ‘Statement (II). Examine these two statements carefully and select the answers to these items using the codes given below : Codes : (a) Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually true and Statement (II) is the correct explanation of Statement (1) (>) Both Statement (1) and Statement (I) are individually true but Statement (II) is not the correct explanation of Statement (1) (©) Statement (1) is true but Statement (ID is false (@) Statement (1) is false but Statement (II) is true 117. Statement (1) : The effects of an income tax on consumption, saving and investment are micro effects. Statement (II) : Income tax is an example of direct tax. Statement (1) : Trade between two-countries takes place on account of differences in costs. Statement (I) : Different countries have different factor endowments, 119. Statement (D : Foreign investment may affect a country’s export performance, Statement (11) : Inflow of foreign exchange may cause appreciation of local currency leading to a rise in the price of export commodities. 120. Statement (1) : Speaker of the Lok Sabha appoints the Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee. Statement (I) : Members of Parliament, eminent persons from industry and trade are the members of the Public Accounts Committee. (38-A) 115, 3am Ha} Stet Sift diet ato] at frafatad sent 1 fran sifi : 1 we isad a afte aaari & wh aacai ar] a 8 2, aa: a aferer? (siiet fare afer) aren a, wraae % S2are @ shifter are fern ara 8 I 3. Ser stn or yea, Greene % ga fafifgad fir aren @ aft 3a see sar ‘afte: sifteas Qa atar @ 1 4, after At ary 8 arg se her ae aes wan at a ord 2 1 sadn aert da aa afl 82 (a) Faa13its @) Fast 4 (@ Fae 2aht 4 @) Fa 2she 3 116. afters 500 stat area fare aften eras A wl Ba 10% aH im fit, Ba CA 25% afte aa fra, ait cat Da 20% aH sim fit | af A a1 360 3 fia, aD wT Pat ote fit 2 (a) 65% ) 70% (©) 75% (@) 80% B-CRHE-O-PAPA, (39- Brier : srrct ar (4) weatett F & aestes H ah ares & ae wh aa (1 ite Gert i aT IL’ wer TET eB | #1 chat wera Barareh & ver hee sik Ae Re ae ae a ai ae 37 ema AAC: ahi A ser wp ott aD stem-srert aca & sik er (ID), ert (1) HT wel Cae z ahi & eer cp sit CD sere ae 8 fe, Br (ID, Far) a we eT eT e Br (1) aca 8 feed HD) HET a @) FAC) Hac 2 fg wer aD Bee 117. 897 (): Seem, aaa sit Fan Ha eH mara cafe wre & | FT (I): AH, TUT A HI UH TTT a 118, #7 (): zai & sha aK, aera sia % are eta 2 | a7 (ID) : SMAI Fait HHMI HTH were at lie, #97 (1): fae Par fat an} Raia Reaga at vented a aaa @ | aarp; Reh Fda a sivae eat aT Fl aaa a aa 8, Fae are Fafa 8 arch aeqit oft faai af a wedi 21 ate en areas, cite Sear aft eae Fahne 1 Wag wees ait sein sit cara aT & counts cafes cis car ahaa Hace a a 120. #7 (1) we (ID): A)

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