Lesson Study Lesson Plan

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Lesson Study Lesson Plan

Teacher Name: Joshua Feight

Teacher Name: Sarah Garcia

Class and Grade Taught: Junior/Senior Precalculus

Class and Grade Taught: Freshman/Sophomore Honors Geometry

Lesson Date: Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Lesson Date: Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Lesson Logistics and Setting

Unit Topic: Radical Functions

Unit Topic: Trigonometry and Probability

Previous Lesson Topic: Simplifying Radical Expressions, Rational Functions

Previous Lesson Topic: Expanding the Trig Table (Slope ratios)

Current Lesson Topic: Modeling Quadratic Relationships

Current Lesson Topic: Tangent Ratio

Next Lesson Topic: Polynomial Functions

Next Lesson Topic: Applying the Tangent Ratio

Lesson Goals:

Students will be able to create equations in one variable and use them to
solve problems.
Students will be able to distinguish between situations that can be
modeled with linear functions and with exponential quadratic functions.
Students will describe qualitatively the functional relationship between two
quantities by analyzing diagrams and tables.
Students will form conjectures based on patterns, and create rules
reflecting their hypotheses.

Standards Addressed:
Write a function that describes a relationship between two quantities.
Combine standard function types using arithmetic operations. For example, build a
function that models the temperature of a cooling body by adding a constant
function to a decaying exponential, and relate these functions to the model.
Materials Needed: Task card, calculator

Introductory Routines: Check homework, warm up review activity

Introductory Routines: Check homework and answer questions

Students are working

(details about how students Anticipated Student
Lesson are configured, what work Teacher Moves
they are doing and how they
are recording their work)

Launch Launch Script: This lesson follows right -Ask for a student to
from the one before it, restate the directions
Today we are going to be but for the sake of the
looking at patterns, exciting lesson question, I will -Ask if anyone has
right? Can anyone tell me not remind them of this any questions
why patterns are important in unless they ask.
math/in other aspects of life? -Involving the class
by probing question
Here we see these figures, of how many sides
one with one square, another Students may count do you see in figure
with three, six, and ten. All of only the sides on the 2
these lines represent one outside and not
side of each of these consider the legs on the
squares (gesturing to various inside of the figure. I
lines in figures). For may need to clarify that
example, figure 1 has 4 the sides also include
sides, how many sides do the legs of the
you see in figure 2? Where individual squares that
are all the sides? make up the figure.
You will be working on
finding patterns today, so I
will say no more right now
and allow the most amount
of time to find those patterns
All students will record their
work and answers on their
own worksheet that I will
distribute at the beginning of
this activity.

Explore Students will be arranged in -Students may initially -Monitor to check for
Description of think that there is only student progress
Task groups of two, three or four. one possible way to throughout the task
describe the change in
Students will be able to ask the number of sides -Ask probing
me questions, but I will not when there are many. questions: How do
give any guidance otherwise. you see the pattern
I will not outright answer -Students may have changing?
students asking if they are trouble writing down
doing it right, but if students their thoughts on the What parts of this
need help progressing then I pattern in mathematical figure did you use to
will ask what they have terms. I can help by create your rule?
done, what more the asking them to break Since you are done,
directions ask of them, and down into smaller can you find another
what they are thinking at this chunks and write those rule for the number
moment. individual chunks into of sides in any
math terms. number figure? It
I will be walking around the
class, taking notes on Students may continue may help to try and
student work in order to call to draw each additional see the pattern of
on them in a thoughtful order Figures 5, Figure 6...etc change differently.
when summarizing. until the desired You can ask your
response. This may table partners how
cause the they see it.
misconception that For groups who are
Figure 12 will have stuck, give a guiding
twice as many as question such as
Figure 6. What other patterns
Students may create a do you see? Is it
table in order to see possible to turn this
how the Figures are figure into a perfect
changing from one square? How?
phase to the next. How does your rule
explain or describe
the progression of
the figures? What
does n represent in
each figure?

Summarize/ Before we start unpacking Possible student -Ask a student to

the questions, I would like to expressions and restate what another
Share and know how different groups explanations: student said
Discuss saw this pattern changing (I
will call on students who are -Creating
raising their hand, or call on opportunities for
groups who I have talked to students to engage
with multiple
and know how they thought representations /
of the pattern and to show ideas.
me where the change is from 4
one figure to the next, like -Neither confirm nor
4+6 deny when students
which squares are being
added or moved. I will write state patterns. We
the name of each student will leave if up to the
above the pattern of change 4+6+8+10 students to say
they explained). whether they agree
4+6+8+10+12 or disagree with
Using these different Each figure is other students work
patterns, can we still have increasing by the next
the same answer for sides in even integer
the 12th figure? (I will call on
students to use patterns that We added n-1 number
are not their own to see how of diamond rows onto
many sides would be in the the original square
figure and write the answers
below the names on the We made the a triangle
board). such that the bottom
number of squares
equal the left side
number of squares
equal the figure number
and filled in to make

Summary Can it be that all of these are -Students will notice -Encourage students
Statement: equally valid even if they this pattern is growing to generalize their
may look very different? exponentially and not at rules and look past
Sure! Especially if we see a constant rate. They their original patterns
that they all give us the same will realize at Figure 12
number of sides for each -Use pausing/wait
is 27x larger than time to encourage
figure, that helps prove they
are valid. Figure 1 the students to make
the connections,
Now, how do we translate -Students may be rather than lead
these into math terms? (I will confused whether all towards the
call on students who gave connections
the solutions are the
me the patterns of change to
tell me how they made a same, so we will
mathematical rule and then encourage to simplify
ask at least one other each expression on
student to revoice). their own to clarify
Exit Slip:

What was the strategy you used in this task?

Which of the strategies discussed was your favorite? Why?
Recognizing Patterns: Below, each figure shows an arrangement of squares.

Study the patterns in the diagrams for Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3 and Figure 4.
Record any observations you notice (hint: shape, number of squares, number of sides,
etc.). How does the figure physically change? Use your observations to construct a rule
that will help you find the number of sides for Figure 12, Figure 20, Figure n.
Staircase Frame Task: Custom Steel Products makes staircase frames like these shown below.

Number of steps (Figure Number) Number of Segments

1 4

2 10

3 18

4 28

5 ___

6 ___

1. Fill in the empty spaces in the table of results. What will the number of sides be
for a 7 step staircase?

2. Find the number of sides of a 12 step staircase. Explain how you figured it out.
3. Write a rule or formula for finding the number of sides for any number of steps.
Let n = the number of steps and let S = the number of sides

4. Find the number of sides for a staircase with 30 step. Show your work.

5. A staircase has 270 number of sides. How many steps are in the staircase?

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