Scrie Cântăreți: About Arts and My Favourite Artists

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About arts and my favourite artists

What is art for me? When I was I child, I guess art were fairytales my mom red,
poetry I was learning by heart for a spectacle in kindergarted or my paintings on
every white space I found in my house. It was more like a game that I had
continuously enjoyed.

In school, I was tought art is something serious, as the portraits of writers,

composers or painters on the walls of my classroom were. As I was going to a
normal school, the only classes we had talked about art, mostly about literature,
were Romanian classes. But the way writings of Eminescu, Bacovia, Arghezi or
Caragiale were explained to us, in a technical way, made me hate Romanian
classes because I could never guess what my teacher wanted from me to
understand, what was the version he wanted to hear from me about a book or

And that s how I think I began to discover art by myself. Music, movies. And I see
there are a lot of pseudo-artists, people pretending they make art, but in fact,
making a product for sale, for money. Or, in my opinion, an artist should be
independent, finding an inner motivation to create, not an external one, as

money is. I listen to hip hop( scrie cntrei) music because I think
these musicians are more honest and they talk about important and actual
problems of our society.

So, art is fun, as in my childhood, art is education, is a better version of life, is

understanding the real life, with good and with bad.

Dou frunze au czut din arborele familiei noastre, dar a rmas viu n noi
exemplul vostru de virtute, principii i modul de a tri frumos.

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