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Principles of Business Management

Required Text (No Book Required; please see required readings)
Course Description
This introductory course provides students with a practical and concrete explanation of the
concepts and techniques they will need as managers in todays new organizations. The
sequence of topics follows the familiar pattern of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.
Throughout the course, the mangers role in leading and accommodating change is
emphasized. The course also introduces the student to the issues of managing global
businesses, especially the ways in which managers need to develop a global perspective in
order to be successful. Issues in strategy, diversity, and entrepreneurship are covered
Course Objectives
1. Illustrate the development of SMART goals
2. Demonstrate the various types of managerial planning: strategic, tactical, and
operational plans
3. Conduct an organizational SWOT analysis
4. Analyze an organizational change program
5. Contrast strengths of various organizational structures
6. Demonstrate different applications of job design
7. Differentiate the Motivational Theories
8. Demonstrate the roles of leaders versus managers
9. Analyze various communication styles and differentiate style to situation
10. Identify Control processes to increase efficiencies and productivity
Tentative Schedule

Week 1 Reading "Weekly Related Articles"

Lecture "Leadership vs. Management"
Discussion "Getting to Know You"
Assignment "Leaders vs. Managers"
Week 2 Reading "Weekly Related Articles"
Lecture 2a "S.M.A.R.T. Goals"
Lecture 2b "Types of Managerial Planning"
Lecture 2c "Control Processes"
Discussion "Planning"
Assignment "S.M.A.R.T. Goals"
Week 3 Reading "Weekly Related Articles"
Lecture 3a "Conducting a S.W.O.T. Analysis"
Lecture 3b "Organizational Structures"
Discussion "Organizational Structures"
Assignment "S.W.O.T. Analysis"
Week 4 Reading "Weekly Related Articles"
Lecture 4a "Analyzing Market Share / Market Growth Through BCG
Discussion "Market Share / Market Growth"
Assignment "BCG Matrix"
Assessment "Mid-Term Exam"
Week 5 Reading "Weekly Related Articles"
Lecture 5a "Motivational Theories"
Discussion "What Type of Motivator Are You?"
Assignment "Motivation"
Week 6 Reading "Weekly Related Articles"
Lecture 6a "Job Design"
Lecture 6b "Organizational Change"
Discussion "Job Design"
Assignment "Organizational Change"
Week 7 Reading "Weekly Related Articles"
Lecture 7a "Communication in Organizations"
Discussion "Communication"
Assignment "Importance of Communication"
Week 8 Reading "Weekly Related Articles"
Discussion "Review & Reflect"
Assessment "Final Paper"
Student End of Course Survey

Work must be submitted by 11:59 PM E.S.T. on the due date

Expected Student Workload
The following table outlines the academic effort required to be successful in this course. While
the times in the table are approximate, it is presented to help you with time management.
Please note, depending on your background knowledge, experience of the course subject, and
academic capabilities, these times will vary. If you have any questions or concerns, please
direct them to your instructor.

Estimated Hours
Week Type of Activity Activity

1 Readings/Lectures 0.8

Online Discussions 3.0

Assignments 0.0

Preparation Readings 1.0

Discussions 0.0
Assignments 6.0

Clinical/Lab Hours 0.0

Estimated Hours
Week Type of Activity Activity

Readings/Lectures 0.7

Online Discussions 3.0

Assignments 0.0

2 Readings 0.7

Discussions 0.0
Assignments 6.0

Clinical/Lab Hours 0.0

Estimated Hours
Week Type of Activity Activity

Readings/Lectures 0.8

Online Discussions 3.0

Assignments 0.0

3 Readings 1.0

Discussions 0.0
Assignments 6.0

Clinical/Lab Hours 0.0

Estimated Hours
Week Type of Activity Activity

4 Online Readings/Lectures 0.8

Discussions 3.0

Assignments 2.0

Readings 1.0

Discussions 0.0
Assignments 6.0

Clinical/Lab Hours 0.0

Estimated Hours
Week Type of Activity Activity

Readings/Lectures 0.7

Online Discussions 3.0

Assignments 0.0

5 Readings 1.0

Discussions 0.0
Assignments 6.0

Clinical/Lab Hours 0.0

Estimated Hours
Week Type of Activity Activity

6 Readings/Lectures 0.6

Online Discussions 3.0

Assignments 0.0

Preparation Readings 1.0

Discussions 0.0
Assignments 6.0

Clinical/Lab Hours 0.0

Estimated Hours
Week Type of Activity Activity

Readings/Lectures 0.7

Online Discussions 3.0

Assignments 0.0

7 Readings 1.3

Discussions 0.0
Assignments 6.0

Clinical/Lab Hours 0.0

Estimated Hours
Week Type of Activity Activity

Readings/Lectures 0.7

Online Discussions 3.0

Assignments 0.0

8 Readings 1.0

Discussions 0.0
Assignments 15.0

Clinical/Lab Hours 0.0

** The numbers listed in the chart above are rounded to the nearest whole
Grading Policy

Weighted Grades Grading Scale

Discussion Forums 40%

Written Assignments 40%

Midterm Exam 10%

Final Exam 10%

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