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Vickie Coleman MED in Educational Administration with Principal Certification

Standard One Instructional Leadership

During my practicum and having to delve into the standards I have had to investigate the
academic standards and student expectations. By doing this, I have had to look at TEKS and
data on students from years past. We focused on last years assessment data and which TEKS
our students scored low in to help guide our focus for improvement. I helped to facilitate the
implementation of sound, research-based instructional strategies, decisions, and programs in
which multiple opportunities to learn and be successful are available to all students.

The extended day program was implemented after reviewing data from past years state
assessments. I assisted in the implementation and facilitation of the extended day program.
The campus goals were reviewed and discussed which included students success, building rigor,
and campus improvement overall. Because of the results of the data reviewed, it was
necessary that we implement an intervention plan in order to help improve student academic
success on state assessments. As a school we meet at Monday PLCs (Professional Learning
Communities) to track the trends in data and plan ways that we can improve upon the
instructional practices being utilized in the classrooms. This journey down data diving has been
an important one to take as it solidifies for teachers that all students must learn at higher levels
of educational practices. This then guides us to create and share engaging, differentiated
lessons that will challenge the needs and close the achievement gaps of all learners. By doing
this we are focusing on both student success as well as the school vision. PLCs Improve
student achievement and the teachers professional practice at the same time which promotes
shared leadership.

During the planning stages of my grade level field trip, I had to do both organize and coordinate
the trip. In doing so, I had the opportunity to work closely with the principals secretary in
order to create and implement the paperwork for the release of funds. We had to coordinate
dates and schedules for the transportation department in order to set the date for the trip. The
field trip could not be set until I created the lesson plan curriculum which aligned with our
science TEKS. The curriculum aligns with science and is an extension to students learning based
on real world experiences. The documents then had to be sent to district office along with my
purchase order requests for approval.

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