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COM Submitted: May 31, 2010

Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp. 36?? Accepted: Dec. 29, 2010
Mathematical and Computational Published: Feb. 28, 2011
Forestry & Natural-Resource Sciences Last Correction: Apr. 17, 2011



J. Van Orshoven1, V. Kint1 , A. Wijffels1,2, R. Estrella2, G. Bencsik3,

P. Vanegas2,4, B. Muys1, D. Cattrysse4, S. Dondeyne1
Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Universidad de Cuenca, Cuenca, Ecuador
Institute of Informatics and Economics, University of West Hungary, Sopron, Hungary
Centre for Industrial Management, Trac and Infrastructure, K.U.Leuven

Abstract. A GIS is capable of identifying a set of land units meeting positional, temporal, topological
and multiple on-site attribute criteria. Based on the combination of its generic analytical functionalities, a
GIS can also be used to rank the alternative land units and propose the best or worst ones in terms of the
non-weighted or weighted criteria. More advanced multi-criteria decision methods are however not easily
incorporated in the GIS-framework so that extension with dedicated tools is required to upgrade the GIS
to a full blown sDSS. In this paper we illustrate this upgrading of GIS to sDSS and we argue that when
also temporal alternatives are dealt with, the DSS can be termed spatio-temporal. Three statements are
made: (i) the presented rationale is challenged by phenomena of spatial and spatio-temporal interaction,
(ii) important research avenues are present in order to optimize topological and o-site decision attributes
in the spatial and spatio-temporal decision problems and (iii) the forestry domain is very suitable for
study and application of all the mentioned issues due to the explicit spatial and temporal nature of the
management issues which must be addressed.

Keywords: Multi-purpose forestry; Decision support

1 Introduction Gilliams et al., 2005a; Gilliams et al., 2005b). Though

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are designed for
In forestry choices must frequently be made dealing with many aspects of spatio-temporal decision
among alternative actions considering multiple forest making, current GIS-technology does not have all the
performance-related criteria. Depending on the problem required capabilities expected from a full service spatio-
at hand, alternatives may be of a spatial (land units), temporal decision support system (stDSS) as needed in
temporal (rotation lengths) or silvicultural (tree species, land management in general and forestry in particular.
forest management systems) nature. Performance crite- The main objective of the present paper is to de-
ria generally apply to quantity or quality of one or more scribe the concept of a GIS-based spatial Decision Sup-
forest ecosystem services and are often combined with port System. To illustrate the concept, we introduce
cost eciency. Examples of such services are carbon the ForAndesT-sDSS, which was recently developed for
storage, bio-energy provision, wood production, biodi- support of aorestation planning in the southern Andes
versity support, water harvest, nutrient cycling, erosion of Ecuador (Van Orshoven et al., 2009) using free and
control and recreational value. open source software (FOSS).
Since all these forest ecosystem services are highly
variable among land units, rotation lengths and silvicul- 2 GIS for support of spatial decision
tural practices, forestry-related problems not only deal making
with multiple criteria but also have a distinct spatio-
temporal character. This inherent complexity leads to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) allow users to
a clear need for support of the choices or decisions to ask questions about a predened spatial and thematic
be made by foresters (e.g., Garcia-Quijano et al., 2005; portion of geographic reality and obtain meaningful

c 2011 Publisher of the Mathematical and Computational Forestry & Natural-Resource Sciences
Van Orshoven et al. (2011) (MCFNS 3(1):36??). Manuscript editor: Pete Bettinger
Van Orshoven et al. (2011)/Math. Comput. For. Nat.-Res. Sci. Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp. 36??/ 37

answers (Wijels et al., 2010). GIS may deal with Similar to sMCA, SAW (Simple Additive Weighting)
themes as diverse as transport infrastructure and is a multi-criteria decision method (MCDM) which is,
utilities, land use history and impacts of climate or can easily be, implemented in most standard GIS-
change on agricultural production. All GIS are un- software since it is based on topological overlay or map
derpinned by a dedicated collection of georeferenced algebra. In contrast to sMCA, SAW does provide a
data organized in geodatasets. Each geodataset is ranking of the alternative entities or locations accord-
representing the considered geospatial entity class or ing to the multiple selected attribute or temporal cri-
terrain attribute selected from reality at given spatial, teria. Moreover, it allows incorporating dierential im-
semantic and temporal resolutions. A collection of portance of the considered criteria. The Analytic Hier-
vertically integrated geodatasets is an example of a archy Process (AHP) is an approach for ranking alter-
loosely organized geospatial database. If the data are natives which is closely related to SAW, but which has
stored and managed using an object-relational database a more elaborate theoretical and mathematical founda-
management system (ORDBMS) like Oracle Spatial tion (Saaty, 1980). AHP requires the careful assessment
( of a decision hierarchy consisting of at least four levels:
spatial.html) or PostgreSQL/PostGIS (Ramsey, 2007), goal, objectives, attributes or criteria with possibly sub-
the geospatial database is said to be tight or integrated. criteria, sub-subcriteria, and alternatives. All members
The functionality of a GIS can be broadly categorized in each hierarchy level are weighted using approaches
into geospatial data management (editing, transforma- such as those proposed by Saaty (1980) or Malczewski
tion) on the one hand and information provision on the (1999). Weights are then multiplicatively propagated
other hand. The information is generated by the con- through the hierarchy to create a weighted linear rank-
version of the data the GIS holds in its database into ing of the alternatives. AHP has been integrated in
answers to the questions users ask through a user inter- a number of GIS-software packages like IDRISI (East-
face. To this end, analytical functions such as proxim- man, 2003). In both the SAW- and AHP-approach,
ity and neighbourhood analysis, overlay analysis, cost- the decision attributes must be expressed on commen-
distance analysis and map algebra complement the func- surate scales, which requires that the values are stan-
tions for viewing, querying and mapping the content of dardised, typically between 0 and 1. Also, route-nding
the database. algorithms are frequently implemented in GIS-software.
The analytical functions of GIS make them capable of Route nding implies the search for, and ranking of, al-
spatial multi-criteria analysis (sMCA), i.e. the determi- ternative combinations of network links based on one or
nation of real world entities or real world locations which more criteria related to the impedance of links and/or
meet specied positional, attribute, temporal and/or nodes.
topological criteria. Positional criteria deal with abso-
lute geographic location and geometric shape and re- 3 Concept of GIS-based sDSS
quire spatial functions (e.g., point-in-polygon identica-
tion, area calculation) to be assessed. Attribute criteria sMCA, SAW, AHP and route nding are multi-criteria
are dealt with by query and reclassication functions decision methods which are commonly implemented in
which use arithmetic, relational and Boolean operators. current GIS-technology. GIS incorporating these meth-
Temporal criteria relate to changes over time of loca- ods can be used for identifying and ranking spatial al-
tion, shape and/or attributes. They are handled through ternatives according to multiple criteria and weights and
attribute operations, topological overlay or map alge- hence can be termed sDSS. However, other types of
bra. Topological criteria such as relative distance, spa- MCDM are not typically incorporated in GIS-software,
tial coincidence, contiguity, connectivity and entity hier- so their implementation requires an extension of the GIS
archy can be handled with proximity analysis (buering, with a dedicated optimization module. Examples of such
neighbourhood analysis), topological overlay and map MCDM are concordance methods and interval goal pro-
algebra. sMCA uses a combination of all these func- gramming (IGP). Concordance methods are based on
tions to determine the set of entities, parts of entities pairwise comparisons of alternatives, and provide an or-
or locations meeting the combination of criteria. sMCA dinal ranking of the alternatives. When two alternatives
thus dened does not provide a ranking of the members are compared, these methods can only express that al-
of this set, e.g., from best to worst. Moreover, it is hard ternative A is preferred to alternative B, but cannot in-
to attribute dierential importance to the criteria. As dicate by how much. The most well known concordance
a result, sMCA does not suciently meet the require- approach is the ELECTRE method (Roy, 1968) and its
ments when decision makers are in need of a ranking of variants. IGP (Ignizio, 1974) is essentially an iterative
alternatives according to criteria they or their commu- database query procedure in which, in each iteration,
nities dene and weigh. those alternatives are selected which meet the applica-
Van Orshoven et al. (2011)/Math. Comput. For. Nat.-Res. Sci. Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp. 36??/ 38

Figure 1: sDSS encompassing a GIS

ble target values. When the best alternatives are to be tives which must be ranked according to their suitability
determined, the initial target values correspond to max- for aorestation with a given tree species and for a given
imal values for benet attributes and minimal values for rotation length. The suitability is dependent upon one
cost attributes. In each iteration, the target values are or more of ve criteria, i.e. attributes of the land units.
adjusted downward or upward so that the probability The ve decision attributes are run-o production, sed-
of nding alternatives increases. Dierential weighting iment production, carbon sequestration in soil, carbon
of decision criteria is implemented by dierential adjust- sequestration in biomass and income generated, all cu-
ment of the target values in each iteration. Large weights mulated over the considered rotation length. All of these
correspond to small adjustments, while larger tolerances are intrinsic on-site attributes, and do not exhibit spa-
are associated with small weights. IGP does not require tial interaction with neighbouring land units. The rst
standardisation of the decision attribute values. component of the sDSS is a geospatial database with the
In Figure 1, the cyan box represents a generic GIS land units as objects, each described by the ve decision
encompassing (1) a geospatial database, (2) a toolbox attributes for each of two silvicultural systems (either
for database management, query and analysis and (3) Eucalyptus globulus or Pinus patula plantations). Land
a user interface. The database is populated with data units are dened in terms of soil, climate, topographical
about real world entities or terrain characteristics, and characteristics and initial (prior to aorestation) land-
with data generated through a Knowledge and Model use type. A land unit is represented by a set of pix-
Base (KMB, 4). The latter pertain mainly to the pro- els characterized by the same value for the diagnostic
jected or simulated performance attributes of particular and consequently also for the decision attributes. The
interventions on particular land units and during par- second component is a toolbox for query, visualization
ticular time lapses. As indicated by the purple box, the and analysis. The third one is a user interface. The
sDSS is created by extending the GIS with a MCDM- performance attribute values of the combination of land
module like IGP (5). unit, silvicultural system and rotation length were as-
sessed by means of knowledge and statistical or mech-
anistic models available in the ForAndesT knowledge
4 The GIS-based sDSS ForAndesT and model base (KMB). The KMB can be considered
The ForAndesT is a spatial decision support system a fourth component which is necessary to populate the
which was developed in a series of research projects on database. Finding land units of optimal return in terms
the site-specic environmental and socio-economic im- of two or more performance attributes, which in addition
pacts of aorestation. Its primary objective is to make may receive dierent relative importance, is hardly pos-
available the knowledge gained in the research, to sup- sible with this four-component system. Therefore, the
port planners and managers of aorestation projects in GIS was extended with a fth component that imple-
two catchments in the southern Andes of Ecuador. ments IGP. With addition of this component, the GIS
can eectively function as a sDSS. Since the geospatial
The decisions which ForAndesT supports deal in the database encompasses data for two tree species which
rst place with land units. Land units are the alterna-
Van Orshoven et al. (2011)/Math. Comput. For. Nat.-Res. Sci. Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp. 36??/ 39

can be used for aorestation, and since the decision at-

tributes are available for each land unit, each tree species
and two rotation lengths (10 and 30 years), the sDSS is
not only capable of ranking land units for aorestation
by tree species and rotation length. It can also rank tree
species by land unit and rotation length, and rotation
length by tree species and land unit as well.
As a result, the user of the ForAndesT-sDSS can ob-
tain answers to questions of the type What are the best
land units (Where) ?, What is the best rotation length
(How long) ? and What is the best silvicultural sys-
tem (How) ?. In our opinion the Where capabilities
allow the qualication spatial for this decision support
system while the How long capabilities are too much
dependent upon the temporal attributes in the database
to justify the term spatio-temporal.
Figures 2 and 3 display the answer provided by the
ForAndesT-sDSS to the question: Where in the Taba-
cay catchment (6.652 hectares) are the 250 hectares
which will deliver the best performance 30 years after
conversion of the current land-use to Eucalyptus globu-
lus plantation ?. Herewith the performance is expressed Figure 2: Land units (>=250 hectares, yelloww) selected
in terms of two of the ve possible criteria: (i) income as being the best for conversion of the initial land-use-
generated (INC) and (ii) carbon sequestered in the soil type to Eucalyptus globulus plantation when the objec-
(SOC). The dierence between Figures 2 and 3 is that tive is to generate the maximal possible income and to
in the former the ratio of the weights for INC and SOC store the maximal possible amount of carbon in the soil
is 1/3 while in the latter the ratio is 3/1. Compari- 30 years after the conversion, while the carbon stored is
son of the gures shows that the selected land units are three times more important than income generated
only partly coincident. In addition, the total area of the
selected land units is larger than 250 hectares and not
equal. Indeed, since several land units may have identi- clusive use of FOSS, the majority of its intended users
cal or very similar values for the INC and SOC-criteria have the Microsoft Windows operating system, which is
and since in each IGP-iteration the target values are ad- why Microsofts .NET-framework is an additional soft-
justed with a relatively broad interval it is likely that ware requirement for making the sDSS operational on
more than the required area is selected. Windows-based computers.

5 FOSS in the ForAndesT-sDSS 6 Discussion of concept and implemen-

The ForAndesT-GIS is built upon a geospatial
database holding the geometric data (the land units) The combination of generic GIS-functionalities, an op-
in ASCII-raster format. The cells in the ASCII-raster erational KMB and a MCDM like IGP seems to provide
are labeled according to the land unit to which they be- a robust framework to support decisions related to land-
long. This label provides the key to a set of relational use-type allocation in which multiple on-site attribute,
tables in which all land unit characteristics and forest positional and temporal criteria play a role. Topological
performance data are held. The latter are maintained criteria like adjacency and connectivity are however out
and managed using a Free and Open Source Software of scope. It is not possible to nd zones consisting of
(FOSS), i.c. PostgreSQL-ORDBMS (Ramsey, 2007). several contiguous polygons or cells which together out-
The database model is designed for easy extension to perform other zones. This may apply to the search for
other geographic regions and other decision criteria. An- compact non-convex zones which are suciently large
other FOSS, MapWindow-GIS (Ramsey, 2007), provides for the creation of a recreational forest and which at the
the standard geospatial tools to query, visualize and pro- same time deliver the best possible biophysical ecosys-
cess the contents of the database. The IGP-module was tem services. The question becomes even more complex
programmed using the general purpose C# language. when not only on-site attribute criteria are considered
Despite the fact that the sDSS is developed making ex- (e.g. carbon stock in soil) but also o-site criteria like
Van Orshoven et al. (2011)/Math. Comput. For. Nat.-Res. Sci. Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp. 36??/ 40

linear programming approach will be required.

7 Conclusions
In our rationale, a GIS is capable of identifying a
set of land units meeting positional, temporal, topolog-
ical and multiple on-site attribute criteria using rela-
tional operators like equal to and larger than. Based
on the combination of its generic analytical function-
alities (overlay, reclassication, map algebra, proximity
and network analysis) in sMCA, SAW, AHP and route-
nding approaches, a GIS can also be used to rank the
alternative land units and propose the best or worst
ones in terms of the non-weighted or weighted criteria.
More advanced MCDM like IGP are however not easily
incorporated in the GIS-framework, so that extension
with dedicated tools is required to upgrade the GIS to
a full service sDSS. When temporal alternatives also are
dealt with, the DSS can be termed spatio-temporal but
care should be taken not to use this term when merely
temporal attributes are involved. The presented ratio-
nale is challenged by phenomena of spatial and spatio-
Figure 3: Land units (250 hectares) selected as being temporal interaction and by the wish to allocate multiple
the best for conversion of the initial land-use-type to land-use types simultaneously without prior judgment of
Eucalyptus globulus plantation when the objective is to their relative importance. Important research avenues
generate the maximal possible income and to store the are present in order to optimise topological and o-site
maximal possible amount of carbon in the soil 30 years decision attributes in the spatial and spatio-temporal
after the conversion, while the income generated is three decision problems. The forestry domain is very suitable
times more important than the carbon stored for study and application of all the mentioned issues due
to the explicit spatial and temporal nature of the man-
agement issues which must be addressed.
sediment delivery in the river system draining the water-
shed in which an aorestation project is planned. Such
o-site criteria are characterized by spatial or spatio- Acknowledgements
temporal interaction. An intervention on one location The core rationale and concepts presented in this pa-
at a given time inuences the performance of other lo- per were developed in two major research projects, the
cations possibly at other times. Obviously, to deal with AFFOREST-project (2000-2004) funded by the Euro-
topological criteria in the absence or presence of spatial pean Commission under its 5th framework programme
interaction, additional tools are required. These may be for research and technological development and the
part of a preprocessing step in which e.g. adjacency is ForAndesT-own initiative (2005-2009) supported by the
used in a lter operation of eligible pixels. They may Flemish Interuniversity Council of Belgium.
also be incorporated in the core sDSS by means of e.g.,
integer programming techniques (Vanegas et al., 2009a;
Vanegas et al., 2009b). However heuristic methods seem References
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of priority must be dened. First the LUT with high- and evaluation of eciency, environmental impact and
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