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Professional Progress Summary

NURS 431 Transition to Professional Nursing

Purpose of Assignment
The Professional Progress Summary Paper is the major writing assignment that is part of
the Portfolio. The purpose of this paper is to guide you through a process of self-reflection and
self-evaluation to discover the scope of your personal and professional development while
enrolled in the undergraduate-nursing program.

Student Approach to Assignment

In this professional progress summary, I performed a self-reflection, evaluating my
professional growth and attainment of our great eight core competences. The core competences
that were evaluated included critical thinking, nursing practice, communication, teaching,
research, leadership, professionalism, and culture. This paper evaluates my growth as it occurred
from junior to senior year. Specific examples obtained from clinical logs were used to
demonstrate growth and competencies met.

Reason for Inclusion of this Assignment in the Portfolio

This required portfolio assignment demonstrates my overall growth as a nurse in all eight core
competences. This assignment is a major component of the portfolio, providing an overall
summary of skills and knowledge gained through clinical experience. The following criteria
derived from the great eights are exemplified:

Nursing Practice
Implements traditional nursing care practices as appropriate to provide holistic health
care to diverse populations across the lifespan.
Example: See page 6, paragraph 1 (senior year)

Provides relevant and sensitive health education information and counseling to patients,
and families, in a variety of settings.
Example: See page 8, paragraph 4 (senior year)
Uses information technologies and other appropriate methods to communicate health
promotion, risk reduction, and disease prevention.
Example: See page 8, paragraph 2 (junior year)

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