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Analysis of Student Learning

Learning Goal #1
Student Pre- Formative Summative
A.A. PM 3 3 M Meets
S.B. PM 2 2 PM Partially
N.B. PM 2 2 DM Does Not
C.B. PM 2.5 3
G.K. PM 3 3
C.K. PM 3 3
R.M. PM 3 3
T.M. DM 2 2
E.F. PM 3 3
L.L. DM 2 2
P.S. DM 2 2
J.B. DM 2 2
J.R. PM 2 2
J.B. DM 2 2
C.M. PM 3 3

I was happy with the outcome of 8 students scoring a 3, meaning they met the learning
goal target. I was surprised in this unit that I didnt see much changes in progression of students
learning for learning goal #1. I thought perhaps students who scored a the learning goal for the
pre-assessment might score higher as they learned more in this unit. While I think students
showed growth during the writing pieces, I dont think the students who were marked Did Not
Meet were able to get above Partially Meeting the learning goal. Students really struggled with
formulating a thesis and organizing their reasons.
Learning Goal #2
Student Pre- Formative Summative
A.A. M 3 3 M Meets
S.B. PM 2 3 PM Partially
N.B. DM 2 2.5 DM Does Not
C.B. PM 2.5 3
G.K. M 3 3
C.K. DM 2 3
R.M. DM 2 3
T.M. DM 2 2
E.F. DM 2 3
L.L. DM 2 2
P.S. DM 2 2
J.B. DM 2 2
J.R. DM 2 3
J.B. DM 2 2
C.M. PM 2 3

For Learning Goal #2, I was much happier with the improvement shown for students
accomplishing this target. I think students showed amazing growth in their ability to revise and
edit their own writing, as they learned a variety of new and old ways that they could check their
work. Students really wanted to add exciting details and stories to make their writing more
powerful, and I think students got better at going back and knowing where they could add more
detail or more information. Lots of students need to work on their spelling, but I considered it
progress if students were able to circle the words that they thought were incorrect and used their
resources to try to fix those words.
Learning Goal #3
Student Pre- Formative Summative
A.A. M 3 3 M Meets
S.B. M 2 2 PM Partially
N.B. PM 2 2 DM Does Not
C.B. PM 2.5 3
G.K. M 3 3
C.K. PM 2 3
R.M. M 2 3
T.M. DM 2 2
E.F. M 3 3
L.L. DM 2 2
P.S. DM 2 2
J.B. DM 2 2
J.R. M 2 2
J.B. DM 2 2
C.M. M 2 3

For Learning Goal #3, I didnt see much growth in students abilities to write long about
a topic of their interest. This particular goal was frustrating for me in the sense that I had really
high expectations of how students would react to having the opportunity to write about their
opinions and how they feel in regards to a wide variety of subjects. I think many students, such
as P.S., L.L., and J.B., were comfortable in doing as minimal work as possible, and werent too
concerned with getting excited about a certain topic. I think next time, if I were to do a unit
similar to this one, I would lower my expectations of students and remember that this is a hard
concept for them, and I understand that they are likely trying their best. A.A., G.K., E.F., and
C.M. really shined and did a fantastic job at committing their focus and energy to a wide variety
of topics and writing long and strong about the ideas.
Scoring Process
Students were scored during the pre-assessment and during the post-assessment of their
persuasive writing unit. Throughout the unit, I would sit with each student, every day, and see
what they were writing about and how it was going for them. I did not grade anything during the
unit, rather then helping students where they needed help and giving them as much guidance as
they needed.

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