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North End Fitness Center MMA Program

North End MMA Strength & Conditioning

Program – Complete Outside of Class

Day 1 – Monday - Circuit Training

Option 1:

Warm-up – Treadmill run @ 6mph; 1.5% incline for 5 minutes

1. Hammer Strength/Life Fitness Chest Press
a. 15-20 @ 50% 1RM
2. Seated Leg Press
a. 20 @ 50% 1RM
3. Tug of War Cable Row
a. 15 @ 50% 1RM
4. Jump Squats
a. 20 @ Bodyweight
5. Plank + Dumbbell Row
a. 15 @ 50% 1RM (Per Side)
6. Hammer Strength/Life Fitness Shoulder Press
a. 15 @ 50% 1RM
7. Bosu Ball Sprawls
a. 20 @ Bodyweight
8. Cable Jabs/Punches
a. 15 @ 60% 1RM

Complete all as fast as possible a total of FOUR times. Take 1 minute rest between each circuit.

Option 2:

Plyometric Circuits

Warmup – Short Run/Jog

Circuit 1: Agility Ladder - All Stations are down and back once (When medicine ball is used it is held out
in front of you like you are blocking and the trainer is knocking it around while you are doing the ladder

Station 1 - Forward 2-In (No Medicine Ball)

Station 2 - Forward Shuffle (No Medicine Ball)
Station 3 - Lateral Cross-Step (No Medicine Ball)

North End Fitness Center MMA Program

North End Fitness Center MMA Program

Two minute rest. During rest period do shadow boxing drills.

Station 4 - Forward 2-In (15lb Medicine Ball)

Station 5 - Forward Shuffle (15lb Medicine Ball)
Station 6 - Lateral Cross-Step (15lb Medicine Ball)

1 minute rest and then start over with station 1 again. This is your time to drink water!

Circuit 2: Outdoor muscle endurance + Cardio circuit (Completed 3 times)

Distance for stations is ~25 meters across a parking lot

Station 1 - Sprint and return with 3 small cones... run out, grab cone, run back and repeat and then
sprint out and put the cones out one by one

Station 2 - Medicine Ball Sprawls and tosses to trainer, trainer catches ball and puts down on the
ground, you run up to the ball, sprawl, toss and repeat down the parking lot

Station 3 - Plate Carry... Pick up two 45lb plates and keep body straight with shoulders back and chest
out walking quickly down to the cones and back

Station 4 - 80lb Heavy Bag Carry + Squats. Pick up and carry heavy bag on shoulder to the cones, stop, do
15 squats and then without putting the bag down swap it to the other shoulder and return to the other
side, do 15 more squats and then throw the bag down with force. Alternative to this is bear hug the
heavy bag and complete the station as normal. Both are equally as difficult with the squats.

Station 5 – Single Arm Deadlift -> Power Clear -> Overhead Press w/ Dumbbell
Complete this with a dumbbell where you are only able to complete 5 per side.

1 minute rest between circuits and each is done for time. Complete Circuit two a total of 3 times.

Day 2 – Tuesday – Bodyweight Core Body Conditioning & Cardio

A. Core Body Workout

Complete core workout a total of 3 times and rest for 1 minute between each circuit.

1. Crunches
a. 50 x Bodyweight
2. Swiss Ball Hyperextensions
a. 30 x Bodyweight
3. Good Mornings
a. 50 x Bodyweight
4. Russian Twists
a. 50 x Bodyweight
5. Leg Crunches/Bicycle Crunches
a. 50 x Bodyweight

North End Fitness Center MMA Program

North End Fitness Center MMA Program

6. Side Bends
a. 30 x 50% 1RM (15 per side)
B. Cardio

Complete a 20 minute treadmill run as follows

Warm-up: 5 minutes @ 5mph; 1% incline

Interval A: 1 min. @ 5mph -> 1 min. @ 6mph -> 1 min. @ 7mph -> 1 min. @ 8mph -> 1 min. @ 9mph
Interval B: 1 min. @ 6mph -> 1 min. @ 9mph -> 1 min. @ 7mph -> 1 min. @ 9mph -> 1 min. @ 9mph ->
1 min. @ 8mph -> 1 min. @ 9mph -> 1 min. @ 6mph -> 1 min. @ 5mph -> 1 min. @ 4mph

Day 3 – Wednesday – Core Strength & Cardio

A. Hardcore Core Circuit

1. Workout Ball/Swiss Ball Crunches

a. 15-20 @ 40% 1RM (Plate)
2. Side Bends
a. 15-20 @ 70% 1RM (Dumbbell)
3. Leg Raises
a. 15-20 @ 60% 1RM (Dumbbell)
4. Good Mornings
a. 15-20 @ 70% 1RM (Barbell)
5. Hanging Leg Raises
a. 15-20 @ 50% 1RM (Dumbbell)
6. Workout Ball/Exercise Ball Hyperextensions
a. 15-20 @ 60% 1RM
7. Russian Twists w/ Medicine Ball
a. 20 @ 15lbs
8. Heavy Bag Sit-ups
a. 10 @ Bodyweight
9. Bicycle Crunches
a. 20 @ Bodyweight
10. Workout Ball/Swiss Ball Side Crunches
a. 15-20 @ Bodyweight

B. Cardio

Complete a 10 minute treadmill run as follows

Warm-up: 5 minutes @ 5mph; 1% Incline

Interval: 1 min. @ 5mph -> 1 min. @ 6mph -> 1 min. @ 7mph -> 1 min. @ 8mph -> 1 min. @ 9mph

North End Fitness Center MMA Program

North End Fitness Center MMA Program

Day 4 – Thursday – Bodyweight Core Body Conditioning & Cardio

A. Core Body Workout

Complete core workout a total of 3 times and rest for 1 minute between each circuit.
1. Crunches
a. 50 x Bodyweight
2. Reverse/Leg Crunches
a. 50 x Bodyweight
3. Bicycle Crunches
a. 50 x Bodyweight
4. Russian Twists
a. 50 x Bodyweight
5. Good Mornings
a. 50 x Bodyweight
6. Side Bends
a. 100 x Bodyweight (50 per side)
B. Cardio

Complete a 20 minute treadmill run as follows

Warm-up: 5 minutes @ 5mph; 1% incline

Interval A: 1 min. @ 5mph -> 1 min. @ 6mph -> 1 min. @ 7mph -> 1 min. @ 8mph -> 1 min. @ 9mph
Interval B: 1 min. @ 6mph -> 1 min. @ 9mph -> 1 min. @ 7mph -> 1 min. @ 9mph -> 1 min. @ 9mph ->
1 min. @ 8mph -> 1 min. @ 9mph -> 1 min. @ 6mph -> 1 min. @ 5mph -> 1 min. @ 4mph

Day 5 – Friday – Strength Training

Warm-up: Treadmill run – 5 min. @ 6mph; 1.5% incline

1. Power Cleans
a. 3 sets of 12 @ 70% 1RM -> 1 drop set starting at 90% 1RM and dropping to 30% 1RM to
fail (3 different weights)
2. Elevated Lunges (Count is per side)
a. 3 sets of 15 @ 70% 1RM -> 1 drop set starting at 90% 1RM and dropping to 30% 1RM
3. Pull-ups
a. 4 sets to fail
4. Pitch and Catch Hammer Strength Incline Chest Press (Alternating arms and count is per arm)
a. 3 sets of 15 @ 70% 1RM -> 1 drop set starting at 90% 1RM and dropping to 30% 1RM to
fail (3 different weights)
5. Hammer Strength Seated Leg Press
a. 3 sets of 10 @ 70% 1RM -> 1 drop set starting at 90% 1RM and dropping to 30% 1RM to
fail (3 different weights)

North End Fitness Center MMA Program

North End Fitness Center MMA Program

6. Military Press
a. 3 sets of 12 @ 70% 1RM -> 1 drop set starting at 90% 1RM and dropping to 30% 1RM to
fail (3 different weights)
7. One Arm Cable Rows (Alternating Arms and count is per arm)
a. 3 sets of 12 @ 70% 1RM -> 1 drop set starting at 90% 1RM and dropping to 30% 1RM to
fail (3 different weights)
8. One Arm Cable Jab/Punch (Per Arm)
a. 3 sets of 15 @ 70% 1RM -> 1 drop set starting at 90% 1RM and dropping to 30% 1RM to
fail (3 different weights)

Day 6 & 7 - REST

North End Fitness Center MMA Program

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