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Pedagogic Creed

Article Review #7
What Education is: This article, My Pedagogic Creed, by John Dewey, talks about the two sides
of education and how to use them in anyway. All education proceeds by the participation of the
individual in the social consciousness of the race. This process starts almost at birth, and shapes
their individuals powers, forming habits, training their ideas, and messing with feeling and
emotions. They share the intellectual and moral resources which have succeeded. Throughout
these responses which others make their own activities he comes to know what these social terms
mean. This makes them reflect on their own values and understanding of the activity.
The educational process has two sides- one psychological and one sociological. These
two sides, the psychological is the basis. The instincts and powers of the child are the starting
points for all education. Educators may connect with the activity which creates independences
for the educator and becomes reduced to a pressure from without. The second side of knowledge
is social condition, of the present state of civilizations, is necessary in order properly to interpret
the childs power. Educators must be able to carry them back into a social past and see them
before the previous race activities. This will see the outcome and end of their future for the
children. These two sides can be related to education and can compromise between the two. The
psychological definition of education is to give the idea of development with all the mental
powers without any other powers involved. On the other hand, the social definition of education,
as getting adjusted to civilization, makes of it a forced and external process and results in
freedom for the children. We should not get rid of the social side for children because this would
abstract them and not help them through school.
What the School is: Schools are the primary social institutions. Education can be the social
process that schools form a community fair that will be most effective. Also education is a
process of living and not preparation for future living. Some Educators believe that existing
social lives should be simplified. Thus, this should be learned at the home life to school life. It
was the activities that gradually produced learn the meaning of them. There are two necessities
that are suggested to be in schools. The two necessities are psychological and social necessities
that are shown in schools. Psychological necessity is the only way of securing a childrens
growth and the one way is to give a background of past experience and to give new ideas. Also
social necessity is the home form of social life through nurtured and connection with their moral
The Subject Matter of Education: By taking out or shortening the social life in schools, student
should be able to learn more effectively without any interactions. When they say concentration is
better than a social life for students that should be focusing on their school work and better off to
be growing. Teachers need to continue reconstructing the program to make the atmosphere and
learning sphere to be acceptable for all students. Thus creating a stimulating learning
environment for the children to develop through a constructive process.
The Nature Method: Reducing the question for the development of childrens, which is the
nature law of the power and interests of the child. The supreme importance of determining the
spirit which education is carried on: 1) Children develop from the active skills that are with
consciousness and others, such as, expression and sensory. 2) The imagination is a great
instruction for the childrens minds to develop strongly. 3) The interest of the kids are signs and
symptoms of growing of the childrens minds. 4) Emotions are the reflex actions that shows how
the children are feeling and to do activities that will make the state of mind a morbid state that
the children cannot control.
A quote from the article that has me thinking to type about it. This would be I believe, finally,
that the teacher is engaged, not simply in the training of individuals, but in the formation of the
proper social life. This is taken back when one of the article that we read about the Engaging
Classrooms that was when it was about the students being engaged in the learning process and
to learn from all the aspects of the subject. Although, this time it's about the social life, children
need to keep going on through the day with interactions that could improve the learning process
and could engaged the teacher in better learning styles that could affect children with all the
learning they do in a day. When it says a proper social life, it means that students should have
the social life that teacher should give them for the interaction, but not only that, but it could take
the learning process to the next level and to succeed. Although, the teacher is engaged with all
the students that could show the teacher a few things to learn about the social life of a child that
could calm and rethink the mind into a different state of mind that could make the child take
information to improve the mind state of the child. Children need this break to refocus on the
subjects that could improve their learning for a certain period of time. This could be improved in
the future for all classrooms that could show teachers that students need more of a social life to
relate to than just learning the subject without no connection.

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