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Whats the Difference?

: Alligators & Crocodiles

Can you spot it? How They Look
Crocodiles and alligators are often confused
for each other. They may look similar at first
glance but there are major differences in an
alligator and crocodile, including where they live,
what they look like, and their temperament. To
most people, crocodiles and alligators are the same
reptile. One of the biggest differences between a
crocodile and an alligator is their snout. A crocodile
has a longer, narrow snout
while the alligators snout is a
little shorter and wider. The
reason the snouts are
different is because of the
different diet the animals have. Crocodiles eat
fish and small mammals which causes them to
need a narrower, longer snout. The alligator
eats turtles which causes them to need a
smaller, wider snout for crushing shells.
Crocodiles and alligators have differences in
their jaws as well. When looking at a crocodile,
you can see their upper teeth and their lower
teeth but with an alligator, only their top teeth
are visible. Lastly, crocodiles are a different
color than alligators. Most crocodiles are a
greenish, brown color but alligators are much a much darker, almost
black, color.
Location, Location,
No matter where you are,
you should always be careful
when you are in the water.
Crocodiles and alligators are
semi-aquatic animals. This means that they can live on land as well as in
the water. If you find yourself in the
southeastern United States, you may
find that you will see a crocodile or an
alligator. Alligators are mainly found in
the Southeastern U.S.A. (the American
Alligator) or in China (the Chinese

Crocodiles can be found in

multiple places around the world.
Depending on where you are
looking, you can determine the kind
of crocodile you may find! For
example, in Africa, you can find the
crocodile, in
America, the
Cuban Crocodile, in
the U.S.A., the American Crocodile, and in
areas such as Australia, the Saltwater
Crocodile. This means they can be found in
North, Central, and South America as well as in
Africa, Asia, and Australia!

Temperament: The way an animal acts or responds in

Reptile: a cold-blooded animal (as a snake, lizard, turtle,
or alligator) that breathes air and usually has the skin
covered with scales or bony plates.
Snout: The nose and mouth of an animal
Visible: capable of being seen
Semi-aquatic: living half on land and half in the water

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