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+Lq@ 4a0ueds piADg rey AA 400 LDN bhp 48 MojDS) 2 Contents 81+ Personal Appearance > Special people! Present simple and Personal pé self-esteem? Adverbs of frequency eulaing you Synonyms and partial ~ confidence synonyms An informal email if state and action describing people verbs, Travelogue Transport and travel Notes froma _Past simple, past The world around | pis eee ie, || Smal tend continuous and past. you: Being a | perfect responsible tourist Phrasal verbs neo ae a3 connected with travel "esPonsible tourist fj used to post would City to city Cities andhouses > Moving tothe Present perfect simple Numeracy: p32 Adjectives describing ™eseeties! and past simple Explaining statistics ° cities NYC in numbers ever, never, for, since, = and statistics just, already, yet is Extreme adjectives a 5 i An informal email @ Present perfect describing a place continuous Feed your —_ Food and meals > The future of will, be going to, present Physical mind pe ting food food? continuous and present well-being see simple for future Preparing food a Prefixes Teenagers: Time to °IMh oa B Future continuous ‘An email invitation _ and future perfect Lifelong School and university > Green school in Modal verbs of ICT: Get the best learning subjects the city obligation, prohibition, 1m the Web p58 Words connected Evaluating web «advice and permission with studying sources Chizero, first and Noun suffixes Letter of application Second conditionals suonipuos inoge Buysy eae vuonewuasaid anoge Suu :Sunvn4 2x9} UOREWOWU! Uy snalod “ u vonewesesd wopeondde Jooyss anoge Bure, —-sadunos gam asn 01 MoH 2 Bug :Buryeads, jo s9n9] [eWHO} v < uonequeseid y 4 soniance sejnouunsena < Lasky, suonoipaid aurang Sunenoban, s9se} jeuon>esues, :Bunuyy susejqosd poo} puom, Uuonsedwo> soup usey, BunenoBen Sureads —_—yeusoyur 07 Burkidou Sunenoben < emany ous ut poos soninnoe szep soioy>-sidarin suoneueydre Bung = soyoyd Buiquose, ysif6u3 jo 259 yp e 10} sansners aampa:c ane aes conianoe soejd e Guqussep —S08e69U! NOge BUPYeL sonsners Buieidhea Bussiy :Burpeay yeuse jeuoyus uy ¢ | ~ sooyd Buiqusseg < yseopod y < oneuuoyur 104 Bunysy vo ised eu ul 241) Burssnosi anok Buppey5 ‘unum, usunoy ejgisuodse; #67 eu UL ey Bt a isuno ejqisuodsoy, fey anoge uonewuesaid y Jonen anoge Bunye, sh SuBueyoxg :Burjeeds ysod Bo|q y ¢ — uonewuoyu 40} BuPYSy < aif punoue Bumjoned ajdoad Buiquose, uonewiosu! jeuosiod voRewuoju! pue seyeads qvoseq eae poe 10) Susy ai Buueyy :Bu1uersy 331) Sunup-ennssod y squsjey noge Bune, seninnoe ajdoed Buiquosep uoneuiojul jeuosiod LUIBBISE-HOS $1 JEU, asjeyanuy :Suipeay ewe jewuoju uy ¢ — Buiai6 pue 10} Burysy 3501 Ayjeuosiod Everyday inventions > First laugh, then The passive Autonomy and } F Eis (pea meene att en eee } os Propositional phrases Brainstorming: done ae ¢ withadjecives PIRES and iftives p A for-and-against essay Play on! Sports and sports > The game A efining relative Physical > pe venues before the game clauses well-being} : Sports equipment Heart issues Non-defining relative _p©0king after our and scores clauses en ‘ Amagazine article Phrasal verbs connected with sport ‘Art, theatre, music Extreme art!___Reported speech - ‘Art and culture: we Artists Appreciating works Statements Appreciating art Adjectives endingin. fat Gi reported speech - i sing and -ed A film review questions Reported speech — commands Co ee a Future Nations > Queen Modal verbs of Citizenship: p> leaders ceed police Elizabeth | and the speculation and Considering social boy from Bisley deduction present issues ant) Adjective suffixes t c Hectivesuffxes UK Youth ae ; Codiemnen GB third conditional Astory Shops > An article about Indeterminate pronouns: — Money and > or PpIng 7 eee Collocatonswith __Howsmartareyou iso and such money i fare ercecny, A formal email of complaint Com ost veg suum seid sormn ertoan OM yew poof e Buman :6urxeads seisodayeo| y saijsim anoge Bune, enBojeip doys s2un019 sere: uejduios —-PEULOdNS Bussnosiq fovow BuBeueyy so10yp-aidaynyy :Bulpeoy jewe ewes y < dys seipop eay4 senBojeip Buiddous < auop aney pinom nok yey anoge Bune. 2-soxoyd Bu1quss seiou Bugajduso3 :Buuays] seuosy uew y Aoesidsuca Buissnosiq s sonianse z0)9 uoneunoy lon :ysi]6ug yo esp hors y < ~ soyoyd Buiquaseq < quane yuerodu uy < suononuisut we dun jooyps ap Buymojog :6unny cee Ueda as saysod ye uy ye owang sBunuted Buiquoseq ased Burquoseq :Suyeeds moines wy y < uane ysed e Buiquoseg < suomue uy seninne uonewioju! BuIppy aeqep v sjeyansy :Suusrsr) : a coninae UBiedweo wjeayy —_—_sjemu pue suonnsiedng seve ues} 92019 :4s1}6u3 $0 os) apne ourebew y « ereqep v4 tea=¥seq Jo WIS < suowuido anoge Bure, soroyd aoe a veee SulsisequO. pue Buueduio3 sonianse pue ysueases 2ynuaIDs anjoy>-2jdniny ‘Bulusrsr — Auowis9 ezud e104 seep} 2ydoy e Buuorsuieg sojoyd Bunse.quos eave Glee ue soninnse Bunpiey Suipesy esse 35 yr weed ere eres)

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