Nolander Mathlesson

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Title: Placing fractions between 0 and 1 on a Number Line (Engage NY Module 5 Lesson 15)

Subject/Grade Level/ Date: Math/3rd Grade/2-22-17

Time Requirements: 60 minutes (45 minute lesson/15 minute recess break/15 minute lesson)

Materials List:

Promethean board/slate for active classroom

Class set plastic fraction strips
Engage NY Problem Set (page 60)
Math notebooks

Type of Lesson:

Whole group
Independent Work

Connection to Standards:

3.NF.A.2. Understand a fraction as a number on the number line; represent fractions on a number line
ELP standards:

Standard 1: The student will listen actively to the ideas of others in order to acquire new knowledge.

Standard 2: The student will express orally his or her own thinking and ideas

Instructional Objective:

Learning Goal:

SWBAT place any fraction on a number line between endpoints 0 and 1.

Essential Questions:

-How do I place fractions on a number line?

Active Instructional Plan:

Anticipatory Set:

The lesson will begin by reviewing the learning goal that we are working on in math. I will read the goal,
a student will be called to the board to read it, and we will choral read it as a class. After, another
student will be picked to come to the front of the room and read the introduction word problem to the
class. I will re-read the problem and further explain the problem. Students will be given 3 minutes to
work independently to solve the problem. I will walk around the room and do a quick check in as they
work on the problem (the problem reviews yesterdays work as well as introduces todays topic).


When the 3 minutes is up, I will go over the problem with the students and walk through how I would
solve it. As I work, students will follow along, repeat things as I ask them to, and write the solution in
their notebooks.

Next we will move into practicing the use of number lines with plastic fraction strips that were used the
previous day. I will pull students to the carpet and model for them how the problems will go before we
move to guided practice. I will tell students that I want to make a number line for 2/3. I will display the
plastic fraction strips of thirds on the document camera and use it to show 3 thirds and 2 thirds. I will
make the fraction strip into a number line. After, I will model how to create a number bond for this

Guided Practice:

Students will be sent back to their seats and I will hand out the plastic fraction strips (I will remind them
of the rules for using the plastic fraction strips). I will have students get out the fraction strips for fifths.
The class will start with 5 fifths and then look at 3 fifths. They will draw a number line for 3 fifths in their
math notebooks. They will show their work to their tables and discuss. Then a student will be called up
to the front to show their work on the document camera. I will then ask for them to draw a number bond
for the problem. They will discuss with tables and a different student will show their work for the number
bond under the document camera.

We will repeat this process with the fraction 5/6.

Independent Practice:

I will direct students without talking to pull out their binders and get the problem set out. I will reward the
tale that is ready first. I will set the timer and students will have 10 minutes to work on the problem set
(page 60). When finished, they will flip paper over and read silently.


We will go over a few questions from the problem set as a class. Students will be asked to go to the
front of the class and show their work. I will say that we have now learned to place fractions between 0
and 1 on the number line. Next week we will begin worker with larger fractions! Students will be asked
to silently put their math notebooks away and we will finish with a Go Noodle brain break before
moving into literacy centers.

Move around the room and check as students work on their classwork
Think-Pair-Share throughout the lesson-quick check for understanding
Problem Set turned in at the end of the lesson (Intervene with students who do not show
understanding in the afternoon)


Read over problem set with class and clear up any confusion prior to beginning independent work
Modify problem set to 1 page instead of 2 (skipping the word problems). We will do the word
problems another day. I want to check for understanding of number lines and number bonds.

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