Gateway B1 Part 2

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Work with a partner. Put these words in the correct column. attractive + bald + blonde + curly + cute * dark fair * good-looking + long + medium-height medium-length + overweight » pretty + short spiky * straight « strong « tall « thin » wavy well-built O11 Listen, check and repeat. SPEAKING Work with a partner. Take it in turns to describe the people in the photos. ives with Match the personality adj their opposite: 1 serious a untidy } 2 lazy b unfriendly 3 tidy € talkative 4 quiet d_ cheerful, funny 5 patient e hard-working 6 friendly impatient 7 calm @ nervous Match these personality adjectives with their definitions. arrogant « bossy + clever « confident + nice reliable + selfish + shy 11 When people can depend on you or count on you to do something 2 When you only think about yourself and you don't care about other people. 3. Good, friendly, kind, 4 Good at learning and understanding things. 5 When you are not very confident or comfortable with other people, 6 When you think you are better or more important than other people. 7 When you are always telling other people what to do. 8 When you believe in your own abilities and don't feel nervous or frightened. Ustetiie| @ 02 Listen to four teenagers talking about themselves. What adjective of personality best describes each person? 1 Rose 3. Jessica 2 William 4 Brandon SPEIKING Choose five adjectives of personality from 4 and 5 which describe you. Tell your partner your adjectives and say why you chose them. I'm quite shy because | fee! a bit nervous when | meet new people. Laney 03 9%!) nok inom 10 ‘oney nok op sage an ss0y9 Uap pue suajer jenads ey z 424 yea 03 UeM 3,USe0P pNP ‘eoUaLEdxe Jey Jeu g {sseuo 10/pue suods a ‘Aep Kiana sinoy pue sunoy 10 pafeld ays “uers ays Woy Z saiemie nok are p008 MoH 4/1. SuuUiBoq ays wos wyBu 988 01 fsee sem Ayige sseYD SPN 9 Enof ynoge Wey NINES 4/1 ann semi yep paroid ay pue Koayp e pey eBlog ose] an coude aes “Aseuon>1p 1e poof aq 01 uetiodu osie ae somiend ewe nok uw eyp ueup pue sens an seiemopun Bukers queouu 3x0 2p ul spuom™ Jo} oye jeumieu sy noge mou sKemye WoL eur OP eUM ¢ 6 an unygenug anon Seinulu Kuan s9n0 40} 0}emlopun WINS WED WoL Z BI yy eaibe a/L ‘Buos3s pue 61g 2q 02 1ueLoduu! $1 1! SPO WO] IYM JOY |. nok 0g 4i0u KyyAYM uuawrers siua yam oaube on seadde 1x01 o4p| jo Jeium 84) $80q ,"epeW! JOU ‘Uiog aie SasnIUaD, vel aBed ss399n: *ssep> anok yam seep] exedwio> ueys P}UIUL ung 103 hd Kuo ou, hep Kiano sinoy 20} ss eld 3. uop uaipiny> 19H 3aKRey 134 se fom ares ann ur wat Suypeat ust ays ing tno 234 yo Sey mou aus si0%t s59u9 wowiom 0} uonuae ‘rout Aed 01 Bunie3s are ajdoad Supyzom-prey “Iuepyu09 aq 01 peat NOK’ aayseuxpuedd ysaBunos ata sem. ays St av sino ey t'Zr sem ays uoum hep e santas ten a8 ‘siy 1¥ Buxkeyd inoge snotias aious aure2aq Ae ang Tot UIA JaTI9q araA SIaNSTS SNL “ISI 1V 39H ‘sem ay an vaKe(d ssayp e913 B3,useA SEUTY O[ZSPT os uewiom uo ain pu aun fe so st"upny ‘oan ety Jo uD ‘ay ‘snqua8 e auoauios ayeus pinos 24 2e1p aiid oy 128}04 oxzse7 pared sou>eA LeLeBuNH 10 worssasqo aun sem sty, janun 0U stat eM anor oh WEN | sasrjua8 1eu Buikes seme axe ajdoag, zeBjog upne al B'S! YUILA NOK Op Jey ‘ASIDI0Xe Bulpeas asje/anu, © Op 01 BuIOB aie NoA, ‘domsue 043 Puno} nok e1oym (s)euy 49 40 (s)equinu oy ‘1M 2(d) @5je4 40 (1) ona, squoWerEss oY exy “UleBe 3x3 ON Peed IS Wa < 228}210x jo ada sip Bujop 10} ainpasoid poo8 iApruyad duane provas iounoue Bunzadxa am ary 2xou seop at 124 298 oy zea sta Buntem 23,9 ‘snoxeBuep sz ‘AUUBAY st sa0p ay rey asneD9q p1ovar mau & 103 axedaud 01 Ainjareo Aron suren sAemye at Aisnotaqo jre.emsapun, ddaaise sey Atjeuotse2.0 ay yeu WED Os S| WoL "983 UL “yea jared ay ‘por quoted pue lurqe> st oy yetp zueyoduut $31 0§ "UaBAx0 3030] ® asn 0 wWAnoyy_ 001 ‘ssanons sty ut ued Bxq e seid Ayqeuosied sty poq sty jo uonsanb e Aquo aust tng ‘png pue wyltoy sty 103 ensn st wein z28Le 7 are SEU os aug ze eoreure( ut Bump 1uam ay ways TuapD2e ‘69 Ange sty paraxcosip Atuo 3H jseununa Zz z2N0 1sn{ 103 JM Tayeauapun 0} yom atp seu Woy, alqrpaIsut Bumpeuios op o wa diay n9e} asoun INA Nq-aMe ‘Areqropued 20 Aran jousaH Tepads Sumpiue sonou fiqensn 3,uop Aamn 'se215 wuoy 2353814 aydoad wotim, S¥z9Ig WO], Recaro chou Poot te cece eec mc Meee mi ce et eet] “L uy Seepy anok ypey> pue eprse O43 peoy HNN Z Ss Peete ect ay Progra d glepads os ase ajdood omy asaya yuri nok op Kym "205 ue> nok yeym oquosep pue eprue 1p uy sojoyd ayp ye Yoo] soUZZed e YIM HOM | fey oyey-)s | COT Tuite mo ‘a Read the sentences (a-g) and match them with the rules (1-7). | a. Littl by little, people are starting to pay more attention b_ Thought processes use a lot of oxygen. Her children don't play chess for hours every day. d_ People are always saying that geniuses are born, not made. I'm not sure what she's doing right now. £ Athletes train hard 9 This year we're waiting to see what he does next. We use the present simple for 1. routines and habits. 2. things that are always or generally tre. 3. scientific facts. We use the present continuous for 4. actions that are happening now or near the moment of speaking. 5 actions that are temporary or n routine normal 6 actions that happen very often and annoy the speaker. 7 changing situations. ‘Tb Look at the article on page 7. sentence and a question in the present continuous. Cue 2 Choose the correct alternative. 1. Right now my brother plays/is playing chess. 2. | play/am playing tennis every Friday | 3 This new online game becomes/is becoming really successful 4. You need/are needing money to buy things. 5 My cousin studies/is studying in the US for a month. | 6 Water changes/is changing into ice at 0°C. 7. Police officers wear/are wearing uniforms. eu ed eee UL Adverbs of frequency 3. Read the sentences. The words in blue are all adverbs of frequency. Choose the correct alternative to complete the rules in 1-4. a They don’t usually notice anything special about him. He occasionally falls asleep underwater. She's always taking our things without asking, Tom always trains hard. They never play competitively. He's rarely nervous. She often beats the best players. She sometimes plays for fun a rareaoe Adverbs of frequency usually go after/before the verb to be. 2. Adverbs of frequency usually go after/before main verbs, 3. Adverbs of frequency usually go with the present continuous/present simple. 4. The adverb of frequency always/sometimes goes with the present continuous/present simple to talk about frequent actions that annoy the person who is speaking, Ceuta Complete the text with the present simple or continuous forms of the verbs given and the adverbs. I'm really angry with my brother at the moment because he (a) (always use) the computer when | want to use it. He ) (not usually play) computer games, but he (c) (become) more and more interested in online games at the moment. Right now he (d) (make) @ new avatar for his favourite game. It's funny because my brother (e) (not usually wear) anything apart from jeans and Tshirts, but his avatar ©, (have got) really spectacular clothes. People (3) (often say) that boys (h) (play) more computer games than girls, but | think that () (change). The only reason that | () {not often play) is because when it's my turn to use the computer 1) t (always do) my homework on it first: ‘Oh, good! My brother w (finish) now. It's 5 pm and he (m) Be (usually play) football with his friends at this time. My tum to use the computer at last! A geweqo yeeg 2! 5] ‘uns pue 1/2) 594 142 | ‘pjo Aiaa30u 5944 3UeByja1u) Lion S 2H suey ep ‘Uoys 106 $24 “ueIDNOd & SeH 2)00495 12ye op nok op suuods 1eum, 4513] 04m sson6 soupsed 3nok ued *g ul as04> ig nok uonued exp equosed veunued © sim 19M EL 9 week sip Burkpms nok ave si28/qns 1eyMM “9 Bed wou pue z pue | wo spiom osn tues no, ‘uosied snouiey e jo uonduasep e axedoid § yaujsed nok Buymoyn0qu ‘enupuo> 07 ways asf °9 ul SeuO yr jesio1exe slug op 03 ySnous I7EUGTSAGS wi) 9 om) suonsenb esou ooayy 3509] 30 SIM {YRDWIP/PIEY Kea si uonsanb siy g “OU 0} UII 119 & SYO0| 3 “210W yes 0} spABU 189 NOK y spuauy Aus 02 ajay Aes uosied yo adh 1pue yo 1609 hus 2403 | [RHBBYD/PETB Ayeos e sys ‘Buys sKemje si ulsno> Ky € ‘BUROOF-POOEPEANTEMIE fea S| 101>e mou IY, Z 2Bujwiow ayp ut }o042s 03 186 Nok veya FGOPIR/PIS 104 |I20 01 (Op nok sBuryp om 3s1y 94 a7e Tey ayjod a1ow say PEPIR/PIO soyowpUeB snk We93,u0q_ “ypoq esooy> aeULDye 3S9q a4 B04) y ney pue ou 2nok Aouue eup sGunp Bulop sKeme Apogkue sg eshepijoy sewuins ano puads fijensn nok op MOH ‘euoseyip ou 5} 1043 4“ “ssans ym Sp1oMm aip, Bulkes asreid As speui0 ox Haiee spuoMm OM Bulfes OSR221d OF soy Bulop yes nok jo Siequiew a1e EY, 9 {pueyeam yp ye op A\jensn nok op UMA ¢ {SuiBuey> ‘Awse) snok uy ajdoad 10 ‘nok ave skem yeym Ul y {MoU 346 Bulop ssepp snok uy ajdosd ae x24 & “uuinjo> 322.402 xp u! p1om {Jooyps seye awoy 106 pee eq “suemsue nok »p04> pue uarsry co ae NOK Ley op nok sBuiy) oma sip AYR BIE IEYN\ Z 4yooyrs 01126 asoiqeiihs oon oney spiom ystym “pnoje z pue nok uayin op nok Gun oma sil ou B12 UM, UL spiom oup Aes souzed e Yai 409 NOIMENTNON OF “suonsenb esouy Bulsn soused unok woyns0qu SNIS 9 pobypan — sexep — bq Zowies oy oue soouaquas snok yo Kuow Up + 9192905 + was + BuIoBino ‘mol Jeunied anof 03 sa2uaques anoK peow gs plo + qwobijoru! « prey « Addey + pe[6 + Apuany Auopje « ynoyip « s0n9/> « Peay + 1YBUq Supra OO avon xe? 2m aonbreq quomou 22 av Suva! ‘ou0 uel a10u aney ues spioMm auios “suiAuoUAs Giqavon pou wi “naval save ara waren Ay ened 40 suskuouks A YIM SpioM 95943 YE Z ‘suea! se0m ALYpieMm « 19jqere asn + ysyj6ug Apmis. seBessou 2x01 puss + peo saweB seynduioo eid » jooyss 04 06 poo} 188) 189 « joMaWIOY OP ‘Auaid « awospuey SurjooypooS + eno + jnynneog + ennveme | ouaseyip oup 51 184m *spuoM oup Yoomiag 22U949}}IP © 5] 94011 HT ‘Auesso20u 41 soouoquos onneBou 04M, zsGujueoui sejurs oney Kelp og “SPoM 959x932 101 | _-qmojoq suoyesaucixe otf Bulsn ‘snonUlAues quoseid 049 u! euo pue ejduys yuosoad susAuouss jpi0d pup swAUoUAS ‘43 ul 9u0 ‘sa>uaques ony OM OUIM DG Za Aupinqpvooa Buldojeneg {5} PITA Ree Belle) KEY CONCEPTS To think about the importance of self-esteem [n]: My self-esteem is quite high because | have a self-esteem. g00d opinion of myself. objective/goal [n]: My abjective/goal is to Tiler aboriediterant waar pass all my exams with a high mark this year. (un)realistic [adil Its build your confidence. Lunrealistic to think that anybody is perfect. proud (of) [adi | was very proud of my school results last year. achievement [1 Fee ar 10 out of 10 in every subject is a graat achievement Ja Look at the glass of 2 fill Read the article below. Does it say that these orange juice. Is it half things are good (V) or bad (X)? empty orhalf full? 4 king yoursel + ieee yee Ib Work with a partner, 2 Making mistakes 5 Making slow progrese Compare your 3. Celebrating when you do things we 3a Choose the three pieces of advice that you think are the best and decide why. you generally think positively or not? 3b SP’ Work with a partner. Compare and justify your xamples answers in 3a. Do you have similar opinions? to justify your answe ‘3c Talk about which of the ideas in the text you already do. Pee eet ee eee eae ee ee ee ees eed to be yourself, and not just do what others do, or tell you to do. Believing in yourself means you will have the freedom to be the person that you want to be ‘and make decisions that are right for you. How can you improve your self-esteem? © sine posiively:mink about alte great @ celebrate your achievernents, things tbout being you. : ings that you © Xemember that perfect doesn't exist. Eirvena a Dante OV. be confident in your own opinions, deas and feelings. Don't Your friends may put pressur with their ideas, but good atand what you enjoy and g © 217 new things. Experiment with diferent © ric cxercise. reduce tess and tc Swer wong, but making mistakes is prt of @ Hiave reaistic gosta fthere® aro eae eed ae ae Make a contribution, Help a classmate who ftep and do le radually Be patient And bee having trouble, Give your parents & hand a inking ofthe progress that you're making ome Making a eifference to others is great ‘ous vey s9n2q juiexo ue 24 Buiyzawos ynoge snonieu Ageqaid are dood ae Nok voy 40 wa]qoud @ eney NOK ui sep uo 3128 Y0o) UE NOK yum 1s!) Nok deay Z quor yuryp 3,uop | oyss 38 uoARedus AydesBoioyd e seu04, nb wi pue sojoyd Buyer ano] | gpeuonuaws 3,usey sauned sn0f 3242 381 241 01 ppe No pjnoo ey yoused snOK yim sis) SBUEYXS MON GL Ayjeuosied snk ajdoed seyjo Jo} auop envy 10 op Nok sBuNy) aney nok sis 10 squeyer ‘sonyige soyj0 Aue panaiyse aney nok sbuyt w < v ye po06 a1e nok yey) S6UY wm anoge ju. “tured Buoxis snok 018) € UMOp 21H) EL :hyenpyaipu Kyanze Gupyuyp-enrasod s143 og w ‘a1ojeq paieys sanau an 25ne20q y ‘ins 10U ws, yeah Bow quem spuewy Ay ) ehyM gaseo] ou puy gqepyuo> ysow eys 1 yuIys NO " Op uosied y>q uaussed © yalM S5M251C SHAS 9 ve yy af prety tr woneiuoseid Bit eene ners teas / eqn00) hetd spusty 640) © an iecRoo} herd spusyy sAqoL { 5 d/h ‘ajdoed Jeyto 01 20m 104 moys Ayensn ,useop eus 9 + an 1pt0 sem : aus usym IP Joy pasyees uo eHRE S iS / ar suey oys x04 . \ euokue ot 3use0p pue su0is| 8S FH owes yet 41, —sopsuereiip euctied 100 oxnez0q ae) Aree Buluersy 3 poo6 s1 ous SHUN KUOEN aS porsw eenes0q arn s00P 4 eq 20) yeu 0p 01 s0neI9 0q 04 peau nok SHUR SH zZ ah sowed (seo ‘ajduis siajaid winyje | — “saauaquas asjey o4p, 3201109 ¢(4) esjed 40 (1) onay so2uaquas asaya auy “ujeBe u9rs| 10 YIM 70 ©) AS fae yepey swoeN e une “ye poo 31 soyeods ypee 3eym UMop 211M "Ie Poo ase Kou, Bunjouios jnoge Bupjey si060u903 eA sajdoed osoup 03 e2iape ont6 nok djay 04 z sno} 01 uoxs 20 y>ueMh 70 €) ST VFFZS Ogu ¥x09 84 UL SeOPI OM 257, OUI e YUM HOM Y Listening Grammar in context 1 Copy this picture onto a piece of paper. You have three minutes to draw something on it. 1a Read these sentences. Do the verbs in blue describe states and situations or do they describe actions? Ihave a big garden | love warm weather. [like sitting out there. My picture looks like me. Idon’t bel I know why I drew a flower that’s true. 2 (USIENN © 05 The activity in 1 is from a psychology magazine. The magazine gives a personality analysis for the most common things that people draw. Listen to five people explaining if they Ib Read the sentences again. Are they in the agree with the magazine's analysis. What did present simple or present continuous? Why? each one draw? 2 3 4 5. The flowers smell good. 6 7 a I think I'm the opposite, Ic Put the verbs from 1a in the correct lists. Speaker 1 Speaker 2 1. verbs of feeling and liking: , Speaker 3 , hate, want, prefer, need Speaker 4 2. verbs of thinking Speaker 5 . remember, mean 3. verbs of the senses: hear, taste, sound, fer In the next task you match the speakers with the correct information. What should you do before you seem do the task? 4. verbs of possession: , own, belong Cea 2 Decide if each verb describes a state or an > EXAM SUCCESS page 144 3 @05 Listen again and identify the speal Which speaker 1[2[3]4/5 action. Then choose the correct alternative, a [likes drawing? 1. | look/am looking for my ball. Do you know/Are b | thinks the analysis of their personality | you knowing where it is? is totally wrong? | | 2. Isn't he attractive? He Jooks/s looking like a film «| spends a long time on their Kl} star favourite hobby? | 3. My sister has got/is having a new pet. | didn’t draw what they immediately 4 Jack can’t speak to you at the moment. He has/is thought of? having a shower. @ | doesn’t want a parent to see 5 Do you know/Are you knowing the answer now? their picture? 6 | don’t understand/am not understanding a word thinks they look attractive? | you're saying. understands the analysis of their 7 personality, But doesn't agree with it? hh | got the idea for their picture thanks to 8 a place? (OK, OK, don’t get angry | believe/am believing you. | don’t like/am not liking this film. | want/am wanting to leave now. What about you? Look at your drawing in 1 1 Isit one of the things in 27 Do you agree with the personality analysis in the magazine? 2. Ifyou drew something else, what do you think the personality analysis could be? seni soured fw puayeam aun ay Z ip senayjaq souved Ay 9 ‘Addey 2q o peeu,useop soused Ay § seyse) eayoo syuiyp souried Ay Bujwiows Kepuoyy vo sjaej Ayjensn sowed AW & ‘ennzemie Ajeas $400) sya souned Ay Zz e216 spunos syunp seuned AW 1 soused sno, . 2 | puoyeom ounay = yeyp enayeqi 9 ‘Addey eq 04 = ppeu,uop | § oo ~ sayses 9yoo UIA | ‘Buwiows Kepuow wo joey Ayjensn | “ennoemie Ajjeed 5400} yun z ‘yeai6 spunos sun) nO, Eiaured snok mou nok op Jo MOH “suoR>1peid ‘aieduio9 “siemsue s,10uz1ed snoK 3o1peud uoyp pue Hesinok ynoge sasuaquas asaip ay2|dwo> ghiiaas 0 ‘A1OW uoos uleGe uoy 1 94 (20) (2) Spoqawos ‘mou 06 03 (p22u) (0) 1 Remhuy ‘AiBuny ou (2yeu) (u) no, jdoag :ueky 38216 (\jows) (w) 4 ayBiu0r 10} Jepads Buryyawos (2ew) (vous jem Aije91 (4009) (0) An uauurp 40} peas 2/qe a1p (386) 1 :Ayow enou (op) nok () Apexe yey puy suey quem) (uy) ays vay hers sey 08) (6) sKemje ays “uisnoo Aus J0 puaus, poo e 03 (Buojaq) 0 asnoy exp "122} U! “Onn 1YBU SAeUL :A)IOW 8209 otf 4e0U asnoY e (aneY) (0) 04m ouo aya says ‘Yaquewe) (P) 1 MON SOK “yy 2A sueky ‘esnoy 5411 Uuisnoo Aus e (Ae%s) On {nok axe asym, (@)1we | AoW ‘Addey Aij201 (punos) (2) no, gnok ave Moy, AJOW "IH :ueky ‘aun aeai6 e (eney) -uonj6 squ0n oip go wlio snonunuos quosoid 40 ojduys juesesd o1p ym anBojelp oip aejdwioy geyeus €115) ‘BuyueyyBuy 5400) 3) ‘auns 3ou w,) nq “iam pue pjo sj99} 41 UNL | ewoyy Ayquep! doused anof ued “Bulquosep exe nok swiea} ‘243 Jo oweu otf aA!6 3,uop ynq se2ueques nok peey seunsed e YIM 920% SNES GP yom + uueM {Yos + Ajano} + pno} + aiquioy + prey BulueryBuy + snopyjap + jnyinojoo + pjo> sseanselpy e1Se + PUNOS + |jOWS + YOO] + [995 Sq18A “e2u0ju9s y>e0 uy sonn>alpe otf Jo uo 3529] 32 pue Sqi9A tp, Jo BuO asp “soI0yd ‘9\p ul suey! 4p 3noge se2ueues e9L4N Dy i901 4 W-PIo9 81 puey No, 9 y9ams oo} 4] 99yoD siyp UL 4eBns yonui oo sa:04 § yeaquap1 ysowe 5} eoueseedde sre41 ng queseyIp Aion axe senyeuosiod srO4y. s0¥ss 404 0%) eww; y ‘Aepo \npieeyp Aiea 3,WOp no, gioneW our sAeyNN E 41 Aa on 342M | “sno}jap 11 {Buy}009 Nos aie Jey ML z, yeaib a1 quiyp |-Bu0s sup ano} tb “squen oseys Jo uuioy e110 oy YM serueqUeS e43 e12|duWIOD ¢ Developing speaking Asking for and giving personal information 1 STEW © 06 Listen to a conversation between two ‘teenagers called Megan and Ellie on the first day of school. What are each person's hobbies? Megan: Ellie: 2 © 06 Complete the dialogue. Listen again if necessary. Hi, You're Lucy's cousin, aren't you? Yes, that’s right. My name’ Ellie. im Megan. This is your (a) at this school, isn’t it? That's right. : Hey, you don't play (b) do you? We need new players for the team. I play a little, but i'm not mad about basketball. Do you play any other sports? Yes, | really enjoy (€) : Great! What are your other hobbies? Hove music. Really? What kind of music? Like all sorts, but my favourite is year (@ Megan: Now | remember! You can play the ) . can't you? Lucy told me once. Ellie: Yeah, 'm in a band. We're really @ Megan: Do you know Josh, Josh Smith? He plays in a band, too. Come on. Let me introduce you tohim ... 3. BEAN Work with a partné dialogue in 2. Practise the completed 4 Look at the Speaking bank. We use question tags when we want somebody to confirm something. Choose the correct alternative. 11 We use nouns/subject pronouns at the end of ‘question tags. 2 We use auxiliary verbs and ‘to be’/main verbs in question tags. 3. Usually the question tag in an affirmative sentence is, affirmative/negative and the question tag in a negative sentence is affirmative/negative. Cerio Question tags = You're Lucy's cousin, aren't you? This is your frst year at this school, isn’t it? You like rock music, don’t you? You don't play basketball, do you? You can play an instrument, can't you? 5 Complete these sentences with question tags. You've got a sister, 2 You can't play the piano, 2 ‘That gir sings really well 2 She's your best friend, 2 That boy isn’t very tal, 2 one wn Her dad doesn't like listening to that music, 2 7 Jamie and Becky can swim fast, 2 6 SPEAKING Work with a partner. Read out the first part of the sentences. Your partner says the question tag. Student A: Turn to page 147. Student B: Turn to page 148. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT 7 SPEAKING Write down five things you think you know about your partner's free-time habits. 7b Ask your partner about their free-time habits. Use question tags for confirmation and to keep the dialogue going. You like doing judo in your free time, don't you? i Yes, I do. I've got ‘a brown belt. It difficult to get a brown belt, isn't it? nen 7e Work with a new partner and do another dialogue. TaBUORS/ieYOS ‘9pil| & sangoolpe ewuou, afew or s0yses pue "yg e ‘auind 9 veBuons (pew ‘rye ‘ogseque,) sangoolpe SWARXS,//eWI0U, yeu 01 Kareyduoo pue Ajeas Meanjosge M2101 g ekpre.ios oyoyd anok uy ajdoad ayy Aynuep! Keys ued suonduasep pue oyoyd unok moys 03 suuny ayey uouzied e YRIM YOM GS saBu0ns (1an9}2 ‘peq ‘po08) sannzalpe nfews 0} Ayjeay pue Ajowsar3xa ‘Aion ‘asn am ‘ajduiexe 404 ‘suonduosap ayeina.e a10U1 an/6 0} 49p10 UI J8YOS 10 syueg Gunna up wosy seBu0ns sennoelpe aeu 02 sqpenpe Buikypow esn aM, = suo|ssoudxo opnjouy pue jopowi e se | fe e) 2) uy yeure oip esp “ox04d 04s u) ajdood MCE Sere ee Re eaeest nae Cane 15400} 3 '6'2) quon + unouosdjunou +4) $6724 ¥00) € 4J0 spuoLyy YIM nok Jo o304d © puld OS ¢ (M1 6:9) unouosdjunou 103uad S3NVW 30L0¥d 5400] ays *6'2) unouaidjunou + 34 400) Z ¢ (©) 8400] 214 °6'2) annoelpe + 00) 4 J18@ sy00} 24 pue :98n ued on 300) agesiaed y ion ay. asn uayo am aoueseadde sfpoqowos aquosap OL = Ajowronxe 5) ays pue ‘BenBue} eandurseq oy) 5900) 713 € fen 1 pue SEU ee acl “9p ul enneusoyje 3201109 o17, 250049 ‘oY, “JUeq BULA eunb 308 sey pue 242 ul E-1 sejdutexe ayojduio> -yewle s,eyyy 3e uleBe Yoo] ¢ Ayoos 8: om ‘amo ‘os0y pele “Ryyeuosied suosied ‘ype snoge Bulyzewios yno puy pue uieBe ewe oy peay z aw "50g oun y ‘spL0U sNOK PUP Nak 0 aimaid & eu pU2s 04 38610). UOP "yeW PU NOK PUES NOK VOLAA ;Pusyeen eu) 1e e184) 06 Layo ony ‘esnoy 184 Z00U Kien. ‘20m ‘CjOUG axp UI yMpERtD ShEMIe SaUS LAUS ,US@OD “elaY ACE Ayes 8400} 84S "BWI 51 4FEY HEP Bud| YIM @UO at 26 JAUIO SUL, >yomewoy 'SYIEUL No YAN Sn Solay PUE JaVBIO MaLUaHIxe S| 2804 jO10Ud SU UI royoyd oyp uy ejdoed 'S881}28 URQHOLUY UP 6] S400} BUS “9504 SEX PA! YM LB SUL aquDsep 07 se2usques asoyy ajaduioD y {One} sn serew Skene pue pew AjeI0) R84 18816 SEG ang ypeM rou SwIEKe SBy ay esneoaq WUBLIOW Eup We pueY BuDLON |___s9}1"a204 pain nq & S400] of "pave si fog au (-! 04d a4 Jo BPP 047 UL ey epuo|g Buoy yi HH un Lu YEU OUD APBONE NO‘ ‘95:0 JO 41 Rpoqiiare 04m moun nos og -puByeeN ‘14) 3 Y00) | spUAY fiw pe OUI Jo OJOUd w NK BuPUES Ws, ‘orm (Grae Bar sovens Aw suey Ku pu oy om (TET “soupenre ays oyoyd o43 uy ajdoad auf, 03 soweu 242 Y>IeWW “917 ‘Jed-o 49Yy OF WeWE se PEOY HW eidoed Buiquosep jjowe jouUOju Uy PTI Welle lolt-V.t-Yel Language checkpoint: Unit 1 Grammar reference Bea FORM USE Dainmativel| VYouWe/They run. We use the present simple to talk about: He/She/it runs. 1. regular habits and routines. Negative | YouNWe/They don’t (do not) run. I da sport on Wednesday and Sunday. Tierstreri densiate tes wet i 2 things that are always or generally true. ‘Question | Do I/you/we/they run? A lot of people study English. Does he/she/it run? 3. general and scientific facts. Short ‘Yes, I/you/we/they do. No, I/you/we/they don’t. ‘The Earth goes round the Sun. answers | Yes, he/she/it does. No, he/she/it doesn't. ee Wie FORM USE We use the present continuous with time expressions such as now, at the oe ad moment, currently, etc. to talk about: eee She isn't reading. | 4 actions that are happening now or near the moment of speaking ze erton pareltiwy cence I can't talk now. Lint having a meeting with the head teacher, ite ay toler. No. 2. temporary actions and situations. i they aren't. Ti staying with my wnele and aot this week. 3 changing situations. Tm getting good at this computer game. 4 actions that happen very often and annoy the speaker. My little brother is always shouting. Adverbs and expressions of frequency Buca USE ‘Some verbs are not usually used in the present We often use adverbs of frequency with the present simple continuous because they describe states not actions. to talk about routines and habits. They usually go after the These are usually: verb to be or just before main verbs. 1. verbs of feeling and liking: like, love, hate, want, | He's always cheerfia. prefer, need I they cwrely cat on 2. verbs of thinking: know, understand, believe, remember, mean, think (= have an opinion), ‘see (= understand) verbs of the senses: look, seem, sound, hear, see, smell, feel, appear 4 verbs of possession: have, own, belong We don't usually play computer games We can also use always with the present continuous to 5 talk about actions that happen very often and annoy the speaker. See Present continuous 4 We can use other expressions of frequency with the present simple to talk about routines and habits. These usually go at__ Be carefull Some verbs can describe a state and an the end of the clause/sentence. action. T watch TV once/twice/three times a day/week/ month/year. 1 have two sisters. (state) Im having a great time. (action) ‘Appearance Build: overweight « strong * thin « well-built Height: medium-height « short « tall Hair: bald blonde + curly + dark « fair + long + medium-length + short + spiky + straight « wavy General: attractive cute + good-looking + pretty sonality arrogant + bossy + calm * cheerful + clever + confident + friendly + funny + hard-working impatient + lazy » nervous + nice « patient * quiet + reliable + selfish + serious + shy « talkative « tidy | unfriendly + untidy | Synonyms and partial synonyms attractive + beautiful « bright + cheerful + clever + cute + difficult + elderly friendly » glad * good-looking + handsome + happy + hard + inteligent + old + outgoing + pretty + slim | sociable + thin Other words and phrases > page 136 US OF / “POL | quaned “ jam soso Kpepreang oes nok) gil Burpompiey 9 } uosiad Addey Kian e suioas 04S yp pdms yp | ! “Tgp Ayeas sj vonsonb sy, Inpooy g UOKTDERTE S04 yu nok oa z fou 2 } auapmis THOT Aen e seus 1 von y | -piom paulpiepun y>ve 10} whuouks © aM ¢ Espiom eseya jo sexsoddo oyp exe 324M a ee : aye as | prae ayB yeu pow eg } yb MIA” g Wea & Pog nnao—U9a— “yesouabsyey/346}94/PIn4) piom yee 40} 41060329 3201109 OY O3LIM UOY| “S}EMOA YRIM sp1oMm a4 aedWOD | uolsines AipjnqDoon +04 BUIBUOTOG S/SBUO|AG 129 si4s YM MOLY I,UOP |g. yeou s1e9 eMopum oun 24 s0nony “ueverabon es! puowy AW 9 40 ano Bunyoo] NOK aie/4OO] NOX Op Kym jkOH L souulp, ajjus 03 aoin! Gunjuup Bumneyard we7s97—%0 | 9 a1ojaq pomowoy J9y S2op sKeme eI § -kddley BUTIeeS 7,VaIe/BES JOP NAS arg] si uayo wepy ‘suoIsueW aeitp BUUMOS/SUMO 8H jooyps soye {0lun poob e Buiney NOx aIy/aNeyTOT OG {nok aie MOH E lneqiooy sewnewios Aejd | pue spuows AN & usomsue a1g BUMOUY ROK aIy/MOUFTON OG z 41 944 ,Uop | “ous Bundrsoyur skemje a1,no, Z ‘Kovow ewos sng Aq jooy2s 01 Bus06 Aljensn you Wh) Bupa au We /p30U | .yUeG ey re dois om Ue L een ‘OANEUIORIe 3991102 BY 25004 | “JOU J] ZOU JO YaLIOD SeruEIUAS asayR OAY 7 Pte ere esa ‘yawns sit paiog 196 04 (uels) )t saindwos mou ‘moyniaiu gol © 10} (08) One f fing 03 Kouow di (ones) ” eyp oy soyTop ueUIs (eam ‘yy owns Li9n9 (YOM) °) jens 30u) (@) no, zene ‘am esreaaq sey) ING ‘00% pasog ave | pUE Jars! AW :y _pue rexpel e (eam) nok (©) Ayn ev ‘uaAi6 snonugues queseid 40 ojduijs uesesd exp Jo u110} 320109 oY YM SorUE,UES Oy ay0/dWOD | Pea ier) uo|s}Ae1 IDWUDID, Work with a partner. What types of transport can you see in the photos? Put them in the correct column. Work with a partner. Add these words to the columns and any others you can think of. Compare lists with another pair and add any new words. bike + coach « lorry « tram underground/subway + van + yacht Complete the text with these words. arrivals + cancel + catch + delay + departures + fare luggage + miss « platform + retum + single « ticket office When you go to the station to a train, if you don't already have a ticket, you go and buy one at the You can buy a (if you're only going one way) or a (if you're coming back). The is more ‘expensive when you travel first-class because its more comfortable and you have more space. There isn't an extra cost for you can take at least two or three big bags. When you have your ticket, you need to find the where your train is leaving from. If you arrive late, you may your train. But sometimes there can be a and your train doesn't arrive on time. And sometimes there's no train atall because they it! I's important to keep looking at the information screens which show the (the times that trains are coming into the station) and the (the times that trains are leaving). Listen and check your answers. Match the photos to these words. Sometimes there is more than one word for a photo. bed and breakfast » campsite + caravan hostel + hotel + motel + tent ‘PEKING! Work with a partner. Explain the difference between these words. 1 hotel/motel 4 tent/caravan 2 hotelvhostel 3. hotel/bed and breakfast 5 tent/campsite ‘A motel isa type of hotel that’s next to 2 big road. People usually stay there when they drive a long distance. 9 08 Listen to four recordings. Where are the people? Choose from these alternatives. bed and breakfast + caravan + hostel + hotel motel + platform « tent « ticket office 1 3 2 4 SPEAKING Work in groups. Decide on the perfect weekend away and describe it to the rest of the class. Think about these things. how you travel where you go and where you stay how you get around while you are there “Pe Ley Micexe ‘90m JL, EB LEIS NOD | BEUM 381K Oh ‘yen e yore 0} uae Kenyes 84; 01496 BM PUP 's04OD Aw Juup ‘Up yMpues Aus yee O} Sey B@y- AUN) PeY | EL ‘mes pu GEIS Au 900 "oR A Bee SA nuh 22yo jo dro pue yowpues An 8 Palen PE PION tan | aU Op OF AYN AUK OF Po Yo] PUR AL PAVE | “UOOUSUETexN pRaLEUIN 0} SAG Ou BM B19 TE PIERO py Fou 2uy “O60N. jo EL} 0} 2901 80) PSYSE PA SEAL ye payoo) Aau, ISee SEN Ayn) AeELUKONCiCe “PEEYALIIN OF ‘s9anq node Wy POySe| "SOW! 1H A. UI BUMS BM LALLON ‘OMA, “VONEIS SN Ay) CULM | PANE | UBL “eIAEISLIEE OF ‘se7uu jyBIe-AUU] AU ANE! O} JFEY B PUB ANDY UE JARO HOON ‘ree004 Jo 02 e709, Ae fou se 208 SuOSsEd Ey ove Soy “UR 94) yo 196 pue sBunp siy fe Gn >74d Apjornb Pur POLOM 4OOK IMM ‘oy UeRL BuO 20} Jace ‘31 HUNK AOU YEU Aes jm exdoad ISO _quen apeisuRg a4 919 St ‘U9 Apeaxe oood ‘xa ye AuoIppe srs AK UB 94 Bq NOK LOU UAL "e00 9, 429 pum 0) 001 ne NO "ye eydeNsUeR ‘au poopurs| NOK o} OU loo OB on TEU ROK SHEL By LUMA 8 acensuiea au 9M 5 ul 897} shes 0} ancy NS NOK ‘EN aAEISLIEE OL 8 SU LA OKIO WOH, Ur uosted x fe JC}5AGUS ou PreK aN NK YEN UBS svoHe}8 UEN USL 7 ri eye s axLg TaN Ue NOUS | s.9p2a) Ufa} WeLBG G10, sem YU YOM Pu ch 6 0} pey | TRAE MaU'e SBM axaUN edu Alen “SjUBLIOUNOUUC ext PUBSIOPUT URED | PUP BUDYOM LUNI SLOVO uuoje 9 ay, uRop | puP wos 198100 aL OF NOM "AYSOUOY PAIGMSUE OY ,'sIS 9,UED | ING AUOS W,|, PEASE | 206us up) vey} adap 1 ry 2.0) a} 4 MOY LEEKE NOK PCO, ‘Oy 730) urate fog pno9| a ‘08'S SOM eS OW PIEL 9} “eIdeySWEG 0} e/GUIS © 0) B24YO JAHN AUT YE UELY OL PAYSE | "Bop! yeeuG © PEERS | PEAYOUIN OF ‘sng B YOO POD | ofA ISLE WO "URAL TEM) UOIED OF PEPOSP | ‘00s Bune] CeISWIeG 0} YEN B YANAMOY “SBM BOLL ‘SUNOY JO. {9¢00 70} LUSEM AUD YOU ING YOU OL YEA # BULDIEO "Foge Bnok | suoeNs UOSHO a 2 POypO| pUe LONE UE yj 0} 909 Ue | LEU MON UENO Pu “ebb fu 042 OF PEIN | UDNUES fu UFEO HOY | N ost A095) ug ey se, gAnunos snof us wodsuen pier cies mina oan ie sis oe 2hym L289 40 snq ‘uten Aq jones 01 s9jesd NOK og EnOA anoge 14M HINFRS ‘Azeuon>p anoK uy yoy uous pue sson5, ueou 3x03 243 Ul sp10Mm Poul ‘yamsue snk wieydxg {soouauadxe axeys 01 30 YBne| sn axeU OF ‘suojuido sn an6 or 'si9e; sn aniG 01 2x01 Si4t Ul suoqUaul syo\jne op axe yu NOK Op IeyM “ssepp anof yim seepy exedwio> uous PAUIYL ipi0ye 12 [eu Buo] € saye soI9x3 01 99eq 06 01 papDap > 10g 01 paiuem ay e104" 01106 Upp q jeroy e ye 1yBiu aig Aes cr pepoep e JOUN Oxp ‘PUD IB U|_g peoyeuly 01 sesng Kue esoM ar0yR j MOLD} UPI > 06 01 poiuem seam ayp asoyyn noge pesudins powoos q uoneWojU! Aue Jem ay aNB I.UPIP & Uuonels snq oun ye UOLOM OM Ou sure, uo sGunip soyio pue sGeq sotp oneal shenye > wen Buoim aip uo 326 Ajjensn_q ‘wen ayBu aun Bulypieo ‘are Kowp yet sown Auew uyuoo 0} poou & ojdood ysnug yey sisoB6ns sou ou. € yedeayp sem aie) wimax aun Ayn mouy a.UPIP > sedeaup sem axe} uurjor xp Ayr reich o93UeN3,UPP ‘10 deayp @ som oy) onB o1iUeM upp e eoyo rayon aug ye uew ay, Z 300% Woy 06 07 a02j¢ ajqissod Ajuo orp sem ay > ajdersuieg sin 0 pawuem Ayeos oy ones ‘4p 18 own BuO] €J0} eM OL WEN L,UPIP oye asneneq ajdersweg 04 ulen @ Ymye> ©} poprep soy, 4 “suomsue 350q lp escoup pue UleBe 1x03 OWN Peoy ¢ dew op Luo ainos siy eV) £08 Jo3Um ota sop a104M_Z juonuaw soy o1p Soop uodsuen jo soda eu 1b “suopsenb ‘up Jomsue pue penxe uosiug IIe SIA peey sem Jone uespiowry ue s} uoshug tg 0/8 Z 2512 oN] din e 404 350q ore UY nok op yodsue.y ay\qnd Jo sodA yeYM “YyINOWA}d 03 4030x3 Woy SoROWO}D} OZ Ajoreul!Kosdde 51 3] “moog pue|Bug sen-ipinos yo dew ay 3 00] | elt eyor-) yy Grammar in context Tn eA ea ed Lac Ja Read the sentences. Which tenses are the verbs in? a When I had eaten my sandwich, | returned to the hotel. b_ | went to the correct platform and I sat down While | was eating my sandwich, | took out my timetable ‘Ib Complete the rules with past simple, past continuous or past perfect. Then match a-c with each rul 1. We use the to talk about actions that happened before another action in the past. 2 Weuse the actions or situations in the past, or to say that one thing happened after another. 3 Weuse the to talk about activities, in progress at a moment in the past, to describe scenes in a story or description, or to talk about an activity in progress in the past that is interrupted by another action, to describe finished ‘c Rewrite these sentences, first in the negative form and then in the question form. 3. He had eaten his sandwich. 1 He sat down, 2 He was eating his sandwich. Cues 2a Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous form of these verbs. buy + catch + hear « look + ride shine + snow + wait 11 When | left home this morning, the sun \ the bus at 8.45. 3. While | my bike to school this morning, | saw an accident. 4 When we arrived at the station, a lot of people ‘to buy tickets. She Somebody stole his passport while he for something in his luggage. 7 There was a delay with the plane because it very hard, 8 As she was leaving the shop, she somebody call her name. her ticket and got on the train. 2b Look at the words whil and asin sentences 3, 6, and 8, Do they usually go with the past simple or past continuous? 3. Choose the best alternative. 1 2 4 Look at the | fell asleep while | watched/was watching the film. The teacher called me back as | left/was leaving the classroom. The head teacher came/was coming in while we ‘were doing the exam. ‘As we drove/were driving to the airpor, | realised I didn’t have my passport While you shopped/were shopping, three people called for you. She met/was meeting one of her friends while she was taking the dog for 2 walk ‘As we talked/were talking, | realised that I'd met her before, They didn't speak while they did/were doing their homework. ple. Write explanations in the past perfect for each of the situations. 1 Zi Why was she crying? miss the plane Because she, had yaisced the plane. ‘Why couldn't he find his bike? somebody steal it Why did they buy a new car? have the old one for 15 years Why were you scared of flying? never fly before Why was everything white in the morning? snow the night before Why didn't she pass her exem? not study much Why didn’the board the plane? lose passport Why didn’t Alex have any money? spend it Why did she miss the bus? not leave on time “Reusnof anok ynoge 4ayZ0 Y>ee |]a1 “sdnos6 jjeuss U} 440\4 |BHIMAES A apouaddey pey reyr 3noge j90} NOK PIP MOH OL zpus ousnol oup pip moH Upeuaddey s6uiyp esaun uaym Bulop nok aiam 1eyNn, {keunof arp uo pauaddey (s)6unp jeseds 1eyy {Kounol arp 104 pasedaid nok pey MoH quoneunsap ayn uasoyp pey oun {quem ou aaysem voy, yjonen nok pip MoH rao tnonae 01 Kousno! ayn sem axouyyn, “ajqissod se 1 wosy squen jeseayd Auew se epnppuy “nok djoy 03 suonsonb osoyp Jo auios asp, *noK 03 jepeds sem yey Keusnof e anoge sex0u esedaid Dy jue plo sun sem puayson je uodsuey yum pey om wejgoud Ajuo ays “ule au Ww 306 pue a6e66n} sno 4001 9M "we LL Ie © 306 om — owt uo uoners UoIyBug Ye pane UieR Oy “sieas uno punoy pue ules 1p ()206 om ‘pane om vaya uuopeyd aya ye sem ules ayy “UIEN ays SSM! 3,UPIP em zeip 05 uoNeyS eLp OF ues pue ‘oBeBEn sno peI29II09 e9 an (0) 106 on “uoners ap woy seinuiws ony (P) 27019 11 pue pjo Bume6 129 104 yey sem wajgoid Ajuo ey, “UoneIs o47 02 sn x83 02 pa!eyo pey ays esnenaq ysiy 429 § wn Kus ° (a) 398 om, 1voryBug 01 08 pue pusyaam ay 40} te) 105 aq "we 0¢'938 Ky0o 396 09 papinap | pue seyjo1g Aus 39am 1527 JOINO + UO + (2x) YO « CTU + ul » UMOP + Keme “spiom asoy yum 3x03 au ayo/dWoD ¢ BaD Aipinqnoon Buldojeaeqg £88035 0m op unou oup Jo 2ed Y>IYM Essays Kijensn om op quon jeseayd ou 40 Syed y>tym “sooueaues oun 03 UodsrT 60 @) az ‘20185 UMOPYBAIG 129 eS} A104) ‘umop ea1q 3,UpIP 129 34, 2gjo-eyer 51 own ey, ajo e122 aueid op soop own yeYAA, S@P UFPEYD O43 5 2/9} 320)2,0 £ 18 UI xBE4> 01 ABU fA, -nm ene esunou oy3 o1e won pue sq10A fous exe ueym “pes ul spaom ovp anoge uIyy "seaueques Bufy ues e9 e) aneajjowue 6 (uodsuen jo adh 10 so0u e 103) Buppom dors 4 odie ue 4 jeDyo Ue 0} s6eq snok eniBpeyon NOK moys enue p fepijoy 40 3801 ® aney oF 1uareyIp axoymawNos O6 (eueid "ye0q ‘sng ‘uren e) aneajieus q founofe ues & ypeeg lp 04 06 oqhew ’s400m mo} 2 10} Keme 396 0} 1U2M | “BuppoM Jo pain wg ud 01 18 pane Avo pue Bumuow si4t 3p0},0 £18 Yo 385 a4 ‘houuno Buo} e seMIEYL ZL jonuoo yodssed expo fou, 9 41 v0 fpoqauios Buneeu wy 241 8196 wien uopuCT ‘lp aun YM ew jJ91 NOK UeD ‘ew osnoxgy ¢ LyBnowip quam pue s6eq soup, ‘ainulu Aue umop. jo Ajeasisnq si, 91 p2%20) ue 429 ata Jo ano 206 ays pane ous UOYAA, ‘UONEIS O4f OF @ROup pue 120 a4 ONL IOB 94S jeaig 01 8106 51 4K -yo 0463 ued oued aun ‘seas 10M) u ae sieBuassed je uo Z ‘Uo BuoIM aif Sem pasl|ea! aM Lay Yo 306 on ang owed rey WIEN S14 94 UO I0B 9M -mojeq suopIuyep eys YayM ped U SqIOA yeseayd oup yore “soaueques eseup 8 007 OUR IE 007 NOINEMNDN, OZ, J@ADy YIM peyoeuUOD squeA |DSDIYd Se. Being a responsible TURIST = KEY CONCEPTS energy efficient [adl: This caris energy efficient because it doesn't need much petrol to travel long distances. conserve [vk Its important to conserve water because there isn'ta lot and we need as much as possible. environmentally friendly [adjl: This product is environmentally friendly because it doesn’t have any negative effects on the environment. damage/ Faryife nt Be cov that OGeiP fais ree ie aaa Sai old Waa Tor aril eee there a rane Gnd Wetec fi) oucunna Cat amie aneicmuon 1 Work with a partner. Look at the photos. Which ones show responsible tourism? Give reasons. 2. Read the titles from the text below. Match the photos in 4 to four of them. va pemem ‘A. Read about your destination before you leave B Choose the right place to stay © Choose environmentally friendly transport locally D Choose the best way to get to your final destination E Don't leave rubbish behind F Think about what you buy G Lear some of the local language H Conserve water 1 Don't damage things! 3 eo ING Read the text and match the titles in 2 J Think about your social impact vith the correct sections) K Limit energy use HOW TG BE A RESPONSIBLE Before you travel 4. When you're traveling along distance, fing is usualy te fastest way to get 10 your destination, But i's the wast forthe ‘entonmentin terms of poluion. Some panes fe Aificut to getto by any ther means of tansport, ‘uti your dstnation i fess than 800 km ave, consider catching a train, or even going by ca 0 reduce your Carbon footprint. you ned to th, ‘choose aifnes tat have energy efficient panes. 2. knowing abou the local culture can help you tobe a sense, responsible traveller. Researching your ravel destination can help you understand wat to expect and what is anoeptabe in that county. 3. ust afew words can help you to ‘communicate, And, apart fom tha, can hep you and local people fe more comfortable and postive together. When you are there 1. Tryto choose ecironmentaly- friendly accommodation. Look for hotels, ostes or campsites that are energy efficient and that recyle (2. Helo the local environment, One of the easiest but mast important things to do‘sto think about the water you consume. Refill water bot instead of continually buyin pasties, Limit your use of saps and reuse your hotel tovels 3. Don't make your hotel room too hot o 0 cold. Remember to switch of aiccondtioning and lights when you're not in your room, 4. People usualy go to hokday ‘destinations bacause they're beautiful ‘Don't make them uoy and ct wth your ruohish. The message i simple ~ leave the place the way tht you ould Hike to fn it 5. Try to use local public transport or renta Dike — Its a great way to se2 things. And dont forge you can also walk! 5. Buy oclly-made o local produced goods. But never buy endangered pants, or products tha invohe animals or marine life, Check laws about ‘buying historic artefacts, to. 77. Apart from the physical envionment, make sure your ist ttoesn't have a negative effect on lca peop. Respect local cultures and trations. ASK permission before you take photographs of peopl, ofl bullings, o other special places. Think about the clothes you wear, to. ‘589 Alp JO 188) B19 0} UONEIUOSAIA INOA anID) ‘soy nok zeus eave ayy ul wsiino} ayq)suodsa1 ynoge uoneuaseid e aye pue wei) Z ousoquy oy luo seep! asoul 40} ya1eas pue ‘nof djay 0% saBed asoy3 uo 53x03 ou ul Seep! 243 257) uonseve1u je00s pue ajdoay = SIIUOANOS w seven pue 61003 poo} m —_UoepOWIWOIDy w ayy pue Siu |d podsuey, sido} qualeyip es942 1noge uly) eave yt ur wisuno ajqisuodsas a1oword 07 sda $035) @ ayey) ‘96 sysun01 a1ayis Kauno9 sn0f ut pare ue Jo ‘any Nok areym eae ay JO YUIYL Buypoey = ssdoys esou mojjoy pue dnos6 jews © us HOM +L uy 3x03 ey ax2jdwio> pue Asossonou se sou Kuo 3 UOIst oe 40 opin ous yorem 01 © siiilshi YIF%- “ ow ppuejeaz man snows ayp se ypns sionpod Je20) pue situennos yoeq Buug 0% 9uy $3) ssjonposd sayo ueyy (@)e10u ae wtp vo ,221049 jewuewuouinug, Aes yeU9 s:>NPOld (), es sein suBis pue sjoqe| 40} x00} ‘pue|ea7 man yo ajdoad jeulBuo exp ‘suoey Aq epew Buiupewios Ang 01 1ueM NOK j| oo (2) 4010] &s1 a10ip asneseq wayqaid e s1 s1oip >Heg jeuoneN cureBuo] quoWUoNAUs otf ” yBius yoiya soy Uo ©) yu siaujen 10 seoys soopino Keme aye1 vane KouL quaWUoIAUe puejeo7 MON ‘i, 40} snosoBuep aq ueo sBuiip asey Aauno> 2p oyu s1u2610 Bunpfue so @ ; (e) Bung 3,uop nok yey yooye Kau “puejea7 MAN Ul anwse NOK YOYyAA zspiom Buyssqu o4p Jo ‘Aue sson6 nok ue> “3x03 siyp peey “puejeoz MAN 03 diy yuaded 404 3noge Bupy|e> s0Beuse3 e seaysypyem 03 Bujo6 oe No, rf os syed at uo dee S1NOH YO juop ‘wore agou 8 @,n0K LeU“ nou Kyyy fun eepyoy e 10} a101p 06 03 01) NOK PINOM. Z {purjeaz man anoge mou NOK op UM ‘suonsenb osoyp ssnosiq sued e YUM HOM 9 eXyM 23x03 4p Uy e21npe jo so22Id Bunsesoqu ysoui 40 yueyodwi ysow! dBmNp O47 Oe uly nok op yIYM seUTEd © YRIM OM HINES siomoy BuDpId Uoneunsep snok 04 Bug 06 nok aiojaq uoneunsep snok ynoge Bulpeoy ajdoad je00} Jo soroyd Bure, Sujvon;puos-e Bus) sjewlue piv Buipoed sizalqo sucxsiy 'pjo BurAng euo yeym ‘spuedep 21 41 epuedep 21 seop 40 peq ‘poob sBuyyy esoup o1e '2 Ul 3X03 auf 03 Bulpio22y rN eon wo wey pipea nok asnenoq sue pm ae) ,uOp UE au up ra ten PE NS _w spalge Joyo pve sp ro 2F8.0 10 pue‘uoqzben pue wey able ,U0P CCT CoT item Meee ‘1a Read the sentences and then match the correct halves of the rules Sentences 1. Itused to take years to travel around the world 2. Sailors didn’t use to have an alternative 3. Did it use to take much longer? 4. People usually say that. 5. They arrived back home in 1522 Rules 1. We use used to to talk about 2 We use the past simple to talk about 3. We use the present simple and usually to 1 Work with a partner. Guess the answers to talk about these questions. a present habits, 1. What nationality was the first person to travel around the world? b past habits that do not happen now. a Portuguese ¢ single actions in the past. b Spanish ‘Ib What is the negative and question form ¢ British of this sentence? 2. How long did it take them to travel around the world? They used to travel by horse across the US. a about three years b about one year € about three months 2 Complete the sentences with the correct 3. Before trains, planes and cars, how long did it take to form of used to. cross the US? a ayear and a half 1 Transport be much slower three hundred years ago. b ayear half a year 2 people 4 What made it easier and faster to travel around the world think unicorns existed? in 18697 a the opening of the Suez Canal wear jeans in the 3. They b the invention of the aeroplane Mirela at the invention of the passport 4. Along time ago people believe that the Sun went around the Earth 2. UIST @ 11 Listen to an expert talking about travelling around the world. What answers does she 5 In England in 1600 most children from poor He got the idea for writing the novel rom a real journey made by George Francis Train. Train was an engineer who ‘worked on the Union Pacific Railroad. After they had built the railroad, you could cross the US in about 14 days. Before 1869, ships had to pass round the bottom of Africa, This was fast. But the problem wes that it was dangerous. In 1995 a plane flew around the world in just over two days eee: give for the questions in 1? families g0 to school. 6 3120p 3 @11 There are six mistakes in this text about ‘around ees. the world’ travel. Listen again and correct the mistakes. Soe caren tf oUe = The first person to travel around the world was Elcano and 7. Before TV, people listen to the 20 other people who survived the expedition, They ae radi. began their journey in 1522. ™ Jules Verne wrote Around the World in 80 Days in 1870. 8 Rene travel by train and ship before the invention of the aeroplane? 9 Fifty years ago, people have mobile phones. 101 be important to know how to ride a horse. Eo mert rs Pumice) “soqeis pue suonems sed ynoge »e1 01 pjnom asn 7 UeD/UeD ap iyanus Ay 03 88n 3,upip 9jdoad oBe sie0h suonze sed ynoge Ie 03 pynom esn j,UeD/UED om, ‘Ayig mou ueUp e640] yonWy 2¥22 pjnom janes, suigey wed ynoge 9163 623,UpInOM asn 3,UEDTED ayy saigey ased ynoge 321 01 pinom sn CESS OM, sau “seapl anok yum ssep ayy 07 eq Hodey qi X Ay aupinom fawp ased out ul § uoneonpa 9 quowueusug & Xx “snosaBuep 2q pinom a} wreH s yuup pue pod Z snoioBuep 2q 03 posny} € YOM vy uodsue, 1 ‘ado}y poop, Pesan yo de> atp punos yes 01 pasn fap sed ou UZ soBe sueok Ayu Aiguno> ano uy yuos}s1p ‘adoyy poo sem 91) MOY ynoqe 0} pasn pue pjnom yim yo ode ain punos jes pinom fayp sed 4p UL Se}0U ofeyy “oUZEd e IM OM hifies DZ ees 33e1109 043 eS004> Loy PUL se>uEILES 943 PEAY S “yey Guo] Aijeas aney 0} pasn ous ‘skepunies uo 01 03 pasn pep AW, “aphaig aiiym e ancy 01 pasn | amen Af o9 asm zuprp Ao, eee see ‘asuoy Aq somuvasyp buoy yonwia og pasn Xoyy “puayaom ay re wims 01 pasn Kau, ane Cue “squaredpues6 Aw yyim Aepijoy uo 08 01 pasn |b hea anretet rare came ae erin “3[qISSOd USYM serueques pue eunzoid oy uy seyeysius je>1109514 34612 PULy “OBL es0u3 Uy pinom yum 03 pesn ereidey 9 U1 359M PILM OUR Ut @j1| Buymoys au025 943 38 4007 ‘Repinies Kiona 06 | mou ng ‘en)suedxe 001 sem 1! asnesaq pusxaam sng ays 148ne9 eys Aepiaiseh ‘yp ye ewe ayp 04 (080u) 19 ang “jooyps 01 (2/249) Ayensn ays € “yecparse eid Kou mou ang sj}em am mou yng “@6unok oxom ‘shepsoupenn uo iyecn0o} (fe}3) Fey, § am uaymsed Aq jooyss 03 (06) om 2 “31 2n0} | mou 3nq jjews sem ‘poz ui dn puON | aye disnus jeoissepp (e%1\20U) le 243 295 01 y2eNg 01 (06) puouy AN ‘e|duys quasaud o43 40 ojduijs ysed oyp ‘03 pasn Jo ws0$ 3201102 oy YaIM SeDuE;Ues O43 ozo[duIO> HOY, “yigey queseid e 40 sed orp, uj uote oj6urs e “3Iqey ysed e aqi2sep seouajues ays 41 epPEq ¢ Developing speaking Asking for information Look at this train ticket from the UK and complete the information. Place of departure 2. Destination 3. When travelling 4 Number of people travelling 5. Single/Return? 6 First class/Standard? 7 Price Cass. _“Tetet ope. Standard Single | From London Vaid Price | Date shown £2400 To Ord Route Ay == British Rail LUSTER @ 12 Listen to a conversation between agirl and a ticket agent. Choose the correct alternative and complete the missing details. 1. Destination: Cambridge/Canterbury 2 When travelling: Today/Tomorrow 3. Time of departure: 3.55 pm/6.05 pm 4 Travel details: Direct train/Change trains Details: 5. Type of ticket: Single/Return Details: 6 Price: £31/£41 7 Payment: Cash/Debit card & Platform: 8/9 © 12 Listen again. Tick (/) the expressions in the Speaking bank that you hear. baud Making polite requests for information 1 Can/Could you tell me (the times of trains to ..)? = Can/Could you tell me (which platform itis)? ‘& Can/Could you tell me (i the train leaves now)? Asking for clarification Pardon? Could you repeat that, please? Sorry, didn’t catch that Sorry | missed that. 4 Make these requests for information more p using the expressions in the Speaking bank. How much is a return? Could you tell nae how much a return is? 1 Is it possible to pay by debit card? 2 Whats the cheapest fare? 3 Isita direct train? 4 What time is it? 5 What time does the train arrive? 5 Work with a partner. Prepare a dialogue using the guide below. Ticket officer: Offer to help the customer. ‘Ask for the times of trains to Newcastle. Ticket officer: Give the time of the next train Customer: Customer: Askif the train is direct. Ticket Officer: Say yes. Customer: Ask for a ticket. Ticket Officer: Ask if the customer wants a single or return Customer: Say you want a return and say when you want to come back. Ticket Officer: Give the price Customer: Ask how to pay. Ticket Officer: Reply. Customer: Find out the platform number. Ticket Officer: Reply and say goodbye. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT SS 6 SPEAKING Work with a partner. Prepare another dialogue. Remember to be polite and to ask for clarification by using expressions from the Speaking bank. Student A: You are in the UK and you want to buy a train ticket. Look at page 147 for information about the ticket you want to buy. Student B: You work in the ticket office. Look at page 147 for information about different trains. Begin the conversation: Good morning, Can | help you? In this type of exam activity, how important is it to know what specific information you need to ask for and give? Why/Why not? > EXAM SUCCESS page 144 pl a6ed ss300NS WWXd < qurat puey of auoyaq >p94> 03 peu Nok op sBulyp rUua!ayIP Yl ‘tuexa Ue Ul BuRUM Jo anaid @ YsiUy NOK UDyN Ese ‘sem uawiow 1S0q 917 Tey pip nod vey omy sem eneid ou 1eym Keusnol ey uo peuaddey ey pakeys nok aiey pue quam nok a10ymM sunoge awny 2! noqe sod Boiq e 14m Aepijoy weaup nok woy x9eq ewse> NOK kepi03s9) -ys010qu1 pue siseydwte ppe 0} xueq BURN 943 ut! suoyssesdxe oyp asp “350d Bo1q nok o34M (03.9 wouy S0x0U anof asp) “mojaq SEI B43 Ie YOO] / NN 1342134 SHV FOLLOW 380d }x9U fu Ul noge IB NOK yet | ™MOUOWO) sung pueg BulBulg 24 40} yo Buns 81,9m j908I0 Burzewre seLnoue ‘240q Ul el64 81,9 MOU PUY ‘own aneu 3,UpID 27 esneoed JoMo} 15H SPHON SUE dn 06 1,upIp an, ped mous Joopul snowous sfeqng UU pepys Uene Am PUB YEsEp eu) Ul duit UOOHEG e104, 'e pey ant ‘YyoREg a4 0} 1UEM OM "eLR Woy Vey cjsns ue suelUNO} UIA Buivene eu Ul MOUS Je;NoBIOSCS. 2 SM 2104 DUE “wnveNbe BUIZeUE UE PEL i TEIN 12NG eu} 8H OP 1g 'saauEO Buddous ox AyeNsn {,UOP | HOM aUy Ul SeA1LE Bulddous }Se66iq aul JO {U0 51 WW feana eu “Bulddous 1uaM are “DSUSIUY ,9M uaunA ‘SUOOEANE puE SEpU IUBIEYIP Ys I Bushy aveUa Sinou 1UEGS aN Ht JBTENA PENA PAM ‘24.01 18m om Lal Sem TUEWOLI eIUNOAE) AU ‘MUU Lang UL OP 0} SOU J0 S10) 810" BOK, ‘aun joy ou sawse6 oopm paferd pue sua Jo axdnoo e pauorem | pue use seUI0.9 Au yg “SsNOY uuanas inoge yoo! 2 ;6u0| 08 Sem a184 146) AU, “Rep auo y2eq 06 ue> | adoy | “e104 wip yeai6 e yans pey em jeeid quenG 24M IMOM “Hegng Yea] eM Aepayse, iAVGIIOH WV3ad AW TUM ol teColVCye) {Ayia pue wueuow siznoney nok sem IeUAA L 2avetp op nok pip ey, aL 84 NOK pip Ay £241] 208IC aLp Sem IeyAA zaseyy Kousnol unok Buunp ueddey peq 40 poob Buiyicue pig {2104p 196 nok pip MoH Lu! eis nok pip uonepowuonse jo ada 1e4AA {06 nok pip asou 4 “seep! nok on6 03 suonsenb eseyp esp e104 Keptjoy anoK ynoge ysod Bojq e 104 Saou ayeu pue uoneunsep Aepyoy Burzewe ue jo UL 9 no aoe (yons) “Burddoys 104 aoeid anseiuey e $3) Geum) Aepyoy zeai6 e 53, (05) 3peq 296 01 Kddey axam ay (PP) ew poo6 e pey am, (0p) >H0 MON 240) | (05) ;penuse om uoym pain asam any ao tnone (yons) e216 sem .y61y Oy GeyAN “> Aenea} suoni6 piom our Bujsn Aq >neyduie osow se>uaiues as0y3 Oe S new eqng oy (p)) 68 ‘sanuaquas AnReUMYe UI PIp pUe Op Asn UeD aM = “ao (uns ey enn’ (qossem a1oip 2y6iy 4s *6°9 ‘unoU + (annoaype) + ypns 40 (angrelpe) + 05 asn ueD ay, ‘ep jrynneag e xeyya “ we yey) ‘69 junou + (ennselpe) + 22yy asn ue eM = SBunso.equ a1ou Bunym no yeu oy ‘a1UIA fom yey 01 siseydive Buin6 Jo sem ows ave B12H stseyduie onj6 03 suo|ssodxe pue spiom injosy SIE *Bo1q 043 Woy spiom yum yueg Bun ey ul sejdwexe ey eyejdWo> y 28uI9s ew reang am & “ gnoge Aes ueky pip 2eyM “uleBe Bolg up peoy ¢ Ove JOVENAIPEN PIM 2 2 dfounolow 4 eAeproy siy yo yUIYa NOK op yeyM “AepHOY, weesp siy jnoge ysod Boiq s,ueky peoy Willi Z “seapy quasayyp anof ynoge »Ie1 zones 03 om] nok pinom MoH 201919, Op 03 o>} NOK inom sey 206 03 @>1!| nok pjnom e104 “Aeprjoy easp snok aujGew] oujsed e yam 21094 GHIBIS | sod Boiq vy Language checkpoint: Unit 2 Grammar reference FORM * ETE USE Affirmative I walked to school yesterday. ‘We use the past simple to: Nagle Tadaideet:nmcyenec| 1 cribe tines acorscrshations in the bist Guedion [olden senor? 2. wary turone tingheppeed fer snob Short answers | Yes, he did./No, he didn't. | 3 When the bus arrived, we get on it Many common verbs are irregular. See the list of irregular verbs on page 149. FORM 2. describe scenes in a story or description. ee The bey was wearing a nen black cot. : ; 3. talk about an activity in progress when another, shorter N They weren’t (were not) going. se py wereeie (teste ne SOW activity happened or interrupted it. We know the activity Question _| Were you going? was in progress, but not ifit was finished Short answers | Yes, | was. No, | wasn't. Twas talking ¢0 my friend when the accident happened. se 4 We often use while and as with the past continuous. We use the past continuous to: While/As I was riding my bike, I saw Leo 1 tale about activities in progress at a moment inthe 5. Some verbs arent usully used in the continuous (see past. page 16) At seven o'lack yesterday I was sleeping. Thad a tay car. Not Ewes having-a toy ear. eR Rd eae FORM FORM Affirmative She had left the station. | [Affirmative | | used to/would play a lot when | was small. ‘Negative They hadn't travelled far. | [Negative _| She didn’t use to have so many exams. | [Question Had you bought a ticket? ‘Question | What did you use to do? ‘Short answers _| Yes, | had. No, they hadn't. UE USE 4. We use used to and would to talk about past habits, 11 We use the past perfect to talk about actions that. things we did regularly in the past, but not now. happened before another action in the past. T used te/would vide my bike te schaol when I was When I had done wy homework, I watched TV. small (© First I did my homework, then I watched TV;) 2. We cannot use would for past states or situations, only for past actions. 2. We often use time expressions such as when, after, T would play with mey toyr. Not would havea lt of toys by the time, as soon as with the past perfect Vocabulary | Transport and travel arrivals « bike + cancel + catch + coach + delay + departures + fare + fery hotairballoon + lorry « luggage * miss + motorbike + platform + return + rocket + single + subway ticket office + tram * underground + van + yacht | accommodation bed and breakfast + campsite + caravan + hostel + hotel + motel + tent | nrasal verbs connected with travel break down + check in + get away + getin + get into/out of + get on/off set off « take off | | Other words and phrases > page 137

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